June, 2013 (autosaved)

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July, 2013

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present" -Bil Keane

July, 2013

Regular Sections:

Opening: Note from the Designer Cover Votes

His Princess Yours Sincerely-


The Way We live in: Geneva, Indiana

New Readers




My instrument! (because of no contributions this section is no longer available).

Wonders of Creation


Mystery Photo

Question: What is your favorite song? (related to Jesus)

Brain Buster-

Music For God’s Glory

Recipe’s- havin’ fun in the kitchen Stories and Poems I love Photography

Inspiring the Beautiful Sneak Peak! Closing Word

A new section!

July, 2013

A Note From the DesignerAnother wonderful issue has been completed- and is ready for your enjoyment! Several Years backwhen we didn’t have that many subscribers, and I was really inexperienced, one of you suggested doing the them on music. I excitedly started, but as some things go- I soon wasn’t interested anymore and had the theme on Flowers. The last year or so- music has really intrigued me! To think, God made music to Glorify him and to think it is really beautiful. There are many verses in Psalms focused around music- but here is just a passage that intrigued me-

Ps 33:2-5 ”Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. 4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” Hopefully you will enjoy this issue! :- ) Elisa Knicely- editor and designer

Ps: We have what we call a little experiment for this magazine-if you see any dark blue and underlined words push the word, and a document should pop up. Tell us how it works! (we usually do it for the girls- and we didn’t do for all- just because it is simply time consuming, and since we don’t know how it will work we skipped quite a few.)

Ambidextrous Adj. capable of using both hands with equal ease "Jensen, a right-handed athlete, quickly began to teach himself to become ambidextrous." — From an article by

Sam Blum in The Daily Orange (Syracuse, New York), February 20, 2013

July, 2013

Cover Votes! 1rst place!

Great Job Letitia!

2nd place- Great Work, Kristina! ď‚Ż





3rd place! Great work Girls! (all of you got even amount of votes)

July, 2013

June and July, 2013

Brianna Reinford- turned 14 on June 28!

Kaylynn Haines- turned 13 on June, 12!

Hana Knicely- turned 14 on June 15

Adrianna Ropp-has a birthday July 1!

Hope you have/had a wonderful birthday!

July, 2013

a special welcome to our:

New Reader!


Name: Aleah Litterell Age: 12 Years Old Birthday: December 3 Country/State: Idaho, USA School: Kootenai Valley Mennonite School My Hobbies Are: READING! Playing outside, and drawing Two Sentences about yourself:

“One of my biggest dreams is to travel all around Europe. I LOOOOVE antiques”

Once we reach the amount of 60 members- we will have a special issuedesigned only by the contributors- and when we reach the amount of 100 we will have another special issue called- “BFs Forever!” Featuring you and your best friend! Tell your friends!


Name Age Birthday: Country/state: School you attend: My hobbies are: Two sentences about yourself.

July, 2013

He is able

lyrics is in the next section–Elesa


Complete in thee- Katriel Knicely There is Beyond the assure blue- Sylvia Yoder When God Ran- Hana Knicely Blessings-“Laura’s Story” lyrics are in next section- Victoria Martin Light your world- Elisa Knicely

Between here and the sunset lyrics are in next section- Brianna Reinford

New- Meet a Reader Questions:

July, 2013

Lyrics Between Here and Sunset Between her and sunset there'll be rivers to cross, The winds may beet round me, my ship may be tossed, But the pilot that's guiding my vessel can see, Between here and sunset just what's waiting for me. Chorus: And He'll hold back the sun if the need should arise, If the mountains to steep, He'll just lower the sky, He'll exalt every valley when they're to rough and steep, And between here and sunset, God will take care of me. As sure as the years number thousands and more. And as sure as the sand lies to rest on that shore, Just as sure as the clouds draw the rain from the sea, Between here and sunset He'll take care of me. To Chorus~ Contributed by: Brianna Reinford

Blessings We pray for blessings, we pray for peace Comfort for family, protection while we sleep We pray for healing, for prosperity We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering And all the while, You hear each spoken need Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things 'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops What if Your healing comes through tears What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love As if every promise from Your word is not enough And all the while, You hear each desperate plea And long that we'd have faith to believe 'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops What if Your healing comes through tears What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise When friends betray us When darkness seems to win We know that pain reminds this heart That this is not, This is not our home It's not our home

July, 2013

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops What if Your healing comes through tears What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy What if trials of this life The rain, the storms, the hardest nights Are your mercies in disguiseContributed by: Victoria Martin

People Need the Lord Every-day they pass me by, I can see it in their eyes. Empty people filled with care, Headed who knows where? On they go through private pain, Living fear to fear. Laughter hides their silent cries, Only Jesus hears. People need the Lord, people need the Lord. At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door. People need the Lord, people need the Lord. When will we realize, people need the Lord? We are called to take His light To a world where wrong seems right. What could be too great a cost For sharing Life with one who's lost? Through His love our hearts can feel All the grief they bear. They must hear the Words of Life Only we can share. People need the Lord, people need the Lord At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door. People need the Lord, people need the Lord. When will we realize that we must give our lives, For peo-ple need the Lord.


Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle Wonderful miracle, the redeemer of us all

Bleak the night as we come to worship you Guard us on our way Hard the road as we bring our gifts to you Help us on we pray Shining like silver the stars in the sky lead us to Bethlehem Streaming from heaven the angels on high point us to Bethlehem Bleak the night as we try to follow you Guard us on our way Hard the road as bring our lives to you Help us on we pray Shining like silver the stars in the sky lead us to Bethlehem Streaming from heaven the angels on high point us to Bethlehem Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle, Wonderful miracle, the redeemer of us all Sing the story the wonderful miracle Sing the glory of love evermore

People need the Lord.

July, 2013

July, 2013

For God’s Glory Music is a wonderful thing! At

least it can be! Music can help a person grow, comfort someone, inspire them, or even draw a wandering soul to the Lord. But also, if we are not careful what kind of music we listen to, it can be a bad thing or sometimes it can even be an addiction. But to me- I really enjoy music. Music where I know the people who are singing, are singing from the heart is the most inspiring and up building for me. I really enjoy music and singing! My favorite cds are the Mullet Family. They sing right from the heart and have an amazing and powerful message!! I definitely recommend them! So let music build you up!! And don’t forget. Be careful what you listen to, because what we listen to, becomes a part of us and molds who we become. – Andrea Stoltzfus

I play the piano and take lessons from Wendy Good. I have ever since 7 years old. I also love to sing- although I don’t take voice lessons, so- I play and sing at the same time! : ) I like most hymns but usually get a little tired of the same hymns we sing at church. I guess I like songs I never heard before the best: ) One of my favorite singers is Chris Rice- who sings the album Peace Like a River. I recommend it to everyone. Songs make it easier to remember scripture verses and they sometimes preach a whole sermon in one song. I Love music! – Hana Knicely

Music- It simply is wonderful! I have always been intrigued with music. Beautiful choirs that sing inspiring songs, soft music that plays in the background- My life almost consists of music. Sitting down to sew, sweeping in the kitchen, going to sleep- it always gives comfort. Then there is a side of me that loves to make up songs. I love sitting down on the piano, and playing myself tired. I really enjoy minor songs- and my parents usually tell me play a more cheerful rendition:-) Music can be inspiring, can lift a soul out of deep sorrow, or bring a soul to him. Above All- music should glorify Godand should praise him- like Andrea S. said- “what we listen to, becomes a part of us and molds who we become.” -Elisa

July, 2013

My PrincessGuard your tongue.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 niv July, 2013

Inspiration center

How To Be Miserable Author Unknown Think about yourself: talk about yourself; Use “I” as often as possible: mirror yourself continually n the opinion of others. Listen greedidly to what people say about you. Expect to be appreciated. BE suspicious. Be jealous and envious. Be sensitive to slights. Never forgive a criticim. Trust nobody but yourself. Insist on consideration and respect. Demand agreement with your own views on everything. Sulk if people are not greteful to you for favors shown them. Never forget a service you have rendered. Shirk your duties if you can. Do as little as possible for others.

Prayer Requests: Pray for Connie Moe-a lady who just had a surgery on her brain. – Brianna Reinford Have any prayer requests?

True Meaning of Grace The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. “Go ahead, give it to me.” The principal looked down at the young rebel. “How many times have you been here? ”The child sneered rebelliously, “Apparently not enough.” The principal gave the boy a strange look. “And you have been punished each time have you not?” “Yeah, I been punished, if that’s what you want to call it. ” He threw out his small chest, “Go ahead I can take whatever you dish out. I always have.” “And no thought of your punishment enters your head the next time you decide to break the rules does it?” “Nope, I do whatever I want to do. Ain’t nothin’ you people gonna do to stop me either. ”The principal looked over at the teacher who stood nearby. “What did he do this time?” “Fighting. He took little Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox.” The principal turned to look at the boy, “Why? What did little Tommy do to you?” “Nothin, I didn’t like the way he was lookin’ at me, just like I don’t like the way you’re lookin’ at me! And if I thought I could do it, I’d shove your face into something. “The teacher stiffened and started to rise but a quick look from the principal stopped him. He contemplated the child for a moment and then quietly said, “Today my young student, is the day you learn about grace. ”“Grace? Isn’t that what you old people do before you sit down to eat? I don’t need none of your stinkin’ grace.” “Oh but you do.” The principal studied the young man’s face and whispered. “Oh yes, you truly do…” The boy continued to glare as the principal continued, “Grace, in its short definition is unmerited favor. You cannot earn it, it is a gift and is always freely given. It means that you will not be getting what you so richly deserve. ”The boy looked puzzled. “You’re not gonna whup me? You just gonna let me walk?” The principal looked down at the unyielding child. “Yes, I am going to let you walk. ”The boy studied the face of the principal, “No punishment at all? Even though I socked Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox?” “Oh, there has to be punishment. What you did was wrong and there are always consequences to our actions. There will be punishment. Grace is not an excuse for doing wrong.” “I knew it,” Sneered the boy as he held out his hands. “Let’s get on with it.” The principal nodded toward the teacher. “Bring me the belt.” The teacher presented the belt to the principal. He carefully folded it in two and then handed it back to the teacher. He looked at the child and said. “I want you to count the blows.” He slid out from behind his desk and walked over to stand directly in front of the young man. He gently reached out and folded the child’s outstretched, expectant hands together and then turned to face the teacher with his own hands outstretched. One quiet word came forth from his mouth. “Begin. ” The belt whipped down on the outstretched hands of the principal. Crack! The young man jumped ten feet in the air. Shock registered across his face, “One” he whispered. Crack! “Two.” His voice raised an octave. Crack! “Three…” He couldn’t believe this. Crack! “Four.” Big tears welled up in the eyes of the rebel. “OK stop! That’s enough. Stop!” Crack! Came the belt down on the callused hands of the principal. Crack! The child flinched with each blow, tears beginning to stream down his face. Crack! Crack! “No please”, the former rebel begged, “Stop, I did it, I’m the one who deserves it. Stop! Please. Stop…” Still the blows came, Crack! Crack! One after another. Finally it was over. The principal stood with sweat glistening across his forehead and beads trickling down his face. Slowly he knelt down. He studied the young man for a second and then his swollen hands reached out to cradle the face of the weeping child. Then the words were softly uttered from……(may the reader discern)… “Grace…”

July, 2013

God is the Friend of Silence We Need to Find God, He Cannot Be Found in Noise and Restlessness. God Is the Friend of Silence. See How Nature . . Trees, Flowers, Grass Grow in Silence. See the Stars, the Moon and Sun . . . How They Move in Silence. The More We Receive in Silent Prayer, The More We Can Give in Our Active Life.

We Need Silence to Be Able to Touch Souls. The Essential Thing Is Not What We Say, But What God Says . . . To us and Through us. All Our Words Will Be Useless Unless They Come from Within. Words Which Do Not Give the Light of Christ . . . Increase the Darkness. -Mother Teresa

Quotes by Amy Carmichael: -You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving. -If I fear to hold another to the highest goal because it is so much easier to avoid doing so, then I know nothing of Calvary love. - If I take offence easily; if I am content to continue in cold unfriendliness, though friendship be possible, then I know nothing of Calvary love. - If I do not give a friend "The benefit of the doubt," but put the worst construction instead of the best on what is said or done, then I know nothing of Calvary love. - If I cast up a confessed, repented, and forsaken sin against another, and allow my remembrance of that sin to color my thinking and feed my suspicions, then I know nothing of Calvary love. - If my attitude be one of fear, not faith, about one who has disappointed me; if I say, "Just what I expected," if a fall occurs, then I know nothing of Calvary love. July, 2013

Hey there! My name is Breanna Reinford. I am 14 years old and my birthday is June 28. I attend Diamond Valley Mennonite Church and School. I just got finished with 8th grade. Some of my hobbies are horseback riding, hanging out with friends, taking pictures, swimming, and emailing!!! I would LOVEfriends on email!! My email address is daddyslilcowgirl99@gmail.com. I will be waiting. - Brianna

Miss Adrianna Ropp, started her own little magazineApril 2013! A Girl after God’s Own Heart- A Christ centered magazine for girls. Check it out at: younglady.aftergods.ownheart@gmai.com. I recommend this!

July, 2013

The Way We live in: Genva, Indianna All right...first of all, for those of you who haven't been to Indiana, we have got to get something straight. Indiana is flat, especially where we live. Our tiny town, Geneva, is a really nice place to live. It would probably be considered "rundown" by some people, but I like it! It's so nice to just be able to walk to a small grocery, post office, and even the library. Around my area, it's not uncommon to see lots of Amish buggies along the road! We are known for our high Amish population. Geneva has lots of history behind it too. It actually used to be a swamp, so we get lots of trees and good growing soil here. You can actually walk to Gene Stratton Porter's house from our house! Gene Stratton Porter is an author, and an amateur naturalist. She explored the Limberlost Swamp, which is now Adams and Jay county (I live in Adam's county). I wish I could show you the Limberlost house (the house Gene Stratton Porter built, the one that we can walk to from our house), but the best I can do is show you some pictures:

this is downtown Geneva, on Line Street. It's where all the small businesses are. 

 Ceylon Bridge.

Here's a sign showing some history of Geneva! 

July, 2013

And finally: the limberlost house:

And that’s how- Geneva, Indiana is! - Addie Imel:

July, 2013



If you could play any instrument- what would you play? Of the Eight girls that participated:

Three Girls Chose The


Three Girls Chose the HARP 

Two Girls Chose The: saxophone

July, 2013

I play the acoustic guitar- Brianna Reinford “I play the guitar. My favorite pieces to play are Christmas songs especially Silent Night. I took lessons for about 2 years with a local guitar teacher. We had a lot of fun playing together and learning new songs. I am very glad I know some of the skills of playing guitar but I still have a lot to learn!!!!:)�

The violinKatriel Knicely and Sarah Ebersole, Jessica Wingard

The PianoHarmoni Ropp, Hana Knicely, Brenda Eshleman, Bethany Gehman, Addie Imel, Joan Yoder, and Victoria Martin

I play the dulcimer- Sylvia Yoder

July, 2013

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, Ryan, 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. “If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.’” Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus.”

A young preacher was contacted by the local funeral director to hold a grave side committal service at a small local cemetery for someone with no family or friends. The preacher started early but quickly got himself lost, making several wrong turns. He arrived a halfhour late, the hearse was nowhere in sight, and the workmen were eating lunch. The pastor went to the open grave and found the vault lid already in place. Taking out his book, he read the service. As he was returning to his car, he overheard one of the workmen say: “Maybe we’d better tell him it’s a septic tank.”

Odd Newspaper Headlines From Around the World Include your children when baking cookies Something went wrong in jet crash Safety experts say that school bus passengers should be belted Drunk gets nine months in violin case Survivor of Siamese twins joins parents Miners refuse to work after death Juvenile Court to try shooting defendant Two Soviet ships collide, one dies Red tape holds up new bridge Kids make nutritious snacks Man minus ear waives hearing

July, 2013

Better Write That Down! An elderly husband and wife noticed that they were beginning to forget many little things around the house. They were afraid that this could be dangerous, as one of them may accidentally forget to turn off the stove and thus cause a fire. So, they decided to go see their physician to get some help. Their physician told them that many people their age find it useful to write themselves little notes as reminders. The elderly couple thought this sounded wonderful, and left the doctor's office very pleased with the advice. When they got home, the wife said, "Dear, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream? And why don't you write that down so you won't forget?" "Nonsense," said the husband, "I can remember a dish of ice cream!" "Well," said the wife, "I'd also like some strawberries on it. You better write that down, because I know you'll forget.� "Don't be silly," replied the husband. "A dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can remember that!� "OK, dear, but I'd like you to put some whipped cream on top. Now you'd really better write it down now. You'll forget," said the wife. "Come now, my memory's not all that bad," said the husband. "No problem--a dish of ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream." With that, the husband shut the kitchen door behind him. The wife could hear him getting out pots and pans, and making some noise inconsistent with his preparing a dish of ice cream, strawberries, and whipped cream. He emerged from the kitchen about 15 minutes later. Walking over to his wife, he presented her with a plate of bacon and eggs. The wife took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband and said, "Hey, where's the toast?"

July, 2013

The wonders of-

Creation -Facts About Ducks1)

A male duck is called a drake, a female is called a duck. Babies are called ducklings.

2) Ducks are related to geese and swans. The duck is the smallest of them all and have shorter necks and wings and a stout body. 3) Ducks can live from 2-12 years, depending on the species. Ducks have webbed feet, which act like paddles. A duck waddles instead of walking because of its webbed feet. 4) Ducks' feet have no nerves or blood vessels. This means ducks never feel the cold, even if they swim in icy cold water. 5)

Ducks provide us with eggs, meat and feathers.

6) Ducks' feathers are waterproof. There is a special gland that produces oil near the tail that spreads and covers the outer coat of feathers. Beneath this waterproof layer are fluffy and soft feathers to keep the duck warm. 7) Ducks keep clean by preening themselves with their beaks, which they do often. They also line their nests with feathers plucked from their chest. 8) ago.

Ducks were once wild until they were domesticated by the Chinese many hundreds of years

July, 2013

Mystery PhotoLast issue:

Where is this place?!!

Answer: Colorado

Have any ideas for this one? Find out in next issue!

July, 2013

Brain Buster Do these flower petals look familiar? What kind of flower do these petals belong to? ď‚Ž

Answer: A Daisy!

Our guesses

A Zinnia? – Addie Imel They look like either a zinnia- or maybe a daisy? Katriel Knicely

1. people say when black bands on a Wollybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming. 2. Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees 3. The butterfly that lives the longest is the Brimstone Butterfly which lives 9-10 months - Jessica Gehman July, 2013

introducing: At the time of its origin around the year 1700, the piano was a speculative invention, produced by the well-paid craftsman and inventor Bartolomeo Cristofori for his wealthy patron Ferdinando de Medici, Grand Prince of Florence. As such, it was an extremely expensive item. For some time after its invention, the piano was largely owned by royalty (e.g. the kings of Portugal and Prussia); Even later on, (i.e. throughout the 18th and early 19th centuries), pianos were financially beyond the reach of most families, and the pianos of those times were generally the property of the gentry and the aristocracy. Visiting music masters taught their children to play the piano. (the course of the 19th and 20th centuries) the middle class of Europe and North America increased in both numbers and prosperity. This increase produced a corresponding rise in the domestic importance of the piano, as ever more families became able to afford pianos and piano instruction. The piano also became common in public institutions, such as schools, hotels, and public houses. As elements of the Western middle class lifestyle gradually spread to other nations, the piano became common in these nations as well, for example in Japan. ~Wikipedia

July, 2013


having fun in the kitchen

Watermelon Summer Drink Prep: 5 min. +Chilling Yield: 5 servings Cost: 65 cents per serving 4 cups cubed seedless watermelon 他 cup frozen limeade concentrate, thawed 2-1/2 cups carbonated water Lime slices Place watermelon in a blender. Cover and process until blended. Strain and discard pulp; transfer juice to a pitcher. Stir I limeade concentrate. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight. Just before serving stir in carbonated water. Garnish servings with lime slice

July, 2013

bring on the heat!


*BERRY BLUE POPS* Rep: 25 min. + freezing Yield: 18 pops 6 tbsp. berry blue gelatin

*COOL WATERMELON POPS* Prep: 20 min. + freezing

1 cup sugar divided

Yield: 28 pops

2 cups boiling water divided 2 cups cold water, divided 6 Tbsp. strawberry gelatin 18 Popsicle molds or paper cups and popsicle sticks In a small bowl, dissolve berry blue gelatin powder and ½ cup sugar in 1 cup boiling water. Stir in 1 cup cold water. In another bowl, dissolve strawberry gelatin powder and remaining sugar in remaining boiling water. Stir in remaining cold water. In a small bowl, combine half of the berry blue gelatin mixture and half of the strawberry gelatin mixture. Place all in freezer for 1-3/4 to 2 hours or until slushy. In a large bowl, swirl the three colors as desired. Fill each mold or cup with Ÿ cup gelatin mixture; top with holders or insert sticks into cups. FREEZE.

2 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar 1 pkg. (3 oz.) watermelon gelatin 1 envelope unsweetened watermelon cherry Kool-Aid mix 2 cups refrigerated juice blend 1/3 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips 2 cups prepared limeade 2-3 tsp. green food coloring opt. 28 Popsicle molds or paper cups (3 oz. each) and Popsicle sticks. In a large bowl, combine the water, sugar, gelatin and Kool-Aid mix; stir until sugar is dissolved. Add watermelon juice. Fill each mold or cup with 3 tbs. watermelon mixture. Freeze until almost slushy, about 1 hour. Sprinkle with chocolate chops. Top with holders or insert sticks into cups- freeze In a small bowl, combine limeade and food coloring if desired. If using popsicle molds, remove holders. Pour limeade mixture over tops. Return holders. Freeze completely. July, 2013

*Blue Berry Fizz Pops* Prep: 20 min. + freezing Yield: 16 pops

Crazy-Colored Fruit Pops

2 cups white grape juice 2 Kool-Aid Giglin’ Grape fun Fizz drops 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries 1 medium ripe banana 3 to 4 drops neon purple food coloring, optional 16 popsicle molds or paper cups (3 oz. each) and popsicle sticks Place grape juice and fizz drops in a blender; cover and process until drops are dissolved. Add the blueberries, banana and food coloring if desired; cover and process until blended. Fill each mold or cup with ¼ cup blueberry mixture; top with holders or insert sticks into cups- Freeze

Tips that Pop: Author Krystina Castella shares how to make any pop perfectly in POPS!-Icy treats for Everyone 

Clear enough freezer space before getting started  For ease, pour mixes from spouted pitchers  If not using a mold, cover pops with plastic wrap or baggies secured with rubber bands to prevent freezer burn

1 cup orange-tangerine juice 2 cans (15 oz. each) reduced-sugar sliced pears, drained and divided

1 medium banana, sliced and divided 2 to 3 drops yellow food coloring, opt. 4 drops red food coloring, optional, divided 1 cup red raspberry juice 1 cup grape juice 19 popsicle molds or paper cups- and paper sticks.

In a blender, combine the orange-tangerine juice, ¾ cup pears, a third of the banana slices, yellow food coloring and 1 drop red food coloring if desired; cover and process until smooth. Fill each mold or cup with 1 Tbsp. mixture; top with holders or insert sticks into cups. Freeze for 30 min. or until firm In a blender, combine the raspberry juice, ¾ cup pears, a third of banana slices and red food coloring if desired; cover and process until smooth. If using popsicle molds, remove holders. Pour raspberry mixture over orange layer. Return holders. Freeze for 30 minutes or until firm. In a blender, combine the grape juice, remaining pears and remaining in banana slices; cover and process until smooth. If using popsicle molds, remove holders. Pour grape mixture over tops; return holders; Freeze for 30 minutes or until firm. July, 2013

“The Efforts”

July, 2013

The Wallflower If I could describe my new school in one word, this the one I would use: crowded. Just plain crowded. Packed like sardines in a can. If I had to describe myself in one word, it would be shy. Really shy. An introvert, a wallflower. From the moment I stepped in the door, I immediately wanted out. I tried to pick my way through all the students- students who had been there before. Not me, this was my first year. This wasn’t my first year in this school…. This was my first year in school period. I had been homeschooled from first grade all the way up to seventh grade. A few weeks ago, my parents announced the terrorizing news. I would be attending public school. “Watch where you’re going!” a kid shouted, breaking my line of thoughts. “Sorry,” I whispered. I repeated my locker combination under my breath while I tried to navigate the school. I knew where my locker was… it was just getting to it that was the hard part. I squeezed through the students, apologizing all the way. Once I had grabbed my books from my locker I headed to my class. I was glad that I had memorized my schedule the night before. I even wrote it down on a piece of paper in case I forgot what order my classes where in. “Hey… are you the new girl?” Someone asked from behind me. “Yeah” I said turning around to face the boy. “I think I’m in your math and science class. Anyway, see ya!” He disappeared into the swarm of students with a smile. I smiled back.

-Addie Imel

July, 2013

A Friends’ Prayer

Have you ever wondered?

The Tack-

One time my teacher sat back, upon a very sharp tack, she jumped and screamed, boiled and steamed, and gave all us students a smack. wait a minute, it's summer vacation…

Contributed and written by: Hana Knicely

I got down on my knees today, And said a prayer for you, For you are always in my heart, And I often think of you,

Have you ever stopped to wonder Why they called Good Friday “good”? It seems to me that sad, black day Could be misunderstood.

I asked the Lord to send his angels, To protect my dearest friend, I prayed that all the joy and happiness, You have will never end,

How His Father must have anguished As He watched His dear Son die, And not for crimes that He had done, But for sinners such as I.

I asked the Lord to comfort you, When you are feeling blue, And when you have a tear, He’ll wipe away that too,

What kind of love could be so great, To suffer willingly The penalty for someone else; His blood was shed for me.

I asked the Lord to bless our friendship, So our ways will never part, For true friends always stick together, For we’re in eachothers hearts.

But then when Sunday came around And death had lost its sting, That glorious morn’ was victory For Jesus Christ, the King! Now He’s alive for evermore. The Father’s will was done. Forgiveness, pardon, full and free, By trusting in God’s Son. It was a “good” Good Friday For the thief who died there too; He took his place in Heaven When that long, dark day was through. I am grateful to my Savior: My life to Him I owe. I’ll serve and love Him always, Because He loved me so.

July, 2013

I love:


Addie Imel

Elisa Knicely

Sylvia Yoder Brianna Reinford July, 2013

Andrea Stoltzfus

Victoria Martin-

July, 2013

taken from betterphoto

Beware of white skies.

An overcast day? Don't get depressed. Soft light can be perfect light for working on a small photographic canvas - colorful details and people portraits. Caution: A bright white or gray sky can overwhelm everything else in the photo and make other parts of the scene look dark in comparison. Look for even tones... no really bright areas or really dark areas. So on a white-sky day, choose compositions with very little sky or, preferably, no sky at all.

Include a foreground object.

When presented with a beautiful landscape, most people simply take a picture and leave, and are later disappointed. The scene may have felt majestic at the time, but this feeling too often is lost when conveyed via the camera. One trick that professional nature and landscape photographers use is to include an object in in the near foreground. The combination of a close foreground subject and a distance background will create an eye-catching sense of depth that causes viewers to "ooohh" and "ahhhh".

July, 2013




-Ecclesiastes 3:11: He hath made everything beautiful in his time-

I am the kind of author that gets an inspiaration and starts out a story. However, halfway through I get ‘writers block’ and can’t think of an ending. Below is a start - Help me out and send in why you think they are in that situation- what they are going to do- and how it should end. The best result will posted next issue.

Far Away The cool wind wrapped around my dirty, barefooted feet, and the darkness increased around me. I looked up at the tall, majestic trees and shivered. ‘Looks like a storm.’ I mumble to my older brother, Bradley. He too looks up, then looks me in the eyes. “Brooke, you worry too much.” He gave a grin, “Just like Mama.” I don’t grin but look down on the path. The miles seem to stretch out before usgoing on-and on, endlessly. Where were we anyways?! “Brook?” I nod realizing he can’t see it but not caring- “Really- I… really.” He ceased his walking for a moment. “I can’t say that I was all right in taking you-.. “ He started his walking again. I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to scream that I loved him, rather adored him. I loved and missed Dad and Mom! I loved little Isaiah, and his twin Melissa. I loved my 10 year old brother Kavana, and most of all I loved my twin, Matthew James. But I couldn’t make my tongue my do anything so I just sighed and tightly bit my lip. I knew I was going to cry so I tried to focus on the path before me. Whenever would we end this treacherous journey? Tears did fall but I looked ahead. If Bradley had noticed he didn’t do anything. The path just seemed to get longer each moment and pain was in every bone. A shock of thunder thundered the air and lightning flashed down beside the forming clouds. Rain started pattering, and mingled in with my tears. But we didn’t stop, we kept plodding along the rain keeping us company.

Note: inspiring the beautiful will be based on something new each month. Have any suggestions on what it should involve?

July, 2013

A Sneak Peak-

The Next Theme: Flip Flops- idea by: Kaylynn Haines


- Flip flop recipe - Decorating flip flops - How did flip flops come to be? - My interest in flip-flops- Kaylynn Haines

Next Question: What’s your favorite thing about summer? Caption it!

Deadline: July 22, 2013

These are the themes for the following months: September: Dolphins- theme idea by: Laurel Weaver October: Fall LeavesNovember: Coffee theme idea by Harmoni Ropp Have any more good ideas?

Do you want an recent issues? Or the list of Forever His Princess Members? Contact us: foreverhisprincessmagazine@gmail.com

July, 2013

Last NoteThat about raps up this issue! Hopefully everything was to your pleasure! As the summer is here, I find that I have less time to do everything possibleand we aren’t receiving as many contributions as needed- therefore that means we have to bring in the contributions. So after this- if we don’t have contributions for one section we won’t have it in that particular issue. We will send out a warning around three weeks before the issue is sent out. This issue was rather rushed- because of summer vacation- (ya, I know guys I had an extra month)- but somehow it flew by rather fast- and here we are! So some of the sections aren’t quality wise- as usual! My apologies! As I was thinking about the new possible sections we could add, I thought of something that several of you mentioned earlier in this magazine. It will be based on the “Laugh” section- and probably end up in the ‘possible sections’- unless you continue sending in materials :) It will be called, “My Most Embarrassing Moment” Go ahead and send in your own story! As I said before, if you think of any theme ideas, or new sections please tell us! Another thing to keep in mind- is if you don’t really like a section- tell us. We want to take out- and bring more enjoyable ones in. We will send the outline out as soon as possible! Remember the deadline is: JUNE 27, 2013 Thanks for your participation! Remember you are His Princess!


Elisa Knicely editor

-Forever his princess staff July, 2013

July, 2013

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