T H E T E M P E S T P R O D U C T I O N S TA F F Mike Kirkpatrick..................................................................................................................................Director Casey Matson...................................................................................... Lighting and Sound Coordinator Angela Maynard.......................................................................................................Costume Coordinator Bailey Bell......................................................................................................................... Costume Assistant Sophie Huebler................................................................................................................Assistant Director N O T E F R O M T H E D I R E C TO R The Tempest is frequently regarded by scholars as Shakespeare’s final and possibly greatest play. Prospero is often described as Shakespeare’s Anti-Faust, given that instead of finding suffering and damnation through less than virtuous desire, he finds redemption of his previous status and security for his family through careful planning and well deserved justice. While those that give such distinctions great importance continue to debate, I personally find that it is an enthralling story with so many of the themes that make a stage play exciting: love, revenge, magic and more. As a father of a one-year-old girl myself, I can certainly empathize with Prospero’s desire to provide for his daughter’s future. While never had a Dukedom stolen from me, I Book byI’ve Heather Hach think we canMusic all imagine how it might feel to be expelled and left to fend and Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe from and our Nellhome Benjamin for ourselves on a (mostly) deserted island. Given that this play also contains some of my on the novel by Amanda and theone can do in favorite quotationsBased from Shakespeare’s canon, I think theBrown greatest thing Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer moƟon picture approaching such a piece is to immerse oneself as completely and fully into the layers of the story as possible. Over the last eight or nineisweeks, this cast of wonderful young actors and I have Miss Saigon presented through special arrangement withdelved as deeply asand we could. I hope thatperformance you will enjoy coming along with us to seeby: what we’ve all authorized materials are supplied discovered.
Music Theatre InternaƟonal 421 West 54th St., New York, NY 10019
The Tempest Project