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The Farnsworth Invention By Aaron Sorkin Directed by Jennifer Uphoff Gray Set & Properties Designer Charles J. Trieloff II

Costume Designer Scott A. RĂśtt

Lighting Designer Jono de Leon

Original Music Joe Cerqua

Stage Manager Kristi Ross-Clausen*

Stage Manager Jacqueline Singleton*

Assistant Stage Manager Kim Patch

Assistant Director/Dramaturg Frank Honts

The Farnsworth Invention is generously sponsored by:

Season sponsors:

and the Pleasant Rowland Great Performance Fund for Theater, a component fund of the Madison Community Foundation *Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers The Farnsworth Invention is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. A Page to Stage Production of The Farnsworth Invention was produced in 2007 by The La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, California. Christopher Ashely, Artistic Director and Steven Libman, Managing Director. Original Broadway production by Dodger Properties, Steven Spielberg, and Rabbit Ears, LLC Produced in association with Frederick Zollo, Jeffrey Sine, Dancap Producation, Inc., Latitude Link and Pelican Group; associate producer: Lauren Mitchell.

F O R WA R D T H E AT E R C O M PA N Y S TA F F ARTISTIC Artistic Director.......................................................................................... Jennifer Uphoff Gray Artistic Associate.........................................................................................................Frank Honts ADMINISTRATIVE General Manager.........................................................................................................Sarah Marty Communications Director............................................................................... Gwendolyn Rice Director of Audience Development................................................................. Julia Nicholas Interns.............................................................................................. Michele Langer, Aliza Feder PRODUCTION Assistant Director/Dramaturg.................................................................................Frank Honts Movement Coach...............................................................................................Maureen Janson Production Manager..................................................................................................Sarah Marty Stage Manager............................................................................................... Kristi Ross-Clausen Stage Manager...........................................................................................Jacqueline Singleton Assistant Stage Manager..............................................................................................Kim Patch MAPC Technical Direction Services.............................................................................Ric Lantz Sound Tech/Board Operator.....................................................................................Jim Uphoff Carpenter...................................................................................................................Kevin Zimmer Scenic Painter.................................................................................................................. Liz Rathke Costume Assistant...............................................................................................Hannah Murray

Sunday Worship 8:00 | 9:30 | 11:00 Come Change Your Life | 608-256-9061 | 203 Wisconsin Ave., Madison, WI 53703 Forward Theater Company 3

F O R WA R D T H E AT E R C O M PA N Y B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S Chad Bartell, Springs Window Fashions Donna Beestman, Career Success Strategies, LLC Jane Elder, Jane Elder Strategies Ellen Foley, Foley Media Dr. Charles Ford, UW Division of Otolaryngology Marta Gialamas, The Gialamas Company Gail Kohl, GMK Associates, LLC Kathie Nichols, First United Methodist Church Joseph Shumow, WHEDA Brent Wagner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause F O R WA R D T H E AT E R A DV I S O R Y C O M PA N Y Ann M. Archbold Jim Buske Sarah Day Richard Ganoung Michael Herold Celia Klehr Casey Martin Karen Moeller Frank Schneeberger Kirk Stantis Sam White Jack Forbes Wilson Kimberly Yarnall

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F R O M T H E A R T I S T I C D I R E C TO R , J E N N I F E R U P H O F F G R A Y Welcome to Forward Theater! We are so happy you could join us today for The Farnsworth Invention, Aaron Sorkin’s smart, witty, epic story of the two visionaries who invented television and introduced it to the world. This production has been an incredible collaboration—between Forward Theater and the University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Theatre and Drama/University Theatre; among 16 actors playing more than 70 roles; and within an immensely talented group of designers. As you will see, it’s a feat of choreography, concentration, skill, and precision to keep the scenes moving forward at break-neck speed. If we manage to keep all the balls in the air, this intensely complicated juggling act will look effortless—and that is the singular beauty of dozens of people working seamlessly together to create something larger than we ever could have accomplished on our own. Forward Theater was founded in the same spirit of collaboration that guides the Farnsworth cast tonight. A group of passionate artists who made our homes in southern Wisconsin, we all came together around a (now mythical) kitchen table to create a new, locally-produced, professional theater. It’s been an amazing journey. Unfortunately, as some of you know, one of those original collaborators is no longer with us—the inimitable Colleen Burns. A professional actress for more than 30 years, Colleen first graced Madison stages at the Rep in 1974. Over the decades she performed in many plays and musicals there, including Nunsense, Baby, Consumer Affairs (which she co-authored with longtime musical partner Jack Forbes Wilson), and the record breaking A...My Name is Alice. Colleen not only helped create Forward Theater Company in 2009, she played the lead in our first production, the radio play All About Eve. In the following season, she directed and performed in another radio drama, The 39 Steps. Colleen’s enormous talent, her professionalism, her laughter, and her dedication to her art will be the legacy that lives on in all our hearts. FTC has created a special fund to underwrite the salary for one actress per season as a tribute to Colleen, who brought so much joy to Madison audiences. Through this endowment, we look forward to many more creative collaborations in the years to come. For more information, or to make a contribution, please contact me at

6 Forward Theater Company

the power of community It’s working together and helping each other that makes our community a great place to live. We’re proud to support the Forward Theater Company.

GS1133 09/22/2011

F R O M T H E B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S , K AT H I E N I C H O L S As the new president of the FTC board of directors, let me tell you two things: First, I am extremely excited about our 2011-2012 season. Forward’s stages will be filled with virtuoso performances of some of the most evocative, challenging, humorous, and poignant stories you’ve ever seen. I predict that these characters and the actors who embody them will live in your memory long after the final applause fades. Second, I am thrilled to begin my term as president of Forward’s board of directors. I’ve been on the board for most of Forward’s young life, and I cannot tell you how proud I am of this start-up professional theater company in Madison. We have received nothing but positive reviews for our productions to date (thanks in no small part to our incredibly talented artistic director, Jennifer Uphoff Gray). Our subscriber base has increased by 43% over last year, and 76% of previous subscribers renewed their tickets—figures that are almost unheard of in the performing arts. And I’m even more proud to say we’ve done all of this without having to borrow a cent. We ended our first two seasons “in the black,” and we are budgeting carefully to do the same this season. Though it’s sometimes hard to believe, as an organization we are still in our infancy. Our accomplishments are profound, especially considering that we are still putting key pieces of infrastructure in place. It has been a lot of work, but it has been a (successful!) labor of love. Of course, FTC’s amazing work on stage and behind the scenes is only possible because of the commitment of donors and audience members like you. Your support has given us a very strong foundation on which to grow. We look forward to partnering with you—and seeing you at the theater—for many years to come!


Proud supporter of the

Forward Theater production of

The Farnsworth Invention

Forward Theater Company 9

F R O M T H E A DV I S O R Y C O M PA N Y, J I M B U S K E Welcome to Forward Theater Company’s third season—it promises to be very exciting, as we offer an incredibly diverse selection of plays. Interested in the story behind the invention of television as told by an award-winning playwright? Want to see a world premiere by a wonderfully talented Madison author? Looking for a trip through the maze known as love? FTC has all of this, and more, planned for you this year. The advisory company is made up of theater artists—a body unique to Forward Theater. When we formed the company, we wanted to ensure that the artistic side of the theater would always be in balance with the business side. It’s been three years and we’re still working our way through this new concept, but so far it’s working pretty well. What are some of the things that the advisory company does? We (along with FTC staff) read dozens of scripts each year to find plays that are both exceptionally written and interesting to our audience. We also greet patrons like you in the lobby at each performance. This way we can talk to the people who attend our plays and get direct feedback. Each fall the AC hosts a public forum where interested community members are invited to share their questions, concerns, and ideas. By maintaining this dialogue, we hope to build a theater that exceeds expectations. As you can see, our focus is making sure that Forward Theater responds to its audience. We have many other responsibilities (some involve making pie for backstage meals, some involve moving furniture to the rehearsal space) but none is more important than making sure we stay in contact with you—our patrons, donors, and sponsors. Your support through our first two seasons has been nothing short of amazing. As we embark on our third season, be assured that our commitment to you is as strong as your commitment to us!

December 2-18, 2011 The Drury Theatre at the Bartell Visit 10 Forward Theater Company

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F R O M T H E D R A M AT U R G , F R A N K H O N T S “Genius… is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one.” —Ezra Pound Expectant mothers may play CDs of Bach and Mozart to their children in utero, hoping to create baby geniuses, and parents may coach school age children to “race to the top” with batteries of tests and achievement indices, but true genius can be neither bought, nor taught. No matter how much one is instructed or nurtured to be brilliant, genius is elusive. It remains a condition most likely born out of luck, happenstance, and an exceptional genetic map. In The Farnsworth Invention Philo Farnsworth and David Sarnoff are two geniuses of science and industry, rising to the level of brilliance. Playwright Aaron Sorkin marvels at the genius of these two men, focusing his story on the potential and peril of these technological innovators of the modern age. Philo Farnsworth’s life story is appealing because his combination of pluck and luck propelled his success as an inventor. Although his high-school science teacher is featured in early scenes of The Farnsworth Invention, Philo was mostly self-taught. In the tradition of Benjamin Franklin, Farnsworth devoured every scientific book he could get his hands on. Moreover, just like Franklin, young Farnsworth possessed the mind of an inventor, imagining things not visible to others. In fact, the story of young Philo’s initial concept for television, inspired by looking at the lines in a plowed field of Idaho potatoes, is too fantastic to be fiction. His restless, innovative mind led Farnsworth to many more inventions over his lifetime, resulting in more than 300 patents and a modicum of commercial success—he eventually owned a small business manufacturing radios, cameras, and television equipment. On the other side of the world, David Sarnoff’s family was forced to flee their tiny Russian village at the turn of the twentieth century. They searched for a better life in the United States. While most of their fellow immigrants suffered in abject poverty, young David supported his family by working in a telegraph office. And although he probably fabricated large portions of the story about relaying the names of Titanic survivors, it is true that Sarnoff’s talents were recognized early in his career, and he rose quickly through the ranks. He established himself as a shrewd businessman, first at the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company and then in the burgeoning field of radio. At a time when others struggled to see the possibilities of commercial radio, Sarnoff helped to transform it into a tool for both information and entertainment. Even as radio was beginning to take off in the 1920s, Sarnoff was peeking around the corner of innovation to imagine a brand new medium: television. Although his methods may seem unsavory at times—Zworykin traveled out west to spy on Farnsworth’s lab under Sarnoff’s watch after all—Sarnoff was undoubtedly a visionary. He could see through the haze of the present into the mist of “what’s next.” That quality earned him a special place above the other titans of industry, both in his own day and beyond. The story of these two men, who so fascinated Aaron Sorkin, is a gift to live theater. Converting an early screenplay version of The Farnsworth Invention into a work for the stage, the playwright recognized that the story’s power resides in the intimacy of the audience with the characters and their struggles. The genius of 12 Forward Theater Company

F R O M T H E D R A M AT U R G , F R A N K H O N T S ( c o n t .) Sorkin’s script is in the way his dialogue highlights the interpersonal relationships between these superhuman figures. On the big screen, these interactions would get lost. In a small space like the Playhouse, however, we get to see these short, snappy exchanges up close, elevating the dramatic tension throughout the evening. The fact that virtually every actor plays multiple roles makes this even more exciting, since we get to see them transforming into a host of new characters in a matter of seconds before our eyes. The intimacy of live theater also gives Sarnoff and Farnsworth an undeniably human dimension, a signal perhaps that for everything that is extraordinary about them, they are—just like the rest of us—people who have their own foibles, idiosyncrasies, and shortcomings.

Forward Theater Company 13

THE CAST William Bolz .................................................... Leslie Gorrell, Vladimir Zworykin, ensemble Liz Cassarino ...................................................................................Pem Farnsworth, ensemble Whitney Derendinger ........................................................................ Cliff Gardner, ensemble Annelise Dickinson ...................................... Betty, Radio Voice, Mary Pickford, ensemble Richard Ganoung*......................................................................................................Jim Harbord, George Everson, Howard, ensemble Kristin Hammargren .........................................................................................Agnes, ensemble Nicholas Harazin ............................................................................................ Philo T. Farnsworth Michael Herold*........................................................................Justin Tolman, Wachtel, Atkins, Schenck, ensemble Michael Huftile*........................................................................................................David Sarnoff Trevon Jackson................................................................................Stan Willis, Jerry, ensemble Paul Kennedy..................................... William Crocker, Walter Gifford, Lennox, ensemble Joe Lullo...................................................................................................Harlan Honn, ensemble Karen Moeller..............................................Lizette Sarnoff, Mina Edison, Ridley, ensemble Jake Penner..........................................................................Young Sarnoff, age 20, ensemble Alistair Sewell............................................. Young Philo, Young Sarnoff, age 10, ensemble Santiago Sosa....................... Simms, Wilkins, Douglas Fairbanks, Lippincott, ensemble * member, Actors’ Equity Association

PLEASE NOTE There will be one 15-minute intermission. The audience is asked to silence cell phones during the performance. The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Technical assistance for this production has been provided by the Children’s Theater of Madison and Madison Arts Production Cooperative.

Forward Theater Company 15

ARTIST BIOGR APHIES William Bolz (Leslie Gorrell, Vladimir Zworykin, ensemble) is in his final year of the MFA acting program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is very grateful for this chance to work off-campus. At the university, he has played Kolenkhov in You Can’t Take it with You, Jim Casy in The Grapes of Wrath, and Father in Blood Wedding. William also appeared in several Madison Repertory Theatre productions, including Bus Stop, The Nerd, and Death of a Salesman. He has long been active in local theater, working with American Players Theatre, Madison Theatre Guild, Strollers Theatre, Children’s Theater of Madison, and Mercury Players Theatre. He can also be seen in the locally produced internet video comedy series, Chad Vader. Liz Cassarino (Pem Farnsworth, ensemble) is an MFA candidate in acting at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She was most recently seen as Essie Carmichael in University Theatre’s production of You Can’t Take it With You. Other Madison credits include Lucy Brown in Threepenny Opera, Livia Majeski in Valparaiso, Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods, the maid in Blood Wedding, Rona in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and Queenie in Wild Party. Regional credits include Oklahoma, Lysistrata, Chess, Baby, and the national tour of The Diary of Anne Frank. She is very excited to be working with such a wonderfully talented cast and crew, and would like to thank her friends and family for their love and support.

with Repertory Theater of America, spent four years in Chicago doing theater, and then moved to Madison, where he is entering his final year of the MFA acting program at the University of Wisconsin. Previous favorite roles include Mr. Kirby in You Can’t Take it With You, Uncle John in The Grapes of Wrath, Bottom the Weaver in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Colonel Pickering in My Fair Lady. Whitney gives endless thanks to Forward Theater for this opportunity, to his friends and family for their love and support, and extra thanks to his wife, Deb, for encouraging and supporting him in his endeavors. Enjoy the show! Annelise Dickinson (Betty, Radio Voice, Mary Pickford, ensemble) is originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan. She earned her BA in theater from Purdue University before joining the MFA acting program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. With University Theatre she has appeared as Wife/Moon in Blood Wedding, Ellida in The Lady From the Sea, Grand Duchess Olga Katrina in You Can’t Take it With You, and in the cast of The Grapes of Wrath. Other favorite roles include Dunyasha in The Cherry Orchard, Tecumapese in Tecumseh! and Luna in the world premiere production of A Story About A Girl. Much love and many thanks go to her wonderful and supportive parents, mentors, and classmates.

Richard Ganoung (Jim Harbord, George Everson, Howard, ensemble) is a founding member of Forward Theater Company, and serves Whitney Derendinger on its advisory (Cliff Gardner, company. He has appeared in FTC’s ensemble) is thrilled productions of All About Eve, Why Torture to be a part of this Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them, unique and wonderful and In The Next Room or the vibrator play. show with Forward Richard also directed two pieces by Theater Company. Christopher Durang for The Love That Originally from Changed My Life Monologue Festival. He Missouri, Whitney traveled the country holds a BA in theater from the University 16 Forward Theater Company

A R T I S T B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) of Wisconsin, Madison, and attended New York’s Circle In The Square Professional Training Program. He is a member of Actors’ Equity and the Screen Actors Guild of America. Please visit his website at for more information. Richard thanks each and every one of you for your kind support of the arts in Madison! Kristin Hammargren (Agnes, ensemble) is delighted to join Forward Theater and a fantastic cast and crew for The Farnsworth Invention. Originally from Minnesota, she has a degree in theater and vocal performance from Lawrence University and is in her final year as an MFA acting student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Favorite roles include Cinderella in Into the Woods, the Bride in Blood Wedding, and Catherine in Proof. She is currently working on a onewoman show about Jane Austen, which she will perform in Madison this spring. Much love to family, friends, and loved ones. Thanks for supporting theater! Nicholas Harazin (Philo T. Farnsworth) was part of Forward Theater’s inaugural production—All About Eve—and is thrilled to be back. He studied at the University of Minnesota, and has worked across the Midwest with such theaters as American Players Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Theatre de la Jeune Lune, Milwaukee Shakespeare, Renaissance Theaterworks, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, In Tandem Theatre, Park Square Theatre, The Playwright’s Center, and many others. This spring he can be seen in Chicago Shakespeare’s production of ShortShakes Taming of the Shrew. He would like to thank his family for their continued love and support.

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Forward Theater Company 17

A R T I S T B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .)

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18 Forward Theater Company

Michael Herold (Justin Tolman, Wachtel, Atkins, Schenck, ensemble) was pleased to be featured in Forward Theater’s previous productions of Moonlight and Magnolias, The Love that Changed My Life Monologue Festival, All About Eve, and Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them. He came to Madison in 1986 and was cast in The Foreigner, the first of more than 16 plays with the Madison Rep, including The Norman Conquests, Consumer Affairs, The Immigrant, and Love is the Weirdest of All. Michael has performed in more than a dozen productions at the Milwaukee Rep, as well as acting with Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, Next Act, and Milwaukee Shakespeare. He appeared in Laughter on the 23rd Floor at the Briar Street Theatre in Chicago, and has been featured in productions for New American Theater and Artists’ Ensemble in Rockford, and New Court Theatre in Beloit. Michael has appeared in several regional and national television commercials, and in the recent film Baraboo. Originally from Ohio, he holds an MFA from the University of Akron. Michael lives in Sun Prairie with his wife Tracy and their children, Olivia and Gabriel. Michael Huftile (David Sarnoff ) holds an MFA in acting from Brandeis University. He has been seen in both classic and contemporary roles on the stages of American Players Theatre, The Goodman Theatre, Madison Repertory Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Riverside Theatre, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Texas Shakespeare, New American Theater, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Vineyard Playhouse, and Oklahoma Shakespeare Festival.

A R T I S T B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Trevon Jackson (Stan Willis, Jerry, ensemble) is a third year MFA acting student from Austin, Texas, currently studying at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Trevon made his Wisconsin debut in 2009 in Federico Garcia Lorca’s Blood Wedding. He has also performed as the Narrator in Into the Woods, Sam in The Wild Party, Noah in The Grapes of Wrath, Jackie Robinson in Most Valuable Player, and most recently Donald in You Can’t Take it with You. He is extremely excited and honored to be working with Forward Theater Company this fall. Paul Kennedy (William Crocker, Walter Gifford, Lennox, ensemble) took an extended hiatus from theater to raise a family with his wife, Kimberly. He is pleased to make his Forward Theater debut, now that the youngest of his five children is off to college. Paul was in Threepenny Opera with Madison Opera last spring, and spent seven seasons with the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati. Favorite projects include the world premiere of Edward Albee’s play Fragments, directed by the author, and Arthur Miller’s After The Fall, directed by the playwright’s daughter, Rebecca Miller. He has extensive commercial and voiceover experience, and has had small roles in the films The Shawshank Redemption, Airborne, and Red Betsy. Paul received his BS in theater from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, and his MFA from the CollegeConservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. Joe Lullo (Harlan Honn, ensemble) is thrilled to be a part of The Farnsworth Invention. Currently pursuing his MFA in acting at the University

of Wisconsin, Madison, Joe has spent the past two summers at American Players Theatre. He has also performed with Madison Opera, in addition to summer stock and dinner theater throughout Wisconsin. Outside the Midwest, Joe toured nationally with CLIMB Theatre and Missoula Children’s Theater. He would like to thank his mother and father for encouraging him to follow his dream, and Ken Hill, Bob Amsden, and Alanna Reeves for all their support and love. Karen Moeller (Lizette Sarnoff, Mina Edison, Ridley, ensemble) has previously appeared in Forward Theater’s productions of In the Next Room or the vibrator play, and All About Eve. She has also performed in many productions in Madison with Strollers Theatre, The Bricks Theatre, Madison Repertory Theatre, and Mercury Players Theatre, and her voice can frequently be heard in local commercials for both radio and TV. She is a member of Forward Theater’s advisory company, and eagerly anticipates the next shows in another fabulous season. Thanks and love to Tony and Butter. Jake Penner (Young Sarnoff, age 20, ensemble) is originally from Chicago. A senior majoring in English literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he most recently performed the title role in Broom Street Theater’s The Lamentable Tragedy of Scott Walker, Govnour of Wisconsin. Other past credits include University Theatre’s production of You Can’t Take It With You and Wisconsin Public Radio’s Old-Time Radio Drama. A published fiction writer, Jake received the Madison College 2009 Literary Arts Student of the Year Award. He would like to thank Jennifer Uphoff Gray, Frank Honts, and the creative team of The Farnsworth Invention for this tremendous opportunity. Forward Theater Company 19

A R T I S T B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Alistair Sewell (Young Philo, Young Sarnoff, age 10, ensemble) developed a love for acting while playing Wally in Our Town at the Masterworks Festival in Indiana in 2008. He has since performed as a vocal soloist with the City of Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra and the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, and played the role of Miles in Madison Opera’s production of The Turn of the Screw. Alistair has worked on-screen in two feature films, For the Glory and In the Arms of an Orphan, as well as the short film, The Mourning Hour directed by Susan Cohen. He has recently been cast as a lead in the short film, The Half of Me That’s Him, directed by John Urban. He is thrilled to be working with the Forward Theater in this exciting production of The Farnsworth Invention.

Santiago Sosa (Simms, Wilkins, Douglas Fairbanks, Lippincott, ensemble), originally from Guayaquil, Ecuador, is a third year MFA candidate in the acting program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In 2002, Santiago earned a BFA in directing and acting from Texas State University. Regionally, he has worked with the Illinois Shakespeare Festival, American Players Theatre, Muse of Fire Shakespeare Festival, Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Magic City Actors Theatre, The Bolding Studio, Shadow Stage Players, Harrison Shakespeare Theatre, Theatre Downtown, and All Things to All People. He also co-founded the At Random and the From the Branch theater companies.

The formula for a good photograph...

Zane Williams Photography 20 Forward Theater Company


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TECHNICAL ARTISTS Joe Cerqua (Original Music) is a freelance composer, producer, vocalist, and sound designer. He has composed original scores for more than 250 productions around the nation and abroad. Joe is thrilled to be working with Forward Theater again this season after composing original scores for Going to St. Ives, In the Next Room or the vibrator play, and Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them. A regular sound designer and composer for APT, his music was featured in this year’s production of The Taming of the Shrew. Joe was also the resident composer at Madison Rep, where he wrote original music for The Diary of Anne Frank, Death of a Salesman, The Price, Talley’s Folly, Home, Anna Christie, Our Town, Moon For The Misbegotten, Copenhagen, The Drawer Boy, and others. Upcoming projects include concerts with Cerqua Rivera, original music and sound design for Ten Chimneys at Northlight Theatre, Love Stories at Forward, and sound design for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom at University Theatre. Kristi Ross-Clausen (Stage Manager) has worked in every yellow card department and sub-department as an IATSE local hand for touring Broadway shows, but is usually running a spot light and fixing broken things. As a stage manager, she has worked on the University of Wisconsin Spring Band Show, Falling Girls (American premiere), plus numerous children’s theater productions, and concerts. Kristi holds a BA from Lawrence University, and an MA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She would like to thank David Stewart, Sarah Marty, Brian, and “Best Boy.” She is a proud new member of Actors’ Equity! Jono de Leon (Lighting Designer) is a third year graduate student in lighting design at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. This is his first “full-fledged” design with Forward Theater, and he is glad to collaborating on this production of The Farnsworth Invention. Jono received his undergraduate education at the University of Central Oklahoma. Recent designs include 22 Forward Theater Company

2nd Skin, Yum Yum Room, and My Fair Lady. Jono would like to thank everyone who has supported his career and provided him with inspiration. He extends a special thank you to Ann Archbold and Casey Martin for providing this opportunity to work with FTC, and for all the wisdom and insight they have shared, both in and out of the classroom. Jennifer Uphoff Gray (Director/FTC Artistic Director) directed Forward Theater’s productions of Moonlight and Magnolias, In the Next Room or the vibrator play, All About Eve, and Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them. Before helping to found Forward Theater, she directed a staged reading of A Thousand Words for Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, Love’s Labour’s Lost for Milwaukee Shakespeare (“Best of 2008”) and The Diary of Anne Frank for Madison Repertory Theatre (“Best of 2008”). She also produced (and directed for) the Madison Rep’s 2007 New Play Festival. Other credits include; the national tour of Copenhagen, associate director of Copenhagen, Cabaret, The Blue Room (starring Nicole Kidman) and The Life on Broadway. Off-Broadway, she directed the world premiere of the musical Suburb. Jen grew up in the Madison area and is now raising her family on the near west side with her husband Peter. Frank Honts (Assistant Director/ Dramaturg) is happy to be working with Forward for second season, this year as artistic associate. In this role he participates in play evaluation and casting for upcoming seasons, oversees the management of a literary database, and assists with outreach and educational programs. Frank has worked with Madison Opera, Wisconsin Wrights, the Utah Shakespeare Festival, and the Children’s Theater of Madison. This fall he will direct Rent for Four Seasons Theatre/Madison Theatre Guild. Maureen Janson (Movement Coach) is pleased to return to Forward Theater, where she previously contributed

T E C H N I C A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) to Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them. Maureen has choreographed dances and coached movement throughout the Midwest for more than 25 years. Most recently she worked with Fox Valley Rep, Artistic Home (where she is an artistic associate), The Hypocrites, Griffin Theatre, and Remy Bumppo. Maureen also spent multiple seasons with Madison Opera, Great River Shakespeare Festival, Madison Rep, and American Players Theatre. She frequently choreographs for ballet, modern dance, and film, and she is sought-after as a specialist in movement and yoga for people with scoliosis. Maureen currently teaches graduate movement classes in the Department of Theatre and Drama at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She dedicates her work to the memory of her loving father, Gene Janson. Ric Lantz (MAPC Technical Direction Services) received a BA in theater from Colorado State University. He then worked as a scenic craftsman at Pittsburgh Public Theater. His freelance projects include PBS’s This Land is Your Land and the motion picture Wonderboys. Ric earned an MFA in production technology and management from Carnegie Mellon University in 2002. Upon graduation he served as the technical director for Madison Repertory Theatre until it closed in 2009. In addition to his current role as technical director at the Children’s Theater of Madison, Ric is also a co-founder of The Bricks Theatre. Kim Patch (Assistant Stage Manager) received her BFA in stage management from the University of Southern California. This is her fourth production with Forward Theater Company, and she recently completed her second season at American Players Theatre as an assistant stage manager. In Los Angeles she stage managed the world premiere of Oliver Mayer’s Laws of Sympathy for Playwrights’ Arena. She also assisted the production manager for the USC School of Theatre.

Scott A. Rött (Costume Designer) has recently designed Going to St. Ives, In the Next Room or the vibrator play, and Why Torture Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them for Forward Theater, and From My Hometown, Pearl Bailey…by Request, and Blue Rose—The Rosemary Clooney Story, for the Milwaukee Repertory Theater. Other past credits include: Milwaukee Chamber Theatre; First Stage Milwaukee; the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Madison campuses; the Madison Rep; Center Theatre (where Scott designed the world premiere production of Jane Eyre, The Musical); Stage One Productions; and Renaissance Theaterworks. Scott is currently the costume director for American Players Theatre. Jacqueline Singleton (Stage Manager) is happy to be returning to Forward Theater after stage managing Going to St. Ives, In the Next Room or the vibrator play, and Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them. Her Wisconsin credits include ten seasons with American Players Theatre and seven seasons with the Madison Repertory Theatre. Some favorite shows include Macbeth, The Winter’s Tale, Timon of Athens, The Merchant of Venice, Hay Fever, Lobby Hero, Topdog/Underdog, I Am My Own Wife, and Anna Christie. Originally from Chicago, she worked for the Goodman Theatre, Writers’ Theatre, Lifeline Theatre, Next Theatre Company, and Stage Left Theatre, among many others. She now lives in Spring Green (with A. Bulldog), and operates a small personal chef business, Bananas on Fire ( Aaron Sorkin (Playwright) graduated from Syracuse University with a BFA in theater and made his Broadway playwriting debut at the age of 28 with the military courtroom drama, A Few Good Men, for which he received the John Gassner Award as Outstanding New American Playwright. His subsequent film adaptation was nominated for four Academy Awards and five Golden Globes, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay. He followed with the screenplays for Forward Theater Company 23

T E C H N I C A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) Malice, starring Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman, and The American President, starring Michael Douglas and Annette Bening. Mr. Sorkin produced and wrote the television series Sports Night for ABC for two years, winning the Humanitas Prize and the Television Critics Association Award. He spent the next four years writing and producing the NBC series The West Wing, winning the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series all four years. For his work on The West Wing, Mr. Sorkin also received the Peabody Award, the Humanitas Prize, the Television Critics Association Award, Golden Globe, Writers Guild, and Producers Guild Awards. After The West Wing, he wrote and produced the NBC television series Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and the film, Charlie Wilson’s War. Most recently he won a Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Screenplay for his film, The Social Network. Mr. Sorkin lives in Los Angeles with his daughter, Roxanne. Charles J. Trieloff II (Properties and Set Designer) received his MFA in set design from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. For Forward Theater Charles previously designed Going to St. Ives. For University Theatre he has designed Antigone, The Passion of Dracula, A Little Night Music, Man of La Mancha, The Water Station, Smash, Steel Magnolias, True West, and Stop Kiss. For Children’s Theater of Madison he designed the recent productions of Little Women, Narnia, Goodnight Moon, and A Wonderful Life. Charles is also the designer for Madison Opera’s Opera in the Park events. As a visiting artist at the University of Wisconsin,Whitewater, he designed A Lie of the Mind, Hay Fever, Guys and Dolls, and Antigone. In Madison he was the prop master at Madison Repertory Theatre for nine years, and is currently the prop master at American Players Theatre. He has also designed props for Forward Theater, CTM, Madison Ballet, and Madison Opera. Outside of the theater world Charles designed the themed reception areas for the Old Sauk location of Children’s Dental Health. 24 Forward Theater Company

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To make a holiday gift to FTC, please visit We look forward to seeing you at the theater in 2012.

D O N O R S TO F O R WA R D T H E AT E R C O M PA N Y Your gift plays an important role in the success of Forward Theater Company. Ticket revenue covers only a percentage of the full cost of presenting live theater. Annual fund donors bridge the gap and enable Forward Theater to fulfill its mission—to provide exceptional theater experiences for area audiences and give professional actors, designers, writers, and directors an artistic home. The following list reflects donations received by October 1, 2011. To make a taxdeductible donation to Forward Theater or learn about donor benefits, please visit our website at Season Sponsors ($10,000+) John and Carolyn Peterson Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Pleasant Rowland Great Performance Fund for Theater, a component fund of the Madison Community Foundation Premium Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999) Foley & Lardner, LLP Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin MGE Foundation Associate Sponsors ($2,500-$4,999) American Family Insurance CUNA Mutual Group Custer Financial Services Dane County Cultural Affairs Commission J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. Madison Arts Commission, with funds from the Wisconsin Arts Board Michael Best & Friedrich LLP Qual Line Fence Wegner CPAs & Consultants New Play Series/ Student and Educator Night Sponsors ($1,000+) Alliant Energy Foundation

Boardman, Suhr, Curry & Field LLP Evjue Foundation Park Bank Steve Brown Apartments Platinum Founders ($1,000-$2,499) Susan Horwitz Terry & Jean Prahl Tim & Pat Size Founders Circle ($500-$999) Anthony & Mardell Blaschka Joyce & Daniel Bromley Nancy Ciezki & Diane Kostecke Al Goldstein & Phyllis Lefcowitz Walter & Betty Gray Esther Kaplan Jonathan & Susan Lipp Kathleen McElroy & David Newby Lynn & Gary Mecklenburg John Peterson James & Carol Ruhly Tim & Ann Salutz Lynda Sharpe Bill White & Kathie Nichols Benefactors ($250-$499) Simon Anderson & Ledell Zellers Janneke & Richard Baske Peggy & Christopher Bugg Jim & Stephanie Buske Dan & Pat Cornwall Michael Danoff Dr. Frederick Davis

William & Lynne Eich Jim & Evey Fleming Michael Fumelle John & Karen Icke Stanley Inhorn Efrat Livny William Marten Jeanne & Joe Silverberg SVA Mike & Suzanne Swift Patrons ($100-$249) Anonymous Allen Arntsen Paul & Kristine Ashe Harvey & Trudy Barash Shannon Barry & Bill Bolz Larry Bechler & Patricia Struck Donna & George Beestman Norlin Benevenga Norman Bervin Joann Brabstine & Jude Shavlik Nancy Bruch Suzanne Buchko Kent Carnell & Barbara McFarland Shobhina Chheda Lau & Bea Christensen Richard & Nancy Christiansen Keith & Linda Clifford Jane Coleman Lee Cullen John & Colleen Dangoia Elizabeth Davis Sude Dentinger & Mark Hill Walter & Londa Dewey Robert & Nancy Dott John & Deidre Dunn Dr. Edward & Rosanne Ehrlich Jean Elvekrog Forward Theater Company 27

D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Justin Fehrman Sandra Fernandez Stephen Fleischman & Barbara Katz Ellen & Thomas Foley Byron & Janet Frenz Laurie Frost & Jeff Henriques Brenda & John Furlow Jac & Edith Garner Norris Glick Constance Grogan JoAnn Gruber-Hagen Matthew & Katie Hargrove Cynthia Hiteman John & Valerie Hoch Virigina Hoke & Mona Johnson Henry Huemmer & Kathy Kuntz Marnie Hulan & Charles Thomas Jane Ilgen Rebecca Jallings Barbara Johnson Miriam Kerndt Judith Klehr Brad Kose & Jessica Lanius Fritz & Kathy Kruger Kathryn Lederhause & Daryl Sherman Patricia & Peter Lipton Robert & Ruth Martin Dan & Mari McCarty David & Allison McKee Joe & LuAnn Meyers Joyce & Dan Muxfeld Marilyn Nelson Tom & Julia Nicholas Gail & Erik Nordheim Debi Peters Franklynn Peterson & Judi Turkel Reynold Peterson Megan & Jeffery Pierce Joan Pulver Dr. Arthur & Ursula Rathburn Ann Rifenberg Paul & Ann Rutecki Paul & Christine Schmidt James Schneider Diane Schuck David Sharpe Kjerstin Shefnick 28 Forward Theater Company

Matthew & Jessica Smith Karin Smylie Elliot & Norma Sober Gurindar & Marilyn Sohi Thomas Spear Jayne Squirrell Karl Stoll Suad & David Stratton Michael Thom Sarah Jane Voichick Kim Voss & Karen Hartmann-Voss Brent Wagner Peter & Alice Waldron Catharine & Ellis Waller William Wartmann Paul White Deirdre Wilson Garton Nicole Wyrembeck Theodora Zehner Janet Zimmerman Friends ($25-99) Anonymous Robert Alt Jill Andersen & Niels Walter John Anderson Rima Apple Christopher Babiarz M. R. Barroilhet Anita Been Frances Bicknell Barbara Bolan Malcolm & Penny Brett Cathy Buege Carol Cohen Allen Cross & Mary Klehr John & Mary Dammann Carla & Michael DiIorio Susan Dopp Susan & Joe Drennan Angie Drye Vicki Duhr Paul Eastwood Gay Eliason Gordon Ewy Eugene Farley Bob Fenchel & Mary Vernon Jacqueline Ferris Edith First Susan Fischer Evelyn Fox Gary & Judith Fox Peter Gargano Daniel & Margaret

Geisler Dr. & Mrs Thomas Gobel Jeffrey Golden Peter & Jen Uphoff Gray Jane Grogan Kristine Guderyon Goetz Dan Gustafson Diane Highsmith Stuart Hipke Frank Honts James Hudson Irene Ilgen Margaret Jankowski Janice & LeRoy Johnson Joanne & Dick Johnson Lois Karn Don Katz Nicholas & Susan Kiernan Constance M. Kilmark Robert Kimbrough Jim & Ruth Knutson Debra Kondrasuk Ken & Carol Koscik Jennifer Kraemer James & Joan Krikelas Kal & Bonnie Kunin Ann Lacy Joanne & Robert Larsen Stacy Ledington Judith Lyons Jose Madera & Kim Santiago Helen Madsen Karin Mahony Richard Mason Bev & Chan McKelvey Amanda Schmehil Micklos Sigurd Midelfort Sue Milch & Wilton Sanders N.J. Miles & S.P. Schneider Brenda Miller Karen Moeller & Tony Trout Lynn Montgomery Christian Neuhaus Patrick O’Brien Alison O’Reilly Pamela Oliver Elayne Orr Susan Paddock Barbara Parisi Myra Pfaffenbach

D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Judy Pierotti Tad & Hannah Pinkerton Sharon Poniewaz Cathy Prescott Teresa Radamaeher Tim Radelet Nancy Ragland Fred & Sherry Reames Anne Rhyme Tom & Joanna Rice Evan Richards Diane Roang Laila & Zachary Robbins Ellen Roberts Lynne Roberts & Dave Siegfried Michael Rosenberg Jules Rosenthal Lennie Saffian Norma Saldivar Timothy Sauers Michael Schall March & Nick Schweitzer Claire Shaffer Adam & Elizabeth Simcock Suzannah & Gary Sisler Anita Sprenger Lisa Stefanik Ellen H. Stephenson Joe & Phyllis Stertz Jurate Stewart Prudence Stewart Martha Sullivan James Taylor Andrew Tesch Wendy Tupper Tom & Sue Ullsvik Daniel & Selma Van Eyck Peggy & Greg Walters William & Lorette Wambach Elizabeth Whitesel

Feast Forward Donors and Sponsors Bonfyre American Grille Francesca’s al Lago Fromagination Madison Concourse Hotel/Dayton St. Grille Madison Magazine Metcalfe’s Market Opus Lounge Orange Tree Imports Quivey’s Grove Restaurant Muramoto/43 North Sardine Wonder Bar Steakhouse Feast Forward Hosts Chad Bartell Donna & George Beestman Beth Bovis Ann Brickson Jim & Stephanie Buske Jim Cole & Lauri Morris Samantha & Bruce Crownover Dan Curd Betty & Corky Custer Kim & Bill Donovan Jane Elder Chuck Ford & Sharon James Scott & Kit Foss Laurie Frost Richard Ganoung Marta & Aris Gialamas Jen & Peter Gray Susan Horwitz Celia Klehr & Sam White Gail Kohl Karen Moeller & Tony Trout Kathie Nichols & Bill White

Beth Rahko Jason & Sarah Rasmusen Gwen & Joe Rice Lynda Sharpe Joe Shumow Scott Thornton Selma Van Eyck Brent Wagner Erin Wenzel Timur & Kimberly Yarnall Nancy & Ed Young Gifts in Memory of Louise Uphoff Ann Rifenberg Bill White & Kathie Nichols Gifts in Memory of Colleen Burns Irene Ilgen Richard Mason Jim & Carol Ruhly Lynda Sharpe Gifts in Memory of David Shanker Stacy Ledington In-Kind Donors American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry American Players Theatre American Printing Children’s Theater of Madison Distillery Marketing The Gialamas Company, Inc. Isthmus The Madison Concourse Hotel Celia Klehr and Sam White Wisconsin Public Radio

If we have inadvertently listed your name incorrectly or made any other error in donor acknowledgement please contact Gwen Rice immediately ( We apologize for the error and will endeavor to correct it.

Forward Theater Company 29

SPECIAL THANKS The faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Theatre and Drama/University Theatre, First United Methodist Church, David Wells, The Terry Family Foundation, Changes Hair Salon, Carol Burke, Eric Ferguson Photography, Jessica Lanius, Courtney Neckar, Archil Pitimashvili, the Overture Center staff, Four Seasons Theatre, John Frautschy, Scott Thornton, Erin Wenzel, Karen Saunders, Evelyn Link, Rebecca Baumbach, Zane Williams, Paul Simon Heckel, Nick Berard, Peter Gray, and Joe Rice. Thanks to our Friends of Forward Theater volunteers! Becky Baumbach Ann Kohl-Re Lindsay Bradish Kathy Lederhause Jane Elder Rex Owens Jackie Ferris Lynda Sharpe Zuodian Hu Daryl Sherman Gail Kohl Dick and Nancy Schultz Evan Kohl Myrna Williamson Volunteers help Forward Theater by staffing events, papering the town with posters and postcards, making food for our hungry cast and production staff, helping with mailings, and other office support. If you’d like join us, please visit our website at or call Audience Services at 608-234-5001 to learn more. Forward Theater Company is a member of the Madison Arts Production Center (MAPC), which provides high quality, functional, affordable production space, equipment, and theatrical inventory for Madison area artists and arts organizations. For information on rentals and membership options go to or contact Mike Lawler at 255-2080.

The American Academy of Cosmetic DentistryÂŽ is proud to support the Forward Theater Company. Best wishes for a successful season. | 800.543.9220

30 Forward Theater Company

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