How To Succeed At A Self Purification And Cleansing Program
It’s a new year, resolutions have been made and seemingly almost everyone is trying to cleanse and detoxify the body in the quest of improving one’s health. Indeed this is understandable when one considers the immense benefits associated with such a practice. I mean from delayed aging, to improved health, brighter eyes, smoother skin and seemingly limitless energy, the advantages seem almost infinite. So how can one go about succeeding at such a program? Hopefully the tips below will help immensely in this regard. The first step may perhaps be a dietetic change of some sorts. To this end, I usually recommend the Mucus-less (alkaline forming) diet. The great thing about such a diet is that now only does it prepare you for a program of self purification and cleansing...(and could very well accomplish it exclusively over a length of considerable time...), it is arguably the best way to get ready for a fastwhich is the BEST MEANS OF NATURAL DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY. So, at this point, I present you with a blue-print on how to consume such a radical diet: Breakfast: A choice of the following 1. A tall glass of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. 2. A tall glass of Fresh squeezed lemonade flavored with genuine maple Syrup (the darker the grade the better) Lunch: A mono-meal of an organic fruit in season for example: Apples in the fall and winter, Melons in the summer, Berries in spring. Dinner: Fresh, home-made salads. A simple dressing could be
(a) Lemon juice, olive oil and un-iodized sea-salt (b) Avocadoes or Green coconuts blended with tomatoes and some sea salt Or Raw and/or cooked root vegetables such as Celery, Carrots, Potatoes, Plantains, raw or slightly heated fruit veggies (these can be blended into Soups or dressings for your salads) You can make the diet more adventurous making smoothies, puddings and tasty salad dressings for your vegetable meals all geared at getting the body ready for a fast for cleansing based on what I’ve written on elsewhere. Using a fast for natural detoxification of the body comes in several methods and types-all more or less effective, but adaptable to whatever level of discipline you may be willing to give in return. These methods include: 1. The complete water fast: This, admittedly, should be conducted with extreme caution or in a specialized sanitarium if undertaken more than 3 days. 2. The Juice Fast: This is much easier for the general populace and can be undergone as long as you feel like it. 3. The Fruit Fast: This, well, is really not a fast per se…but when one lives exclusively on SEASONAL ORGANIC fruits for days on end…meaning mono meals (2 at the most ) of only one kind of fruit say Apples in Fall, Melons in summer for a week plus, you will be bound to see the benefits. Other factors that help in this regards whether to fast or to go on the recommended diet for natural detoxification of the body are to get. 1. Sufficient Exercise 2. Plenty of Sunshine and Fresh Air. 3. Rest and needed. ###
Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of “Fitness: Inside and Out”, a book on improving physical and mental health naturally with a BibleBased Diet and Exercise. For more information on this book or other natural health tips, visit his site at
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