This month GM Stephen Herr talks about Tract R
Planning a home improvement project? Build the ARC into your plans.
What the Dept. of Justice wants you to know about door-to-door sales
FHHOA seeks new members for its Board of Directors.
ne source of strength of the Forest Heights Homeowners’ Association lies in the active participation of residents who voluntarily serve on association committees. These committees provide the broadest possible representation of residents in both the planning and decision-making process of the community. The Forest Heights board could not perform its duties nearly as well without the active support and work of our valued committees and truly values the time, effort and contributions of all volunteers. Last month, the board was presented with the following goals and objectives for each committee, and fully supports their priorities for 2011.
Review alternative collection resources and formulate board recommendations
Monitor, review and update the Common Area and Private Street reserve distributions & requirements for 2011 and 2012 to adequately fund reserves on a long term basis.
Create and submit the 2012 balanced budget recommendation to the Board of Directors by the prescribed due date. Evaluate the costs vs. benefits of formal financial statements and annual audits relative to annual reviews in order to formulate a recommendation to the board. For 2011 and beyond: explore revenue enhancement alternatives to drive association revenues and limit expenses.
Budget & Finance Committee •
Monitor the 2011 budget relative to actual financial performance and recommend corrective actions as necessary On a monthly basis:
W H AT ’ S I N S I D E FHHOA Committee Projects for 2011
Request for Board Nominations
Ask the Manager
In Stitches Annual Fundraiser
Upcoming Community Events
New HOA Employee
Results of the Community Activity Committee Survey
Door-to-Door Solicitation: What’s Allowed?
Compliance Corner: Build the ARC into your Plans
Evaluate account receivable and pursue collective actions
Solarize NW Workshops
Review collection practices and take corrective actions
Classified Ads & Calendar
Continued on page 2 →
F H H O A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Continued from page 1
Forest Heights Homeowners Association 2033 NW Miller Road Portland, Oregon 97229 Phone: 503.297.9400 Fax: 503.297.9408 Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm
Community Activities Committee
Monitor the Village Center Halloween and Holiday events to ensure that neighborhood needs are met.
Review and discuss the recent CAC survey results and present revised committee objectives (based on survey results) for 2011 to the Board of Directors.
Stress importance of emails and neighborhood signs to notify residents of upcoming events. Work with Communications Committee to try to reach more residents via the newsletter.
Consider ways to tighten up our 2011 events in response to preliminary feedback from the recent CAC survey.
Look into a fee-based option for some of our events.
Consider scaling back on events in 2012 in response to neighborhood feedback.
Look at adding smaller events for a target audience not perceived to be served per the CAC survey, such as Concerts in the Park for adults.
Vision Statement To create and foster excellence in community, environment and quality of life. Board of Directors | 2010 Eric Butterfield—President
Communications Committee
Michael Fletcher—Vice President
Continue to leverage the communications expertise and leadership that Kim Monaco has brought since joining the HOA as the Marketing, Events and Communications Coordinator
Complete a communications survey with results distributed to board members
Sherrill Corbett—Secretary Ric Barton—Treasurer Stuart Roberts Mark Sanzone Joseph Schutz •
Association Staff Stephen K. Herr—General Manager email: Judith Souers—Office Administrator email: Molly McManus Oliver—Compliance Coordinator email: Kimberly Monaco—Marketing, Communications & Event Coordinator email: Richard Metzger—Maintenance Supervisor Juan Guerrero—Maintenance Team
Create a formal Communications Plan, informed partly by the survey responses. The plan will explore additional types of communications than those the HOA is already pursuing, as well as ways to get resident input so that communication is truly two-way. Redesign the FHHOA web site to incorporate the following goals: 1.
More user friendly
More interactive
Better search function
Ability to pay dues, fees, and fines online with credit card
Better opportunities for advertising and promotions
Ability to privatize “members only” information
New site to be live in 2011
Create consistent and cost effective signage with the move to coroplastic signs in 12 designated sign locations
The exploration of a “neighborhood brand”. The committee will work with the board and HOA management and staff to determine messages and communications that help to build a positive and accurate sense of community identity
Continued on page 3 → Page 2
F H H O A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Continued from page 2
Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee •
Work with GM to promptly respond to all safety inquiries.
Maintain healthy relationships with the Portland Police Dept and Portland Bureau of Transportation.
Continue to pursue traffic patrols and citations.
Pursue traffic calming measures (signs, 2nd speed reader board, etc) as needed.
Review costs and effectiveness of private security service program.
Identify all hazardous sidewalk (or lack of) areas and discuss options with owners and the city planning department.
Continue public transportation options: 1.
Control costs of ECO shuttle without significantly impacting customer service
Go Green Committee
Go Green and Sustainability •
Go Green Survey
Rainwater Harvesting 1.
Help bring in rainwater harvesting designs into the community
Organize rainwater garden work shops
Solarize—Promote NW Solarize
Newsletter articles on sustainability
Gardening workshops
Plant/Harvest exchanges
Mill Pond dredging assistance
Tract R Development
Landscape •
Continue work on cost reduction by looking at low maintenance alternatives, improvements from better plant selection and use of technological advances to minimize resource usage and enhance natural habitat when possible
Trails •
Continue providing input and reports on the health of our trails including exceptions and areas that need attention
Engage with TriMet to get bus service for our area in the TIP (5 year Transportation Investment Plan)
Get involved with the overall regional transportation planning process via NWNW, Cornell Road Sustainability Collation, TriMet and other appropriate groups to ensure acceptable long term commuter solutions for residents
Develop a Community Disaster Plan: 1.
Define and procure appropriate emergency supplies
Define chain of command and communication strategy
Develop a comprehensive contact list for appropriate local agencies (police, fire, gas, electric, excavation, etc)
Define homeowner notification process
Work with management and WMSCD (possibly through a grant) to prioritize areas requiring intervention and apply methods to minimize/eliminate invasive plants.
Natural Habitat •
Continue current work with WMSCD on restoring the stream banks within the community (grant supported)
Apply for grants to expand scope of workforce stream bank restoration
Create opportunities for staff, management and community to further knowledge about natural habitat management and restoration
Continue effort in evaluating land-use decisions in neighboring communities to ensure that the watershed within Forest Heights is preserved and protected
Industry professionals say that “Committees are the lifeblood of a homeowners association”. Never forget that homeowners have responsibilities as members of the association, and that responsible owner‟s volunteer to create a better community. The Forest Heights committees welcome your comments and suggestions, and they are currently seeking new members. To volunteer your ideas or to serve on a committee please contact the association office at Page 3
REQUEST FOR NOMINATIONS FHHOA Board Seeks New Members for its Board of Directors
orest Heights is governed by a seven (7) member Board of Directors, each of whom serves for a three year term. The three year terms are staggered so that each year new board members join as the most senior board members‟ terms expire. In May, three (3) board members‟ terms expire, and the board is seeking their replacements. The annual board member election will be held May 3rd, the first Tuesday in May, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. At this time, we are recruiting candidates to run for the three (3) board member positions. A Nominating Committee has been assigned the task of recruiting/coordinating candidates and answering any questions you might have.
Requirements for Nominees Nominees should be members in good standing of Forest Heights with a desire to actively participate in guiding and providing direction for our community. Previous board service is desirable, but not necessary. If elected you will be expected to: •
prepare for and attend monthly board meetings
participate in study sessions, evaluate subjects in an objective manner
educate yourself on homeowners associations
support the will of the majority of the board.
Schedule for Nominees •
April Candidate statements will be published in the FHHOA Newsletter and proxy will be distributed via the annual mailing. Deadline 3/15.
Participate in a “Meet the Candidates” open forum.
May 3 Annual Meeting. Candidate statement and election.
To nominate yourself or someone else Please contact me directly at or by phone at 503-780-4677(cell). If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to me, your Nominating Committee Chair, current Board Members, or FHHOA Staff directly. You can also send your nomination to the FHHOA staff at Nominations will be closed March 15, 2010 (except for write-in candidates and nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting). I will contact every interested party directly, to get you started. Joseph Schutz FHHOA Director Nominating Committee Chair
An ability to communicate and work with others is, of course, helpful. Please refer to the FHHOA Board Meeting Goals, Objectives, and Code of Ethics and Conduct.
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$200 discount towards ANY service scheduled in the month of March Present this coupon at time of estimate to receive your $200 discount
Marble, Granite, Travertine, Limestone cleaning, polishing & sealing
Caulking replacement, counter sanitizing, polishing & sealing
Grout cleaning, restoring, sealing
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“Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.” - Linus Pauling
Are you curious about things going on in our community? Do you ever wonder about something you see while walking or driving through our neighborhood? Do you have questions about issues that impact Forest Heights? Here’s your opportunity to get some answers! Our General Manager, Stephen Herr, will answer your questions about Forest Heights each month in this article. If you are wondering about something, chances are others in our community are curious about the same thing, so do us all a favor and send in your questions. If Manager Herr can’t answer the question, he’ll find someone who can! Please email your questions to with “Ask the Manager” in the subject line. Questions received by the 10th of each month will be answered in the newsletter the following month.
ASK THE MANAGER “I heard that the board established a task force to explore recreational opportunities and a community garden on Tract R. Where is Tract R located and what ideas has the Task Force discussed for this area?”
couple of months ago, the G2 Committee approached the board with an idea to install a community garden on a portion of Tract R. Tract R is 2.22 acres located directly behind the Village Center and Forest Heights Crossing Townhomes, directly beside Mill Pond. Currently, the association uses part of this area for maintenance storage. The area can be accessed through Forest Heights Crossing or from Mill Pond Park and the trail system. Long standing residents of our community know this area because it was designated in the 2006 Master Plan for recreational use(s) and future development. The board has identified and prioritized Tract R as an open space improvement project. They established a task force, made of members from several committees including the board, to develop a design concept for the area that would satisfy the current and future recreational desires of our community. A landscape architect was hired to professionally assist the task force with conceptual designs. Currently the task force is reviewing several preliminary design concepts
for this open space that include the following elements: •
Covered pavilion at pond
Sports Court
Fitness Stations (par course extended around Mill Pond and the trail system)
Community Garden
Rest Rooms
Association Maintenance Area
Part of the board assignment to the task force is to estimate a range of costs for each element, evaluate phasing options (construction sequencing and cost implications), recommend socialization of the design to the community and explore funding options. The task force plans to make a progress report to the board at the March 8th Board of Directors meeting. The task force is still in the preliminary stage of developing design concepts for Tract R and they anticipate making a presentation to the community at the Annual Homeowners Meeting in May. ~ Stephen Herr, FHHOA General Manager~
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n Sunday, March 6, 2011, In Stitches will host its 4th Annual Stitch-a-Thon, benefiting the Oregon Food Bank. In 2010, In Stitches‟ raised $9,500 in cash and 400 pounds food for this worthwhile organization, and in total, these Stitch-aThons have raised over $25,000 in cash and more than 1,300 pounds of food for the OFB. Stitchers arrive at the shop at 6:00 am and stitch for 12 hours! The stitchers all obtain “sponsors” who support their stitching efforts with either a check made payable directly to the Oregon Food Bank, or with bags of food. If you would like to support this effort, please drop by the shop between March 1 and March 24 (or stop by the day of the event!) with your monetary donation or bag of groceries. You will receive a tax receipt from the OFB for your monetary contribution.
The Oregon Food Bank has reported that record numbers are currently accessing emergency food. High unemployment has resulted in 240,000 people per month eating meals from an emergency food box last year, up from 200,000 the previous year. Of those, 33% are children. Please remember that every $10.00 donated helps OFB provide enough food to fill an emergency food box with enough food for a family of four for 3-4 days. Thank you so much for participating. In Stitches Forest Heights Village Center 503.226.0814
Forest Heights residents Jeffrey Miller and Tammy Dalton cordially invite you to a Winemaker Dinner at Davis Street Tavern with Cerulean Skies Winery March 16, 2011 6:30-9:30pm After a successful event at Fenouil in January, we continue our Winemaker Dinner series. Davis Street Tavern’s new chef has created a 4-course menu specifically for Cerulean wines. Share a table with Cerulean's owners and winemaker, who will discuss the winemaking process with you as you taste exquisite food and wine. Limited seats are available for $65 per person. Please make reservations with Tammy Dalton at 503.705.9840 or Davis Street Tavern is located at 500 NW Davis Street. Cerulean offers free delivery in Forest Heights. To order, call Jeff Miller at 503.333.9725. Page 7 Page 7
Upcoming Community Events GoGreen & SOLV Planting Event Date: Saturday, March 5, 2011 Time: 9:00 am Location: Mill Pond Park Wetland Creek Trail Head
Easter Egg Hunt Date: Saturday, April 23, 2011 Time: 10:00 am Location: Mill Pond Park
Annual Meeting Portland Public Schools Forum Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Forest Park Elementary
Date: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Forest Park Elementary
Spring Garage Sale Volunteer Appreciation Reception Date: Friday, April 15, 2011 See below
FHHOA VOLUNTEER A P P R E C I AT I O N R E C E P T I O N April 15th • 6:00 pm Paragon Restaurant
Date: Saturday, June 4th, 2011 Time: 9:— am—3:00 pm Location: Forest Heights Neighborhood
We at Forest Heights Homeowners Association would like to show our sincere appreciation to all our community volunteers. You have devoted your precious time, energy and resources to make our community the most desirable around. Your volunteer spirit is admired and greatly appreciated! We invite you to join us on Friday, April 15th, for an evening of camaraderie, great food and drinks! If you have been a volunteer in the past year, please RSVP to: Page 8
FHHOA WELCOMES OUR NEW STAFF MEMBER, OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR AND BOOKKEEPER Please join the FHHOA office in welcoming our newest staff member, office administrator and bookkeeper, Judith Souers. Judith comes to the HOA with experience in full-cycle bookkeeping and office management having worked as the sole accounting staff member at Thompson AdFocus, Inc. for 10 years. Judith joined the HOA in the midst of many changes at the HOA office: at the time of her hire, we had just started a new banking relationship and were also transitioning to a new accounting software.
To top it off, we were also in the middle of a billing cycle using these new systems! We knew early on that Judith was going to be a great fit for the position. Despite all the changes in the HOA office, Judith jumped into her role with great ease, quiet calm and a steadfast curiosity to learn everything about the new processes, systems and relationships at the HOA. The next time you call or visit the office, please give a hearty “welcome and hello� to Judith!
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Is your information up-to-date in the Forest Heights Resident Directory? The FHHOA Resident Directory is a great tool for keeping you connected with your neighbors. Is your contact information up-to-date? If you‟ve forgotten your resident directory login, or wish to be included in the resident directory, email
Are you a “Pioneer of Forest Heights”? Have you lived in the neighborhood since it‟s early days? If so, you are the historians of our very unique community and have a wealth of information to share with your neighbors. Please consider sharing your Forest Heights history by participating in the Forest Heights History project. Every other month, the HOA will run an interview with a Forest Height Pioneer in our newsletter. Documenting the history of this place so many call home will aid the association in preparing for our 25th anniversary, which is coming up in just a few short years. To participate, please email:
Thank you to the 358 residents who completed the Community Activities Committee (CAC) Survey. This number represents a good portion of the 1900 homes in our community and we feel we received a good sampling of community input. The survey was designed to get feedback in the following areas: •
Oh, Pioneers!
Satisfaction level with current community events
Suggestions for improvement for all community events
Suggestions for new/different events
Food and entertainment options at all events
The results Between 64 and 71% reported being „very satisfied‟ with all Forest Heights community events which include: •
Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Garage Sale
Fourth of July
Summer Reading Program
Concert in the Park
International Fall Festival
Fall Garage Sale
Suggestions for improvement Suggestions for improvement were widespread, however, the one area
that got the most votes for improvement are the food lines at our events. Both our community and the popularity of our community events have grown in the past few years. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for CAC and we have taken steps to change how future events are structured in regards to food tents and crowd control. Suggestions for new/different events 58% of respondents said “no” to the question of the HOA adding new or different events to the community event schedule. Of those that did respond with suggestions for new events, most of the responses supported the idea of events that are not “kid-centric” but more adult in nature. Suggestions of adult themed events include: live music in the park, wine tasting, book sales, community service event to support local charities, art fair, book clubs, etc. Food and entertainment options at all events Our survey asked respondents to select the top 5 cuisines/cultures that were of interest to them in terms of food sampling at the International Fall Festival. The top 5 choices were: Thai, Greek, Italian, Indian and Mexican. This past year, CAC changed the type of entertainment options at our events. Our survey results showed that a large number of our homeowners were happy with these changes.
Overview Despite the high percentage of reported satisfaction with all HOA events, and an expressed desire to continue these events at some level, a large number of respondents indicated that they felt these events needed to be scaled back in order to reallocate HOA funds to projects that would benefit the entire community and not just those who attend these events. To that end, the Community Activities Committee and HOA staff will be looking at ways to offer neighborhood gatherings that are more in line with the expressed desires of the community, while still offering the opportunity for neighbors to come together and build relationships with one another. With 76% reporting that the community events in Forest Heights provide an opportunity for community involvement and community spirit, CAC believes that the intangible rewards of these events are part of what make Forest Heights such a unique place to live. Click here to view the 2011 calendar of events. ~ Community Activities Committee ~
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D O O R - T O - D O O R S O L I C I TAT I O N I N F O R E S T H E I G H T S : W H AT ' S A L L O W E D ? Consumer tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud
ast month, many Forest Heights residents called the HOA office to report that door-to-door sales agents were in the neighborhood soliciting magazine subscription sales.
And many of the residents who called the HOA office to report this activity were surprised to learn that door-to-door solicitation is legal within the City of Portland as long as the solicitors have taken out a permit with the city to solicit their services. Permit or not, these solicitors often resort to aggressive and intimidating tactics when trying to make a sale.
The Oregon Department of Justice (ODJ) wants consumers to know about these door-to-door magazine subscription sellers and have provided the following information for consumers: Here are tips that may be useful to consumers and avoid becoming a scam victim: •
Do NOT engage these solicitors in any way. If you are suspicious or intimidated by their behavior, do not answer your door.
Put a “No Solicitors” sign on your home near your front door. Even with a permit to solicit, sellers may not attempt to engage you if you have a “No Solicitors” sign on your home. Information on the FHHOA ARC approved No Solicitors sign can be found here.
Frequently, magazine sellers tell consumers that they may purchase a subscription and donate it to a charity in lieu of receiving it themselves, or that the solicitor works for
a charitable organization. ODJ believes this may be a fraudulent sales pitch and no benefit goes to charity.
For more information on how to protect yourself from becoming a victim or if you want to report a scam, contact:
Be suspicious of receipts where the delivery name or address for the subscription is different than the address of the purchaser. Or, the subscription is to be delivered to a nonprofit, or is a "donation", sometimes to a vague charitable cause. Also be suspicious of receipts where the purchaser paid by "cash" which can be easily pocketed by the sales agents.
You may call the Attorney General's Consumer Hotline and request a form to be mailed to you.
If sales agents suggest that purchasers make a donation to a specific Oregon nonprofit (example: donate a subscription of a children's magazine to Doernbecher Children's Hospital), this is illegal without the prior written consent of the nonprofit (ORS 128.856). Doernbecher and other Oregon nonprofits generally have not given permission for such activities. Sales agents often try to convince purchasers that the sales agents are local students, on a local sports team, etc., to make the sale. Sales agents have been arrested by police agencies for theft by deception by lying to make a sale. Sometimes sales agents have been reported to use threatening behavior and intimidation tactics to make sales that consumers wouldn't otherwise make.
Portland area: (503) 229-5576 Toll-free: (1-877) 877-9392 Or you can download a Consumer Complaint Form here (PDF) Oregon DOJ Charitable Activities investigates and takes civil action against the companies if the activities involve a charitable-sounding pitch. Typical violations include: False or misleading solicitations (ORS 128.886) or other violations of the Oregon Unlawful Trade Practices Act (ORS 646.608 et seq.). OR DOJ Financial Fraud/Consumer Protection Section also monitors crews that go door to door for violations of the law, such as the home solicitation law. This includes crews selling magazines or other products such as Advantage Cleaner, jewelry, meat products, "local fruit" and others. ~ Information provided by the Oregon Department of Justice, Civil Enforcement Division ~
Consumers are encouraged to report this type of activity to both the Portland Police and the Oregon Department of Justice.
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PLANNING A HOME IMPROVEMENT PROJECT? Build FHHOA’s Architectural Review Committee into your project timeline and enjoy the beautiful results
f the number of phone calls we have been receiving at the HOA office is any indication, many Forest Heights residents are evaluating their property for maintenance and/or improvement projects. If you are considering any project that changes the exterior of your home (roofing, painting, siding, home additions, landscaping, etc) please remember that you need to obtain approval in writing from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) prior to starting any work. This requirement also applies to exterior re-painting with existing paint colors or re-roofing with the original materials. There is no fee for reviewing these types of “existing material” applications. Current versions of both the ARC Application and ARC Guidelines are posted on our website. The application has an easy-to-read table of required items/materials for various projects, as well as the timing for when applications need to be turned in. For example, the information on the table notes that exterior painting applications should be turned in to the ARC four (4) weeks before the start of your project. Set the stage for a successful, smoothly run project by consulting the ARC Guidelines and Application now and build-in time for the ARC process in your plans. Feel free to contact our office for information or guidance as you are planning your project. Our files should have data on the original materials and colors used by the builder of your home, as well as details on any subsequent projects.
The ARC is currently meeting on an as-needed basis on Thursdays at 9 am. Dates for the upcoming meeting are always posted on the FHHOA calendar at Applications are due at the FHHOA office before noon on the Wednesday preceding a meeting. The bottom line is that submitting an application to the ARC isn‟t a scary or intimidating process. Applicants are welcome to schedule a time to meet with the committee to discuss their application and get feedback on their plans. The professionals on the committee want to work with you to ensure that you have a project that pleases both you and the aesthetic of Forest Heights. If you have questions about the ARC process or ARC application, please contact Molly Oliver, Compliance Coordinator by phone at: 503-297-9400, or e-mail
~ Molly Oliver, FHHOA Compliance Coordinator ~
If you are looking for referrals to reliable contractors, visit our Recommended Contractors list. This list contains contractors that FHHOA staff has personally worked with, or who have been recommended to us by FHHOA residents or other trusted contractors.
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BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE! Hi, my name is Emilie Jackson, I'm 17 years old, and go to St. Mary's Academy. I've been babysitting for 6 years with all ages and love it! I'm available most week nights but especially weekends and willing to book on short notice. I have lots of references upon request, so give me a call! (503) 804-6616
FOR RENT MANZANITA BEACH HOUSE w/great ocean views. Works well for families to share or that winter retreat for the book/bridge club. Sleeps 14, no pets/smoking. Call 503.292.3270 or visit
NANNY/BABYSITTER My name is Ashley and I am 17 year old., experienced babysitter and Red Cross certified. I love to play games, do arts and crafts, play sports and be active. I have my drivers license and am a good driver with my own car. I am able to drive myself along with others if needed. I am available school nights, weekends and this summer. Please call Ashley at 503-577-6951 or email BABYSITTER Responsible 12 year old girl available for babysitting in the Forest Heights Neighborhood. I am Red Cross-certified and love kids! Call Abby at 503-292-7744. FUN, RELIABLE, BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Responsible, caring and experienced with kids of all ages! Available on weeknights and weekends to babysit for families, during parties, etc. Call 503-291-1249 or email BABYSITTER/PET SERVICES AVAILABLE Hi my name is Haley and I am a sophomore in high school. I am offering babysitting and pet services. I am Red Cross certified for CPR. I have been a camp counselor for ages 2-12, a mother’s helper for a 1 year old, and a sitter for school age children. My parents are available to drive me anywhere in the neighborhood. I love kids and am very patient with them! I currently charge $10 per hour. My pet services are as follows: Grooming and sitting. Grooming would be available at my own home where a grooming center is available. I currently charge $20 per full day/night sitting and grooming cost varies by size and coat length. References are available. Email: or call 503.863.6673 BABYSITTER AVAILABLE High school student, Red Cross infant and toddler CPR certified, 3 years experience. Available to babysit Fridays and Saturdays year round. References available. Phone #: 503-841-5989 | Rate: $6/hr BABYSITTING SERVICE My name is Kendall and am 13 years old. I live in Forest Heights and an Red Cross CPR certified. My parents will drive me to residences in the neighborhood. I can be reached at 503-780-1890/503-706-0348, and charge $5.00/hr. EXPERIENCED NANNY Experienced nanny for many families in Forest Heights. Flexible availability. Reliable transportation and perfect driving record. Many references. Part time preferable. Phone Jocelyn at: 503-459-9443. BABYSITTING SERVICE Hi, I’m Trudi, and I’m a senior at Lincoln High School. I am CPR certified and live in Forest Heights. I do not have my driver’s license yet; however, I can be driven by my parents to and from babysitting jobs. I have been babysitting kids ages 1.5 to 11 years old for the past three years. I also work with preschoolers and kindergarteners in childcare at my church. I am available most weekends including Fridays. I currently charge $9/hour. By the way, I am allergic to dogs and cats so I am unable to babysit for pet owners. Please call me at 503841-5989 or email I would love to hear from you.
MUSIC DRUM LESSONS Accomplished, studious high school student (junior) offering lessons in home studio; 2 drum sets for teach and follow instruction and recording equipment to monitor progress. Qualifications: 5 years study, numerous instructors, rock & jazz emphasis. Drummer and percussionist in 3 bands: rock, jazz and orchestra. Performance venues include clubs, charity events & private engagements. Rate: $10/half hour; $18/hour. Email:, 503.686.8020 PIANO TEACHER/TUTORING Excellent piano teacher and professional tutor (LA, Math, French, Study Skills). Fully certified. Established business 6+ years in Forest Heights. Great references from your neighbors. I make learning fun and I connect personally with my students. I travel to you! Please call Sarah at: 503.313.1216 or mail me:
PET/PLANT CARE PET CARE Responsible 12 year old girl who loves to care for your pets. I am available to walk, play with, feed or care for while you are at work or away. All types of animals, birds or fish are acceptable. Please call to schedule your pet care. Manoy 503-203-1787 PET CARE / PLANT WATERING Responsible 13 and 16 year old brothers will provide excellent nurture for your pets and plants. In the last five years we have cared for numerous neighborhood pets, watered an abundance of vegetation and provided many dogs a daily walk. References available. Call Reid or Trent at: 503-203-1491 TWO BROTHERS PET & PLANT SITTING We are 14 and 16 year old brothers who provide quality care for your pets and plants while you’re away. We have over five years of experience caring for pets and plants, indoors and out, from cats and cacti to dogs and dahlias. References available. Gabe and Hayden Henderson, call 503-296-9165 or email
FOR RENT MT HOOD SKI CHALET- One for Vacation Rental - One For SALE by Owner. Sleeps 8. Three Bedroom, 2.5Bath, 2-car Garage, Pools, Spa, Deck. Hot Tub, Trails. Offers four seasons of fun: Ski, Hike, Fish, Boat, Climb. Located Right at Government Camp - Collins Lake Resort and Grand Lodges. Mention this FHHOA ad for FHHOA Member Rates and Book Direct with owner. Loren P Hotchkiss 503-291-9822
FOREST HEIGHTS HOUSE FOR RENT Beautiful home in Forest Heights with spectacular view and private setting! Open floor plan with a lot of light. 3500 sqft home, 4 bedrooms plus bonus room, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage, 2 big decks, lots of storage place and much more. 10 minutes from downtown. No smoking and no pets. Price: $2,900/month. For more information, please email:
TUTORING EXPERT COLLEGE ESSAY COACH As the acceptance rates of competitive colleges decline, it becomes essential for applicants to craft compelling admission essays. Experienced high school English teacher with Master’s Degree available to help plan, organize, revise, and edit admission and scholarship essays during evenings and/or weekends. Hourly fee. References supplied upon request. Please contact Ali at 503.867.6321 or CERTIFIED READING THERAPIST Private sessions to improve your child's reading skills. Call for information or to schedule an evaluation. Caren 503-327-8046 or
MISCELLANEOUS PLAY DATE 5 year old girl is looking for the girl of same age or older, to arrange regular play dates. Please call Julia at 503.332.8080 or email: PIANO FOR SALE Polished ebony, upright 57” wide x 43” high. Excellent condition, never used. Moving, must sell. Original price: $2999, asking $2500/OBO. Email for more information. My name is Nick Grout and I am an 8th grader at West Sylvan. I am willing to wash cars, feed and bathe pets, house sit, and do yard work. I can come anytime during the week or weekend. Please contact me at 503.292.5440 or NEED SOME EXTRA HELP? My name is Nathan VanDomelen, 16 years old. I am a trustworthy and dedicated person. I honor all appointments and always do quality work. Here are a few things I can do: babysit, take care of plants, take care of pets (I am good with animals), pull weeds, and clean cars (inside and out.) Please note that I am not limited only to the jobs specified. I am available most weekdays, but prefer weekends due to school. Please don’t hesitate to call me (503) 206-6563. Thank you. FOREST HEIGHTS STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT Secure Storage/Parking Garages available in Forest Heights behind the Village Center. Sizes and Prices Vary. Contact 503-384-0333 if you’re interested. Professionally managed by C and R Real Estate Services, Co. LOOKING FOR EXTRA HELP? Hi! My name is Jake Marcy and I am 16 years old. I am dedicated to my sports and school. I am a lacrosse player for Lincoln High School and love my sport. I am very motivated and willing to work as hard as you need. I can help with yard work, computer work (Facebook, upload photos, etc.), animal watching and walking, babysitting, house sitting, lacrosse training. I am a hard worker so feel free to call me for any work you might have. Please feel free to call me at 503-297-5921 or 503-407-0846. BRIDGE ANYONE? Looking for intermediate level bridge players who would like to play for fun. Call Mike and Steph 503-244-1418 SOCCER UNIFORMS & LEGOLAND TICKETS FOR SALE 2 Forest Heights Soccer uniforms, navy blue & white, size L | $20 each Contact Noelle at 503-297-5646.
Interested in advertising in the Forest Heights Community Newsletter? For ad rates, submission deadlines and general information, please contact Kim Monaco at: or by phone 503.297.9400.
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Here’s a snapshot of FHHOA activities and meetings from March thru mid-April. Print and keep this calendar in a handy spot so you’ll have access to what’s happening in your community.
Saturday 1
March 2011 1
8 Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee 12:00 pm
2 GO Green Committee 6:00 pm
3 Architectural Review Committee 9:00 am
5 Go Green & SOLV Planting 9:00 am
9 Portland Public Schools Community Forum 7:00 pm
(this event was originally scheduled to occur on 2/26)
Forest Heights HOA Board of Directors 7:00 pm 13
14 Community Activities Committee 12:00 pm
21 Budget & Finance Committee 6:00 pm
April 2011 3
5 Safety, Streetscape & Transportation Committee 1:00 pm
6 GO Green Committee 6:00 pm
11 Community Activities Committee 12:00 pm
12 FHHOA Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 pm
15 Volunteer Appreciation Reception 6:00 pm
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