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O C O N O M OWO C A R T S C E N T E R S TA F F Arts Center Manager.......................................................................................... Michael Duncan Box Office/Marketing............................................................... Robin Krakauer, Connie Rizzo, Ginni Hicks, Angela Rosario House Managers................................Lynne Carlstein, Mark Carlstein, Deborah Duncan, Lindsay Duncan, Megan Elftman, Angie Harrison, David Harrison, Davey Harrison, Dan Holzmiller, Adrianna Nowak OAC Technicians...................................................Marisa Abbot, Dillon Cooper, Nick DaVia, Sean Floeter, Aary Gariss, John Kyle, Dan Meyer Michael Nicolai, Joe Zack, Andrew Zietlow Usher Coordinator................................................................................................. Robin Krakauer

M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Oconomowoc Arts Center mission is to provide patrons and artists of all ages, a professional, cultural and educational experience with the highest quality programming opportunities possible.

D I S T R I C T O F F I C E R S / C O M M U N I T Y S U P P O R T / PA R T N E R S H I P S Oconomowoc Area School District Dr. Patricia E. Neudecker, Superintendent of Schools Board Of Education Mr. Donald Wiemer, President Mrs. Susan Kay, Vice President Mr. Dave Guckenberger, Treasurer Mr. Mike Bickler, Clerk Mrs. Sandra Schick Mr. John Griswold Ms. Elizabeth Thelen OAC Advisory Committee* Mike Barry, Asst. Superintendent-OASD, Jeff Franks, Artistic Director, First Stage Children’s Theater-Milwaukee, Charlane O’Rourke-Hertig, Director, Marian Center, Vic Passante, Betty Reul, Stephanie Witte, Director of Curriculum-OASD

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