letter from the editor As I sat listening to the news that Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of Italy, had essentially locked down the entire nation last week, a horrible sadness swept over me. I am a dual American-Italian citizen, and what is happening in my second home (Italy) to my family and friends worries me. Most of their businesses, slow as the virus took its foothold, have been decimated as they have had to close. Others live in fear that the virus may infect them, and they stay indoors, refusing to even go outside to breathe fresh air. As time goes on, the virus has brought Italy to its knees, in the words of one friend, and they wonder if life will ever return to normal. I am not an alarmist, but I know that this virus is very serious, especially for the senior population of the world. On Thursday, March 12, I asked members of IFWTWA if they had stories to share on how they, as travelers and travel writers, are handling the pandemic and if they would be willing to share them with our readers. Many of them quickly wrote and sent me articles, and in this special issue of Food, Wine, Travel Magazine, we present them to you. This may not be the most beautiful issue we’ve put out, but we want you to find not only useful information on what you can do during these trying times but also stories that will tell you what and how others around the world are doing. We hope that even in this upsetting time, you find something to reassure and inspire you. More than anything, we hope you will stay safe. Know that once this emergency is over, we will be here to motivate and guide you on your travels. My best to you and yours,
s i r h C Christine Cutler Executive Editor
Christine Cutler | Executive Editor Debbra Dunning Brouilette | AssociateEditor Noreen Kompanik | Associate Editor Irene Levine | Assistant Editor Jan Smith | Assistant Editor, Columns Robyn Nowell | Marketing Manager Paula Shuck | Marketing
Editorial Board
Debbra Dunning Brouilette David Drotar MaryFarah Kurt Jaconbson Irene Levine
David Nershi Robyn Nowell Amy Piper Jan Smith
Contributing Writers/Photographers Debbra Dunning Brouilette Diane Dobry Betsi Hill Therese Iknoian Noreen Kompanik Veronica Matheson Janie Pace Paula Shuck Wendy Van Hatten
Christine Cutler Sue Frause Michael Hodgson Scott Kendall Sharon Kurtz Nancy Mueller Terumi Pong Lori Sweet Shelly Wilfong
All articles & photographs are copyright of writer unless otherwise noted. No part of this publication may be reproduced without express written permission.
Magazine Layout & Design Christine Cutler
Editor: chris@fwtmagazine.com IFWTWA: admin@ifwtwa.org Marketing: marketing@fwtmagazine.com Visit our website: fwtmagazine.com
On the cover: Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport; Courtesy Voyage Writers
Food, Wine, Travel Magazine is an official publication of the International Food, Wine, Travel Writers Association.