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Read more about Ponsse’s solutions for steep slope harvesting on page 42

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Our solutions are always based on our customers’ needs, and our forest machines designed for steep slopes are no exception. We test and develop them together with our customers in truly demanding conditions, for example, in China, Brazil, North America and in Central Europe

Marko Mattila Sales, Service and Marketing Director at Ponsse Oy



PONSSE traction assistance winch helps achieve high productivity in steep ground operations. It allows operating the same machines in flat and steep work sites with no need for additional machinery or methods. PONSSE Synchrowinch preserves soil from rutting and erosion, saves fuel and reduces stress in drive transmission components.

PONSSE Synchrowinch allows effective logging in areas where previously only expensive and slow special logging methods have been used. The winch speed is automatically synchronized to the machine driving speed so the operator doesn’t need to operate or adjust it during normal work. Cable tension can be set and winch can be operated from a remote control unit, making it easy to hook the cable to e.g. a tree or a stump uphill. Tiltable crane base options makes harvesting and forwarding more efficient on slopes.

BENEFITS 1. Traction assistance winch helps to maintain high productivity also in steeper terrain because of: • Forwarding is possible to both directions (no need for separate route with full loads). • Due to the tiltable seat the driver can keep a relaxed sitting position while working on steep slopes.

This makes the work ergonomical and less tiring. 2. Traction assistance winch helps to widen the area of operation - same machines can handle also steeper places. No need to employ additional machinery or other harvesting methods (like cable skidders, manual felling) in the same logging site. 3. Harvesting on steep slopes with traction assistance winch decreases the fuel consumption compared to steep slope harvesting without traction assistance.

No slipping means mitigated impact to soil and lower erosion risk by reducing track formation. Lower fuel consumption and decreased transmission part wearing are pros of traction assistance compared to operating without winch in slopes. 4. Investment cost compared to fully mechanized cable yarding systems is remarkably lower. Traction assistance logging has lower transporting costs (two machines vs. four machines) and system involves only two operators at the same time. 5. Automatic Steep Slope

Brake (ASSB) monitors the machine speed and enables the brakes automatically when the machine speed changes abnormally.



Installation in front of the engine of the harvester.


Fixed installation inside the forwarder’s rear frame CABLES Cable type: ø14.5 mm, 350 m length, high compacted construction Min. required tensile strength: 200 kN (20 tons)

TENSILE FORCE Harvesters 0 up to 70 kN (0-7 tons), Forwarders 0 up to 100kN (0-10 tons), continuously variable and consequently constant tensile force

Utilizing invaluable customer feedback, John Deere built its 959ML Shovel Logger specifically for steep slope applications. Designed to help loggers be more effective when felling and log handling in steep terrain, the John Deere 959ML machine boosts productivity and delivers excellent stability in even the toughest environments.

The robust, durable design of the new FL100 makes it ideal for steep slope, shoveling, and traditional felling applications

Anotable feature of the 959ML machine is its boom, which is available in three reaches including 9.21 meters (30 feet), 10.34 meters (34 feet) and 11 meters (36 feet). All three boom reaches are equipped with downhill reach ability, allowing for high performance in steep slope applications. The boom, arm, and heel configuration can effectively reach the downhill side of the ground at full tilt. Additionally, the 11-meter boom includes a strong live heel, helping to provide better machine flexibility. The enhanced live-heel boom was built with purpose to navigate and dominate shovel logging applications in challenging steep-slope conditions.

The new 959ML is available in two configurations – shovel logger or directional feller. The machine has built upon key features from the John Deere M- and MH-Series models, including the best-in-class leveling control system. The machine’s patented leveling control system incorporates sensor technology to maximize the forward title angle (26 degrees forward), while electronically preventing any possible mechanical interference when tilting to the side. The leveling envelope boundaries are set automatically and the patented system provides a smooth transition when approaching the leveling limits. The 959ML allows for a directional felling head or a grapple and live- heel boom for shovel-logging applications. It also comes equipped with an optional state-of-the-art slope monitoring system that measures the actual ground-slope angle of the machine and displays the value in real-time on the in-cab screen. The cab on the 959ML was deliberately designed to improve operator experience in steep slope applications. The cab is extremely spacious and features an overhead skylight and downward viewing window for significantly improved visibility, optimizing awareness in challenging terrain. This climatecontrolled cab features expansive jobsite visibility, ergonomic controls, and an optional fully adjustable suspension seat. Equipped with a powerful and fuelefficient John Deere 9.0-liter diesel engine, the 959ML maintains peak performance while minimizing total fluid consumption. The reliable John Deere engine combined with the industry-leading, patented leveling system expands the 959ML’s overall working capability for tackling a wide range of jobsite challenges.

The 959ML offers convenient access to service components, allowing for quick and frequent maintenance checks. Additionally, the machine comes with a variety of other optional features including a weld-on, tether-ready hitch field kit, and four-point seat harness.

Keto Harvesters - Triple Length Measuring

Did you know that ONLY Keto heads have TRIPLE length measuring? The Keto system uses track movements for measuring. Both tracks have an encoder sending independent signals to the xLogger computer. This data displays as two separate lengths, often very accurate already. Additionally, xLogger analyses the data steams and repairs not only issues caused by the tree characteristics, but also those related to speed, power, and mechanics. It does all this very fast during the tree feeding process. The display shows the repaired data stream as a THIRD length, which is taken as the CORRECT length measurement by the computer. We call this system TRIPLE length measuring. Technion Oy of Finland produces the xLogger computer system, and they have perfected the length signal analyzing software over the last decade. This kind of measuring is unique to Keto heads using xLogger computer. The system is the most accurate in the industry. In field testing, users and log buyers agree that Keto harvesters consistently measure within a 5 cm window. The system maintains accuracy even on logs measuring over 20m, and in challenging conditions. The system’s user friendliness compliments its extreme accuracy. It hardly needs recalibration after delivery – which is a big advantage! The same calibration fits all species and all weather conditions. Why? Track surface is straight and flat, meaning that spike penetration into bark is not a calibration factor. Comparatively, spike penetration is an issue with measuring wheels since their effective rotating radius changes. With Keto Harvesters, tracks stay in perfect contact with the tree. Irregularities in the tree do not cause skipping or slippage. No measuring wheel, and consequently no maintenance of one, is another major advantage. Keto abandoned measuring wheels nearly 30 years ago, and there has been no looking back! Did you know that Keto heads do not need any sensors in the saw? Keto does not use any conventional sensors near the saw motor or cylinder. Consequently, there are no wires of any kind going to the main saw housing. They do not even have a saw home sensor. This leads to less maintenance and more productive time! Despite no sensors near the saw, Keto harvesters still have a very accurate saw bar home and position control. Keto heads use remote saw position sensing with the xLogger computer’s purpose designed features. This is accurate to within 2-4 mm diameter increments depending on the head model. This makes it possible for the saw to stop precisely without passing the log edge, saving bars, chains, and time. As a result, productivity increases! Did you know that Keto heads come with Keto designed, patented, continuous 360+ rotators? These Keto rotators are compact in design, but still offer load capacities up to 50t. Additionally, the structure is very robust and easy to service. There are 3 rotator size classes, depending on the head size, and up to 400+L/ min capacity. The design has 4 passages for liquids and one for cable. One of the passages is totally isolated and it cannot leak to other passages, even if the seal were compromised. The electrical swivel has 6 or 8 wires. The rotator mounts are with industry common bolting patters for easy replacements. Contractors have given very positive feedback about this rotator. One of them is Desmond Major, Major´s Contracting in Deer Lake, NL Canada: “We have been involved in this Keto’s continuous rotator project since day one. We are running them on a bunch of Keto heads, each getting 100h per week, over 4000h per season. Today we have the total of over 30000h on these rotators, and they work very well. No more old hose issues, more rotating power, fool proof electrical swivel, simple and compact unit – there is no way going back to the old setup.” Did you know that Keto is the only head with patented track feed? Tracks have been the trademark of the Keto heads since day one, nearly 40 years ago. Tracks provide unparalleled advantages in felling and processing trees. 1) Tracks do not slip and generate a very high true tractive effort - this is a critical advantage especially in challenging trees. 2) Tracks are gentle on tree surfaces, creating minimal fibre damage, if any. 3) Tracks do not spin out, therefore, no destroyed logs. 4) Tracks provide a unique base for measuring. It is the most accurate system in the industry. 5) Tracks do not put excessive load on the motor shaft, making motors last much longer.

Kone-Ketonen Oy & TrackGrip Inc. Originating in Finland, the Kone Ketonen Oy has been synonymous with excellence in the forestry industry since 1984. Today, the company has produced nearly 6000 heads and counting. Continuous development has brought incredible improvements to the design over the years. Find out what Keto Harvesters can do for you! Kone-Ketonen’s distributor in Canada and the United States of America is TrackGrip Inc. The headquarter, warehouse and support shop are located in Quebec. TrackGrip´s partners and machine dealers can be found all over the North American continent. The company is headed by Erkki Kukkonen, who already has 30 years of experience with Keto Harvesters. For more information please visit www.kone-ketonen.fi or www.trackgripinc.com (in USA and Canada)

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