Rental March/April 2025

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Propane Generators Are Ready and Reliable, No Matter What the Season Brings

When extreme weather, unplanned power outages, or other disruptions impact your building schedule, propane backup power stands as the reliable, a ordable, and environmentally friendly choice to get the job done. No matter your project’s needs, propane power generation keeps your operation running, ensuring readiness without the concerns of fuel degradation that come with gasoline or diesel. Ask your local rental company for propane-powered generators and other propane products to discover the di erence they can make in your projects today.

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Women in Rental

Sharing the voice of four women within the rental industry: Alyssa Billings, Nicole Bourget, Kara Longmire, and Jenny Smith Price.


5 Skid Steer Attachments to Maximize Project Versatility

Savvy renters know they don’t need every attachment available for their compact equipment—just the ones that increase versatility and provide a healthy ROI.


Top Considerations for Customers: The Portable Air Compressor

Use these to help customers select the right unit for their needs.


Lithium Battery Safety: New Rules for New Technology

Most issues with lithium batteries aren’t random. While they bring tremendous value, there are challenges for safety that can’t be ignored.


Top 8 Things to Look for in a New Rental Software Provider

Taking the chance on switching could lead to thrilling new opportunities and a smoother journey ahead.

Despite rental doing more with less, projections indicate growth in some sectors and a settling in others.

Share your story with Rental

Products Equipment, attachments, tools, and more.

Rental Snapshot

Family to Jobsite: Art’s Rental Equipment, Inc.

Eye on Rental The State of the Rental Industry & More Importantly Your Company!

Share Your Story With Rental Snapshot

In a way to reach out, share the point of view of readers, and get to know stores one at a time, Rental aims to include an inside look at an independent equipment and tool rental store through what we affectionately call “Rental Snapshot”—a Q&A article featuring you, your company, and your insight.

We are now looking for you. If you’re interested in participating, please email me at Should we select you and your rental company to profile, we’ll send over a short set of questions about your experiences, your business, and your expectations for the upcoming year, plus something to help everyone get to know you better and break that ice at networking events.


Editor Jonathan Kozlowski jkozlowski@Iron.Markets

Managing Editor Gigi Wood gwood@Iron.Markets

Junior Editor Merina Shriver mshriver@Iron.Markets


Audience Development Director Angela Franks


Senior Production Manager Cindy Rusch crusch@Iron.Markets

Art Director Flatworld Solutions


Brand Director Sean Dunphy sdunphy@Iron.Markets

Each Q&A will be published online at RentalSnapshot

How did this section come to pass? Great question. Thank you for asking. Originally called Rental Perspectives, the very first profile was back in Rental October/November 2021, written by former-editor Alexis Sheprak. In that article she interviewed Patrick Peruchietti, the owner of The Rental Branch out of St. Joseph, Michigan. A few issues later the series continued telling the stories of rental shops from around the country. We spoke with Jimmy Viestenz at Fairchild Equipment up in Green Bay, Wisconsin (March 2022), Andrew Heesacker, president and CEO of Arvada Rent-Alls from Arvada, Colorado (March 2023), and even connected with our northern neighbors to share the story of Johnny and Marko Dragicevic of CanLift Equipment Ltd. up in Canada (October 2024). Each of these interviews remain online. In this issue, page 32, we meet John Carney of Art’s Rental Equipment Inc. out of Newport, Kentucky. The company started in 1967 by Arthur Arlinghaus. His six sons now run the company with 16 locations between Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana.

• Share your company’s story—you likely have more of a unique story than you believe.

• Others may be experiencing the same challenges you’ve already worked through. Sharing your experience (and maybe some advice) may very well help someone else.

• Online presence. Each participating company involved receives a company page that includes your website, social media pages, address, contact information, etc.

• Finally, participation in Rental Snapshot comes at no cost to you; just a bit of your time.

We’re excited to continue Rental Snapshot and feature independent equipment and general tool rental businesses like yours—these stories put a face to the issues that shops like yours face day-to-day. If you’re keen on allowing fellow readers know more about you, contact us when you’re ready. We’ll be in touch.

Appreciate you taking the time. Thanks for reading.

As always, stay safe out there.


Stay up to date on the latest happenings across the rental industry. Subscribe to our e-newsletters Rental Watch, Rental Market Watch, Power Rental, and IPAF Elevating Safety. Use the QR code to stay informed on what’s going on around the industry.

Brand Manager, OEM & Construction Nikki Lawson nlawson@Iron.Markets

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Brand Manager, OEM & Construction Nikki Lawson nlawson@Iron.Markets

Women of Rental

Sharing the voice of four women within the rental industry: Alyssa Billings, Nicole Bourget, Kara Longmire, and Jenny Smith Price.

While the demographic remains a minority in the industry, women are a pivotal group throughout general equipment and tool rental on both the business and manufacturer side. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2024 data, 11.2% of women are employed in the construction industry (up from 10.3% in 2021). While this isn’t a meteoric gain this increase is something to be recognized and celebrated. In recognition of this key minority of the general equipment and tool rental industry, Rental connected with a few women to share their insight:

• Alyssa Billings, manager of market logistics operations - PNW, of Sunbelt Rentals;

• Nicole Bourget, manager of key accounts service team - western region, of Sunbelt Rentals;

• Kara Longmire, CMA, CSCA, co-president and CEO of Alert Rental; and

• Jenny Smith Price, president of sales and operations at KATO Compact Excavator Sales.

Q. How is 2024/2025 different as compared to years past?

Billings: Today, more women are in the industry and there are more opportunities to be promoted. Women have a good career trajectory, and we need to keep heading in the right direction. Early in my career, it was a bit harder to prove myself but I worked hard to do it and succeed. Now that we have resources, like WISE (Women – Inspired. Supported. Empowered.) at Sunbelt Rentals, there is a real value that I’ve found in the networking opportunities, just meeting other people and growing together, and that inspires confidence.

Bourget: In the past, I think it was a bit more challenging to be taken seriously in my knowledge and experience. Over time, I’ve proven myself and have customers who think it’s fantastic that I know their business. And there are just more women in the industry and more diversity being seen out there. Sunbelt Rentals has always supported women in this industry, which is why I came here. The addition of WISE has also provided a support system for women at Sunbelt Rentals where we can connect, mentor each other and be a touchstone for women in the industry. That’s a welcome employee resource that we didn’t have in the past.

Longmire: Even in 2025, it’s still challenging to be a woman in a leadership position. Recently, while switching payroll providers, a man insisted on confirming my decision with my business partner—who is also a woman, though he didn’t know that. As the CEO, I can’t imagine a man in my position being second-guessed like that. Also in 2024, at a seminar on loss prevention, the speaker actually suggested that attendees should question why a woman would be renting equipment— implying she was likely to steal it. I was stunned. It was a stark reminder of the biases we still face.

Q. What is happening that is getting more women involved in rental?

Billings: Companies are realizing that if they want to fill skilled labor positions, or any position, they must widen their net. They’re understanding more the value of having a diversity of candidates. Also, the more women that we see enter the construction industry, the more we will see the opportunity in the rental industry, too. It’s a good pipeline from one industry to the next.

Alyssa Billings, Manager, Market Logistics Operations – PNW, Sunbelt Rentals
Nicole Bourget, Manager, Key Accounts Service Team – Western Region, Sunbelt Rentals


When you’ve got a job that requires a site to be prepped or cleared, you need attachments you can trust to get the job done right the first time. At Blue Diamond Attachments, we’ve got your back.

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Bourget: I believe that more women are seeing other women in the rental industry. A lot of our current coworkers know that we work in an inclusive workplace, that we do have the opportunity for growth and that you’re happy that you can create a career out of it. It’s not just a job and it’s not just a nine to five. Other women want to be involved in that, too.

Price: I think the American Rental Association is doing a fantastic job with its “Born For This” campaign. They are also going into high schools and colleges and having these conversations. I do think that’s making a difference, which I love. I try to do those things as well. We go to our local high school and do interviews with high school students and talk about who they need to be to make their dreams happen. I think it’s really important that we all get involved locally, whatever that looks like.

Q. What was the best advice you received?

Billings: Assume good intentions on the part of others, even when you’re in a situation that may feel unfair. That gives me the confidence to call them in and have conversations about the situation in a way that’s not judgmental and learn where they’ve come from.

Bourget: Be genuine in what you do and know your strengths and your skills, but learn the gear, learn the industry and make it your own. Don’t fit into a box. Be unique. Be a little bit different in how you approach the situation. Broaden people’s horizons. Show them that diversity is out there and is a great thing. And be confident, not just in your employment, but also in your personal life.

Longmire: Trust your instincts, speak up, and don’t wait for permission to lead.

Price: My dad said the best advice he ever received is that you treat people the way that you want to be treated. He founded our business on that and we have continued on that. I think it makes a difference. I treat my employees the way that they want to be treated. I treat my customers the way that I expect to be treated. It’s created relationships across the board that are strong because there is a mutual respect for everyone’s achievements, their questions, and their disagreements. If they disagree with me, I absolutely want to hear it and I want them to tell me why.

Q. What advice do you have for independent rental stores?

Billings: I think any advice for larger rental businesses would also apply to independent rental stores. When you diversify your team, it allows you to also diversify your customers and be successful.

Longmire: Women make up half of your potential customers and employees—don’t overlook them. Offering weekend workshops on your inventory is an easy way to engage more women in the industry. Many of us want to learn, but we’ve been told for too long that this industry isn’t for us. Be the business that changes that.

Price: Create a relationship with your customer where they know that they can always trust you and what you say. If they trust you, they’re always going to come back to you. Create an environment where your customer doesn’t want to go anyplace else. Internally, create an environment where they respect you.

Hire people who are on the same page with you. People who are going to represent you and your company in the exact same fashion. They’re an extension of you. If your customer is talking one employee, they need to get the exact same answer and the exact same customer service from everyone. Valuing your employees so that they create an environment that your customers want to come back.

Be open minded. The first thing you need to look for is a little bit of hunger. If they’re willing to get out there and push themselves no matter what, that’s a great salesman. You can cultivate that person any way that you want, but they’ve got to be willing to do that.

Look at their character, who they are, and what they’ve been doing before. Be willing to take the risk, put them under your wing, and mentor them. Don’t get yourself in a box of “he or she must have sold this, this and this,” or, that it had to be industry related. I don’t think that’s true. Be willing to pivot and surround yourself with good talent, no matter what that looks like.

Q. What message do you have for the women already in rental?

Billings: Be yourself. Don’t change for the industry. You can be 100% yourself, 100% woman and thrive in what is perceived to be a man’s world.

Bourget: Be confident in yourself, your wins, and your abilities. Any role you want, you can do it. Know that about yourself and other people will follow suit.

Longmire: Keep at it. We shouldn’t have to work twice as hard to prove ourselves—but until that changes, let’s continue showing up, supporting each other, and making space for the next generation of women in rental.

Price: Be sure of what you’re saying. You are the first person that’s going to take yourself seriously. Once you take yourself seriously, I think that that says a lot. You have to walk in the room and act like you’re somebody because you are—your opinion matters. Put your opinion out there and continue to do the right thing.

Kara Longmire, CMA, CSCA, Co-President and CEO of Alert Rental
Jenny Smith Price, President of Sales and Operations, KATO Compact Excavator Sales


Autonomous technology, particularly when added to offhighway equipment, is critical for improving several sectors of the diesel industry. As technology advances, it only makes sense for off-highway vehicles to follow suit, bringing several perks along the way.

➊ Enhances Safety Measures

By removing some employee responsibilities, such as the need to be in unstable environments, autonomous technology helps to prevent and avoid accidents through remote-controlled vehicles or improved driver support. This has been a revolutionary change within the industry that has shaped the way safety is viewed and improved the standards for employees.

➋ Improves Accuracy

GPS-guided and self-operating machines are beneficial in risky fields like mining, as humans no longer need to put themselves in dangerous or difficult situations. Remote controlled equipment allows better decision-making and reach, enhancing precision and accuracy.

➌ Reduces Costs

Autonomous heavy-duty equipment is meant to provide a long-term return on investment, lowering operational costs and human oversight. As industry collaborations grow, it’s foreseeable that autonomous technology will become a standard add-on for customers with specific vehicles and equipment, leading to lower operational costs and increased support once sold.

➍ Keeps Up with Innovation

Unavoidable technological advancements, labor shortages, and cost reduction needs are all part of the reason autonomous technology is becoming essential for businesses to keep up with. By filling the gaps where companies fall behind, autonomous technology gives smaller businesses a chance to compete with more prominent companies in terms of speed, accuracy, and labor.

For more information on off-highway technology and diagnostic solutions, be sure to visit us at

State of the Industry 2025

Despite rental doing more with less, projections indicate growth in some sectors and a settling in others.

The entire construction industry has been tasked to continue to do business with less. Professional contractors are struggling with a challenged labor market, homeowners face high interest rates, and wages aren’t keeping up with the price of goods. All of these factors plus many more are pushing everyone to do more with less.

Yet, there’s optimism. For independent general equipment and tool rental stores, markets like these tend to present an opportunity for rentals as homeowners and pros alike may not find it justifiable to purchase equipment for occasional use. The expectations and projections report growth.

According to John Jeanguenat, Vice President for the Equipment Segment at the American Rental Association (ARA), the most popular requests from rental stores are industry-specific training/

education, workforce development, government advocacy and theft prevention. He says that the ARA have addressed these by developing several industryspecific certifications in recent years. They’ve also helped rental companies hire by developing tools to recruit qualified employees. The ARA Job Portal connects members job postings with jobseekers through partner sites like CareerBuilder, Monster, Circa and Hire Veterans.

Reports from the ARA tell a story of continued growth for the equipment rental industry in 2025—albeit at a moderated pace compared to previous years. Tim Morris, the chief commercial officer at JLG, attributes this to several factors: fluctuations in economic conditions causing potential slowdowns in certain construction segments, which may influence demand for certain types of rental equipment, and inflationary pressures from rising costs impacting profit margins,

underscoring the challenges posed by inflation.

“While the equipment rental industry will likely experience moderate growth in 2025,” says Morris, “strategic adaptations that focus on technological innovation (integrating digital solutions and sustainable practices to drive operational efficiency and open new market opportunities) and sustained infrastructure investments (ongoing government initiatives are expected to bolster demand for rental equipment) are expected to support its continued expansion.”

Likewise, Jeanguenat says the supply chain is starting to balance out. The industry has swung from an excess demand to excess supply. Manufacturer production seems to have returned to normal after the flattening of demand in 2023/2024—leaving the industry swinging back to supply. “In 2025, I would expect the supply chain to get back closer to a

normal supply-demand balance,” he says.

Matt Nelson, director of municipal business at Diamond Mowers, is seeing a more stable supply chain: “The supply chain is generally normalized now, with lead times and availability similar to preCOVID times.”

Jeff Young, senior director of strategic accounts at the Bobcat Company shares in Nelson’s optimism for the year: “We anticipate little industry contraction in 2025 and expect trends to remain steady.”

The growth outlook for the U.S. GDP in 2025 ranges from 1.9 to 2.5 percent.

According to “Voice of Customer Surveys” conducted in Q4 of 2024, Noregon found that 37% of shops and 27% of fleets reported a positive outlook for the trucking industry while 62% of shops and 56% of fleets reported a positive outlook for their shops (independent repair facilities, dealerships, and fleets’ in-house repair shops). Sandeep Kar, chief strategy officer

at Noregon Systems LLC explains that these numbers may be because a weak outlook for the trucking industry means fleets will delay equipment purchase decisions which will result in more frequent service and maintenance demands emanating from existing equipment.

“This also implies that fleets will continue relying on rental equipment to operate with a CAPEX-Light business model,” he says.

Several sectors within the construction industry are projected to experience notable growth in the coming year.

• Residential Construction: After a period of decline, the residential sector is anticipated to rebound. This resurgence is attributed to sustained demand for suburban and rural housing.

• Nonresidential Construction: The nonresidential segment is expected to grow, particularly through significant investments projected in healthcare and educational facilities. These investments are being driven by the need to modernize infrastructure for expanding and aging populations. Additionally, the rise of data centers and technology hubs is fueling demand for advanced

digital infrastructure.

• Infrastructure Development: Government initiatives, such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), will contribute to growth in this sector.

• Technological Integration: The adoption of advanced technologies, including augmented reality , drones, modular construction and artificial intelligence, is transforming construction practices. These innovations aim to improve efficiency, address labor shortages and reduce costs.

• Sustainability and Prefabrication: There’s an increasing emphasis on sustainable building practices and prefabricated components.

Morris expects that with increased construction activity, the demand for rental equipment should rise largely because long-term rental contracts provide a costeffective alternative for construction firms looking to avoid high capital investment costs. “By expanding rental equipment offerings to include modern, highdemand equipment, including electric machines, independent rental companies can position themselves to take full advantage of the construction boom and drive long-term profitability,” he says. However, although non-residential spending was up in 2024 in the private sector, reports from the Associated Builders & Contractors forecast that some segments within this market are projected to slow down or stabilize in 2025: the construction of large, privately-owned spaces such as data center and warehouse construction due to space saturation and a temporary slowdown in e-commerce growth. The growth in manufacturing construction is expected to stabilize with major projects being completed coupled with economic uncertainties inspiring a more cautious approach to new investments.

Morris explains: “Various economic and market factors contributing to the decline in these segments include:



• Tighter Credit Conditions: Increased interest rates and stricter lending standards have made financing new projects more challenging, leading to delays or cancellations;

• Rising Construction Costs: Inflation and tariffs on materials has escalated overall expenses, causing some developers to postpone or scale back projects;

• Declining Commercial Property Values: Weak demand in certain markets has decreased property values, reducing the incentive for new commercial developments; and

• Supply Chain Disruptions: Ongoing supply chain issues have delayed obtaining essential materials and equipment, further hindering project timelines and increasing costs.

The effect of high interest rates on the rental industry included a situation where it was more expensive to acquire assets and tighter budgets caused more caution in spending which slowed construction projects which—in turn— reduced rental demand in some sectors. Inflation and high financing costs also limited rental company’s profit margins causing some to absorb the cost or raise prices to customers.

However, Morris says there’s a positive side. Higher interest rates have reinforced the demand for rental equipment instead of purchasing new; companies with wellmaintained fleets were able to capitalize.

“Looking forward, rental demand is expected to remain strong in 2025,” says Morris. “As long as borrowing costs

remain elevated, more construction firms will choose to rent rather than buy, benefiting rental companies. This could limit equipment availability, leading to potential rental rate increases. Also, government-backed infrastructure projects, which are less affected by interest rate hikes, will continue driving demand for rental equipment. Companies that align with public works projects will be more insulated from economic downturns.”

The ARA’s Rentalytics forecasting data also sees continued but slowing growth for the equipment rental industry. They forecast between 5 to 6% in the U.S. and slightly more for Canada (7 to 8%).

Jeanguenat explains that this growth comes from. “Interest rate increases in 2023 and 2024 increased financing costs for equipment purchases and reduced consumer demand because there was a slowdown in construction and development (especially in residential construction). Interest rates have slowly decreased over the last 6 months, and there is uncertainty about where interest rates will go in 2025. There is optimism that lower interest rates to start 2025 will spur construction and development and, in turn, demand for rental equipment,” he says.

Watch interest rate and inflation trends for any chance of balancing out. If inflation returns to historically-normal levels and interest rates decline, Jeanguenat says he expects to see an increase in new equipment purchases in 2025 and beyond.


5 Skid Steer Attachments to Maximize Project Versatility

Savvy renters know they don’t need every attachment available for their compact equipment—just the ones that increase versatility and provide a healthy ROI.


Root Grapple: A root grapple is the perfect tool for effortlessly handling debris, rocks, logs, and other materials on jobsites. This attachment is ideal for penetrating the ground, ripping up roots, and leaving a clear surface behind. The grapple component allows operators to securely grip and transport bulky items with ease. Whether it’s clearing land, removing vegetation, or performing site cleanup, a root grapple ensures efficient material handling while minimizing manual labor and equipment wear. To maximize ROI, look for root grapples that offer an optimal power-to-weight ratio. With efficient engineering, manufacturers are able to offer durable yet lighter grapples that reserve more of the carrier’s capacity for the load.


Stump Bucket & Grapple: These combine the benefits of a grapple and carrier breakout force. A narrow nose and serrated edges allow renters to dig deep into the ground, while the powerful grapple securely grasps the stump for extraction that’s easier on the carrier and the operator. Additionally, the grapple feature enables the attachment to handle various materials, expanding its utility beyond stump removal to include debris cleanup and land clearing operations. Stump bucket grapples can sometimes be a challenge to spec. They might be too light for difficult removal applications or too heavy for current compact equipment. Look for an optimal power-to-weight ratio to maximize productivity.


Severe-Duty Bucket: Buckets are probably the most widely used skid steer attachment. However, all buckets are not created equal; the right duty level can increase service life and ROI. Severe-duty buckets are engineered to withstand the toughest conditions encountered in construction and landscaping tasks. With reinforced steel construction and cutting edges, this bucket is built to handle heavy-duty materials such as concrete, gravel and asphalt. Its durability and strength make it ideal for excavation, grading and loading applications, allowing customers to tackle projects with confidence.

A severe-duty bucket for demanding applications can provide longevity and reliability, ultimately leading to high productivity. Options in this category also ensure a long service life with features like laser-cut steel and robot welding.


Auger: Buckets and grapples can increase versatility in a wide range of applications. But doing more with less is just one way savvy rental companies are optimizing their fleet of attachments. As construction and landscape professionals diversify their service offerings, many are finding augers to be a wise investment. Augers can be employed in a number of drilling and digging applications, from fencing and deck building to tree planting. A choice of drive system allows operators to tailor the attachment to their intended use and geological area for a smarter investment. Additionally,

a wide range of bit sizes means more opportunities with the same base auger.

To make the most of your investment, look for features like connect-under-pressure couplers that make hooking up easy and have the capability to stand up to harsh treatment. It’s also recommended to look for an auger model with self-aligning vertical accuracy. This unique joint between the mounting frame and drive unit ensures straight, vertical holes even while working on contoured, sloped or uneven ground.


Sweeper Bucket: While it might not be at the top of every customer’s attachment wish list, adding a sweeper bucket attachment to your lineup offers a convenient solution for sweeping and collecting dirt, debris and other materials from paved surfaces, sidewalks and parking lots for a cleaner, safer and better-looking jobsite. Equipped with durable bristles, this attachment efficiently sweeps and deposits collected material into a designated area or container.

Sweeper buckets with height adjustment systems and reversible cutting edges tend to offer a longer service life and better ROI. Adding a gutter brush accessory can also minimize manual cleanup needs.

Top Considerations for Customers: The Portable Air Compressor

Use these to help customers select the right unit for their needs.

Portable air compressors are versatile worksite tools that are used in a wide range of applications on construction and industrial sites to smaller home improvement projects and automotive repairs. Renting these assets can maximize productivity while allowing customers to try out the equipment before committing to a purchase. When renting a portable air compressor, there are several important considerations that customer’s should be aware of to ensure that they select the right unit for their needs.


One of the most important considerations when renting a portable air compressor is the air pressure and flow rate that the equipment can deliver. Different applications require different levels of air pressure and flow, so it’s

essential to match the compressor’s specifications to the requirements of the specific task. Consider the tools or equipment that your customers will be using with the compressor and ensure that it can provide the necessary air pressure and flow rate.

Air pressure with a lower cfm (cubic feet per minute) rating can support applications such as powering pneumatic tools, sandblasting/surface prep, painting, and winterizing irrigation systems. A higher cfm rating may be necessary for industrial and heavy-duty applications including industrial sandblasting, largescale painting applications, or serving as an industrial systems backup.


Unique needs can have a significant impact on air compressor selection. Applications

near waterways and tasks that require fine surface finishes, such as steel painting, typically require oil-free air. These applications will need a rental unit that can offer Instrument Quality Air, preventing downstream contamination of paint finishes or even damage to sensitive equipment.

If an air compressor is used for more than one type of application on a jobsite, dual pressure/dual flow air compressors deliver the pressure and flow options typical of two units in a single air compressor. Operators can change from a low-pressure to a high-pressure setting with one machine. The added versatility and productivity lowers costs and adds value to any jobsite.

For smaller and residential renovation projects such as boring under concrete or blowing out an irrigation system, a portable air compressor will provide significantly enhanced productivity and power compared

Images courtesy of Doosan Bobcat


to a shop compressor. While it can be tempting to “over-power” by selecting a higher CFM, renters should be mindful that matching power to task is best.


Portable air compressors come in various sizes, from compact handheld units to larger towable, wheeled models. For most jobs, a free air delivery between 185-425 cfm is the ideal range to not under- or over-power the task.

Consider portability and how easily the compressor can be transported to and around your customer’s jobsite. For instance, if they’ll need to move the compressor between different locations or work at remote sites, a smaller and more portable unit may be more suitable.


When renting a portable air compressor, ensure customers are aware of maintenance requirements and any support services you

provide. Ensure that the equipment is wellmaintained and in good working condition before renting it and inquire about any available technical support or assistance in case of issues during the rental period.


Likely, renters will be considering the fact that they’ll be using an air compressor for a one-time job or if they’ll have ongoing projects that require it. They’ll be evaluating the costs of ongoing rentals versus purchasing the equipment as part of their fleet.


While all the considerations above touch on sound operation and use procedures, the importance of safety around portable air compressor units cannot be overstated. When renting a machine, ensure to provide a thorough overview of the machine’s operation, as well as any safety considerations. Operators

should treat these units as seriously as they do other jobsite equipment.

Make sure customers keep the unit in a location with clean, dry inlet air and on a level, dry surface. Operators should perform a walk-around inspection to make sure hoses, power supply and fuel levels are optimal. They should wear appropriate protective gear, which includes safety goggles, gloves and hearing protection when working near and around portable air compressor units.

Renting a portable air compressor can be a great way to maximize efficiency. By evaluating these key considerations, you can help your customers select the most suitable portable air compressor for their needs and ensure the successful completion of the work.

Product Manager Bobcat Co.
Cody Blythe
Inside the Doosan C185 air compressor.
Bobcat Co.


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With a wide range of high-quality parts, fast delivery times, and a constantly expanding inventory, TVH ensures you get the parts and accessories you need, when you need them. Trust our in-house experts and extensive selection to keep your equipment running smoothly and efficiently.


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The Link-Belt X4S line elevates performance with operator comfort, efficiency, and safety advancements.

• Increased Power: Up to a 17% increase in horsepower compared to previous models.

• Fuel Efficiency: Up to a 19% improvement in fuel economy.

• Enhanced Visibility: Standard WAVES system provides a 270° birds-eye view.

• Customized Controls: Tailor joystick controls to your preferences.

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• Hydraulic Precision: A custom Flow Balance system allows operators to prioritize hydraulic functions.

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• Telematics and GPS: Combines technology for machine utilization and operational information.

• Theft Prevention: 24-hour surveillance and geofencing capabilities.

• Remote Monitoring: Track machine location, performance, working status, and maintenance needs.

• Comprehensive Reporting: Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports for improved management.

• No Subscription Fees: RemoteCARE is included at no extra cost.

Warranty and Parts Support:

• Extended Warranty: A 5-year/5,000-hour transferable warranty protects your investment.

• Transferable Warranty: Upon registration, the warranty can be transferred to a new owner, enhancing a machine’s resale value.

• 24/7 Parts Availability: Link-Belt Parts Distribution Center in Lexington, Kentucky, provides 24/7 access to parts, 365 days a year.

Choose Link-Belt Excavators for durability, efficiency, and long-term partnership. Find a dealer near you.

Lithium Battery Safety: New Rules for New Technology

Most issues with lithium batteries aren’t random. While they bring tremendous value along with new challenges for safety that can’t be ignored.

Lithium batteries have become indispensable, powering everything from handheld tools such as cutoff saws and drills to larger equipment such as scissor lifts and track loaders. High energy density, lightweight design and efficiency make them the preferred choice over older technologies. They offer contractors significant advantages in mobility and productivity. The use of these batteries is growing rapidly, with the global demand expected to increase seven-fold by 2030.

On jobsites, lithium batteries support lightweight, portable tools while delivering the energy needed for demanding tasks. Their compact size, fast charging ability, and cold weather tolerance make them ideal for keeping up with tight schedules. Larger battery systems used in heavy equipment also reduce reliance on traditional fuels to lower costs and emissions. These capable batteries bring tremendous

value along with new challenges for safety that can’t be ignored.

Unique Risks of Lithium Batteries

Lithium batteries have a chemical composition with different risks than other energy sources. Unlike traditional batteries, lithium batteries can experience a phenomenon known as thermal runaway. This is a rapid chain reaction, triggered by overheating, that leads to extreme fires and explosions. Worse, these fires generate their own oxygen which makes them incredibly difficult to put out using the standard methods. Malfunction or damage can release hazardous chemicals, such as hydrofluoric acid, and pose a serious health risk to workers. Things can escalate quickly if something goes wrong. These unique hazards demand extra vigilance and specialized safety measures for responsible handling.

Most issues stem from predictable causes that are most often linked to handling or charging practices. Understanding these common causes emphasizes the importance of proper handling, storage, and quality control. Strong prevention and precautionary safety measures greatly reduce the risks.

• Electrical overload is a common concern. Using non-original chargers or trying to recharge batteries that are deeply discharged can lead to problems. Overcharging generates excessive heat, pushing the battery beyond its limits and increasing the likelihood of failure.

• Mechanical damage is another common cause. Batteries can sustain serious internal damage when dropped, crushed, or impacted during handling or transport. Even if the damage is not immediately visible, deformed cells increase the likelihood of internal short circuits, which can lead to fires.

• Thermal stress is another serious concern. Storing batteries in direct sunlight, near heat sources, or in enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces can lead to overheating. Overheated batteries are at risk for thermal runaway, the dangerous chain reaction discussed earlier. Defective products can also contribute to incidents.

• Contamination during manufacturing or other flaws in the battery can create internal short circuits, leading to fires or explosions. Defects can be hidden and only become hazardous


under certain conditions, such as exposure to high temperatures, impact from being dropped or crushed, or overcharging during the charging process.

• Water poses an additional problem. Whether batteries are left outside, submerged, or simply exposed to high humidity, moisture can compromise their internal structure. This can lead to corrosion, short circuits, or chemical reactions that increase the risk of fire or failure.

Safety For Usage, Charging & Storage

Contractors must implement safety practices at every stage. Before use, it’s important to inspect batteries for visible damage, including cracks, swelling, or leaks. For rented or shared tools, verifying the battery condition before any charging or operation is crucial. During use, contractors should follow manufacturer instructions carefully. This includes using original chargers, adhering to recommended temperature ranges, and observing the required cooling times after heavy usage. After they’re used, batteries must be stored in a cool, dry place away from flammable materials. Batteries should not be allowed to freeze.

Charging is one of the most critical, high-risk times of lithium battery operation. It can quickly become a dangerous situation without proper precautions in place. Batteries should never be charged near combustible materials or in unventilated spaces, as the heat generated during charging can easily ignite nearby flammable objects or create hazardous conditions in confined areas. Charging should always be done under supervision. For charging overnight, or other times when staff aren’t present, it’s essential to use systems equipped with built-in smoke detectors, temperature sensors, and alarms. These safety features can ensure issues are identified and addressed before they escalate. Professional grade, fire-safe charging cabinets that provide 90 minutes of fire protection from within or without are especially important given that a conventional fire may ignite batteries. Designed with fire-resistant materials and built-in ventilation, these cabinets effectively prevent heat buildup. They are particularly useful when needing to charge multiple batteries at once because they help manage the added heat. Greater quantities of batteries or larger battery modules may benefit from a 2-hour fire resistance locker or building due to the larger energy payload risk. A combination of precautions and the right equipment work together to minimize threats during the charging process. Safe battery storage forms the basis of risk prevention. To reduce the potential for accidents, it’s vital to keep a structural separation of at least 8 ft. (2.5 meters) between stored batteries and any other flammable materials, particularly if there is no automatic extinguishing system in place. Specialized fire-safe storage cabinets made for batteries are an excellent choice. These types of cabinets provide two-way fire resistance, spill containment, and self-closing doors, all features created to prevent hazards from spreading. Damaged batteries pose an even greater risk and should be moved to designated, fire-rated containers far away from other work areas to maintain safe operations.


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Detecting & Handling Damaged Lithium Batteries

Recognizing the signs of a damaged or defective lithium battery helps prevent incidents. Visual checks are the first step. Look for signs such as cracked, dented, deformed, or swollen battery housing, as well as melting points or liquid leaks. Damaged contacts, either bent or corroded, are another red flag.

Smell tests can also help identify issues. Unusual odors, including the smell of burning plastic or chemicals, could indicate internal damage. However, note that with new tools, some odors may occur due to residual manufacturing substances, not necessarily battery defects.

In-device checks and charging tests are equally important. If a battery fails to function in multiple devices, displays errors, or is not recognized by its charger, it may be compromised. When charging, monitor for malfunctions such as failure to charge or error messages from the unit.

When a damaged or defective battery is identified, swift action is necessary. The battery should be removed from use, disconnected from the device, and isolated in a fire-rated enclosure. Under no circumstances should anyone attempt to repair it. To avoid an incident, the battery should be isolated it a secure spot, and any exposed contacts should be masked to help prevent short circuits. Lithium battery fires don’t respond to traditional suppression methods such as water or foam. Specially formulated powders or granules designed for Class D fires, or special lithium fire blankets are required. These materials work by absorbing heat and creating a barrier that cuts off the oxygen to extinguish the flames and contain the danger. Disposal by a professional hazardous materials specialist is recommended.

Planning for Minimized Risk

A safe work environment requires awareness, proactive habits, and the right equipment. Workers should be trained to routinely inspect their batteries and look for signs of damage before use. Proper handling and storage practices, such as avoiding stacking or exposing batteries to extreme temperatures, need to be part of daily routines. Fire-resistant charging and storage cabinets are very helpful for managing potential risks. Portable containment systems are invaluable because they offer secure options for moving batteries and minimize hazards. Monitoring systems that are equipped with advanced sensors and alarms can add another layer of protection. They ensure that any developing issues are detected early so they can be addressed quickly. These money-saving, effective safety tools work together to help manage potential dangers without compromising productivity.

When informed and prepared, both contractors and asset managers alike can take advantage of new technology and protect teams and projects at the same time.

Top 8 Things to Look for in a New Rental Software Provider

Taking the chance on switching could lead to thrilling new opportunities and a smoother journey ahead.


Customer Service & Communication:

If you have been stuck with delayed responses, unclear communication, or inadequate support, it’s time to re-evaluate your current ERP provider. Without clear communication and prompt assistance, operational inefficiencies, missed opportunities, and unnecessary headaches may impede growth.


Ease of Use: If you spend more time fighting with a difficult system than getting work done, it’s time for a change. Your software’s usability should resemble a well-marked trail that guides you effortlessly rather than creating a confusing maze that only slows you down. Workflow efficiency is greatly improved by an intuitive software interface that streamlines operations and simplifies tasks.


Functionality & Features: When software isn’t enhancing your productivity, it’s time to switch. Your software should provide solutions, not problems. It should come with functionalities and tools that will result in the optimization of business processes that boost growth. Your workflow and productivity need to have simplified tasks through a strong platform, embracing the idea of leanness instead of complexity.


System Reliability and Performance:

A system that is as slow as molasses, experiencing bugs all the time, or just doesn’t fulfill its promises is like having a lazy coworker. You need a software system that is as trustworthy as your cup of coffee in the morning, always there when you need it, and serve you well in your daily activities. Don’t settle for subpar performance. Switch to a system that aligns with your drive to achieve your goals.


Specialized Features & Customization:

Your business is unique, and your software should be too. It should offer flexibility and customizable features that can be specialized to fit your business needs. Using a one-size-fits-all strategy may result in inefficiencies and limitations in effectively managing your business. Embrace a software provider that appreciates the importance of customization and provides solutions that are tailored to your workflow.


Transition & Integration: To improve the efficiency and performance of your software ecosystem, choose a provider with strong integration solutions that foster synergy within your organization. Seamless integration of various tools such as accounting, sales, maintenance, and personnel

management eliminates information silos and promotes collaboration across different channels.


Implementation & Setup: A smooth and stress-free implementation process is essential in ensuring a seamless transition to a new software solution. Difficulties during setup can result in needless delays, annoyance, plus operational interruptions that may hamper your business operations. Select a provider that prioritizes user-friendly setup procedures and offers full support, which leaves you with enough time to use the software to help your business reach its full potential.


Modernization: Outdated software is as useless as a flip phone. To unlock new opportunities, improve effectiveness, and even outperform customer expectations, companies should employ modern tools such as cloud solutions, AI, machine learning, and automation. Therefore, converting your software infrastructure into the future at turbo speed means keeping ahead of others through state-of-the-art technology.

Toro Dingo TX 1000 TURBO Limited Edition

For a limited time, the Dingo TX 1000 TURBO was designed in an exclusive, textured matte black finish—offering a bold new look that matches its unmatched capabilities. With a rated operating capacity of 1,000 lbs, the Dingo TX 1000 TURBO is the next stage in that legacy with a turbocharged Yanmar diesel engine and the Smart Power feature to maximize engine, auxiliary and traction torque.

Loftness 10 Series Battle Ax Mulching Heads

MGT America Poly Drum Line

Scan the QR code for more information.

Loftness has expanded its line of Battle Ax mulching heads with the 10 Series. Featuring a lightweight, yet heavy-duty design, it can be used on smaller excavators ranging from 7,000 to 10,000 lbs. in a variety of applications. The depth gauges, which function like raker teeth on a chain saw, optimize the amount of material being fed into the drum at one time, resulting in easier operation, faster production, and more desirable particle sizes.

Scan the QR code for more information.


America’s Poly Drum line features the Mortar Mixer, Cement Mixer, and Wheelbarrow Mixer. These products were designed with rental businesses in mind and offer a durable, efficient, and lightweight solution that meets the unique needs of high-turnover rental operations. The Poly Drum line was engineered to support rental companies looking for equipment that stands up to frequent use and diverse site conditions.

Scan the QR code for more information.


KEG Duce Nozzle

KEG’s vibrating rotational nozzle is called the Duce Nozzle. The rotating nozzle can be particularly effective for removing hardened deposits on the floor or wall of sanitary sewer and storm lines. The special nozzle utilizes water driven rotation and vibration to create a unique jackhammer action to remove difficult materials such as scaling, grout/ mortar residue, tuberculation, or other deposits within pipes.

New Holland Construction Landscape Rake

The New Holland Construction landscape rake was designed to remove small to mediumsized rock as small as 3/4 in. along with unwanted roots and debris.

Genie Scissor Lifts

Scan the QR code for more information.

• Picks up material as small as 3-4 in.

• Adjustable side skids for setting depths

• Replaceable bolt-on rake bars

• Rake bars scarify and level while breaking up lumpy soil and picking up rocks

Scan the QR code for more information.

Genie’s all-new, future-focused design for its core slab scissor lift product line improves performance and lowers the total cost of ownership GS-1932, GS-2632, GS-3232, GS-2646, GS-3246, and GS-4046 scissor lifts. The most noticeable change with the next-generation slab scissor lifts is the curved linkage design. This departure from industry standard reduces machine weight, allowing Genie to use right-sized components—including batteries, drive motors and other electrical components.

Scan the QR code for more information.

From Family to Jobsite

John Carney at Art’s Rental Equipment Inc. discusses how the company entered the industry and how the family-run business has experienced success despite challenges.

Rental: How did you get your start in the rental industry?

Art’s Rental was started in Newport, Ky., in 1967 by Arthur Arlinghaus. Art ran the company with his six sons, who now own and operate the business.

Art’s began renting small tools to homeowners. Later, they opened more locations in Northern Kentucky to meet the demand for new housing developments. In the late 1970s, the Sons added larger equipment like skid steers to the fleet. In the early 90s, we started getting into the diverse equipment lineup that we feature today.

Rental: Can you give us some insight into your current company?

Currently, we operate 15 locations in three states employing 225. We rent everything from wallpaper steamers and floor sanders to 185-foot manlifts and 470 John Deere excavators.

Rental: What have been some of the challenges and successes you’ve had over the years you’ve been in business?

In the past almost 60 years, we have experienced quite the rollercoaster. Some years have been strong, others

After a fire in November 2024, the Ohio DOT worked with Art’s Rental Equipment for assets needed to assess and repair the Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (aka Big Mac Bridge) over the Ohio River. Photos courtesy of Art’s Rental Equipment Inc.
Being family-owned and -operated, Art’s Rental Equipment brings the family culture into everything they do. Many employees have worked at Art’s for 30+ years. Their commitment to the team has made them part of the family.

not so much. At times, payroll is tight, and equipment purchases are down. At other times, we cannot get equipment fast enough.

When COVID hit, we placed equipment orders and didn’t know when it

would arrive. Every day was a new day, and you had to adapt. Our homeowner business increased since people were staying home and doing projects. But with that increase came a change in how we operated, not only for safety and

local regulations but also adjusting for the customer’s needs.

Our most significant success is the Art’s Rental Family Team. Being family-owned and -operated, we bring the family culture into everything we do. We have many employees who have worked at Art’s for 30+ years. Their commitment to our team has made them part of the family.

Rental: What aspects of the rental industry do you enjoy most, and why?

No two days are the same, and no two phone calls are the same. You have to continue to learn, grow, and adapt. On cold and wet days, we wait for the phone to ring. On other days, the phones won’t stop ringing, and we find a way to meet the demands of all our customers.

The rental industry is fast-paced and often intense. It can be stressful, but with the right group of people, it can be a lot of fun.

Rental: What advice might you give someone who is just starting out in equipment rental?

Listen to your customers. Have a “don’t say no” mentality. Meet their needs and adapt. If a customer calls for a piece of equipment that no one in your market seems to rent, be the company that does rent it. Figure out how to stand out against other rental companies. Keep your promises and gain the trust of your customers.

Rental: What are you most proud of when it comes to your business?

Art’s Rental is most proud of all the past and present employees who have helped us reach our current state. In the rental industry, you are only as strong as your team. Art’s Rental is successful because our employees work hard every day.

They’ve come a long way. Art’s Rental Equipment Inc.’s Florence, Kentucky, location from 1968 (above) as compared to 2018 (below).


The State of the Rental Industry & More Importantly Your Company

In my opinion, the American equipment rental industry is strong and is on the brink of phenomenal growth. I believe the combination of relatively low inflation, increased infrastructure and construction spending and a more business-friendly administration all point to considerable potential for rental companies.

Technology and social media continue to have a dramatic effect on how customers communicate with rental companies. Certainly, rental companies that have finetuned these communication tools are the beneficiaries of noticeably more business.

There are plenty of acquisitions by larger, multi-location rental companies and I sense the pace of acquisitions is increasing. This is not necessarily something to be feared. Sometimes multi-location companies have a larger equipment focus so certain customer types may become underserved. (Also, some of my customers want to position their company to be bought for a very sizeable check sometime in the future.) Either way, improving the company with better financial discipline, procedures, marketing, and the like will prove its worth. Also, when working with my rental business owner customers, I often discover cases where a stronger focus or a different focus in product offerings can lead to much more growth and profitability. I also believe that a stronger niche or new niches help to reduce the impact of increased competition.

The labor shortage remains severe but is showing a few signs of lessening in some areas. This highlights the importance of even more emphasis on retention strategies as well as efficiency strategies.

In many ways, it is wiser to concentrate more on what is happening in the communities you serve and take a more in-depth and objective look at the state of your own rental company. I also believe that it is very important to adjust your focus and strategies now for the remainder of the year and beyond. To capitalize on more growth

and profitability, it would be wise to analyze what is currently being done and what segments of one’s business need to change. As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions in the past, it is important for the health, growth and profitability of your business to have a more fine-tuned and efficient way of operating the business.

Be certain that your rental rates as


well as related charges and procedures have been comprehensively reviewed and adjusted. It’s likely that relatively minor adjustments could yield sizable results.

Of course, companies that cling to the old ways (such as not having relevant marketing or asset and personnel management systems) are not as likely to participate in the growth as forwardthinking rental company owners. Investing in these improved processes, procedures and systems increases the probability of supersuccess. Huge opportunities can be missed by procrastination or being overly cautious.

On the other hand, there are opportunities that one should approach with caution. Two

examples are branching out with an associated business and adding another location. One of the strengths of independent rental companies is that they can pivot quickly. This agility can also prove to be a negative if the new direction is not vetted properly. As I commonly point out, sometimes the allure and excitement of a new opportunity can cloud the judgement of even the most successful rental business operators. Whether one is considering adding another location or embarking on another endeavor that would require a considerable investment of financial, time and energy resources, it is wise to be extra cautious. The new opportunity might turn out to be a drag on your company instead of a super-charger you intended.

Finally, have more fun! Reduce stress where you can so you can better enjoy what you do. One doesn’t read about having fun in business very often, but whether you refer to this as “fun” or “satisfaction,” I believe that having more enjoyment at work is important. It is important to your team, and it should become something you strive for personally.

Large doses of stress aren’t good for anyone. Analyze your business and plan ways to reduce this stress and increase your and your team’s job satisfaction.


Oztec Industries has been manufacturing the industry’s highest quality concrete consolidation equipment for over 55 years on Long Island, New York, USA.

Our full line of internal concrete vibrators heads, ranging in size from ¾” through 2-3/4”, will all maintain between 10,000 – 12,000 VPM, even in the stiffest concrete when paired with the appropriately sized electric motor or backpack mounted gas engine.

The latest addition to Oztec’s line of consolidation equipment, is the innovative BP-45 Backpack, designed to meet the needs of concrete contractors. The BP-45 Backpack is a powerful lightweight, 2HP option capable of running heads up to 2” in diameter. This backpack maintains Oztec’s job-proven rugged design and durability with a sturdy steel frame, dependable Honda engines, fully adjustable padding system and the highest quality components, all designed for easy maintenance and long life. The BP-45 is an option between Oztec’s lightest weight model, the BP-35, and Oztec’s most powerful model, the BP-50a. All Oztec’s power units come equipped with the patented Quick Disconnect system for easy interchangeability with Oztec flexible shafts and vibrator heads.

Oztec has reintroduced its 1-1/8” & 1-1/2” RubberHeads®. Both heads are available with an optional rubber coated extension piece. Oztec extension pieces greatly reduce the chance of the vibrator head becoming entangled in the rebar.

These heads were originally designed to meet the needs of the construction of the Hood Canal Floating Bridge in Washington State, where over 15,000 yards of concrete were poured in heavily congested rebar without a single head getting entangled in the rebar.

Oztec RubberHeads®, ranging in size from 1-1/8” to 2-3/4”, not only protect epoxy coated rebar and delicate form faces, but also produce better consolidated concrete and are job-proven to be more efficient and effective than any other vibrator head on the market!

The Oztec CG-12 Ceiling Grinder reflects many years of product evolution resulting from job-site feedback. The unit is ergonomically designed to allow hours of work with minimal strain to the operator. The Ceiling Grinder features a robust welded steel frame that is fully configurable to any ceiling-grinding requirement from 7 to 12 feet high and a self-aligning grinding head that allows full surface contact requiring no adjusting. The Oztec Ceiling Grinder is available with a Dust Collection System for job-site compliance and the power options of the CG-12E Electric Model with a 2HP, thermal overload protected Baldor motor or the CG-12G Gas Model with a 3HP Honda engine.

All Oztec products are proudly manufactured in the USA. Oztec Industries, Inc.

65 Channel Drive . Port Washington, NY 11050

Tel: 1.800.533.9055 | 1.516.883.8857


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