L E T T E R F R O M T H E E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R Welcome to our first concert of 2012. We are pleased to be joined by audience favorite violinist, Maria Bachmann, as we explore the musical artistry of such greats as Faure, Sarasate, Massenet, and Bizet. We are delighted to be back at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center for the Arts and welcome participants from the Association of Wisconsin Symphony Orchestras’ 2012 workshop to our concert today. We are honored to have so many dedicated orchestra leaders and volunteers from across Wisconsin in our presence. If you haven’t done so already, make your reservation today for The Wisconsin Philharmonic’s 50th annual gala, “Emerald Eve,” to be held on St. Patrick’s Day, Saturday, March 17, 2012 at The Legend at Brandybrook in Wales. From a performance by the Trinity Irish Dancers to the musical styling of Irish folk band, Willoughby Sprig, the evening will be filled with festive Irish entertainment. Don’t miss out on our incredible silent and live auction items, including hand painted violins, a French dinner for eight with Maestro Platt in Chicago, premiere reserved parking for our 2012-2013 65th Anniversary Season, and more. As an added benefit, reserve your place at “Emerald Eve” by tomorrow, February 27th, to receive one complimentary ticket per guest to our season finale concert on May 6th! Please join us in the lobby immediately following today’s performance for a reception with Maria Bachmann and members of The Wisconsin Philharmonic. All of us at The Wisconsin Philharmonic would like to thank today’s concert sponsor, Jack Safro Toyota for making today’s concert possible. It is because of your generosity and support of the arts that we are able to provide lifelong memories and exceptional music experiences for all. Andrea Rindo Executive Director
Funeral, Cremation & Preplanning Services 1110 S. Grand Avenue, Waukesha (262) 547-4035
Supporting the Arts in Our Community for Generations Lee & Cathleen Brisk Owners/Funeral Directors Martin Dable Funeral Director
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