LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT We have some great news to share with you this winter! In 2009 we were fortunate to start our new Jazz Institute, a broader and deeper version of our existing jazz programming. With funds from the Eric D. Batterman Memorial Grant we are able to provide scholarship assistance for dozens of talented middle and high school players, bring guest artists in to work with all our students, and offer long-term jazz residency and jazz buddy programs in a hand-full of Milwaukee area schools. One of the goals for the Jazz Institute was to garner some national recognition, and in just two short years, that has happened! The Batterman Ensemble, our premier student jazz combo, was selected from a field of 60 applicants to be a finalists in the Charles Mingus High School Jazz Competition. They will be competing in New York, at the famed Manhattan School of Music, against three other school groups in the “Specialized Schools and Programs” category over the weekend of Feb. 17-19. To say we are thrilled is an understatement! We always knew that we had a good jazz program, and to receive this validation from some of the top jazz educators and performers in New York gives us a huge boost of confidence. The six students who will compete are over the moon, as the weekend offers workshops and clinics with outstanding jazz musicians, concerts by the Mingus Big Band, the Mignus Dynasty and the Mingus Orchestra, and, of course, being in the Big Apple. We’ll be sure to share highlights of the journey with you and appreciate your support of all our programs. Enjoy the concert! Karen Deschere
The Conservatory of Music would like to thank the following sponsors for making all of these concerts possible. “Music for Every Stage” begins with your generosity.... Katharine and Sandy Mallin
The Eric D. Batterman Memorial Grant
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