The Thirteenth Season
The Languages of Love with Neil Bubke, piano and THE MILWAUKEE RENAISSANCE BAND Romance is in the “Aire” Welscher tantz O Rosetta, che Rosetta
anonymous Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Indra Brusubardis and Paula Garcia, soloists
Four Arms, Two Necks, One Wreathing Greiner Zanner Springtime Mantleth Every Bough
Thomas Weelkes (1576-1623) Paulus Hoffhaimer (1459-1537) Thomas Morley (1557-1602)
MCA and The Milwaukee Renaissance Band David Rachor, dulcian and shawm David Magoon, cornetto and recorder Ken Hammel, dulcian and recorder
The Love of God Ubi caritas
Eleanor Daley
Meaghan Reider, Sarah Shestak, Elizabeth Egger, and Alexa Doebele, coro favoriti
Our Father Blagoslovi, dushe moia
John Tavener Pavel Chesnokov (1877-1944)
The Love of Family Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day To my Dear and Loving Husband
Clifton J. Noble, Jr. Lana Walter
Meaghan Reider, soloist
Baloo Baleerie
Scottish Lullaby, arr. Stuart McIntosh Alexa Doebele, soloist
The Love of Home Homeland
Gustav Holst (1874-1934), arr. Stroope INTERMISSION
Love Lost and Found The Winged Joy Love is a Terrible Thing The Message (Sarah Shestak, soloist) The Cynic A Farewell Love Came Back at Fall o’Dew Red May (Heidi Boyd, soloist) You Say there is no Love
Kirke Mechem
The Pure Fun of Love Alley Cat Love Song * I Meet Sweet Sue For A Walk On A Cold And Sunny Afternoon Jack’s Valentine
Paul Carey Paula Foley Tillen Libby Larsen
*World Premiere February 19, 2011 North Shore Congregational Church
7:30PM 7330 North Santa Monica Boulevard, Fox Point WI
A NOTE FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR: THE LANGUAGES OF LOVE “I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox.” — Woody Allen “Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.” — Albert Einstein “Love is not blind - it sees more not less; But because it sees more it chooses to see less.” — Rabbi Julius Gordon (Worcester, MA)
Cold February is oft considered the month of warm love. Whether for a spouse, partner, child, parent, sibling, friend, animal, country, or even chocolate — our lives are enriched by feelings of love we experience in relation to them every day. The music on tonight’s program was chosen not just as celebration of shared emotion between lovers. Rather, it is intended to honor all people and things about which we care deeply. We begin with some Romance in the “Aire.” Madrigals first came to popularity in Italy, France, and England in the sixteenth century. Many madrigals draw upon amorous poetry chronicling both romantic idolization—as in Claudio Monteverdi’s “O Rosetta” — and sensuous despair, as in Thomas Weelkes “Four Arms, Two Necks, One Wreathing.” The choice of text was not the only way in which Renaissance composers made their secular intentions clear. Madrigals are often polyphonic works, in which multiple independently moving voices create an intricately textured melody. In the late sixteenth century, the church tried to ban polyphonic music, fearing that the moving parts would be a distraction from sacred text. (In other words, Elvis Presley was not the first musician whose “moving parts” scandalized traditional authorities.) Madrigals often use the cheerful nonsense syllables “fa la la” — you will hear them in the two English madrigals of Weelkes and Morley. In a very cool twist, you will hear these “fa la la’s” and abundantly rich polyphonic textures neatly echoed some 400 years later in Kirke Mechem’s madrigal-influenced setting of poetry by nineteenth-century American and English women, “The Winged Joy.” Welcoming the Milwaukee Renaissance Band to our stage, we see how madrigals and their descendants forge a connection between the music and musicians of early centuries and those we enjoy today. The Love of God. “Ubi Caritas—Where there is Love, God is.” This renowned tenth-century text is spun with magically woven lines in Eleanor Daley’s moving setting. Perhaps the best-known prayer in Christianity ,“The Lord’s Prayer” is given a meditative tone in the hands of British composer and mystic John Tavener. And we are transported to the great cathedrals of Russia in Pavel Chesnokov’s “Bless the Lord, O my Soul.” The Love of Family and Home. This set chronicles the life of a married pair — courtship, marriage, and baby — and their home. In an unexpected twist, William Shakespeare’s beautiful and timeless love poem for the beloved, “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer Day,” is set as a sultry bossa nova by composer Clifton J. Noble, Jr. Love of wives for their husbands is found in the poem by Anne Bradstreet, set for soprano solo and ensemble by Lana Walter. A comforting Scottish lullaby sung by the mindful mother to soothe her baby asleep rounds out the trio. Finally, the cherished love of one’s homeland is felt in Z. Randall Stroope’s arrangement of Gustav Holst’s “Jupiter’s Theme.” Love Lost and Found. Kirke Mechem’s “The Winged Joy” describes the plight of a woman who finds herself in love with the wrong man. The piece begins 2 Milwaukee Choral Artists
A NOTE FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR: THE LANGUAGES OF LOVE (cont.) with the woman’s feeling of helplessness and confinement at having fallen in love against her will. The story reveals the subsequent transition in her emotions as she is left by her lover, grieves over the loss, rejects him when he returns “playing his old part,” and finally returns to emotional stability. Mechem, a favorite to Milwaukeeans because of his opera “Tartuffe,” (Skylight Opera), is considered the dean of American choral composition. The Fun of Love. Composer Paul Carey’s setting of Dana Gioia’s “Alley Cat Love Song” has delighted audiences the world over, and is a MCA favorite! MCA Composer–in-Residence Paula Foley Tillen sets a luscious poem by American poet Arnold Adoff, “I Meet Sweet Sue For A Walk On A Cold And Sunny Afternoon.” In talking about his work, Adoff often uses the word “music.” “Writing a poem,” he will say, “is making music with words and space.” Paula truly makes music with his words in our world premiere this evening – has a cup of hot chocolate ever sounded better? Consistently sought-after as a leader in the generation of millennium thinkers, Libby Larsen’s music and ideas have refreshed the concert music tradition and the composer’s role in it. Her “Jack’s Valentine” is the perfect concert closer for this evening of love: “Hey, you! I love you!” Mark your calendars with April 9, 2011, the date of our last concert,“Music of Joy and Inspiration.” If you have not yet purchased your tickets, visit with one of our board members in the foyer. Thank you for your support that is allowing MCA to flourish and grow as we aim for our 15th Anniversary in 2012! Please join the musicians and board members after the concert for a reception – and don’t forget the chocolate, courtesy of Indulgence Chocolatiers!
Milwaukee Choral Artists 3
A B O U T T H E M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S Heidi Boyd graduated summa cum laude from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance. She has recently appeared onstage at the Skylight Opera Theatre; as a concert soloist with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra; with Full Score Chamber Orchestra (Zion, IL); and at Fox Point Lutheran Church. An advocate of both new music and the art song tradition, Ms. Boyd frequently performs solo recitals throughout the greater Milwaukee region. She is the Development Manager at the Florentine Opera Company and is a student of Connie Haas.
Symphony Chorus as soloist, professional core member, and ACE program presenter (an educational endeavor bringing musical programs to area schools.) She is a long time member of the Milwaukee Latvian Choir, where she has been a soloist and featured in smaller ensembles. She has participated in Latvian Song Festivals in the United States, Canada, and Germany. She enjoys performing in area musical theatre productions, in the Waukesha Choral Union, and in concerts with her husband, Ernie, and their six children.
Faith Danneil is a graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Jillian Hansen Bruss, Resources from mezzo-soprano, has University of performed with Bel Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Her first Canto Chorus, professional choral engagement Lutheran A Cappella, was with Holy Name Cathedral in Waukesha Choral Chicago, where she was a member Society, Rockford of the professional choir as well as Bach Chamber Choir, a cantor. Faith was a member and the Racine Symphony, MYSO, the soloist of the Cantus Angelicus Choral Florentine Opera, and the Dallas Opera. Society in Fairfield, Iowa, and later She is the recipient of awards from the was part of the professional core of Metropolitan Opera Auditions, Chicago the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus. Auditions of the Air, and the Civic Music Presently, Faith is soloist at The First Association Concert Series. She teaches Church of Christ, Scientist (Wauwatosa), private voice at UW-Parkside, Pius XI and is a frequent soloist at the First High School, and at her home studio. Unitarian Society of Milwaukee. She is the conductor of the treble group, “The Women of Note” and is Alexa Doebele is the General Manager of the Milwaukee Director of Choirs at Opera Theatre. She has a Bachelor’s Concordia University Degree in Music Education from UWWisconsin. She has Stevens Point, and a Master’s Degree in taught previously at Vocal Performance from the University the University of Wyof Illinois in Champagne-Urbana. oming, the University of Colorado, and Indra Brusubardis Front Range Community College, and holds a Bachelor of she is a ten-year veteran of K-12 music Fine Arts Music education. She is also active as both a degree in music solo and choral singer, having appeared therapy from the with the Colorado Conductors’ Chorus, University of Wiscon- the Ars Nova Singers, St. Martin’s Chamsin-Milwaukee. For ber Choir, the Boulder Chorale, the Litfifteen years, Indra tleton Chorale, and the CSO Chorus. has performed with the Milwaukee She completed a bachelor’s degree 4 Milwaukee Choral Artists
A B O U T T H E M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) (double major in vocal performance and German language and literature) at Washington University in St. Louis and both her Master of Music Education and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees at the University of Colorado. Elizabeth Egger earned a Bachelor of Music summa cum laude in Vocal Performance and Music Education from the University of Minnesota. In 2005, Elizabeth joined the music faculty at Franklin Public Schools as the middle school and high school choral director. In recent seasons, Elizabeth also has been seen performing with Skylight Opera, Florentine Opera, and Milwaukee Symphony Chorus. Currently, Elizabeth serves as the Senior Choir Assistant Conductor and Vocal Coach for the Milwaukee Children’s Chorus. She is also an adjudicator for the Wisconsin School Music Association solo and ensemble festivals. Leslie Fitzwater has been performing in the Milwaukee area for more than twenty years, and has had a varied career encompassing opera, music theater, straight theater, mime, and cabaret. She has performed with most of the major groups in the area, including the Skylight Opera Theater, the Milwaukee Symphony, the Racine Symphony, Present Music, and the Florentine Opera Company. Leslie holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Music from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, and teaches private voice lessons at Pius XI High School. *Marjorie Fowler is a founding member of MCA and has been a soloist with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and the Florentine Opera
Company. She toured Europe twice, singing in Salzburg, Milan, Prague, and Westminster Cathedral. She was on the faculty at Mount Mary College for eighteen years, where she directed two of the collegiate choral ensembles and was Professor of Voice. At present, she maintains a private voice studio in Brookfield. Marj is a soloist on the Pro Arte recording of Lukas Foss’ Psalms, with Foss conducting the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. A former member of the American Choral Directors’ Association, Marj received her Bachelor of Science in Music Education from SUNY - Potsdam, and her Master of Arts in Education from California Polytechnic Institute-Pomona. In 2008, the Wisconsin Music Educators Association presented Marj with the Michael C. George Award for meritorious service, excellence, and dedication to music education. Jill Freese began her musical career as a child singing in Milwaukee’s Schola Cantorum. Since that time, she has performed with a variety of local musical and theatre groups both in Milwaukee and in Indiana. Jill received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Valparaiso University, where she sang under the direction of Eldon Balko, and the Master of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Jill is a professional speech pathologist at Easter Seals. *Paula Garcia is a founding member* of MCA and has been singing with Milwaukee area choral groups for nearly forty years. She sang with the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus and Chamber Singers for ten years and was a member of the professional core. She was also a performer and soloist with the Master Singers of Milwaukee. She has performed with the Skylight and has enMilwaukee Choral Artists 5
A B O U T T H E M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) joyed many feature roles with area community theater companies. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Special Education from the University of Wisconsin – Stout, but has worked in the financial services industry for the past twenty-eight years, the last seven with Northwestern Mutual. *Charmaine LaBelle is a founding member* of MCA. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and her Master of Music degree from the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. Charmaine is an elementary general music specialist for the Mukwonago Public Schools. She has been a member of the professional core of the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus, a soloist with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, and can be heard as soprano soloist on the Pro Arte recording of Lukas Foss’ Psalms. Mary MacDonald earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater. She is a music specialist with the West Allis-West Milwaukee Public Schools. She sang for ten years with the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus, the Vocal Arts Consort, and the Wisconsin Conservatory Chamber Singers, including solo performances in their concerts with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and the Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra. Mary has performed as soloist and recitalist in the Milwaukee and Racine area, and was presented as a young artist by the Civic Music Association of Milwaukee. She studied and performed lieder for two summers at the American Institute of Musical Studies in Graz, Austria.
6 Milwaukee Choral Artists
*Cynthia Matchette is a founding member* of MCA. Cynthia graduated from Westminster Choir College, where she was a member of the world-famous Westminster and Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi choruses. She has also sung under such renowned conductors as Bernstein, Levine, Boulez, Penderecki, Keene, Muti, Chailly, and Conlin. In addition, Cynthia has sung with the Dayton, Cincinnati and Florentine Opera Companies, and is currently a section leader and soprano soloist at North Shore Congregational Church. Cynthia is the president of her own business, SmArt Sales, a sales representation firm that specializes in servicing the giftware market. Karen Ann Peters holds the Master of Music degree in organ from Concordia University and the Master of Education: (Mathematics Emphasis) degree from Whitewater, WI. She is currently celebrating her fiftieth year as church organist, currently serving at Living Christ Lutheran Church in Germantown, WI. She is also a music minister at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Menomonee Falls, WI. Her singing experience includes memberships in the Community Chorus in Hales Corners, WI and the Milwaukee Choristers under the direction of Dr. James Kinchen. She recently performed Verdi’s “Requiem” in Brookfield, WI under the direction of Rick Hynson and “The Nguza Saba Suite” by Glenn Edwards Burleigh at Lincoln Center, New York, under the direction of Dr. James Kinchen. She serves on the Board of Directors of Early Music Now. She is the president and owner of an independent property assessment company.
A B O U T... ( c o n t .) Meaghan Reider graduated with a Master of Music in vocal performance from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Iowa. During her studies as an undergraduate, Meaghan performed in the top university choral ensemble Kantorei, as well as the University of Iowa Opera Theatre and the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre. While receiving her Masters, she sang with the UWM Concert Chorale, UWM Opera Theatre, and was a soloist with the 2007 UWM Orchestra. Meaghan has previously served as the soprano section leader at North Shore Presbyterian Church and was a scholarship recipient and soloist with the Master Singers of Milwaukee. This season, Meaghan will be performing with Chicago’s Bella Voce and with the Milwaukee Choral Artists. Jacqueline Rivera is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with degrees in choral and general music education. She has been a member of the UWM University Choir, Women’s Chorus, Gospel Choir, and Concert Chorale, and previously sang with the Bel Canto Chorus. Jacqueline has taught in the school districts of Brown Deer and University Lake School, and recently sang under the direction of conductor/ composer Eric Whitacre at the Lincoln Center in New York City. Sarah Shestak completed her Master of Music degree in vocal performance from the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. At UWM she studied with Teresa Seidl, performed with the Opera Theater,
SINFONIA NEW YORK “Art & Ecstacy of the Chaconne” Mar 19 (Sa) 5:00
UWM Zelazo Center A lascivious reputation guaranteed its popularity! The Chaconne, the dance originating in Latin America, scandalized the European church. From the streets of Spain to the mind of Bach, principal soloists of Sinfonia New York present a range of interpretations with Baroque Dancers, lute, and soprano. Preceded by the Annual Silent Auction and Chocolate Reception beginning at 3:00. n
FLANDERS QUARTET “Six Wives of Henry VIII” Apr 30 (Sa) 5:00 n Wis Luth College This acclaimed quartet is joined by soprano Cecile Kempernaurs in a musical portrait of the renowned flamboyant English king and his six wives. Contemporary compositions of Piet Swerts are juxtaposed with original English ensemble music of Henry and his court composers.
Early Music Now 414.225.3113 n 877.546.8742 Milwaukee Choral Artists 7
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8 Milwaukee Choral Artists
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Milwaukee Choral Artists 9
A B O U T T H E M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) sang in the Concert Chorale, and served as Teaching Assistant in the Voice Department. Sarah completed her Bachelor of Music degree magna cum laude at Viterbo University, where she studied with Jean Saladino. Her opera credits include Eurydice (ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD), Laetitia (THE OLD MAID AND THE THIEF), Madame Goldentrill (THE IMPRESARIO), and Queen of the Night (THE MAGIC FLUTE). In recent years, Sarah has received 1st place at the Wisconsin NATS Auditions and an Encouragement Award from the Wisconsin District MET Auditions. Currently, Sarah is the soprano section leader at North Shore Presbyterian Church in Shorewood and teaches voice lessons at JS Cable Music Studio in Riverwest. Jennifer Sweetland is a graduate of the University of WisconsinMilwaukee with a BFA in Music Education and Vocal Performance. In addition to singing with the UWM Opera and Choirs, she has performed with groups such as the Milwaukee Children’s Choir and the Florentine Opera. She is the Preschool/K4 Teacher, Music Specialist, and Theater Director at St. Sava Orthodox School, as well as the director of children’s music at North Shore Presbyterian Church. *Paula Foley Tillen is a founding member* of MCA. Paula is director of music at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Waukesha, serves as musical director for the Musical Mainstage Series at Sunset Playhouse (Elm Grove), and is an adjunct music faculty member at Pius XI High School. Her compositions and arrangements have been performed by choral groups throughout the United States and Canada, and are found in the 10 Milwaukee Choral Artists
catalogues of Hal Leonard Publishing, Santa Barbara Music Press, and Treble Clef Music Press. Neil Bubke is Director of Music and Fine Arts at the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay. Prior to moving to Milwaukee in 2006, he received his Bachelors degree in Music from the University of Northern Iowa. He obtained the Masters’ Degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Iowa, where he also received his law degree (J. D.). In addition to leading the music program at his church, Neil teaches private piano and accompanies recitals at UWM. Founded in 2007, The Milwaukee Renaissance Band provides audiences with entertaining and educational concerts that bring to life the music of some of the most respected composers of the Renaissance. Co-directed by Laura Kuhlmann and Dr. David Rachor, the ensemble performs on all members of the shawm, bombard, and dulcian families, along with their brass counterparts, the cornetto and sackbut. To learn more about the ensemble and the instruments they play, visit their website at Sharon Hansen is founder and music director of the Milwaukee Choral Artists. Widely known as a conductor and master teacher throughout the United States and in Europe, Hansen has conducted the Romanian National Radio Choir (Bucharest), the Gächinger Kantorei and Bach Collegium-Stuttgart, the Stockholm Conservatory Chamber Choir, the Moldavian and Oltenian Philharmonic Choirs (Iasì and Craiova, Romania), and the University of Regensburg (Germany) Symphony Orchestra. Hansen holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Conducting from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music. She is Professor
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A B O U T T H E M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S ( c o n t .) and Director of Choral Activities at the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee and Chair of the Graduate Choral program. Author of the book Helmuth Rilling: Conductor— Teacher, Hansen is a member of the Editorial Board of The Choral Journal, where she is editor of “On the Voice,” dedicated to issues of vocal pedagogy and health. Her chapter “Women, Conductors, and the Tenure Process: What’s Up in the Academy” is part of the new book Wisdom, Wit, and Will: Women Choral Conductors on their Art, published in 2009 by GIA Press. Her latest monograph, On the Voice: ACDA, Teacher Preparation, and Voice Training in the Choral Classroom (1959-2009), will be published this year by the American Choral Directors’ Association. Her professional memberships include NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing), ACDA (American Choral Directors Association,) Chorus America, IFCM (International Federation of
Choral Music), MENC (Music Educators National Conference), and The VoiceCare Network. Locally, Hansen serves on the Board of Directors for the Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of the National Voice Foundation, having previously served Early Music Now and the Milwaukee Children’s Chorus. In 2003, she was honored by the Milwaukee Civic Music Association for Excellence in Choral Music. She was the recent recipient of the 2010 Alumni Achievement Award from the HixsonLied College of Fine and Performing Arts at the University of NebraskaLincoln.
Soaring Heights
Music of Joy and Inspiration Saturday, April 9, 2011 7:30PM North Shore Presbyterian Church 4048 N. Bartlett Ave., Shorewood
SKY-BORN Music New recording from the Milwaukee Choral Artists. World premieres and commissioned works celebrating the Milwaukee Choral Artists’ tenth anniversary. Order yours at
For more info or to order tickets: 262/628-5022 | 12 Milwaukee Choral Artists
H I S TO R Y Now in its thirteenth season, the Milwaukee Choral Artists (MCA) is Wisconsin’s premier professional choral ensemble, and one of only five professional women’s choral ensembles in the country. With its signature lush sound, MCA brings a distinctive repertory of choral and vocal masterworks—including well-known pieces, new music, seldom-performed works, and music of diverse cultures and historical periods—to concert audiences throughout the region. Founded in 1998 as a chamber ensemble comprised of professional solo singers, MCA occupies a singular position of excellence in the city, state, and region. In December 2007, Tom Strini, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel’s Music Critic, named the Milwaukee Choral Artists—Present Music collaborative performance of Olivier Messiaen’s “Trois Petites Liturgies” (with MCA’s Sharon Hansen conducting) the #1 Performing Arts Event of the Year. Two years previously, MCA’s “Liederabend” was named the Journal Sentinel’s #1 performing arts event of 2005; of the top ten events named that year, MCA held two positions. Regularly hailed for its imaginative programming, the group has quickly established itself in the mainstream of professional music making both within and beyond Milwaukee. Milwaukee Choral Artists enjoys regular appearances with Present Music, Milwaukee’s internationally acclaimed contemporary music ensemble. In 2006, the Milwaukee Choral Artists joined Present Music in the world premiere of Kamran Ince’s “Hammers and Whistlers,” which Journal-Sentinel music critic Tom Strini selected as one of his “Top Ten Performing Arts Events” for the year. Under Hansen’s baton, the two ensembles also presented the 2005 world premiere of Milwaukee-born composer Daron Hagen’s “Flight Music,” a sixmovement work with texts by Amelia Earhart, named by Strini as “Best Musical Premiere of 2005.” In November 2004, MCA and Present Music performed the world premiere of Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Henry Brant’s “Wind, Water, Clouds and Fire,” which Tom Strini also selected as one of his “Top Ten Classical Music Events for 2004. Equally well versed in early music, the Milwaukee Choral Artists has performed twice with the internationally acclaimed The Boston Camerata, presented by Early Music Now (the Midwest’s renowned early music presenting organization.) In May 2009, MCA was heard once again on the Early Music Now stage when they joined San Francisco’s professional female vocal ensemble KITKA in a collaborative concert. MCA has also performed as part of the Fine Arts Concert Series at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Milwaukee) and St. James Cathedral (Chicago), at the national convention of Catholic Cathedral Musicians, and in state and regional conventions of the American Choral Directors’ Association. Its first professional CD, SKY-BORN MUSIC, was released in February 2010. The Milwaukee Choral Artists performs three regular season concerts each year at historic venues throughout the Milwaukee area. Committed to presenting music from diverse cultures, the ensemble has performed music in twenty-eight languages from more than forty world cultures since its inception.
Milwaukee Choral Artists 13
DONORS The Milwaukee Choral Artists deeply appreciates the contributions received from its generous donors. As ticket sales do not fully cover concert production costs, your continued support is vital to our success. The following list includes contributors whose support was received as of January 2011. We regret any omissions or inaccuracies. Conductor’s Circle ($5,000 and above) United Performing Arts Fund Aficionado ($2,500-4,999) Harry C. and Jean I. Snyder Family Trust Wisconsin Arts Board Benefactor ($1,000-2,499) CAMPAC Martha Brown and Tony Lam Guarantor ($500-999) Dean and Emily Crocker Susan and Chris Griswold Louise Hunter Living Trust Raquel and Andy Lauritzen Patron ($250-499) Jill and James Freese Dr. Robert Harris Charles Christian Rich Sponsor ($100-249) Phyllis and Alan Brostoff Neil Bubke Marvin and Cheryl Danneil Curt and Connie Fowler Paula and Ralph Garcia Mike Fischer and Elaine Griffin
Gloria and Jim Hansen Sharon A. Hansen Juleen and Richard Jaeger Charlie and Ann Siverling Kirchhoff Charmaine and James LaBelle Margaret Murphy and Jeff Sweetland John Paradowski and Jeffrey Reeves Robert and Margaret Patricelli Family Foundation Deborah Paukner Sister Marion Verhaalen Tom and Helen Voell James Ward Nick and Becky White Contributors (Up to $99) Dr. John and Mary Ruth Alberti Wesley Beusse Antonija Briedis Margaret Crowley and Ernie Brusubardis Teresa Burkhart Marlene and Wayne Cook Russ and Marilyn Eisenberg Robert and Sarmite Greenwood Dr. Charlotte and Wayne Heidenreich Ellen Kellen Patricia and Robert Maile Janet and Marlowe Nortrom Dr. Jeffrey Reider Barbara and Ronald Ritchey Kevin Stalheim Frank and Rene Will Mary and Merrill York
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Milwaukee Choral Artists also gratefully acknowledges: Mark Ehlers, photography (head shots) Deone Jahnke, photography (group photo) Jeanne Mueller, founding contributor Andy Risser, Backbone Designs (web management) Ann Siverling, founding contributor University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee 14 Milwaukee Choral Artists
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M I LWAU K E E C H O R A L A R T I S T S B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S 2 0 10 - 2 0 11
Milwaukee Choral Artists Board of Directors 2010-2011 Jill Freese, President Raquel G. Lauritzen, President-Elect, Chair, Development Committee John Paradowski, Secretary Deborah Paukner, Treasurer Jennifer Sweetland, Ensemble Representative Charles Christian Rich, Chair, Marketing Committee Martha Brown, at large Neil Bubke, at large Emily Crocker, at large Susan Griswold, at large Sr. Marion Verhaalen, at large Dr. Sharon A. Hansen, ex officio Advisory Council Michael Fischer Dr. Dean R. Fowler Scott Grady Dr. Robert A. Harris Richard Kirwin James LaBelle Michael MacDonald Administration and Staff Artistic Dr. Sharon A. Hansen, Founder and Music Director Executive Nancy J. Herro, Managing Director
Subscribe to our e-newsletter Keep updated on featured shows and ticket giveaways in the Milwaukee, Chicago, and Madison areas. Sign up @ 16 Milwaukee Choral Artists