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Industry Update


Creating this column, I decided to look up the definition of “community” in order to inspire creative thinking around the concept. One definition said: “A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.”

If that doesn’t describe the equipment rental industry, I don’t know what does. As a relatively newer member to the rental club, I’ve realized how impactful this fellowship is to the industry at large.

From my experience, rental business owners seem to take pride in helping their fellow business owners. For example, in various rental Facebook groups I’m in, it’s a constant stream of industry members asking questions and getting flooded with responses from their rental comrades.

So, to rental, community is important and its value is unparalleled.

That’s why I decided to create Rental Perspectives, our new monthly feature on page 46. Rental Perspectives focuses on the day-to-day lives and business insights of rental business owners and team members. It gives an inside look into the daily lives of your community, while allowing business owners the chance to share their insights and learn from others.

Each person, and therefore each business, has a story. This gives those individuals a voice, to share the challenges solved, lessons learned, and insights developed. Everyone in this industry has value.

Speaking of community and value, this month is our ARA Show Issue, set to arrive in mailboxes ahead of the October show. With a different date and venue, this year’s show will be a little outside the norm. But the excitement to attend an in-person event again – and to connect with friends, equipment, technologies, and new colleagues – is top of mind for attendees. As Dick Detmer says on page 82, “For all that’s different, the show will still be a great opportunity to connect with others in the industry and catch up with old friends.” Through all the hardships and uncertainty of the last year, the people of the rental industry have remained determined and strong. The sense of community, the sense of “we’re all in this together,” has proved steadfast in the hearts of rental industry members.

I’m interested to know: What does community mean to you? How has the rental community benefited you? Shoot me an email at asheprak@ acbusinessmedia.com.

Stay strong, stay safe, and see you in Las Vegas!

PRODUCT ■ NEWS ■ INSIGHT www.ForConstructionPros.com/RENTAL

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Published and copyrighted 2021 by AC Business Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are available without charge in the U.S. to rental centers, equipment distributors, and other businesses with rental departments. To subscribe please visit www.ForConstructionPros.com. Publisher reserves the right to reject nonqualified subscribers.

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Rental (ISSN 2375-9925, Print | ISSN 2471-7657, online | USPS 686-370) is published eight times per year: January/February, March, April, May, June/July, August/September, October/November and December by AC Business Media, 201 N. Main Street, 5th Fl., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Atkinson, WI and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Please send change of address to Rental, PO Box 3605, Northbrook, IL 60065-3605. Printed in the USA. Vol. 43, Issue 0, October/November 2021

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