Do We Stay or Do We Go? By Wendy VanHatten
You read your emails, check your Facebook page, turn on the television, and what do you see? Reports a b o u t t h e C o r o n a v i r u s , C OV I D - 1 9 . S o m e finformation is factual, some is fear-inducing, and much is confusing. It seems everyone has an opinion. For me, it is a real dilemma. We have a trip planned to Nice, France, and then to Provence. We purchased airline tickets, apartment rentals, and events tickets. Fortunately, we can get refunds for most. So, why the dilemma? The trip isn’t until April 27. That is seven weeks away as I write this. What is going to happen during the next seven weeks? Are things going to get worse or better? Are there going to be more travel bans? Will France turn into the next Italy? When do we have to decide? I have talked to friends who are traveling and will continue to travel. They tell me they are more vigilant with hand washing and sanitizing. They pay more attention to others who may have sneezed or coughed. They travel smart. I also have friends who say they will not travel at all until the virus is contained. For me, that is not an
option. Traveling has been a way of life for me. Staying healthy has also been a way of life. That means I will wash my hands a whole lot more than is probably necessary, I will make sure my tray table and arm rest are cleaned with sanitizing wipes, and I will try really hard not to touch my face. All those are a small price to pay for the beauty of travel. In fact, if I stayed home, I would probably wash my hands more than necessary and try not to touch my face. I just wouldn’t be able to enjoy good French wine in France. So, that brings me to our plans to travel in late April. Do we stay or do we go? Right now, our plans are in limbo. We still lean towards going. We don’t have to make the final decision for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I will continue to monitor what is happening with the virus by reading and listening to veritable sites. I will not pay attention to the fearful reports. If we go, we will travel smart. But then, we usually do.