YELLOWSTONE 2017 || Camping & Outdoor

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tents Distributed by

Foras Sport BV Pampuslaan 59 1382 JM Weesp Netherlands

T: +31(0)850091744 E: W:

outdoor catalogue 2017


live to explore The Yellowstone brand has been at the forefront of providing innovative products for the outdoor enthusiast. Building a comprehensive product range that is of the highest quality, and at the most competitive cost.

La marque Yellowstone est à la pointe pour proposer des produits innovants à tous ceux qui aiment les activités d’extérieur. Créer une gamme de produits complète, de la meilleure qualité possible et au coût le plus compétitif.

We are now proud to present the new Yellowstone range for 2017, confident that with the Yellowstone brand your customers will enjoy the rewarding and fulfilling experience of outdoor life.

Nous sommes aujourd’hui fiers de présenter la nouvelle gamme Yellowstone pour 2017, confiants qu’avec cette marque, vos clients vivront une vraie expérience complète et réussie en extérieur, encore et toujours.

So whether your customers are experienced or novice outdoor enthusiast, festival goers or just buying for the kid’s pitching up in the back garden we hope you enjoy the new 2017 Yellowstone ranges.

Het Yellowstone merk is toonaangevend wat het leveren van innovatieve producten voor de liefhebber van het buitenleven betreft. Het merk stelt eenuitgebreid productaanbod samen, van de hoogste kwaliteit en tegen de voordeligste prijs. We stellen nu met trots het nieuwe Yellowstone-aanbod voor 2017 voor, in de zekerheid dat uw klanten met het Yellowstone merk telkens opnieuw zullen genieten van de lonende ervaring van het echte buitenleven. Dus of uw klanten nu doorwinterde of prille liefhebbers van het buitenleven zijn, of festivalgangers of gewoon een tent komen voor de kinderen om in de achtertuin op te zetten, we hopen dat u geniet van het nieuwe 2017 Yellowstone aanbod

Que vos clients soient expérimentés ou que leur enthousiasme pour les activités extérieures soit récent, qu’il s’agisse de festivaliers en quête de matériel ou d’acheteurs à la recherche d’une activité extérieure pour leurs enfants, nous espérons que vous apprécierez les gammes 2017 de Yellowstone.

Il marchio Yellowstone è sempre stato all’avanguardia per offrire prodotti innovativi agli entusiasti della vita all’aria aperta. Proponendo una gamma comprensiva di prodotti della miglior qualità al prezzo più conveniente. Siamo orgogliosi di presentarvi la nuova collezione per il 2017, sicuri che, grazie al marchio Yellowstone i vostri clienti godranno molte volte l’appagante e gratificante esperienza del vivere all’aria aperta. Pertanto, sia che i vostri clienti siano appassionati della vita all’aria aperta, esperti o principianti, o cerchino solo qualcosa per i bambini da montare in giardino, speriamo che le nuove gamme Yellowstone 2017 vi piacciano.

Seit vielen Jahren bietet die Marke Yellowstone innovative Produkte für den Outdoor-Fan. Dabei bemühen wir uns, ein umfassendes Produktsortiment vonhöchster Qualität zum günstigsten Preis zusammenzustellen.

Yellowstone es una marca líder en productos innovadores para los amantes de la naturaleza que se esfuerza al máximo por ofrecer una gama de productos completa y que combine la mejor calidad con los precios más competitivos.

Heute freuen wir uns, das neue Yellowstone-Produktsortiment für 2017 vorstellen zu können,und sind überzeugt davon, dass Ihre Kunden mit der Marke Yellowstoneimmer wieder ein erfüllendes und spannendes Outdoor-Erlebnis genießen können.

Por este motivo, nos enorgullece presentar la nueva gama Yellowstone para 2017, totalmente convencidos de que los clientes de nuestra marca disfrutarán de los placeres y la satisfacción que proporciona disfrutar de la naturaleza una y otra vez.

Ob es sich bei Ihren Kunden nun um langjährige und erfahrene Outdoor-Fans oder um ‘Neulinge’ handelt, ob sie gern auf Festivals gehen oder nur für die Gartenparty ihres Kindes einkaufen, wir hoffen, dass Ihnen das 2017 Produktsortiment von Yellowstone gefällt.

Así que, tanto si sus clientes son aventureros experimentados o noveles, amantes de los festivales o pequeños que se divierten en el jardín, esperamos que disfruten al máximo de las nuevas gamas de Yellowstone para 2017.

Brand by

Yellowstone 2


live to explore



Point of Sale Units

04 - 05


06 - 33

Family Tents

08 - 13

Festival Tents

14 - 17

Adventure Tents

18 - 31

Camping & Accessories

34 - 43


44 - 63


64 - 87

Gas, BBQ’s & Cookware

88 - 125


126 - 137

Walking & Travel

138 - 147


148 - 158 3

point of sale / promotional display units

Point of Sale / Promotional Display Units The new range of Yellowstone display units are the perfect way to display the great Yellowstone products we have on offer. The promotional displays maximise the available space In store to drive increased revenue as well as drive incremental sales for additional buys. These sturdy and eye catching designs engage customer in store, assisting in up sell and repeat purchase, while increasing customer choice and satisfaction. Het Yellowstone merk is toonaangevend wat het leveren van innovatieve producten voor de liefhebber van het buitenleven betreft. Het merk stelt eenuitgebreid productaanbod samen, van de hoogste kwaliteit en tegen de voordeligste prijs. We stellen nu met trots het nieuwe Yellowstone-aanbod voor, in de zekerheid dat uw klanten met het Yellowstone merk telkens opnieuw zullen genieten van de lonende ervaring van het echte buitenleven. Dus of uw klanten nu doorwinterde of prille liefhebbers van het buitenleven zijn, of festivalgangers of gewoon een tent komen voor de kinderen om in de achtertuin op te zetten, we hopen dat u geniet van het nieuwe Yellowstone aanbod. Die neuen Yellowstone-Werbeaufsteller sind die perfekte Möglichkeit, die großartigen Produkte von Yellowstone aus unserem Angebot zu präsentieren. Die Werbeaufsteller nutzen den in Ihrem Ladenlokal verfügbaren Platz optimal aus, um eine Umsatzsteigerung zu erzielen sowie Zusatzkäufe zu steigern. Diese robusten und auffälligen Designs werden Ihren Kunden sofort ins Auge fallen und helfen Ihnen, mehr Umsätze durch Upsell und wiederholte Einkäufe zu erzielen. Zudem kann dadurch die Auswahl für Ihre Kunden gesteigert werden, sodass die Kundenzufriedenheit sich ebenfalls verbessert. La nouvelle gamme d’unités d’affichage Yellowtsone représente la manière parfaite de présenter les produits exceptionnels Yellowstone qui font partie de notre offre. Les affiches promotionnelles maximisent l’espace disponible en magasin afin de développer le chiffre d’affaires tout en favorisant le segment des achats additionnels. Ces éléments solides qui savent attirer les regards engagent le client dans le magasin, participent aux ventes et aux achats d’appoints tout en renforçant le choix et la satisfaction de vos clients. La nuova gamma di espositori Yellowstone costituisce il modo migliore per mostrare i grandiosi prodotti Yellowstone in offerta. Gli espositori promozionali massimizzano lo spazio disponibile in negozio per incentivare l’aumento dei ricavi oltre che il più frequente acquisto di ulteriori prodotti. Questi prodotti altamente visibili e robusti attraggono il cliente nel negozio, incoraggiando l’upsell e gli acquisti ripetuti, aumentando al tempo stesso la scelta e la soddisfazione del cliente. Los nuevos artículos de exposición Yellowstone son el método perfecto para presentar nuestros fantásticos productos. Los expositores promocionales permiten aprovechar al máximo el espacio de la tienda y generan tanto compras nuevas como complementarias. Su diseño, robusto y atractivo, llama la atención del cliente, animándole a llevarse algo más o a quedarse con un producto mejor, al mismo tiempo que mejora su libertad de elección y nivel de satisfacción.


Losstaande display Onze FSDU (losstaande display) is een uitermate duurzame en flexibele manier om de fantastische Yellowstone-producten tentoon te stellen die we verkopen. Deze FSDU’s, die in enkele minuten kunnen worden opgesteld, vormen de perfecte manier om thematische Yellowstone-productreeksen of een combinatie van verschillende lijnen uit onze catalogus te presenteren Met 4 in de hoogte verstelbare legplanken, kan elke legplank 35 kg dragen. Terwijl de grote displaylade onderaan de producten beschermt die het dichtst bij de vloer liggen, maar deze nog steeds promoot.

Freistehende Präsentationsaufsteller Unsere freistehenden Präsentationsaufsteller bieten eine robuste und flexible Möglichkeit, die großartigen Produkte von Yellowstone zu präsentieren, die wir anbieten. Diese freistehenden Präsentationsaufsteller sind in wenigen Minuten aufgebaut und eignen sich hervorragend zur Präsentation von Yellowstone-Produktreihen unter dem selben Thema oder einer Kombination unterschiedlicher Sortimente aus unserem Katalog. Jeder der 4 höhenverstellbaren Regalböden kann mit bis zu 35 kg belastet werden. Der breite, unterste Regalboden schützt nicht nur die Waren, die ganz unten liegen, sondern sorgt gleichzeitig dafür, dass sie gut sichtbar präsentiert werden.

Unité de présentation en colonne Notre colonne de présentation est un moyen durable et polyvalent de mettre en valeur les produits Yellowstone que nous vendons. Les colonnes de présentation faciles à assembler - en quelques minutes - sont la solution idéale pour présenter des gammes Yellowstone classées par thèmes, ou une combinaison de différentes lignes de notre catalogue.Avec 4 tablettes réglables en hauteur pouvant chacune soutenir 35 kg. Son large plateau de présentation situé à la base protège les articles les plus proches du sol tout en continuant à assurer leur promotion.

Cut Out Display Bin Our Cut Out display bins are made specifically for our Fast Pitch tent. The display unit is a great to display Yellowstone Fast Pitch Pop Up Tents however they are also suitable for many of our other great Yellowstone products. Voorgevormde displaybakken Onze voorgevormde displaybakken zijn specifiek gemaakt voor onze Fast Pitch tent. Deze display is fantastisch voor het tentoonstellen van de Yellowstone Fast Pitch Pop Up Tenten, maar ze zijn ook geschikt voor onze vele andere fantastische Yellowstone producten. Vorgestanzter Präsentationskorb Unsere vorgestanzten Präsentationskörbe wurden speziell für unser Fast Pitch-Zelt angefertigt. Dieser Aufsteller eignet sich hervorragend zur Präsentation der Yellowstone Fast Pitch Popup-Zelte, kann jedoch auch für andere Yellowstone-Produkte genutzt werden. Bacs de présentation prédécoupés Nos bacs de présentation prédécoupés ont été spécialement conçus pour notre tente Fast Pitch. L’unité de présentation est idéale pour la mise en valeur des tentes Fast Pitch Pop Up Yellowstone, mais est également parfaitement adaptée à un grand nombre d’autres produits Yellowstone. Cesto espositore sagomato I nostri cesti espositori sagomati sono stati creati appositamente per le nostre tende Fast Pitch. L’espositore è l’ideale per esporre le tende Pop Up Fast Pitch, ma è anche adatto per molti altri grandiosi prodotti Yellowstone. Caja expositor abierta Las cajas expositor abiertas están diseñadas específicamente para la tienda Fast Pitch. Aunque este artículo de exposición está pensado y resulta ideal para las tiendas instantáneas Fast Pitch de Yellowstone, también es compatible con muchos otros fantásticos productos de la marca Yellowstone.

Hexagonal Display Bin Our Hexagonal display bins are a great way to display Yellowstone Tents, Beach Shelters, Camping Chairs as well as many of our other great Yellowstone lines.

Hexagonale displaybak Onze hexagonale displaybakken zijn een fantastische manier om Yellowstone tenten, strandschermen, kampeerstoelen en ook veel van onze andere fantastische Yellowstone-lijnen tentoon te stellen.

Sechseckiger Präsentationskorb Unsere sechseckigen Präsentationskörbe eignen sich wunderbar zur Präsentation von Yellowstone-Zelten, Strandmuscheln, Campingstühlen und vieler weiterer Yellowstone-Produkte.

Bac de présentation hexagonal Nos bacs de présentation hexagonaux sont un excellent moyen de mettre en valeur les tentes, protections pour plages, chaises de camping Yellowstone ainsi que beaucoup d’autres lignes de produits Yellowstone.

Cesto espositore esagonale I nostri cesti espositori esagonali sono ottimi per esporre Tende Yellowstone, Protezioni per la spiaggia, Sedie da campeggio e molte altre collezioni Yellowstone.

Caja expositor hexagonal Las cajas expositor hexagonales van muy bien para presentar las tiendas Yellowstone, los refugios de playa, las sillas de camping y muchas otras fantásticas gamas de productos de Yellowstone.

point of sale / promotional display units

Free Standing Display Unit Our FSDU is a very durable and flexible way of displaying the great Yellowstone products we sell. Easy to assemble in minutes these FSDU’s are the perfect way to present themed Yellowstone ranges or a combination of different lines from our catalogue. With 4 height adjustable shelves each shelf is capable of holding 35kg. While the large base display tray protects the goods closest to the floor while still promoting them.

Espositori indipendenti I nostri espositori FSDU sono una soluzione durevole e flessibile per esporre i grandiosi prodotti Yellowstone in vendita. Facili da montare in pochi minuti questi FSDU sono perfetti per presentare gamme Yellowstone a tema o una combinazione di diverse linee dal nostro catalogo. Sono forniti di 4 scaffali ad altezza variabile, con ogni scaffale in grado di reggere 35 kg. Lo scaffale inferiore con base più ampia protegge i prodotti più vicini al terreno pur continuando a promuoverli.

Estantería de exposición Nuestra estantería de exposición ofrece un método resistente y flexible de exponer los fantásticos productos de la marca Yellowstone. Estas estanterías, que se pueden montar en cuestión de minutos, resultan ideales para organizar presentaciones temáticas o para combinar distintas gamas de productos del catálogo de Yellowstone. Cada uno de los 4 estantes de altura regulable tiene 35 kg de capacidad, mientras que la base de gran tamaño mejora la protección de los artículos que se encuentran más cerca del suelo sin reducir su visibilidad.



Tents For our new tent range we have developed a broader range of tents that caters for the backpacker, family or weekend camper on a budget. Our ranges of tents are fun, versatile and great value. Pitching and packing away in easily, Yellowstone tents are ideal for festivals, weekends away, overnight getaways or just pitching in the garden. Tenten Voor ons nieuwe tentenaanbod ontwikkelden we een breder aanbod van tenten dat geschikt is voor de prijsbewuste rugzaktoerist of de gezins- of weekendkampeerder. Ons tentenaanbod is leuk, veelzijdig en biedt een goede prijs-kwaliteitverhouding. Yellowstone-tenten zijn eenvoudig op te zetten en op te bergen en ideaal voor festivals, weekenduitstapjes, overnachtingen en of gewoon om op te zetten in de tuin. Zelte Für unsere neue Zelt-Produktreihe haben wir ein größeres Angebot an Zelten entwickelt, die sich an preisbewusste Rucksack-Touristen, Familien- oder Wochenend-Camper richten. Unsere Zeltsortimente bieten viel Spaß, sind vielseitig und bieten ein gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Yellowstone-Zelte sind leicht aufzubauen und wieder zu verstauen und sind deshalb für Festivals, Wochenendausflüge, Kurzausflüge mit Übernachtungen oder einfach fürs Campen im heimischen Garten geeignet. Tentes Pour notre nouvelle gamme de tentes, nous avons élargi l’offre aux routards, aux familles ou à ceux qui campent sur un weekend avec un budget limité. Nos gammes de tentes présentent des produits plein de style, polyvalents et d’une grande qualité. Faciles à monter comme à démonter, les tentes Yellowstone sont idéales pour les festivals, les escapades d’un weekend ou tout simplement installées dans le jardin. Tende La nostra nuova gamma di tende ora comprende una scelta più ampia, con tende per escursionisti, famiglie o campeggiatori del fine settimana con un budget limitato. Le nostre tende sono divertenti, versatili e molto economiche. Facili da montare e da riporre, le tende Yellowstone sono l’ideale per i festival, per i fine settimana, per brevi scampagnate o anche solo da montare in giardino. Tiendas de campaña Nuestra nueva gama de tiendas de campaña incluye una mayor variedad de opciones para excursionistas, familias y campistas ocasionales a muy buen precio. Nuestras tiendas son divertidas, versátiles y de gran calidad. Gracias a su facilidad de montaje y desmontaje, las tiendas Yellowstone resultan ideales tanto para festivales, salidas de fin de semana o excursiones de una noche, como para acampadas en el jardín.




Large side windows. Brow pole for extra protection over side door. Electric cable zip access point. 2 mesh side doors and 1 end entrance. Front and rear ventilation. 2 Bedrooms with divider. Darkened bedrooms for a better night's sleep. Pre-attached guy lines. Taped Seams

Swing Tag N/A N/A 1

210cm 560cm


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions (L x W x H)


Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 190T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 560 x 300 x 198cm Inner - 540 x 280 x 188cm Bedroom – 210 x 280 x 188cm 68 x 30 x 30cm 4 x 12.7mm & 2 x 9.5mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 16.3kg 3000 Yes





















68 x 30 x 30cm


f level: 30 roo 00 rp te


W a

TT016 Lunar 4


Specification & Features:



TT016 Lunar 4


x 30cm





220cm 240cm

TT017 Lunar 6



68 x 31 x 31cm


Specification & Features:

Large side windows. Electric cable zip access point. 2 mesh side doors and 1 end entrance. Front and rear ventilation. 2 Bedroom with divider. Darkened bedrooms for a better night's sleep. Pre-attached guy lines. Taped Seams




68 x 31 x 31cm




W a

f level: 30 roo 00 rp te





210cm 680cm

TT017 Lunar 6


Swing Tag N/A N/A 1

210cm 680cm

220cm 240cm

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions (L x W x H)



Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 190T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 680 x 240 x 195cm IInner – 680 x 220 x 170cm Bedroom – 210 x 220 x 170cm 68 x 31 x 31cm 5 x 11mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 16.9kg 3000 Yes



220cm 240cm










210cm 680cm


W a


Dark bedrooms for better nigh't sleep. Electric cable zip access point. Large windows with privacy curtains. 2 Full size mesh doors.Handy hanging storage. Front and rear ventilation. 2 bedrooms with divider. Living area and front porch. Taped Seams.

195cm 540cm



310cm 205cm











Correct Colour --> 10


87 x 30 x 30cm



W a






TT022 Orbit 4 f level: 40 roo 00 rp te



Swing Tag N/A N/A 1

87 x 3 x 30c




Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions (L x W x H)




Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Embossed Polyester with PU coating Inner - 190T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer – 540 + 100 x 310 x 205cm Inner - 540 x 290 x 220cm Bedroom - 210 x 290 x 195cm 68 x 30 x 30cm 4 x 12.7mm & 2 x 9.5mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 22.9kg 4000 Yes



f level: 40 roo 00 rp te




Specification & Features:



TT022 Orbit 400




Specification & Features:

Dark bedrooms for better night's sleep. Electric cable zip access point. Large windows with privacy curtains. 2 Full size mesh doors. Handy hanging storage. Front and rear ventilation. 2 bedrooms with divider. Living area and front porch. Taped Seams. 100cm

f level: 40 roo 00 rp te


215cm 210cm

100cm 550cm




W a

TT023 Orbit 6




Swing Tag N/A N/A 1


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions (L x W x H)

210cm 550cm


Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 190T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 550 + 100 x 440 x 215cm Inner – 540 x 415 x 205cm Bedroom – 210 x 415 x 205cm 91x 36 x 37cm 4 x 12.7mm fibreglass / 1 x 11mm fibreglass & 8 x 19mm Steel Pole Green / Charcoal 26.8kg 4000 Yes







TT023 Obrit 600




91 x 36 x 37cm



















<-- Correct Colour







TT027 Horizon 4 Family Tent

Specification & Features:



280cm 160cm


155cm 220cm







64 x 20 x 20cm




155cm 220cm


f level: 20 roo 00 rp te



W a

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket Packaging Type: N/A CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: TT027 Horizon 1 4 Family Tent Carton Quantity:


64 x 2 x 20cm



Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:


f level: 20 roo 00 rp te


Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 220 x 220 x 280 x 160/140cm Inner – 220 x 270 x 155/135cm 64 x 20 x 20cm 3 x 9.5mm Fibreglass Blue / Black 6.0kg 2000 Yes



W a

Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door. Two access doors.



TT027 Horizon 4 Family Tent


Easy to pitch. Integral groundsheet. Easy access door. Fun and vibrant animal designs. Fabric:

Outer – 170T Polyester Sewn in 110gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 115 x 115 x 84cm

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

52 x 6 x 6cm 2 x 6.9mm Fibreglass Animal Design 0.68kg 400 Yes

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: TT030 Jungle Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A Animal Camping 6

Play Tent

oof level: 30 0 rpr H te


W a


TT030 Jungle Animal Camping Play Tent Specification & Features:

52 x 6 x 6cm





8kg 0.6




FV002 Festival 4 Tipi Tent


66 x 17 x 17cm



66 x 17 x 17cm

Specification & Features:

Large sleeping area. Top vent for increased ventilation. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Fabric:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer – 260 x 300 x 350cm

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 2








Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:





Weight: HH: FR:

66 x 17 x 17cm 25mm Steel Red / Charcoal Blue / Charcoal 4.7kg 1500 Yes


Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:

f level: 15 roo 00 rp te


W a

FV002 Festival Tipi




260cm 300cm









66 x 17 x 17cm







TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 8

W a

g 1.7k


Pink Lime Red

66 x 4cm





f level: 15 roo 00 rp te


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity: Blue

Weight: HH: FR:

66 x 4cm 1 x 6mm Fibreglass Red / Charcoal Hawaiian Blue / Charcoal Lime / Charcoal Vibrant Pink / Charcoal 1.5kg 1500 Yes


Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 120 x 220 x 95cm




Quick pitching in a few seconds. Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Compact pack size. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams.



TT010 Fast Pitch 2 Specification & Features:


Quick pitching in a few seconds. Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Compact pack size. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:


Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet 95 x 195 x 135cm 66 x 4cm 2 x 5.9mm Fibreglass Green / Grey 1.7kg 1500 Yes

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


TT029 Easy Pitch Dome Tent Specification & Features:


Paper Insert in PVC Pocket


TT029 EasyN/A N/APitch Dome Tent f level: 15 roo 00 rp te


W a


g 1.7k

66 x 4cm







Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6



f level: 15 roo 00 rp te







Weight: HH: FR:

58 x 11 x 11cm 3 x 7mm Fibreglass Blue / Black Red / Black 1.75kg 1500 Yes


Sewn in 110gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 200+90 x 120 x 95cm

Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:

W a


TT024 Peak 2 Dome Tent with Porch Specification & Features:

58 x 11 x 11cm





TT025 Peak 3 Dome Tent with Porch Specification & Features:

W a





f level: 20 roo 00 rp te



Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:


Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 210+110 x 205 x 120cm Inner – 210 x 195 x 110cm 62 x 13 x 13cm 3 x 7mm Fibreglass Blue / Black Red / Black 3.50kg 2000 Yes



Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door.

62 x 13 x 13cm



kg 3.5




Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:


Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 210+130 x 250 x 140cm Inner – 210 x 240 x 137cm 64 x 14 x 14cm 2 x 9.5mm / 1 x 8.5mm Fibreglass Blue / Black Red / Black 4.70kg 2000 Yes



Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door. Two access doors.



TT026 Peak 4 Dome Tent with Porch Specification & Features:



TT026 Peak 4


137cm 210cm



210cm 130cm






64 x 14 x 14cm



k 4.7




W a

210cm f level: 20 roo 00 rp te




TT014 Ascent 2 Specification & Features:


W a

TT014 Ascent 2

f level: 30 roo 00 rp te



62 x 13 x 13cm









Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:


Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 310 x 150 x 105cm Inner - 210 x 150 x 103cm 58 x 11 x 11cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal Red / Charcoal Orange / Charcoal 3kg 3000 Yes



Easy to pitch with easy access door. Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams








1 Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4



Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:



Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 310 x 220 x 130cm Inner - 210 x 220 x 125cm 66 x 15 x 15cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal Red / Charcoal 3.7kg 3000 Yes



Easy to pitch with easy access door. Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams



TT001 Ascent 3 Specification & Features:

TT001 Ascent 3




W a

310cm f level: 30 roo 00 rp te

220cm 125cm




130cm 220cm






66 x 15 x 15cm


Specification & Features:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

f level: 30 roo 00 rp te


67 x 15 x 15cm



125cm 230cm










W a

TT015 Ascent 4



Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours:

67 x 15 x 15cm


Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 330 x 240 x 130cm Inner - 230 x 240 x 125cm 67 x 15 x 15cm 3 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal Red / Charcoal Green / Charcoal 4.1kg 3000 Yes



Easy to pitch with easy access door. Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams



W a


TT015 Ascent 4

f level: 30 roo 00 rp te




Quick pitching umbrella action pulls up in one motion. Easy push down and fold away. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

86 x 13 x 13cm 2 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 2.16kg 2000 Yes

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Paper Insert in PVC Pocket

N/A TT008 Rapid N/A 2 f level: 20 roo 00 rp te


W a










Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 130 x 210 x 90cm




TT008 Rapid 2 Specification & Features:

86 x 13 x 13cm


TT009 Rapid 4 Specification & Features:


Easy to pitch with easy access door. Porch groundsheet attached to bedroom. Preattached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 210 x 240 x 120cm

Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:




Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


111 x 13 x 13cm 2 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 3.08kg 2000 Yes Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6

f level: 20 roo 00 rp te


W a

TT009 Rapid 4

111 x 15 x 15cm



8kg 3.0





TT004 Dome 2

Specification & Features:

62 x 10 x 10cm

62 x 10 x 10cm 2 x 6.5mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal 1.45kg 1000 Yes



Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6




Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

g 45k



Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 130 x 210 x 90cm

f level: 10 roo 00 rp te



W a

Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door.



TT004 2 Person Dome Tent



Specification & Features:

W a

60 x 12 x 12cm 2 x 6.5mm Fibreglass Blue / Charcoal 2kg 2000 Yes

60 x 12 x 12cm


Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4



Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:



Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 210 x 240 x 130cm



f level: 10 roo 00 rp te


Easy to pitch. Pre-attached Hi Vis guy lines and pegs included. Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Easy access door.


TT005 Dome 4


TT005 4 Person Dome Tent




Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

f level: 20 roo 00 rp te



kg 1.5








W a

TT007 Matterhorn 1



Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 270 x 175 x 90cm Inner - 245 x 95 x 70cm 50 x 14 x 14cm 1 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 1.5kg 2000 Yes



Ideal for hiking and backpacking. Pitches inner first. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams.



TT007 Matterhorn 1 Specification & Features:

50 x 14 x 14cm


TT006 Alpine 2 Specification & Features:

Ideal for hiking and backpacking. Pitches inner first. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet. Taped Seams. Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Inner - 170T breathable Polyester Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet Outer - 317 x 240 x 100cm Inner - 257 x 140 x 95cm 50 x 14 x 14cm 1 x 7.9mm Fibreglass Green / Charcoal 1.9kg 2000 Yes

Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

4 f level: 20 roo 00 rp te


W a

TT006 Alpine N/A 2

50 x 14 x 14cm

TT006 Alpine 2




f level: 20 roo 00 rp te


W a

kg 1.9

kg 1.9

















Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:

35 x 20 x 15cm 1 x 7mm Fibreglass Blue / Black 1.34kg 1000 Yes

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Outer - 190T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in 120gm² Polyethylene groundsheet 220 x 120 x 90cm



Ideal for hiking and backpacking. The zippable lower section stores a one man, easy-toassemble tent, which folds neatly back into its compartment after use. Pre-attached guy lines and Integral groundsheet.




TT028 Yellowstone Backpack Tent Specification & Features:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

f level: 10 roo 00 rp te

220cm H H

W a

TT028 Backpack Tent

35 x 20 x 15cm



4kg 1.3



Bag Volume 16L 220cm




TT013 Beach Shelter with Closure

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

UV40 Sun Protection. Ideal for the beach or fishing. Compact pack size for easy transport and storage. Outer - 170T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet

Dimensions: (L x W x H) Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Outer - 115 x 210 x 110cm 3 x 7mm Fibreglass Blue / Green 820g 400 Yes

Outer – 118 x 110 x 220 x 115cm 3 x 7mm Fibreglass Blue / Black 1.3kg 400 Yes

Swing Tag N/A N/A 12

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6

63 x 12cm

oof level: 40 0 rpr te


g 820


Outer - 170T Polyester with PU coating Sewn in Polyethylene groundsheet

Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Poles: Colours: Weight: HH: FR:


oof level: 40 0 rpr te

UV40 Sun Protection. Front closure for added security. Ideal for the beach or fishing. Compact pack size for easy transport and storage

W a


W a


TT012 Beach Shelter

kg 1.3

66 x 10cm


TT018 Midi Wind Block Specification & Features:

Quick and Easy to set up. Gives privacy & increased weather protection. Steel poles and ground spikes provide increased stability. Compact pack size for easy transportation. Supplied with handy carry bag. 190T Polyester with PU coating 300 x 130cm

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


f level: 10 roo 00 rp te

53 x 11 x 11cm 3 x 16mm Steel Red / Charcoal 1.5kg 1000



Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH:

kg 1.5

53 x 11 x 11cm

TT019 Large Wind Block

Fabric: Dimensions: (L x W x H) Pack Size: Poles: Colours: Weight: HH:

190T Polyester with PU coating 300 x 130cm

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

f level: 10 roo 00 rp te


Quick and Easy to set up. Gives privacy & increased weather protection. PVC windows allowing great visibility. Steel poles and ground spikes provide increased stability. Compact pack size for easy transportation. Supplied with handy carry bag.


Specification & Features:

kg 3.3

58 x 10 x 10cm

58 x 10 x 10cm 4 x 16mm Steel Green / Charcoal 3.3kg 1000


camping accessories

Camping Accessories Our outdoor accessories range is a comprehensive range of essential camping accessories to meet all your camping and outdoor needs. Kampeeraccessoires Ons aanbod van kampeeraccessoires is een uitgebreid assortiment kampeeraccessoires die voldoen aan al uw kampeer- en buitenlevenwensen. Camping-Zubehör Unser Produktsortiment mit Camping-Zubehör bietet ein umfassendes Angebot an unentbehrlichem Campingzubehör, das Ihre Ansprüche fürs Camping und Freizeitaktivitäten im Freien vollends erfüllen wird. Accessoires de camping Notre gamme d’accessoires de camping est complète et propose tous les éléments essentiels qui répondront à l’ensemble de vos besoins de camping et de plein air. Accessori per campeggio La nostra gamma completa di accessori per campeggio comprende tutti gli accessori essenziali per soddisfare le nostre esigenze per il campeggio e la vita all’aria aperta. Accesorios de camping Nuestra completa gama de accesorios fundamentales satisfará todas sus necesidades, tanto para ir de camping como de excursión.



camping accessories

camping accessories

CA001 7” Steel Roundwire Peg - 10pk Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA051 7” Steel Roundwire Peg - 100pk Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs. 100 per pack, convenient to be sold as single pegs. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode Sticker N/A N/A 100

CA005 7” Steel Ripple Peg Specification & Features: 7” / 18cm. 10 per pack steel pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA002 9” Steel Roundwire Peg - 10pk Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm steel pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA052 9” Steel Roundwire Peg - 100pk Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm steel pegs. 100 per pack, convenient to be sold as single pegs. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode Sticker N/A N/A 100

CA006 9” Steel Groundhog Peg Glow in Dark Head Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm. 5 per pack. Glow in the dark head. Steel pegs.Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA003 7” Steel Skewer Peg 10pk Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA053 7” Steel Skewer Peg 100pk Specification & Features:

7” / 18cm steel pegs.100 per pack, convenient to be sold as single pegs. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode Sticker N/A N/A 100

CA034 9” Steel Groundhog Peg Glow in Dark Head - 25pk Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm. 25 per pack. Glow in the dark head. Steel pegs. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 25 150

CA004 9” Steel Skewer Peg 10pk Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm steel pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

CA054 9” Steel Skewer Peg 100pk Specification & Features:

9” / 23cm steel pegs. 100 per pack, convenient to be sold as single pegs. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode Sticker N/A N/A 100

CA007 6” Bio-degradable Peg Specification & Features:

6” / 15cm. 10 per pack. Environmentally friendly alternative to standard pegs. Includes convenient carry bag to keep pegs together. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

Specification & Features:

Length approx 17cm. Wide grip handle. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Swing Tag & CDU 16 16 64

24cm handle with 5cm diameter rubber head. 12oz head weight.

24cm handle with 6cm diameter rubber head. 12oz head weight. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

CA015 Dog Tether Specification & Features:

Simply twist the peg into the ground for a secure anchor. For small to medium size dogs. Length approximately 20cm. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

CA011 Rubber Mallet with Steel Shaft

Swing Tag & CDU 10 10 40

Header Card & CDU 6 6 24

CA014 4 Pack Hi Vis Guy Lines & Runners

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card & CDU 6 6 24

CA013 Shock Cord Kit Specification & Features:

4 per pack. Easily visible guy lines. Includes 4 durable runners. 3.8m length.

Kit for repairing shock corded tent poles. 45’ / 13.7m Elastic Shock Cording. 30� / 76.2cm wire for shock cord installation. 6 washers for securing shock cord.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Specification & Features:

Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU 12 12 48

Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU 6 6 24

CA017 Camping Accessory Kit Specification & Features:

A handy storage pouch that allows you to keep all of your camping essentials in one kit. Handy Carry Bag with individual pockets. Plastic Mallet / Peg Extractor / Spare Guy lines x 3 (8m) / Plastic Guy Runners x 10 / Flat Pegs x 6 / Roundwire Pegs x 6 / Peg Elastics x 6. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

camping accessories

CA012 Rubber Mallet with Peg Extract

CA010 Peg Extractor

CA050 Universal Water Proofer 500ml Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Water Proofer is a ready to use clear spray water proofer for all types of footwear, clothing and fabric. It restores the waterproof membrane whilst maintaining and prolonging the life of the fabric or leather. Available in trigger bottle. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Pinted Label N/A N/A 6


camping accessories

CA055 24” Bungee Cord

CA056 36” Bungee Cord

CA038 Tension Hooks - 5 Piece

CA018 Glow in the Dark Rope

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel hooks and elasticated loops are an ideal piece of kit.

3/16” 15m/50ft. Polypropylene. Can be charged with natural or artificial light. When charged rope will glow for up to 5 hours.



Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper wrap with Shrink Wrap & CDU 24 24 96

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel hooks are an ideal piece of kit. Made up with heat Resistant Latex Rubber Elastic Thread as inner Core and covered by a braided outer cover of Polyester. Colours:




Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode & Plastic Cases N/A 24 96

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode & Plastic Cases N/A 24 96

Paper wrap with Shrink Wrap & CDU 24 24 96

CA039 Self Adhesive Nylon Repair Kit

CA040 Pack 10 Emergency Eyelets

CA016-8x6 Ripstop Groundsheet 8' x 6' (2.44 x 1.82cm)

CA016-12x8 Ripstop Groundsheet 12' x 8' (3.65 x 2.44cm)

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

The Nylon Repair tape kit is ideal for emergency repairs to tents, sleeping bags, rucksacks or jackets. Contains 4 pieces of self-adhesive 7.5cm strips of ripstop nylon. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


For those camping emergencies these tension hooks with steel hooks are an ideal piece of kit. Made up with heat Resistant Latex Rubber Elastic Thread as inner Core and covered by a braided outer cover of Polyester.

Header Card with Polybag & CDU 12 12 48

Emergency Eyelet set. These simple to use self-sealing eyelets snap together then to secure in place just tap. Ideal to use on groundsheets, tents, awnings, car and roof rack covers, boat covers and other similar items. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Card& CDU 12 12 48

Ideal as a base for under your tent. Metal eyelets. 8’ x 6’ (2.44 x 1.82m). Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU 10 10 10

Ideal as a base for under your tent. Metal eyelets. 8’ x 6’ (2.44 x 1.82m). Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU 10 10 10

CA036 Yellowstone Tent Organiser

CA037 Yellowstone Tent Tidy

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A handy multi-pocketed hanging tent tidy. Multiple storage pockets varying in size. Ideal for tents, awnings and caravans. Very useful in the home, in cupboards or on the back of doors. Integrated sleeve for hanging from pole or two hanging hooks.

A handy multi-pocketed hanging tent tidy. Multiple storage pockets varying in size. Ideal for tents, awnings and caravans. Very useful in the home, in cupboards or on the back of doors. Integrated sleeve for hanging from pole or two hanging hooks.

600D Oxford Polyester Fabric: Dimensions (L x H): 40 x 65cm Black Colours:

Fabric: Dimensions (L x H): Colours:

600D Oxford Polyester 40 x 100cm Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Poly Bag with Header Card N/A N/A 15

Shape of the brush is ideal for corners. Hanging hole for convenient storage. Material: Dimensions (L x H): Weight: Colours:

Plastic 9.5 x 13 x 3cm 43g Grey

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag a and CDU 6 6 24

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Poly Bag with Header Card N/A N/A 20

CA024 Telescopic Aluminium Shovel

CA022 Mini Folding Shovel with Pouch

CA023 Folding Shovel with Pick

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Lightweight and unbelievably strong. Self contained as handle collapses into the blade. Ideal for keeping in the boot of the car. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 12

Heavy duty steel construction. Easy grip rubber handle. Collar lock for extra stability. Handle extension Can be used as a pick or a shovel. Supplied with a handy carry pouch. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

camping accessories

CA035 Tent Dustpan & Brush Set

Heavy duty steel construction. Large easy grip handle. Collar lock for extra stability. Serrated edge for sawing. Can be used as a pick or a shovel. Supplied with a handy carry pouch. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12


camping accessories

CA043 Folding Festival Trolley with Seat Specification & Features:

Handy Festival trolley to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, the trolley not only helps carry your equipment but if you feel tired it doubles up as a seat. Ideal for family camping, festivals or for general use. Maximum suggested load 25kg. Extra-large wheels to aid movement. Tough metal construction, folds flat for easy storage. 2 x bungee straps included. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Card Sleeve N/A N/A 12

CA042 Folding Festival Trolley Specification & Features:

Handy Festival trolley to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, ideal for family camping, festivals or for general use. Maximum suggested load 25kg. Extra-large wheels to aid movement. Tough metal construction, folds flat for easy storage. 2 x bungee straps included. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Colour Card Sleeve N/A N/A 12

Specification & Features:

Handy camping cart to help move your camping gear from the car to the campsite, ideal for family camping, festivals or for general use. Folded size: 750x520x300mm. Products size: 900x525x1160mm(with handle). Wheel size: 8� x 1.75�. Steel Tube size:15x15mm, 10x18mm, 10x10mm.Weight: 10.2kg. PVC thickness: 0.4mm. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Label N/A N/A 1

camping accessories

CA041 Folding Camping Cart


camping accessories

CA044 Flush Pink 500ml

CA046 Flush Pink 1 Litre Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Flush Pink is a market leading product, revolutionary for being concentrate and going 3 times further than other manufacturers. Developed for flush systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable formulae is for general use in all leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

CA045 Toilet Blue 500ml

Specification & Features:

Yellowstone ready to use Flush Pink is a market leading product, revolutionary for being concentrate and going 3 times further than other manufacturers. Developed for flush systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable formulae is for general use in all leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

CA047 Toilet Blue 1 Litre Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Toilet Blue is a market leading product, revolutionary for being concentrate and going 3 times further than other manufacturers. Developed for waste systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable formulae is for general use in all leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


CA048 Toilet Green Waste Tank 1 Litre

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

Yellowstone Green waste ready to use is a totally green biological version of our concentrated formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable formulae is for both flush and waste use in all leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

CA049 Grey Water 1 Litre

Specification & Features:

Yellowstone ready to use Toilet Blue is a market leading product, revolutionary for being concentrate and going 3 times further than other manufacturers. Developed for waste systems our formaldehyde-free, PH Neutral & biodegradable formulae is for general use in all leisure portable toilets and cassette toilets. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Specification & Features:

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

Specification & Features:

Yellowstone Grey Water ready to use is a concentrated formulae that sanitises and deodorises grey water tanks in caravans, motorhomes and boats. One 50ml dose per usage. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Label N/A N/A 6

CA026 Tornado 2 Electric Airbed Pump

CA027 Tornado Compact Electric Pump

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle.Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 130 Watts / 450 litre per min air flow / 0.60 PSI. Works off a mains plug. Colour Box N/A N/A 12

with UK plug

CA028 Tornado Battery Power Pump Specification & Features:

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 35 Watts / 250 litre per min air flow / 0.40 PSI. Requires 4 x D batteries (not included). Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 40 Watts / 230 litre per min air flow / 0.31 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger and 12V wall charger. Colour Box N/A N/A 12

CA032 Tornado 1 Electric Airbed Pump with EU Plug

CA033 Tornado 2 Electric Airbed Pump with EU Plug

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 130 Watts / 450 litre per min air flow / 0.60 PSI. Works off a mains plug.

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inlate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 40 Watts / 230 litre per min air flow / 0.31 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger and 12V wall charger.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

CA029 3 Litre Footpump

CA030 3 Litre Footpump

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with Shrink Wrap & CDU 4 N/A 4

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

with UK plug

with EU plug

Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. A ribbed foot plate for ultimate grip. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s

Inflate and deflate all household and camping inflatable essentials with this compact high volume pump. Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle.Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s. 44 Watts / 300 litre per min air flow / 0.45 PSI. Comes with 12V Car charger.

camping accessories

CA025 Tornado 1 Electric Airbed Pump

Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. A ribbed foot plate for ultimate grip. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour box N/A N/A 12

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

with EU plug

CA031 Double Action 2 Litre Pump Specification & Features:

Inflate and deflate with minimum hassle. Versatile pump with 3 valve adaptors. Robust pump with sturdy foot grip and hand pump. Great for use on airbeds, inflatable pools and beach inflatable’s Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 6



Sleeping The Yellowstone sleeping range has been carefully designed and produced to range products that provide luxury, comfort and unbeatable performance within their category all at affordable prices. Tested to BS EN 13537:2012, you can have the confidence that all of our sleeping bags perform to their true merits. Slapen Het Yellowstone-slaapaanbod werd zorgvuldig ontwikkeld en geproduceerd, zodat producten worden aangeboden die luxe, comfort en een ongeëvenaarde prestatie aanbieden binnen hun categorie en dit alles tegen betaalbare prijzen. Getest volgens EN 13537:2012, u kunt erop vertrouwen dat al onze slaapzakken naar beste vermogen presteren. Schlafsäcke Das Schlafsack-Sortiment von Yellowstone wurde sorgfältig entworfen und hergestellt und bietet luxuriöse und komfortable Produkte, die in ihrer Kategorie unschlagbare Leistung zu erschwinglichen Preisen bieten. Unsere Schlafsäcke wurden gemäß der Norm EN 13537:2012 geprüft und Sie können sicher sein, dass jeder einzelne seine hervorragenden Leistungen stets erfüllt. Couchage La gamme de couchage Yellowstone a été soigneusement pensée et réalisée pour proposer des produits qui offrent luxe, confort et performance imbattables, tout en restant abordables. Testés pour la norme EN 13537:2012, vous pouvez avoir la certitude que tous nos sacs de couchage tiennent leurs promesses en termes de performances. Zona notte La gamma di prodotti per la notte di Yellowstone è stata attentamente progettata e prodotta in modo da includere prodotti che offrono lusso, comodità e prestazioni imbattibili nella loro categoria, sempre a un prezzo accessibile. Testati in conformità con EN 13537:2012, vi danno la sicurezza che tutti i nostri sacchi a pelo offrono ottime prestazioni. Dormir al aire libre La gama de accesorios para dormir de Yellowstone se ha diseñado y elaborado cuidadosamente para aunar lujo, comodidad y un rendimiento inigualable dentro de su categoría a un precio muy asequible. Además, la certificación EN 13537:2012 es garantía de que todos nuestros sacos de dormir cumplen lo que prometen.





SB042 Stretch Sleeping Bag Specification & Features: • Extra stretch for a more comfortable night's sleep. • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching. • Water repellent outer shell. • Internal security pocket. Outer - 240T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - 260T Soft Micro Polyester 300gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre 220 x 90 x 60cm (L x W) 40 x 23cm Orange Red Green 1.7kg Weight: Temperature Rating: 2 season Fabric:

Filling: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

0°C | 32°F lower limit 5°C | 41°F comfort


Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

2°C | 36°F lower limit

40 x 23cm


7°C | 45°F comfort -12°C | 10°F extreme

-15°C | 5°F extreme






2°C | 36°F lower limit

2°C | 36°F lower limit

7°C | 45°F comfort

7°C | 45°F comfort

-12°C | 10°F extreme

-12°C | 10°F extreme

40 x 23cm

40 x 23cm

40 x 23cm

Specification & Features:

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket


SB038 Adventurer 400


Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre Filling: 210 x 100cm (L x W) Dimensions: 40 x 23cm Pack size: Blue Colours: Red Orange 1.7kg Weight: Temperature Rating: 2 season Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

-5°C | 23°F lower limit 1°C | 34°F comfort

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4


-21°C | -6°F extreme





43 x 26cm



SB001 Trek Lite Classic 300 Specification & Features:

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood. • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching. • Zip baffle. • Water repellent outer shell. • Internal security pocket. Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Poly Cotton 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre Filling: 230 x 80 x 55cm (L x W) Dimensions: 38 x 23cm Pack size: Green / Charcoal Colours: Red / Charcoal Blue / Charcoal 1.7kg Weight: Temperature Rating: 2 season Fabric:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

1°C | 34°F lower limit 6°C | 43°F comfort

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


-14°C | 7°F extreme

g .7k






38 x 23cm

Specification & Features:

• Ridge hood with extra 50gm baffle around hood • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket


SB002 Trail Lite Classic 300


Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Poly Cotton 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre 210 x 80cm (L x W) 38 x 23cm Red / Charcoal Blue / Charcoal 1.7kg Weight: Temperature Rating: 2 season Filling: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

1°C | 34°F lower limit 6°C | 43°F comfort

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


-14°C | 7°F extreme

g .7k

38 x 23cm






SB024 Sleepwell 300 Specification & Features:

• Oversized sleeping bag for a more comfortable night's sleep • Stretch out and move without discomfort • Ridge hood • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 300gm² Double Layer Hollow Fibre Filling: 210 x 100cm (L x W) Dimensions: 40 x 23cm Pack size: Blue Colours: Red Orange 1.7kg Weight: Temperature Rating: 2 season Fabric:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

2°C | 36°F lower limit 7°C | 45°F comfort

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

2°C | 36°F lower limit

40 x 23cm


7°C | 45°F comfort -12°C | 10°F extreme

-12°C | 10°F extreme






2°C | 36°F lower limit

2°C | 36°F lower limit

7°C | 45°F comfort

7°C | 45°F comfort

-12°C | 10°F extreme

-12°C | 10°F extreme

40 x 23cm

40 x 23cm

40 x 23cm

SB004 Ultra Lite 150

SB032 Ultra Lite 175

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features

Specification & Features:


Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 100gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre Filling: 220 x 80 x 50cm Dimensions: 26 x 15cm Pack size: Red / Black Colours: 750g Weight: Temperature Rating: 1 season


Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 150gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre Filling: 220 x 80 x 50cm Dimensions: 26 x 17cm Pack size: Blue / Black Colours: 750g Weight: Temperature Rating: 1 season


Packaging Type: Swing Tag CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 10

Packaging Type: Swing Tag CDU Quantity: N/A Inner Box Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 10

Packaging Type: Swing Tag N/A CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: N/A Carton Quantity: 10

• Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket

• Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket

• Ideal for backpacking and hiking with compact pack size • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Zip & shoulder baffle • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket Outer - 210T Rip Stop Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 175gm² Duralite Down like 3D Micro Fibre Filling: 220 x 80 x 50cm (L x W) Dimensions: 32 x 19cm Pack size: Orange / Black Colours: 950g Weight: Temperature Rating: 1 season




9°C | 48°F lower limit

6°C | 43°F lower limit

5°C | 41°F lower limit

13°C | 55°F comfort

11°C | 52°F comfort

9°C | 48°F comfort

-2°C | 28°F extreme

-6°C | 21°F extreme

-9°C | 16°F extreme




SB003 Ultra Lite 100





26 x 15cm

26 x 17cm

32 x 19cm




°C | 34°F ower limit

°C | 43°F comfort

14°C | 7°F extreme


SB006 Essential Mummy Sleeping Bag

SB005 Essential Envelope Sleeping Bag

Speci ication & Features:

Speci ication & Features:

• Lightweight sleeping bag • Ideal for sleepovers

• Lightweight sleeping bag • Ideal for sleepovers

Outer - 170T Polyester Liner - 170T Polyester 150gm² Polyester 210 x 75 x 50cm (L x W) 35 x 18cm Black 800g


Filling: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours: Weight:

Filling: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours: Weight:

Outer - 170T Polyester Liner - 170T Polyester 150gm² Polyester 180 x 75cm (L x W) 35 x 18cm Black 700g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 10

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 10


1°C | 34°F lower limit

g 00


35 x 18cm

35 x 18cm

6°C | 43°F comfort


-14°C | 7°F extreme


1°C | 34°F lower limit


g 00

6°C | 43°F comfort -14°C | 7°F extreme

1°C | 34°F lower limit

g 00


35 x 18cm

6°C | 43°F comfort -14°C | 7°F extreme

SB009 Slumber 200 Speci ication & Features: • Oversized 2 person sleeping bag • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket • Opens up fully


10°C | 50°F lower limit

kg 1.8

14°C | 57°F comfort

45 x 25cm


-1°C | 30°F extreme

k 1.8


Outer - 170T Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 200gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester Filling: 190 x 140cm (L x W) Dimensions: 45 x 25cm Pack size: Black Colours: 1.8kg Weight: Tempreature rating: 1 season


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

35 x 18cm

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

1kg 1.8

10°C | 50°F lower limit

10°C | 50°F lower limit

14°C | 57°F comfort

14°C | 57°F comfort


-1°C | 30°F extreme

g .8k| 30°F 1-1°C

45 x 25cm

45 25c

Outer - 190T Polyester Liner – Poly Cotton Liner 300gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester Filling: 230 x 150cm Dimensions: 47 x 29cm Pack size: Blue / Grey Colours: Green / Light Green 2.5kg Weight: Tempreature rating: 2 seasons Fabric:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4


• Oversized 2 person sleeping bag. • Water repellent outer shell. • Internal security pocket. • Opens up fully. 2 way Zip. • 2 layer construction. • Hooded.


Specification & Features:

2 2

1°C | 34°F lower limit


g .5k

6°C | 43°F comfort


SB046 Ashford Double 300 1°C | 34°F lower limit



6°C | 43°F comfort

-13°C | 9°F extreme

47 x 29cm

-13°C | 9°F extreme



SB007 Comfort 200 Specification & Features:

• Lightweight sleeping bag ideal for sleepovers. • Water repellent outer shell. • Internal security pocket. Outer - 170T Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 200gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester 190 x 80cm 38 x 20cm Blue Red 800g Weight: Tempreature rating; 1 season Fabric:

Filling: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 10

10°C | 50°F lower limit 14°C | 57°F comfort -1°C | 30°F extreme





38 x 20cm

Specification & Features: • Perfect for both camping and sleepovers • Light weight and warm • Zip guard to reduce risk of catching • Water repellent outer shell • Internal security pocket • Bright eye catching colours


SB031 Ashford Jnr 300


Outer - 170T /70D Polyester Liner - Soft Touch Polyester 300gm² Hollow Fibre Polyester Filling: 170 x 70 x 55cm (L x W) Dimensions: 37 x 21cm Pack size: Blue/ Green Colours: Red / Green 850g Weight: Tempreature rating; 1 season Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

10°C | 50°F lower limit 13°C | 55°F comfort

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


-1°C | 30°F extreme



g 850

37 x 21cm



SB011 Poly Cotton Mummy Sleeping Bag Liner

SB010 Poly Cotton Envelope Sleeping Bag Liner

SB028 Poly Cotton Double Envelope Sleeping Bag Liner

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

• Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying • Machine washable • Packs away in handy carry bag Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 24

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Poly Cotton 210 x 71 x 51cm White 289g

• Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying • Machine washable • Packs away in handy carry bag Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 24

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Poly Cotton 198 x 74cm White 319g

• Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying • Machine washable • Packs away in handy carry bag Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 24

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Poly Cotton 210 x 145cm White 500g

SB029 Fleece Envelope Sleeping Bag Liner

SB030 Fleece Mummy Sleeping Bag Liner

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

• Soft & Comfortable fleece • Drawstring stuff sack included • Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying & machine washable Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag 3 3 12

Fabric: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours: Weight:

170gm² Fleece 220 x 75cm 30 x 15cm Grey 600g

• Locking zips 200gm² Fleece Fabric: • Ridge hood with draw cord Dimensions: 220 x 75cm • Soft & Comfortable fleece 37 x 16cm Pack size: • Drawstring stuff sack included Black Colours: • Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag 760g Weight: • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying & machine washable • Fully operating 2 way zip allowing the liner to be used as a blanket Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

• Locking zips Fabric: • Ridge hood with draw cord Dimensions: • Soft & Comfortable fleece Pack size: • Drawstring stuff sack included Colours: • Prolongs the life of the sleeping bag Weight: • Can be used on its own in hot climates • Quick drying & machine washable • Fully operating 2 way zip allowing the liner to be used as a blanket Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

200gm² Fleece 225 x 80 x 50cm 37 x 16cm Black 700g


SB037 Essential Fleece Sleeping Bag Liner

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


Fabric: Filling: Dimensions: Colours:


Outer – 170T Polyester Liner – 170T Polyester 150g/m2 polyester fillings 150 x 60cm Giraffe Crocodile Tiger Elephant

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6



• Perfect for sleepovers. • Light weight and warm. • Bright eye catching animal designs.


Specification & Features:



SB043 Jungle Animal Sleeping Bag

SB040 Trail 2 Self Inflating Mattress

SB012 Self Inflating Mat With Pillow

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

• Rolls up for easy storage. • Insulating properties. • Supplied with elastic ties. • Easy to top up if required. • Comes with handy carry bag. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Fabric: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours: Weight:

70D Polyester 183 x 50 x 2.5cm 30 x 15cm Black 958g

• Copper Valve. • Non slip fabric on base. • Inflates to 10cm. • Supplied with elastic ties. • Easy to top up if required. • Comes with handy carry bag & Repair Kit. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

150D Oxford Polyester / TPU Lamination Base Anti Slip 198 x 63 x 10cm Orange with black base 3550g

• Supplied with large Dry Sack. • Detachable pillow. • Perfect for camping and overnight stays. • Ideal for backpacking and hiking. • Packs away for easy storage. • Easy to top up if required. • Non Slip Base.. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Fabric: Dimensions: Pack size: Colours:

Waterproof Polyester 190T Diamond rip stop High density cell foam 183 x 55 x 2.5cm 30 x 15cm Orange


SB014 Self Inflating Mattress

Swing Tag N/A N/A 10



SB044 Children’s Travel Bed Specification & Features:

The children’s Travel Bed is ideal for convenience and comfort while being extremely versatile. Includes Carry Bag for convenient storage and transport. Also includes a Manual Air Pump. Inflates & Deflates Quickly. Fabric: Dimensions: Colours:

Durable Flocked PVC 65 x 105 x 25cm Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 3










SB019 Deluxe Double Flock Airbed

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dual inflator valve for use with powered and manual pumps. Packs away for easy storage. Perfect for camping and overnight stays. Ideal for those unexpected guest. Easy to top up if required. Fabric: Dimensions: Colours:

Durable Flocked PVC 186 x 73 x 20cm Navy

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 6

Dual inflator valve for use with powered and manual pumps. Packs away for easy storage. Perfect for camping and overnight stays. Ideal for those unexpected guest. Easy to top up if required. Fabric: Dimensions: Colours:

Durable Flocked PVC 191 x 137 x 22cm Navy

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4


SB018 Deluxe Single Flock Airbed


sleeping 6262

SB022 Single Flock Airbed with Pump

SB022 Single Flock Airbed with Pump

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Built in internal foot pump. Dual inflator valve for use with powered and manual pumps. Packs away for easy storage. Perfect for camping and overnight stays. Ideal for those unexpected guest. Easy to top up if required. Material Dimensions: Colours:

Durable Flocked PVC 188 x 76 x 21cm Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4

Built in internal foot pump. Dual inflator valve for use with powered and manual pumps. Packs away for easy storage. Perfect for camping and overnight stays. Ideal for those unexpected guest. Easy to top up if required. Material Dimensions: Colours:

Durable Flocked PVC 190 x 140 x 22cm Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4

SB016 Camping Foam Mat

SB017 Insulated Foam Mat

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Material Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

• 2 x rubber bungs • 2 x plastic caps • 2 x repair patches • 1 x deflating tube • Ideal for emergency spares / repairs Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU 12 N/A 96

• Rolls up for easy storage • Insulating properties • Supplied with elastic ties

• Rolls up for easy storage • Insulating properties • Supplied with elastic ties

Single Layer EVA 1800 x 500 x 6mm Blue 140g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


SB045 Airbed Repair Kit

Single Layer EVA 1800 x 500 x 6mm Blue 160g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert N/A 5 15

Paper Insert N/A 6 24

SB026 Inflatable Pillow

SB015 Self Inflating Pillow

SB027 Luxury Micro Fibre Pillow

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Durable Flocked PVC 53 x 37 x 10cm Navy 119g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 48

• Rolls up for easy storage • Lightweight and compact • Pre-attached elastic ties • Easy to top up if required • Comes with handy carry bag Material Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

150D Polyester 42 x 22 x 15cm Black 280g

• Soft 240T Micro Fibre • Lightweight and compact • Fits into stuff sac for easy storage • Ideal for camping or travel

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 18

Material Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Micro Fibre Pillow 30 x 20cm Navy 150g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 24


Self Inflating Pillow


• Flocked top layer • Lightweight and compact • Easy to top up if required • Ideal for camping or travel


Microfibre Pillow



Furniture We are sure our range of furniture will make your outdoor adventure that much more relaxing. Following our principles of providing great outdoor products at an affordable price, we have designed our furniture range with the outdoor customer in mind, ensuring the new range of furniture gives maximum comfort without compromising on quality, practicality and ease of use. Meubilair We zijn ervan overtuigd dat ons meubilairaanbod uw buitenlevenavontuur zoveel ontspannender zal maken. Geheel volgens onze principes van het aanbieden van fantastische outdoorproducten tegen een betaalbare prijs, ontwikkelden we onze meubilairreeks met de outdoorklant in het achterhoofd, waarbij we ervoor zorgen dat het nieuwe meubilairaanbod maximaal comfort biedt, zonder in te boeten op kwaliteit, doelmatigheid en gebruiksgemak. Möbel Mit unserem Möbelsortiment können Sie Ihr Abenteuer im Freien noch um einiges entspannter genießen. Nach unserem Prinzip, großartige Outdoor-Produkte zu erschwinglichen Preisen zu bieten, haben wir bei der Konzeption unseres Möbelsortiment den Outdoor-Kunden in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Auf diese Weise konnten wir sicherstellen, dass die neue Möbelproduktreihe den höchstmöglichen Komfort bietet, ohne Kompromisse bei Qualität,der Zweckmäßigkeit und der einfachen Handhabung eingehen zu müssen. Mobilier d’extérieur Nous sommes sûrs que notre gamme de mobilier d’extérieur fera de votre aventure en plein air un moment encore plus relaxant. Dans le respect de nos principes visant à proposer des produits d’extérieur de qualité à un prix abordable, nous avons conçu notre gamme de mobilier d’extérieur en gardant à l’esprit le client et ses besoins, en nous assurant de proposer un confort maximal sans la moindre compromission sur la qualité, l’utilité et la facilité d’utilisation. Arredo Siamo certi che la nostra gamma di mobili renderà la vostra avventura all’aria aperta molto più rilassante. Nel rispetto della nostra filosofia di base, di offrire ottimi prodotti per l’aria aperta a un prezzo accessibile, abbiamo progettato i nostri arredi pensando a chi ama vivere all’aria aperta, assicurandoci che la nuova gamma di mobili offra la massima comodità senza compromessi per quanto riguarda la qualità, la praticità e la facilità d’uso. Mobiliario Estamos convencidos de que nuestra oferta de muebles mejorará notablemente el nivel de relax en sus aventuras. Fieles a nuestra filosofía de ofrecer excelentes productos para el exterior a un precio asequible, nuestros muebles se han diseñado pensando en quienes disfrutan de la naturaleza, con el fin de asegurarnos de que disfruten del máximo confort sin que se vean afectadas la calidad, la funcionalidad ni la facilidad de uso.





FT044 Lightweight Chair

FT045 Lightweight Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight Capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight and compact folding stool. Compact Pack size. Easy to assemble and pack away. Includes a durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester with PVC Back 7075 aluminium tube 10 x 8mm 1.0 thickness 56 x 60.5 x 35 / 65.5cm Green Frame / Black Top 0.89kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Carry Bag with Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A W W 5 NE NE 10



Weight Capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight and compact folding chair. Mesh back for extra comfort. No assemble required. Ideal for fishing, festival, taking to the beach or simply relaxing in the garden. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

00D Polyester with PVC Back Steel 19 x 0.8mm 50 x 45 x 60cm Green 2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Carry Bag with Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 5












FT009 Tripod Stool

FT046 Fishing Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 300lbs / 135kg. Extra wide for added comfort. Built in swivel cup holder. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

1680D Polyester 6061 aluminium tube 10 x 8mm 1.0 thickness 26.5 x 26.5 x 29cm Green Frame / Black Top 0.27kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Carry Bag with Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A W W 10 NE NE 20





Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight & compact. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag.

Weight Capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight and compact folding seat. Compact Pack size. Easy to assemble and pack away. Includes a durable cool bag Ideal for fishing, festival, taking to the beach or simply relaxing in the garden.

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 19 x 0.6mm 41 x 31.5 x 29.5cm Black 0.8kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 16

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester with PVC Back Steel 19 x 0.8mm 38 x 30 x 68cm Beige 1kg


FT042 Lightweight Stool

Hang Tag Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: WN/A W E E Inner N N/A N Box Quantity: 10 Carton Quantity:







FT050 Cosy Chair

FT048 Cushy Chair Single

FT022 Deluxe Inflatable Single Armchair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Comfortable seating for any occasion that packs away into a compact size. Fitted with a large safety valve for easy inflate / deflate.

Comfortable seating for any occasion that packs away into a compact size. Fitted with a large safety valve for easy inflate / deflate.

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Constructed from strong PVC material for added durability. Flocked for extra comfort. Weight capacity 270kg. No assembly required – simple inflate / deflate. Repair patches included for use in emergency.

Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

PVC coated with flock top layer 105 x 105 x 65cm Blue 2.11kg Colour Box N/A N/A 6

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:






PVC coated with flock top layer 74 x 74 x 64cm Green 2.74kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:




Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:




Constructed from strong PVC material for added durability. Flocked for extra comfort. Weight capacity 270kg. No assembly required – simple inflate / deflate. Repair patches included for use in emergency.

Colour box N/A N/A 4







Comfortable seating for any occasion. Compact size when packed away. Large safety valve for easy inflate and deflate. Supplied with repair kit. PVC Coated with Flock Top Layer 85 x 85 x 53cm Black with Green Flock 1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 6

Specification & Features:

Constructed from strong PVC material for added durability. Flocked for extra comfort. Weight capacity 270kg. No assembly required – simple inflate / deflate. Repair patches included for use in emergency. Comfortable seating for any occasion that packs away into a compact size. Fitted with a large safety valve for easy inflate / deflate. Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

PVC coated with flock top layer 152 x 74 x 64cm Blue 4.52kg Colour box N/A N/A 2

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:









FT049 Cushy Chair Double Seat


FT023 Deluxe Inflatable Double Armchair Specification & Features:

Comfortable seating for any occasion. Compact size when packed away. Large safety valve for easy inflate and deflate. Supplied with repair kit. Fabric: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

PVC Coated with Flock Top Layer 150 x 85 x 53cm Black with Green Flock 1.75kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4


furniture 70

FT008 Essential Camping Chair

FT007 Executive Camping Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Lightweight & compact. Drinks holder in armrest. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 13 x 0.6mm 80 x 80 x 49cm Green 2.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight & compact. Drinks holder in armrest. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 16 x 0.8mm 84 x 80 x 51cm Black 2.3kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6

FT006 Ranger Camping Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 300lbs / 135kg. Extra wide for added comfort. Built in swivel cup holder. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 28 x 14 x 0.8mm / 22 x 16 x 0.7mm 94 x 60 x 85cm Black 4.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

Weight capacity 300lbs / 135kg. Comfortable sitting position. Padded armrest. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 26 x 16 x 0.8mm / 16 x 0.8mm 92 x 55 x 69cm Black 3.9kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4


FT005 Castleton Camping Chair


FT029 Serenity XL Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Paper Insert in PVC Pocke N/A N/A 2


600D Oxford Polyester Steel 18 x 0.8mm 99 x 79 x 65cm Blue Green Black 3.5kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:



600D Polyester Steel 18 x 0.8mm 40 x 60 x 80cm Blue Green 3.6kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:

Weight capacity 300lbs / 135kg. Sturdy wide chair for extra comfort. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Ideal for the beach or garden.


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Extra wide seating area. Padded seat for extra comfort. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag.



FT003 Deluxe Orbit Chair

FT002 Director Chair with Side Table

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Extra wide seat. Cup holder with handle slot. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. 600D Polyester Steel 22 x 0.8mm 79 x 82.5 x 49cm Black / Grey 4.3kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4



600D Polyester Steel 16 x 0.8mm 84 x 80 x 51cm Black / Grey Green 3kg


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Vented mesh back for comfort on hot summer days. Padded seat for extra comfort. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag.


FT001 Ashford Executive Chair


FT027 Lounger Beach Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


600D Polyester Steel 22 x 1.0mm 81 x 47 x 72cm Red Blue Green 2.6kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


600D Polyester Steel 22 x 1.0mm 66 x 55.5 x 65cm Blue Green 2.2kg

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight & compact. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Ideal for the beach or garden. Red

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Lightweight & compact. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. deal for fishing, taking to the beach or simply relaxing in the garden. Blue


FT028 Low Profile Chair

FT034 Vector Folding Director Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:




2 x 1 Textilene Weave Steel Tube, 40x15x0.8mm 55 x 50 x 86cm Black Blue Green Red 4.5kg


Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage.



600D Oxford PVC Coating Steel Tube, 16 x 1.0mm 75 x 52 x 40 / 90cm Green Red Blue 6.7kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Padded seat for extra comfort. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag. Cup holder in arm.


FT033 Mapleton Hi Back Reclining Chair

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4


FT036 Vector Multi Position Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 2

Blue Lime


1 x 1 Textilene Weave Steel Tube, 22 x 0.8mm; 19 x 0.8mm 60 x 68 x 43/108cm Black Blue Red Green 3.75kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:




1 x 1 Textilene Weave Steel Tube, 18x0.8mm 60 x 53 x 39/77cm Black Blue Green Red 2.2kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Adjustable 5 position backrest.


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kgs. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage.



FT035 Vector Essential Beach Chair

FT041 Jungle Animal Chair

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8



420D Polyester Steel 13 x 0.8mm 65.5 x 57 x 30cm Crocodile Elephant Giraffe Tiger 1.1kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


Weight capacity 125lbs / 56kg. Safety lock frame. Fun & colourful jungle animal chairs. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Supplied with durable carry bag.


Swing Tag N/A N/A 2


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:



1 x 1 Textilene Weave Aluminium Tube, 22x1.0mm;19x1.0mm 81 x 60 x 46/108cm Black Blue Red Green 4.0kg


Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours:


Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kg. No assembly required. Opens & folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Adjustable 5 position backrest.


FT037 Vector Multi Position Recliner Chair



FT043 Lightweight Folding Table Specification & Features:

Weight Capacity 30kg. Lightweight multipurpose table with two cupholders. Compact Pack size. Easy to assemble and pack away. Includes a durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

1680D Polyester 6061 aluminium tube 10 x 8mm 1.0 thickness 57 x 42 x 38cm Green Frame / Black Top 0.75kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: EW Carton Quantity:





Carry Bag with Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A 10 W 20E




FT014 Backpacker Table

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 20kg. Lightweight multipurpose table. Ideal for camping and picnics. Comes with handy carry bag. Aluminium L40 x W30 x H30cm Black / Silver 1.2kg

Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Paper insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 6

Aluminium 42.5 x 30 x 15cm Silver 0.7kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 4 4 12

FT015 Resin Low Profile Table

FT016 Resin Adjustable Table

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Steel 19 x 0.7mm Resin 40 x 52 x 37cm White Green 1.4kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

White Box with Colour Label N/A N/A 10

Weight capacity 30kg. 2 adjustable height positions. Ideal for camping and picnics. Lightweight and compact. Easy fold out legs. Green

Fabric: Top: Dimensions: Colours:


Weight capacity 30kg. Ideal for camping and picnics. Lightweight and compact. Easy fold out legs.

Fabric: Top: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Steel 19 x 0.7mm Resin 51 / 65 x 80 x 60cm White Green 2.7kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Weight capacity 30kg. 2 adjustable height positions. Ideal for camping and picnics. Lightweight and compact. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Packs away into carry bag.


Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:


FT038 Low Level Folding Table

White Box with Colour Label N/A N/A 4


furniture 80

FT039 Single Folding Table

FT013 Lightweight Aluminium Dining & Preparation Table

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 30kg. Lightweight multipurpose table. Ideal for camping and picnics. Easy fold and storage. With handy Carry Bag. Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Aluminium L80 x W60 x H66cm Black / Silver 2.70kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

Weight capacity 20kg. 4 adjustable height positions. Lightweight multipurpose table. Ideal for camping and picnics. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Aluminium / Steel 25 x 0.9mm / 22 x 0.8mm 73 / 80 / 87 / 94 x 60 x 100cm Silver / Black 5.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 1

FT012 Aluminium Roll Top Double Table

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Frame: Top: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Frame: Top: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Weight capacity 30kg. Lightweight multipurpose camping table. Compact pack size. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Steel 19 x 0.7mm / 16 x 0.8mm Aluminium 55 x 11 x 0.7cm 70 x 70 x 70cm Graphite & Black 4.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Weight capacity 30kg. Lightweight multipurpose camping table. Compact pack size. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Steel 25 x 25 x 0.9mm Aluminium 55 x 11 x 0.6cm 122 x 65 x 70cm Graphite & Black 6.1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


FT011 Aluminium Roll Top Single Table

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4



FT040 Double Folding Table

FT019 Aluminium Airer

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 30kg. Lightweight multipurpose table. Ideal for camping and picnics. Easy fold and storage. With handy Carry Bag. Adjustable height. Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Aluminium L120 x W60 x H54/70cm Black / Silver 3.40kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Paper insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 2

Weight capacity 18kg. Handy airer for home or travel. Lightweight and compact pack size. Includes 3 x pre-attached steel ground securing pegs. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Aluminium 40 x 0.8mm 157 x 150 x 150cm Silver 1.6kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 5

FT030 Eskdale Folding Storage Cupboard

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 30kg. Strong and sturdy design. Include 3 sturdy shelves with sealed edging. Mesh vents for increased ventilation. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Frame: Top & Shelves: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 19 x 0.7mm MDF 67 x 56 x 102cm Black / Silver 7.6kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 1

Weight capacity 30kg. Strong and sturdy design. Include 3 sturdy shelves. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 16 x 0.8mm 87 x 62 x 62cm Black / Silver 7.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


FT021 Quick Erect Storage Cupboard

Swing Tag N/A N/A 2



FT017 Kitchen Stand with Windshield

FT020 Quick Erect XL Kitchen Stand & Cupboard

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 30kg. Includes windshield. Strong and sturdy design. Lightweight and compact. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Steel 16 x 0.8mm 60 x 45 x 78 / 103cm Silver 6.1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 1

Weight capacity 30kg. Includes windshield. Strong and sturdy design.Include 2 sturdy shelves with sealed edging. Mesh vents for increased ventilation. Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Frame: Top & Shelves: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 19 x 0.7mm MDF 138 x 48 x 80/110cm Black / Silver 10.7kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 1




FT047 Serenity Camp Bed Specification & Features:

Weight Capacity 225lbs / 100kg. Strong and sturdy design. Easy pull up and lock mechanism. Opens and folds quickly for easy transport and storage. Includes a durable carry bag. Fabric: Frame: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester with PVC Back Aluminium tube 25 x 35 x 1.1mm / Steel tube 25 x 25 x 1.0mm 193 x 66 x 41cm Black 7kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:









Paper Insert in PVC Pocket N/A N/A 2


Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kgs. Strong and sturdy design.Easy to assemble and disassemble. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Frame: Top & Shelves: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 19 x 0.9mm MDF 18 x 180 x 60cm Black 2.8kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


FT024 4 Leg Folding Camp Bed

Colour Box N/A N/A 6

FT025 Folding Camp Bed Specification & Features:

Weight capacity 225lbs / 100kgs. Strong and sturdy design. Longer arm for easy leverage and connection. Opens and folds quickly for easy carrying and storage. Includes a durable carry bag for storage. Frame: Frame: Top & Shelves: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

600D Polyester Steel 25 x 25 x 0.7mm MDF 42x 190 x 64cm Black / Silver 5.5kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4


gas, bbq & cookware

Gas, BBQ’s & Cookware Manufactured to the highest quality, all of our Gas, BBQ and cookware products undergo rigorous testing throughout every stage to ensure that each product conforms to the appropriate regulatory standards and directives that apply. So every time you buy a Yellowstone cooking item you do so with the confidence that each product meets the strictest safety checks ensuring our products will perform reliably time after time. Gas, BBQ en kookgerei Al onze gas-, BBQ- en kookgereiproducten, die geproduceerd zijn volgens de hoogste kwaliteit, ondergaan strenge tests in elke fase om zeker te stellen dat elk product voldoet aan de gepaste normen en richtlijnen die van toepassing zijn. Dus telkens wanneer u een Yellowstone kookartikel koopt, kunt u erop vertrouwen dat elk product voldoet aan de strengste veiligheidscontroles met de garantie dat onze producten telkens opnieuw betrouwbaar presteren. Gas-, Grill- und Kochzubehör Hergestellt gemäß den höchsten Qualtitätsansprüchen, wird unser Gas-, Grill- und Kochzubehör in allen Produktionsphasen strengsten Prüfungen unterzogen, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes einzelne Produkt alle geltenden, entsprechenden Vorgaben und Richtlinien erfüllt. Wenn Sie Kochzubehör von Yellowstone erwerben, können Sie also stets sicher sein, dass jedes Produkt die strengsten Sicherheitsvorgaben erfüllt, die gewährleisten, dass unsere Produkte stets zuverlässig ihren Dienst tun. Gaz, barbecue et ustensiles de cuisine Conçue dans l’idée d’une qualité haut de gamme, notre gamme de produits pour gaz, barbecue et ustensiles de cuisine a subi une batterie de tests rigoureux à chaque étape de sa conception, qui nous permet de garantir que chaque produit respecte les normes réglementaires qui s’y rapportent ainsi que toutes les directives applicables. Ainsi, à chaque fois que vous achetez un article de cuisine Yellowstone; vous pouvez le faire en confiance que chaque produit a passé les vérifications de sécurité les plus strictes et que ses performances resteront irréprochables au fil du temps. Gas, BBQ e pentolame Prodotti con la massima qualità, tutti i nostri fornelli a gas, BBQ e pentolame sono rigorosamente testati a ogni stadio di lavorazione, per assicurare che siano conformi agli appropriati standard regolamentari e alle varie direttive applicabili. Pertanto, ogni volta che acquistate un articolo per cucinare Yellowstone, lo fate nella sicurezza che ogni prodotto ha superato i più rigorosi controlli di sicurezza, assicurando sempre prestazioni affidabili. Combustible, barbacoas y utensilios de cocina Para garantizar la mejor calidad, todos nuestros productos de combustible, barbacoas y cocina se someten a exigentes pruebas durante todas las etapas de producción. De esta manera, garantizamos la conformidad con todas las normativas y directivas aplicables. Esto significa que, cada vez que adquiera un producto de cocina Yellowstone, tendrá la tranquilidad de saber que ha pasado los controles de calidad más estrictos y que siempre cumplirá sus expectativas.



gas, bbq & cookware

gas, bbq & cookware

Cook safely without the need of a fire. All you need is a cup of water, ideal for all outdoor activities the Yellowstone Flameless Cook system is an easy, safe and convenient alternative to gas or liquid fuel stoves. The Yellowstone Flameless Cook system is a revolutionary cooking method that allows you to heat and cook food safely without the need for a flame. Using the water activated heat pack the Yellowstone Flameless Cook Set is an easy, safe and lightweight alternative to a gas or liquid fuel stoves.

CW080 850ml Yellowstone Flameless Cook Set Specification & Features:

Lightweight alternative to a gas stove, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, mountaineers, backpackers, hikers, campers, scouts and guides. Create a hot meal with the minimum of fuss and in safe conditions heat and cook food using the water activated heat pack. Uses no gas or petrol to create heat, making it far safer and simpler than other current cooking methods. Can be used inside a tent or confined space, as it produces no carbon monoxide. 850ml medical grade stainless steel inner cooking dish .Heat resistant plastic outer box with airtight locking lid. Neoprene sleeve. Comes with one Super Power (50g) heat pack reusable plastic storage pouch and full instructions. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 8 24

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

Veilig koken zonder de noodzaak van vuur. Alles wat je nodig hebt is een kopje water, ideaal voor alle outdoor-activiteiten het Yellowstone Flameless Cook systeem is een eenvoudig, veilig en gemakkelijk alternatief voor gas of vloeibare brandstof kooktoestel. Het Yellowstone vlamloze kook systeem is een revolutionaire kookmethode die u toelaat om veilig te verwarmen en te koken van voedsel zonder de noodzaak van een open vuur . Met behulp van het water geactiveerd warmte pak de Yellowstone Flameless Cook Set is een gemakkelijke, veilige en lichtgewicht alternatief voor een gas of vloeibare brandstof kooktoestel. Kochen Sie sicher, ohne die Notwendigkeit eines Feuers. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist eine Tasse Wasser , ideal für alle Outdoor-Aktivitäten der Yellowstone flammenlose Koch -System ist eine einfache, sichere und bequeme Alternative zu Gas-oder Flüssigbrennstoffherde. Der Yellowstone- flammenlose Koch -System ist eine revolutionäre Kochmethode , die Sie sicher heizen und kochen , ohne dass eine Flamme ermöglicht . Mit dem Wasser aktiviert Wärmepackung der Yellowstone flammenlose Koch -Set ist eine einfache, sichere und leichte Alternative zu einem Gas-oder Flüssigbrennstoffherde. Cuire en toute sécurité sans la nécessité d’un feu. Tout ce que vous avez besoin est une tasse d’eau , idéal pour toutes les activités de plein air le système de Yellowstone sans flamme Cook est une alternative facile sûr et pratique à combustible gazeux ou liquide poêles. Le système de Yellowstone sans flamme Cook est une méthode de cuisson révolutionnaire qui vous permet de chauffer et cuire les aliments en toute sécurité , sans la nécessité d’une flamme . Utilisation de l’ actif paquet de la chaleur de l’eau du Yellowstone sans flamme Cook Set est une alternative facile, sûr et léger à un combustible gazeux ou liquide poêles. Cuocere in sicurezza senza la necessità di un incendio. Tutto ciò che serve è un bicchiere d’acqua , ideale per tutte le attività all’aperto del sistema di Yellowstone senza fiamma Cook è un facile , sicuro e conveniente alternativa alle stufe a combustibile gassoso o liquido. Il sistema di Yellowstone senza fiamma Cook è un metodo di cottura rivoluzionario che permette di riscaldare e cuocere cibi in modo sicuro senza la necessità di una fiamma. Utilizzando l’acqua pacco di calore attivato il Yellowstone senza fiamma Cook Set è un facile, sicuro e leggero alternativa ad un combustibile gassoso o liquido stufe. Cocine de forma segura sin la necesidad de un incendio. Todo lo que necesita es un vaso de agua , ideal para todas las actividades al aire libre el sistema de Yellowstone sin llama Cook es una alternativa fácil , seguro y conveniente para las estufas de gas o combustible líquido.


El sistema de Yellowstone sin llama Cook es un método de cocción revolucionaria que le permite calentar y cocinar los alimentos de manera segura sin necesidad de una llama. Usando el agua activada paquete del calor del Yellowstone sin llama de Cook Set es una alternativa fácil, seguro y ligero para un gas o combustible líquido estufas.

CW081 400ml Yellowstone Flameless Cook Flask Specification & Features:

Lightweight alternative to a gas stove, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, mountaineers, backpackers, hikers, campers, scouts, and guides. Create a hot meal with the minimum of fuss and in safe conditions heat and cook food using the water activated heat pack. Uses no gas or petrol to create heat, making it far safer and simpler than other current cooking methods. Can be used inside a tent or confined space, as it produces no carbon monoxide. 360ml medical grade stainless steel inner cooking pot. Airtight locking lid. Neoprene sleeve. Comes with one High Power (20g) heat pack. Reusable plastic storage pouch and full instructions Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 8 24

CW083 10pk Yellowstone Flameless 50g Heat Packs

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Replacement Power Heat packs for use with Yellowstone Baro Cook Flameless Cook Sets and Pot. High Power Heat pack - higher temperature and longer cooking time; ideal for cooking rice, pasta, or heating multiple ready-to-heat foods. Pack of 10 x 20g heat packs Activated with 40ml of water. Sealable Silver Bag with printed packs N/A 10 40 Paper Insert with PVC Pocket Packaging Type: N/A CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: N/A 4 Carton Quantity:

Replacement Super Power Heat packs for use with Yellowstone Baro Cook Flameless Cook Sets and Pot. Super Power Heat pack - higher temperature and longer cooking time; ideal for cooking rice, pasta, or heating multiple ready-to-heat foods. Pack of 10 x 50g heat packs. Activated with 120ml of water. Sealable Silver Bag with printed packs N/A 11 22 Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

CW084 Yellowstone Flameless Cook Pouch Specification & Features:

Lightweight alternative to a gas stove, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, mountaineers, backpackers, hikers, campers, scouts, and guides. Create a hot meal with the minimum of fuss and in safe conditions heat and cook food using the water activated heat pack. Uses no gas or petrol to create heat, making it far safer and simpler than other current cooking methods. Can be used inside a tent or confined space, as it produces no carbon monoxide. Super Power Heat pack - higher temperature and longer cooking time; ideal for cooking rice, pasta, or heating multiple ready-to-heat foods. Pack of 5 x 50g heat packs. Pack of 5 x sealable cooking pouches. Activated with 120ml of water. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Sealable Silver Bag with printed packs N/A 10 30 Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with PVC Pocket N/A N/A 4

gas, bbq & cookware

CW082 10pk Yellowstone Flameless 20g Heat Packs


gas, bbq & cookware 92

GA004 Portable Gas Stove

GA022 Compact Double Burner

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A compact portable stove to meet all your essential cooking needs when out and about. Adjustable heat control. Built in pressure sensitive safety device. Simple & safe automatic piezo electric ignition. Safety locking mechanism for gas canister. Lightweight and portable, with a strong carry case. Uses Yellowstone Gas Cartridge GA009. Material: Dimensions: Colours: Power: Weight: Gas Consumption:

Durable Steel 34 x 29 x 19cm Black 1.5kg Output 1.9kW 150g per hour

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Case with Card Sleeve N/A N/A 6

Adjustable high performance stainless steel 1.5kW burners. Removable chrome plated pan supports for easy cleaning. Compact size for easy transport & storage. Compatible with butane and propane. Material: Dimensions: Colours: Power: Weight: Gas Consumption:

Durable Steel 5.5 x 45 x 25cm Black 1.9kg Output 1.5kW (per burner) 120g per hour

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 5

Specification & Features:

Adjustable high performance stainless steel 1.5kW burners. 1.5kW centre Grill. Piezo automatic quick ignition for burners and grill. Stainless steel cooking surface for ease of cleaning. Grill Pan included. Folding lid acts as windshield and protects during transit/storage. Compatible with butane and propane. Material: Dimensions: Colours: Power: Weight: Gas Consumption:

Durable Steel 34 x 29 x 19cm Black 7kg Output 1.5kW (per burner) / 1.5kW (grill) 150g per hour

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 3

gas, bbq & cookware

GA002 Deluxe Double Burner with Grill & Lid


gas, bbq & cookware

GA007 Portable Gas Heater Specification & Features:

Lightweight and portable with a convenient folding carry handle. Efficient ceramic heating element with safety guard. Adjustable angle for directional heat. Simple & safe automatic piezo electric ignition. Variable temperature control. Uses Yellowstone Gas Cartridge GA009. Material: Dimensions: Colours: Power: Weight: Gas Consumption:

Durable Steel 26 x 13 x 30cm Black 2.5kg Output 1.2kW 100g per hour

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4

GA020 Set 3 Gas Mantles

GA019 Glass Globe

GA016 Aluminium Folding Windshield

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

3 per pack. For use with Yellowstone Portable Gas Lantern GA008. Universal fit can be used with most lamps. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Blister Pack with CDU 12 12 96

Clear replacement glass globe. For use with Yellowstone Portable Gas Lantern GA008. Material: Dimensions:

Glass 8 x 8cm

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour box N/A N/A 24

Lightweight and compact. Protect your stoves from the elements. Pegs into the ground for extra security. Supplied with carry pouch. Material: Dimensions: Weight:

Durable Steel Open - 39.5 x 24cm . Closed – 24 x 8.5cm 185g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

GA023 Gas Regulator

GA021 1m Low Pressure Hose

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Hose complies with BS3212. 8mm outlet. 2 x stainless steel clip 8 – 16mm. Max Inlet Pressure: 7.5 mbar. Operating Pressure: 28 mbar. Complies with EN12864. Ribbed nozzle grips rubber hose. Sealed on/off dial allows safe control of gas and safe distinguishing. Easy to use, simple twist on and off. Material: Dimensions: Outlet: Inlet: Capacity:

Rubber 1m 8 mm nozzle M16 1.5 kg/h

Blister Pack Packaging Type: N/A CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: N/A 10 Carton Quantity:

Complies with EN12864. Ribbed nozzle grips rubber hose. Sealed on/off dial allows safe control of gas and safe distinguishing. Easy to use, simple twist on and off. Suitable for 901, 904 & 907 gas valves. Inlet: Outlet: Capacity: Max Inlet Pressure: Operating Pressure:

M16 8 mm nozzle 1.5 kg/h 7.5 mbar 28 mbar

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack N/A N/A 50

Complies with BS3212. 8mm outlet. 2 x stainless steel clip 8 – 16mm. Material: Dimension: Outlet:

Rubber 1m 8mm

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card with Poly Bag & CDU 12 12 72

GA017 Firelighting Flint

GA015 Solid Fuel Tablets

GA014 Folding Stove with Fuel

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Dimensions: Weight:

Material: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Never be caught without a light again. Ideal for lighting camp fires. Eco alternative to matches. Material: Dimensions: Weight:

Steel Strike 8.5cm 27g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 48

Fuel tablets are easily ignited with a match and burn without odour. Includes 8 tablets. 1 tablet will boil 2.5 cups of water in 5 minutes. Methylamine 4.5 x 4.5 x 1cm 25g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box & CDU 8 8 32

gas, bbq & cookware

GA025 1m Low Pressure Hose & Regulator

Can be used in two positions. Strong durable plated steel construction. Lightweight and compact. Includes 4 tablets. 1 tablet will boil 2.5 cups of water in 5 minutes. Steel 12 x 9 x 3cm Silver 206g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box & CDU 8 8 32


GA009 220g Butane Gas Cartridge – 4pk

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Constructed from a single piece impact extruded aluminium. Suitable for transporting and pressurising all kinds of liquid fuel. Air-tight seal which allows fuel to be stored longer. Bolstered shoulder and base to resist bulging when pressurised included. Material: Colours:

Single Piece Impact Extruded Orange

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

GA024 Gas Canister Stand Specification & Features:

Comes with space saving pegs for extra stability. Makes any gas stove or lantern more stable to prevent toppling. Unfold its legs to lock your gas bottle in place. 20 x 2cm folded Material: Dimensions: 22g ABS & PP Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 48

A versatile gas cartridge that fits across a wide range of portable camping appliances. Burns longer. Push-in self seal cartridge. Weight: 220g (single canister) Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Canister N/A N/A 28 (7 x 4pk)

4 Pack

gas, bbq & cookware

GA018 500ml Fuel Bottle

GA010 230g Butane / Propane Gas Cartridge

GA0116 450g Butane / Propane Gas Cartridge

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Weight: 230g

Weight: 450g

Double layered valve for extra safety. Complies with EN 417. Fits most screw type back pack stoves.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Canister N/A N/A 24

Double layered valve for extra safety. Complies with EN 417. Fits most screw type back pack stoves.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Printed Canister N/A N/A 12

BB002 Pac-flat BBQ

BB003 Folding BBQ with Cooler Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Easy to assemble and dissemble so can be taken with you wherever you go. Space saving BBQ. Easy fold out mechanism. Higher performance. Includes a durable carry bag for storage

Easy to assemble and folds away so that you can take it with you wherever you go. Carry case doubles up as a cool bag, perfect for keeping refreshments outdoors. Chrome plated grates and enamelled fire bowl with built in air vents.

Stainless Steel Material: Dimensions: Open - 22 x 31 x 31cm Closed – 4.5 x 31 x 20cm Silver Colour: 1.8kg Weight:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

This gas BBQ is designed for taking with you wherever you go ideal for picnics, camping trips or in the garden. Cooking Area: 41 x 26.5cm. Single Burner & single valve. Chrome Cooking Grill. Foldable Legs to lock lid in place for east transport and storage. Can be used with Propane / Butane gas / Lava Rock. Sturdy steel construction for extra durability and easy to clean. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Steel 49 x 29.5 x 28.5cm Red / Black 3.5kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4

This charcoal BBQ is a space saving foldable BBQ which can be used as a fire pit. Made from sturdy steel it is ideal for camping, festivals, picnics or just relaxing at home.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 6

This charcoal BBQ is a space saving portable BBQ. Made from sturdy enamelled steel it is ideal for camping, festivals, picnics or just relaxing at home.

Steel 26 x 26 x 31cm Black 850g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

BB006 Portable Gas BBQ


gas, bbq & cookware

BB004 Mini Folding BBQ with Carry Bag

BB005 Midi Folding BBQ with Carry Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

This charcoal BBQ is designed for taking with you wherever you go. ideal for picnics, camping trips or in the garden. Space saving design - the legs fold around the frame as the ash pan concertinas to fold flat. Folds away in seconds to fit in its convenient carry bag. Sturdy steel construction for extra durability and easy to clean. Steel Material: Dimensions: Open - 16.5 x 22 x 17.5cm Closed – 16.5 x 22 x 5.5cm Black Colour: 890g Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 10

Steel Material: Dimensions: Open - 32 x 22.5 x 26cm Closed – 32 x 22.5 x 5cm Black Colour: 1.48kg Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 10

BB008 Flat Pack BBQ Grill

BB009 4PK Charcoal

BB007 3 Piece BBQ Tool Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:


This charcoal BBQ is designed for taking with you wherever you go.Ideal for picnics, camping trips or in the garden. Space saving design - folds flat. Stainless Steel Grill – W105 x D174mm Silver/Assorted 120g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


This charcoal BBQ is designed for taking with you wherever you go. ideal for picnics, camping trips or in the garden. Space saving design - the legs fold around the frame as the ash pan concertinas to fold flat. Folds away in seconds to fit in its convenient carry bag. Sturdy steel construction for extra durability and easy to clean.

Flat Colour Box N/A 10 60

Easy light charcoal blocks. Designed for Yellowstone Flat Pack BBQ Grill BB008. Charcoal

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert N/A N/A 8

This three-piece kit containing all the essentials you will need for poking, prodding and turning your grilled food. Manufactured from high grade stainless steel, the kit comprises a set of tongs, fork and spatula to cover every possible barbecue eventuality. Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.5 x 25.5 Silver Colour: 0.355kg Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Wrap N/A N/A 24

CW003 Tornado Cook Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Contents: 1.4 litre kettle. Spirit Burner. Windshield.

Contents: 1.7 litre pot. 7.5� fry pan. Universal lid. Pot grip. Windshield. Triangle gas adaptor.

Comes with spirit burner. Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles. Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Gas adaptor fits most screw type backpack stoves and screw type gas cartridges. Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles. Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Anodised Aluminium Packed - 15 x 15 x 10cm Graphite 322g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Anodised Aluminium Packed - 10 x 20 x 20cm Graphite 925g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

CW004 Aurora Cook Set

CW058 Spirit Burner

CW059 Triangle Gas Adapter

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Weight:

Colour: Weight:

Comes with spirit burner. Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles. Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included. Contents: 0.9 litre pot. 345ml bowl / lid. Spirit Burner. Windshield. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Anodised Aluminium Packed – 17.5 x 15 x 15cm Graphite 565g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Alcohol burner with screw top lid. Lightweight and easy to use. Can be used with: Yellowstone CW003 Tornado Cook Set. Yellowstone CW004 Aurora Cook Set. Yellowstone CW005 Aurora Kettle Set. Copper 98g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 48

gas, bbq & cookware

CW005 Aurora Kettle Set

Gas adaptor fits most screw type backpack stoves and screw type gas cartridges. Lightweight and easy to use. Can be used with: Yellowstone CW003 Tornado Cook Set. Yellowstone CW004 Aurora Cook Set. Steel 111g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Wrap N/A N/A 48


BB005 1 Litre Aluminium Whistling Kettle

CW026 1.4 Litre Aluminium Kettle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Colour Box N/A N/A 12

CW025 2 Litre Stainless Steel Whistling Kettle Specification & Features:

Durable and lightweight construction. Heat resistant handle. Easy push button function to open spout. Whistling function. Material: Stainless Steel Colour: Silver Weight: 350g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Material: Aluminium Colour: Blue Green Weight: 398g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Material: Colours: Colour: Blue Green Weight: 398g

Durable and lightweight construction. Heat resistant handle.Removable lid. Push button to open / close spout. Whistling function.


Durable finish. Heat resistant folding handle. Removable lid. Easy push lever to open / close spout. Whistling function.


gas, bbq & cookware

CW022 2 Litre Whistling Kettle

Durable hard anodized finish. Heat resistant handle. Compact and lightweight. Removable lid. Material: Anodised Aluminium Colour: Graphite Weight: 168 Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Wrap N/A N/A 12

CW061 Fast Boil Kettle

CW088 Folding Compact Kettle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Material: Stainless Steel & Silicone Colour: Red / Black Weight: 1.2L

1.4 Litre. Suitable for use with most portable stoves. Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles. Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included. Anodised Aluminium Packed - 16 x 16 x 13cm Graphite 450g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 8 24

Packs away neatly this is a space saving and lightweight kettle. Heat resistant handle. Stainless steel base this camping kettle can be used on most Gas stoves. Push button to open / close spout. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Material: Stainless Steel & Silicone.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Box N/A N/A 12

CW009 5 Piece Cook Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles. Even heat distribution. Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included.

Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Lightweight and durable. Handy carry strap included. Contents: 1.4 litre pot. 1 litre pot. 7” pan. 5.5” pan / lid. Pot Grip.

Contents: 2.2 litre pot. 7” fry pan. Universal lid for pot and pan. 1.4 litre kettle.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Anodised Aluminium Packed - 20 x 20 x 13.5cm Graphite 784g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Anodised Packed – 10 x 17.5 x 17.5cm Silver 260g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

CW060 Fast Boil Cook Set

CW114 Folding Flat Pot

CW012 2 Piece Mess Tins

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Suitable for use with most portable stoves. Durable hard anodized finish with heat resistant handles.Compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Handy carry bag included. Contents: 0.9 litre pot. 0.34 litre pot / lid.

If the idea of packing a bunch of heavy and large cookware seems a pain, that’s where the Folding Flat Pot comes in to its own. Made of stainless steel, these 1.5 litre flat pots pack completely flat, easily folding into a cooking pot only when necessary. Each Flat Pot lasts for roughly 80 meals.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Dimensions: Capacity: Colours: Weight:

Anodised Aluminium Packed – 17 x 13.5 x 13.5cm Graphite 400g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 8 24

19.5 x 12.5 x 6.5cm 1.5 litre Silver 0.13kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Flat Colour Box N/A N/A 29

gas, bbq & cookware

CW002 Snowdonia Cook Set

Tough & durable construction. Folding handles for easy storage. Stack together for easy transportation. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Lightweight Aluminium 16.5 x 13 x 6cm / 18.5 x 14 x 6cm Silver 330g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24


gas, bbq & cookware 102

CW017 4 Slice Folding Camping Toaster

CW016 Single Folding Camping Toaster

CA1401 Non Stick Plate

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Tough and durable construction. Toasts four slices at a time. Folds flat for storage. Ideal for use with most camping stoves. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Steel 22cm Silver 185g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box & CDU 10 10 30

Tough and durable construction. Toasts one slice at a time. Even heat distribution. Folds flat for storage. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Steel 17 x 13.5 x 3cm Silver 160g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 48

Drip tray can be filled with water to catch grease/fat and reduce smoke. Non-Stick surface - easy to clean. Cook evenly and quickly. Comes with a grip handle. Instructions for use and care are included. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Durable Steel 32 x 32cm Black 0.6kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

CW007 Billy Can Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Telescopic design. Easy to pull out and lock in place. Folds away into a compact size for ease of storage and transportation. Adjustable chain height. Supplied with carry bag for safe storage. Suitable for use with Yellowstone Billy Cans CW007. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Lightweight Aluminium Open – 133.5cm . Closed - 73cm Graphite 1.1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 9

Durable finish. Heat resistant handles. Internal measurement on scale 6.5 litre pot. Abrasion and corrosion resistant. Compact together for ease of storage and transportation. Contents: 6.5 litre pot with lid. 3.5 litre pot with lid. Materia Dimensions:l: Colour: Weight:

Lightweight Aluminium Packed - 24 x 17 x 24cm Brushed Silver 1.3kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4

gas, bbq & cookware

CW008 Telescopic Tripod


gas, bbq & cookware

CW032 300ml Carabina Mug

CW031 300ml Stainless Steel Mug

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Double wall insulation. Durable sturdy construction. Carabina handle ideal for attaching to bags, belt loops. Material: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel Blue, Red & Green (Mixed CDU) 90g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Material: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel Silver 90g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

CW064 4 Folding Silicone Travel Mugs

CW107 Folding Silicone Travel Cup

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Heat resistant handle. Fold away and pack together for easy transportation. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Comes with handy Carry Pouch.

Fold away and pack for easy transportation. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Comes in handy plastic case with carabina.

Material: Colour: Volume: Weight:

Material: Silicone Volume: 200ml

Stainless Steel Blue, Yellow, Green & Red 210ml 90g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

Double wall insulation. Durable sturdy construction.

Colour Box N/A 8 48

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Wrap & CDU 12 12 48

CW044 15cm Enamel Bowl

CW045 24cm Enamel Plate

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Enamel Colour: Blue Weight: 85g

Material: Enamel Colour: Blue Weight: 94g

Material: Enamel Colour: Blue Weight: 178g

Stainless steel rim to help against chipping. Mottled effect.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A N/A 12

Stainless steel rim to help against chipping. Mottled effect.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A 6 48

Stainless steel rim to help against chipping. Mottled effect.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A 6 48

CW048 275ml Plastic Mug

CW044 20cm Plastic Bowl

CW046 25cm Plastic Flat Plate

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Plastic Colour: Blue Weight: 40g

Material: Plastic Colour: Blue Weight: 75g

Material: Plastic Colour: Blue Weight: 122g

Strong and lightweight. Easy Clean.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A 12 48

Strong and lightweight. Easy Clean.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A 12 48

gas, bbq & cookware

CW043 360ml Enamel Mug

Strong and lightweight. Easy Clean.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode N/A 6 48


gas, bbq & cookware 106

CW062 4 Aluminium Stacking Cups

CW063 Aluminium 2 Person Backpacker set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable hard anodized finish. Heat resistant handle. Stack together for easy transportation. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Capacity:

Anodised Aluminium Graphite with Coloured Band 350g 300ml

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box 12 6 2

Durable hard anodized finish. Lightweight and durable. Silicone can be removed for easy cleaning. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Contents: 2 x 300ml Cups. 2 x 400ml Bowls. Anodised Aluminium / Silicone Material: Dimensions: Graphite with Coloured Band 500g Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 8 24

CW090 4 Folding Silicone Travel Plates

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Fold away and pack together for easy transportation. With solid base for stability and ease of use. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Comes with handy Carry Pouch. Silicone Material: Dimensions: 55 x 110 x 150mm Blue, Yellow, Green & Red Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Fold away and pack together for easy transportation. With solid base for stability and ease of use. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Comes with handy Carry Pouch. Silicone Material: Dimensions: 40 x 200 x 215mm Blue, Yellow, Green & Red Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW089 4 Folding Silicone Travel Bowls


gas, bbq & cookware

CW018 3 Piece Cutlery Set

CW019 4 Piece Cutlery Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Knife / fork / spoon. Interlocking clip locking handles. Handy carry pouch included. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 16 x 3.5cm Silver 100g

Header Card & CDU 12 12 48

Knife / fork / spoon. Set fits conveniently into bottle opener for security. Handy carry pouch included. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 19 x 4cm Silver 160g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card & CDU 12 12 48

CW021 The Quattro

CW113 3 Piece Extendable Camping Utensil Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Ultimate space saving dining utensil. Serrated blade for cutting. Ergonomic design for fork and spoon use. Includes carabina.

Space saving cooking utensil ideal for the outdoors. Ergonomic grip for use. Can be extended by inserting object into the end.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Polycarbonate 17 x 4cm Red & Blue (Mixed CDU) 20g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

Polycarbonate 17 x 4cm Yellow 20g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 10 40

Specification & Features:

5 Piece Set - Contains plate, bowl, cutlery set, Mug, tiffin pot. Incredibly lightweight and versatile. Perfect for picnics, BBQs, Festivals and camping holidays. Material: Stainless Steel Dimensions: Bowl - w24 x d24 x h3cm Plate - w18 x d18 x h2cm Mug - w9.5 x d9.5 x h9cm Tiffin Pot (folded) - w14 x d14 x h9.5cm Cutlery set - w16.5 x d3.5 x h2cm Colour: Silver Weight: 500g (total)

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Flat Colour Box N/A N/A 24

gas, bbq & cookware

CW108 26 Piece Picnic Set

CW106 26 Piece Picnic Set Specification & Features:

26 Piece Set - Contains 4 x plates, 4 x bowls, 4 x Knives, 4 x Forks, 4 x Spoons, 4 x Mugs, 1 x Salt Shaker, 1 x Pepper Shaker & 1 x Carry Case. Incredibly lightweight, packs away neatly and compact and is easy to carry. Good Quality Non shatter durable plastic, easy to clean. Perfect for picnics, BBQs, Festivals and camping holidays. Plastic Polypropylene Material: Dimensions: Bowl - W17 x L17 x H3.3cm Cup - W7.5 x L10 x H8cm Plate - W21.5 x L21.5 x H2.3cm Sat Pot - W3.6 x L3.6 x H4.2cm Pepper Pot - W3.6 x L3.6 x H3.2cm Knife - W2 x L18.8 x H0.43cm Fork - W2.1 x L17.5 x H1.5cm Spoon - W3.3 x L16.5 x H1.8cm Blue Colour: Green 312g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack with paper Insert N/A N/A 10


gas, bbq & cookware

CW072 Small Pack Away Lunch Box Specification & Features:

Designed to flatten for easy storage. Perfect all-in-one lunchbox takes up minimal space in your bag. Large compartment. Handy spoon and fork utensil fits into the top. Material: Silicone Dimensions: Container - w24 x d24 x h3cm Cutlery - w18 x d18 x h2cm Capacity: 450ml Colour: Green Blue Red Weight: 123g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 48

CW071 Large Pack Away Lunch Box Specification & Features:

Designed to flatten for easy storage. Perfect all-in-one lunchbox takes up minimal space in your bag. Two compartments. Handy spoon and fork utensil fits into the top. Material: Silicone Dimensions: Container - w24 x d24 x h3cm Cutlery - w18 x d18 x h2cm Capacity: 450ml & 750ml Colour: Green Blue Red Weight: 331g


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Specification & Features:

Designed to flatten for easy storage. Sealed lid. Sizes 19 / 16 / 13cm. Fold away and stack together for easy transportation. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Durable sturdy construction. Material: Silicone Dimensions: Green Bowl - w24 x d24 x h3cm Blue Bowl - w18 x d18 x h2cm Purple Bowl - w9.5 x d9.5 x h9cm Colour: Green, Blue & Purple Weight: 285g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW095 3 Folding Storage Containers

CW087 Ice Pack Lunch Box Specification & Features:

Designed with a built in gel ice pack within the lid. Takes up minimal space in your bag. Large compartment. Keeps your food fresh. Lid is not dishwasher or microwave safe. Material: Capacity: Colour:

Polypropylene with Silicone Seal 500ml Grey & Blue

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12


gas, bbq & cookware 112

CW104 Single Layer 0.6L Food Container

CW105 Double Layer 1.2L Food Container

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Insulated food container. Robust and stylish design. Easy cleaning. Ideal for food on-the-go. Keeps food hot or cold. Supplied with insulated carry bag. Material: Silicone Dimensions: Diameter - 15cm Height - 7cm Capacity: 0.6L Colour: Blue Pink Green Weight: 123g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 36

Insulated food container. Robust and stylish design. Easy cleaning. Ideal for food on-the-go. Keeps food hot or cold. Supplied with insulated carry bag. Material: Silicone Dimensions: Diameter - 15cm Height - 12cm Capacity: 0.6L Colour: Blue Pink Green Weight: g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

CW085 1000ml Food Flask

CW091 340ml Snack Cup

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Insulated food pot. Folding spoon/fork inside lid. Screw top lid. Easy cleaning. Ideal for food on-the-go. Keeps food hot or cold. Material: Capacity: Colour:

Polypropylene with Silicone Seal 300ml Green

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Wrap N/A N/A 12

Insulated food pot. Removable two section cup. Robust carry handle. Folding spoon/fork inside lid. Screw top lid. Easy cleaning. Ideal for food on-the-go. Keeps food hot or cold. Material: Capacity: Colour:

Polypropylene with Silicone Seal 1000ml Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Wrap N/A N/A 12

BPA free. Durable sturdy construction. Silicone sleeve grip with spoon holder. Silicone lid with sip hole. Microwaveable for 2 minutes (removing sleeve & lid). Material: Colour: Weight:

Poly propylene Black with Green accent 102g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW085 300ml Food Flask


gas, bbq & cookware 114

CW049 2 x 200g Freezer Packs

CW065 4 Litre Cool Bag

CW050 25 Litre Cool Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: 16 x 9 x 2cm Blue Colour: 2 x 200g Weight:

Dimensions: Capacity: Colour: Weight:

Dimensions: Capacity: Colour: Weight:

Tough polypropylene exterior. Heat sealed leak proof cap. Non toxic aqueous liquid. Ideal for picnics.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 24

An ideal cooler bag ideal for school lunches / picnics. Keep your perishable foods and drinks cool when you are out and about. W21 x D14 x H15 4 litre / 6 Can Blue 130g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A 12 72

A large cooler bag ideal for all your picnic needs. Keep your perishable foods and drinks cool when you are out and about. Can hold 48 cans. W37 x D37 x H30 25 litre / 48 Can Blue 0.75g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 24

CW110 18L Cool Bag

CW111 30L Family Cool Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Capacity: Colour: Weight:

Dimensions: Capacity: Colour: Weight:

A handy and versatile cooler bag ideal for all your picnic needs. Keep your perishable foods and drinks cool when you are out and about. Front mesh pocket. Dimensions: Capacity: Colour: Weight:

28 x 18 x 24 cm 9 litre Blue, Green & Red 0.25kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A 12 48

A handy and versatile cooler bag ideal for all your picnic needs. Keep your perishable foods and drinks cool when you are out and about. 37 x 20 x 30cm 18 litre Blue, Green & Red 0.5kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A 12 24

A handy and versatile cooler bag ideal for all your picnic needs. Keep your perishable foods and drinks cool when you are out and about. Front Pocket. 42 x 25 x 36cm 30 litre Blue, Green & Red 0.8kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW109 9L Cool Bag


gas, bbq & cookware

CW117 Bottle Cooler Bag

CW116 2 Person Picnic Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Contents: 2pcs of each Stainless Knives, Forks, Spoons with PP handle. 2pcs of PS goblets. 2pcs of 8‘’( dia) PS plates. 2pcs of T/C napkins.

Perfect to for picnics to keep your drink nice and cold on the beach or in the park. This cooler Bag. 1.5 litre easy clean insulated compartment is great for carrying drinks and wine bottles and easy to carry with an adjustable shoulder strap.


Outer - 600 x 300D Polyester Liner – Aluminium Foil insulation Brown Jacquard

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A 8 48

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

CW078 Waterproof Travel Rug

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Contents: 4pcs of each Stainless Knives, Forks, Spoons with PP handle. 4pcs of PS goblets. 4pcs of T/C napkins. 4pcs of 8”(dia)PS plates. 2pcs of salt & pepper shakers. 1pc of PE cutting board. 1pc of bottle opener. 1pc of stainless butter knife with PP handle. Material: Colour:

Outer - 600 x 300D Polyester Liner – Aluminium Foil insulation Brown Jacquard

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


Outer - 600 x 300D Polyester Liner – Aluminium Foil insulation + 210D polyester Brown Jacquard

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8

CW115 4 Person Picnic Bag 4 Person Picnic Backpack with cooler compartment/padded straps/wine holder/front pocket



2 Person Picnic Backpack with cooler compartment/padded straps / front pocket

A fleece picnic rug with waterproof back to make those days out more enjoyable. Rolls up to a compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Waterproof back. Comes with velcro ties and carry handle. Dimensions: 150 x 130cm Colour: Blue Check

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 4 4 12

CW096 4 person Wicker Picnic Basket

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Contents: 4 x Stainless Steel knives/forks/spoons. 4 x 8” PP dinner plates. 4 x Wine Glasses. 4 x Fabric Napkins.

Contents: 4 x Stainless Steel knives/forks/spoons. 1 x opener. 4 x 8” Ceramic plates. 4 x Glasses.

Wicker Basket Material: Dimensions: 46 x 36 x 21cm 2.85kg Weight:

Wicker Basket with Natural finish Material: Dimensions: 48 x 28 x 18cm 2.5kg Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

4 Person Wicker Picnic Basket with cooler compartment, check fabric lining and sturdy carry handle.

4 Person Wicker Picnic Basket, striped fabric lining and sturdy carry handle.

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

CW077 Luxury Fleece Picnic Blanket

CW097 4 person Luxury Wicker Picnic Basket

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A soft fleece picnic rug with waterproof back to make those days out more enjoyable. Folds to a compact pack size for ease of storage and transportation. Dimensions: 200 x 150cm Blue Tartan Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 3 3 12


gas, bbq & cookware

CW075 4 person Wicker Picnic Basket with Cooler Compartment

4 Person Wicker Picnic Basket, striped fabric lining and sturdy carry handle. Contents: 4 x Stainless Steel knives/forks/spoons. 4 x 7” Ceramic plates. 4 x Ceramic Cups with wicker holder. 4 x Napkins. 1 x removable Cooler bag. Wicker Basket with Natural finish Material: Dimensions: 46 x 31 x 20cm 2.85kg Weight: Swing Tag N/A Packaging Type: N/A CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: 4 Carton Quantity:


gas, bbq & cookware

CW103 450ml Stainless Steel Thermal Flask

CW030 500ml Colour Stainless Steel Flask

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable, robust stainless steel / polycarbonate design. Lightweight construction. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Material: Volume: Colour:

Polycarbonate / Stainless Steel 450ml Blue Black Green Dimensions: 23 x 7.5cm Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Material: Volume: Colour:

Stainless Steel 500ml Red Blue

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box N/A N/A 24

Colour Box N/A 12 24

NY008 Quote Flask

NY009 Kids Monster Flask

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

This is a lovely flask, ideal for tea, coffee or soup in a packed lunch or perfect for keeping water cool on a nice summer’s picnic, the practical flask will fit in most bags. With a fun quote design it will liven up any tea break. This flask has a push top lid for easy pouring and a combined cup/lid. Choose from 3 designs, treat yourself or give as a gift to someone special. Material: Volume: Dimensions: Colours:






Durable, robust stainless steel design. Polished and lightweight construction. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Push button to open / close spout. Screw lid doubles as a drinking cup.

Stainless Steel 500ml 7 x 7 x 22cm Green - Special Pink - WTF White - Moustache 0.270kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box N/A 6 12

This is a fun and colourful flask, ideal for kids packed lunches and picnics. The practical flask will fit in most lunch bags. With a bright and eye catching monster design it will liven up any lunch time. Available in 3 designs. Material: Volume: Dimensions: Colours: Weight:

Stainless Steel 350ml 16 x 7cm Pink Yellow Purple 0.205kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box N/A 6 12

CW027 500ml Stainless Steel Flask

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable, robust stainless steel design. Double wall insulation. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Lightweight construction. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 300ml Silver Black 231g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

Durable, robust stainless steel design. Polished and lightweight construction. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Push button to open / close spout. Screw lid doubles as a drinking cup. Material: Stainless Steel Volume: 500ml Colour: Silver Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

CW028 1 litre Stainless Steel Flask

CW029 1.5 litre Stainless Steel Flask

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable, robust stainless steel design. Polished and lightweight construction. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Push button to open / close spout. Screw lid doubles as a drinking cup. Material: Stainless Steel Volume: 1 litre Colour: Silver Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW033 Travel Tumbler Set

Durable, robust stainless steel design. Polished and lightweight construction. Keeps your drinks hot or cold. Push button to open / close spout. Screw lid doubles as a drinking cup plus durable plastic cup stored in the lid. Folding carry handle and adjustable strap. Material: Stainless Steel Volume: 1.5 litre Colour: Silver Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 12


gas, bbq & cookware

CW040 750ml Aluminium Sports Bottle Specification & Features:

Durable, robust aluminium design. Leak proof seal. Ergonomic design. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Aluminium 750ml Silver, Red,Green & Blue (Mixed CDU) 160g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

CW099 H2O Water Bottle

CW039 750ml Sports Bottle with Grip Lid

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

This quirky Water Bottle is definitely the kind of water bottle that stands out from the crowd, this eco friendly BPA free water bottle has a flip up mouth piece with a heavy duty straw inside connecting to the mouth piece and a handy carry loop, making this bottle highly practical for everyday use. Material: Volume: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 500ml 7.5 x 7.5 x 25.5cm Navy Turquoise 0.140kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Colour Window Box N/A 6 12

Durable, robust stainless steel design. Leak proof seal. Carry hook Lid. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 750ml Black Green 240g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

gas, bbq & cookware

CW098 700ml Tritan Bottle with Folding Straw Specification & Features:

BPA Free impact resistant. Folding Straw in and built in carry handle in Lid. Exceptional dishwasher durability. Carabina included. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Tritan BPA Free 700ml Red , Yellow, Purple & Blue (Mixed CDU) 120g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

CW037 500ml Aluminium Drinks Bottle

CW038 1 Litre Aluminium Drinks Bottle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Durable, robust aluminium design. Leak proof seal. Includes Carabina. Aluminium 500ml Red & Blue (Mixed CDU) 84g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 24

Durable, robust aluminium design. Leak proof seal. Includes Carabina. Aluminium 1 Litre Red & Blue (Mixed CDU) 134g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48


gas, bbq & cookware 122

CW100 1L Water Cooler Bottle

CW101 1.89L Water Cooler Bottle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

This quirky Water Cooler Bottle is definitely one to gather around for a water cooler gossip. BPA free this water bottle is highly practical for everyday use. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PET 10 x 20cm 1000ml Transparent Blue 0.076kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU N/A N/A 24

This quirky Water Cooler Bottle is definitely one to gather around for a water cooler gossip. BPA free this water bottle is highly practical for everyday use. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PET 12 x 24cm 1.89 Litre Transparent Blue 0.139kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU N/A N/A 24

CW092 Pack Away Drinks Bottle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Roll Up and tuck into carabina. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Solid top for ease of use and drinking. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:

Silicone 75 x 200mm 700ml Blue / Orange Pale Blue / Green

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 10 10 40

Can be folded down for easy storage when not in use. Comes with a handy carabina. Ideal for camping, hiking, travelling , school and sports. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PE & PS 550ml Blue with Green mouth piece Green with Bue mouth piece 55g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 60

CW093 Fold Away Water Bottle

CW094 Kids Fold Away Water Bottle

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Volume: Colour:

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:

Three layer ultra strong Nylon & PE. Take up less room, folds / rolls up when empty for easy storage. Reusable and easy to clean. Keep your drink cold as ice as bottle is reezer safe. Push Pull Opening.Stands up independently when full. Caribina Clip included. PE/Nylon & PP 425ml Blue Orange Green

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Wrap N/A N/A 36

gas, bbq & cookware

CW102 Silicone Roll Up Sports Bottle

Three layer ultra strong Nylon & PE. Take up less room, folds / rolls up when empty for easy storage. Reusable and easy to clean. Keep your drink cold as ice as bottle is freezer safe. Push Pull Opening.Stands up independently when full. Caribina Clip included. PE/Nylon & PP 375ml Tiger - Orange / Black Owl - Brown / Blue

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU N/A N/A 36


gas, bbq & cookware

CW118 10L Foldable Bucket

CW076 Folding Bucket

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Convenient space saving solution. Easy to store folding utensil made from durable and flexible material. When not in use just push flat and pop up when needed. Ideal for camping and caravanning. Material: Volume: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

TPR with PP Base and Rim 10 Litres 34.5 x 68 x 34.5cm Bue / Grey 540g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Materia Volume: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

TPR with PP Base and Rim xxxxxx 5 Litres Bue / Grey 360g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24









CW119 Foldable Basket with Handles

CW120 Foldable bowl

CW070 Folding Sink / Bowl

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Ideal for camping and caravanning.

Ideal for camping and caravanning.

Convenient space saving solution. Easy to store folding utensil made from durable and flexible material. When not in use just push flat and pop up when needed.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

TPR with PP Base and Rim 59 x 40 x 55.5cm Blue / Grey 0.55kg

Colour Box Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: WN/A W E Inner E Box Quantity: N N/A N 18 Carton Quantity:




A convenient, space-saving solution. Easy to store bucket made from durable and flexible silicone. When not in use, just push it down flat and when needed, just pop it back out.



Convenient space saving solution. Easy to store folding utensil made from durable and flexible material. When not in use just push flat and pop up when needed. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

TPR with PP Base and Rim 39.5 x 78 x 67.5cm Blue / Grey 0.41kg

Colour Box Packaging Type: N/A CDU Quantity: W W Inner E Box Quantity:E N/A N N 24 Carton Quantity:





A convenient, space-saving solution. Easy to store bowl made from durable and flexible silicone. When not in use, just push it down flat and when needed, just pop it back out. Use as wash basin, bowl. Strong sturdy fold out arms. Material: Volume: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

TPR 6 litres xxxxxx Blue / White 680g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 8

CW053 15L Pack Away Water Carrier

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A folding water carrier that collapses for ease of storage and transport. Leak proof easy to use tap. Built in carry handle.

A compact water carrier that folds flat for ease of storage and transport.Leak proof easy to use tap. Includes convenient carry pouch when not in use.

Material: PE-LD Volume: 10 Litres Weight: 270g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Sleeve & CDU 6 6 24

CW056 10L Jerry Can Specification & Features:

Sturdy water carrier. Includes pouring spout. Built in carry handle. Material: PE-HD Volume: 10 Lires Weight: 414g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Materia Volume: Weight:

Polyethylene bag with PP Handle 15 Litres 15.22 kg when full 220g when empty

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 36

CW055 15L Expandable Water Carrier with Tap Specification & Features:

Water carrier that packs away for ease of storage and transport. Leak proof easy to use tap. Built in carry handle. Barcode N/A N/A 1

Material: PE-LD Volume: 15 Litres Weight: 310g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Sticker N/A N/A 12

gas, bbq & cookware

CW054 10L Folding Water Carrier with Tap

CW057 25L Jerry Can With Tap Specification & Features:

Sturdy water carrier. Includes pouring spout. Built in carry handle. Material: Volume: Weight:

PE-HD 25 Litres 900g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 8



Rucksacks The Yellowstone range of rucksacks are designed to be practical as well as stylish. From everyday sturdy day sacs that are ideal for school or work to a range of technical rucksacks that are perfect for the more adventurous user the Yellowstone range offers something for every level of user. Rugzakken Het Yellowstone aanbod van rugzakken is zowel praktisch als stijlvol. Van dagdagelijkse stevige rugzakken ideaal voor school of werk tot een reeks technische rugzakken die perfect zijn voor de meer avontuurlijke gebruiker; de Yellowstone range biedt voor elk wat wils. Rucksäcke Rucksäcke von Yellowstone sind nicht nur praktisch sondern auch stylish. Rucksäcke von Yellowstone bieten für jeden Anwender etwas: robuste Rucksäcke für die Schule oder Arbeit bis hin zu einer Reihe technisch ausgereifteren Rucksäcken, perfekt für den etwas abenteuerlustigeren Benutzer. Sacs à do La gamme de sacs à dos Yellowstone est pensée pour que chaque produit soit aussi pratique que stylé. Des sacs de tous les jours robustes et parfaits pour aller étudier ou travailler, jusqu’à une gamme de sacs à dos techniques qui correspondront aux utilisateurs les plus aventureux, la gamme Yellowstone propose une solution à chaque niveau d’utilisation. Zaini La gamma di zaini Yellowstone è stata progettata per essere pratica ed elegante. Dai piccoli zaini robusti, ideali per la scuola o il lavoro, alla serie di zaini tecnici, perfetti per l’utente più avventuroso, la collezione Yellowstone offre qualcosa per tutti i livelli di utenza. Mochila Las mochilas de la gama Yellowstone están diseñadas para ser tan prácticas como atractivas. La gama Yellowstone contiene artículos para todo el mundo, desde mochilas robustas ideales para ir día tras día al colegio o a trabajar hasta mochilas técnicas perfectas para los espíritus más aventureros.




RK014 30L Orbit

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 20

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

300D Rip stop / 600D Polyester 32 x 19 x 49cm 30 Litre Blue / Black Red / Black Grey / Black 750g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 10


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


600D / 300D Polyester 32 x 19 x 49cm 25 Litre Grey / Black Red / Black 300g

Padded ergonomic back panel. 1 main internal compartment. 2 x zip front pockets. Front mesh pocket and side mesh pockets. Internal organiser. Front bungee cord. Blue

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:


Headphone portal. Padded shoulder straps. 2 main compartments. Internal organiser. External mesh side pockets . Front zipped pocket. A4 and laptop compatible. Grey


RK013 25L Compact

RK005 30L Adventurer

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


Swing Tag N/A N/A 8

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

400D Rip stop / 600D Nylon 50 x 30 x 22cm 30 Litres Green / Grey Blue / Grey 1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 1 main internal compartment with zip pocket front. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders. Green

Ripstop Nylon, Gucci Nylon 48 x 36 x 20cm 30 Litre Blue / Grey Pink / Grey 300g


Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:


Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. 1 main internal compartment. 1 x zip front pockets. Side mesh pockets. Internal organiser.


RK016 30L Archer Backpack


RK015 35L Trail Packaway

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Gucci Nylon, 210D lining 50 x 33 x 18cm 30 Litres Black 2.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 4

Compact down into its own pocket. Adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Large internal compartments with and side pockets. Zipped Front pocket and Walking Pole holders. Built in emergency whistle in chest strap.Front zip Pocket. Internal pocket. 400D Rip stop / 600D Nylon Material: Dimensions: Open - 56 x 28 x 22cm Packed – 24 x 17cm 35 Litre Volume: Green / Grey Colour: Red / Grey 380g Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 10


Features a helpful backpack strap option, making this a versatile luggage item. Made from durable fabric to keep it light but durable. Multiple compartments for organising your packing. Fully lined interior to protect your belongings. Handy cabin size.


rucksack 130

RK021 30L Expedition Trolley Backpack

RK006 40L Adventurer

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

400D Rip stop / 600D Nylon 53 x 31 x 22cm 40 Litres Green / Grey Blue / Grey 1.1kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8


Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 2 compartments with zip pocket front and side mesh pockets. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders. Built in emergency whistle in chest strap. Green

Red Green


300D Rip stop / 600D Polyester 32 x 19 x 49cm 40 Litres Blue / Grey Red / Grey Black / Grey Green / Black 531g


Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:


Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. 2 main internal compartment. 1 x zip front pockets. Side mesh pockets. Internal organiser.


RK017 40L Hunter Rucksack

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8

Headphone wire slot

Built in emergency whistle in chest strap



RK004 55L Edinburgh

RK007 55 + 5L Adventurer

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 2 main internal compartments with zip pocket on hood and zippered bellows side pockets. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders. Includes integral rain cover Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:


600D Polyester 20 x 30 x 65cm 55 Litres Black Olive Green 1.3kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Padded ergonomic and adjustable back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 2 main compartments with zip pocket front and side mesh pockets. Access through zip pocket on hood. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders Includes integral rain cover. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

400D Hidden Rip stop / 600D Nylon 67 x 33 x 18cm 55 + 5Litres Red / Grey 1.5kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8

RK008 65 + 5L Adventurer

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:


600D Polyester 23 x 32 x 75cm 65 Litres Black Olive Green 1.6kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour:


Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 2 main internal compartments with zip pocket on hood and zippered bellows side pockets. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders. Includes integral rain cover.

Padded ergonomic and adjustable back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. 2 main compartments with zip pocket front and side mesh pockets. Access through zip pocket on hood. Front map pocket and Walking Pole holders.Includes integral rain cover. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

400D Hidden Rip stop / 600D Nylon 68 x 35 x 24cm 65 + 5Litres Blue / Grey 1.7kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8


RK004 65L Edinburgh


rucksack 134

RK025 60L + 15L Trail

RK026 80L + 15L Trail

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. Zip out expanding section. Inter locking security zips. High visibility rain cover. 15L Removable Daysack.

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

60+15L (total volume 75L) 65 x 30 x 21cm 65 + 5Litres Black / Grey 3kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and shoulder straps. Adjustable chest strap. Zip out expanding section.Inter locking security zips. High visibility rain cover. 15L Removable Daysack. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

600D Rip stop Polyester 71 x 38 x 26cm 80+15L (total volume 95L) Black / Grey 3.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

RK028 100L Trek Cargo Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Easy access main compartment. Front zipped pocket. Adjustable padded shoulder straps. Side grab handles.

Easy access main compartment. Front zipped pocket. Adjustable padded shoulder straps. Side grab handles.

450D Polyester L875 x W30 x H25cm 60 Litre Black / Grey 650g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

450D Polyester L80 x W30 x H35cm 100 Litre Black / Grey 750g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6


RK027 60L Trek Cargo Bag

Swing Tag N/A N/A 6

Full-width roll closure allows fast access. Keep kit dry, safe and 100% waterproof. Proven roll closure and the single stiffener bar ensure the bag is 100% watertight. Offers the highest level of protection for many items such as sleeping bags, clothes, food and electronics. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PVC 60 x 32 X 32cm 65 Litre Gun Metal Grey 1.2kg

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Specification & Features:


RK012 65L Exploration PVC Duffle Bag

Plastic Case with Header Card N/A N/A 6


rucksack 136

RK009 15L PVC Dry Bag

RK010 20L PVC Dry Bag

RK011 20L Exploration PVC Rucksack

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Full-width roll closure allows fast access. Keep kit dry, safe and 100% waterproof. Proven roll closure and the single stiffener bar ensure the bag is 100% watertight. Offers the highest level of protection for many items such as sleeping bags, clothes, food and electronics. Features an easily foldable design to give more room within pack. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PVC 25 x 56cm 20 Litre Green 290g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Case with Header Card N/A N/A 20

Full-width roll closure allows fast access. Keep kit dry, safe and 100% waterproof. Proven roll closure and the single stiffener bar ensure the bag is 100% watertight. Offers the highest level of protection for many items such as sleeping bags, clothes, food and electronics. Features an easily foldable design to give more room within pack. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PVC 25 x 60cm 20 Litre Green 290g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Case with Header Card N/A N/A 20

Full-width roll closure allows fast access. Keep kit dry, safe and 100% waterproof. Proven roll closure and the single stiffener bar ensure the bag is 100% watertight. Offers the highest level of protection for many items such as sleeping bags, clothes, food and electronics. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

PVC 63 x 27x 21cm 20 Litre Gun Metal Grey 700g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Case with Header Card N/A N/A 20

RK023 1.5L Hydration Water Bladder

RK024 2L Hydration Water Bladder

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Padded ergonomic back panel. Padded adjustable waist belt and chest straps. Multifunction Organiser pockets. 1.5L Hydro Bladder . Side mesh pockets. Reflective piping. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Jacquard, Ripstop, 600D polyester46 x 26 x 10cm 1.5 Litre Blue / Charcoal 493g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Tough construction, 2 Litre capacity performance hydration bladder designed to be suitable for use with most other hydration-compatible packs. With hanging points and easy to use bite valve with on/off switch. Ideal for replacing old packs with large filling hole. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Swing Tag N/A N/A 8

EVA 38 x 14.5cm 1.5 Litres Blue 130g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Tough construction, 2 Litre capacity performance hydration bladder designed to be suitable for use with most other hydration-compatible packs. With hanging points and easy to use bite valve with on/off switch. Ideal for replacing old packs with large filling hole. Material: Dimensions: Volume: Colour: Weight:

EVA 40 x 17.5cm 2 Litres Blue 135g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 25 100

Header Card N/A 25 100

RK022 25L – 45L Rain Cover

RK018 45L – 65L Rain Cover

RK019 65L – 85L Rain Cover

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Protect your backpack from any sudden storms. Small enough to stash in a pocket / bag until needed, easy to slip over your rucksack in a rush. Waterproof, and very lightweight. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

210D waterproof Nylon 90 x 62cm Yellow 73g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 25 100

Protect your backpack from any sudden storms. Small enough to stash in a pocket / bag until needed, easy to slip over your rucksack in a rush. Waterproof, and very lightweight. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

210D waterproof Nylon 96 x 72cm Yellow 86g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 25 100


RK020 Hydro Bag with 1.5L Bladder

Protect your backpack from any sudden storms. Small enough to stash in a pocket / bag until needed, easy to slip over your rucksack in a rush.Waterproof, and very lightweight. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

210D waterproof Nylon 110 x 88cm Yellow 99g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 25 100


walking & travel

Walking & Travel The Yellowstone Walking and Travel range is a comprehensive choice of essential products designed to help the outdoor enthusiast be prepared for all occasions when they are on the move Wandelen en reizen Het Yellowstone wandel- en reisaanbod is een uitgebreid aanbod van essentiële producten die speciaal werden ontwikkeld om de liefhebbers van het buitenleven te helpen voorbereiden op alle gelegenheden wanneer ze onderweg zijn. Wandern und Reisen Die Wander- und Reise-Produktreihe von Yellowstone bietet eine Auswahl unentbehrlicher Produkte, mit denen der Outdoor-Fan auf seinen Reisen auf alles vorbereitet ist. Marche & Voyage La gamme pour marche et voyage Yellowstone représente un choix complet de produits essentiels conçus pour aider les amoureux des activités d’extérieur à toujours être prêts lorsqu’ils sont sur la route.. Passeggiate e viaggi La gamma Passeggiate e viaggi di Yellowstone offre un’ampia scelta di prodotti essenziali progettati per aiutare gli appassionati dell’aria aperta a essere sempre pronti per ogni evenienza quando sono in viaggio. Viajes y excursionismo La gama Yellowstone para viajes y excursionismo incluye una selección de productos básicos diseñados para que los amantes de la naturaleza puedan afrontar con garantías todas sus salidas.



walking & travel

walking & travel

WA054 Set 2 Trekking Pole Rubber Tip Specification & Features:

Robust rubber tip to protect your hiking pole.

Specification & Features:

Robust basket to aid your hiking pole in soft ground.

Material: Rubber Colour: Black Weight: 24g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 48 98

Material: Rubber Colour: Black Weight: 19g Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 48 98

WA031 Essential Walking Gift Set Specification & Features:

An ideal gift for that person who enjoys the outdoors, this set includes all of the essential items needed to make rambling / walking that much more enjoyable. Contents: Compact 4 section Aluminium Hiking Pole. Hiking Pole carry Bag. PVC Map Case. Map Compass. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

WA001 Horizon Trekking Pole (pair)

WA002 Peak Trekking Pole (pair)

WA045 Adventurer Trekking Pole (pair)

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

3 section lightweight and durable aluminium construction. Quick release locking mechanism. Ergonomic soft grip handle. Adjustable hand strap. Foam grip on upper section for optional use. Summer basket and rubber tip included.

3 section lightweight and durable aluminium construction. Anti-shock mechanism. Ergonomic two tone soft grip handle. Adjustable cushioned hand strap. Summer basket and rubber tip included.

Material: Dimensions:

Material: Dimensions:

3 section lightweight and durable aluminium construction. Anti-shock mechanism. 2 tone easy soft grip handle. Adjustable cushioned hand strap. Foam grip on upper section for optional use. Summer basket and rubber tip included. Material: Dimensions: No. of Section: Colour: Weight:

Aluminium Compact Length – 65cm. Extended Length – 130cm. 3 Silver / Green Trim 340g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


WA055 Set 2 Trekking Pole Summer Basket

Header Card N/A N/A 12

No. of Section: Colour: Weight:

Aluminium Compact Length – 65cm. Extended Length – 135cm. 3 Midnight Black / Green Trim 300g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 12

No. of Section: Colour: Weight:

Aluminium Compact Length – 65cm. Extended Length – 133cm. 3 Silver / Yellow 340g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 12

WA015 Walking Gaiters

WA016 Boot / Shoe Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

An ideal set to keep in your car in case of those unexpected emergencies. Contents: 450ml Travel Mug. Mini Folding Shovel. 9 LED Pocket Torch. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Front zip entry with secure fastening. Press stud poppers for extra security. Elasticated calf support & rear draw cord. Adjustable webbing underfoot strap. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Colour Box N/A N/A 24

450D Rip stop Polyester One Size Blsck 240g pair

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

WA005 Map Measurer Specification & Features:

Measures distance on maps of all scales. Distances shown in miles, kilometres and nautical miles. Durable plastic construction. Durable Plastic Material: Dimensions: 9.5 x 4.5 x 1cm 26g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 24 24 48

Handy storage and transport for your footwear. Fits large sized boots. Easy wipe clean. Material: Colour:

600D Polyester Black

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card & CDU 12 12 48

Card Wrap & CDU 16 16 32

WA003 Orienteering Map Compass

WA046 PVC Map Case with Closure

WA009 3 Piece Waterproof Pouch Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable PVC Material: Dimensions: 27.5 x 32cm 77g Weight:

Durable PVC Material: Dimensions: Small - 18 x 13cm Medium –-25 x 18cm Large - 33 x 27cm 129g Weight:

Map measuring scales mm, 1:25K & 1:50K. Luminous stripe on needle and key directions for use in poor light conditions. Magnifying lens viewer. Lanyard included. Durable plastic construction. Durable Plastic Material: Dimensions: 11 x 6 x 1cm 23g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 24 24 48

Strong & robust closure to map pocket. Clear waterproof map holder. Neck cord included. Folds neatly for easy storage. Holds 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 maps.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert & CDU 24 24 48

walking & travel

WA032 Car Travel Gift Set

Ideal for protecting wallets / mobile phones / cameras / MP3 and other valuable items. Includes carry cords. Durable vinyl with welded seams to keep water out. Secure loop and hook fastening. Hi Visibility Closure.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Colour Case & CDU 12 12 48


walking & travel

WA047 Mosquito & Midge Protection Jacket

WA028 Mosquito Head Net

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Mesh Polyester Material: Dimesions: One size. Packed – 19 x 9cm Black Colour: 120g Weight:

Mesh Polyester Material: Dimesions: Open - 53 x 59cm. Packed – 11 x 7cm Black Colour: 43g Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Helps keep away midges and bugs. Ideal for travel and outdoor use. Compact pack size. Stores in handy pouch.

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 36

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 96

WA062 Survival Bag 180 x 90cm

WA063 Survival Bag 201 x 106 x 75.5cm

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Durable plastic Material: Dimesions: 180 x 90cm Orange Colour:

Durable plastic Material: Dimesions: 201 x 106 x 75.5cm Orange Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

A durable plastic survival bag which will protect you from the elements in that unexpected emergency situation. A must have if you are spending any time in the hills or mountains.


Helps keep away midges and bugs. Ideal for travel and outdoor use. Compact pack size. Stores in handy pouch.

PVC Bag with Header Card 6 6 48

A durable plastic survival bag which will protect you from the elements in that unexpected emergency situation. A must have if you are spending any time in the hills or mountains.

PVC Bag with Header Card 6 6 48

WA026 First Aid Pack 2

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A compact first aid kit that is ideal for your rucksack or travel bag and packed with essential first aid items for common accidents at home or on your travels. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

A comprehensive first aid kit designed for all types of common accidents which is ideal for use on all types of outdoor activities. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Header Card N/A 10 40

Header Card N/A 10 40

WA060 Outdoor Safety Kit

WA012 Emergency Blanket

WA013 Thermal Emergency Sleeping Bag

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Aluminium Foil Film Material: Dimesions: 210 x 135cm 52g Weight:

Aluminium Foil Film Material: Dimesions: 213 x 92cm 120g Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Ideal for home, camping or keeping the car. This 24 piece kit contains most commonly used first aid components and the nostalgic brushed metal tinplate, with a hinge top container is crush resistant to protect the contents. Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Barcode & CDU 12 12 114

Reflects up to 90% of body heat. Ideal to keep in the car. Keeps you warm when you most need it.

Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU 48 48 96

walking & travel

WA025 First Aid Pack 1

Reflects up to 90% of body heat. Ideal to keep in the car. Keeps you warm when you most need it.

Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU 24 24 96


walking & travel

CA1185 Hand Warmer - Twin Pack WA008 Hand Warmer - Twin Pack Specification & Features:

Robust rubber tip to protect your hiking pole. Material: 10 x 10cm Colour: Black cover Weight: 102g pair Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

WA021 Emergency Poncho

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Ideal for keeping possessions dry. Simple watertight roll top closure system. 2000 HH.

Compact pack size to fit in pocket or handbag. Ideal to keep in the car. Ideal for those unexpected showers.

Rip Stop Polyester Material: Dimensions: Small – 2 litre Medium – 4 litre Large – 8 litre Green Colour: 129g Weight:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Plastic Colour Case & CDU 18 18 36

Plastic Case & CDU 12 12 48

PE One Size Blue 41g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Paper Insert with Poly Bag & CDU 24 24 96

WA024 Solar Shower

WA023 Travel Bath Towel

WA040 Camping Mirror

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

20 litre capacity. Energy saving design. Lightweight and durable PVC construction. Includes shower head, flow control and hanging cord. Durable PVC Material: Dimensions: 41 x 58cm Black Colour: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


WA010 3 Dry Sacks

Header Card N/A N/A 24

Anti bacterial. Soft microfibre fabric. Quick drying. Ultra absorbent. Packs away in handy carry pouch. Ideal for travel or sport. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight:

Antibacterial Microfibre 140 x 90cm Green 267g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 10 10 40

Handy travel size. Integral Stand. Can be wall mounted. Dimensions: 12 x 16.5cm Back Colour: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Card Sleeve & CDU 12 12 48

WA058 Bluetooth Outdoor Speaker

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Contents: Emergency poncho. Glow stick. 2 x Ear Protectors with case. Foot shaped bottle opener. Party whistle. 350ml aluminum bottle. Large white flag with fabric pen.

Tough outer case that is water splash proof / dust proof / shock proof. Supplied with a carabina the speaker can be used anywhere, anytime. USB charger cable included.

The perfect gift for all your essential festival needs all in one compact set.

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

A versatile and portable Bluetooth speaker this unit has dual speaker drivers plus dual bass radiator. The double driver units deliver incomparable sound quality with a comprehensive balanced sound with strong bass, clear middle range voice and penetrating resonant treble.

Dimesions: 10 x 20 x 2cm Blue Colour: Red Black 415g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window box N/A 6 24

WA056 Waterproof Phone & Speaker Case

WA057 Waterproof Mobile Device Pocket

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

This is not your run of a mill gadget but a waterproof phone case equipped with its own mini speaker. The case is pretty seriously waterproof, with an IPX-7 rating, which means it can be submersed up to a metre. The speaker connects to the enclosed phone via a 3.5mm jack. Can be used with most smart phones and with a clear touchscreen face the phone can still be used in it case and underwater. Dimesions: 21 x 10 .5 x 4cm 19g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box N/A 6 36

walking & travel

FV004 Essential Festival Pack

Universal size fits all Large Smartphones up to 5.3�, digital cameras or mp3 players with a clear window on both sides. Perfect for taking pictures or videos this case provides waterproof protection for your smartphone while maintaining full touch screen functionality. With a simple snap and lock access, this easy to use product provides all the protection you will need and with an IPX-7 rating, which means it can be submersed up to a metre. Dimesions: 10 x 20 x 2cm Black Colour: 70g Weight: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 96


walking & travel

WA061 Emergency Outdoor Alarm

WA059 Dog Tags

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Rugged and weather-proof housing this robust aluminium alloy clips to backpack, purse or clothing. Simple one-pull trigger to activate or deactivate alarm and LED light. The high pitch alarm is min 100 db while the LED’s flash red or fade on /off dual colour (red/ blue). Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded:

3.7 x 9 x 3cm Red 30g CR2032 Yes

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: Colour:

xx xx xx Black / Silver

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

Blister Pack N/A 12 48

WA053 2 Piece Multi tool Gift Set

WA052 Survival Gift Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

2 Piece Mini Multi Tool Set is a set of two mini multi tools, which includes a 6 in 1 mini multi tool and a 10 in 1 mini multi knife. Ideal for camping and outdoor trips. Carabina and keyring attachments for security and convenience. 6 in 1 mini multi tool includes knife, bottle opener, saw, cross point screwdriver, pliers, and belt clip karabiner. 10 in 1 mini multi knife includes can opener, knife, scissors, bottle opener, slotted screwdriver, philips screwdriver, corkscrew, nail file/cleaner, and keyring attachment. Colour: Weight:

Red / Silver 120g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Super cool and stylish dog tags. A combination of two simple dog tags with rubber edge and two link chains. Dog tags are plain so they can be engraved and personalised both back and front.

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

Handy & convenient sMulti-tool to fit in your pocket / wallet. Carabina for security and convenience. Bright white LED torch with lanyard. Survival tool includes can opener, bottle opener, wrench, magnifier, compass, serrated knife and much more. Colour: Weight:

Blue / Silver 105g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

WA048 Emergency Cash Capsule

WA049 Fire Capsule

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Handy & convenient size to fit in your pocket. Ideal for camping and outdoor trips. Carabina for security and convenience. Fire lighting flint. Key ring includes compass and white LED. Weight:


Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

This simple and discreet stash keyring is ideal for storing emergency funds. Just unscrew the capsule and place a rolled up banknote inside to ensure that you are never caught short again! Also great for storing pills and medication and any other small items that are best kept close to hand. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Aluminium 5.5 x 1cm Silver 8g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Small waterproof key-ring capsule hiding a fully working lighter. Petrol Refillable Lighter. Waterproof Neoprene ‘O’ Ring. Key ring attachment. FUEL NOT INCLUDED Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Chrome plated Zinc Alloy 5 x 1.5 x 1.5cm Silver 24g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

WA050 Jerry Can Hip Flask

WA033 Hip Flask & Packable Cup Gift Set

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Portable stainless hip flask in a novel jerry can style. Polished to a high finish. Screw-on cap. Enjoy your favourite drink anywhere and at anytime. Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 5oz (148ml) Silver 111g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box & CDU 12 12 48

walking & travel

WA051 Camping Essential Gift Set

An ideal gift for that person who enjoys the outdoors life, compact and lightweight this set is perfect for travel. Contents: 6 oz Stainless Steel Hip Flask . 2 x Packable cups Material: Volume: Colour: Weight:

Stainless Steel 6oz (fLASK) Silver 111g

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Window Box N/A N/A 24



Lighting The Yellowstone brand has been at the forefront of lighting innovation for the outdoor enthusiast. We understand that the optimum performance of a lighting product is a balance of durability, style, burn-time and output efficiency. When we are developing our lighting products we meticulously select the best optical and electrical components so they fit together perfectly, allowing you to enjoy incredible light at the touch of a button. Verlichting Het Yellowstone merk is toonaangevend voor het leveren van verlichtingsinnovatie voor de liefhebber van het buitenleven. We begrijpen dat de optimale prestatie van een verlichtingsproduct een evenwicht is tussen duurzaamheid, stijl, brandtijd en vermogensefficiëntie. Bij de ontwikkeling van onze verlichtingsproducten selecteren we zorgvuldig de beste optische en elektrische componenten zodat deze perfect samenwerken en u van ongelooflijk licht kunt genieten met een druk op de knop. Licht Seit vielen Jahren bietet die Marke Yellowstone innovative Beleuchtungsprodukte für den Outdoor-Fan. Wir wissen, dass ein Beleuchtungsprodukt beste Ergebnisse durch die ausgewogene Mischung von Widerstandsfähigkeit, stilvollem Äußeren, Brenndauer und Produktleistung erzielt. Bei der Entwicklung unserer Beleuchtungsprodukte wählen wir die besten optischen und elektrischen Bauteile sorgfältig aus, um sicherzustellen, dass sie perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sind, damit Sie auf Knopfdruck ein unvergleichliches Licht-Erlebnis erleben können. Éclairage La marque Yellowstone est à la pointe pour proposer des proposer des produits d’éclairage innovants à tous ceux qui aiment les activités d’extérieur. Nous avons compris qu’une performance optimale pour une solution d’éclairage représente un équilibre entre durabilité, style, durée d’éclairage et efficacité énergétique. Lors du développement de nos solutions d’éclairage, nous sélectionnons avec soin les meilleurs composants optiques et électriques qui s’allieront parfaitement, vous permettant de profiter d’une lumière incroyable. Illuminazione Il marchio Yellowstone è sempre stato all’avanguardia per offrire prodotti innovativi nell’ambito dell’illuminazione agli entusiasti della vita all’aria aperta. Comprendiamo bene che l’ottima prestazione dei prodotti di illuminazione consiste nel giusto equilibrio tra robustezza, durata dell’illuminazione ed efficienza energetica. Quando sviluppiamo i nostri prodotti di illuminazione, scegliamo meticolosamente i migliori componenti ottici ed elettrici in modo che si accompagnino alla perfezione, consentendovi di ottenere un’ottima luce premendo un solo tasto. Iluminación Yellowstone es una marca líder en productos de iluminación innovadores para los amantes de la naturaleza. Somos conscientes de que un buen producto de iluminación debe ofrecer una combinación equilibrada entre resistencia, estética, duración y eficacia. Por este motivo, cuando desarrollamos nuestros productos de iluminación seleccionamos meticulosamente los mejores componentes ópticos y eléctricos para que casen a la perfección y le permitan disfrutar de la mejor luz de la manera más fácil posible.





LT054 Mini Showerproof Charge Lantern

LT055 Mini Showerproof Charge Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Versatile light that charges from a USB. With built in charging light indicator. Waterproof to IP67. USB Strip acts as a hanging hook. Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumes:

ABS / PP / Silicone 8 x 10cm Purple / Pink / White 102g 1000 mAh/3.7V Lithium battery Yes 4 hours on high / 14 hours on low 3 x 0.5W SMD LED 100

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:









Colour Box N/A 10 40

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumes:

ABS / PP / Silicone 8 x 10cm Purple / Pink / White 102g 1000 mAh/3.7V Lithium battery Yes 4 hours on high / 14 hours on low 3 x 0.5W SMD LED 100

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

LT056 Solar Storage LED Light

LT057 Solar Storage LED Light Specification & Features:

3 lighting mode: Low brightness – high brightness – Flash.












Colour Box N/A 10 40

Specification & Features:

Versatile light that can be charged by solar or from the included USB cable. With built in charging light indicator.


Versatile light that can be charged by solar or from the included USB cable. With built in charging light indicator. 3 lighting mode: Low brightness – high brightness – Flash.



Hanging handle attached and foldable bottle body that can be usedN as storage forNyour essentials. Waterproof to IP66.

Hanging handle attached and foldable bottle body that can be used as N storage forNyour essentials. Waterproof to IP66.

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumes:

Material: Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumes:

ABS / Silicone 10 x 17cm Blue 20g 1000 mAh /3.7V Yes 5 hours on high / 12 hours on low 3 x 0.5W SMD LED 100

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Versatile light that charges from a USB. With built in charging light indicator. Waterproof to IP67. USB Strip acts as a hanging hook.

Colour Box N/A 10 40



ABS / Silicone 10 x 17cm Blue 20g 1000 mAh /3.7V Yes 5 hours on high / 12 hours on low 3 x 0.5W SMD LED 100

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 10 40





LT044 Inflatable Solar Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

Can be hung or sat on flat surface. Light and portable. Easy push on / off. 360° Illumination. Supplied with stake for use outdoors & hook for hanging. 16 x 8.5cm with stake – 39 x 8.5cm Black 137g 3 x AAA No 3 – 4 hours (approx) 1 x 5mm White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

Fully waterproof and shatterproof, with a built-in rechargeable battery, all-in-one Luci lanterns hold a charge for up to 12 hours and stay bright all night. Perfect for camping, boating or hiking. 13 x 11cm Clear 110g 800 mA Lithium ion batteries Yes 6 hours (approx) 10 Ultra Bright White LED 80 Lumens

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Flat Colour Box N/A 20 100

LT038 7 LED Multi Purpose Tower Lantern & Fan

LT002 18 LED Tent Light & Fan

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time:

Stylish LED light with a built in fan. Can be run from USB (charger not included). 3 functions – 7 LED / SOS / Flashing. Fan function. Water resistant.

Bulb Type:

37.5 x 9 x 9cm Black 356g 4 x AA No Light 10 hours (approx) Fan 5 - 6 hours Combined light & fan 4 hours 7 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


LT043 1 LED Lantern with ground stake

The most versatile camping LED light with a built in fan. Two speed setting fan. Built in handle with hanging hook. 18 Super bright LED’s. Can hang or stand as a fan or lamp.

Bulb Type:

16.7 x 18.3cm Black 435g 2xD No Light 40 hours (approx) Fan 50 hours low / 25 hours high Combined light & fan 16 hours 18 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 12

Colour Box N/A 12 24



LT037 20 LED Lantern with Radio

LT008 4 LED Wind Up Mini Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Built in AM/FM radio. 360° Illumination. Contemporary design. Torch function. Can be used with DC charger (not supplied). Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

11.5 x 11.5 x 28cm White 376g 3xD No 18 hours (approx) 20 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

6.5 x 20cm Black 180g 3.6V 40 MAH Lithium battery Yes 20 min after 1 min crank 4 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

LT009 12 LED Wind Up Mini Lantern

LT046 LED Blow Lamp

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Works off main charge / batteries / wind up. Rubberised soft touch finish. Compact winding handle. 360° Illumination. Water resistant. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

9.5 x 28cm Black 640g 3.6V 40 MAH Lithium battery Yes 15 min after 1 min crank 3 – 4 hours main charge 12 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Compact winding handle. 360° Illumination. Water resistant.

Colour Box N/A 10 20

This novelty item has all the looks and charm of kerosene lamp, but with a bright and durable LED light. The lamp can be turned off by simply blowing into it, mimicking the old open flame lamps of old. In a fun twist, blowing into the lamp is also how you turn it on. A retro control wheel on the side of the lamp allows you to adjust the brightness for perfect mood lighting. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumes

28 x 9.5cm Clear 233g 3 x AA No 24 hours (approx) 1 x 5 mm Ultra Bright White LED 30 Lumens

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 12 24

LT026 12 LED Mini Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Compact and collapsible design. Packs away for easy storage. Space saving handle. 360° Illumination. Water resistant. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

11 x 15cm Black 410g 3 x AA No 6 – 7 hours (approx) 24 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A 10 20

Adjustable light setting. Nightlight function. Super bright LED’s. 360° Illumination. Soft touch rubber finish. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

9 x 6cm Black 158g 3 x AA Yes 18 hours (approx) 12 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 24

LT004 LED Family Camping Lantern Set

LT045 30 LED Outdoor Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Great lightweight family set. 360° Illumination. Space saving handle. Adjustable Light Setting. Nightlight function.

Versatile camping LED light. 360° Illumination. Contemporary design. Bright white LED bulbs. Adjustable light setting.


Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

Large Lantern - 11 x 25cm Small Lantern - 8 x 14cm Metallic Blue Colour: Large Lantern - 418g Weight: Small Lantern – 184g 3 x D & 3 x AA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 18 hours (approx) Burn Time: Large - 18 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Colour Box N/A N/A 4


LT001 24 LED Telescopic Lantern

12 x 12 x 22cm Black / Red 360g 3xD No 10 hours (approx) 30 LED x 5 mm Ultra Bright White LED 100

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU N/A 12 24



LT040 Small Krypton Focus Beam Lantern

LT041 Large Krypton Focus Beam Lantern

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Rotary switch for focussing light from spot to wide beam. Adjustable carry handle. Fold out adjustable stand. Water resistant with bump resistant base. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

72 x 147cm Yellow / Black 172g 4 x AA No 5 hours (approx) Krypton 50

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

102 x 179cm Yellow / Black 332g 4 x AA No 5 hours (approx) Krypton 50

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 8 8 48

Swing Tag & CDU 6 6 36

LT048 Hanging Camping Tent Light

LT018 1 LED Mini Clamp Light

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Rotary switch for focussing light from spot to wide beam. Adjustable carry handle. Fold out adjustable stand. Water resistant with bump resistant base. This camping tent light with lampshade is ideal to use inside the tent, can be hung from the pole or a hook. Lights up your tent leaving your hands free Can be widely used for camping, boating, fishing, and much more. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:


Rotary switch for focussing light from spot to wide beam. Adjustable carry handle. Fold out adjustable stand. Water resistant with bump resistant base.

11.5 x 5.5 x 12cm Black 100g 3 x AA No 4 hours (approx) 36 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED 80

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Clamshell N/A N/A 24

Can be used in a variety of uses, as a reading light, nightlight or even as a worklight. 100° Tilt and 360° Swivel Function. Will clamp to most items. Sturdy ABS body. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

3.5 x 10cm Green / Graphite 43g 3 x LR44 Yes 24 hours (approx) 1 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED 10

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Clamshell& CDU 12 12 48

LT047 Multifunction Camping Light

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Fold down mesh shade. 360° Illumination. Compacts down. 3 light settings. Open - 8.5 x 13cm Closed – 8.5 x 5cm Black with Green Band Colour: Black with Blue Band Black with Yellow Band Black with Red Band 125g Weight: 3 x AA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 8 hours (approx) Burn Time: 3 W LED Bulb Type: Dimensions:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

This dome shaped camping tent light is ideal to use inside the tent, can be hung from the pole or a hook. Can also be used as a handheld lantern or a guide light outside the tent. Ideal for camping, boating, fishing, and much more. 102 x 179cm Black with Green Band Black with Orange Band 88g Weight: 3 x AA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 16 hours (approx) Burn Time: 3 x 5050 SMD LED Bulb Type: 80 Lumens: Dimensions: Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Hang Tag & CDU 12 12 72

LT039 6 + 1 LED Multi Function Clip Light

LT049 Mushroom Light

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour:

Dimensions: Colour:

3 functions 1 LED /3 LED /6LED. Slim design for maximum portability. Carabina clip designed to easily clip on tents and anywhere else you need it. 14.5 x 4cm White Red Green Blue 66g Weight: 4 x AAA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 5 hours (approx) Burn Time: 6 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: 25 – Torch / 50 - Side Lumens: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


LT036 3 W Telescopic Lantern

This mushroom shaped camping lantern is a versatile light. Can also be used as a handheld torch or a stand alone table light. Ideal for camping, boating, fishing, and much more. 7.5 x 7.5 x 10cm Black Blue Green 102g Weight: 3 x AAA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 15 hours (approx) Burn Time: 19 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: 50 Lumens:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Hang Tag & CDU 16 16 64

Blister Card & CDU 12 12 48



LT021 Lumiglow 9 LED Flashlight

LT022 9 LED Rubber Flashlight

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

9 x 2.5 x 2.5cm Orange Pink Green Blue 55g Weight: 3 x AAA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Yes 18 hours (approx) Burn Time: 9 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

Glow in the dark outer casing. Knurled barrel for extra grip. Soft touch rubber finish. Lanyard included. Dimensions: Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 16 16 48

9.5 x 3 x 3cm Black 42g 3 x AAA Yes 18 hours (approx) 9 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48

LT050 1 W Lantern

LT028 Snap & Shake Light Stick – Display box

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

Can be used as a lantern or torch. 360° Illumination. Compacts down. Hanging hook for hands free use. 5.3 x 3.3 x 11.5/16.5 cm Black with Green Band Black with Orange Band Black with Pink Band 75g Weight: 3 x AAA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 15 hours (approx) Burn Time: 1 x mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: 50 Lumens: Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Perfect for keeping in your car, handbag or pocket. Water resistant. Soft touch rubber finish. Lanyard included.

Hang Tag & CDU 16 16 64

4 bright colours for maximum visibility – Yellow – Blue – Green – Orange. Ideal for camping or festivals. Last upt 8 hours. Simple snap and shake to activate. Neck ribbon included. 3.5 x 10cm Green / Graphite 43g 3 x LR44 Yes 24 hours (approx) 1 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED 10

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Swing Tag & CDU 24 24 96

LT053 LED Band

LT042 3 in 1 Flashlight

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

A high visibility aid for the dark night's. Designed for runners, walkers and cyclists, the adjustable LED will ensure that you are safe and seen whilst out and about. Capable of being seen from up to half a mile away, the adjustable LED band can be attached to the arm, ankle or bag using the Velcro strap. Can be used either as a constant light or a repeated flash. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

32.5 x 4 x 1.5cm Clear 43g 2 x CR2032 Yes 48 hours (approx) 2 X 5mm Ultra Bright Red LED 20

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 72

A high visibility aid for the dark night's. Designed for runners, walkers and cyclists, the adjustable LED will ensure that you are safe and seen whilst out and about. The adjustable LED strap can be attached to the arm, ankle or bag. Can be used either as a constant light or a repeated flash, Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type: Lumens:

9 x 7 x 4cm Black 29g 2 x CR2032 Yes 48 hours (approx) 2 x 3mm Ultra Bright Red LED 20

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 24 24 96

Works as a flashlight / Bicycle Light /Head Lamp. Bright white LED bulbs. Adjustable head strap for comfort. Compact and lightweight. 13.5 x 3.5 x 8cm Orange Yellow 79g Weight: 3 x AAA Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: No 5 – 6 hours (approx) Burn Time: 3 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: Dimensions: Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


LT052 Adjustable LED Safety Band

Swing Tag & CDU 12 12 48


LT051 3 LED Headtorch

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

9 x 2.5 x 2.5cm Silver / Red 30g 2 x CR2032 3V Button Cell Yes 20 hours (approx) 5 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 48

26.5 x 4 x 3cm Blue Orange 32g Weight: 2 x CR2032 Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Yes 50 hours (approx) Burn Time: 3 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED Bulb Type: 40 Lumens: Dimensions: Colour:

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 72

LT012 8 + 2 LED Head Torch

LT014 19 LED Head Torch

LT011 Anti Glare 2 + 1 LED Mini Head Torch

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Specification & Features:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

3 functions: 4 LED white / 8 LED white / 2 LED red. Red LED for reduced glare night vision. Adjustable head strap for maximum comfort. Adjustable torch angle. Soft rubberised finish. 7.8 x 4.3 x 5.5cm Black 89g 3 x AAA Yes 60 hours (approx) 8 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED 2 x 5mm Reduced Glare Red LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:


Adjustable head strap for maximum comfort. Bright LED. Bright appealing colours. Compact and lightweight. Blue

3 functions: 5 LED white / 5 LED white flash / 5 LED white flicker. Fold down red lens for reduced glare night vision. Adjustable head strap for maximum comfort. Adjustable torch angle. Compact and lightweight.



LT010 5 LED Mini Head Torch

Blister Pack & CDU 6 6 24

4 functions: 1 LED white / 7 LED white / 19 LED white / 19 LED white flashing. Adjustable head strap for maximum comfort. Adjustable torch angle. Soft rubberised finish. 8 x 8 x 4cm Black 45g 3 x AAA No 6 hours (approx) 19 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 6 6 12

2 functions: 2 LED white / 1 LED red. Red LED for reduced glare night vision. Adjustable head strap for maximum comfort.Adjustable torch angle. Soft rubberised finish. Compact and lightweight. Dimensions: Colour: Weight: Battery Type: Battery Inlcuded: Burn Time: Bulb Type:

7.5 x 4 x 4.5cm Black 38g 3 x AAA Yes 70 hours (approx) 2 x 5mm Ultra Bright White LED 1 x 5mm Reduced Glare Red LED

Packaging Type: CDU Quantity: Inner Box Quantity: Carton Quantity:

Blister Pack & CDU 12 12 48

FORAS SPORT BV Pampuslaan 59 1382 JM Weesp Netherlands

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+31(0) 850091744

Brands By

Hilly’s Kitchen

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