For All The Girls Magazine - Issue 3

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issue 3



















EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Georgia Pomozova-Mann Managing Editor Ella Ionescu Creative Director Alyssa Zhang Public Relations Manager Sipora West Content Curator Anastasia Dimas Social Media Manager Izzy Gelman Business Manager Leila Durante



Welcome back, everyone! To start, we hope you all had an amazing summer filled with fun experiences, new memories, health, growth, and much more! Further, we wish you all a smooth transition into fall and hope this season is a good one; whether it be in school, work, or life in general. While working towards putting out an issue throughout the summer months has certainly been hectic, I am beyond amazed by the effort, consistency, and strength put forward by our wonderful team! With this, we hope you enjoy, learn from, and feel inspired by each and every article put out in this issue! We truly cannot wait for all that is to come and are beyond thankful for the love and support our growing community has shown. 2

Georgia Pomozova-Mann EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

7 Y.A. Novels That Open Up the Conversation About Race soma savage As important movements such as Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate rightfully get more recognition, conversations start to open around us with friends, family, neighbours, and so on regarding racial inequality. Oftentimes, it is a difficult and at times uncomfortable conversation to have when acknowledging the struggles or privileges we face in our lives due to our race. In order to be an ally and thoughtfully engage in a discussion about race, it is crucial to do your homework and understand the privilege that shapes one’s world and to educate yourself on things you need to learn and unlearn to become a better advocate. Learning about the experiences and discrimination people of colour (POC) face through stories told by POC authors starts to allow us to become greater allies. These seven books cover the police brutality black people face, the challenges and discrimination immigrants encounter, missing and murdered indigenous women, the Islamophobia and discrimination people who wear hijabs face, the experiences Japanese-Americans faced in internment camps, and the anti-Semitic hate crimes against Jewish people.

The Hate U Give is about sixteen-year-old Starr who combats racism and police brutality after she witnesses a police officer fatally shoot her childhood friend, Khalil. She lives in a poor, predominantly black neighbourhood, but goes to a private school in a suburban, white area. Following the incident, she quickly becomes the main voice for her friend’s murder as she leads major protests demanding justice. Simultaneously, people from her school are calling Khalil a thug, drug dealer, and saying he had it coming. Everyone wants to know what really happened that night and Starr is the only one with that information. What she does or does not say can demolish her community and put her life at risk. All American Boys features two teenage boys, one black and one white, who quickly come to the realization that they are not treated equally by police. After being mistaken for a shoplifter, Rashad is almost beaten to death by a police officer. The witness, Quinn, who is also the police officer’s son, wrestles with the newfound knowledge that his heroes may actually be deeply flawed. As their school takes sides on the incident, Rashad and Quinn confront the realities they had not faced before. SOCIAL



The Lines We Cross shows the lives of two teens on opposite sides of the immigration debate, stuck in a Romeo and Juliet-like story. Michael goes to anti-immigration rallies with his parents, and Mina has recently come to Australia as a refugee from Afghanistan and starts attending the same school as Michael. They have to decide where they stand and if they can have love for each other across this cultural border as they get caught in a storm of religion, refugees, Islamophobia, and immigration. This story opens a political conversation through a personal love story.

In 2016, then 14-year-old Brianna Jonnie wrote a letter to the Winnipeg chief of police, and it quickly went viral online. In the letter, she asked him what he would do if she, an Ojibwe woman, went missing. Would she get the same treatment as a white male? Or rather, would her case be ignored as many similar ones are? The attention the letter gained online sparked a conversation about the missing and murdered Indigenous women that continued throughout this graphic novel.

Sadia Ahmadi is a high school girl who is very passionate about basketball. Her best friend, Mariam, wants to fit in with the popular crowd and starts de-jabbing- removing her hijab every morning when she arrives at school. When basketball tryouts are announced at their school, Sadia’s athletic talent shines through. However, her headscarf quickly becomes a problem as a discriminatory rule forces her to choose between removing her hijab to play the game, or not competing at all. Everyone in her life has an opinion on what decision she should make; ranging from her best friend, teammates, and parents. Nevertheless, it is up to Sadia to decide what she wants to do and to stand up for what is right. The graphic novel They Called Us Enemy is Japanese-American actor George Takei’s memoir of his experiences as a child during World World ll, when he and his family were forced into and imprisoned in internment camps. This book can certainly be used to have conversations about this time of Asian Pacific American history, and includes many first-hand accounts within this subject area. Furthermore, it reminds us to never repeat the racist acts of the past, especially during a time in which Asian hate crimes are heavily increasing. 4




Main character Ruth Robb finds out that she can not be both Jewish and popular during the summer of 1958 in Atlanta, Georgia. With this mindset drilled into her brain due to the actions of others, she decides to hide her religion in order to achieve popularity. She starts to fit in with the allwhite, all-American, popular kids. However, as violent hate crimes arise, Ruth is forced to face all aspects of her identity; she must choose between the all-American life she has come to love and her religious identity. This story set in the 1950s can relate to the anti-Semitism Jewish people are currently facing in 2021, as well as how it affects their relationship with their faith and self-identity.



body image in the athletic community ELLA IONESCU Between the many sports in the athletic community, there is a large focus on sportsmanship as well as skill, however, there is also the hidden aspect of a desired “perfect” body. Many sports, unfortunately, hold standards for how an athlete is to physically look, although somebody's size doesn’t necessarily affect their game. This toxicity comes not only from the media, but coaches and trainers as well. Athletes should be able to attend practices and games feeling comfortable; able to focus solely on their skills and drills rather than how they look. Throughout this article, I will write about the toxic body image standards attached to many athletes due to media, peer, and coach pressure; as well as why these standards should be put to a stop and how athletes are negatively affected by each of these situations. The media has a large impact on everyone, especially considering that it is the greatest source of knowledge in present times. These impacts can be positive or negative, depending on what audience is being targeted by various outlets. Known for being very harmful and hateful when it comes to body image throughout many communities, the media often states that people should only look a certain way. They constantly advertise what the "perfect" body is for athletes by displaying false facts and sometimes impossible standards out into the world. Millions of results come up just when searching “perfect athletic build” on Google, with most of these articles featuring “ideal body weight” or “the ideal weight for an athletic build” in their titles. Although many people may see these articles as “harmless” and “helpful”, they are certainly the opposite. In most cases, different heights require different body weights to remain healthy. Many of these articles may say that “being 170lb if you are a man and being 125lb if you are a woman is the perfect athletic body weight,” however, that is essentially unrealistic. People vary in height, so for them the pursuit of this “perfect body weight as an athlete” could stray them away from whatever is truly healthy for their body. I conducted a survey and 20/20 (100%) of respondents stated that the media influences them to have a certain body type when it comes to their sport. There is no such thing as the “perfect athletic build”, and people should be able to maintain their weight healthily without the negative influence that the media has on them; which could possibly lead to insecurities and eating disorders. However, if you do have the “perfect” athletic body, you shouldn’t feel bad about this and other people shouldn’t put you down for portraying that image. 6




Coaches and trainers often promote being muscular and lean to their athletes, especially dance teachers. When these influential figures of authority push the idea that athletes should have long endurance and lean bodies, they are negatively impacting their athletes without realizing it. In my survey, I asked the question “Did your coaches or trainers push you to have a certain body type? (e.g. slimmer or more muscular),” and over half of the participants answered “yes”. Additionally, a few of these respondents even explained as to why it impacted them negatively, saying, “I was constantly being compared to everyone else around me IN FRONT of teammates,” and, “Yes, it had a negative impact on me. Before those comments I ate freely but since those comments were made I’ve been insecure and very cautious on what I eat," and, “It affected me to feel worse because I didn't look the way I apparently should.” Lastly, there was also the response of “It affected me negatively in ways where I wouldn’t eat, worked out excessively and wore oversized clothes so my body wasn’t shown.” These were only some of the responses, so it’s only imaginable how many others have had similar experiences. The standards that are held above athletes can very easily be unrealistic as well as impossible. All bodies have a “set point”, which is when your body will settle at a certain range, making it extremely difficult to become slimmer or more muscular than said set point. Due to the immense pressure--whether it is directly or subconsciously being expressed-that is put onto athletes to have the “ideal athletic body”, many issues could surface from athletes attempting to make their bodies “good enough”. These issues could be insecurities that arise not only when it comes to their sport, but also in various other settings, such as at home or in school. Said induced issues could possibly lead to a person excessively working out or starving themselves to be as fit as their teammates, or just to achieve a goal they feel they need to reach in order to excel at their sport. Many sports do not actually require anyone to have a certain body type, as there are many aspects to being a successful athlete that don’t require a certain shape or size. An example of this being that sports often have defence, offence, or goalies; all of these positions require different skills and athletic knowledge, though none have to do with what a person's body looks like. Athletic ability does not correlate with what someone looks like, and that fact should be normalized. Just because somebody may be “bigger” does not mean that they are slower or less skilled than “smaller” teammates. Athletes constantly being told that they should have a certain body type while at practices can lead them to compare themselves to teammates, shifting their focus from the true goals of their practices. In the survey I conducted, I asked the question, “Were you affected by how your teammates looked in uniformsmaking you self-conscious? (whether it's being too skinny, not being skinny enough, or not being muscular enough for your sport).” At the end of this survey, 18/21 people replied “Yes'', with some explaining how it affected them negatively: “As I said before, I was constantly compared to everyone around me so seeing them have ex: slimmer legs than me made me feel so self-conscious and I still am to this day (even though I no longer dance),” and, “Negatively because I felt embarrassed around them and like the coach gives them more praise for having the ideal body type,” and, “negatively I always compared myself to them, how they looked and how I didn’t.” Athletes should be able to attend practices without feeling the need to achieve unrealistic standards and having to compare themselves to teammates; on the other side, athletes also shouldn’t feel guilty if they do happen to portray the image of a “perfect body”. The end goal of promoting bodily inclusivity and abolishing various standards is the overall acceptance of all shapes and sizes, no matter where you fall on the spectrum of visualities.




The body standards held for athletes should be put to a stop to create more comfortable space at practices, an increase of self-love with less comparison, and an overall more positive environment for everyone. Athletes should be taught that, as long as they can do what is required of them athletically, the size or shape of their body doesn’t matter. Unfortunately, due to the long amount of time these standards have been normalized, it will be of great difficulty to change the standards set for athletes' bodies. However, we must begin to realize that the shape and size of our bodies do not correlate with our athletic performance. Just because you are a certain size does not mean that you are a bad athlete, and it does not mean anything is wrong with your body. As long as your body is healthy, you are doing amazing; not only as an athlete but also as a person. The unrealistic and negative views of an athlete’s body pushed onto people are just a reflection of how close-minded your coach and the media are. No matter who you are or what you look like, your body is already perfect in every way possible; the most important part of being an athlete is truly just your sportsmanship and respect for others.





FETISHIZATION OF ASIAN WOMEN: THE “YELLOW FEVER” PHENOMENON ALYSSA ZHANG Small eyes, large breasts, and a submissive personality. Now that I have your attention, let’s get into it. Yellow Fever, also known as the fetishization of Asians, has been around for far too long; it traces back from our history lessons all the way up to the present day. Oftentimes, it is strategically placed around short skirts and thigh highs in your favourite anime episodes, or the most vulgar, niche pornography marketed to men and boys to fulfill their “dragon lady” fantasies. It shows up in microaggressions and exchanges between people every day, and ranges to hate crimes and mass shootings driven by “sex addictions”.

This repulsive hyper-sexualization is corrupting every sliver of culture we get, with the media being continuously silent about it, and my anger only building with every word I write - I'm done. “I want to absolutely dominate your small, Asian body.” says a strange man on the internet. What comes to your mind first when you think about Asian women? Can we say out loud what the sexual stereotypes of Asian women are? The first that I think of is definitely submissive. Offenders like to believe that we have small features and soft voices that they can easily talk over. In the end of many Americanized movies, the Asian characters never survive; somehow embodying that “Miss Saigon'' character; the ones they always want but can never have. These stereotypes show up heavily in anime, which encourages viewers to bow into these concepts that are realistically untrue and harmful. Viewers take distorted concepts and are conditioned to believe that treating Asian women as submissive, dainty, and small is okay and harmless.




I have been begged by boys to wear little black schoolgirl skirts that have been encouraged by anime, put on button-ups for “anime breasts'' to be on display, and stare at my legs in thigh highs; all just so they can dehumanize and use me as a shell to fulfill their pedophilic, racist, disgusting fantasies. It's particularly nauseating to discover that the boy you're growing to like is fanatically devoted to your "exotic aura" but couldn't care less about you for more than your ethnicity When these microaggressions occur in close, intimate relationships, they are even more noticeable and painful. “What preconceptions do you have about me?” I occasionally ask. The response frequently reinforces sexualized Asian stereotypes, “you’re faceless, invisible, or simply a sexual object for my pleasure.” Of course not explicitly, but over time - it’s obvious. Before I realized my value, I would put up with racist discomforts to test my will, “How far can this go before the ones that I love make it impossible for me to associate with them?” For the longest time, I put up with it. I was so okay with being hyper-sexualized as long as it meant that boys thought I was pretty, and if I could ever measure up to my beautiful white friends that didn’t need to be fetishized to be considered attractive. Asian women are discouraged, wary, and afraid of males infected with “Asian Fever” who believe that fetishizing them is praise. Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t a new issue. In fact, I blame the oversexualization of East Asian women to events that occurred quite far back in our history. The Page Act of 1875 in the United States, which applied mostly to Chinese women, precedes the Chinese Exclusion Act. These people saw Chinese women as prostitutes in order to marginalize Chinese people. Legacies like the Page Act of 1875, legacies that still resonate to the American society today, are still grouping East Asian women into the perception that we are prostitutes and temptations.For example, the recent Atlanta shootings that led to the deaths of eight people, with six of them being Asian women; these shootings were motivated not solely by hate, but also by sexual addiction. “Suspected gunman Robert Aaron Long, a 21-year-old Atlanta-area resident who is white, told police that sexual frustration led him to commit the violence,” states Sarah N. Lynch and Valerie Volcovici of CNN. How long can we continue to let this be an excuse for harmful actions backed by racism? The fetishization of Asian women is linked to the violence we suffer. This is mainly attributable to America's political history of wars, the othering and demonization of the East, and the continued consumption of racial tropes as entertainment; in addition to the events I have mentioned, there are a plethora of other instances that can be found with just a quick Google search. In present days and historic events, Asian women have not been able to avoid being objectified; whether they are perceived as gentle and subservient, hypersexual or sexually deviant, or robotic and emotionless.

It’s not a compliment, it’s terrifying.




Looking Asian notably became a "trend" on TikTok and online, particularly around 2020, when Asianfishing became an online sensation. This is such a bigger issue than what is being addressed, as many believe that the discomfort is attributed only to “fox-eye” eyeliner; in reality, it’s more so how our features, our eyes in particular, can be a trend for some and a torment to others. I can say that I am more confident in my features now, but growing up in a country and an area with a Western beauty standard, I was conditioned to hate myself. I did everything I could to look less Asian; adopted the style, the way white girls did their makeup and their hair - everything just seemed so out of reach and unattainably beautiful to me. I took it as a compliment when everyone around me called me “white-washed” and grew more and more disconnected from my culture; forgetting how to speak my language and not being able to keep up with conversations in Mandarin - something I regret the most now. I have struggled with my cultural identity for most of my life as racial slurs still get thrown at me, people pull the corners of their eyes to mock my ethnicity, and now the trendiness of posing fad for companies to sell their products. Worse, when the individual doing the motion is dressed in a sultry version of the Qipao, a classic Chinese sheath garment that fast fashion sites sometimes advertise as "oriental" or "Asian-inspired" designs. The pose has never been praise to our eyes, but is now used as something to represent beauty and something desirable where it has only been a symbol of oppression to the Asian community. This is extremely damaging not only to Asians, but to all people of colour. For instance, big lips on black girls could be seen as “ghetto” while, simultaneously, Kylie Jenner lip kits sell out in seconds. “What people don't understand,” Wang wrote in an op-ed for student-run newspaper Stanford Daily in July, is that the gesture has "racially-charged historical weight," referring to past satirical depictions of Asians in Western media -- caricatures poking fun at facial features to portray them as "barbaric," "subhuman," and inferior.” Yet in the twenty-first century, these Asian features have suddenly transformed into beauty trends for non-Asian people to portray. A trend is something the privileged can use and toss, but we have to live with it forever, regardless of whether or not it’s the latest craze.




Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of finding Asians attractive. That is still possible. Nobody is saying, "If you find an Asian beautiful, you're a racist and a fetishizer!" When you transform traditional clothing with a long history into lingerie, you're being racist and fetishistic. When you find a Japanese or Chinese person attractive only because they are Japanese or Chinese, you are being racist and fetishistic. The issue occurs when you just evaluate people in terms of their race, ignoring their history and culture. It might not seem like a huge problem to people who aren't Asian, and they might even believe we should be grateful for it. “Oh, you should take it as a compliment!” you'll hear far too many times. “Be thrilled someone is interested in you/your race!” is a bold claim with racist and derogatory overtones, indicating that one's whole race and ethnicity is too ugly for anyone to be interested in normally. It's not easy to see your culture, which is typically based on modesty and respect, transformed into a sex symbol; it's demeaning. Being fetishized isn't a pleasant experience and it removes a person's identity and history, reducing them and their culture to their race.

Racism shows up in so many forms, leaving people to be unintentionally offensive. As we grow as a society it is our job to recognize the racist undertones and fetishization that is constantly thrown at Asian women. As efforts to eradicate these fetishizations and overall anti-Asian racist tones spread throughout society and the media, it is crucial that we all do our part in supporting the strive in these movements.





I am so sick of staying silent about this racism masked as desire. I am not weak, or disposable, or your sex toy. and fetishization is not a compliment.

It is violent, and it is sadistic, and it is ultimately deadly. SOCIAL ISSUES |


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: RACISM ON THE MENU hazel kurniadi Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts, a popular segment on James Corden’s ‘Late Late Show’ validates white supremacy by ignorantly mocking ethnic dishes, mainly originating from Asia, describing them as “really disgusting” and “horrific”. Featuring various mainstream celebrities including Kendall Jenner, Harry Styles, and Justin Bieber, the rules of the game require each guest to either spill a juicy secret or sample a “gross” food. Some of the dishes presented include cow tongue, both a Russian and Mexican delicacy, along with chicken feet, balut, and centuryold eggs which are customary to Asian culture. Food is highly valued within many ethnicities; it’s also something many people of colour (POC) have been mocked for through normalized microaggressions. The collective idea that ethnic foods are “gross” simply because they are unfamiliar, upholds the norm which continues to discriminate against people of colour. Normalized racism towards Asians belittles their experience as a POC. The pressure to conform to the white-American norm robs Asians of their ability to appreciate their culture out of the fear of being mocked for diverging from said norm. A common experience for many POC, including myself, was bringing a home-cooked meal to school, looking forward to indulging in a comfort meal, only to be ridiculed by fellow classmates. “That looks so can you eat that?”, “Ew what’s that smell?”, *Gagging noises and plugging their nose*. Overlooking these behaviours discredits the mistreatment of Asians and contributes to the erasure of their marginalized history. The proposition engraved in us that poses white as the base standard of all runs through the veins of society’s framework, founded on the oppression of minorities. Without realizing, we have and continue to reiterate the fact that white-American foods, features, fashion, ways of speaking, and all else are the norm. Many people don’t realize their participation in microaggressions against Asians and their failure to do so continues to normalize racism. While anti-racism allies oppose the white-American standard, society’s grip on the media further discriminates against POC through its biased influence on the public.





The media’s insensitivity and plain ignorance to recurrent racism enforce whiteAmerican standards to its millions of viewers. TikToker Kim Saira called Corden out for his ignorance, creating a petition to cancel the Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts segment of his show. POC speaking up about the James Corden matter is not fragility and over sensitivity. We must realize that normalized microaggressions are a domino in the effect of white supremacy. Kim’s video holding Corden accountable sparked the attention of the public eye. Still, recognize that the exploitation of POC is not “the latest drama” nor your entertainment for the night. By dismantling the media’s racist takes, we step forward in the fight for equality. Ways to be an ally include accepting other cultures, diversifying your perspective, calling out racism, listening to POC and their experiences, and continuing to educate yourself. We don’t mean that you have to force yourself to enjoy foreign foods, but be aware of your racist prejudices against it. Your stance against racism brought up all around us, in unnoticed ways like through the media, provides a safer space for everyone. Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts’ disregard for Asian culture disappoints our progressing society. Our flawed system in need of deconstruction hinders POC from expressing their true identity through their culture and history. Blatant racism and microaggressions woven through the media teach racism to our youth, continuing the cycle of our unjust foundation. Freedom of POC means dismantling our broken system, beginning by filtering the media’s bias against minorities and discrediting the white-American norm to generate an accepting environment for all.



Three Emerging Careers in Technology You Should Know About ELENA VLITAS In the 21st century, advancements in technology are transforming the workforce faster than ever. As many companies continue to digitize, the demand for individuals highly skilled in the technological realms of coding, artificial intelligence, engineering, and analyzing will continue to grow exponentially. While schools are starting to offer and build into the curriculum, students will need to extend beyond the fundamentals and basics to develop strong technical skills in technology, regardless of their presumptive career path. It is essential that the youth of today begin to learn about these fields of technology and the careers they may yield. As the workforce continues to evolve, here are three must-know careers that are estimated to be greatly sought after within the near future:

1 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer Artificial intelligence is, in essence, the development of human intelligence in the form of technology thatis often used with machine learning (ML). While artificial intelligence can mimic human intelligence and automate tasks, machine learning allows computers to learn from and analyze large sets of data to make predictions and draw conclusions. Some common examples of AI include voice assistants such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Artificial intelligence is also used by Tesla to automate their lineup of self-driving cars. Tesla’s self-driving vehicles use complex algorithms of AI and ML to correctly make decisions on where to drive by identifying lanes, pedestrians, stoplights, and other vehicles to name a few. Careers in artificial intelligence have increased in demand by 74% over the past four years according to the 2020 Linkedin Emerging Jobs Report. Artificial intelligence is expected to continue to grow exponentially, and eventually will be integrated into the most common aspects of daily life such as grocery shopping. As an artificial intelligence engineer, one can expect to program AI systems, such as those that can facilitate the transfer of data between systems. As well, AI engineers need to analyze and update their system so that the machine is also producing the best and most accurate outcomes and decisions. Such a career requires one to be highly skilled in math, communication, problem solving, and programming; among other expected skills in the workplace such as collaboration, leadership, and responsibility. To become an AI engineer, common fields of study in post-secondary education institutions include degrees in computer science, data science, engineering, physics, or mathematics. Candidates for a position in AI would need specialized skills such as an ability to code, as well as a deep understanding of how to use, develop, and deploy AI systems by gaining knowledge about data science, neural networks, machine learning, and deep learning. According to Erieri Economic Research Institute, an AI engineer in Canada earns an average salary ranging from $86,121 to $152,618 CAD.




2 - Software Engineer A software engineer is a broad term for a type of engineer that designs, develops, and deploys a variety of softwares to be used for business, leisure, or education. Software engineers are highly skilled in mathematics, programming, and problemsolving; this is in order for them to execute the creation of complex websites, apps, games, and more. Roles software engineers may take on often include web developers and software developers, while those well versed in strategy and leadership can become a Chief Technology Officer within an organization (CTO). Standard practice requires a working knowledge or high-proficiency in a combination of Javascript, Python, C++, and/or other equivalent coding languages. The requirements for said language proficiency may vary by specific focus of software development. For example, a video game developer would need to know languages like SQL, while mobile app developers would need to know languages like Swift. For this career, a post secondary education in computer science or software engineering is recommended. states that an entry level software engineer can expect to earn $75,143 CAD annually while experienced software engineers can reach salaries of up to $130,000 CAD on average.

3 - User Experience (UX) Designer User experience design refers to the process of designing technological products like apps, websites, and games to create an interface that is easy and visually appealing for users. Cognitive scientist Donald Norman was one of the first individuals to study design in a way that is user-focused and catered to the human mind. Following this concept, Steve Jobs, primarily known for being a founder of Apple, became one of the visionaries that initiated UX design in modern products. After taking a calligraphy class, he ensured he made it a priority for Apple’s personal computer the Macintosh, often referred to as the “Mac”, to have beautiful typography and a user-friendly interface. Today, nearly every website and software utilizes UX design to create a meaningful and captivating interface for those that utilize their page. While a coding background is not always necessary for this role, knowledge of front-end programming languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript are an asset. While no specific degree is needed to be a UX designer, taking courses to gain skills will help one excel in this role. UX designers must be able to understand space, image, and colour theory so that they are able to optimize the design for a given purpose, or to invoke a specific feeling. UX designers in Canada can expect to make $55,000 to $117,000 per year over the duration of their career.

Overall, as the world digitizes, technological skills are becoming more and more in demand. Understanding current jobs in the tech industry will help prepare the youth of today to take on these roles in the future, along with those that have not yet been created. Though it may seem intimidating at first, everyone should begin coding in order to either have an understanding of how everyday technologies function, or to begin building technologies of their own to innovate the future.




sipora's movie of the month sipora west Despite only being released in 2019, Olivia Wilde’s feature length directorial debut Booksmart already feels like a classic. Featuring hilarious lines of dialogue (“Prepare to get bashed! In a fun way, like consensually bashed, I mean. Consensually bashed, it should say. Prepare to get consensually bashed.”), iconic characters (Gigi, played by Billie Lourd, stands out), an exhilarating soundtrack (Death Grips, and Parliament, and Anderson Paak, oh my!), fast paced editing, and a drug-induced hallucination sequence that will have you clutching your ribs laughing, Booksmart is guaranteed to go down as one of the best films in coming-of-age genre’s history. Booksmart follows best friends Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaitlyn Denver) on their last day of high school. Molly and Amy have always been academically oriented; “booksmart,” if you will. Molly is class president who dreams of becoming the youngest Supreme Court Justice in history. Amy is a feminist whose bedroom walls are adorned with of-the-time political statements, such as “My Body My Choice”, and “Free Palestine”. Next year, Molly will be attending Yale, while Amy heads to Columbia. The two young women have always looked down on their classmates, judging their peers for their concern with such idiocracies as partying, sex, and relationships. Molly and Amy expect that their classmates' lives are peaking in high school, since the other students don’t care about homework and grades. Of course, Molly and Amy quickly realize that they are mistaken. The setoff of the hero’s journey is when popular girl “Triple A” (a misogynistic nickname given because of the “roadside assistance” she is rumoured to give her male classmates), tells Molly that she, too, will be a student at Yale next year. Molly enters a state of disbelief, sputtering, “But you don’t care about school!”, and Triple A answers, “No, we just don’t only care about school.” Molly and Amy soon discover that all of their classmates have been accepted into prestigious colleges: Harvard, Stanford, one “stoner” character has even been recruited to work for Google. Molly and Amy conclude that they must pack four years of high school experience into one night, and they decide to do so by attending popular boy Nick’s graduation rager. Of course, Amy and Molly meet obstacles on the way: they accidentally become the only guests at rich social outcast Jared’s yacht party, they hallucinate themselves as dolls at a theatre kid murder mystery party, they watch porn (for educational purposes) in their school principal’s car. The night’s adventure is filled with joy and wackiness, as well as sincere moments that allow the audience to learn more about the characters' insecurities and psyche.


Booksmart uses the same story trope as films like Superbad, a story about nerds setting out to experience one true night of fun. However, Booksmart stands out from the Superbad’s of the world because of its lack of unnecessarily misogynistic jokes (in fact, Booksmart goes out of its way to include “woke” dialogue, occasionally even to a fault), and because of its groundedness in reality. Sure, both Molly and Amy get romantic interests. But, their interactions with their romantic interests are appropriately heartfelt and awkward for teenagers in their inexperienced positions. Sure, we have the high school stock characters of mean girl, promiscuous girl, stoner, slacker, effeminate theatre kid, etc. But, Booksmart shows these people as fully realized characters rather than caricatures. The film quickly capsizes teen stereotypes on their heads, allowing the cliché characters to show multitudinous facets of their personality.

As someone who doesn’t party much and isn’t what you would consider a “high school cool girl”, I was worried that watching the film would lead me to believe I’m making the wrong choices. Instead, I was comforted with the message that you should just be open to new experiences, rather than close all your doors and judge anyone who’s priorities differ from your own. Life should be about balancing what you need with what you love. Sure, work and school are important. But so are friendships and memories that feed your soul. Booksmart emphasizes the value of real human connection, such as the friendship between Molly and Amy. I can confidently say that anyone with a strong platonic connection like Amy and Molly’s should consider themselves lucky, and consider their life well lived.

Something that I particularly love about Booksmart is it’s casual representation of LGBTQ+ characters. Amy is bisexual, and her crush, Ryan, is a woman. Unlike other LGBTQ+ films where the whole story revolves around the character coming out, in Booksmart, Amy is already out, and her romantic story is focused on getting the girl. The way that Booksmart portrays female friendship is also commendable. Far too often, female friendships are demonized in the movies, showing women who gossip behind each other’s backs, and who compete for male validation. However, in Booksmart, Molly and Amy are real best friends who respect and support each other. They never snark about each other’s looks, outfits, or interests. In fact, when watching Booksmart you feel actress’s Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever’s connection palpitating through the movie screen. This seems to be a direct result of Olivia Wilde’s scrupulous yet welcoming directing style. Drawing from her own experiences as an actress, Wilde created a strict “no asshole” policy on set, which produced a nurturing environment where actors weren’t afraid to take risks with their choices. Feldstein and Dever even lived as roommates before filming began, since Wilde wanted the two main characters’ connection to be genuine. 19

ella's book of the month ella ionescu Every Last Word written by Tamara Ireland Stone follows a young girl named Samantha McAllister, or Sam for short, throughout one of her years of high school as she deals with having Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); throughout the book, it is detailed how she keeps up with the struggles that come with her OCD and how she overcomes them. Sam is going through a difficult time in her social life, often feeling as though she is failing at fitting in with her longtime friends. However, she suddenly meets a girl named Caroline Madsen who recognizes that Sam is struggling with relationships and offers to show her “something that will change her life.” Caroline explains to Sam where she can meet new friends, who will care for her, and introduces her to a hobby that she enjoys and ultimately helps her cope with her OCD. Caroline begins to make new friends and connections; being able to finally confide in someone other than family about her OCD, as well as the struggles which come with it. Through Caroline, Sam meets a boy whom she quickly begins to date. Throughout the book, as Sam gets closer to her new friends and speaks to a therapist, she finds out Caroline isn’t who Sam thinks she is. This soon leads Sam to further taking on more challenges in her life regarding her OCD, as well as being outed to her boyfriend; this causes awkwardness, but most of all, growth between the two. Sam learns from her downfallen friendship with Caroline, and it, in turn, helps her grow closer to the right people. This book is about growth, learning to deal with the unexpected, and realizing that the more honest you are with people, the closer you will grow and the more accepting they will be. What I really appreciate about this book is that the author is realistic in all aspects, from how Sam deals with her OCD to what it is like to be a 16-year-old girl within a society that constantly poses new challenges in various ways. The author describes that, even though Sam meets a boy and feels that things are finally looking up for her, she still deals with OCD and stays focused on her treatment. Throughout a lot of books, authors tend to make it seem as if mental difficulties such as OCD, depression, and anxiety, leave as soon as the main character finds a love interest who they believe supports them; this is unrealistic and discredits the rest of the important messages and narratives of a book. In Every Last Word, Sam continues her treatment plan in a consistent way and is supported by her boyfriend; aiding Sam on her journey to living life comfortably and happily. Furthermore, author Tamara Ireland also realistically portrays the struggles of a teenager, as she makes it easy for the reader to relate to the issues Sam has with her friend group, overthinking, feeling left out, and more

Overall, I would rate this book a 4.5/5. I have chosen to take off half a point as some small details seemed a bit too predictable for my liking.




“Imagine your seven-year-old daughter being led into an attic by Woody Allen. Imagine she spends a lifetime stricken with nausea at the mention of his name. Imagine a world that celebrates her tormentor.” Dylan Farrow poignantly stated in an open letter she wrote for the New York Times in 2014. She was addressing members of the

On August 4, 1992, Woody Allen allegedly sexually assaulted

entertainment industry who devoutly praised his seven-year-old adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow. As Farrow described in her open letter, Woody Allen and worked on his projects, even after being made aware of the harrowing sexual assault allegations against

he “took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our

him. It has been seven years since Dylan

house. He told me to lay on my stomach and

predators such as Harvey Weinstein, Bill

at that toy train, focusing on it as it travelled in

Farrow penned her haunting letter. Although play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me. … I remember staring Hollywood has bid farewell to sexual Cosby, and Roger Ailes, and while many actors have castigated the acclaimed

its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains.”

director, the Time’s Up movement still has yet to claim Woody Allen. POP CULTURE



Allen never faced trial for sexual assault; prosecutors concluded that although there was “probable cause” to charge Allen, Farrow was deemed too “fragile” for a sexual assault trial due to the publicity surrounding her parents' custody trial.

August 4, 1992, was not the first time Allen displayed objectionable behaviour with young girls. His intense conduct towards Farrow before the assault was described by Justice Elliot Wilks as “grossly inappropriate and actions must be taken to protect her.” After shooting his 1979 movie Manhattan, a film in which Allen’s 42-year-old character dates a 17-year-old girl played by Mariel Hemingway, Allen asked a teenage Hemingway to accompany him to Paris. The story of Manhattan was reportedly based on an eight-year affair Allen had with model Christina Englehardt, which began when he was 41 and she was 16. Furthermore, Allen is married to Soon-Yi Previn, who is the sister of his children. Allen watched Soon-Yi grow up, and then began an affair with her as soon as she became legal, while he was still in a relationship with Soon-Yi’s mother, Mia Farrow.




She said, “Woody Allen is an incredible director. So is Roman

But when asked about her

Polanski. I had an extraordinary

decision to work with Woody

working experience with both of those

Allen in his 2016 film Café

men.” In 2014, Woody Allen was

Society, Lively said, “It's very

honoured with the Cecil B. DeMille

evidence available, I am forced

dangerous to factor in things you

award for outstanding contributions to

to wonder why Hollywood still

don't know anything about. I

tolerates, and even celebrates,

could only know my

Woody Allen. Why was he

experience.” “These

given a get out of jail free card

conversations are really

in this age of #MeToo? Why do

important and they're

the same A-listers who deplore

revolutionary." Actress Scarlett

Harvey Weinstein’s actions

Johansson said on the topic of

eagerly sign on to the next

the Time’s Up movement. But

Woody Allen project?

when asked about working with

With mountains of damning

Allen she said “I love Woody. ... When the allegations against

I would work with him any

the entertainment industry. Once the #MeToo movement began, numerous actors who had previously worked with Allen apologized profusely for their mistake. Elliot Page, who worked with Allen in 2012, called his decision to work with Allen the “biggest regret of my career.” Greta Gerwig, Marion Cotillard, Colin Firth, and Rachel Brosnahan all professed that they would not work with Allen

Weinstein came out, actress

time.” Kate Winslet worked with

Blake Lively said "The number

Allen on his 2017 film Wonder

one thing that can happen is that

Wheel. She also worked with

people who share their stories,

director Roman Polanski on his

people have to listen to them

2011 film Carnage. Polanski, in

and trust them, and people have

1977, was charged with

to take it seriously,"

drugging and raping a 13-year-

regrets working with Allen and

old girl.


again. Rebecca Hall and Timothée Chalamet both opted to donate their salaries from Allen’s 2019 film A Rainy Day In New York to the Time’s Up movement. Even Kate Winslet said in September 2020 that she now deeply




Be that as it may, even after the age of #MeToo, with Weinstein sitting in jail and the vast majority of Hollywood’s population denouncing Allen, the revered filmmaker’s career continues. He released his latest film, Rifkin’s Festival, in 2020.

So why has #MeToo spared Woody Allen? It could be because Weinstein’s accusers are in the entertainment industry, while Allen’s is not. It is an innate truth that the general public is more receptive to human rights issues when there is a celebrity involved. For instance, the 2020 presidential election saw a 1500% voter registration increase through Instagram, after Kylie Jenner asked her 200 million followers whether they were registered to vote. Perhaps because Mira Sorvino, Rosanna Arquette, and Gwyneth Paltrow spoke out against Harvey Weinstein, people felt more enraged by the allegations than they would have felt if an ordinary mother in Connecticut accused Weinstein. To that I would say, replace the name “Dylan Farrow” with the names Selena Gomez, Cate Blanchett, or Emma Stone. Does that add gravity and urgency to the situation?It could be because Weinstein has a larger number of allegations than Allen. To that I would argue, is one woman’s suffering not enough? How many lives need to be ruined before someone is considered a sexual predator? As Dylan Farrow said in her open letter, “The message that Hollywood sends matters [to victims of sexual assault]...Woody Allen is a living testament to the way our society fails the survivors of sexual assault and abuse.” Innumerable women hesitate to share their stories of sexual assault for fear of being disregarded, ridiculed, or disbelieved. When Hollywood starts to hear all victims of sexual assault, perhaps the general public will follow suit. It could be because many false rumours have been spread about Dylan Farrow and her family in an attempt to discredit her allegations. Due to Allen’s relationship with Soon-Yi, members of Allen’s camp can perpetuate a different narrative; a narrative claiming that Dylan Farrow’s allegations are fabrications instigated by her mother, citing the outdated, and frankly misogynistic, “vengeful woman scorned” excuse as a reason for Mia Farrow to want to “tear down” Allen. Critical minds can easily comprehend the sexism behind Allen’s attacks on Mia Farrow, but hardcore Woody desciples appear unable to perceive the blatant misogyny. Or maybe it’s simply because Allen is a remarkable artist, and even the new “woke” world isn’t ready to let him go. The general population agrees that pedophilia and sexual assault are fundamentally abominable. It is easy to denounce a sexual predator who has made no impact on your life. However, Woody Allen’s films have touched the hearts of numerous movie-goers over the past fifty years. Actor Jesse Eisenberg justified his choice to star in Allen’s Café Society by saying “I've read everything he's written, I've watched everything he's made. He's changed my life more than any other creative inspiration.” Truly brilliant films can connect with the crux of your being. Perhaps you fell in love with romantic comedies after watching Annie Hall. Perhaps you were inspired to become a filmmaker after watching Hannah and Her Sisters. There is a lot of discourse surrounding the concept of separating art from the artist, and I do not yet know where I stand in it. 24



What I do know is that Hollywood must stop continuously employing sex offenders. Allen and Screenland’s parting of ways is long overdue. Time’s Up hashtags and politically motivated awards speeches are empty gestures when they are not followed by action. It is time for the motion picture industry to stop neglecting victims by protecting predators. The City of Stars will not lose its glamour by purging its sex abusers; it will only shine brighter without their darkness tainting Tinseltown Time’s Up is a movement that was created in response to the Harvey Weinstein accusations and the #MeToo movement. Time’s Up fights for an end to workplace sexual assault and harassment. Learn more about Time’s Up here:

Time’s Up is a movement that was created in response to the Harvey Weinstein accusations and the #MeToo movement. Time’s Up fights for an end to workplace sexual assault and harassment. Learn more about Time’s Up here:




5 Times the TV and Film Industry Blew Us Away With Costume Design IZZY GELMAN




1. Bridgerton Netflix’s Bridgerton, a steamy and classy drama-filled portrayal of England’s highsociety during the early 1800s, developed a mastery of costuming by adding their own spin to the era. Costume designer Ellen Mirjnick collaborated with series director Shonda Rhimes, as well as the cast of the series, to create extravagant gowns, suits, and undergarments viewers can see draped on the characters of the show. In order to maintain authenticity while incorporating a modern edge, Mirjnick replaced many common pieces from the 19th Century with 21st Century articles. This is seen within the hints at bonnets, as Mirjnick states, “there were no bonnets, but we do nod to them with our hair accessories. We took that half-moon shape and created these straw [pieces] accented with flowers or feathers that sit on top of the head. Another no-no was muslin dresses. There’s a limpness to them that we didn’t want,” The series never let us down when it came to costuming and frequently took my breath away. As a result of this, the announcement of season two already has me urging to see what’s next in its costuming.

2. The Hunger Games I’ve heard many times, “the book is better than the movie,” and, ok, I understand your point of view. But hear me out, if you have the chance to feast your eyes on the creations costume designer Trish Summerville brought to life, I truly urge you to take it. Now, I am definitely impartial to glam. However, throughout the fighting, torture, and sacrifice of The Hunger Games, the remarkable pieces produced by Summrville still manage to hold strong. The futuristic-chic aesthetic is prominent throughout all the films, however, one of my favourite moments is Katniss Everdeen’s “girl on fire” look in the first movie. As Katniss spins, the dress magically comes to life through flames, thus giving her the nickname “girl on fire”. The dress was created with the usage of laser-cut leather that was lined in gold fabric; this material gives the garment light which was easy enough for the team to edit over to produce flames. Another mentionable moment is character Effie Trinket’s last garment in the final film, in which she wore a uniquely silhouetted purple dress that stands out more than anything in the scene; as does Effie’s personality. Being able to incorporate the characters’ personalities into their clothes is very important in the costume design process, and The Hunger Games did just that. The elevated looks leave me wishing for a fifth film just to see what they could possibly do next.




3. Sex and The City You, your best friend, and your sister need to sit down and binge all six seasons, as well as both movies, of this miraculous show before we can continue, ok? Thank you. If you still haven’t seen it, I'll give you a quick breakdown. Sex and The City follows a friend group of 4 driven, passionate, and Chanel-crazed best friends through their lives in New York City. Patricia Field, one of my personal fashion design icons, led the costume creation process throughout the series. Setting trends while enabling confidence in young women everywhere, Field created masterpiece after masterpiece for the HBO series. One of my personal favourites is the quintessential Vivienne Westwood gown that main character Carrie Bradshaw wore in the first movie; the structure and two-toned cream fabric make this dress exquisite. The show never ceased to amaze me with its groundbreaking fashion choices, and will forever set the set standards for TV costuming.

4. Alice in Wonderland (2010) A childhood classic, Alice in Wonderland, follows a young girl named Alice in her endeavours through the mystical land we all know and love as Wonderland. Even whilst reading the novel as a child, I always pictured such detailed and extravagant garments as costume designer Colleen Atwood created in the live-action, 2010, Tim Burton film. Through the madness and exploration, Johnny Depp (The Mad Hatter) and Mia Wasikowska (Alice) are consistently draped in a truly mystical wardrobe. Atwood took inspiration from the original novels, as well as through studying ‘80s Japanese couture. We see the incorporation of Asian influence in the silhouettes of some clothing pieces as well as Alice's jacket which takes inspiration from traditional Chinese clothing. One of my favourite scenes is during Mad Hatter’s tea party in which the bright colours and unique silhouettes capture the fairytale essence in a way that lets the viewer feel as though they too are in Wonderland. It would be impossible to say one character was dressed more spectacularly than another. Alice in Wonderland experiments with fashion in a way never done before and I urge you to go to Wonderland, or at least view it for yourself.

5. The Queen’s Gambit The Queen’s Gambit follows an orphan's life journey as she comes to realize her unexplained skills at the game of chess; the prodigy faces many challenges, both in the game and in life. Set during the Cold War era, the period piece incorporates the 1950’s and 1960’s styles with a modern twist that is evident in all the characters' wardrobes. The lead costume designer of the shown, Gabriele Binder, created the garments we see on the main character Beth Harmon. The clothing tells Beth’s story as she faces highs and lows, and interestingly represents the change in femininity and women's rights as the timeline progresses. Much of Beth’s fashion sense is a reflection of the world around her, giving it an authentic feeling. This is seen in how “the checkered style of the dress evoked, for Binder, the ultimate example of Beth as the chess queen,” as explained by series creator Scott Frank. The use of symbolism in costume design is very distinctive and hasn’t been done in many other shows or films. This ability to let the dialogue and costumes interact with one another allows the show to lead the way for others to follow. 28






C Y C L E People love the feeling of nostalgia, which is most notably why we keep returning to the ‘best’ decades in fashion. When a season’s latest collections come into fruition, they always reveal traits of past-decades trends, even in the most subtle way. And if you live long enough, you’ll most likely see the trends of your youth cycling back at least once, if not multiple times. This is a result of what’s referred to as the “20-year-rule”. Developed by fashion analysts, this rule is the time in which it takes for a trend to die and be revived again, give or take a few years. The 20-year-rule reveals itself clearly in history multiple different times. One of the most apparent ways in which we see this is with styles that were hip in the ’70s, coming back as hot in the ’90s; including items such as flared pants, crop tops, knee socks, turtle necks, and sky-high platform boots - famously taking down Naomi Campbell on the Vivienne Westwood catwalk. If it wasn’t for the inspiration of the seventies, and willingness to show off one’s midriff, nineties fashion would certainly have been bleak. Similarly, the buzzing '80s athleisure trend made a revival in the early 2000s with a modernized and sometimes blingy approach on leggings, sneakers, yoga pants, and tracksuits; this allowed gym-goers to look more relaxed, and more relaxed people like gym-goers. An essential representation of this phenomenon is Paris Hilton and, without her, the athleisure trend wouldn’t have skyrocketed the way it did. We can even see the effect of nostalgia dating all the way back to the 19th century, as the Victorian era staged a gothic revivalism as an ode to the 15th century; this aesthetic became the main part of not only their clothing, but architecture as well. On the Gen Z front, we’re right on schedule with the trend forecast, as the love for the Y2K aesthetic has been pouring in. That’s right, the early 2000s are back - cue the low rise jeans and bright colour pallets. The main reason so many Gen Z’s seem to be clinging onto this style for dear life is the sense of closeness and comfort to the not-too-distant era. For many, it feels the most relatable out of the era’s as the fashion reflected the uprising of modernized technology, and a big part of this was undeniably defined by women who ruled pop culture at the time. The culture was shaped by lush consumerism and its main goal was to chase the look of being as modish and cool as possible; or as cool as pedal pushers and couture tracksuits can look, at least. Although many adore these near-vintage items, others are distraught about it, expressing their thoughts of it being tacky. Funnily enough, the people who love this style the most are usually the most aware of the garishness of it, which is arguably what makes this specific aesthetic of clothing so iconic and fun to wear. A common theme when breaking down people's attraction to Y2K fashion is that it’s much like when you start doing something ironically, but do it so often that it becomes legitimate. Although the 20-year-rule in fashion has been prevalent for many years, the timeline has started to shorten, largely due to social media. Only a week after a look has come out, we see a version of it in many influencers' photos, which in turn makes everyone who sees it want a version of it in their closets; this makes trends come in and out of style much quicker than they did ten years ago. The speed of the fashion cycle has gone to such extremes that many industry figures don’t feel they can catch up. As a result of the unrealistic expectations, creative directors, designers, and even manufacturers are starting to rebel. Many designers have been abandoning the concept of fashion week for the past few years, as well as trying to fade out the well-known ‘seasonal’ dressing. Even as the cycle of fashion changes and the 20-year rule may not be an accurate measure of trends going forward, nostalgia will always play a key role. Modern designers are referencing the past so often it seems that the cycle has collapsed in on itself, with trends from past decades simultaneously making a return all at the same time. In a single week, you can wear a puffed-up 80’s sleeve silhouette, 60’s psychedelic tie-dye print, 90’s slip dress and choker combo, and an 80’s oversized denim jacket, and still remain thoroughly current. The result of all this change is a move towards a long-lasting wardrobe, especially as second-hand shopping is majorly on the rise. Many young people are striving to make fashion less about a short-lived trend cycle, and more about utility, longevity, and high-quality products.




S O ,


Y O U ' R E



Q U E S T I O N , M I G H T







F A S H I O N ? ” S H O R T

“ W H A T



E V E R Y T H I N G .





I S :

the world is made for two leila durante They say the world was made for two. Everything has its pair. Fire and water. Sun and moon. The hopeful and hopeless. I’ve never believed that the world was genuinely made for two. Lots of people believe in soulmates, myself not included. Young kids overestimate everything and once I realized that as I got older, I started to diminish from my overestimating roots to become someone who now, unfortunately, underestimates. The world is not meant for two; what I thought was the truth. When I cry alone in my room no one is there to consolidate me. To comfort me. To make me feel content. Isn’t that what the other person or thing in your pairing is supposed to do? 31

When the moon is feeling dark, the sun comes up and shines to make everything brighter. When the hopeless feel nothing, they talk to the hopeful to feel something again. I’ve never felt such a thing. Such a connection in which you rely on someone else to provide your happiness when feeling unsettled. I used to feel content all the time as a kid. Everything was easier. Convincing parents to let me have ice cream was the biggest and greatest accomplishment in my life, at the time. Ice cream was my one and only true love. As I got older, I doubted love. If the world is really made for two, how can someone who seems so happy on the outside feel so horrible on the inside when not having someone to make them feel gratified? The feeling of happiness must only come from others, if the world was really made for two. The sad truth about it all is that only the lucky ones in life get the person or thing that makes them feel content. The moon was lucky enough to find the sun, and fire was lucky enough to find water.

Despite the fact that it seems as though the world is made for two, the world is made for the lucky ones. If you happen to be unlucky, the feeling of compassion and real confinement will never truly show. 32

The world is made for two; if you’re lucky enough to view it in such a way. 33

analysing the five love languages ANASTASIA


Words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Dr. Gary Chapman, author, speaker, and counsellor, noticed that in his time studying long-lasting marriages, there was a trend he witnessed: many of his clients suggested the same phrases of annoyance. “He doesn't show love to me”, said one of his clients, with their spouse saying, “I’m doing everything as best as I can”. He noticed a pattern that different people had different wants and needs in order to feel “loved” by their partners. His findings presented five specific “love language” categories, with each one of them being different and unique to each person. Dr. Chapman described the love languages as simply “five different ways of expressing love.” Knowing your love language, as well as your partner’s love language, can help navigate partners in knowing how to make their significant other feel loved.

Let’s analyse the different languages. My personal love language, Words and Affirmation, relies on the appreciation, intention, and thought of words. This relates to feeling best-loved when your partner makes positive comments, for example saying “I’m proud of you”, or complimenting you, perhaps even received by others in everyday life. This can also negatively correlate to internally interpreting negative insults and comments, for example, individuals may take criticism more personally as the language is surrounded around the content and perceived meaning and interpretation of words. This love language could be known as one of the simpler ones due to simply wanting to feel affirmed by positive words. On the negative side, a common trait noticed through many individuals who carry this language is overthinking. Positive comments can feel uplifting and reflect a sense of accomplishment, however, this suggests that on the contrary, these individuals may overanalyze every comment said towards them. If your partner falls under this category, some ways of expressing love to them can be as simple as saying these phrases: “I just want to let you know how proud of you I am”, “I am here for you in every way I can and will always support you”, “wow, you look so great! That new outfit looks awesome on you”. A couple of positive words will go a long way for them.




Often confused for receiving gifts, Acts of Service rely on the generosity of actions provided to you by others. Unlike words, you must show your love through doing something, other than saying something. The mystery about this love language is that, unlike assumed, this act of service is not about the specific deed, but rather the thought and responsibility showcased through the action. These individuals tend to value their time and, through the act shown, they see the action as a big sacrifice made for them and therefore feel loved. On the negative side of this love language, there can be a certain level of expectancy and a lack of balance in a relationship with a person who portrays this love language. The actions sometimes, depending on the person, need to be extravagant and spontaneous; something more demanding and harder to achieve than a few compliments here and there with words. The solution here is communication. Some examples of expressing love to someone with this love language could be mowing the lawn, running ordinary errands for the individual, or offering up your time to them. They will feel appreciated because you are taking time out of your day to do something for them. A more expensive love language, yet with a simpler basis, outlines that the person feels loved while receiving gifts. Although it may sound materialistic, the love language often has to do with the meaning behind the gifts, rather than the gifts themselves. These individuals take much sentimental value in little gifts given and can tend to be the ones to make “DIY” presents such as memory boxes while giving objects great meaning. For example, if one partner is experiencing a muscle ache, the other partner could express their love by providing a gift that has to do with an obstacle they are experiencing. In this specific situation, they could give a gift basket kit with items such as bath bombs, muscle cream, and other useful items for the individual. The person will take much value in this gesture, as it encapsulates the sense that their partner cares for them. This love language, alongside Acts of Service, also values their time. They feel most loved when their partner can set aside their daily tasks and focus on them. Effort and determination are also very important when analyzing this love language, as they require effort going into the planning of the delegated time set for each other, instead of spontaneity seen in other languages. Time is viewed as a personal virtue for this language, and when deciding to sacrifice your time to spend with the individual, you are showing that you are putting them first.




These individuals do not want half a heart! It’s important to be mentally present when spending time with these people. The negative side is that they do not admire distractions and tend to take it as a personal reflection when your time together is spent scrolling through your phone. They appreciate affection in all your time together, so make sure to affirm them with positive attention. Some ideas to express your love for a partner that has this love language would be planning a picnic, a walk through the park, or a movie night. Another more simplistic language is Physical Touch and, no, it doesn't mean only sexual touch. This language values intimacy and becoming closer - physically. These people feel that warm feeling when they could have their partner's hands brush through their hair. This doesn't necessarily mean that they always need to be next to their partner, but they value physicality. This can be found similarly in the skin-to-skin touch babies are required to receive in their first few weeks after birth. They appreciate the oxytocin, a feel-good hormone released when experiencing physical touch. One of the bonuses to this language being that it requires very little of the other person, not needed to say or do anything other than touch. Some prime examples to express your love to someone with physical touch could be holding hands, cuddling together, or even just a simple hug. In conclusion, learning the basis of the five love languages and their accompanying characteristics can help strengthen long-lasting relationships, not limited to romantic relationships, but also including friendships. We all experience feeling loved in different forms, and taking the initiative to have open discussions in relationships about each other’s love language, it helps you navigate how to express your love for them, and on the contrary, how not to.




THE KEY TO MOTIVATION nicole sandels Motivation. We always need it, but often seem to lack it.

Friction 1: “I have to get it done.” Some of the worst

Even as I sit down to write this piece, I am battling a war

things are those that are compulsory. Have you ever

against this treacherous subject. Being motivated is really

been forced to do something you didn’t like? Most of

the key to being successful in life, whether that may be as an the time that gives the activity a less exciting feel to it, entrepreneur, fashion designer, athlete, etc. Motivation may

as it is now a duty rather than a hobby. This is a

occur in different ways; planning, setting goals, or other

common feeling among many and is linked to

external sources - but there's much more to it than that.

motivation levels changed by perspective.

There is the science behind motivation, the psychology of it,

Fix 1: “I choose to get this done.” Once again,

and knowing this may help with the goal of staying

perspective is everything, so the solution can be to


change the way you approach this issue. You must

We normally know dopamine as the chemical released

realize that you never have to do anything, and every

after a happy sensation, but when it comes to motivation, it

choice is often in your hands. You choose to go pick

operates slightly differently - it has been found to fire before

up the groceries, you choose to finally pick up your

an event actually occurs. This essentially means that

messy room, you choose to hand in that essay. Focus

dopamine has a major effect on your willingness to work.

on the benefit of your actions as well; being able to eat

This theory was tested on people who called themselves “go- your favourite foods, the reward of having a neat getters,” and it was found that they had high levels of

room, and clicking that “hand in assignment” button.

dopamine in the reward and motivation portions of the brain

Realizing the benefits of every action helps melt the

- the striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. On the


other hand, the people known as “slackers” had high levels

Friction 2: “But I can’t do this!” The hardest tasks

of dopamine which were instead located in the area of the

are the ones you feel doomed for from the start. The

brain associated with emotion and risk - the anterior insula.

feeling of certainty that you’ll fail, and have no clue

What we can conclude from this study is that it is not the

where to get started, leads to procrastination and loss

level of dopamine itself that raises motivation, but rather the

of motivation.

production of the neurotransmitter in the right areas.

Fix 2: “Practice makes perfect.” That cliche phrase

Learning and studying ways on how to raise dopamine in the holds a lot of truth, and once you practice a task, you striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex can help people

will most definitely improve your skills - further

overcome low energy and a lack of motivation

enhancing future endeavours for that same task.

Motivation can really be a tricky thing to always have

Creating a detailed plan on how you will attack the

both hands-on, but in truth, everything is simplified to the

current issue also helps, as having an idea of what you

lens you choose to see it from. Psychologists researching

need to accomplish to finish your duty helps in

motivation have boiled it all down to three primary sources

making it that much more real.

of friction to getting tasks done. LIFESTYLE AND WELLNESS



Friction 3: “I don’t feel like doing this.” Getting the right attitude and perspective may be hard if, from the get-go, the engagement does not align with what you would like to be doing at that moment. As an example, you may be asked to work extra hours for your job when you would rather be spending that time out with friends. Fix 3: Seek a reward, or compromise with yourself or external factors. As for the example above, you can ask for an extra bonus in trade for extra hours, or simply getting more off days. This once again re-establishes the idea of realizing the benefits of every action. Realize the big picture and always keep your mind on the final goals. Friction 4: “I don’t have time to get started!” We

Strong links have been found between

all struggle with how we spend our hours, often

motivation and the number of decisions

leading to no extra time off. Feeling overbooked

someone has to make. The more decisions we

leads to very low motivation and a lower release of

face, the more fatigued we become. Therefore,

dopamine. This can be a huge issue when it comes to

regular actions need to be taken in order to stay

getting motivated to start on something new. How

as organized as possible. Figure out what really

are we supposed to if we don’t even have time to

matters to you and keep those things in your


life. Place value in your time; more time to

Fix 4: Don’t overbook yourself - eliminate any

yourself means more time to accomplish

unnecessary commitments. The pressure of needing

personal goals, therefore leading to more

to say “yes” to everything and everyone can come

motivation. Remember: mindset changes

back to bite; don’t be afraid to say no to people. It’s

motivation. Try switching the lens if something

a difficult skill to master, but one that is critically

isn't working out for you, and you may discover

important for your overall productivity. Once you

your feelings changing. If we recognize why we

begin organizing your time, you will regain the

are motivated toward productivity, we might be

feeling of motivation.

able to identify how we work best and what kind of thinking produces the best results. You can do anything you want too, it makes it all the easier when you realize how to change the biggest obstacle - yourself!












14 hours a day. I’m guilty of it, and I know I’m not alone. If those of us who spend 10 hours on our phone daily happen to live until 75 years, we’ll have spent roughly 29 years on our phone over the course of our lifetime. What is this silent addiction among us and how can we combat it? This is a solvable issue. With some willpower and self-control, we can all minimize our screen time slowly and see the changes we want to see in our everyday life.

1. Spending the first and last 30 minutes of our day screen free. As soon as we wake up and just before we head to bed, our brain is at its most sensitive time to the blue light that these harmful screens emit. Set aside your phone before you go to bed to resist the temptation. These are the perfect times to get some fresh air, or practice some self care. Keep reminding yourself that you have the willpower to wait and that you won’t let a device control your life. 2. Set time limits on certain time sucking apps. We all have our weaknesses, with some being more social media based and others entertainment based. Whatever it may be, know your limits and set reasonable goals for you to achieve daily. If you use an iPhone, you can even have a friend or family member set a password that doesn't allow you to access these apps once they reach the limit. 3. Track your screen time. How much screen time are we really using? Try calculating your time, or perhaps making a chart to log your screen time daily average. This makes it easier to notice what specific apps you lack regulation and need the most improvement in. 4. Delete certain apps. Every change, big or small, must be consistent and for the greater good. Once reading up on the harmful damaging effects of screen time, start the inner decision to delete those time-sucking apps that aren't serving you any good. Although the change may be difficult, entertain yourself with other methods not requiring screens such as reading or going on bike rides. 5. Consider going on a detox. Whether it be from certain devices, apps, or sites, going on a detox can show you how beneficial it can be to reduce your screen time. Although the temptation may be hard, you'll begin to see major differences in your everyday life once taking time off from your normal electronic rituals. 6. Find other activities to occupy yourself with when you aren’t on your devices. Find a new hobby that you enjoy to partake in; no - Netflix is not a hobby. Some examples could be reading, running, painting, or nearly anything you enjoy. Distract yourself with your new hobby, or better yet, stay productive and complete the work you’ve been putting off instead.




WHY JOINING A CLUB IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE HIGHSCHOOL EXPERIENCE anastasia dimas Everyday, I get the question “how do you manage it all?”, and it brings me to remember how grateful I am for finding my beautiful escape: school clubs. Ever since grade five, I took part in a minimum of nine clubs at once. I spent all my lunches in meetings, and enjoyed it, as it kept me going. Keeping busy was something important to me from a young age, and to this day, I am a member of the Student Council, I run the Wellness Club with a friend, am the executive of the Environment Committee, and partake in Asian Heritage, Caring and Safe Schools, Huskies House of Commons, Christian Committee, The Garnet (school newspaper), alongside many more. My years of experience in clubs have taught me many important lessons, and lead me to the conclusion that joining a club is an essential part of the highschool experience. If I laid all my friends and acquaintances out, the calculations would total to around having met at least 40% of them through clubs. Clubs tend to be the hotspot for long lasting friendships in highschool, as they allow you to meet diverse groups of people with different talents, skill sets, and aspirations. It makes it much easier to gain a beginning stance on a peer relationship due to the likelihood of having similarities with at least one other person within said club; I mean, being in a club together must be an indicator of similarity. This is one of many reasons as to why extracurriculars are an optimal space for friendships, as people are joined together over a common interest or activity. Joining even one club can help you gain both useful peer connections and skills necessary for everyday life. There has recently been an increased linkage found in how having friends in a club can lead to a positive adjustment in adolescence. Seeing an extra friendly face in the hallways can lead to a sense of belonging in highschool. The connectivity in the larger school context emerges from having a higher proportion of friends engaging in the same extracurricular activity. Research shows that there is great correlation between joining school clubs, friendships and academics. This chart below shows the linkage found in a 2016 study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.




In addition, the new opportunities outside of friendships that can be achieved through clubs consist of new content for resumes, as well as connections both in and out of the school environment. Aside from relationships with students, getting the opportunity to create a bond with teachers and administration can become very useful throughout the entire high school experience. We’ve all heard the words “it's not what you know, it's who you know”, and gaining more connections can tend to take you farther in your professional and personal life. In a National Center for Biotechnology Information study performed in 2016, the direct connection between academic success and participation in school activities has shown to be more positive as the number of extracurriculars partaken in increases. Clubs can be the predictor of academic outcomes and engagement. In these findings, the students who participated in more extracurricular activities correlated to an increased percentage for achieving higher grades. Joining even just one club is sure to help you expand your skill set. Some may be of a more complex variety, while others create and develop soft skills meant to help with everyday life. An example of one of these prime skills is time management. Learning how to properly manage your time when partaking in a club whilst working on studies can be challenging, but provides you with new key skills for your future. Another example of a crucial skill could be critical thinking, as you need creativity and curiosity to bring out new ideas. Joining a club ensures constant problem solving in motion and general critical thinking skills needed for everyday situations in a club environment. Working with a team can bring its own challenges, but being able to develop the skills necessary to work through them is essential. These can include negotiation, amiability, and listening - let’s not forget the ability to effectively communicate your ideas. The most prominent skill I witness being displayed through clubs, in myself and others, is leadership. Finding the courage to step forward and give up your time, creativity, and mind, shows how much of a leader you can be. At times, when building up your role towards a larger position, you may need to lead through managing a team, making tough decisions, and holding the responsibility that comes along with it. Clubs are greatly composed of leading both club members and the school community itself towards a bigger goal for the greater good. It may not seem like it from the outside, however, from a mental health aspect, students in clubs are shown to have overall better mental health. For example, the Canadian youth that participate in a minimum of one club report having fewer depressive symptoms (i.e., they have a sense of belonging, new opportunities to socially engage, and feel appreciated within their social group), found in a study in 2016 (Denault and Poulin 2016). The opportunities provided within the extracurricular environment to create friendships and network are large. Especially regarding COVID-19, many youth lack a sense of connectivity to others. From a scientific aspect, hormone levels come to play a role in our social support system, directly related to the levels in oxytocin, the “calming” hormone, seen to release anxiety. A club is considered a great social system as it enables you to engage with a large group of people all in the same place for the same reason. When having some sense of a social group, those individuals who experience the support often receive high oxytocin boosts, which decreases anxiety levels. These feelings that are associated with staying socially connected include feeling wanted, appreciated, and cared for - some feelings which many don’t experience in their home life. When working in a club, the main goal is usually helping others and completing altruistic acts by doing so. The act of giving can affect stress levels and encourage positive feelings and energy levels. Altruism, the belief and practice of selflessness, helps give a new positive perspective on good deeds and can lead to better physical and mental health, self esteem, and better relationships in the future. The generous art of altruism is witnessed in the embodiment of clubs, including the planning of initiatives for the school community and those who surround it. LIFESTYLE AND WELLNESS



Additionally, in a study done in 2016 by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, separate analyses were conducted for each of four outcome variables witnessed in ninth graders: competence beliefs, education value, behavioral engagement, and course grades.

In conclusion, clubs provide you with the opportunity to take part in many key components of the highschool experience which you don’t want to miss out on. Clubs are linked with positive physical and mental health, and encourage socialization in everyday aspects. The friendships created through clubs tend to be long lasting and aid in networking skills. Clubs are also associated with promoting higher grades and teach you many important lifelong skills. I myself have learned a lot from clubs over the years, whether it’s putting together an assembly or a semi formal, everything has taught me one more useful thing I will take with me throughout all of highschool and the future. I have met some amazing friends through clubs, whom I never would’ve met otherwise. I’m so thankful for all the blessings I continue to receive through clubs and would encourage everyone to join at least one in your highschool experience.




The Good and Bad from your Big Three Placements CADENCE PARSONS

Growing up, my mom was (and still is) a big believer in astrology along with all that it had to offer. Once I learned how to read, I started my journey of learning and discovery, doing endless research on the pseudoscience and origin behind it. Like any religion or belief system, I find that it offers me desirable information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of my current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire cosmos. If you don't know what astrology is, let me explain it to you. Astrology is the study of how distant astronomical phenomena, such as stars and planets, affect people's lives. The sun, stars, moon, and planets' positions at the time of a person's birth are said to influence their personality, romantic relationships, and economic fortunes, among other things. When you're born, the sky at that very moment is your birth chart, and your personal birth chart can say a lot about you. To find your birth chart, there are various websites through which you can enter the information needed and receive your results; your time and place of birth need to be as precise as possible in order to receive accurate results. After all of my reading, along with personal observations, I have come up with a list of all of the good and bad traits from each sun, moon, and rising (or ascendant) sign. You can find out what sign they are in by looking at your personal birth chart. Please keep in mind that, despite what may be said about your signs, you are truly not defined by when you were born. This article is simply a fun way to get to know your astrological background, no matter how true or false it may be. As these descriptions are not completely proven by science, and it is important to note that they are more of a fun thing to read about than something you should be overanalyzing. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy these descriptors and possibly get to know a bit more about what your big three placements can represent.




SUN SIGNS. Aries: To me, Aries suns are the hype-up friend. They can be headstrong and hot-headed people, but are filled with passion for what they believe in. They are outgoing, easy to befriend, and are ready to throw hands. They have good hearts and really do care for you, even though they may not show it all the time. They put on a very confident front, but they need to be reminded of how great they are and cheered on like everyone else. I often notice that they don't like it when someone raises their voice at them when getting a point across. Taurus: Tauruses are the people who feel at home; they are warm and sweet. They are not lazy people at all, they are extremely hardworking and have their priorities straight. They use their energy on what is worth it to them. When Tauruses are upset, they tend to shut themselves out and don't like to talk to anyone or let on that they feel like giving up. Sometimes, what they need is someone who will force them to talk. They dislike when they give you advice, and you blatantly ignore it. Gemini: Geminis know how to light up a room and bring energy. Some Geminis I have met fit the “two-faced” stereotype, but it is just that they adapt to different people or personalities, depending on who they are with. This can be hard when they feel isolated from the people they love, or when they feel like nobody cares. They tend to put on a mask and act as if they are the life of the party and are constantly happy, just to please everyone. You need to spend time with them to get to know their real and authentic personality.




Cancer: Cancers are the most understanding sign when you have a problem, they'll listen and give you kind advice. Cancer suns often feel like they put a lot of effort into their friendships and relationships; they think that, if they stopped trying, all of their interpersonal relationships would fall apart because other people just don't care as much as they do. They are sensitive in the sense that if you give them an attitude, they will be extremely upset. Sometimes they ask too many questions and think everything is their business. Leo: Leos can be very creative and are always able to please everyone without sacrificing their wants. There is nothing they love more than a good celebration. A Leo can sometimes get insecure, not just within looks, and they can start to think that everyone hates them and doesn't care about them. It is often hard for them to reach out when they are feeling this way since they want everyone to think that they're okay all the time. It is important to give your Leo friends validation from time to time. Virgo: Virgos have the ability to make anyone around them feel comfortable. However, a Virgo can easily start to feel like they aren't ever going to amount to anything and there's no use in trying. It's very sad to watch them go through this, because they are very capable people who let their own mind be their worst enemy. Friends of Virgos have to remember to support them and keep them moving. Don't touch their stuff or mess up things that they've made the way it is; they did it for a reason and want it to stay like that. Libra: Libras have this natural ability to make you smile and have such sweet energy to them. A Libra can often feel like they are unlovable and tend to be their own worst enemies in this way, convincing themselves that there is nothing about them that is worth loving. They are sensitive individuals and need soft people around them in case this starts to happen. Libras can act like therapists and are a lot smarter than they come across. I think they are more stubborn than Taurus in the sense that they may often think that they are right in most scenarios. Scorpio: Scorpios have a bad reputation for sometimes being seen as mean people, however, they will not be rude or malicious; they will simply treat you how you treat them. A Scorpio sometimes feels as if the world is against them. They have a lot of weight on their shoulders when things go wrong, and they are very deep feelers. The best thing one can do for a Scorpio is to simply listen to the things going on in their head and in their heart when they vent. They are extremely bothered by insincere and untrustworthy people. Sagittarius: Sagittarius’ are very giving people and know how to work well with others. Sagittarius suns tend to feel as though they need to always please other people and can forget about themselves. They say yes to favors and cater to what other people want them to be. The best thing you can do for a Sagittarius is to love them truly for who they are and what they offer, and leave them be. When they want something, they really want it, and will possibly go to extreme measures to get it.




Capricorn: Capricorn’s are naturally good at everything and know how to make nothing into something. A Capricorn can often feel stuck, they tend to get down on themselves when things aren't working the way they want them to, and they need to be reminded that what is meant for them will always find a way to come to them. So funny. Laziness and fake people tend to bother them a lot. Aquarius: Aquarius’ are the type of people that you always look at in awe, their presence in a room is unmatched. An Aquarius often forgets to remember how beautiful life is. They get stuck in routine very easily and find themselves feeling like there is no way out. They need to have people who will bring them out of this routine and remember all the beautiful things they are missing out on. They don't like judgemental people, while ironically, they are often seen as one of the most judgemental signs.

Pisces: A Pisces feels it's hard sometimes to connect with other people because they are so used to living inside their own head and emotions.




themselves easily when they get this way. They need the people who care about them to bring them out of the fog when they are feeling this way and remind them of how they are loved. Don't enjoy people who aren't down for a lot.




RISING SIGNS. Aquarius: Aquarius risings are usually the people who leave without saying goodbye. They are independent, rebellious, and defy trends. They get off knowing that not a lot of people may like them and they tend to be quite distant. They are super friendly people, but may not get that close to you. Aries: In my experience, Aries risings can be intense people, who seem to do everything in very passionate and fiery ways. They are fast walking go-getters who are very focused on themselves. They don’t waste time doing things that will not benefit them, and won't take nonsense from anyone. Leo: Leo risings are very respectable people who can light up a room effortlessly. They are selfaware beings who would much rather be put on the stage than just be “in the crowd”. They usually crave a mental connection with their partner and want that person to see them as different. Aries risings tend to be a little bit on the dramatic side, but that's okay, it just adds to their outstanding persona. Virgo: Virgo risings always want to seem put together and organized, even though they may be a mess on the inside. At the very least, it's a mess that they understand, and that's all that matters. They are naturally photogenic and good at helping people out. They can have trouble acknowledging their own emotions sometimes, up until the very last minute when everything comes out. They look for a sensitive and dreamt partner, however, they are okay with being single because they don't want anyone letting them down. Scorpio: These beings are naturally stubborn and jealous but in the most loving way. They are selfprotective and secretive in their relationship and love very deeply. Scorpio risings give off a very strong and powerful air, good luck trying to get anything past them! I see a pattern of strong cravings for stability and loyalty amongst them. Capricorn: As a Capricorn rising, you may be a sensitive soul who sometimes feels undeserving and guilty for treating yourself. They crave a relationship full of emotions and a future full of success;which they are most likely going to achieve. Libra: Libra risings are beautiful, social people who really treasure the relationships in their lives. However, underneath this, they might have inner turmoil. I sometimes see patterns of difficulty when dealing with intimate relationships. There is a possibility of having a difficult past, since they are natural peacekeepers and try to mediate every situation. LIFESTYLE AND WELLNESS



Sagittarius: Sagittarius risings are fun people to be around, but only if you're in the mood for it. They are restless people who love to always be on the go. Even though they can be blunt and tend to say whatever they are thinking, nothing they ever say has bad intentions. They love to travel and often feel as though they belong in another part of the world. Taurus: Those with their rising sign in Taurus are loyal and stubborn beings. They probably don't like to change their look a lot, however, they appreciate and crave the nicer things in life, and can be materialistic. Their biggest pet peeve is people who mess with their routine or lifestyle or are always trying to prove them wrong. Gemini: Gemini risings are social butterflies who love to talk. They like to stay interested and, because of this, they often switch their social groups. In my experience, I find that they have many questions and they want to make sense of the world and environment around them. Gemini risings crave a partner who will help them grow and keep them focused, along with someone with whom they can travel. Pisces: Pisces risings are spiritual, dreamy individuals. They love to change their personalities and hobbies, and are subconsciously always trying to escape the real world. The Pisces risings that I have met are drawn to helping people and are attracted to people who make them feel calmer Sometimes they can be very out of touch with reality and need someone to help set appropriate boundaries for them. Cancer: Cancer risings are commonly sensitive, quiet people who feel out situations before making any decisions or opening up. They love the comfort of their home and value their connections with close friends and family. These individuals would much rather be a part of the crowd rather than the center of attention, they like to blend in.




MOON SIGNS. Virgo: Born with the moon in Virgo, they can be the most emotionally confusing sign. They will pick apart every single emotion they feel and make their own explanations for everything that happens to them. Virgo moons tend to put others before themselves, partly because they don't even know how to help themselves. They are usually hyper-alert and rely on their routine to keep them stable. Leo: Leo moons tend to need a lot of validation in order to feel secure and confident. They have a lot of love to give out to people and are very passionate about the things that they enjoy in their lives. When living in an easy-going environment, they are proud, expressive people who just might be the superstar in their household. They need to pay attention to rules and orders, for they can forget to follow them at important times. Scorpio: Scorpios are already seen as a very intense and powerful sign, so when it is found under someone's moon sign, it is only intensified. Scorpio moons can be insecure people and any amount of mistrust that they feel may make them very upset. They like to come off as very put-together people, even though they might be breaking down on the inside. They are good at understanding others, but it is hard for them to truly understand themselves. Sagittarius: Dear fellow Sagittarius moons, how are you keeping up in quarantine? Sagittarius moons are always searching for adventure and change in their lives, which is quite hard to do right now. They want to experience all of life’s wonders and live a high life. It may be hard for them to process their emotions properly and, instead of feeling them, they would rather just acknowledge them and move on. It is perfectly healthy to have a good cry sometimes! Pisces: In my experience, Pisces moons feel everything. They are extremely sensitive, even more than Cancers, and have a very good and sharp intuition. They go with the flow and make decisions based on their feelings, a lot more than logic. One thing that affects them and can be extremely damaging for them, is being yelled at. When talking to a Pisces moon, be warm and kind. Capricorn: Capricorn moons can be very practical, responsible people, but not so much when it comes to dealing with their emotions. They may much rather push their emotions down rather than express and acknowledge them. Underneath their thick skin, they are very sensitive and caring people who are extremely hard on themselves. Their goal is often to be the best of the best, and push themselves until they get there, no matter the cost. Aries: Individuals with an Aries moon may be extremely focused on themselves and often protect themselves over others. This is not for selfish reasons, it is because they have such strong inner monologues that are constantly for themselves. Sometimes they are a bit hot-headed and have very intense and fiery emotions. They are assertive and independent people, it might be a good idea to pursue a career where they can use that to their advantage.




Taurus: Taurus moons are loyal and stubborn people who appreciate the little things in life. They are loyal to themselves and those close to them and nothing can get in the way of those relations. They love their aesthetics and nothing makes them happier than a stable, secure lifestyle. They can sometimes pay too much attention to material goods rather than the more important things in life, like love, and friendships. They admire people who give gifts of support which really helps Taurus moons thrive. Gemini: Gemini moons are very intriguing characters to me, they are so different from anyone I've ever met. I've noticed that they like to categorize their emotions, and the way that they feel better is by talking. When they aren't able to talk to people, I recommend they write or journal, they need some sort of outlet for all of the thoughts and ideas that go through their brain. They are witty and flirty beings, who have a natural charm to them. Aquarius: Those with their moons in Aquarius are very unique and detached people. They can often be the underdog because their talent and intellect are usually underlooked. They have a natural interest in people and their behaviors, and want to figure out why people act the way they do. While they don’t feel much of their own emotions, they surely feel those of the world around them. This can be very difficult and confusing for an Aquarius moon, and it is recommended that they find a way to let them out. Cancer: Cancer moons are either one of two ways and nothing in between. On one hand, they can either be super social and dependant people, often clingy and have a list of enemies. On the other, they can also be very reserved, sensitive people who guard their emotions. Either way, they just want to protect themselves from the harsh world they were born into. Libra: Libra moons are natural peacekeepers and crave harmony in their everyday lives. They may have a need to connect with the world around them and may have a talent for creating rapport with others. Those with their Moon in Libra simply can't help but see flaws in their environment and their relationships, anything out of whack will bother them until it's fixed. While this all may seem foolish to you, this is solely a small part of something much bigger. Astrology is a study full of science, questions, and theories, something that may be of interest to you! A book I really recommend for researching is “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. As you read books and articles like these, remember that there still does not exist any evidence of a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events or descriptions of personality in the human world. Take everything you are told with a grain of salt, and have fun!




EST. 2021

SUMMER'S BEST BEAUTY PRODUCTS leila durante Summer; the season of adventure, feeling free, and trying new things. That being said, as summer comes to a close, let us reflect on my personal favourite beauty products from this past season. After reading this article why not start trying out these beauty products to help give you a glam but still adventure-proof, summer go-to look? Start off your beauty routine right by using these effortless products that’ll last throughout any climate. GLOSSIER CLOUD PAINT The infamous Glossier Cloud Paint is a gel-cream blush that has flawless application and long wear. Owning the tagline “the most userfriendly blush under the sun” proves its place as the next best summer beauty product. With shades ranging from oranges to pinks, no matter your skin tone, there’s an option for you. SOL DE JANEIRO BRAZILIAN CRUSH BODY FRAGRANCE This body spray screams summer. With hints of coconut and the ocean engraved in their iconic scent, this light and airy body spray is a must-have this summer. It’s perfect for a little pick me up during those hot summer beach days.




MOROCCAN OIL ALL IN ONE LEAVE-IN CONDITIONER After a long day spent at the pool or ocean side, reviving your hair from chlorine or salt water can be extremely difficult and timeconsuming. Applying this leave-in conditioner as soon as you head out of the water can make the process ten times easier. Using Moroccan oil provides that beachy scent that everyone so badly craves while making it easier to detangle their hair and prevent knots.

JERGENS NATURAL GLOW INSTANT SUN Tanning can be a difficult activity. Trying to find the right amount of sunlight and making sure you don’t get burnt is probably the biggest hassle of the summer. This process makes the process easier than ever. This self-tanner mousse is made with tanning ingredients derived from natural sugars which will help you develop the perfect summer glow in a shorter and safer way.

RARE BEAUTY STAY VULNERABLE LIQUID EYESHADOWS Rare beauty has created the best eyeshadow for summer. Providing a liquid-to-powder eyeshadow that blends quickly and easy is the perfect product to bring when you’re on the go and need a quick glam look. Each shade sold is natural enough to still give the effect of eyeshadow while staying subtle.




SUNSCREEN! Last but most certainly not least sunscreen! Sunscreen should be a yearly beauty routine staple as it is still possible to develop a burn during the colder seasons. When choosing sunscreen, make sure to avoid ingredients like Oxybenzone or Octinoxate. These ingredients are hormone disruptors and can cause cancer during later years in life. If certain chemicals have high percentages (i.e. 10%+) avoid them at all costs as they are just as harmful as Oxybenzone and Octinoxate. Avoid using spray sunscreens unless they appear to be mineral-based because otherwise, inhaling toxic chemicals can cause severe damage to the lungs. Using sunscreens from last year should also be avoided. The active mineral ingredients have been sitting at home over going weather changes which can cause the SPF levels to diminish. Some sunscreen’s I would recommend include Green Beaver Natural Mineral SPF 40, Ombrelle Mineral SPF 50, and Coppertone Pure & Simple SPF 50.

Those are the best summer beauty products of 2021. Using these easy and helpful products will help your summer feel that perfect mix of glam and natural. Make sure to protect your skin this summer, while having fun with it. Try one of these products and who knows, maybe they’ll become a year-round beauty routine necessity.




SOURCES 5 Times the TV and Film Industry Blew Us Away With Costume Design: Analyzing the Five Love Languages: languages/#:~:text=The%20premise%20is%20simple%3A%20different,Quality%20Time%2C%20and%20Physical%20Touch. Summer's Best Beauty Products: Booksmart Review: Fetishization of Asian Women: The "Yellow Fever" Phenomenon: Food For Thought: Racism on the Menu The Trend Cycle:,disappearance%20is%20faster%20than%20ever.&text=retail%20delivery%20times.-,Since %20the%20life%20cycle%20of%20a%20fashion%20trend%20is%20tightening,disappearance%20is%20faster%20than%20ever Why Joining a Club is an Essential Part of the High School Experience: q= Rqha2YGwGEi84K All image via Google Images Cartoons via Canva


WRITERS FEATURED Anastasia Dimas Leila Durante Izzy Gelman Ella Ionescu Hazel Kurniadi Cadence Parsons Nicole Sandels Soma Savage Elena Vlitas Sipora West Summer Winn Alyssa Zhang



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