How To Use Yoga For Eating Disorders
Not too long ago, many eating disorders such as Bulimia and Anorexia were thought to be the result of mental conditions. However, research has indicated that some physical factors have been attributed to these conditions. Folks, it is now thought that eating disorders can be caused by several factors, which could be those of a psychological, behavioral, social, or biological nature. Perhaps, that, my friends is where Yoga may come in. It is noteworthy of mention that Yoga has been deemed useful for dealing with a myriad of physical ailments, however, very few people know that applies to eating disorders. Some specific Yoga poses and derivatives can be used effectively for restoring better digestive and mental health which are perhaps the two types needing attention in regards to eating disorders. An observation of most patients with such maladies will clearly depict that depression and low self-esteem are problems associated with people with eating disorders, and Yoga can help with both. In addition, since this exercise is known to aid with restoring physical vigor and a corrective therapeutic measure internally from abuse arising from eating disorders, some Yoga poses are extremely effective. So what exactly are those poses? -The Sun Salutations Sequence -The Shoulder Stand Sequence (This friends is a reputed panacea or cure-all for most if not all human ailments) -The Bow Pose (A back bending exercise) -The Head to Knee Pose (A forward bending exercise) -The Spinal Twist -The Peacock Pose -The Diamond Pose -The Triangle Pose -The Corpse Pose
It should be pointed out that research has shown that Yoga can reduce depression, restoring a state of balance and well being in the individual. In addition, there are different yoga poses that stimulate increased levels of self-esteem, and promote a positive view of your own body. Delving further into this analysis, owing to the components of the Yoga Diet known as the Sattvic Diet consisting of mucus-less and mucus-poor fruits, leafs and other vegetables, this choice of dietetic lifestyle is perhaps the most preventive and curative substance of any disease that may be associated with anorexia or bulimia be they physical or mental. So, to conclude, in it’s entirely that is the Proper exercises, diet and mental attunements, Yoga definitely can come in handy in helping people with eating disorders to now only overcome the maladies, but to improve their overall well-being. To Health!
### Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of Fitness: Inside and Out, a book on improving physical and mental health naturally with a Bible-Based Diet and Exercise. For more information on this book or other natural health tips, visit his site at