L E T T E R F R O M T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R All of us at The Wisconsin Philharmonic would like to thank today’s concert sponsor, the United Performing Arts Fund, who has set the 2012 campaign goal of $10 million in support of the arts in Greater Milwaukee. Their support and advocacy allows many arts organizations like ours to continue to provide lifelong memories and exceptional music experiences to the communities they serve. We are also thankful for the sponsorship of Jose Franch Ballester’s performance today through the James and Dorothy Goff Frisch Memorial Fund, implemented to honor the founders of The Wisconsin Philharmonic through the sponsorship of a soloist each season. It could not be more fitting to honor our founders today as we close a memorable 64th year and move forward into our historic anniversary. Thank you to everyone who joined us on March 17th at The Legend at Brandybrook for our 2012 Gala, Emerald Eve. This year’s event proved to be one of the most successful in recent years, selling out and raising over $15,000 to support The Wisconsin Philharmonic. Attendees not only joined us to embrace the spirit of St. Patrick ’s Day, but to recognize the long-standing history of service to the Waukesha community as we announced the programming for the 65th Anniversary Season, The British Spirit. The 65th Anniversary Season is filled with numerous gifts, including your Audience Choice selection of Shostakovich’s Festive Overture in April 2013. In celebratory fashion, the exquisite repertoire features such grand works as Holst’s The Planets and the World Premiere of Red Violin composer John Corigliano’s Sonata for Violin and Orchestra, orchestrated by Martin Kennedy. Additionally, pre/ post-concert events have been scheduled for each concert within the season, giving you – our dedicated audience – more of The Philharmonic you have grown to know and love over the years. Subscriptions are now on sale, providing up to 16% savings over single ticket pricing and numerous other benefits. Above and beyond those benefits, we are providing an extra ticket to a concert of choice for every subscription purchased before June 30th. Please stop by the table in the lobby to find out more about our exciting new season and how you, too, can become a subscriber. Sincerely, Andrea Rindo Executive Director
Funeral, Cremation & Preplanning Services 1110 S. Grand Avenue, Waukesha (262) 547-4035
Supporting the Arts in Our Community for Generations Lee & Cathleen Brisk Owners/Funeral Directors Martin Dable Funeral Director
Une Grande Finale 1