How To Create Your Own Yoga Workout Routine 1
Alright, I have thus far gone over all the poses in their respective groups, the Breathing and Abdominal Exercises and now my intent is to demonstrate how to put them all together for you to make a routine of your own. I will stress a few things nonetheless. 1. Remember the principles of counter poses, the time durations and breathing. 2. Remember once you start with a group of the asanas, you would have to do all the way to the end of that specific group. 3. The Abdominal and Breathing Exercises discussed are only presented in a way for you to have an idea of them. Please exercise caution if you decide to undertake them or any of the poses for that matter. That said, unlike most other physical cultures of exercise, except for some specific asanas, the abdominal exercises and pranayama, you need not adhere to doing a certain number of repetitions to perform them. Other miscellaneous Guidelines that come to adhering to this routine are as follows: 1. Execute the exercises in an open space of sufficient fresh air. 2. It is a good idea to have some houseplants around. since they emit oxygen during photosynthesis, this increases, if slightly the oxygen content of the air. 3. Have a good sounding metronome ticking to keep track of time as you perform the exercises. Have it set at 60 bpm. 4. To time yourself for the corpse poses, just use a sufficient alarm clock, set for a minute extra of the desired time you'd like to rest in the pose. 10-15 minutes. 5. Keep in mind that yoga pays close attention to the spine thus any exercise executed is to be countered with the performance of its direct opposite and for a certain time. Therefore if a forward bending exercise is performed it must be offset with a back-bending exercise. 6. If selectivity should arise due to time limitations, such essentials as the Sun Salutations, the shoulder-stand and her counter-poses, the corpse pose, and the abdominal and breathing exercises must be practiced daily. 7. Close the eyes when the pose is static and does not necessarily require strength or balance. 8. Preceding each corpse pose that would be at least 10 minutes, ensure to urinate (or defecate) to emit some of the lactic and toxic build up of these powerful asanas. This will ensure that the body is cleaner before relaxing.
You may use a blanket to cover the body lightly and always roll to your right first, stay in it for a minute or so breathing deeply (5-5-5) before arising.
These are the specific order of the exercises. Ensure that you adhere to this order for optimal and maximum efficiency. 1. Prayer before beginning exercises 2. Sun Salutations 3. Corpse Pose 4. Inversions (Head Stand & Shoulder-stand) 5. Bridge Pose 6. Fish Pose 7. Forward Bending Exercises (Plough, Wind reliving and Head-to knee poses) 8. Backward Bending Exercises (Inclined plane pose, bow pose and wheel pose) 9. Spinal Twist 10. Balancing Exercises (i) (Peacock pose, Crow pose) Balancing Exercises (ii) (Side Plank and 4-Limb Staff Pose) 11. Sitting exercises 12. Exercises in standing positions 13. Complete relaxation =========================== 14. Abdominal Exercises 15. Breathing Exercises 16. Meditation (I personally just lay in the corpse pose for 5 minutes after pranayama; breathing squarely accompanying the sound of the metronome set at 60bpm with the ratio of 5:5:5 seconds.
I also simultaneously chant OM mentally while doing this as in OM1, OM2 etc). Ensure to arise from the corpse pose as depicted in the 8th guideline above. It is imperative that you perform the corpse pose for a minute or so between each exercise. Please ensure to see the exact descriptions of them in the text along with the proper ways to execute them. There is no competition (even with yourself) in yoga thus keep within comfortable durations and gradually increase the durations with improvement in overall health and fitness. Also, when executing the exercises keep your age, weight and strength in mind. Well, that concludes the actual sequence for doing the Yogic Exercises in Part 2 I will enumerate an alternative for the sake of variety.
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