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M E S S AG E F R O M T H E A R T S C E N T E R D I R E C TO R What’s next? The new OAC programming and marketing committees have been hard at work over the past two months. The programming committee, made up of several community and OASD staff and students, have looked at dozens of prospective artists and groups to consider for the 2011/12 season. On February 21 we met to make our final decisions. I think you will be very pleased to see what we have in store for the lake country audiences next year. The next phase is for me to contact the artists, agree to terms and begin the arduous task of preparing a budget for the district’s approval. Announcement of the new season will come in late June after our budget has been approved. The marketing committee has been looking at how we can promote the remaining events in the 2010/11 season and to begin to develop a strategy for moving forward. Excellent feedback from our patron survey last fall, in-house data and the experiences we have had over the past two years will inform those decisions. We have also received invaluable comments from you, our patrons about things that work well and not so well. Either way, it has helped us improve your arts center. You should always feel welcome to contact us. The visual/fine arts and film/media committees will be meeting for the first time in late March to consider art and film programming beginning in the fall of 2011. Thanks to committee members, the OAC volunteers and staff, OASD staff and in particular to our Superintendent, Dr. Pat Neudecker and Asst. Superintendent, Mike Barry for their unwavering support and commitment to excellence for the success of the OAC and school district. We are fortunate to have strong leaders guiding our district. Don’t Miss Out! If you are not on our mailing or email list, or not sure either way contact the box office at 262.560.3172 and we will put you “in the know.” You can also become a member of our Face Book groupies. Go to the OAC web site at and sign up. Then, spread the word. We still have many excellent programs remaining for the 2010/11 season. Join us; we hope to see you there! Michael Duncan Director, OAC

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O C O N O M OWO C A R T S C E N T E R S TA F F Arts Center Manager......................................................................................... Michael Duncan Box Office........................................................... Ginni Hicks, Connie Rizzo, Nancy Schwabe House Managers....................................................................Lynne Carlstein, Mark Carlstein, Deborah Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Megan Elftman, Angie Harrison, David Harrison, Davey Harrison, Dan Holzmiller, Adrianna Nowak, Connie Rizzo, Ginni Hicks OAC Technicians..............................................................................Marisa Abbot, Nick DaVia, Sean Floeter, Aary Gariss, John Kyle, Michael Nicolai, Joe Zack, Andrew Zietlow Usher /House Manager Coordinator............................................................Nancy Schwabe Marketing/Public Relations..............................................................................Robin Krakauer M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Oconomowoc Arts Center mission is to provide patrons and artists of all ages, a professional, cultural and educational experience with the highest quality programming opportunities possible. C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S Oconomowoc Area School District Dr. Patricia E. Neudecker, Superintendent of Schools Board Of Education Mr. Donald Wiemer, President Mrs. Susan Kay, Vice President Mr. Dave Guckenberger, treasurer Mr. Mike Bickler, Clerk Mrs. Sandra Schick Mr. John Griswold Ms. Elizabeth Thelen Programming Committee Marisa Abbot Lisa Boudin Michael Duncan Marilyn Largent Emily Mariano Betty Reul Kim Schultz Peter Schwabe Joe Zack Marketing Committee McKenna Bryant Michael Duncan Robin Krakauer Rebecca Seymour Jennifer Starke-White Visual Arts Committee Michael Duncan Terry Peterson Paul Schultz Jason Van Roo 2 Oconomowoc Arts Center

C O M M I T T E E S / PA R T N E R S H I P S ( c o n t .) Film/Media Committee Michael Duncan Terry Kaldhusdal James Scheuer Special Events/Hospitality Committee Julie Falk Jack Grothaus Ginni hicks Barbara Hirsch Sandy Karkossa John Koehn June Mather Artistic Partnerships First Stage Children’s Theater Academy, Milwaukee Bel Canto/Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Wisconsin Philharmonic Comedy Sports Literary Partnerships Books & Company, Oconomowoc (Visiting Author’s) Visual Arts Partnerships Waukesha Creative Arts League Pewaukee Area Arts Council (PAAC) - Ekphrastic Event

Wisconsin’s premier showroom and stage featuring the world’s finest pianos including American Mason & Hamlin.

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SUPPORT With Gratitude, the Oconomowoc Area School District acknowledges these local organizations, businesses and private patrons for their outstanding support of the Oconomowoc Arts Center. Oconomowoc Festival of the Arts Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation Plunkett Raysich Architects Oconomowoc Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary Paul Phelps and Oakbrook Esser Studios Mr. and Mrs. Narendra Patel – “Cuculidae” (Bird of Songs) Sculpture Ace Hardware of Oconomowoc Badger Blueprint of Oconomowoc Books & Company Brennan’s Market Footlights – Marcus Promotions, Inc. Jerry Foust Neumann Company The Pub – Irish Tavern & Restaurant Sherpers

Thanks to the UW Extension and the SouthEast Wisconsin Master Gardeners for their assistance with the OAC gardens and their support of its educational value.

Thanks to the Oconomowoc High school Landscape Class for their assistance with the OAC gardens.

The Oconomowoc Arts Center gratefully acknowledges a grant from the Oconomowoc Area Foundation’s Scheriffius Fund and Richard R. and Karen Bertrand Charitable Fund. Direct gifts in memory have been made to the OAC by the following supporters: Mr. and Mrs. David Reul in memory of Ralph Trepte Dr. and Mrs. Victor Soderstrom in memory of Wally Wiese Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weimer in memory of Wally Wiese Rae Kinn in memory of Mary Von Bereghy

4 Oconomowoc Arts Center

THE VIC DONORS The VIC is the rehearsal area named in celebration of excellence education in the Oconomowoc Area School District and in honor of Vic Passante, OHS theater director, teacher and mentor from 1974 to 2007. Major Donors The Debbink Family Foundation Craig and Mary Schiefelbein Thomas X. Herro Foundation Oconomowoc Area Foundation Orbis Corporation Paragon Development Systems, Inc. Pat and Mary Sue McNamee And to the students, community members, and businesses who contributed to the 2007 celebration honoring Vic Passante’s dedication to the arts and to learning.

PAC E D O N O R S PACEsetter Pabst Farms Platinum Dirk & Terry Debbink Gold J. H. Findorff & Son Inc. Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Area Foundation Jennifer Bukosky, Courtney Bella & Sophia Bukosky + Silver Dick & Karen Bertrand Jerry & Jeanie Burchardt Bronze Dr. Gerard & Carol Adler American Assn. of University WomenOconomowoc David & Sue Breckenfelder Kent & Karen Brooks First Bank Financial Centre Chuck & Pat Herro Mike & Kim Herro Family Thomas X. Herro + Geoffrey & Sandra Hogan Grace Merten Dick & Bobbie Protzmann Dave & Betty Reul Ronald & Donna Schlender Bill & Jane Wierdsma

$1000 Donors James Kevin Barry + Dick Bertrand Karen Bertrand Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Frank & Mary Ann Brazelton Emme Burchardt Hannah Burchardt Jeff Burchardt Lisa Burchardt Matthew & Rebecca Eash Family Gerald Foust Family Reimar Frank + Betsy, Pip, Emma, & Becca Freeman Chris & Lisa Gall Henszey Family Andrea Keck David Keck Kris Keck John & Ruth Koehn Mike & Jodi Koehn Family Bill & Carol Lamm Terry & Marilyn Largent Helen Magnusson Lynne Marris Tom & Nancy Massnick Curt & Pat Neudecker Mary Jo Newburg * Kathy Pence + Kathy Pence + Oconomowoc High School Staff-2009 Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Performing Arts Council Oconomowoc Arts Center 5

PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Orthopaedic Associates of WI John & Pat Rodell Family Joseph & Dorothy St. Thomas Mike & Sandy Schick Craig Schiefelbein Mary Schiefelbein Greta Schiefelbein Hans Schiefelbein Klaus Schiefelbein Michael & Donna Scholl Andrew Schultz Conner Schultz Karly Schultz Kim Schultz Tim Schultz John Sutte + Dorothy “Grandma Dot” Thompson + Ray & Collette Warell Robb & Cheryl Wierdsma $750 Donors Emalou Sandsmark * Dean +, Ellen, Linda, Cheryl Strommen Dorothy M. Verhein $500 Donors Steve Baker * Ernest & Sharon Biel Family Maribeth Bush Carroll College Performing Arts Helena, MT * Cheney Family * John & Judy Cooley Family Malcom A. & Susan M. Dorn Maureen, Beth, & Michael Geraghty Howard F. Greene + Charlotte M. Hall Shirley Hamilton-Nehring Beth Hansing * John Hansing * Joe Haas Media Dr. & Mrs. Ron Karzel Del & Joan Krueger Patrick & Amy C. Middleton Dr. & Mrs. William Paton Jeff Sander Dave & Lucy Shanks Tom & Anne Simonis Family Sarah, Diane, & Phil Slaughter * Chad Vande Zande Family Benjamin, Elisa, Emily, & Brice Welch Tom Woods, OPEF Board Member*

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PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) $250 Donors Books and Company Curtis & Anne Brewer Mike & Bridget Bruno Family Ginger Carney * Mary Casucci + Bill & Joyce Chapman Bob & Eileen Daly Family Drama Mamas and Papas Steve & Carol Frankwick Daniel & Kathleen Giesen Greenland School Drama Clubs Jack & Gay Grothaus Russell & Elizabeth Halkerston Robert E. Hasselkus + Jay & Heidi Huenink Darrell & Elaine Hurdle Amy Jappinen * Alyssa Jappinen Tessa Jappinen Jesse & Cameron Johanning Lydia Johnson + Alan & Mary Koepke Andrew J. Mount Catherine Narloch * OHS Class of 1965 OHS of 1975 Ed Rohloff + Paul & Holly Schmidtke Don & Mary Schmitt David & Carol Steger * $100 Donors Issac Ama Cria Ama Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Alice Anderson + Joyce Antonneau * Norbert Antonneau + Bev Babinec + Eva Balistrieri Kurt & Carrie Begalke Dwayne & Joyce Block Roger Bottoni Family Jeffrey, Jason, & Kaitlin Brandl David & Joan Brussat Jim Bush Rob & Katie Bush Gladys Christenson + Richard C. Craemer Family 8 Oconomowoc Arts Center

Sierra M. Dakouras * Dance Buddies* Kayla, Jeff, & Holly Daniels Lonnie Dykstra + Craig Finkelmeyer + Connie Frank * Janet Gibeau * Dr. & Mrs. W. G. Gill Carl Glaum Mark & Karen Gould Bob Grimm + Mark & Dani Herro Brittany Hoffman ’09 Sr. Director * Jim Holahan + Matt & Lindsay Holsen ’09 ‘14 Grace Huenink Sarah Grace Kleist * Jane R. Koning John W. Koning, Jr. Linda J. Krause Michael Krill * Marilyn Largent * Harvey Larson Virginia Lawinger Patrick Leslie Susan Lucht Family Lois L. Luebke Jim & Pat Mack Patricia Matt Donald McCollum Margaret McCollum Kathryn McCollum Freeland Lynne McCollum Staley Sean McCollum Franziska Merkle ‘07-08 Exchange Student Dan Miller Family Dr. & Mrs. G. Daniel Miller Mol Family Shannon Moore David Newburg Samantha Newburg David Nicolai Kari Nicolai Michael Nicolai Tod Ninmann Family OHS Class of 1950 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1955 OHS Class of 1974 Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club

PAC E D O N O R S ( c o n t .) Kathy Pence + David A. Perrigo Sherri Perrigo Dave & Kate Perry Roger & Barbara Puterbaugh Dan Reep Dood Reep James + & Marilyn Schaller Herbert Schick Hollie Schick Jodi Schlender Stephen Schmiedlin Sterling, Cassidy, & Drake Shepherd Judge Patrick & Luly Snyder Bill & Sue Snyder

Charles & Lynne Staley Dean +& Ellen Strommen * Maury Sullivan William & Lillian Thiel Family Bob & Jan Thostenson Gary & Tina Timmel Family Arlene Tinus Grma. Dot Thompson + Christopher M. Todd * Steve A. Wagner Family ’73, ’75, ’05, ‘08 Bridgette Well ’09 Sr. Director * Dick Whalen Florence Whalen Lisa Hansing Young * Tom & Arlene Ziety

The Oconomowoc Arts Center would like to thank

Neumann Company for their support! Oconomowoc Arts Center 9

OAC – Main Stage

Milwaukee’s Favorite Irish Folk Band March 19 – 7:30 PM

Brian Leahy............................................... Guitar/Tambourine/Vocal Tom Leahy..................................................................Bass Guitar/Vocal Evan Leahy................................ Percussion/Bodhran/Guitar/Vocal Randal Harrison...............................................................................Violin Stas Venglevski.......................................................................Accordion Caitlin Leahy...................................................Flute/Percussion/Vocal Sarah (Leahy) Emerson.................. Tin Whistle/Percussion/Vocal

10 Oconomowoc Arts Center

BIOGR APHIES Brian Leahy Brian Leahy has been on the Irish Folk scene since 1984, first as half of an Irish duo, and then forming Leahy’s Luck with his brother Tom in 1990. His musical interests started in theater during the late 60’s, leading to three years with The Milwaukee Opera Company. With broad tastes in music it is not unusual to hear him breaking into his stellar rendition of the Roy Orbison classic, “Crying”. Brian plays guitar, adding percussion with a shaker and tambourine. His most prominent talents are his expressive vocals, storytelling, and an occasional display of sibling rivalry. Tom Leahy Tom Leahy has been performing Irish, world and liturgical music since 1990. He retired from FedEx in 2008 after 35 years of service with the company, and is now able to devote much more of his time to musical endeavors. He looks forward to expanding his interest in this musical venue. Evan Leahy Tom’s son, a world-class Irish drummer, has played internationally. While the bodhran he masters is his foundation, he continues to develop his talent with guitar and vocals. Listen for the bluegrass influences when Evan picks up his guitar. Randal Harrison Violinist Randal Harrison charms, challenges and inspires listeners of all ages. Critics have simultaneously declared him reminiscent of Nicoli Pagannini, Stephane Grapelli, Al DiMeola and Frank Zappa. His mastery of such diverse styles has garnered him an EMMY nomination for composition and three Madison Area Music Awards for Jazz Artist of the Year, Classical Artist of the Year and Blues Artist of the Year. His diverse performance credits include work with the Savannah Symphony Orchestra, jazz Bassist Ben Tucker, and legendary drummer Sam Lay of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. Harrison’s performances and compositions appear on over 100 recordings including works for Naxos World, SRM, Boat Records, db Musique, Spiritwood and

StringFling Records. In addition to his work as a performer, composer and recording artist, Randal Harrison travels as a clinician of jazz improvisation and violin studies. Stas Venglevski Stas Venglevski is a bayan accordion virtuoso, performing with symphonies internationally; the Milwaukee Pops Orchestra led by Doc Severinsen; has appeared with Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion” and numerous venues far and near. His artistry, dazzling technical command, and sensitivity have brought Stas, a native of the Republic of Moldova, part of the former Soviet Union, world-wide acclaim. With ten recordings to his credit he has served as President of the prestigious International Accordionists and Teachers Guild. A lover of all types of music, Stas is the consummate entertainer adding his own all-world flavor to the sound of Leahy’s Luck. Caitlin Leahy Caitlin Leahy, Brian’s youngest daughter, lives in the Denver Colorado area. She’s able to break free from her work obligations to join Leahys Luck more frequently than her sisters. Her vocals were featured prominently in Leahys Luck latest album, Near and Far. Her interest in politics and dietetics continue to guide her career choices. Caitlin attended St. Louis University and graduated with majors in Political Science, International Studies, and Spanish. Sarah (Leahy) Emerson Sarah (Leahy) Emerson, the second of Brian’s three daughters wishes she could perform more often with her father, uncle, and family. She is currently working for Campus Crusade for Christ at their headquarters in Orlando Florida. Her role in campus ministry is quite fulfilling. Sarah’s vocals, tin whistle, and infectious smile are sorely missed in Leahys Luck stage mix. She hopes to someday move closer to the Midwest and join her family for more than just Milwaukee’s Irish Fest and St. Patrick’s Day. Sarah attended University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire earning a degree in Nursing. She married Aaron Emerson in 2003, her partner in campus ministry. Oconomowoc Arts Center 11

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Family Series– Main Stage

Florentine Opera – Billy Goats Gruff An operatic version of The Billy Goats Gruff set to music from the operas of Mozart, Donizetti and Rossini

March 29 – 7:00 PM

Erica Schuller, soprano.................................................................. Lucy Julia Hardin, mezzo soprano................................................ Ernesto Matthew Richarson, alto........................................................Dandini Scott Johnson,baritone.............................................................Osmin Summit Elementary Singers (Goat Chorus)..... Steve Hedin, Matthew Daley, Raymond Menting, Nicole McDonald, Gabby Hingiss, Vanessa Oschmann and Brenden Christenson, Maya Timmer, Julia Hoffman, Brenna Reiland, Olivia Coffield, Payton Sheridan, Anika Roy, Maddie Knott and Ava Matthes. Under the direction of Kay Kline. 14 Oconomowoc Arts Center

BIOGR APHIES Since 1974, John Davies has performed with opera companies throughout the United States, including the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera, and the opera companies of Boston, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, Atlanta, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Cincinnati, Phoenix, Nashville, and Anchorage. He has also performed in concert as bass-baritone soloist with the symphony orchestras of Boston, San Francisco, St. Louis, Detroit, San Antonio, Indianapolis, Chattanooga and Syracuse. A father of six children, John takes an active interest in the performing arts for young people. His operas for young audiences have been presented by more than 60 opera companies and university opera programs in the United States and Canada. Erica Schuller, a Milwaukee native, has been noted for her consummate stage presence and sensitive, engaging interpretations in a variety of repertoire. She is a frequent soloist with the San Francisco Bach Choir, and has been featured in such works as Bach’s Johannes Passion, Jesu meine Freude and Aus der Tiefe. Erica made her second appearance with the Boston Early Music Festival in Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea summer 2009, and was commended for performing her roles (La Fortuna/Damigella) with “skill and grace” by the Boston Globe. She can also be heard on the Festival’s Grammy-nominated recording of Lully’s opera, Psyche, which she performed in 2007. Erica received her Masters of Music from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Pamela Fry and holds degrees in Vocal Performance and Music Education from the Eastman School of Music, where she studied with Kathryn Cowdrick. Julia Elise Hardin, a native of Lawrence, Kansas, has been touted as a “powerful” and “expressive” singer drawing from her extensive acting background. Recent engagements include Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro at the Peninsula Music Festival, La suora infermiera in Suor Angelica and reprising the role of

Polly in Britten’s The Beggar’s Opera with 2010 Lorin Maazel’s Castleton Festival. Roles with Florentine Opera include Mrs. Baines in Elmer Gantry and Giovanna in Rigoletto. Ms. Hardin has received numerous awards, two of which include Second Place in the 2010 Chicago Bel Canto Foundation competition and winner of the 2007 Friends of Austria vocal competition. She holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Kansas and a Masters degree from Northwestern University. Matthew Richardson was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Dubuque, Iowa. He trained at the Eastman School of Music where he performed several roles including Charles Guiteau in Assassins, the teapot in L’enfant et les sortilèges, and Tapioca in L’ètoile. During the summers of 2006 and 2007, Matthew performed twelve supporting and lead roles with the College Light Opera Company including Cacambo in Candide, Frederick in The Pirates of Penzance, and Ralph Rackstraw in H.M.S. Pinafore. After spending some time abroad, Matthew moved to Milwaukee to continue his vocal studies. He has spent the past two years singing with various local ensembles including the Florentine Opera Chorus, teaching private voice lessons, and working as a ballroom instructor at East Towne Ballrooms. A native of Madison, Wisconsin, baritone Scott Johnson completed his BM at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, where he performed the roles of Sellem in Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress, and Shrike in the West Coast premiere of Lowell Liebermann’s Miss Lonelyhearts. Other roles include Pelleas in Pelleas et Melisande, and Jackson Pollack in the world premiere of Art and Desire, all with the University of Wisconsin Opera, where he recently received his Master of Music. Scott has also been seen as a frequent performer with the Tuscia Operafestival in Viterbo, Italy. In 2008, he was a Regional Finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. Roles with the Florentine Opera Company include Sciarrone in Tosca, Revival Worker in the Midwest premiere of Elmer Gantry, Marullo in Rigoletto and Señor Tomas in the world premiere of Río de Sangre. Oconomowoc Arts Center 15

Coffee House Cabaret Series – In The Little Theatre

March 25 & 26 – 7:00 PM

John Plankenhorn...........................................................Guitar/Vocal Carole Ferrara..................................................................................Vocal

16 Oconomowoc Arts Center

BIOGR APHIES Carole Ferrara Carole Ferrara has been singing professionally in the Milwaukee area since 1993. Originally from Warwick, Rhode Island, she received classical voice training as a youth and has been signing publicly ever since. After moving to Milwaukee, Carole studied vocal jazz at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. She has worked in a variety of musical settings, which include live performance and recorded works.

John Plankenhorn Originally from Chicago, John Plankenhorn has been performing professionally for the past 20 years. He began his career performing in various blues and rock ‘n roll bands in the Chicago area. He went on to study both classical and jazz guitar at the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. More recently, he has been involved in numerous projects in Milwaukee. These groups have ranged in style from reggae and world music to jazz and blues, performing in local and national venues from Florida to Hawaii.

Check out Chef Brian Shoemake’s wonderful culinary delights. The food is set up in “The Vic” which is adjacent to the Little Theater. You will find soups, salads and sandwiches that satisfy every taste bud. Save room for the homemade desserts. All food is a la carte and can be taken into the Little Theater and enjoyed while watching the show.

Oconomowoc Arts Center 17

Main Stage Series

Michael Perry and The Long Beds April 2– 7:30 PM

Michael Perry.......................................... Vocals, Guitar, Songwriter Billy Krause . ................................................... Acoustic Guitar, Banjo Chuck Roll....................................................................... Acoustic Bass, Electric Hawaiian Guitar, Autoharp Chris Ramey.............................................Electric Guitar, Keyboards Randy Sabien........................................................... Fiddle, Mandolin

18 Oconomowoc Arts Center

BIOGR APHIES Michael Perry Like so many before him, Michael Perry learned to sing in church. Then a Waylon Jennings 8-track got him hooked on boogety-boogety. This combination yielded the mix of straight-up twang and churchly harmonies found in Perry’s music. Tiny Pilot is Michael Perry’s second full-length release with his band the Long Beds. The songs on Tiny Pilot range from boot-stomping country to roughneck folk ballads and are populated by characters drawn straight from rural and small-town America. Perry began writing songs in the early 1990s during long nights when he was struggling to survive on prose (he is the author of four books: Population 485, Truck, Off Main Street, and Coop). With no arts background (he has a nursing de-

gree) he found himself drawn especially to the work of poets and singer/songwriters. He began writing songs as a way to break up all-night typing sessions, and eventually he had enough of them that a musician friend invited him to play a coffee shop.“I’m not saying I was nervous, but I ripped out a sixty-minute set list in thirty-two minutes flat,” says Perry. By 2004, he had begun recruiting Long Beds. In 2006, he released his first album, Headwinded. Perry has written for Esquire, The New York Times Magazine, Outside, Backpacker, Orion and, and is a contributing editor to Men’s Health. He has run a forklift, operated a backhoe, driven a truck, worked as a proofreader and physical therapy aide and once worked as a roller-skating Snoopy. He can run a pitchfork, milk a cow in the dark, and say “I don’t understand” in French, Greek and Norwegian. He is utterly unable to polka.

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B I O G R A P H I E S ( c o n t .) Michael Perry resides with his family on a small farm in rural Wisconsin. Billy Krause Billy Krause (acoustic guitar, banjo) is a backyard poultry magnate (although most poultry magnates don’t pet their chickens). He says the chicken definitely comes before the egg or else they wouldn’t cut all those little holes in the box. Billy refers to his twin dachshunds as “my two wieners,” which raises more questions than it answers. Billy regularly performs as a solo artist and in other bands. What Mike says about Billy: “Don’t ask him about his wieners.” Chuck Roll Chuck Roll (acoustic bass, electric Hawaiian guitar, autoharp) can speak fluent baseball (St. Louis Cardinals) and serves as Official Band Philosopher. Chuck recently interrupted rehearsal to announce he had been moonlighting at the Hanford Nuclear research facilities, where he perfected cold fusion. We wonder if they made him wear a leadlined hair net. Chuck regularly performs with Billy Krause and other bands. What Mike says about Chuck: “Cold fusion? I dunno. But he’s clearly perfected that mustache.” Chris Ramey Chris Ramey (electric guitar, keyboards) was sprung from a cage on Highway

9 (the other Highway 9), and has since lived in Oregon, New York, Ohio, California, Wisconsin and Minnesota. He has played punk rock, folk rock, folk, classical, rock folk, rock rock and classic rock. Now he plays in The Long Beds. He has two other (louder!) bands: Voodoo Love Mint and The Jaggernauts. What Mike says about Chris: “Inside his head I think it’s kind of…umm… busy.” Randy Sabien Randy Sabien (fiddle, mandolin) is an international man of mystery in that he frequently traverses the Minnesota/ Wisconsin border. Over twenty years ago, Mike wrote Randy a letter and offered to sell him some song lyrics. They’re still negotiating. What Mike says about Randy: “Tell y’what, I’ll throw in a Never Stand Behind A Sneezing Cow CD...” Mike says thanks… I never set out to be a writer. I never realized writing would lead to telling stories on stage. And I never anticipated singing songs with a band. But here we are, and we’re sure glad you joined us. We realize it’s a privilege to take these songs and stories on the road, and an even greater privilege to have you share your valuable time with us. We are a mostly scruffy and largely unemployable bunch, but when we look out and see you there, we are a grateful bunch.

Good Food * Good Drink * Good Company ood Food * In Good * Good Company Good Food * GoodDrink Drink * Good Company The Heat Of Oconomowoc

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20 Oconomowoc Arts Center





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Family Series– Main Stage

Todd Green – A World of Music April 5 – 7:00 PM

Todd Green...................................................... multi-instrumentalist Tonight’s program will feature original compositions by multi-instrumentalist Todd Green, drawing on a variety of styles of world music. The selections will be a combination of composed pieces and improvisation.

22 Oconomowoc Arts Center

PROGR A M Tonight’s program will feature original compositions by multi-instrumentalist Todd Green, drawing on a variety of styles of world music. The selections will be a combination of composed pieces and improvisation. Using various combinations of his many unique and unusual instruments from all over the world, which he will explain throughout the concert, Todd will take you on a musical journey you will not soon forget, inspired by the styles of many different countries and cultures. This evening’s concert will be a blend of solo guitar performances and what Todd calls his “solo-ensemble pieces”, which are created by using today’s latest technology to sample and loop the various sting, flute and percussion instruments. By using four synchronized digital samplers, controlled with custom-built foot pedals, he is able to record and overdub himself live on stage. In this manner, Todd creates unique, multilayered tapestries of music as he adds instruments one by one. Just as improvisation is an integral part of not only Todd’s music, but that of many different cultures, so it is with the specific content of his concerts. Think of it rather as an unfolding of events, where one piece leads to another and one mood is balanced by the next. No two concerts are ever the same. Music instruments that Todd demonstrates and plays are as follows: STRINGS Classical guitar Doubleneck guitar Sympitar Guitarangi-da-Gamba Indian Sarangi Persian Tombak & Daff Afghan Rebab Chinese Er-Hu So. American Charago Ronroco & Walaycho African Valiha

FLUTES Japanese Shakuhatchi Indian Bansuri Flutes Slavic Dvoyanka Turkish Ney Bolivian Zamponias So. American Quena PERCUSSION Indian Tablas, Kanjira & Ghantam Drums Egyptian Riq

Arabic Doumbek Middle Eastern Frame Drums Turkish Oud & Yali Tambur Persian Tar & Kemencheh African Ashiko & Slit Drums African Kalimba Tibetan Bowl Irish Bodhran Andean Maracas

BIOGR APHY Todd Green Todd began studying guitar at the age of ten. He has been writing and performing his own music professionally since the age of fifteen. He studied composition and arrangement at Berklee College of Music, in Boston, Mass. At the same time he was studying privately with Mick Goodrich, jazz guitar legend at New England Conservatory of Music, Pat Metheny, Grammy Award winning guitarist and George Benson, international recording star. After spending five years in Boston, he moved to New York City where he performed with the top echelon of studio musicians and toured with bands throughout the United

States, Canada, and Europe. While in New York, he began studying Western Flute, East Indian Bansuri Bamboo Flute (with Steve Gorn), and Tablas (Indian hand drums). After a number of years of playing with bands and doing commercials and session work, he decided to pursue his own music full time. At the same time that he relocated to western Montana, he also decided to stop playing the electric guitar and concentrate on acoustic music. Todd now performs nationally as a multi-instrumental solo artist in the college and fine arts markets. Frequently, along with his concerts, Todd conducts college master classes and interactive school clinics and assemblies. His columns on improvisation have been published in Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine. Oconomowoc Arts Center 23

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