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M I C H A E L’ S C O R N E R The Visual Arts… The OAC began scheduling a series of art shows and related programming with the start of the 2011/12 year. We had tremendous response for the district art & craft show, the Pewaukee Area Arts Council’s Ekphrastic show in mid October and the continued relationship with the Waukesha Creative Arts League member show in December and their sponsored Wisconsin Regional Artist Program. New this year, the OAC has or will present a show by students from Kettle Moraine High School, the IB Art Program at Oconomowoc High School and the regional competition, the Milwaukee Youth Art Fair that had been recently hosted by UWM in Milwaukee. The visual arts are an important fabric of our extended community and the OAC is looking at ways to expand our role in visual arts presentation and programming. If you or your organization would like more information on how to present an art show, program or event at the OAC, please contact me at There are still a few openings in the 2012/13 schedule for projects. I would be happy to discuss any creative possibility that can work with the OAC schedule and facility. Be sure to check our website ( for the current schedule of art shows, including opening receptions. Thanks again for all your support of the OAC! Michael Duncan, Director Oconomowoc Arts Center


O C O N O M OWO C A R T S C E N T E R S TA F F Arts Center Manager..............................................................................................Michael Duncan Marketing/Public Relations Manager................................................................Robin Krakauer Box Office/Website Manager................................................................ Cynthia Acosta Luksich Box Office Staff................................................................................... Ginni Hicks, Sharon Milway, Connie Rizzo, Nancy Schwabe House Managers................................................................................ Lisa Abbott, Robert Abbott, Lynne Carlstein, Mark Carlstein, Deborah Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Cheryl Fillmore, Jack Fillmore, Jan Gibeau, Angie Harrison, David Harrison, Davey Harrison, Ginni Hicks, Dan Holzmiller, Adrianna Nowak, Connie Rizzo OAC Technicians.................................................................................Marisa Abbot, Sean Floeter, Brandon Gariss, John Kyle, Michael Nicolai, Brooke Olson, Dustin Strobush, Andrew Zietlow Usher /House Manager Coordinator.................................................. Cynthia Acosta Luksich Ushers..............................................................................Carol Barwick, Ron Barwick, Liz Bednar, Chuck Cerny, Sharon Collins, Nancy Connell, Jacqueline Day, Sarah Day, Mark Dorney, Deb Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Annette Elftman, Chuck Eltman, Helen Felland, Scott Felland, Barb Figi, Nina Gaydos-Fedak, Kia Gogin, John Gogin, Bonnie Graunke, Kevin Graunke, Anjuli Grunke, Susan Hesslink, Ginni Hicks, Barb Hirsch, Deb Jelacic, Barb Jordan, Russ Jordan, Sandy Karkossa, Bob Knollenberg, Jane Knollenberg, John Koehn, Ruth Koehn, Mark Kszycki, Kathy Loehr, Arleen Lynch, KathyHaggith, June Mather, Lucy Mercado, Mary Peterson, Judy Raether, Marge Ramstack, John Rauch, Tricia Rauch, Connie Ritzow, Betsy Sander, Jeff Sander, Linda Schmeckpeper, Jennifer Starke White, Kolina Sully, Bill Tweeden, Jan Tweeden, Chris Wehrenberg, Richard Wentland, Kathy Wentland, Maurine Willey, Terry Williams, Terri Wonn, Arlene Ziety, Tom Ziety

M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Oconomowoc Arts Center mission is to provide patrons and artists of all ages, a professional, cultural and educational experience with the highest quality programming opportunities possible. C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S Oconomowoc Area School District Dr. Patricia E. Neudecker, Superintendent of Schools Board Of Education Mr. Donald Wiemer, President Mrs. Susan Kay, Vice President Mr. Dave Guckenberger, Treasurer Mr. Mike Bickler, Secretary Mrs. Sandra Schick Mr. John Griswold Ms. Elizabeth Thelen

2 Ocononomowoc Arts Center

Programming Committee Marisa Abbott Lisa Boudin Michael Duncan Tom Halloran Marilyn Largent Emily Mariano Betty Reul Kim Schultz Peter Schwabe

C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S Marketing Committee McKenna Bryant Michael Duncan Wendy Halloran Robin Krakauer Rebecca Seymour Barb Simpson Jennifer Starke-White Visual Arts Committee Michael Duncan Terry Peterson Paul Schultz Jason Van Roo

Film/Media Committee Michael Duncan Terry Kaldhusdal Michael Krill James Scheuer Special Events/ Hospitality Committee Julie Falk Ginni Hicks Kathy Kaempf Sandy Karkossa John Koehn June Mather

Artistic Partnerships First Stage Children’s Theater Academy, Milwaukee Milwaukee Ballet Company Bel Canto/Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Literary Partnerships Books & Company, Oconomowoc (Visiting Author’s) Visual Arts Partnerships Waukesha Creative Arts League Pewaukee Area Arts Council (PAAC) - Ekphrastic Event Milwaukee Youth Art Fair Residence and Event Partnership Hilton Garden Inn/Staybridge Suites - official residence of visiting artists and events

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S U P P O R T ( c o n t .) With Gratitude, the Oconomowoc Area School District acknowledges these local organizations, businesses and private patrons for their outstanding support of the Oconomowoc Arts Center. Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts, Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council, Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation, Plunkett Raysich Architects, Oconomowoc Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Paul Phelps and Oakbrook Esser Studios, Mr. and Mrs. Narendra Patel – “Cuculidae” (Bird of Songs) Sculpture, Ace Hardware of Oconomowoc, Arc-Central of Oconomowoc, Books & Company, Footlights /Marcus Promotions, Inc., Jerry Foust, Neumann Company, Fox Bothers Piggly Wiggly Stores, The Pub – Irish Tavern & Restaurant, Sherpers, Hilton Garden Inn/Staybridge Suites Pedal’s Inn Bed & Breakfast Oconomowoc Sign Company Thanks to the UW Extension and the Southeast Wisconsin Master Gardeners for their assistance with the OAC gardens and their support of its educational value. Thanks to the Oconomowoc High school Landscape Class for their assistance with the OAC gardens.

The Oconomowoc Arts Center gratefully acknlowdges grants from the Oconomowoc Area Foundation’s Scheriffus Fund, Richard R. and Karen Bertrand Charitable Fund, and The Debbink Family Foundation. Direct gifts have been made to the OAC by: Donald J. and Constance M. Moore Jan Gibeau Direct gifts in memory have been made to the OAC by the following supporters: Mr. and Mrs. David Reul in memory of Ralph Trepte Dr. and Mrs. Victor Soderstrom in memory of Wally Wiese Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weimer in memory of Wally Wiese Rae Kinn in memory of Mary Von Bereghy

THE VIC DONORS The VIC is the rehearsal area named in celebration of excellence in education in the Oconomowoc Area School District and in honor of Vic Passante, OHS theater director, teacher and mentor from 1974 to 2007. Major Donors The Debbink Family Foundation Craig and Mary Schiefelbein Thomas X. Herro Foundation Oconomowoc Area Foundation Orbis Corporation Paragon Development Systems, Inc. Pat and Mary Sue McNamee And to the students, community members, and businesses who contributed to the 2007 celebration honoring Vic Passante’s dedication to the arts and to learning. 4 Ocononomowoc Arts Center

PAC E D O N O R S PACEsetter Pabst Farms Platinum Dirk & Terry Debbink Oconomowoc Area Foundation Gold J. H. Findorff & Son Inc. Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Jennifer Bukosky, Courtney Bella & Sophia Bukosky + Silver Dick & Karen Bertrand Jerry & Jeanie Burchardt Debbink Family Foundation Bronze Dr. Gerard & Carol Adler American Assn. of University WomenOconomowoc David & Sue Breckenfelder Kent & Karen Brooks First Bank Financial Centre Chris & Lisa Gall Chuck & Pat Herro Mike & Kim Herro Family Thomas X. Herro + Geoffrey & Sandra Hogan Grace Merten Dick & Bobbie Protzmann Dave & Betty Reul Ronald & Donna Schlender Bill & Jane Wierdsma Modern Woodmen of America $1000 Donors James Kevin Barry + Dick Bertrand Karen Bertrand Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Frank & Mary Ann Brazelton Emme Burchardt Hannah Burchardt Jeff Burchardt Lisa Burchardt Bette Durnford + Matthew & Rebecca Eash Family Gerald Foust Family Reimar Frank + Betsy, Pip, Emma, & Becca Freeman Henszey Family

Kenneth Herro Andrea Keck David Keck Kris Keck John & Ruth Koehn Mike & Jodi Koehn Family Bill & Carol Lamm Terry & Marilyn Largent Helen Magnusson Lynne Marris Tom & Nancy Massnick Curt & Pat Neudecker Mary Jo Newburg * Kathy Pence + Kathy Pence + Oconomowoc High School Staff-2009 Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council OHS Class of 1961 Orthopaedic Associates of WI John & Pat Rodell Family Joseph & Dorothy St. Thomas Mike & Sandy Schick Craig Schiefelbein Mary Schiefelbein Greta Schiefelbein Hans Schiefelbein Klaus Schiefelbein Michael & Donna Scholl Andrew Schultz Conner Schultz Karly Schultz Kim Schultz Tim Schultz John P. Snyder, Jr. Family * Dean +, Ellen, Linda, Cheryl Strommen John Sutte + Dorothy “Grandma Dot� Thompson + Ray & Collette Warell Robb & Cheryl Wierdsma $750 Donors Maribeth Bush Hilton & Jean Neal Emalou Sandsmark * Dorothy M. Verhein $500 Donors Art, the Window Washer + Steve Baker * Ernest & Sharon Biel Family GIRSA 5

PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Carroll College Performing Arts Helena, MT * Cheney Family * John & Judy Cooley Family Malcom A. & Susan M. Dorn Maureen, Beth, & Michael Geraghty Howard F. Greene + Charlotte M. Hall Shirley Hamilton-Nehring Beth Hansing * John Hansing * Joe Haas Media Dr. & Mrs. Ron Karzel Otho Kile, Jr. + Del & Joan Krueger David J. Magedanz * Patrick & Amy C. Middleton Dr. & Mrs. William Paton Jeff Sander Dave & Lucy Shanks Tom & Anne Simonis Family Sarah, Diane, & Phil Slaughter * Chad Vande Zande Family Frances Way Benjamin, Elisa, Emily, & Brice Welch Tom Woods, OPEF Board Member* $250 Donors Books and Company Curtis & Anne Brewer Mike & Bridget Bruno Family Benjamin Byczek Olivia Byczek Ginger Carney * Mary Casucci + Bill & Joyce Chapman Bob & Eileen Daly Family Drama Mamas and Papas Michael Duncan Family Steve & Carol Frankwick Daniel & Kathleen Giesen Greenland School Drama Clubs Jack & Gay Grothaus Russell & Elizabeth Halkerston Robert E. Hasselkus + Jay & Heidi Huenink Darrell & Elaine Hurdle Amy Jappinen * Alyssa Jappinen Tessa Jappinen Jesse & Cameron Johanning Lydia Johnson + 6 Ocononomowoc Arts Center

Ron & Kim Koehn Alan & Mary Koepke Paul Ludy, Jr. + Andrew J. Mount Catherine Narloch * Mike & Betty Nivens OHS Class of 1965 OHS Class of 1975 Robb Family Ed Rohloff + Genevieve Rohrer Todd & Leah Scheid Family Jodi Schlender Paul & Holly Schmidtke Don & Mary Schmitt Dr. B. J. Schumacher * David & Carol Steger * Emma & Jack Watermolen $100 Donors Issac Ama Cria Ama Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Joyce Antonneau * Norbert Antonneau + Bev Babinec + Eva Balistrieri Kurt & Carrie Begalke Jennifer Betances Dwayne & Joyce Block Roger Bottoni Family Jeffrey, Jason, & Kaitlin Brandl Bruce & Jo Brown David & Joan Brussat Jim Bush Lydia Ann Bush * Rob & Katie Bush Beau Butschke Fund + Gladys Christenson + Michael, Angela, Callahan & Delaney Cowles Richard C. Craemer Family Sierra M. Dakouras * Jim & Michele Doherty Dance Buddies* Kayla, Jeff, & Holly Daniels Lonnie Dykstra + Craig Finkelmeyer + Connie Frank * Kyle Fritz *

PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Janet Gibeau * Dr. & Mrs. W. G. Gill Carl Glaum Mark & Karen Gould Bob Grimm + Scott Haley + Mark & Dani Herro Brittany Hoffman ’09 Sr. Director * Jim Holahan + Matt & Lindsay Holsen ’09 ‘14 Grace Huenink Robert C. James + Sarah Grace Kleist * Jane R. Koning John W. Koning, Jr. Linda J. Krause Mike & Margie Krauski Michael Krill * Marilyn Largent * Harvey Larson Virginia Lawinger Audrey Karen Lemcke* Patrick Leslie Susan Lucht Family Lois L. Luebke Jim & Pat Mack Patricia Matt Donald McCollum Margaret McCollum Kathryn McCollum Freeland Lynne McCollum Staley Sean McCollum Franziska Merkle ‘07-08 Exchange Student Dan Miller Family Dr. & Mrs. G. Daniel Miller Mol Family Shannon Moore David Newburg Samantha Newburg David Nicolai Kari Nicolai Michael Nicolai Tod Ninmann Family OHS Class of 1942 OHS Class of 1950 OHS Class of 1955

OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1966 OHS Class of 1971 OHS Class of 1974 Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club Kathy Pence + David A. Perrigo Sherri Perrigo Dave & Kate Perry Roger & Barbara Puterbaugh Dan Reep Dood Reep Dorothy Revnew Richard & Susanne Rumpf Steve, Andrea, Matthew, & Haley St. Thomas James + & Marilyn Schaller Herbert Schick Hollie Schick Dan & Jan Schlender * Dan & Jan Schlender Stephen Schmiedlin Truman & Barbara Schultz Richard & Mary Sharp Sterling, Cassidy, & Drake Shepherd Judge Patrick & Luly Snyder Bill & Sue Snyder Charles & Lynne Staley Dean +& Ellen Strommen * Maury Sullivan William & Lillian Thiel Family Bob & Jan Thostenson Gary & Tina Timmel Family Arlene Tinus Grma. Dot Thompson + Chuck Thorsen * Christopher M. Todd * Steve A. Wagner Family ’73, ’75, ’05, ‘08 Bridgette Well ’09 Sr. Director * Dick Whalen Florence Whalen Lisa Hansing Young * Tom & Arlene Ziety *Gifts dedicated to name listed + Gifts in member


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Saturday, March 17 – 7:30 PM Traditional Irish Music

Maeve Flanagan........................................... fiddle, tin whistle Deirdre Brennan.......................................fiddle, banjo vocals Pamela Geraghty.............................guitar, accordion, vocals Emily McShane......................................... piano, guitar, vocals Guest Performers: Anna Colliton..................................................................bodhran Dan Gurney.................................................................. accordion 10 Ocononomowoc Arts Center

GIRSA We have all known each other since we were very young, growing up participating in Irish music and dance in our community of Pearl River, New York. Most of us come from musical families, with our parents having learned Irish traditional music from such greats as Martin Mulvihill, Maureen Glynn Connelly, and Pete Kelly. Some of our parents and their lifelong friends carry on this great tradition by teaching music in the community. We loved playing together so much that we started our own band just over 6 years ago and called it Girsa. Over the past several years, we’ve been honored to play at the Milwaukee Irish Festival, Dublin Irish Festival, Kansas City Irish Festival, and many other events all over the United States. BIOGR APHIES Maeve Flanagan Ms. Flanagan was born into a family with a rich Irish music tradition. Her parents, Mike and Rose (nee Conway) were both accomplished fiddlers who were determined to pass on their musical legacy to not only Maeve but her future sister and brothers. Besides taking up the fiddle at age 5, Maeve also started Irish dance lessons. Her accomplishments in both were outstanding. Through her fiddle lessons from her mom and Uncle Brian Conway, her greatest feat came at age 11, when she won the All Ireland under 12 fiddle competition at the Fleadh Cheoil held in Listowel, Co. Kerry in August 2001. She is also an accomplished tin whistle player having learned from Eileen Goodman and placing in numerous All Ireland Fleadh Cheoils. She took up the piano with Ann Marie Acosta for a period as well. Maeve also concentrated on her education, graduating from high school and attending Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts, where she graduated and earned a bachelors’ degree in History in 2011. She currently is a first year law school student at Pace University Law School in White Plains, New York.

Her current music life revolves around a group of young ladies all around the same age from Pearl River, New York. This group, called Girsa (ger-sha) is comprised of both childhood friends and schoolmates who all have an intense love of Irish music, singing and dance. They have performed over the last 4 years at festivals and concerts from Maine to California. They have 2 CDs currently to their credit and have received many accolades for their performances. Maeve plays both the fiddle and the tin whistle in the group. Besides Girsa Maeve has also been an instructor at several Irish music gatherings including the Catskills Irish Arts week in East Durham, New York and the Augusta Irish Heritage week in Elkins, West Virginia. Deirdre Brennan 22 year old Deirdre Brennan is a registered nurse at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey but her passion has always been traditional Irish music. She started fiddle lessons with Rose Conway Flanagan around the age of 6 and subsequently picked up the mandolin, banjo and vocals in the years that followed. She is greatly influenced by the likes of Andy McGann, Brian Conway, Mick Moloney, Dougie MacLean and Cathie Ryan to name a few. She has won 3 All-Ireland medals and has played at various festivals across the United States with Girsa. GIRSA 11

B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Pamela Geraghty Ms. Geraghty is from Pearl River New York, began performing at the age of 12 and has continued to do so into her early adulthood. Pamela is currently a sophomore at SUNY Cortland, in upstate New York, studying business economics. At the age of 8 Pamela began taking accordion lessons with the great Patty Furlong and spending summers studying music at various festivals including Catskills Irish Arts Week, Scoile Eigse, and Fleadh by the Feale in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. She was privileged to study and spend time with greats such as Billy McComiskey, John Whelan, Seamus Begley, Jackie Daly, etc. Pamela has been singing since she was a baby but started to sing and compete in the traditional Sean Nós style by age 11. Soon, singing became one of Pamela’s passions and she went

on to meet some of the people that have influenced her the most, including Séamus Mac Mathúna, Len Graham, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, and many more. In the past couple of years she was fortunate enough to connect with Mary Coogan, of Cherish the Ladies, who got her started playing the guitar and she hasn’t stopped since. Along with Irish music, Pamela was involved in NY All-state Choir, Rockland Allcounty choir, her schools women’s glee club, jazz choir, and a capella group, along with participating in musicals all throughout middle school and high school. Music has always been a part of Pamela’s life and will remain to be for years to come. Emily McShane Emily is 19 years old, born and raised in Pearl River, New York and is currently a student at Manhattan

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) College studying Elementary/ Special Education. She has been surrounded with music all her life. Her mother, all three of her sisters and Emily grew up Irish dancing and playing music. Emily started playing the piano when she was about five years old and took lessons with the great piano player, Annmarie Acosta. Since she was little, she has spent many of her summers in Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland visiting her father’s side of the family. There, she has competed in Fleadh Cheols and has attended many sessions, her favorite being the Welcome In session in Forkhill Co. Armagh. Singing has always been a love of Emily’s. More recently, Emily has learned to play the bodhran and guitar, taking guitar lessons from the wonderful Mary Coogan of Cherish the Ladies. She has grown up listening to Irish music and country music, which is also a big part of her life. Emily has greatly been inspired by many artists such as Deirdre Connolly, Padriac O’Reilly, Deirdre Scanlon, Peter Murphy and country artists like Miranda Lambert, and the Dixie Chicks. Girsa is a very big part of Emily’s life and she knows, even at a young age, that she will cherish these memories forever. Guest Performers Anna Colliton Ms. Colliton is one of America’s leading exponents of the bodhrán, the traditional Irish frame drum.

From Chicago, a city of Irish musical excellence, Anna plays a highly intricate style of drumming with masterful tonal and rhythm variation. She has taught and performed at festivals across the country, including Milwaukee Irish Fest, Chicago Celtic Fest, the New York Irish Dance Festival, the O’Flaherty Irish Music Retreat, and the Dollywood Festival of Nations. Anna appeared on Cherish the Ladies’ recent album A Star in the East and Grainne Murphy’s Short Stories. Dan Gurney 24-year-old Dan Gurney, born in upstate New York to artist parents, first picked up an accordion by chance in a toy store. He learned Irish music from Galway-born concertina player Father Charlie Coen. Over the years he has also been heavily influenced by Billy McComiskey, Jimmy Noonan, John Whelan, Joe Derrane, and John Nolan, among many others. After graduating from Harvard University in 2009, he lived in Galway for a year playing with the likes of Dolores Keane, Johnny Ringo McDonagh, Mick Conneely, Ronan O’Flaherty, and Brian Mc Grath. He has appeared on Public Radio International, at the International Accordion Festival, and has won nine medals at various Fleadh Cheoil music competitions.

Can’t wait until showtime? At you can preview the program before opening night!


Proud Supporter of the Oconomowoc Arts Center


O C O N O M OWO C U K U L E L E C L U B The OAC would like to thank the Oconomowoc Ukulele Club for their pre-show performance!

Oconomowoc Ukulele Club is dedicated to the promotion of fun, frolic and all things ukulele. We meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Books & Co. in Oconomowoc for an evening of singing and strumming. All skill levels welcome. Grab a uke and play for a while, or sing a few songs with us while you browse the bookstore. For more information, please email Eric Raskoph at

O C O N O M OWO C H I G H S C H O O L I B A R T S H OW Opening Reception this evening at 6:30 PM. Oconomowoc High School IB Art Show includes work from the following students: Sara Imperl - Higher Level Danielle Dean - Standard Level Brieanna Zanon - Standard Level Asa Lunde -Standard Level Jessica Schmeling - Standard Level Ashlie Hoffmann - Standard Level Special thanks to Leah Roberts, IB art teacher, along with Paula Keene, Greg Haut and Jason Van Roo – OHS art department. The show will be on display until April 4, 2012.


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