August 2011 Forest Heights Newsletter

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Manager Stephen Herr talks about the Tract R Community Workshops.

Ever wonder how Go Green can do so much...with so little?

Clear the way for safe walks in Forest Heights

Got EIFS? Read how Hugh and Penny Taylor resolved their EIFS troubles

pinnacle press MILL POND NEWS AT FOREST HEIGHTS R E S T O R AT I O N A N D AUGUST•2011 D R E D G I N G U P D AT E Up-to-the minute update from the Manager’s Desk


n my July newsletter update I was optimistic that the agency permits would be issued by July 31st, and that the Mill Pond dredging project would commence in mid-August. Skepticism has now set in and the probability of dredging diminishes as we approach the mid-point of summer. The dredging project is now controlled by the federal and state permitting agencies and we understand that they have limited resources to process these time sensitive applications. Our applications are in the queue awaiting final approval (ever heard of ―Murphy‘s Law‖?).

The association‘s professional engineering and consulting firms knew that the permitting process was lengthy, however after seven months it‘s taken on a life of its own. Northwest Earth Movers (NEI), the dredging contractor, is keeping the door open and will immediately determine, once the permits are in hand, if they can complete the project before September 30th. Construction regulations state that after October 1st there can be no ground disturbance. Should the permits be delayed the project would be postponed until the summer of 2012. If dredging commences this summer here are the dredging project construction details that will affect Mill Pond and Mill Pond Park: •

A portion of Mill Pond Park will be closed to allow contractor only access. The playground area(s) will not be affected. Parking adjacent to Mill Pond Park may be affected and restricted continued on page 2 


Mill Pond Restoration and Dredging Update


Message from the Board President


Fireworks Recap: What a Show!


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Community Events


International Festival: Tentative Date


Ask the Manager: Tract R 8-9 Workshop & Project Update

Compliance Corner: Clear the Way for Safe Walking

Ask the Expert: Overcoming 12-13 EIFS Challenges

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Oregon Curfew Laws


Garbage Can Reminder: New Enforcements


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The Magic of Go Green


FHHOA Calendar



M I L L P O N D R E S T O R AT I O N A N D D R E D G I N G U P D AT E continued from page 1

Forest Heights Homeowners Association 2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm

A temporary road will be built from Mill Pond Road across the park into the pond

The pond will be drained and a dewatering system will be installed

A new ultrablock cement retaining wall will replace the old wooden wall

The post and chain safety barrier will be upgraded and reused

The weir outlet plate and control structure will be replaced

A new fountain and aeration system will be installed to enhance the aesthetics of the pond and improve water quality

Several bio-engineered erosion control measures will be installed to enhance habitat


Vision Statement To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life. Board of Directors | 2011-2012 Mark Sanzone—President Eric Butterfield—Vice President Stuart Roberts—Secretary

11,000 cubic yards of sediment will be trucked off site via Morgan Lane and 102nd Street

Construction activities may take up to eight weeks to complete, however all construction activity should be completed by September 30th. Please be sure to read the association‘s e-blasts in August for important updates on the status of Mill Pond. Let‘s all keep a good thought and hope that the agencies will issue our permits shortly.

PS – If the pond dredging commences this summer the Annual Fall Food Festival, currently schedule for September 11th, will be postponed until 2012. Should the dredging be postponed, the Fall Food Festival will commence as planned starting at 4:30 pm until 7:30 pm on that Sunday afternoon at Mill Pond Park.

Ric Barton—Treasurer Mike Fletcher Heather Gaitan

Association Staff Stephen K. Herr—General Manager email: Judith Souers—Office Administrator email: Molly McManus Oliver—Compliance Coordinator email: Kimberly Monaco—Marketing, Communications & Event Coordinator email: Richard Metzger—Maintenance Supervisor Juan Guerrero—Maintenance Team

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FROM YOUR BOARD PRESIDENT Greetings fellow Forest Heights Homeowners! As your new board president, I plan to submit newsletter articles 6 times per year (one every other month). In this month‘s article, I want to touch on several items: First, last month‘s newsletter put out a call for a replacement board member due to the resignation of Sherrill Corbett. I am happy to report that three residents answered: •

Mary Shuhert

Devidas Gupta

Mike Foley

The board will select one of these candidates at the August 9th meeting to fulfill the remaining 9 months of Sherrill Corbett‘s term. Sherrill recently moved out of Forest Heights, and the board and I sincerely thank her for the 2+ years she served on our board.

Second, our GM‘s cover article will update you on the Mill Pond situation, so I will cover ―Tract R‖. Two open forum sessions have been held for community feedback and a third is scheduled for August 20th at 10am. I thank all of you who have participated thus far. Please know that your feedback was heard and documented and will be considered when the proposed plans are revised in September.

Upcoming Meetings Board Meeting Tuesday, August 9th 6:00 pm FHHOA Office

Third, I would like to thank Patrick Jones for taking over the chairmanship of the Safety, Streetscape and Transportation Committee from me. Patrick has been involved with this committee for several years and is a former board member. I will continue to participate on the committee and be the liaison to the board. And last, a big thanks to the Community Activities Committee & the HOA office for organizing a great fireworks show on July 4th!

Tract R Community Workshop Saturday, August 20th 10:00 am to 12:00 pm FHHOA Office

All homeowners are welcome to attend!

~ Mark Sanzone, FHHOA Board President ~

Interested in advertising in the Forest Heights Homeowners Association newsletter or on the HOA website? For ad rates, submission deadlines and general information, please contact Kim Monaco, Marketing, Communications and Event Coordinator, at: or by phone 503.297.9400. Page 4

4 T H O F J U LY R E C A P : W H AT A S H OW ! Thanks for coming out and making the Forest Heights 4th of July Fireworks show a spectacular event! This year’s show was the best one yet and we look forward to seeing you all again next year. We hope you enjoy these photos of the show, taken by Chuck Souers, husband of FHHOA Office Administrator Judith Souers.

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Upcoming Community Events Rainwater Harvesting & Rain Gardens Class Date: Saturday, August 13th, 2011 Time: 10:00am—12:00pm Location: FHHOA Office

Tract R Community Workshop Date: Saturday, August 20th, 2011 Time: 10:00am—12:00pm Location: FHHOA Office

International Fall Festival *TENTATIVE* Date: Sunday, September 11th, 2011 Time: 4:30pm—7:30pm Location: Mill Pond Park

Backyard Habitat Workshop Date: Thursday, September 29th, 2011 Time: 7:00 pm—8:30pm Location: FHHOA Office

FREE Rain Water Harvesting and Rain Gardens Class Are you curious about harvesting our abundant rain for your yard or outdoor plumbing? Would you like to see a beautiful rain garden on your property, that is in harmony with our beautiful neighborhood and sustains birds and butterflies? Do you wonder if you can do something to help reduce the load on Mill Pond? Or are you simply curious about the buzz going around Portland regarding rain water harvesting? If you answered yes to any of the above, then you may want to attend a class we are organizing on rain water harvesting and rain gardens. The presentation will be made by Portland Purple Water, a business that provides rain water harvesting systems and rain garden installations in the Portland area.

When: August 13, 2011 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Where: HOA Offices at the Village Center This free class is being offered to Forest Heights residents by the West Multnomah Soil and Conservation District & the City of Portland. To attend, please register by email: with the subject line: Rain Water. REGISTER NOW: Seats are limited to 15 participants.

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INT ER NAT IO N AL FE S T I VA L U PDAT E: T EN TAT I V E DAT E SC H ED U LED Usually at this time of year, we are encouraging everyone to ―save the date‖ for the Annual Forest Heights International Festival, however, as Manager Stephen Herr explained in the cover article of this newsletter, the Mill Pond restoration project has the potential to impact this year‘s festival currently scheduled for Sunday, September 11th. The Community Activities Committee and HOA staff are waiting with bated breath to hear from the permitting agencies regarding the Mill Pond project. Bottom line: at the time of this newsletter release, we cannot say for certain if the festival will be held this year or not. Should the permits for the

Mill Pond restoration be delayed, rest assured that the committee is committed to bringing you a fantastic festival. And if the permits for the Mill Pond project do come in, the committee will take all the great ideas for this years festival and incorporate them into next year‘s event. So, like us, save the date of Sunday, September 11th in pencil only at this point. Once the committee and the HOA office know for certain the status of the Mill Pond project and how it will impact this year‘s event, we will contact homeowners by mail. Thank you for your understanding.

International Fall Festival *TENTATIVE* Date: Sunday, September 11th Time: 4:30pm—7:30pm Location: Mill Pond Park

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ast month in my ―Ask the Manager‖ column I wrote about the community socialization process on the development of Tract ―R‖. The Task Force and Landscape Architect Brian Bainnson received many positive comments to the comprehensive plan and designs elements for site improvements from the two Open Houses held in June. Under step one in this process (see table at right) we are continuing our socialization efforts seeking additional input from the community.

L “A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.” - Francis Bacon

Are you curious about things going on in our community? Do you have questions about issues that impact Forest Heights? If so, here’s your opportunity to get some answers! If you are wondering about something, chances are others in our community are curious about the same thing, so do us all a favor and send in your questions. Email your questions to with “Ask the Manager” in the subject line. Questions received by the 10th of each month will be answered in the newsletter the following month.

The next Open House is scheduled for Saturday August 20th here in the Association Office from 10:00 am until noon. At 10:00 am Chair Devidas Gupta will present background information on the creation of the Task Force and formation on the current design elements. His presentation will last about 30 minutes; from 10:30 am until noon residents are encouraged to drop in (typical of an ―Open House‖ invitation) and spend time reviewing the plans. Gupta and Bainnson are extremely interested in your comments and this input will create the final design concept for Tract R. The following information has been republished this month to assist the Task Force with socializing this very important development plan to our community. Future plans of the Task Force were presented at the Annual Meeting in May. An outline of the Socialization Steps and Task Force information is located on the Association web site.

Here is a brief summary of the steps and timeline from the Task Force: Socialization Steps & Timeframe Step 1

Socialization and Community Feedback

May -June

Step 2

Design Updates and Financing


Step 3

Community Comment


Step 4

Design Finalization


Step 5

Community Vote

January 2012

Additionally, community members wanted to know the costs of the design elements and whether or not a phased approach had been considered. The Task Force has some preliminary cost ranges associated with each phase and financing options reviewed. The tables on the next page show the preliminary range of costs for phasing the design elements/plan and Tables 1, 2 & 3 (see page 9) depict possible finance scenarios/options as they relate to current association assessments.

continued on page 9 

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Table 1

Tract “R” Open House Do It Now | Lump Sum

Project Cost Low

Project Cost High

Project Cost

$ 750,000

$ 1,000,000

Lump Sum per Unit

$ 388

$ 517

$ 32

$ 43

Do It Now | Loan with 10 Year Term

Project Cost Low

Project Cost High

Project Cost

$ 750,000

$ 1,000,000

Total Amount Paid over 120 months

$ 1,010,521

$ 1,347,361

Annual Loan Payments

$ 101,052

$ 134,736

120 Monthly Payments per Unit

$ 4.35

$ 5.81

$ 4.35

$ 5.81

Do it Later | Save for 10 Years

Project Cost Low

Project Cost High

Range of Costs

Project Cost

$ 750,000

$ 1,000,000

continued from page 10

The Task Force has a long way to go before the community votes on this project. We are only completing step one of a five step socialization process. With your input and support the Task Force can develop a cohesive and affordable design plan to improve the common area and enhance recreational opportunities at Mill Pond Park. Our goal is to add community amenities that will enhance our quality of life here at Forest Heights. Should you have any question regarding this plan and detailed information please email the Tract ―R‖ Task Force at: or join the Task Force which meets on the 4th Wednesday night of every month here in the Association Office at 5:30 PM. Please check the web site calendar for updates.

Monthly Effect

Table 2

Monthly Effect

~ Stephen Herr, FHHOA General Manager ~

Table 3 Preliminary Phasing and Range of Costs Preliminary Phasing Plan Phase 1

Site Prep, Grading and Drainage

$ 80,000—$ 110,000

Amount Needed to Complete Project in 2021

$ 936,900

$ 1,249,200

Phase 2

Community Garden

$ 60,000—$ 80,000

Annual Amount Needed to Reach Future Cost

$ 87,900

$ 117,200

Phase 3

Maintenance Area/ Storage Shed

$ 40,000—$ 60,000

120 Monthly Payments per Unit

$ 3.79

$ 5.05

Phase 4

Activity Shelter

$ 250,000—$ 310,000

$ 3.79

$ 5.05

Phase 5

Sport Court

$ 80,000—$ 100,000

Phase 6

Fit Trail

$ 30,000—$ 50,000

Working Assumptions

Phase 7

Park Landscape

$ 80,000—$ 100,000

No capital reserves available

Phase 8


$ 60,000—$ 100,000

Interest rate on an unsecured loan = 6.25%

Phase 9

Site Furniture

$ 20,000—$ 30,000

Term of loan 10 years/120 months

$ 750,000—$ 1,000,000

General inflation rate of 2.25%

Interest rate earned in safe environment = 1.25%

Number of units in FHHOA 1,934

Current dues—$48/month or $576/year


Monthly Effect

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C L E A R T H E WAY F O R S A F E WALK IN G ON S IDEWALKS Summer is here, and folks are out walking! Here are some ideas to keep the sidewalks in front of your home safe and user-friendly


ave you been out walking in the neighborhood and encountered obstacles in your path like cars parked across the sidewalk? Or perhaps a fortress of overhanging tree branches is forcing you to walk in the street? And what about an uneven sidewalk throwing off your pace? The association office has received complaints about situations just like the ones mentioned above so we thought we‘d outline three common ―sidewalk safety issues‖ that homeowners need to be aware of: PARKING VIOLATIONS Within the City of Portland, the following are all parking violations and are subject to citation and/or tow: •

Blocking a driveway with a parked vehicle, including the curb returns or wings;

Parking a car in a planting strip (the area between the curb and the sidewalk);

Parking a car in a marked/ unmarked crosswalk or in front of a handicapped access ramp and parking a car in a sidewalk.

UNEVEN SIDEWALK ELEVATION Examine your sidewalks for trip/fall hazards. Property owners in the City of Portland are responsible for maintaining the sidewalks, curbs, driveways and parking strips abutting or immediately adjacent to their property. Equally important to know is that property owners are liable for damages or injuries that result from the owner‘s failure to keep these items in safe condition and good repair. The most common hazard in sidewalks is ―stub toes‖, where the sidewalk panel is displaced or raised. The City of Portland has determined that a rise of 1/2 inch or greater is hazardous. Depending on the rise, there are repair options. All panel repairs or replacements require a permit. Take a moment to walk the sidewalks on your property. If you observe a stub toe or other potential hazard, contact the City of Portland Street Systems Management at: 503-823-7002, Option ―3‖. They can advise you of your options and guide you through the repair permitting process. If you need recommendations on sidewalk contractors, please contact Molly Oliver at 503-2979400.

this summer tending to your yards, please examine and trim landscape shrubbery/trees to keep them from encroaching on the sidewalk; make sure low level tree branches are limbed up so people can comfortably walk underneath them. A good rule of thumb is to allow 7 feet of vertical space for the width of a sidewalk. Be sure to check your landscaping near sidewalks at least twice a year for over growth. And as a reminder from last month‘s article, store trash receptacles out of sight, and off the sidewalks, on non-trash pick-up days (see accompanying newsletter article page 15).

OVERGROWN LANDSCAPE If you observe an illegally-parked car, report it to the City of Portland Parking Violations at 503-823-5195.

This year‘s record rainfall has made for rapid growth of many landscape trees and shrubs. While you are out Page 10

reporting streetlight issues to report a streetlight outage or an on/off cycling issue, please email the FHHOA office at: or call 503.297.9400 Have you noticed the street lights on your street flickering on and off? Or have you seen lights that are completely out? If so, please let us know so we can work with the City of Portland to correct these issues. To report a street light issue, please provide the FHHOA office with the following information: •

Nearest address to streetlight pole – or the best description possible

Confirm whether light is out completely or cycling on and off

For ease of identification when inspecting faulty lights, we request that a ribbon be tied

to the pole at eye level. This ribbon will be removed and discarded when the streetlight is fixed. If you have street light information to report, please contact the HOA office by email at: or by telephoning 503.297.9400.

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OVERCOMING EIFS SIDING CHALLENGES A success story featuring Forest Heights neighbors Hugh and Penny Taylor


orest Heights features a wide variety of architectural styles which harmonize together to distinguish our neighborhood from tract homes. This gives Forest Heights a unique character, and reflects diversity of our neighborhood. We have an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) that achieves and maintains this outstanding environment. The ARC has a website with its guidelines, processes, and forms at arc.asp Many homes in our community were built with a siding material called EIFS, which stands for ―Exterior Insulation and Finish System‖. It looks like traditional stucco, but is quite different underneath. The system uses an insulation board between the exterior plywood sheathing and the surface finish. EIFS has a wonderful smooth look, yet some homeowners have had issues with EIFS. Although all situations are unique, many issues are due to improper installation, leading to moisture getting trapped in the plywood sheathing and framing below, which can cause mold, dry rot and in some cases, structural damage. Hugh and Penny Taylor experienced a severe case of EIFS damage, and have persevered through a very long process of claims. They are now very pleased to be completing a magnificent repair and exterior remodel to their home on NW Chapin Drive in August of 2011.

They have learned a great deal about EIFS and have been kind enough to share their knowledge with the goal of educating and empowering fellow homeowners who may find themselves with similar challenges. Hugh and Penny Taylor’s 10 point plan for EIFS homeowners:

and Penny initially found leaks on the inside of exterior windows and immediately contacted their insurance agent to address the cause of the issue, and remediate the damage before it became worse. Hugh learned that it takes persistence to drive decisions and actions. Those on the other side of the claim may have motivation to respond slowly, so be persistent.

Ensure you have adequate insurance. Talk with your insurance agent in detail about your policy to understand what they cover, and more importantly, what they don‘t cover. Hugh learned that his insurance company did cover portions of the interior damage but there were significant portions of the EIFS damage that the insurance company simply would not cover. Have regular, professional inspections—not just during home construction and when buying an existing home. Performing regular inspections are critical during home ownership to identify faults in the EIFD system or to identify areas of moisture, before the damage becomes significant. Inspections are expensive, but the non-invasive diagnostic equipment and the inspector‘s expertise provide a great value in the long run.

Respond quickly to issues uncovered during inspections, and issues that you discover. Hugh

Consult with a real estate attorney who is knowledgeable about the claim processes, especially the time limitations you may have in making claims with contractors and sub-contractors. It may take a law suit to compel your insurance company, your contractor or subcontractors to pay a claim or make it right. Manage your budget to protect the major investment in your home. Work may need to proceed before claims are awarded. The Taylors could have just given up and sold their house ―as-is‖ and taken a great loss. Some owners might even consider defaulting on their loan, which would have a huge impact on their credit, and would contribute negatively to an already distressed real estate market. Through persistence and patience, the Taylors earned just enough in claims to recover their costs, and after the repairs, their home‘s value has been maximized. continued on page 13

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continued from page 12

Work with the Forest Heights Architectural Review Committee (ARC) on choice of EIFS replacement. The ARC has published EIFS replacement guidelines on their website which highlight the fact that the material and siding must be appropriate for the design of the house. Although authentic stucco is a desirable replacement, you may choose other materials such as stone, brick, shingles, and vertical cedar siding.

Get bids from multiple siding contractors. Personally check their references and research their history through the Oregon Construction Contractors‘ Board and click on ―Check a Contractor‘s License‖. Look beyond the costs of the project and consider the quality of the work, the warranty, service and support they provide. Also, ensure the warranty transfers to future owners if you sell your home.

If the siding replacement is significant to the structure of the home, consult with an architect in addition to the siding contractor. The Taylors selected a redesign that integrated cedar with architectural elements including gabled window frames and wood trim.

Document your issues in detail, and retain relevant documents and pictures for future reference and claims. Continue your documentation throughout the project.

Consult with a realtor, especially if selling your home is part of your future plans. A realtor should be able to provide information on the spectrum of options you have; from simply disclosing EIFS and any known issues, all the way down to removing the old and installing new siding before your house is put on the market. Your home is an investment and a significant asset. Any insight into the resale value of the home is incredibly important to your plan of action.

Another great resource is the Recommended Contractors List posted on the FHHOA website. This list contains contractors that have been recommended by residents and other trusted contractors. ~ Submitted by Malia Premi, a 14 year resident of Forest Heights and is a real estate expert in the Forest Heights market ~

Thanks to Hugh and Penny Taylor for generously sharing their personal experience with EIFS. Hugh has generously offered to speak with neighbors in Forest Heights who have siding challenges. Hugh can be reached at: 503.297.1104 or

Page 13

Parents: It’s 10 pm. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Congratulations to Irwin Caplan! Irwin won last month’s newsletter Word Puzzler and a $25 Starbucks gift card. Here are the answers to last month‘s puzzle: 1. Fireworks

9. Uncle Sam

o you remember this Public Service Announcement from the ‗60‘s, ‗70‘s and ‗80‘s? In an effort to draw attention to local curfew laws, this televised PSA ran just prior to the start of the late evening news in most cities across the country.

2. Star Spangled Banner

10. Independence Day

4. Red, White and Blue

13. Parade

Many residents here in Forest Heights have reported seeing teenagers out and about in the neighborhood well past midnight, which begs the question, are there still curfew laws? We contacted the Portland Police regarding the curfew question and here‘s what they have to say:

5. Barbecue

14. Stars and Stripes

6. Cotton Candy

15. Land of the Free

7. Beach

16. America the Beautiful


First and foremost, yes, there is still a curfew law. Children and youth can be stopped for curfew violations during the following hours:

3. Flag

11. Liberty bell 12. Celebration

8. Sparklers Be sure to check out this month‘s puzzle on page 18!

Under 14 Curfew Hours School days 9:15 p.m. to 6 a.m. Non-school days 10:15 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Over 14 Curfew Hours School days 10:15 p.m. to 6 a.m. Non-school days 12 midnight to 6 a.m. Parents should be aware that Oregon state law requires that the parents, legal guardians and others charged with the care of a child make sure that the child is not out after curfew. Parents and others who fail to meet their legal obligations can be cited into court, can be subject to fines and required to complete a parent effectiveness program (Per Oregon Revised Statue 163.577, Failing to Supervise Child).

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ARE YOUR GARBAGE CANS IN VIEW? Reprinted from last month’s newsletter: Clarification of trash receptacle policy and new enforcement procedures


t the June 14, 2011 board meeting, the board directors approved a change to Policy Resolution #2, General Community Rules and Regulations, amending paragraph 1 to read:

Trash, yard debris and recycling receptacles should be set out no earlier than the night before pickup and removed and stored out of sight from the street, in an appropriately screened or enclosed area, no later than the end of the day of pickup. This revised language clarifies that all receptacles emptied by the garbage hauler need to be kept out of sight from the street by the end of day your garbage is picked up. Beginning September 1st, the following timeline for compliance enforcement will begin:

First letter: Requests compliance/remedy within thirty (30) days (typical notice requires a seven (7) day remedy according to Exhibit A Policy Resolution #3). All future notices will be seven (7) days.

Second Letter: Seven (7) day notice to correct problem. If you are not compliant after seven (7) days a $25 daily fine begins on Day 8, plus administrative charges.

Day 30: If the violation continues for thirty (30) days or more the Association may refer the compliance matter to the Association‘s attorney for legal action.

this is the perfect time to evaluate where you can move them. The easiest solutions would be to store containers in your garage or behind a fence. Other methods would be to use landscape (shrubs or a short hedge) or a short fence to screen the containers from view. These projects would need to be submitted for Architectural Review Committee approval. The fee for such a review would be waived. Questions? Please contact FHHOA Compliance Coordinator Molly Oliver at: 503.297.9400 or by email at:

If your receptacles are currently stored in your driveway or are otherwise visible from the street,

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The Magic of Go Green


ore than likely we have all, at some point, enjoyed an ―illusionist act‖, a form of magic where something seems to appear out of nothing. Be it a rabbit coming out of a hat, a bird flying from a closed fist, or the numbers on a playing card disappearing right before our very eyes. But at the end of the act we know it was nothing but an illusion. Through slight of hand and distraction, we‘ve been fooled into seeing, and sometimes believing, in situations that don‘t exist. Here in Forest Heights our very own Go Green Committee has making something out of nothing for years, but it‘s not done by any form of trickery. The results, however, are nothing short of magical! Be it improvements to our natural habitat, rooftop solar programs, gardening workshops or harvest exchanges, the work of the Go Green committee is evident throughout our community. And when the question is posed, ―How much of my homeowners dues are these enhancements costing,‖ the answer is not one many expect, but where the real magic comes into play: We get these community improvements at no additional cost to homeowners. And, it is due to you – you and the many other volunteers who make our community truly special. Read on so you can learn more about just a few of the very special volunteers who are leading this effort, working with the Go Green committee.

Devidas Gupta, our Committee Chair (and previous winner of Forest Heights Volunteer of the Year Award). Devidas has brought in representatives from the City of Portland and West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District to share information with residents on storm water runoff reduction programs. And on August 13th, Devidas has made arrangements for a representative from Purple Rain to present information on how to collect and reuse storm water (see announcement in this newsletter). The Forest Heights community has also benefitted from the expertise of former Go Green Committee Member Lynn Putnam (most recent Forest Heights Volunteer of the Year Award winner), who applied for a two year West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District FISH grant which Go Green is utilizing to restore a stream bank adjacent to Mill Pond. This grant has been maximized with over a 100 volunteer hours and is coordinated through a partnership with SOLV. During the first year of this grant, volunteers have planted over 400 willow and red twig dogwood stakes along the stream bank, and 183 native plants and shrubs have also been planted in this .8 acre site. On July 30th, Forest Heights resident volunteers removed invasive species adjacent to our newly planted native plants to further ensure their survival.

On September 29th, Gaylen Beatty from Columbia Land Trust will present information on the Backyard Habitat Certification program (see announcement in this newsletter). The Backyard Habitat Certification Program is a great resource for free classes and discounts on native plants and garden tools. Participants in the program also receive site visits and specific recommendations for reducing erosion, improving habitat and decreasing chemical use in their yards. The energetic Go Green goal is to continue the beat of improving our community through creative use of all available funding sources. But almost all funding requests require clear commitment of how community volunteers will participate. Our success to date is based on ―you‖ being involved. So help us continue this success and please contact to be included in an email list keeping you up to date. And remember, this is no illusion, just commitment to our community working together.

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From the Post Office: It has come to our attention that several tree branches are hanging over mailboxes at homes within your association. To ensure that we maintain consistent delivery we will need your homeowners to trim the branches back to allow the postal vehicle to approach and leave mailboxes. The postal vehicle is 8 feet tall and 12 feet long. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

FREE GO GREEN WORKSHOP Naturescaping: Reduce yard maintenance, control erosion and improve stream and pond health in Forest Heights


id you know that by ―naturescaping‖ your yard, you will save time, money and be able to make a positive difference for our community at large? So just what is naturescaping? Naturescaping is the practice of designing a landscape so that it reduces water use, stormwater runoff and pollution without sacrificing the splendor of your yard. Plus, it saves you time, money, and energy – all while providing a beautiful habitat for birds, wildlife, and you. The Go Green Committee invites you to attend a free Backyard Habitat Workshop where guest speaker Gaylen Beatty of the Columbia Land Trust will introduce the concept of naturescaping. Gaylen will also discuss:

BACKYARD HABITAT WORKSHOP WHEN: Thursday, September 29th, 2011 TIME: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: FHHOA conference room To attend this workshop, please RSVP by emailing to reserve your spot.

Tips for the reduction/elimination of water and chemical use


How to control erosion and improve the health of the Forest Heights stream system and Mill Pond

Garden Smart Guide

How to increase and improve wildlife habitat

Columbia Land Trust Backyard Habitat Certification Program

How to be active in the stewardship of our watershed

Native Plant Guide

Basic site or project planning

How to employ the benefits listed above without sacrificing aesthetics or revamping your entire landscape, as well as many other great gardening tips

WMSWCD services, classes and other general information

Page 17

BABYSITTING BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE! Hi, my name is Emilie Jackson, I'm 17 years old, and go to St. Mary's Academy. I've been babysitting for 6 years with all ages and love it! I'm available most week nights but especially weekends and willing to book on short notice. I have lots of references upon request, so give me a call! (503) 804-6616

BABYSITTING SERVICE Hi, I’m Trudi, and I’m a senior at Lincoln High School. I am CPR certified and live in Forest Heights. I do not have my driver’s license yet; however, I can be driven by my parents to and from babysitting jobs. I have been babysitting kids ages 1.5 to 11 years old for the past three years. I also work with preschoolers and kindergarteners in childcare at my church. I am available most weekends including Fridays. I currently charge $9/hour. By the way, I am allergic to dogs and cats so I am unable to babysit for pet owners. Please call me at 503841-5989 or email I would love to hear from you.

NANNY/BABYSITTER My name is Ashley and I am 17 year old., experienced babysitter and Red Cross certified. I love to play games, do arts and crafts, play sports and be active. I have my drivers license and am a good driver with my own car. I am able to drive myself along with others if needed. I am available school nights, weekends and this summer. Please call Ashley at 503-577-6951 or email

BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello, my name is Sonja Breda and I am 17 years old and attend St. Mary’s Academy. I am friendly, fun and love to work with children. I am also Red Cross Certified, have experience working with children and have my driver’s license. I am available some weeknights and most weekends. Please cal me at 503-203-2627 or email me at I look forward to talking with you soon.

BABYSITTER Responsible 12 year old girl available for babysitting in the Forest Heights Neighborhood. I am Red Cross-certified and love kids! Call Abby at 503-292-7744. FUN, RELIABLE, BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Responsible, caring and experienced with kids of all ages! Available on weeknights and weekends to babysit for families, during parties, etc. Call 503-291-1249 or email BABYSITTER/PET SERVICES AVAILABLE Hi my name is Haley and I am a sophomore in high school. I am offering babysitting and pet services. I am Red Cross certified for CPR. I have been a camp counselor for ages 2-12, a mother’s helper for a 1 year old, and a sitter for school age children. My parents are available to drive me anywhere in the neighborhood. I love kids and am very patient with them! I currently charge $10 per hour. My pet services are as follows: Grooming and sitting. Grooming would be available at my own home where a grooming center is available. I currently charge $20 per full day/night sitting and grooming cost varies by size and coat length. References are available. Email: or call 503.863.6673 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE High school student, Red Cross infant and toddler CPR certified, 3 years experience. Available to babysit Fridays and Saturdays year round. References available. Phone #: 503-841-5989 | Rate: $6/hr BABYSITTING SERVICE My name is Kendall and am 13 years old. I live in Forest Heights and an Red Cross CPR certified. My parents will drive me to residences in the neighborhood. I can be reached at 503-780-1890/503-706-0348, and charge $5.00/hr.

August Syllable Scrambler Email your answers, and the proverb, to: for a chance to win a $25 Starbucks gift card.

BABYSITTING SERVICE Hello! My name is Jarrett Gold, I am 16, and a sophomore at Lincoln High School. I am Red Cross certified and can take care of any age group of children. I can also take care of any pets or other things needed. I am very responsible and I have had past experience taking care of children and feel very confident in doing so. I was a counselor at outdoor school and took care of children for a week. I had a lot of fun and built leadership skills. I can also help tutor children with their schooling if needed. I can babysit children during the week or weekends. With summer coming up, I am free anytime, and am willing to take any time slots. I enjoy children and I am eager to help take care of them. You can contact me at 503-922-9900. Thank you! RESPONSIBLE, FUN BABYSITTER AND MOTHER’S HELPER AVAILABLE Red Cross Certified, 12 years old and love for kids of all ages. Like to play sports, read to kids, do creative things like acting, dancing, singing, and am an A+ student. Rate is $5 per hour. Call 503.294.1249 or email: BABYSITTING Tess Pauken, babysitting, age 13, Red Cross certified, $5.00/hr., Responsible & reliable. Contact:503-297-4007 or email: NANNY/SITTER/ADULT CARE Single woman, 47 years old, who raised two children, looking for work as a nanny, baby sitter or adult care in Forest Heights. Please call anytime. Qualified masseur. English is limited. Tel: 503-367-4797 or 503-853-1851. Email: EXPERIENCED NANNY Experienced nanny for many families in Forest Heights. Flexible availability. Reliable transportation and perfect driving record. Many references. Part time preferable. Phone Jocelyn at: 503-459-9443.

1. Spanish dance __ __ __ __ __ __ (3) 2. Lying beneath what is revealed __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (4) 3. Quiet __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (2) 4. Part of the foot __ __ __ __ __ __ (2)

Fill in the answers to the clues by selecting the correct syllables from the list below. Each syllable can only be used once and the number of syllables to be used is shown in brackets. When the correct words are filled in, the first and last letters reading down will reveal a proverb. BO, BU, CA, CAPE, ES, EX, FRA, GILE, IN, LE, LENCE, MI, NA, NAL, NOC,OR, REAU, RI, RO, SI, STA, STA, STEP, TE, TOR, TUR, TUS, UL, VA.

5. Relating to the night __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (3) 6. Get away __ __ __ __ __ __ (2) 7. Enduring strength __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (3) 8. Position or condition __ __ __ __ __ __ (2) 9. Dresser __ __ __ __ __ __ (2) 10. Digger __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (4) 11. Easily broken __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (2)

Page 18

MUSIC DRUM LESSONS Accomplished, studious high school student (junior) offering lessons in home studio; 2 drum sets for teach and follow instruction and recording equipment to monitor progress. Qualifications: 5 years study, numerous instructors, rock & jazz emphasis. Drummer and percussionist in 3 bands: rock, jazz and orchestra. Performance venues include clubs, charity events & private engagements. Rate: $10/half hour; $18/hour. Email:, 503.686.8020 PIANO TEACHER/TUTORING Excellent piano teacher and professional tutor (LA, Math, French, Study Skills). Fully certified. Established business 6+ years in Forest Heights. Great references from your neighbors. I make learning fun and I connect personally with my students. I travel to you! Please call Sarah at: 503.313.1216 or mail me:

PET/PLANT CARE PET CARE Responsible 12 year old girl who loves to care for your pets. I am available to walk, play with, feed or care for while you are at work or away. All types of animals, birds or fish are acceptable. Please call to schedule your pet care. Manoy 503-203-1787

TUTORING EXPERT COLLEGE ESSAY COACH As the acceptance rates of competitive colleges decline, it becomes essential for applicants to craft compelling admission essays. Experienced high school English teacher with Master’s Degree available to help plan, organize, revise, and edit admission and scholarship essays during evenings and/or weekends. Hourly fee. References supplied upon request. Please contact Ali at 503.867.6321 or SUMMER MATH AND WRITING CAMPS Enroll your child (1st—6th grade) in our Summer Math and Writing Camps! We also offer a camp for students entering Kindergarten in the fall. Please contact Susan Ellis at 503-330-7757 or for details. CERTIFIED READING THERAPIST Private sessions to improve your child's reading skills. Call for information or to schedule an evaluation. Caren 503-327-8046 or

MISCELLANEOUS LANDSLIDE INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION? Looking to insure my home against landslide. Any recommendations? Please let me know. Petra at 503.456-0770.

PET CARE / PLANT WATERING Responsible 13 and 16 year old brothers will provide excellent nurture for your pets and plants. In the last five years we have cared for numerous neighborhood pets, watered an abundance of vegetation and provided many dogs a daily walk. References available. Call Reid or Trent at: 503-203-1491

My name is Nick Grout and I am an 8th grader at West Sylvan. I am willing to wash cars, feed and bathe pets, house sit, and do yard work. I can come anytime during the week or weekend. Please contact me at 503.292.5440 or

EXPERIENCED PET & PLANT SITTER Very responsible 12 year old girl with lots of experience. I can walk, feed and play with, clean up after and care for your pets if you are going to be gone. I have lived with cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and snails and have taken care of guinea pigs, cats and many other animals. I can also take care of plants, and have done for many people. Call 503.291.1249 or email:

NEED SOME EXTRA HELP? My name is Nathan VanDomelen, 16 years old. I am a trustworthy and dedicated person. I honor all appointments and always do quality work. Here are a few things I can do: baby-sit, take care of plants, take care of pets (I am good with animals), pull weeds, and clean cars (inside and out.) Please note that I am not limited only to the jobs specified. I am available most weekdays, but prefer weekends due to school. Please don’t hesitate to call me (503) 206-6563. Thank you.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STUDIO8FILMS Have you ever wanted to create a special video to celebrate an event or milestone in the life of a loved one, including your pet, but don't have the time or skills to do so? Studio8Films can produce your custom video with original videography or can utilize and edit your super 8 films, photographs, videos and audio bytes. Why let the memorable moments fade, capture them forever! Final films provided in a format of your choice, a DVD or web movie for upload to the internet. Please go to: for video samples and information.

RENTALS FOR RENT MT HOOD SKI CHALET- One for Vacation Rental - One For SALE by Owner. Sleeps 8. Three Bedroom, 2.5Bath, 2-car Garage, Pools, Spa, Deck. Hot Tub, Trails. Offers four seasons of fun: Ski, Hike, Fish, Boat, Climb. Located Right at Government Camp - Collins Lake Resort and Grand Lodges. Mention this FHHOA ad for FHHOA Member Rates and Book Direct with owner. Loren P Hotchkiss 503-291-9822

LOOKING FOR EXTRA HELP? Hi! My name is Jake Marcy and I am 16 years old. I am dedicated to my sports and school. I am a lacrosse player for Lincoln High School and love my sport. I am very motivated and willing to work as hard as you need. I can help with yard work, computer work (Facebook, upload photos, etc.), animal watching and walking, babysitting, house sitting, lacrosse training. I am a hard worker so feel free to call me for any work you might have. Please feel free to call me at 503-297-5921 or 503-407-0846. BRIDGE ANYONE? Looking for intermediate level bridge players who would like to play for fun. Call Mike and Steph 503-244-1418 LABOR DAY VACATION SWAP! Looking to swap luxury SUNRIVER Oregon home (sleeps 9) for your 2+ bedroom home/ condo in Forest Heights area August 31st-September 5th. For info & photos email:

FOREST HEIGHTS STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT Secure Storage/Parking Garages available in Forest Heights behind the Village Center. Sizes and Prices Vary. Contact 503-384-0333 if you’re interested. Professionally managed by C and R Real Estate Services, Co. SHORT TERM LEASE Looking for housing (Furnished Apt/Condo/House) in Forest Hts for family visiting this summer. Please contact: Hannah

Find us on Facebook! Look for the Forest Heights Facebook page and ―like‖ us! When you become a fan of our page, you‘ll be able to see updates from the HOA and keep up to date on what‘s happening in the neighborhood. Page 19

Here’s a snapshot of FHHOA activities and meetings for the month of August. Print and keep this calendar in a handy spot so you’ll have access to what’s happening in your community.



Tuesday 1




Safety, Streetscape GoGreen, Natural and Transportation Habitat, Landscape Meeting & Trails 12:00 pm 6:00 pm

Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am

FHHOA Office

FHHOA Office





Community Activities Committee 5:00 pm

Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm


FHHOA Office




Saturday 5




Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am

Rainwater Harvesting & Rain Garden Class 10:00 am to 12:00 pm FHHOA Office

FHHOA Office




Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am

FHHOA Office




Budget & Finance Committee 6:00 pm



FHHOA Office

FHHOA Office




Tract R Workshop & Open House 10:00 am to 12:00 pm FHHOA Office

FHHOA Office





Tract R Development Task Force 5:30 pm

Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am

FHHOA Office

FHHOA Office




August 2011 Page 20

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