For All The Girls Magazine - Issue 2

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EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Georgia Pomozova-Mann Managing Editor Ella Ionescu Artistic Designer Alyssa Zhang Public Relations Manager Sipora West Content Curator Anastasia Dimas Social Media Manager Izzy Gelman Business Manager Leila Durante



Welcome back, dear readers! June has always been one of my favourite months of the year. While this is partially due to the school year coming to a close for the summer, the majority of my admiration for this beautiful month stems from the emergence of flowers and warm weather after a dreadful winter. However, as I write this, it happens to be raining after two weeks of sunshine and heat. Nevertheless, for these reasons and many more, I am excited to be finishing off May with the release of the second issue of For All The Girls Magazine. Prior to this, however, I just want to say how thankful everyone on our team is for the overwhelming support we received after the release of our first issue in March. We truly could not be more grateful for all the kind words and encouragement. With this, I am excited to finally share Issue 2! Over the past two months, our team has been hard at work in creating this amazing issue and truly hope that you all love it as much as we do. 2

Georgia Pomozova-Mann EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

THE GRAMMY'S: MUSIC'S BIGGEST (AND WHITEST) NIGHT BY SIPORA WEST Author’s Note: Since I completed this article, the Recording

Best New Artist, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and

Academy has announced major changes to the Grammys voting

Album of the Year are considered the most prestigious awards.

system. This includes the elimination of the Nominations Review

Since the inception of the Grammys in 1959, only ten Black

Committee, which is a portion of the Grammys voting process

artists have won Album Of The Year. The last Black artist to

that I heavily criticized in this article. I am eager to see how these

procure Album Of The Year, Herbie Hancock, won in 2008 for a

new changes influence next year’s Grammys. However, as

cover album of Joni Mitchell--a white artist's--songs. In

thrilled as I am about these new changes, I understand that the

addition to those major categories, there is an array of niche

Recording Academy remains imperfect. The information

awards for specific music genres; country, rap, R&B, rock, jazz,

provided in this article remains germane, despite the

gospel, Latin, etc. Nominations in the Rap and R&B categories

advancements made by the Recording Academy.

are dominated by Black musicians since those sounds are

The title of this article likely prompted eye rolls from

historically “Black music. Artists who are frontrunners in those

readers. How many times are we going to mull over the same

categories may score a nomination in a major category, but they

topic? How many articles are going to be written about the

rarely win.

Grammy's systematic discrimination? What new information am I going to impart to the conversation?

Up until 2020, the name for Best Progressive R&B Album category was Best Urban Contemporary Album. Tyler, The

Every year, Black artists lambast the Grammys for their

Creator called the use of the word “urban” a “politically correct

failure to recognize distinguished achievements by members of

way to say the N-word.” Following this criticism, the Recording

their race. Every year, news publications participate in identical

Academy opted to change the category’s name, and stated that

discourse, catechizing racism at the Grammys. Every year, the

their decision was part of their "commitment to evolve with the

public cries out, enraged, renaming the Grammys the Scammys,

musical landscape." However, even after the name change, Rap

vowing to put little weight on the once esteemed awards show.

and R&B categories continue to serve as a pigeonhole for Black

Yet every year, the public reacts equally as astonished when

artists. As Matt Curtis said, “Even though the category's name

meritable Black artists are snubbed by the Recording Academy.

has been changed, it's still serving its purpose as a sort of

Although conversations regarding race at the Grammys have

garbage bin for "black music.""

been held time and time again, it appears that little has changed

As a recipient of 28 awards, Beyoncé is the most endowed

within the awards show itself. This article will inform you on all

artist in Grammy history. However, only one of her 28 awards

the imperative information concerning the Grammys; outlining

resides in a major category - in 2010, Beyoncé was granted the

how racism materializes at the Grammys, the Recording

Song of the Year award for her chart-topping Single Ladies. The

Academy's contentious voting process, and celebrity response to

bulk of Queen Bey’s other awards inhabit Rap and R&B

Grammy controversy. Finally, I will propose solutions for future

categories. Beyonce’s lack of awards in major categories isn’t

Grammy awards; solutions crafted through interviews with two

strictly due to lack of nominations; she has been nominated for

POC youth, Matt Curtis and Kiara Marazzi.

the capital categories nine other times in addition to her 2010


Song of the Year win. This shows that Beyoncé’s artistic merit is

Racism at the Grammys may not be visible to the naked eye,

venerated - until it faces white counterparts.

it’s not blatant segregation like pre-civil rights movement America. Black musicians accepted awards at the first Grammys ceremony in 1959, and they have continued to gain accolades every year since. No, anti-Black racism at the Grammys is not a complete whitewash; anti-Black racism at the Grammys is generated on a systematic level. It hinders Black artist's ability to be granted the major awards of the night. SOCIAL



In 2016, Kendrick Lamar’s critically and popularly praised To

Next, eligible work is sent to Recording Academy voting

Pimp A Butterfly lost Album Of The Year to Taylor Swift’s pop

members. Each member is permitted to vote in up to 15 genre

opus, 1989. To Pimp A Butterfly was, quite literally, the album of

fields, in addition to the four main categories. You probably

the year. It topped the year-end lists of 28 different major

believe that the results of that round of voting produce the



Grammy nominations; I formerly believed that too. In actuality,

Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, and the AV Club. It was hailed as "a

the top twenty choices of Academy members are dispatched to a

pantheon for racial empowerment" by writer Will Butler; and in

clandestine committee who discuss and select what the

2015, a year when newfound attention was paid to the Black

nominations will be. This step in the process allows committee

Lives Matter movement and anti-Black racism took a front seat

members to pick their preferred nominations, without regard

in the consciousness of American mainstream, it represented

for the choices of the general Academy members. The Academy

the zeitgeist of its era. Kendrick Lamar ended up taking home

opts to keep the identities of committee members undisclosed,

five Grammy awards for To Pimp A Butterfly, but none of them

in order to prevent lobbying from record companies. The

in a central category. This is yet another example of Black

negative side effect of this is that the public is kept in the dark

excellence being glorified until it endangers white eminence. As

on whether the group is diverse in gender, age, and race. If the

Dr. John Vilanova stated in his article Kendrick Lamar And The

committee is concocted of a dozen white men, then favoured

Structural Limits Of Black Excellence, “when renowned

music choices would not be reflective of the greater consumer

creations by racialized artists are only honoured in the

culture. Following the nominations, final round ballots are sent

categories coded black and systematically passed over time and

to Academy members, who vote for their top choice in up to

time again for “mainstream” recognition, this belies an in-built

fifteen genre categories as well as the four major categories.

bias that precludes nonwhite excellence from being considered

Results of this round dictate the Grammy award recipients.




on the same terms as white excellence.”

The Grammys voting process has been widely disputed for

The Grammy Awards are intended to recognize “excellence”

its lack of transparency. The secret committee not only conceals

in music artistry. However, no definition of “excellence” is

their members, but the entire process is notably missing from

given. Traditionally Black music, which features more synth

the Grammys website. In 2021, The Weeknd’s album After

sounds and dance beats, ends up being regarded as secondary to

Hours, which spent four weeks in Billboard chart’s number one

traditionally white ballads. A misconception is created that

spot, didn’t receive any Grammy nominations. The singer told

white music requires a higher level of skill and authenticity than

the New York Times, “Because of secret committees, I will no


longer allow my label to submit my music to the Grammys.”







phenomenon as “a systemic ideology of Black people producing work that will never be as serious or monumental as work created by white artists.”

WHAT ARE THE CELEBRITIES' REACTIONS? A media storm swirled when The Weeknd asserted that he would be boycotting all future Grammy Awards. However, the

What all of this comes down to is, Black artists are given

Blinding Lights singer isn’t the only artist to criticize the awards

praise and recognition - until they are competing with white

show. In 2012, Nicki Minaj was nominated for Best New Artist.

musicians. Music created by Black individuals is renowned - to

Despite Nicki Minaj being a chart-topping rapper, the honour

a limit. Celebrations of Black music are auspicious - until they

went to Bon Iver, who is a white musician. In 2020, Nicki Minaj

threaten the reverence of white music. White fragility can

tweeted, “Never forget the Grammys didn’t give me my best new

accept that Black artists intrinsically possess talent, but it can’t

artist award when I had 7 songs simultaneously charting on

accept that said talent may exceed their own.

billboard & bigger first week than any female rapper in the last


decade- went on to inspire a generation. They gave it to the

Before voting begins, record companies submit their artist’s work for Grammy consideration. The music undergoes a screening process by roughly 350 Recording Academy members, who ensure that each entry is “placed in its proper category.” This step in the process is contentious, because Academy members may filter music by Black artists into racialized categories, regardless of what genres influence their records 4



white man Bon Iver.”

Pillowtalk singer Zayn Malik also took to Twitter to express

“White people need to use their privilege, their voices and their

his frustrations with the Recording Academy. In March 2021, he

power. White people can set a standard of validation, support

wrote, "F**k the Grammys and everyone associated. Unless you

and allyship for BIPOC artists to challenge the Academy to

shake hands and send gifts, there are no nomination

meet that same standard.” Kiara expressed. If enough



prominent artists declare that their work will no longer be

confectionery." He added, "My tweet was not personal or about

submitted for Grammys, the Recording Academy will be forced

eligibility but was about the need for inclusion and the lack of

to listen to the masses, to circumvent their award show from

transparency of the nomination process and the space that

becoming obsolete.








creates and allows favouritism, racism, and networking politics to influence the voting process.”

Finally, Matt contends, “the use of categories to segregate Black music must be addressed.” Black artists must stop being

Frank Ocean chose to sit out of the 2017 Grammy

limited to Rap and R&B genre categories. It is time that the

ceremonies, which angered Grammy producers Ken Ehrlich

Academy begins regarding Black music on the same level of

and David Wild. The two men gave an interview to Rolling

excellence as its white counterparts. Black artists have been



influencing white musicians precluding the initiation of the

performance “faulty” and “not good TV”. The Blonde artist

Grammy Awards; through their innovations in jazz, rock and

responded through an aggrieved Tumblr post, in which he

roll, blues, ragtime, folk, house, hip hop, soul, disco, and

slammed the Grammys for awarding 1989 over To Pimp A

numerous other sounds you hear chorused on the radio today.

Butterfly, and pronounced, “If you’re up for a discussion about

Black artists deserve to be recognized in the most esteemed of

the cultural bias and general nerve damage the show you

musical categories since their sounds have pioneered much of

produce suffers from then I’m all for it.”

the world’s most treasured music.







Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Drake are among the numerous other artists who have denounced the Grammy's merit. Interestingly, the vast majority of artists who criticize the awards are artists of

In a political era defined by cries for racial equality, it is time


to redefine “excellence” in the music industry. Consistently


subjugating Black artists to inferior stations than white artists

As social justice issues such as racial and gender inequality

feeds the false narrative that Black people fundamentally

adorn the front page of every news outlet, it is imperative that

possess less worth than white folks. Oscar Wilde once said that

the Grammy Awards catch up with the culture. Matt and Kiara

“life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” The message


Hollywood sends matters. It matters that the entertainment








contemporize their show.

industry represents all identities as equally meaningful, valued,

The Weeknd deciding to boycott the Grammys is a step in the

and deserving of both praise and criticism. In order for the

right direction, but both Matt and Kiara assert that solutions

public to thoroughly recognize that Black lives matter on the

will only be implemented once white artists are willing to

same rudimentary level that white lives do, the Grammys must

boycott as well. “Boycotts will be effective when more people

propound that narrative.

are willing to practice them,” Matt observed, “I think white artists should do the same as anyone else: educate themselves, be vocal, and boycott when necessary.”





Whether or not you’ve always been a reader, books

the rise of a trend, and as far as influencers

at least in your social media algorithms. In determining

collectively perpetuating new trends, she isn’t alone.

the possible ‘trendiness’ or rather, more permanent

Ava Jules, Jenn Im, among many book-oriented

resurgence of this revived practice, perhaps similar to

influencers (‘bookstagrammers’, ‘booktubers’,

the rise in vinyls, disposable cameras, and mom jeans,

‘booktokers’) are either gaining attention from the

the modern origins and patterns of a trend must be

growing popularity of reading, or are using their

examined. Our current circumstances are also also to be

platform to raise the popularity of reading. The recent

examined, as well as the evolving social expectations that

social media publicity is naturally very positive

often persuade our practices. But beyond causes, effects!

considering the nature of reading, but why have we,

Effects in the personal impacts of reading, in and of

and these influencers, started thinking about reading



ー within the scope of picking up a good

book, and further beyond that scope.

The resurfacing of many vintage items or practices


The way that trends surface and resurface can be very complex, but in this case, there are a few key

can be attributed to a variety of socially transitional

elements to look at: pandemics, shifting social

causes, though in recent years, these trends are widely

expectations, and over-saturated media attention. A

accelerated within mechanisms including, and mainly,

few weeks into the very beginning of the worldwide

social media. For example, we can trace the regurgitation

lockdown, the reality of all of our newfound spare

of commercially-sold record players to perhaps nostalgia

time set in, and we began hearing a lot of

for a time in which they were more widely used. Then we

simultaneous yet dissimilar suggestions on how to

see these record players picked up again by popular

spend our time. There was a lot of encouraged self-

chains, including Urban Outfitters, which put them in an

care, especially considering the new and uncertain

additional incline. Further, the representation of record

atmosphere, yet there was also that of using the time

players which we’ve seen recently on platforms such as

productively. “Learn a new skill, accomplish put-off

TikTok have exponentially accelerated not only the

tasks, or finally pick up that book you’ve been

awareness of, but the consumption of these goods. Now,

meaning to read!” Well, we might or might not have,

to use this pattern to describe the nature of the written

but either way, many of us looked for activities to fill

literature’s recent popularity is to assume that reading is

our time throughout the pandemic. Books were bound

a phenomenon that has been recently rediscovered; or at

to be that activity for many people, and many

least to the degree of a noticeable cultural shift. That

(younger) people began rediscovering reading, thus

being said, to assume that our generation specifically has

popularizing it even further; whether it be on their

stumbled upon books, or been surprised by their value,

social media platforms and/or in their social circles.

substance, or personal benefit, is somewhat self-

Another element of importance is slightly more long-

righteous, as reading has remained a common practice

term. It’s the idea of how we collectively prioritize

for many people regardless. Although the consumption

different individual or social characteristics, and how

of literature has remained constant, it is important to

those priorities shift. Internet fame is a relatively new

note that with the rise of digital entertainment,

concept, and though there are many niches and

adolescent reading has declined. Therefore, to see an

demographics on the internet specifically, there are

incline in adolescent reading compared to the previous

certain people and ideas that are more popular than

decline is to notice a resurfaced trend. So what can be

others. Instagram models and vloggers are a few

compared of the two phenomena are not only their once

prioritized examples. Interestingly, the more of these

faded popularity, but the acceleration of their respective

individuals that gain popularity, and the longer they

popularity on social media platforms. Exhibit, Emma

do, the more this market becomes increasingly over-

Chamberlain’s recent YouTube upload, titled ‘Reading

saturated. What this eventually does is it creates new

Makes You Hot’ (in all caps), where she explains the

expectations for the qualities that someone must have

unexpected benefits she’s noticed in her life as a result

in order to retain an audience/platform.

of picking up reading.


Chamberlain’s influence is usually enough to indicate

have probably surfaced recently in your everyday life, or


Cancel-culture is an example of the hyper-sensitivity

To find out more about the impact reading has on

that the public has to these influencers, and a

the individual, I asked around. One common answer I

mechanism that forces them to be slightly more educated

received surrounds the concept of ‘escapism’, leaving

than they previously had to be. This shift in social

the world you live in for that of the story you’re

expectations doesn’t just affect those with an audience.

reading about. As we all know, escaping one’s current

University acceptance and major academic circuits have

reality has become much more appealing in a

never been more competitive. There are more students

pandemic. What’s important about this kind of

than ever before who work harder to stand out among

escape, compared to less healthy coping mechanisms,

many of their peers, as our expectations for students

is that reading is a very healthy distraction, and often

have transitioned into that of them having more

provides a lot of mental clarity, whereas the internet,

intelligence, or working harder. So what does this have

or in extreme cases, substance abuse, can make our

to do with reading? Intuitively, reading is one of the most

brains quite foggy after some time. The For All The

common indicators of intellectual people (though

Girls’ renowned managing editor and book reviewer,

obviously not necessary). Many studies have even looked

Ella Ionescu, has also found that reading aids one’s

at high schools and discovered that readers have

processing ability. In a world with so many one-

statistically higher GPAs.

dimensional and biased perspectives in the online

How is it possible that one activity can have such a

media, media that is bound to be too short to convey

large impact on other things?Why do so many people like

multidimensional messages, books are one of few

to read? Why should you? First, let’s take a look at the

resources that really provide complex plots and stories

media we digest in today’s day and age. More than ever,

to extract. Often because books are bound to create

social media platforms and content alike have been

not only an engaging plot, but a wide range of

exclusively designed for simultaneous, quick

characters with different values and ideas. Ionescu

consumption. Tweets are limited to just 280 characters

describes this as being a much more sophisticated

for accessible, punchy content. TikTok limits videos to

medium of messaging, especially with non-fiction

one minute and Instagram features post after post,

written works, in which authors are even more

encouraging you to scroll through hundreds of creators

obligated to provide in-depth analysis of many

at a time. This notably contrasts with older media

different concepts. I also heard from a few of my

consumption - sitting down to read through the

peers that reading provides needed perspective on

newspaper or even entire books. These short bursts of

human dynamics. Books convey so much about why

information have proven very successful in retaining our

people act the way they do, and communicate many

time and attention, though they become detrimental to

difficult situations, which can often make these

our attention span and thinking ability. When we are

situations in real life much easier to process.

conditioned to process only short bits of information in

Whether or not you’ve noticed reading become

conjunction with other short bits of information, we lose

more popularised in your algorithms, and whether or

the ability to process longer ones. If you picked up

not it’s been a while since you read consistently, books

reading after a while without reading as I did, there was

can offer you many benefits that you might not

probably a period of time where a page flew by and you

expect. Although they don’t always, influencers have

didn’t pick up much of what had been said, because we

hit the nail right on the head on projecting the

are so used to not needing to pay attention to long works.

importance of reading, especially considering our

So, does reading only have the ability to impact the skill

modern status quo. Written literature has remained an

of reading 300-page books? Short answer: nope! Reading

important element of the academic world, and

has even bigger impacts than just improving our skill to

previously a large aspect of entertainment., Tand

retain long pieces of information. The ability to remain

though a lot of us might not have picked up a book in

focused on one task for a prolonged period of time

a while, I’m optimistic that reading will be re-adopted

applies to so many things that, of course, require that

as a common practice yet again for our generation.

focus. Studying for a longer period of time, for example, is much harder when we’ve just gotten off hours of short social media clips, but much easier when your brain has adapted to a prolonged activity such as reading. Therefore, reading perhaps also makes it easier to focus on long activities such as painting, knitting, or running a marathon!





Mental health doesn’t discriminate.

TIP 1 - EXERCISE Exercising can be a great way to help you uplift and your mental health. A journal posted by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health states that getting active “improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function.”. Furthermore, an article from Health Direct, a trusted Australian health website, confirms that exercise helps improve your sleep, which is essential to staying healthy as the amount of sleep sets the tone of how your day will be. Ways you can get active include but are not limited to, walks, runs, at-home workouts, playing a sport, and/or practicing yoga. Including exercise in weekly routines can significantly improve the status of one’s wellbeing, allowing an individual to live the most balanced life

Anyone could be suffering, while you


remain unaware. A statistic from the


Canadian Mental Health Association

Staying in touch with family and friends can help you feel less

states that every year, 1 in 5 Canadians will

lonely when dealing with stressors. During these trying times, it

experience a mental health illness or

can be more difficult than in the past to have face-to-face

related issue. The effects of the pandemic

interactions, however, calling or messaging a loved one can allow

have also taken a toll on many due to

you to feel appreciated and not alone. Additionally,

aspects of regular life having to be put on

MentalHealth.Org states that conversations with friends and

hold. Before writing this article, I

family can “ keep you grounded and help you solve practical

conducted a small survey, curious if the

problems.” Communication with others admits you to feel less

mental health of individuals improved or

isolated. It can be extremely useful to your mental being to keep in

declined since the start of the pandemic in

contact with those who are important to you, as it allows you to

March 2020. 80% of respondents stated

relate to others while also giving you a space to vent and share what

that their mental well-being got

is on your mind.

significantly worse as the province went


into lockdown last year. Learning how to maintain our mental health can be challenging, as it can become

DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY Keeping up with hobbies is a great way to channel your stressed

overwhelming to keep up, while also

energy into something that allows you to be calm and or

having to deal with the hardships that our

productive. Personally, taking 30 minutes out of my day to read

daily lives present. Understanding how to

from a book I enjoy helps me refocus when I’m feeling

take care of our mental health is

overwhelmed. Engaging in meaningful activities can allow an

extremely important for us to live

individual to feel more relaxed. A report from 7 Summit Pathways

balanced lives. In this article, I will be

communicates the notion that participation in a hobby can teach

sharing five tips that can help you

you “how to deal with setbacks and challenges in a healthy way.”.

maintain your well-being.

Moreover, becoming interested in a hobby can give you something to look forward to at the end of a long and busy day. Some examples of hobbies that you can try are playing an instrument, exercising, reading or drawing, listening to music, and or cooking/baking. Finding something of interest to you can advance your state of mind while also providing a sense of relief and





If you find yourself TIP 4 - MEDITATION The Canadian Mental Health Association defines meditation as the practice of “turning your attention away from the mental noise that comes from everyday life. This could mean focusing on your breath, mentally repeating a phrase, or simply just focusing your thoughts on the present moment.” There have been numerous studies around the world that support the idea of meditation being able to improve the mental health of an individual. Internationally known spiritual influencer and leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar states that, through the practice of meditation, we can “learn to let go of the negativity in our minds.”. As well, a medically reviewed article posted by Insider, written by Erin Heger, states that the “mental health benefits of meditation include better focus and concentration, improved self-awareness and self-esteem, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and fostering kindness.”. If you’re interested in attempting the practice of meditation, the following are free resources that you can use for your beginner endeavours: Headspace, Insight Timer, The Mindfulness App, and Relax Now. Meditation is a simple addition to creating a healthy life, proven to strengthen the well-being of an individual.

TIP 5- DON'T BE AFRAID TO GET HELP IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED IT If you are feeling extremely overwhelmed beyond your control, seeking professional help can be one of the best ways to take care of yourself and your mental health. Reaching out can be the most difficult step, but it can inevitably allow you to feel peace. If you feel that you need to get assistance, there are a variety of local services that can provide a safe environment for you. You can speak to a counsellor, visit a mental health clinic, join a community mental health program, or call a crisis hotline. Nobody is perfect and some things cannot be dealt with on your own, confiding in a trusted place or adult can allow you to release the burdens that anxieties and worries present.

struggling there is always somewhere to go for help. For those who are Canadian readers, calls or texts can be made to Kids Help Phone, toll-free, available 24/7 at 1800-668-6868. You are not alone. There is always something that can be done to maintain or improve your mental health. For readers not in Canada, various mental health resources can be found on local government websites.




Ever since I hit the age of thirteen, I shamelessly flirted with everyone I could - teachers, boys, girls, even waiters. I have this unwavering need to feel desirable, even if it’s only for a couple of seconds; yet still find myself falling in love with the ones I can't have. There is something so ridiculously appealing about the chase, even when I know it is impossible to play this game of tag forever. This notion undoubtedly plays into vanity and self esteem - where we put the ones we cannot have on a pedestal, addicted to this temporary rush of serotonin. I know I


am not alone in this strange fixation - but I am as ready as I’ll ever be to dissect, diagnose, and treat this ultimately unhealthy habit. The romanticization of rejection has existed in not-so-subtle

The psychology of wanting unattainable things can be

ways in the media, appearing in shows like The Bachelor, love

divided into three major parts; vanity, perceived value, and self-

songs, and even one of the earliest love stories - Romeo and

esteem. We are all vain by human nature - but not in the way of

Juliet. There is something so entertaining and satisfying about

asking a magic mirror who the fairest in the land is, but in the

watching someone finally win or get their happy ending with

way that is intricately interwoven with one’s self-image. By the

someone; in turn, fulfilling yet another toxic and untrue notion

very moment we exit the womb, we scream for the attention of

of “love conquers all''. Oftentimes we are led to believe that

others. Kicking and crying, we want to be warmed and loved -

when they are the one, there is no obstacle that a lover cannot

when someone denies the other that attention, it only amplifies

overcome; but we must face the ugly truth that people are not

our burning desire for them. No one wants to feel powerless,

projects. When completely and utterly in love, I would make up

unattractive, or unwanted - but when we do, our bodies

outrageous scenarios in my head, “what if he killed someone?”,

subconsciously chase the very thing that made that wound in

“what if he cheated on me?”, “what if our families hated each

the first place. Let’s say we win. We win for ten minutes,

other?”, and so on. Even after all that, I would tuck a piece of

through a mediocre conversation, or a half-hearted

hair behind my ear and proudly whisper: “I will love you no

compliment. We blush and smile and the violins swell in the

matter what.” As I’ve gotten older, however, I’ve attempted to

movies, where the main character falls head over heels in love

realize that there is nothing romantic about that statement.

with someone perceivably unattainable. Somehow, it seems so

Young girls, especially, are taught that we should give and

much better than it is, doesn’t it? This is because our brains are

receive love strong enough to withstand any conflict, barriers,

susceptible to something called breadcrumbing, where we put

and misfortune. This leads us to believe that it is our

certain people on pedestals - making their time and energy

responsibility to stay no matter what, even when it is

appear much more valuable than it is. When something is in

detrimental to our mental or physical health. I watch my

high demand and low supply, it is seen as more valuable than

friends stay in toxic and abusive relationships, watch them

something with low demand and high supply; when applied to

slowly crumble away because they just want to believe they will

human nature, when one wants attention from a certain

be loved the way they love the other. I watch myself chase

someone - but this persons’ availability is restricted, their value

unattainable people, testing the limits of their love, seeing what

skyrockets. Humans place value on objects the same way we

lines they will cross for me, ultimately creating a careless,

place value on the time or attention of others. Strange, isn’t it?

harmful situation for both of us. The ugly truth is simple;

This is where the whole “play hard to get” game comes from -

unconditional love discourages self-love. Putting a relationship

even when both parties care equally, sometimes the game of

or partner on an idealistic pedestal will only lead to resentment

“who cares less” gets out of hand, and ends up hurting two.

and despondency, where we must learn to balance what behaviours we can accept or work on, and which we must reject. What outweighs the other?




“We accept the love we think we deserve.” (Chbosky,

Recently, I met a boy. I know, exciting right? He was

TPOBW) This is a quote I think about a lot. The details of our

handsome and sweet, and the chemistry was there. But of

delicate design sometimes make us hate ourselves. We pick

course, there was something that ensured that we could never

apart our beautiful skin, shattering our reflections with our

be together. I knew it right off the bat - but I have a nasty habit.

enlarged insecurities. The media shows us unattainable

I played with the idea of love just to see what lines we would

examples of beauty, perfect relationships, and romanticized

cross for each other, and somehow I lost at my own game. I fell

toxicity. Yet we still wonder, where did we get the idea that we

head over heels for a boy I could never have, which made it so

are not worthy of something good? We attract the people that

much more exciting - because he treated me like no one ever

reflect our view on ourselves, looking for ones that will fulfill

had. After years of teaching myself that I would never be wanted

our own insecurities. For example, young girls often look to old

for anything more than my body, or accepting that no one could

men on the internet to tell them they have beautiful, developed

love me on the level that I did, or repeating that I could be

bodies when the boys their age tell them the opposite. This

happy just the way I was, he came along. Maybe my game of

validation is so sweet, but unbelievably poisonous. Let me tell

flirting just to see if I can get away with it, maybe all my

you, the sacrifice isn’t worth it. Sometimes, one’s example of

studying of behaviours to tolerate, and the self-love mantra I’ve

love is warped from a young age and has become their only

engraved into my head has finally amounted to something good.

elucidation of what love looks like. Perhaps one grew up

To end on a positive note, remember that love does not

watching their parents in an abusive marriage, never standing

conquer all, but it doesn’t mean we can’t still give it our best

up for themselves, and forgiving over and over for unforgivable

shot. Movie love and real-life love will never be the same - but it

actions. Maybe one's guardians told them they yelled at them

only means that we can have our own Romeo and Juliet stories

“out of love”, teaching them to confuse anger with kindness.

without dying at the end. If all else fails, I love you, dear reader.

Growing up, they may learn to love those who hurt them, because it’s all they’ve ever known. “This helps to form a cycle


that tells the person that they do not deserve more, that this is

what normal love is.” (Dr. Nikki Martinez, Huffington Post) By

changing the way we love ourselves, we will change the people that we attract. Before giving our all to someone else, we must grow on our own enough to keep a part to ourselves something no one will ever be able to take away. The toleration of bad behaviour from the ones we love cannot be dismissable, because we are all worthy of more.





MUSIC ON THE MIND Everyone has a favourite song. Their go-to “get happy song”,


Tackling some parts of the brain, we can see how learning and

or their “let’s be productive song”. Sometimes their “cry it out”

listening to music impacts them, and what benefits can be

song or even “get up and dance” song. When we want to feel


certain emotions, we often put on a song to guide us to that

Broca’s Area: This area of the brain focuses on enabling us to

headspace. We know that music can evoke strong emotions, and produce speech, and we use this part of the brain to express motivate us to feel a certain way. So that brings us to the

music. If you want to improve your communication skills,

question “how does our brain respond to music?”, “Can we

playing an instrument can assist with that.

manipulate our brain into thinking differently by playing

Occipital Lobe: The occipital lobe processes what we see since it

different songs; mould it differently?” Let’s dive into the

contains the anatomical region of the visual cortex. When you’re

multitude of theories and facts that can be said about this topic. playing an instrument you use your occipital cortex, which may Everyone knows that keeping your brain fit is just as

indicate that musicians visually “see” their music while playing.

important as keeping your body fit, and the best way to do that is Cerebellum: This area of the brain coordinates movement and by listening to music. “There are few things that stimulate the

stores physical memory. Even if an Alzheimer's patient does not

brain the way music does,” says a Johns Hopkins

recognize their own mother, they may still be able to play a song

otolaryngologist, “If you want to keep your brain engaged

on an instrument they learned when they were younger, as the

throughout the ageing process, listening to or playing music is a notes have been embedded as muscle memory. The same applies great tool. It provides a total brain workout.” Listening to the

to simply listen to songs from patients' childhoods - it stimulates

right kind of music daily can improve memory, reduce anxiety,

the brain like no other memories ever will again. Those specific

and improve sleep quality, mood, and alertness. Observe the way musical memories in the cerebellum never fade out. your body reacts to different music, and figure out what type

Nucleus Accumbens: This area of the brain is specifically

brings out emotions you want to feel! So the next time you feel

interesting, as it seeks pleasure and reward and therefore

down, find a song that reminds you of happier times and blast it. contributes to addictions. The nucleus accumbens releases the Your brain will subconsciously associate and remember the song neurotransmitter for dopamine and, since music can act as a with the positive memory attached and invoke some of that past drug, it increases dopamine to the nucleus accumbens and can emotion into your current state. Make a playlist of songs that

have similar effects as cocaine.

will lift your mood so the next time you need it, you will have

Hippocampus. This area of our brain regulates our emotional

easy access to lifted spirits.

responses to our environment; also working to produce and

You might ask “what sort of music is the best?”. There is no

retrieve our memories. As it is considered to be the central

one answer to this question, and the “best” music is very

processing location of our brain, it is usually the first part to be

individual. Once you discover your favourite songs, they will

affected by Alzheimer’s. Music benefits the hippocampus as it

likely change a small part of your brain for the rest of your life.

increases neurogenesis. This allows the production of new

In recent studies, researchers have found that people with

neurons and leads to improved memory.

dementia respond better to the music they grew up listening to.

Putamen: The putamen regulates body movement, coordination,

“If you play someone’s favourite music, different parts of the

and processes rhythm. Similar to the nucleus accumbens, music

brain light up,” a researcher explained. This means that

increases dopamine in this area of the brain. Therefore, an

memories associated with music are very emotional ones that

amazing feat can be observed in Parkinson's patients where,

never fade out - they are hard-wired into our brains. “Usually in when listening to music, it temporarily stops their symptoms. As the late stages, Alzheimer’s patients are unresponsive,” another an example, when rhythmic music is played, the patient may use researcher said, “But once you put in the headphones that play

it as a sort of metaphorical cane and can be able to complete

(their favourite) music, their eyes light up. They start moving

physical tasks, such as walking, which they were not able to do

and sometimes singing. The effect lasts maybe 10 minutes or so before. even after you turn off the music.” Music is a very powerful tool

Music is really an amazing tool that can be utilized to increase

that can be used in studying the science of our brain and how it our brain's potential, as well as change our moods. It's really chooses to remember certain events. If you ever want to pick up important to always be mentally exercising your brain by trying a new hobby, consider learning a new instrument. Musicians

new types of music - you may even stumble across a song you

have been found to have enhanced senses since learning and

would have never known you would have liked! All areas of our

mastering any instrument exercises every section of your brain, brain are slightly modified when we allow ourselves to indulge in from the cerebellum to the hippocampus. Sources:,%2C%20mental%20alertness%2C%20and%20memory,for%20anxiety%20or%20for%20dysregulation




our favourite tunes, and listening to music is really a fun way to keep your mind fit. The mind needs music, so go put on some headphones, relax, and listen to those songs that lift you up!


Everyone has that one friend that carries everything on them. A first aid kit, snacks, emergency change of clothes, and whatever else you could need. Honestly? I’m that friend. I’m not a fan of being unprepared, which I’ve learned over the years. I’m going to take you through my must-haves for my emergency safety kit that comes with me just about everywhere I go, so you can be prepared too.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11

Aspartame-free gum: Ready for any bad breath day and great to have on the go.

Hand sanitizer: I recommend a sprayable container for easy use. You can even make a homemade version as a possibly cheaper and easier alternative. First aid kit: I’d suggest investing in a pre-assembled kit that includes all the necessities you’ll need, with loads of bandaids. Writing utensils: I always make sure to have a pen and pencil, alongside a tiny notebook in case I need to write something down for someone or so forth.

Tissues: The solution to almost every spill or mess. I find a small pack is best, and make sure to carry extra for friends! Tweezers: A small pair in case of any splinters or eyebrow emergencies.

#12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17

Floss and wax: For if something gets stuck in your teeth, floss is always great to have handy. I myself don’t have braces, but in case a friend is ever in need, you’ll be prepared with a little pack of wax.


On-the-go nail cutter: I’ve been caught in more than one messy nail situation. Having a mini one on the go that you can attach to a pair of keys works great!


Feminine products: Always a must - just in case. I carry a special pouch with loads of variety.

Portable charger: I’m sure we’re all familiar with this one. Having at least one or two to have with you at all times is guaranteed to come in use! Ginger lozenge: Whenever you’re caught in a painful stomach situation, ginger comes as an effective solution.

#20 #21

Baby wipes: Aids with nearly just about anything and perfect for mini-storage use and cleansing emergencies. Hair elastics: When you’re caught in a hot day, this one is a must to stay cool. Make sure to pack loads to share with friends as well. Change of clothes: At least some socks, underwear, and a shirt will do their job! First aid kit: I’d suggest investing in a pre-assembled kit that includes all the necessities you’ll need, with loads of bandaids. Any snack that won’t go bad: I love to carry around a box of protein bars with me because they are nutritious and keep your stomach filled easily. Lip balm: Pretty self explanatory, right?

Mini-flashlight: You’ll never know when the power goes out, and when it does, it's best to be prepared, especially with extra batteries if possible. Hand lotion: For those dry, wintery days.

Deodorant: Having a small container on the go works best! Honestly a lifesaver, especially in the summer months. Safety alarm: I attach 3 safety alarms all in different areas that can sound up to 600 metres. Adding one in your kit is great, however, make sure to have one at easier access to grab in the situation of an emergency.




Inej Ghafa, an aerialist turned spy. Jesper Fahey, a

“Four million kruge, freedom, a chance to return home.

sharpshooter with a gambling addiction. Wylan Van Eck, a

She’d said she wanted these things. But in her heart, she

runaway merchant. Matthias Helvar, a Grishahunter-turned-

couldn’t bear the thought of returning to her parents. Could

convict looking for revenge. Nina Zenik, a witty Heartrender

she tell her mother and father the truth? Would they

from Ravka. And the Kaz Brekker, the most notorious thief

understand all she’d done to survive, not just at the Menagerie,

and gang leader in all of Ketterdam. Six teens, six different

but every day since? Could she lay her head in her mother’s lap

perspectives, six stories, six backgrounds, six talents, six out of

and be forgiven? What would they see when they looked at

five rating. Six of Crows.

her?” (Bardugo, 30)

Leigh Bardugo does it again, constantly setting the bar sky-

After the war-type plot of our previous Grishaverse story, we

high for both fantasy-type authors and the book community as

are now introduced to an action-packed world filled with

a whole with her ever-growing Grishaverse: from the Shadow

gangs, brothels, fights, dangerous criminals, and more. Now,

and Bone trilogy, to the Six of Crows duology, the King of Scars

what do gangs have to do with all of this? Well, despite the

novel, and the newly released Rule of Wolves. In just 496 pages

diverse backgrounds and childhoods of our beloved six, they

written in 3rd-person perspectives of 5+ different characters,

all manage to come together in a notoriously dangerous gang

this novel manages to completely encompass both the intense

run by Kaz: a man who is feared by others, a man who is

backstories and present-day issues of its multiple main

fearless in combat, and a man who is afraid of what's to come.

characters. Unlike Bardugo’s previous novels, Six of Crows has

The Dregs is a gang filled with tens of the city’s most

an extraordinary plotline full of detail, wondrous world-

dangerous criminals and street-men who come from different

building, mighty motives, and much more. If it were any other

parts of the world yet now operate under Kaz’s leadership and

author attempting to write a story like this, I surely wouldn’t

protection. After losing all his family and living in near-poverty

have read it. However, knowing Bardugo’s track record and the

conditions for years, Kaz has finally had enough and agrees to

recent release of the Grishaverse-based Netflix series, I knew

go on a mission in an attempt to break into the Ice Court; a

Six of Crows needed to be read before seeing Freddy Carter as

prison-type compound located in Fjerda - Matthias’ homeland.

Kaz Brekker this April.

Locked inside a notorious prison there is an alchemist with a

If you’ve been on TikTok or any other form of social media

creation that risks the lives of all Grisha; having the ability to

recently, then you’ve definitely heard an overabundance of

make them go insane and use their powers for destruction.

avid readers hyping up Six of Crows. But does it live up to its

What’s the overall reward here? 30 million Kruger. Oh, and I

excess of 5-star reviews? Does Bardugo tru manage to make

guess the saving of Grisha too. Here, we see the combined

this book so much better than her last three? Is Ketterdam

power of Inej’s stealth, Kaz’s brains, Jesper’s guns, Wylan’s wit,

greater than Os Alta? Is the writing style and narrative in fact

Nina’s healing abilities, and Matthias’s knowledge of the Ice

so unique? Yes. The answer to all of these questions is 1000%

Court. This heist activity came as a shock to me at first, as I

yes. I seriously have no idea how Leigh Bardugo managed to

really was not expecting how fast and fervent everything would

create a whole new universe out of her brain. Though it’s

be, yet I was easily interested in finding out more about the

marketed as a fantasy-romance type novel, these two genres

different rivalries and manipulations throughout. But will

take up very little of the story. Instead, Six of Crows is plotted

things go as planned? With the author’s uber-descriptive

with dark magic and never falls short on its humour, wit, and

writing style and never-ending character lines, it’s hard not to

charm in an Ocean's 11-type plotline.

get hooked.


Though I found the first few chapters confusing and slightly boring, getting myself immersed really didn’t take much work. Bardugo has a clear and concise way of describing the backstories of characters without throwing off a reader’s perception of things. Additionally, the switch off between their perspectives is done in a truly professional way that adds a higher class of overall detail to Six of Crows. I mean seriously, what other author is able to do such a thing? As the plot follows a tremendous heist attempt, we’re able to see the pure interactions between our six crows and the variety in all their motivations, pasts, and thought processes. Furthermore, the main characters are quite diverse and include a brown female, a gay romance, a man recovering from past abuse, and much more. Bardugo somehow managed to keep me entertained and focused on a book with 6 main characters (that’s 5 more than I usually read about) and a vast mind-map of the story’s many locations. Heists, fear, manipulation, and the many things at stake are what make this novel so exhilarating. Unlike Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows takes place in a location based off Amsterdam instead of Russia. This absolutely caused an immense change to the descriptions of things, as we now rarely spot Russian-based words and only hear Ravka itself mentioned a few times throughout. However, there is definitely a strong connection to this nation, as the story follows these six troubled teens throughout





endangering mission. Furthermore, there is a significant mention of the previous trilogy’s characters: with Inej’s knives being named after Ravkan saints (including Alina, the main character of Shadow and Bone), Nina’s Grisha-


intertwined backstory, Matthias’ “witch-hunting” past, and much more. While it may feel like we’ve lost our beloved characters and narratives of the original three books, we’re


able to form a new connection to them in a much different way. My final thoughts? Beautiful. Wonderful. Groundbreaking. You get the gist here, right? I mean honestly, who knew my obsession for dark and brooding main characters could be so fueled by my love Kaz Brekker. "Kaz narrowed his eyes. “I’m not some character out of a children’s story who plays harmless pranks and steals from the rich to give to the poor."" (Bardugo, 18) “I protect my investments.” (Bardugo, 188) Um…. anyways….. 5/5. Go read Six of Crows. Please. 15


Asteria Apparel was founded by a 16-year old girl from Toronto, Canada, in hopes of fulfilling her goals of creating affordable, trendy jewelry. When on the hunt for the perfect set of hoops or a new go-to necklace, finding high-quality and well-priced jewelry is often quite rare. Nevertheless, Asteria Apparel has got that covered. With pieces ranging from dainty to bold, they have a perfect match for everyone.

ASTERIA: THE GODDESS OF DREAMS AND ASTROLOGY Anastasia Shirali, founder of Asteria Apparel, states that her mission when creating the company was to accomplish owning and running her own business; more specifically to help find different styles and types of jewelry for everyone, at an affordable price. She considers herself a very understanding, ambitious, and passionate person; perfect entrepreneur material. Asteria Apparel is one of her greatest accomplishments and she’s very excited to be collaborating with For All The Girls Magazine, and we’re thrilled to have her join us.

ANASTASIA’S TOP FIVE FAVOURITE PIECES WITHIN HER NEWEST DROP Lolita Locket Necklace A high demand, dainty, and sentimental piece. Perfect as a gift for yourself or as a present for a loved one! This openable gold locket necklace has a flower and the phrase “I love you” engraved on the front, as well as a place inside to store anything you desire, like a sentimental photo or quote.

$28.99 CAD

Dainty White Gold Heart Earrings Channel your inner princess with this adorable pair; a mixture of heart pearls with gold.

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Stacks of Gold Beaded Bracelet Set Not one, not two, but three beautiful and classy gold beaded bracelets! Each bracelet is a different length, so you can wear all three as a set, or just one or two. You could also wear these bracelets with other jewelry too, though this set is complete for a wrist itself!

$16.99 CAD




Bold + Classy Initial Ring Trendy, cute, and personalized! Easily add this personal statement piece to your collection. Make it your own! Every letter in the English alphabet is offered on the Asteria Apparel website, so you can customize what you want to wear. From a single ring, to an initial, to a name or saying, the possibilities are endless and up to you.

$22.99 CAD

Triple Link Chain Set Look and feel fashionable and put together with just this gold set. Three separate necklaces, so you can mix and match however you choose for a great price!

$23.00 CAD

If you’re interested in purchasing your very own one-of-a-kind jewelry piece, be sure to check out their website:

FOLLOW FOR UPDATES: @asteriaapparel @forallthegirls.magazine




In the twenty-first century, the career path of

The very first, and most important, step is to

becoming an entrepreneur has grown in popularity as

develop your idea and strategic plan. This is

an alternative to the standard nine-to-five office job.

essential to ensure the feasibility of the concept,

Being an entrepreneur comes with numerous benefits

and to guarantee that there is a clear direction for

such as independence, a flexible schedule, and

all aspects of the business. This includes

creative freedom. At the same time, one must also

researching to make sure you do not violate any

consider the challenges that come with being an

trademarks, patents or copyrights, determining a

entrepreneur, as building a business is time-

selling or advertising platform (whether it be in

consuming, expensive, and success is not always

person or online), and conducting market research

certain. However, due to the abundance of

to determine if your idea would be successful with

technology and e-commerce, it is easier than ever to

your target market and audience. It is also

build, market, and sell products or services online

important to outline all equipment, resources, and

using resources such as websites and social media.

amenities needed to determine how much money

The internet has allowed for an influx of small

you will need to start and operate the business.

businesses to enter the market, allowing anyone to

This will provide an estimate as to whether you can

turn their skills, hobbies, or passions into a career or

afford this financial commitment, or if you will

extra stream of income (also known as a side hustle).

need need to prepare a presentation to receive

In the past year, many youth have used their time

investments. The beginning and planning phase is

during lockdown to launch their own businesses

also an important time for inner self-reflection to

online, cultivating a new generation of innovators

ensure you are prepared to take on the

and business leaders. With that, many of these

responsibility of starting your own business. The

businesses entered the market prematurely due to

most common traits displayed amongst

some individuals not recognizing the planning

entrepreneurs include responsibility, organization,

required before taking a concept to the market, the

creativity, and commitment. To be successful, you

regulations surrounding business ownership, and the

must ensure your plan is well detailed as, in the

responsibility needed to manage a business. After one

future, the plan will be used as a management

year of operation, 20% of small businesses will have

guide and to convince others that investing or

failed, and 50% of small businesses fail by the fifth

working with your company is a sound decision.

year. Though these statistics may seem daunting,

Next, you must manage your finances and

some of the greatest business success stories come

budget for your business or acquire funding for

from entrepreneurs taking the leap of faith to start

your venture. Each type of business requires

their businesses. Even Starbucks and Chipotle were

different start-up costs and entails varying

once small businesses, and due to effective planning

expenses. For instance, a freelance graphic

and growth, they are now two of the biggest

designer may have design programs and marketing

companies in the world. This is not to say every

costs, while a clothing business would have

business will grow to be worth billions, but rather to

expenses from shipping, suppliers, marketing, and

illustrate that taking a chance to start a business can

rent for bricks and mortar operations. Starting a

lead to unimaginable and successful outcomes. To

business is a major financial commitment so,

mitigate the potential risks of being a business owner,

before starting, you must assess all the potential

a prospective entrepreneur must plan meticulously,

expenses you may have and if you can afford them.

research effectively, and strategize accordingly.

If you don’t have money on hand but have faith in your idea, there are ways to acquire funding. One way to fund your business would be by getting approved for a bank loan.




Legally, those under 18 cannot obtain a bank loan,

You can easily find an entrepreneurship guide

but some regions and financial institutions permit

from your local government to find all the licenses

teens to get a bank loan with a parent as a joint

you must have. Every business must register with

borrower. Another way would be to receive

the government to get a business license, however,

investments from external parties or crowdfund. In

in most jurisdictions, minors (under 18) cannot

this case, you would need to present your business

obtain one alone. A minor would need to have a

plan convincingly through strong written and oral

parent or guardian sign all of these legal

communication. Not all businesses will need to seek

documents on their behalf. Compliance with all

investors or crowdfunding at first, as many

rules will help to avoid fines and penalties for

businesses, particularly those of youth, start off being

violations of requirements or outdated

less complex in the structure before growth over


time. For example, it could only cost a few hundred

The last step to start your business is to host

dollars to start a small business for concepts such as

your launch and constantly evaluate the business’

freelance dog walking, car washing, graphic design,

growth. While this is the last step of starting a

or coding. All businesses must also be aware that they

business, it is just the beginning and the path

must keep track of all expenses, sales, and business-

forward is yours to build. In this stage, it is

related transactions for tax purposes. The tracking of

important to make sure you deploy a consistent

such expenses and sales must follow the accounting

marketing strategy. In today’s age, social media

standards set by your local accounting stars board.

will be one of your best friends, as this tool allows

This must be done to ensure all financial events are

you to reach a broad range of potential consumers.

tracked for tax purposes, assessing the financial

It is also crucial to constantly evaluate the

position, and so that financial statements can be

business’ progression as time goes on to constantly

audited by the government if need be.

determine if the business is profitable, what

You must also build a team that aligns with the

strategies work best, and what growth

business’ short and long-term objectives. At first,

opportunities can be obtained to develop the best

your team may just be you, while in some cases you

path forward.

may need a few team members to get started. Youth

Remember that every business is different, no

may receive support from friends, siblings, or

matter how big or small. There is no one way to

relatives to get their business going, while some may

run a business, so it is always important to make

choose to have people apply to join their team.

sure you are doing what is right for you and your

Whoever your team is, you must make sure that they

business regardless of what others are doing. Part

are fully committed, and want to help the business

of what makes entrepreneurship so great is that it

succeed as this will create a meaningful work

allows anyone to be able to follow their passion,

environment for both you and the team.

change the game, and innovate tomorrow. Though

To legally run a business, you must obtain all

being an entrepreneur is hard work that will push

necessary certifications and licenses as outlined by

you to your extremes, for those willing,

the government regulations. Each business requires a

entrepreneurship is a great opportunity to build

different set of certifications, licenses, and

the skills you aspire to have and create the career

guidelines, which can differ from region to region. An

that you want.

example would include a food handlers license for a restaurant, baking, or catering business.




The joys of investing; the ups, the downs, and in-betweens. You lose money, make money, and break even. Investing is a great way to make earnings at any age, and knowing the correct apps that cater to your investment needs can help make the process even easier. Based on reviews and articles, I will be sharing the top five best investment apps for Canadian teens to start their financial journeys.


PocketSmith is an easy-to-use financial software founded in New Zealand circa 2008; though their app is now available worldwide.

PocketSmith is often known for being, “A Time Machine for Your Money”, as the app focuses on helping users save money for the future. Most teenage investors either want to generate money now, or save it and put it to good use in ten years' time. This software app allows you to view a summary of all your financial accounts, transaction history, and budgets. PocketSmith takes fifth place on this list, as it is more of a financial savings and budgeting app than it is an investing software.


Moka was created with the social mission of helping Canadians achieve their financial goals. This investing app is very convenient,

known for its automatic investing roundup function. They round up sparge change from your bank/chequing account and help you invest it in stocks. Although the app is very user-friendly and easy to operate, it's not the most convenient for first-time investors. This is due to the fact that, despite being made for beginners, they don’t provide any tutorials or lessons within the app to teach newcomers how to properly invest. Unless you’re an experienced investor, I wouldn’t recommend this app; thus being ranked fourth.


Questrade is a Canada-based app that offers Canadian citizens an alternative to trading and investing with big banks. They provide

trading in stocks, options, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds. There are no fees charged for TFSA accounts (tax-free saving accounts), and they have an easy-to-use website and mobile app. The cost to open or close an order of a share is $4.95, and there is a $24.95 CAD inactivity fee within accounts worth $5,000 or less. Questrade provides many tutorials and educational information within their websites in order for newcomers to learn how to use their software. Although Questrade is a very high-end and well-recommended app, all the in-app purchases within it have caused it to take third place.

NUMBER 2: TD AMERITRADE Known for their $0 account minimum and extensive educational offerings, TD Ameritrade takes second place on the list. TD Ameritrade helps new investors become more confident by encouraging them to explore additional asset classes as their skills grow. TD Ameritrade makes sure their users have to pay zero commissions for ETF trades and online equity. Furthermore, there is no charge for inactivity, which is perfect for teens who can’t log onto their investment accounts daily because of school or extra-curricular activities. Despite its many great features, the reason for TD Ameritrade not being ranked first is because clients are only paid 0.01-0.05% of interest on uninvested cash. As their app provides many different services and articles related to the stock market, it can be quite confusing to find certain features within everything else going on.

NUMBER 1: WEALTHSIMPLE Wealthsimple is a Toronto-based investment app founded in 2014. The account minimum is $0, making it available to any financial status. Wealthsimple is perfect for investing newcomers as they offer a range of accounts, including tax-free savings accounts (TFSA), corporate accounts, and joint accounts. In addition, Wealthsimple provides users with a Smart Savings account that pays higher interest by using low-risk ETFs; this account type has a 0.25% taxable fee, rather than 0.50%. Teenage investors have recommended Wealthsimple because the app is user-friendly, helps you grasp basic investing skills, and provides financial planning options to help prepare for the future. With all of these benefits combined, it’s easy to see why Wealthsimple has earned the top spot of number one. Investing software is hard to come by for Canadian citizens, but this list has got it covered; the best of the best. With many teenagers starting to prepare for their future, using this software will help provide them with a basic understanding of investing and what it’s really like. Whether you're looking for a way to save up for the future or make money instantly, these softwares will cater to your investment needs.






As it's been told, the greatest discoveries come in the

As of now, Suklud only sells hoodies and buffs, though,

most unexpected of moments. For Mark Valentini, the

in the future, Valentini plans on expanding his store to

creator and owner of Suklud, a clothing store founded in

include t-shirts, women's leggings, swim shorts, sandals,

2019, the answer came to him while taking a relaxing trip in

and other accessories to come! During the pandemic, the

the Caribbean. Valentini was on the search for a name that

delay in delivery time was an obstacle in itself with new

would suit his envisioned comfortable, functional

developments of the business due to the high increase in

streetwear apparel store perfectly. While in the midst of an

costs and delivery; this is due to items being imported from

ocean breeze, warm weather, and secluded from life's

overseas. Despite this, delivery for Suklud has more than

troubles, the answer came to him in the blink of an eye. A

doubled in comparison to a few years ago, as a result of

spark took flight, which led to the developed vision of

high consumer demands, and continues to multiply its

Suklud, a play on the word seclude. After some hard work,

success today. Suklud has a very bright future set ahead,

determination, and help from a graphic designer, the logo of

including the new items and designs being added to the

Suklud came to life. A Sail with the sun peaking out


represents the emphasis on the beauty of seclusion conveyed through the brand name.

At Suklud, it's important that all items demonstrate a sense of comfort and freedom, and from wearing my Suklud

The first clothing item launched by the brand was a

sweater consistently, I can tell you that it’s nothing but! The

hoodie. To make things even better, the hoodie is cut and

hoodies make for great gifts and never ceases to impress. I

sewn - made from premium-quality Turkish cotton, a

love wearing mine outdoors, as I am kept warm and

material designed to the touch by Valentini himself,

perfectly comfortable for long days out! I never forget to let

ensuring comfort and effectiveness. The very intricate

my friends feel the inside of the sweater, as it's evident that

process in the creation of the hoodie took plenty of time

the material is bound to keep you cozy and warm. It's a

and dedication itself, especially because Suklud's hoodies

must-have staple for everyone's closet!

are designed with the highest quality material for consumers.

If you would like to experience the warmth and comfort of wearing a Suklud hoodie, you can purchase one on their website Images by Anastasia Dimas B U S I N E S S | 2 5 2 1



Dear X, As I read through the pages of my book, staring out my front porch window one Sunday afternoon, I saw your reflection biking past my house. It wasn't you. The face was different, but he had the same green coat you wore last fall, and I swear I saw your smile there just for a moment glancing out my door. I knew it wasn't you, but I thought for a second there that perhaps if I hoped hard enough, maybe it would be you, biking past on that Sunday afternoon. Gosh, it's been months, and I'm still hung up on a conversation we had last July. How if maybe I said something different, found the right words, maybe I wouldn't be alone tonight. It all faded to dust, and I can’t accept that; not just yet. We’re still left with pieces of each other that I’m not so sure we’ll ever get back. I so deeply envy the days of which I stayed up till dusk, writing about the night we spent together, my smile so wide I couldn't shut my eyes before I slept those nights, because I feel as if I’m slowly losing those pieces of you each day. There are no more nights to reminisce on; I only have the nights from months ago that I've wasted on other letters. I always thought that we’d come back to each other in years to come. You’d screw around for a while, we’d find a few more dead ends and relationships that were almost, but just not quite as good as what we had, and then you’d come to your senses, find that piece in your heart that told you what felt right, realize that I was the only one that actually cared in the grand scheme of things, so we could just pick up right where we left off; a lost, unfinished love. That you’d once eventually realize that it was all far too good for goodbye. I’m stuck between whether to believe that’ll ever become a reality someday or if it’s just another place my mind takes me to to put me at peace when the world seems like everything but. I fear that I’ll once have to remember you for longer than I’ve known you for. The days are turning to months, which will turn to years, and it’ll all be over before we get the chance to stop and blink. Look around us, you’ve gotten a haircut, found a new girl, and the clock keeps spinning quicker every minute. So much time has passed, yet I still grieve the same things each night. You've grown taller, found new friends, but you still smell the same. Your eyes are still as mesmerizing as they’ve always been. Just like the first night we met, I still look at the stars through my skylight each night before I fall asleep, thinking of you. How is it that it’s all so different, yet some things feel like they always did: the same. I worry about what you'll remember of me when the time comes. Like, when my name gets brought up, will you remember how the silence between us always felt a little less silent than normal, knowing we were right there, sitting next to each other, or how I butchered my speech in conversation? I wish of one thing: that you may remember the good parts. The parts where I was able to keep you smiling and feeling like this was your always, where you found your home. I hope that no matter what, you’ll keep me in your heart for just a little while longer; as I feel it'll make me a bit less lonely on days like these. Then I think, once again, about how I’d lose it all just to go back one last time. For my existence to be acknowledged by you just once more. To be able to call you with such ease, to feel your arms around me so often, to be able to sleep so easily at night, knowing I would see your smile the next day, and the day after that. Many moments I took for granted, maybe because it felt like forever when I was with you, but mostly because I thought there would be so many more. I know that it’s better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all, but I never once thought the latter would’ve hurt this much. Now some days I feel like I just watch from the sidelines. Gosh, you will go so many places in your life. You’ll reach it all, take it to the moon and back, achieve all the hopes and dreams you shared with me; I just wish I could be a part of it. I wish we had more of a connection to each other than the past we once had. I wish the “old times” we once spent together never turned so old so quickly. 22

I always thought that half my heart would always be yours, until I realized you occupied it all. My first thought as I wake up and my last before bed, my every moment scattered with just the broken pieces of you I have left, subconsciously looking for you wherever I go. A part of me will always have to face the urge of typing your name into my phone. Calling you to ask how your little brother is, your new friends and your summer plans. I’m running out of excuses to talk to you. One of the many things I took for granted months ago was when I could hear your voice at the click of a button. It took me time to realize that, despite the waves of an ocean breeze and the birds humming a melody through my window, I will never grieve anything as much as the comforting sound of your voice. I think for the whole of my life, I'll be chasing the way I felt when hearing your laugh. Sometimes it feels like I'm depriving myself of my own drug: you. I wonder if you felt that feeling too at once - like we’ve known each other all our lives. Like a piece of each other was always missing before we met. How I struggle to remember a time before I knew you. Some nights there is not a single doubt in my mind that, at one point, you felt the same. I try so hard to forget. For a short while, to put the months behind us, but my heart still skips a beat every time my phone rings. It's never you. It’s always my mom or a friend asking for the math homework; it's never you. For a second there, every time, it all flashes right there before my eyes as soon as I hear it ring. I remember the ways in which I felt back then, the times when I saw your name pop up on my phone. I’m still holding on to the lost hope you gave me. It all comes back to me once I see a little part of you in a person I meet or hear your laugh, once I listen to all the videos I’ve saved. I fear that right now, I’ll have too much trouble forgetting all you gave me to remember. I was never one to keep secrets, but I have something to admit. As I was getting serenaded with birthday wishes yesterday, sitting down at my dinner table on that gloomy Tuesday evening, voices singing me onto just another year, “blow a wish” my mom said, and as I pursed my lips, closed my eyes, it was still you, months later. As it was all this time. Without hesitation, it all flashed before me, I remembered all the love. So much love. I saw a glimpse of your smile and it was only you; only you that came to mind. Nothing else mattered. As much as I wanted you to know that I cared so much as to make you my one birthday wish, there was nothing more that I wanted to be other than yours. It's a year later, and I went to bed listening to the same songs that reminded me of you. It was all just like last year. I opened my eyes a moment later and the candles were not lit anymore, almost as if I opened my eyes to the reality I never wanted to see. It felt so real just for a moment there. I hate how real it felt, but I hate most of all how I wasn’t fazed at all, opening my eyes to blown-out candles wasted on a wish I knew would never be fulfilled. Months have passed, and I don't know if there will ever come a time where I'll be able to look you in the eyes and not feel anything. To not see your reflection once I see a green-coated biker pass my house. To not close my eyes under the moon each night, wondering if something will be different once I open my eyes to the sunrise, without only being able to think of your inevitability. If I'll ever be able to rid the thought of you. For now, hold me in your thoughts, keep me in your dreams for just a little while, as I do you. Anastasia.



To begin with a short run-through, there's no doubt that the 90s brought some of the greatest movies of all time, from gritty, intense thrillers to heartbreaking dramas. In the span of 10 years, we were gifted with some of the most iconic and influential films in pop culture cinema. This list ranks some of the greatest rom-coms, the majority from the 90s, but overall ranging from the mid-80s to the early 2000s, giving a quick run-through of the cast, storyline, and answers as to what makes these specific light-hearted movies so great.

Number 10 The Princess Bride (1987) Although yes, it’s technically not set in modern-day times, The Princess Bride continues to be one of the greatest rom-coms ever created. Directed by Rob Reiner and released in 1987, it is a lighthearted and fun movie that follows a fairytale-like story, featuring a young girl named Buttercup (Robin Wright) being separated from her one true love, Westley (Cary Elwes). The story is told in a unique way, exaggerating every stereotype possible in a “once upon a time…” princess story. It leads to an intentionally hilarious film, that leaves you swooning for Westley and envying the typical fairytale romance between the two. Image via Popsugar

Number 9 Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)

It may surprise many that Crazy, Stupid, Love made it onto this list, but there are many aspects of the movie that make it worthy. Starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, their on-screen chemistry doesn’t fail to captivate audiences. This movie is full of surprises, ending with every possible plot twist and jaw-dropping moment. Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) is eager to get back into the dating world after a sudden separation with his wife leads him into bars awkwardly attempting to flirt. Catching the attention of Jacob (Gosling) as Cal drunkenly complains about his divorce night after night, he makes the rash decision to help the middle-aged man ‘pick up’ women. Lacking a cheesy-factor, this movie is filled with witty jokes and is not such a picturesque movie as the other ones on this list, which adds to the uniqueness that makes this movie such an enjoyable watch. The movie goes through relationships of all age groups from

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middle-aged divorcés, to young 13-year olds in love with their babysitters.

Number 8 Clueless (1995) It can be hard to classify Clueless into any specific genre, as it touches subjects of a coming-of-age movie, as well as those of a rom-com. Slightly ditzy and outspoken Cher (Alicia Silverstone) flits through life without a care in the world for anything other than herself. Supported by her wealthy father, she is chic, stylish, and accompanied by her best friend Dionne (Stacy Dash). All of a sudden this shy, absolute opposite of Cher becomes a new member of their high school, attracting the pitying attention of the two girls. Priding themselves in doing ‘charity work’, they decide to give Tai (Brittany Murphy) a makeover that soon begins to attract the curiosity of other schoolmates. The whole movie portrays the high school life of a 17-year-old valley girl, the ups and never-before-seen downs in Cher’s life are highlighted as she gets into arguments with her closest friends, falls for the wrong guys, and finally evaluates how she has been carrying on Image via Pinterest

through her life. Seemingly just another ‘teen movie’, Clueless has a much deeper meaning to it and is definitely worth the re-watch.




Number 7 Pretty Woman (1990)

Your typical rags-to-riches story, Pretty Woman, is done flawlessly, following the story of Hollywood sex-worker Vivian (Julia Roberts) running into wealthy businessman Edward (Richard Gere). Edward, returning from an event in a borrowed car, gets lost around Hollywood boulevard where Vivian works. Asking for directions expands into a whole ordeal, and Vivian soon becomes tangled into Edward’s comfortably complicated life. The two make promises, and what is done at first as a brief solution evolves into a romance that neither characters seem prepared for. Neither Vivian nor Edward were truly fulfilled until they met each other and realized what they were missing in their lives. He realizes that money can’t get him everything, and she realizes it’s ok to fall in love. Not only this, but the film doesn’t portray Vivian’s job in a negative way, sure there are a number of characters who make snap judgements, but all in all she isn’t ashamed of her profession. The movie shows the dark sides and risks of being a sex worker

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but is enlightened by the fairytale-like romance.

Number 6 Love Actually (2003) A mixture of different storylines that are all somehow intertwined, Love Actually is an incredibly hectic and charming movie that will surely leave the viewer content and satisfied with the surprising ending. More than just a funny movie, it reaches deeper subjects, portraying different kinds of relationships and different forms of love. One of the 10 relationships shown in the film is a married couple, Harry (Alan Rickman) and Karen (Emma Thompson). Harry begins to fall for his new secretary Mia (Heike Makatsch), who has shown an increasing interest in him since she was hired. The viewers see the marriage deteriorate as Harry carries along with his wife and children as normal while continuing to see Mia. Jamie, (Colin Firth) a writer recently out of a relationship, begins to build feelings over his housekeeper Aurélia (Lúcia Moniz) who only speaks Portuguese. A love unravels between the two and, although they struggle to communicate with each other through the language barrier, they understand each other in such a special way that neither of them seem to fully understand. Love Actually, is meant to represent that love is Image via

everywhere and in all shapes and forms, it's one of the aspects of it that make the movie as special as it is. Not to mention the excellent casting, starring many excellent actors such as Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Kiera Knightley, the list goes on.

Number 5 Moonstruck (1987) Although it has been argued to be one of the more undeserving movies to have won an Oscar, it has achieved a respectful spotlight in the rom-com world. Moonstruck is a charming tale that follows a woman named Loretta (Cher) lusting after marriage with Johnny, a decent and secure man. All goes down the drain when she meets his brother, Ronny (Nicholas Cage), the complete opposite of his brother, being an alienated and estranged guy who proceeds through life with a sour attitude. This story allows you to expect the unexpected, leading to an unlikely romance that gives a peculiar charm to the movie. The main characters themselves stand out on their own, with their bold personalities and stereotypical Brooklyn accents, the movie shows every aspect from

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them falling in love to their bitter arguments, all factors of a normal relationship. Yet characters’ imperfections and strange quips are normally portrayed this way in rom-coms, allowing Moonstruck to be an enjoyable watch that’ll leave any viewer in surprise. MEDIA, FASHION, AND ART |


Number 4

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10 Things I Hate About You (1999) The impact 10 Things I Hate About You has had speaks for itself, having been released over 20 years ago, it continues to be one of the most popular and beloved rom-coms of our generation. Although this movie is definitely on the corny side, which is quite an inevitable trait when it comes to rom-coms, it covers light hearted topics and is easy to watch, sneaking in a number of quippy jokes and becoming a comfort movie for many. The story begins with the new kid Cameron’s (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) infatuation with one of the most popular and snobby girls in school, Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik). Although she is seemingly out of reach because of her fathers strict dating rules, Cameron is determined to be with her. The only way to do so is to get her polar-opposite sister, Kat (Julia Stiles), an intelligent, angsty, opinionated, and seemingly angry girl who prefers to be on her own, a date. The only option, and person open to dating Kat is Patrick (Heath Ledger), a rebellious outcast who always seems to be on the lookout for trouble. The movie takes its twists,turns, and typical rom-com fights with an original edge as Kat reads out her poem to Patrick at the end of the movie. Accompanied by fashionable outfits, and filmed in an aesthetically pleasing way, this movie is unforgettable and can’t help but leave all those who watch feeling giddy.

Number 3

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Notting Hill (1999)

A Wattpad fan-fiction brought to life, Notting Hill just about captures it all in an effortlessly romantic way. Simple travel-bookstore owner William Thacker (Hugh Grant) carries on through his life in Notting Hill, a beautiful neighbourhood in London, when famous American actress Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) walks into his store one day. Sparks are flying just like that, but it isn’t until they bump into each other later that day and he spills his orange juice on her shirt when things really get going between the two. In an almost impossible relationship, the pair go through the ups and downs of any normal couple, but all while having the risk of being slammed in the media hanging over their heads, particularly Anna’s. Notting Hill is so much more than an unrealistic movie that creates out-ofreach scenarios, it's the honesty of the movie that makes it so appealing to everyone. Not only are the lead actors some of the best of their time, but it makes the normal-civilian-celebrity relationship seem so possible. You see the sides of both characters, and how at the end of the day who they are and what role they play in society can’t get in the way of their implausible love for each other. To quote Anna Scott, “[she’s] just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her”. 26



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Number 2 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

An unconventional tale, Bridget Jones’s Diary is without a doubt one of the most hilarious rom-coms out there; starring Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones, an uncharacteristically charming character. Not an ideally picture-perfect protagonist, Bridget Jones is a more messy and relatable character than those in most rom-coms. She keeps a diary of the simple ongoings of her everyday life, hoping for something interesting to happen. All at once, two love interests walk through the door, the at-first rude and snobbish Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), and her snarky yet charming boss, Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant), whom she has spent much of her work time fantasizing about. As her infatuation with Daniel grows, she finds herself tied between the two men who have some history between them. Although sounding like a typical corny rom-com, all the embarrassing moments of Bridget’s life aren't shied away from the film in attempts to make everything seem picture-perfect. We see her drunk and in distress, pulling up to an event with the absolutely wrong attire, and caught in some of the most stressful situations, all moments that tie up the hilarity of this film.

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Number 1 My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)

Where to begin? Julia Roberts should undoubtedly be crowned as the queen of 90s rom-coms, having starred in some of the best, including Pretty Women, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, My Best Friend's Wedding, and many more. She is practically in every movie on this list, and she deserves to be. Possibly overlooked by the success of Pretty Women and Notting Hill, My Best Friend's Wedding stands out amongst them with an unconventional ending in contrast to most rom-coms. It follows the story of a woman named Julianne (Julia Roberts) finding out her best friend, Micheal, (Dermot Mulroney) of almost 10 years is getting married to a young perky girl, Kimberly (Cameron Diaz), after having made a marriage pact with her when they were young. In distress, Julianne sets out to sabotage the wedding, coming up with devilish plans in an attempt to break the two apart. The brilliance of the movie is that it's all done with the most unlikely of characters, where the protagonist, Julianne, isn’t exactly the good guy (although her character is played out to be more likeable than Kim). Taking its own spin in an already very specific and by-the-book genre, My Best Friend's Wedding is one of a kind and has earned its spot at the very top of this list. MEDIA, FASHION, AND ART |



OPINIONS BY LEILA DURANTE As summer approaches, we all know the online shoppers of our generation have been responsible for more than half of Zara and Aritzia's website views. Do you really know what clothes YOU want? Or have you been shopping based on trends? Well, the raging fashion-obsessed girl is about to come out of me today, as I tell you my opinion on whether or not these trends are worth your time. Or, if they’re really just a flop.

MOM SHORTS: FASHION Mom shorts are THE shorts of the summer. Perfect for hanging out with friends and wearing over your favourite swimsuit, mom shorts are a must-have closet necessity this summer! They look amazing on everyone! Some of the stores that carry them include Aritzia, American Eagle, and Garage.

PATCHWORK DENIM: FLOP Patchwork jeans have potential, but the ones appearing all over social media just don’t satisfy. They don’t have the most appealing look and can be portrayed as messy and unsettling if not made with good stitching. If you’re really in desperate need of proper patchwork, don’t spend too much time letting social media apps such as TikTok be your personal stylist. Instead, do your own research and find the perfect pair that matches you. .


Get rid of that fuzz. I love a good tote bag but fuzzy ones are not the way to go. Summer is not the time to own anything fluffy or fuzzy in your wardrobe, as these bags are known to generate heat and sweat; that's the last thing we need. Try switching it up with a fuzz-less version of a tote bag; those are always a yes, no matter what season.





Mini skirts are the perfect, classier alternative to your go-to summer shorts. When you’re in need of

spicing up an outfit, throw on a mini skirt! They look amazing on everyone and can really help boost your self-confidence. I would definitely recommend heading to your favourite thrift store ASAP because they tend to have the most amazing mini skirts for affordable prices.


THE top of the summer. Halter tops are a go-to and flatter every body type. They’re the perfect way

to add that pop of colour that’s missing from your outfit. Halter tops are not only chic, but they double as being practical during those hot summer beach days. The perfect place to purchase affordable halter tops would definitely be Cider.


Tennis skirts. The trend phenomenon. Unless you really are playing tennis, I personally believe these skirts are not necessary this season. I hate to say it, but I must: I think they’re so last year. They may be hard to let go of, but I promise they are not something that should be seen off the courts this summer.

There you have it. Spring and summer 2021 fashion trends reviewed by yours truly. Just a disclaimer, this review has been completely based on my own opinions, and if you agree with me, great! If you disagree, that's totally okay too. Everyone has their own view on clothing, and that’s the beauty of fashion. That being said, shop for yourself and create a summer wardrobe based on your own likings.





As the Story of Judith story goes, the Assyrian army, led by Holofernes, stood outside the city of Bethulia threatening to overrun the city. The inhabitants had lost hope of escaping alive, and were on the verge of giving up. But Judith, known to be an intimidating, literate widow who managed her own estate in the biblical times, put on her best clothes and walked into Holofernes’ camp. There,

Art historian Mary Garrand described Judith and her

she encouraged him to drink, and as he passed out in his

maid as “guerrilla warriors functioning heroically in an

bed, she took his sword, held him by the hair, struck his

alien territory.” The two are not only Israelites in enemy

neck twice, and smote off his head. With their leader

territory, but also women navigating the patriarchy of

decapitated, the Assyrian army fled, and Judith was the

military engagement. As a woman functioning in the

hero. Yet, Judith does not appear in that cultural pantheon

patriarchal art world of the 17th century, Gentileschi would

of Biblical underdog stories alongside those like David,

have understood Judith’s struggles in a particular light that

Moses, or Joseph. The original source of Judith’s story is

her male counterparts would have been strangers to.

lost, and even though it appears in St. Jerome's Vulgate

Furthermore, it’s not hard to see why Gentileschi, a

Bible in the early days of Christianity, many Christians

woman who had experienced sexual abuse and was

and Jews don't recognize the many stories of Judith at all,

consequently labelled as a woman with loose morals,

arguably for the sole reason that she is a woman.

would be attracted to this story. In Gentileschi’s painting,

Judith’s story became popular for Catholics during the

Judith does not appear, as she does in Caravaggio's similar

counter-reformation, a period of time when the Catholic

image, as a delicate beauty, or someone keeping herself

church needed to respond to the threat of Protestantism in

away from the bloodiness of the act. She’s a woman of

Europe. In the mid-16th century, Europe largely had a

determined action, wearing boots and confidently holding

policy of “Whose Realm, His Religion”, meaning the

her weapon, using one arm to hold Holofernes down and

religion of the political leader dictated the religion of the

the other to strike him.

area. This led to many issues in England regarding the

Judith protected the Israelites in the same way that

Tudors. Elizabeth I, for example, was declared by the pope

David, Moses, or Joseph did, and yet she’s typically

to be a heretic. The pope then essentially asked devoted

grouped with Salami and Delilah, who were both

Catholics to assassinate her. Beheading the ruler of a

responsible for seducing and killing Biblical heroes rather

kingdom—particularly one that didn't worship God in the

than villains. In other words, Judith is too often grouped

same way as themselves—became a popular theme for

with Femme Fatales rather than leaders. With Gentileschi

Catholics, and in turn, so too did Judith’s story. Judith

abandoned by her husband and had to raise her child on

beheading Holofernes was immortalized by an assortment

her own while continuing to pursue art patronage in a

of the greats—from Botticelli’s 1472 Tempera piece,

culture dominated by male artists, she was, in her own

Michelangelo’s rendition on the ceiling of the Sistine

way, a guerrilla warrior functioning heroically in alien

Chapel, Caravaggio’s particularly graphic version, and


more. But perhaps the most interesting version is the one created by Artemisia Gentileschi in 1612. 30



Sources: Garrard, Mary D. Artemisia Gentileschi : The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art. Princeton, N.J. :Princeton University Press, 1988.





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A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks is the definition

Once Landon and Jamie’s relationship begins to flourish,

of short and sweet, being only 159 pages. However, there was

he realizes she is acting odd and has grown thin; learning she

never a moment where I felt I needed more; except for the

is facing a terminal illness and only has months to live.

end, but we will get into that later.

Landon attempts to spend every last moment with Jamie,

Sparks truly captivates his readers through a rollercoaster

including reading the Bible with her to comfort her until he

of emotions within this beautiful novel. A Walk to Remember

has to say goodbye. There is a beautiful twist at the end that

tells the love story between teens Landon Carter and Jamie

will leave you in shock for days.

Sullivan, written from Landon's point of view. Landon is a

What I particularly liked about this book is the character

cliche high school boy, putting more focus on spending time

development Landon goes through; if you’ve read my review

with his friends and appearing “cool” than on his grades and

on They Both Die at the End, I’m sure you already know I'm a

extracurricular activities. On the other hand, Jamie is a

sucker for good character development. Landon starts the

church minister's daughter who dresses modestly, doesn’t

book off as reckless and materialistic, though as the book

have many friends, and spends all of her time helping less

develops, he realizes that beauty is about how you care for

fortunate people. This book shows how beauty is truly from

and treat others; going from thinking Jamie looks bland to

within, and that when you spend time with the right person,

believing she is beautiful, even on her worst days. He begins

your views on life can change for the better.

to prioritize upbringing others' happiness, rather than solely

Landon and Jamie are a couple who come together after

focusing on himself.

never noticing each other prior, as Landon thought the

Nevertheless, there happened to be two things I didn’t

church minister’s daughter to be rather boring looking and

enjoy about this book: the ending and the length. The length

Jamie was too caught up in her own life to ever attempt

of this book is surprisingly short, and even though there was

getting Landon’s attention. Against all odds, Jamie and

never a moment where I felt there was not enough detail, I

Landon come together through a series of special moments,

still believe the book could have been at least 200 pages.

such as when he visited the orphanage with her and saw how

Consequently, the ending of this book could be defined as a

gorgeous she really was; not just because she looked nice, but

robbery, because that is exactly how I felt; it was as if I had

because of how she treated others with kindness. Due to the

been robbed by Sparks himself. We will never know how

fact that Landon was spending almost every day with Jamie,

Jamie's felt in her final moments, what they did in her final

he began to realize his past behaviours were inconsiderate

hours, or if Landon ever got into UNC. There are just too

and rude; he regretted making fun of people and decided to

many questions left unanswered.

spend less time with those who poorly influenced him.

All in all, Sparks did a fabulous job in drawing in an audience and making them feel as if they were Landon himself; letting them experience every emotion as if it were their own. However, the ending has me rating A Walk to Remember a 4.5/5. 31


Ah, Fashion Week, a moment never to be missed. Seven lively, outrageous, and risk-taking days for four cities to launch the tone of fashion for the year. This past year, designers took risks no one saw coming. Although, despite taking place two months ago, the lines these artists created continue to leave an impression on fashion today. Throughout this article, you, the reader, will be given a look at a few highlights from this years' shows as well as a backstage pass to what went on, granting you the privilege of uncovering the unknown. New York, London, Milan, and Paris all had their marvellous creations displayed during this prestigious event, however, a few lines stood out the most. February 20th, 2021 marked a historic event in the world of fashion, at least for those interested in new spins on old styles; this was the day Jeremy Scott led his team at Moschino in debuting the new Marie Antoinette-inspired line. Scott interpreted his take on the queen's French garments by interlacing them with a modern, anime-like feel. The bright colours, exaggerated silhouettes, and breath-taking hair and makeup were sent down the runway draped over many household names; Kaia Gerber, Bella Hadid, and Gigi Hadid are just a few of the incredible models who walked that night. This Moschino line truly pushes the boundaries of 18thcentury style with the use of modern garments such as leather, high knee boots, and jeans; nevertheless, many believe these pieces have no place in an 18th-century inspired line. Despite the uncertainty surrounding these design choices, it is important to note the modernization and class Scott achieved by utilizing twenty-first-century materials while maintaining the importance and prestige carried by Marie Antoinette’s name.

Images by Anastasia Dimas 32



Images via Moschino


As we’re all aware, the changes the pandemic has brought upon society have evoked new habits within our everyday lives. The transition into “mask-wear” has been a somewhat controversial topic within the fashion industry, and to display a mask or not on a runway is a question many designers are still trying to answer. However, Christiano Siriano has a definitive answer. Whether it be for the good, the bad, the ugly, or the creative, many were in shock when Coco Rocha, supermodel and mother, ascended into a pool whilst draped in a gorgeous Christian Siriano gown during New York Fashion Week; not to mention, she was even pregnant at the time! Making a statement, Rocha entered the pool feet first but had some difficulty coming out. As I’m sure we can all imagine, a designer dress may not be the next bikini for your summer wardrobe, especially once dampened and weighing you down. All in all, surrounded by gorgeous flowers in Siriano’s Connecticut home, Rocha walked, or should I say swam, in an elegant red dress, hat, and mask. Seeing as not all designers incorporated COVID-19 aspects into their lines, this tribute to the hard times the pandemic has brought was truly refreshing and memorable. Let’s go backstage and uncover some unknown gems about the shows themselves. Fashion Week originated in New York City, one of the fashion capitals of the world when, in 1993, the Council of Fashion Designers of America met and created the extraordinary event. Although Paris, Milan, New York, and London put the week on the map, there are actually over 40 Fashion Weeks worldwide, making the event more accessible than one may think. One fact that may be hard to digest is the overwhelming, unheard of, outrageous, and unexplainable length of the shows: 10 minutes! Yes, you did read that right, sorry for the overkill. Most shows only run for around 10 minutes, maybe a few more if you’re lucky. This means months of blood, sweat, and tears are poured into lines, just to be displayed within this short window. Despite the prestige of the event, many couture fashion Image via E! Online

houses don’t even showcase their designs in New York. Although it may be a city where fashion dreams are made, London, Milan, and Paris seem to have a 'classier' charm to them that New York doesn’t exude, meaning it isn’t worth the fancy-pants (literally) designers' time. Personally, being invited to one of these shows is at the top of my bucket list, and maybe after reading this article, you and I will have the same priorities. All in all, no matter where you are in the world, Fashion Week is a moment never to be missed. So, put on those Anna Wintour glasses and throw on a stunning gown like Donatella Versace; just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. MEDIA, FASHION, AND ART |



"Well, it’s not all men.” In the age of #MeToo, an age

Her purpose comes alive at night, when she seeks

when men are being called out for sexual abuse and

vengeance for Nina. Cassie feigns drunk in nightclubs and

misconduct, certain men feel the need to defend their

waits for a so-called “nice guy” to offer her a ride home.

honour by insisting that “it’s not all men.” Now, any man

The ensuing events are inevitable; he invites Cassie in for a

who is truly empathetic to women’s struggles, understands drink, he begins to kiss and undress her, she slurs that she’s that “all men” refers to the system of male supremacy that intoxicated and doesn’t want to have sex, he assures her allows women’s oppression to continue - a system which “allthat it’s fine, everything’s fine until she drops her act. men” benefit from. However, certain men felt threatened by Cassie scolds the so-called “nice guy”, and then leaves his the women’s liberation movement, and so they coined the

home. I consider Cassie’s response to the men to be the

phrase “not all men.” “Not all men rape!” They declare,

film’s sole flaw. As a viewer, I expected her to react more

“And therefore insinuating that all men play a role in the

extremely and furiously. I did not expect Cassie to let him

systemic oppression of women is wrong!” “I do not rape!”

off the hook with nothing more than a warning. However, I

They promise, “And therefore I am innocent!” Our society also understand that Promising Young Woman attempts to has turned rapists into monsters, “othered” rapists, insisted portray the lived reality of women, and in our society, that “real men don’t rape”, protested that “a real man wouldwomen are powerless to successfully pose a threat to men. never do such a thing,” “rapists are the exception,” “most

The film’s main plot begins when Cassie finds out that

men are nice guys.”

Nina’s rapist, Al Monroe, is getting married, and that a

Promising Young Woman challenges the idea that rapists number of her college counterparts are attending the are ominous, menacing, otherworldly creatures, and not realwedding. Cassie is appalled that her peers have seemingly men. Promising Young Woman forces its audience to

forgotten about Monroe’s crimes, so she sets out on a

confront the harsh reality - that rapists are often ordinary

mission to force all who were complicit in Nina’s rape to

people who live ordinary lives. Studies show that roughly

reckon with their atrocities. Her venture relates to us how

90% of rape victims were acquainted with their attacker,

school administration, the criminal justice system, and even

whether that meant they were friends, family, guests at a

women suffering from internalized misogyny, play a role in

party, or on a date. Promising Young Woman displays this

failing victims of sexual assault.

cruel reality in a candy-coated, pop music scored, tongue in cheek, spectacle.

Emerald Fennell makes a number of bold choices in her direction of the film. The bright candy colour palette,

Promising Young Woman is filmmaker Emerald Fennell’s girlish wardrobe, and Britney Spears-Esque pop soundtrack feature-length directorial debut. The film follows Cassandrarecall a chick flick or a rom-com. The stylistic choice to (Cassie), played fastidiously by actress Carey Mulligan.

shoot Promising Young Woman like a traditionally

Cassie is an ex-medical student whose life has plateaued

“women’s movie”, rather than a male-gaze smothered rape-

after the brutal rape and subsequent death of her late best

revenge fantasy, forces us to view violence against women

friend, Nina. Cassie is a 29-year-old woman who works as a from an actual woman’s perspective. The film additionally


barista in a coffee shop, lives with her parents, boasts

counters traditional rape-revenge fantasies by accurately

virtually no friends, and doesn’t pursue romance.

portraying a woman’s trauma.



In male-written and directed films like Quentin Tarantino’s

The ending of Promising Young Woman has proven to be

Kill Bill, a woman’s suffering is used as a “phoenix

controversial among viewers and critics alike. Without

moment,” to turn her into some superhuman, herculean,

spoiling the film, I ask you all to remember that this is a

violent, martyr. Promising Young Woman forces us to

film both written and directed by a woman. The ending

confront the fact that trauma is severely damaging to one’s

comes from a female perspective, depicting female truth in

mental health and wellbeing. Those who have been violently a patriarchal society. As you watch the ending, recall this raped do not become sexy female assassins - in fact, they

information, and question why Emerald Fennell chose to

often become reclusive and find socializing burdensome for close Promising Young Woman in such away. the rest of their lives. A woman’s trauma is not an

Promising Young Woman has arrived at an opportune

empowering transformation, but a curse that leads to a life

moment in history. At a time when “not all men” statements

of grief and agony.

are being purported all over social media and real life, it is

Promising Young Woman also plays with religious

necessary that we be reminded that all of us play a role in

symbolism. In the photo below, Cassie is seen “drunk” at a

the system that oppresses victims of sexual violence. It is

bar, sprawled in a position reminiscent of Jesus on the

necessary that we be reminded that rapists are not only

crucifix. Cassie is giving up her nights, her ambitions, and

shady outcasts but also gentlemanly “nice guys” who are

her life - Cassie is “dying” - for other people’s sins. The

respected by their peers and counterparts. By casting actors

name of the film, Promising Young Woman, is meant to

like Adam Brody, Sam Richardson, and Bo Burnham whom

evoke the narrative of the “promising young man.” This

we associate with “nice guy” roles, Emerald Fennell forces

phrase is often used by the media when a man who was a

us to grapple with the truth that even men we admire are

star athlete, an academic genius, or any man who had a

capable of committing nefarious actions. If you choose to

“promising” life ahead of him, is accused of rape. The

watch Promising Young Woman, I urge you to examine your

“promising young man” narrative asks us to pity the man

role in upholding the patriarchal institutions and society

whose future has been jeopardized due to his

that allows violence against women to continue.

“uncharacteristic misstep” of raping a woman. The title Promising Young Woman begs us to think about the woman who has been brutalized. This woman’s future is now a seemingly endless tunnel of trauma and distress, this promising young woman’s bright future was stolen from her.

Image via




While much of North America is finally starting to catch

If or when you get your bike, there are many YouTube

up to the rest of the world in terms of getting back to

videos you can follow to learn how to ride if there’s no one

normal life, Canada continues to fall behind in reducing

to teach you firsthand. Best of luck biking, and stay safe!

restrictions. Who knows what exactly we'll be able to do a


month from now? In the meantime, here are three skills

Sewing is another great skill to learn because it can be

and activities you should consider learning or trying that

done inside if you’re not a summer heat kind of person and

are not only useful, but fun. Most of all, they are activities

can be a lifesaver if you have a rip in your favourite

that can be performed while being socially distanced from

clothing items. Fixing a hole or tear can be as easy as a


quick stitch and you’re good to go in under five minutes,


which is why even just knowing the basics of sewing is very

It’s said that once you learn how to ride a bike, you’ll

useful. Altering clothing to any desired fit can also come in

never forget. While this doesn’t ring true for me, since I

handy. Apart from repairing or altering pre-existing

had to relearn how to bike about three times, it was still

clothing, you can create whole new pieces to add to your

one of my favourite parts of summer 2020. Biking is

summer and fall lookbooks, which can be especially

something you can do socially distanced, will allow you to

helpful if the trendy shirt you want is sold out in your size.

get from place to place without using public transportation,

It allows those who have a passion for fashion to customize

is good for your health, and is thoroughly enjoyable. Even

clothing, learn fantastic life skills, and keep occupied.

in urbanized cities, there are often trails and paths that are

Unlike biking, which requires a lot more focus (if you’re

dedicated to bikers. If your hometown doesn’t happen to

biking on roads or trails at least), sewing is the opposite.

have any, you can certainly find somewhere in your

Once you practice sewing a bit, you can sit and listen to a

neighbourhood, such as less populated sidewalks, to bike

podcast or watch TV while simultaneously working on your

around! Additionally, this uber-fun sport-turned-activity

creation. Sewing is also generally a lot cheaper than buying

can also be really good exercise if gyms near you are

a bike; the fabric is bought by the meter and beginners will

closed; some even say cycling is debatably better than using

likely start off with patterns they can sew by hand. Even

a stationary bike machine. A regular bike can actually

buying a new sewing machine can be as cheap as $40, if you

transport you to various places as it requires you mentally

have a little more to splurge, you could opt for one that’s

focus in order to move, therefore not allowing you to just

$70-$120. Best case scenario, your parents already have a

pedal absentmindedly; under the majority of

working sewing machine or some big gift-giving event is

circumstances, it also encourages you to get outside. That’s

coming up. Happy sewing!

not to say using a stationary bike isn’t exercise, but it


definitely depends on your objective; if you want to go

Lastly, and arguably the most beneficial skill you can

from point A to point B, I’d suggest a regular bike.

learn or improve this summer, is your culinary skills.

According to Better Health Channel, biking also has many

Cooking and baking are, by definition, life skills; since

benefits such as increased cardiovascular fitness, increased

food is one of the things you need to stay alive, you might

muscle strength and flexibility, improved joint mobility,

as well know how to prepare it. I recommended everyone

decreased stress levels, improved posture and

attempt to work on their culinary skills, especially

coordination, and strengthened bones.

considering they will likely come in handy in the future!

Now, owning your own bike may be a little tricky, since

I’ve been baking and cooking since I was little, and it

there is high demand with low supply; not to mention,

was something my mom and I would always do together. I

bikes can be quite expensive and range from $300 to $600

highly suggest trying out one of the ramen recipes that

for adult trail and road bikes. However, many cities have

often circulate through the TikTok algorithm; it’s

their own public bike rentals; in Toronto, you can rent a

definitely my favourite online recipe. Additionally, make

bike from 9 AM and 5:30 PM for $35. Alternatively, you can

sure to give the mug cake, homemade boba, baked oatmeal,

search for used bikes in your area, or ask friends and

and feta pasta recipes a try as well.

family if they have bikes they’d give or sell to you secondhand. 36

Cooking is also much cheaper than ordering in

For this, I bought sliced cheese, processed meat, crackers,

constantly, and while that may seem false, it actually

and even the small Kit Kats. However, that’s not taking

happens to be true in many cases! Take pizza for example;

into account that you could make at least 10 homemade

making homemade vs. buying pizza. A woman from the

Lunch Mates with the same set of ingredients; not to

United States who goes by The Frugal Girl on social media

mention, a homemade alternative would likely be a lot

calculated that it’s homemade pizza for the win, at least

fresher as well.

cost-wise. She states, “$3.25 for ingredients and $0.50 for

This experiment is just one of many ways you can save

electricity comes to a total of $3.75 for two pizzas or $1.87

money by cooking food instead of purchasing it packaged,

per pizza. So, that means I could add $3.68 worth of

in addition to the increase in culinary freedom. Not only

toppings to each of my pizzas before they’d reach the Little

that, but there are a plethora of resources through which

Caesar’s $5.55 level.” Not only can you reuse your supplies

you can find, access, and try out different recipes; this

if you buy jars of tomato sauce, blocks of cheese, etc., but

includes FoodNetwork and Tasty. Wherever you fall on the

you can add as much or as little of your toppings as you

spectrum of cooking expertise, I wish you success - even if

want. This even goes for things such as replacing

it comes after much trial and error on your dishes and

Lunchables and Lunch Mates with separately bought


crackers, cheese, meat, and candy. I did my own

Will you be trying out any of the life skills/hobbies? I’d

calculations and, in Canadian dollars, the total of

consider it, at least, as it’s not like there’s much else to do.

separately-bought ingredients was $20, in comparison to

I hope these three new skills keep you entertained while

the $3.30 total cost of a Lunch Mate pack.

you stay safe this summer.




Emma Chamberlain is a 19-year-old content creator and internet influencer. In her lifetime, Emma has gained over twelve million Instagram followers and over ten million Youtube subscribers. On top of that, Emma has collaborated with many different companies, become an ambassador for many brands such as Louis Vuitton, come out with her own planner, and owns a coffee company titled 'Chamberlain Coffee'. Her first episode of Anything Goes was posted at the beginning of 2020, and I have been hooked ever since. When I first found Emma’s Youtube channel back in 2017, I was drawn in by her authentic and relatable personality, something that I felt lacked on Youtube and social media as a whole. Some unexplained things about her inspired me to be myself, despite the risk of being judged. Her podcast is just like her Youtube videos, except she gets deeper into topics and you start to feel as if she’s your best friend and


you are talking to her. In every episode, Emma sits in a small room with her microphone and simply talks. She always has a new topic for each episode, ranging from lessons on how to be more confident to random advice sessions where she solves her supporters’ problems and gives them support. She usually goes off-topic, digging deep into her personal life. Through all of this, she proves she is just like us: a normal person with normal problems. This podcast is perfect for any day-to-day situation, including going for a walk or doing homework, as you don’t need to pay too much attention to it in order to follow along. Due to the fact that the podcast is very casual, expect to hear the occasional coffee slurp and maybe a couple of burps. Emma is so unapologetically herself, she doesn’t leave out any detail about her personal life; including her stomach issues. There are no cuts, edits, or backtracks in the podcast episodes, except for a commercial once in a while. This assists in the experience of sitting down in a room and feeling as though you’re talking to a friend. I think what perfects this feeling of connection with her is the fact that she always gives her audience seemingly mundane glimpses into her life in surprising detail; topics include cooking vegan mac and cheese, cleaning out her closet, and exploring the coffee shops in her city. Each podcast episode is forty-five minutes to about one hour long; this is a perfect length for me because it isn’t much of a commitment. One thing I really love are her advice sessions. Every once in a while, Emma sends out a tweet asking for people’s problems or situations that they need help with and she answers them on the podcast. Sometimes, the situations are very relatable and Emma’s advice can be applied to the life of the person who wrote it as well as my own. All in all, Emma is really helpful and never gives bad advice. Overall, this is a podcast that I would recommend to any teenager and young adult, of any gender. Emma offers such a positive yet

Image via Podchaser

realistic take on life and its many troubles, doing so with a touch of sarcasm and witty humour. Even if you aren’t a regular podcast listener, you’ll find pleasure in giving it a shot. If I were to rate the podcast out of 10, it would get a solid 9. With an episode for every mood and the perfect balance of casualty and entertainment, Emma


has really hit the nail on this one.

WRITERS FEATURED Natasha Bernstein Sarah Carnat Anastasia Dimas Leila Durante Izzy Gelman Ella Ionescu Charlotte Ligtenberg Allison Mak Cadence Parsons Georgia Pomozova-Mann Nicole Sandels Elena Vlitas Sipora West Alyssa Zhang THANK YOU... 39



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