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Forever Princess



For a Purpose

Liberia - plus -

Make your own



Contents Opening:

24 His Princess:

30 Color&Design:






15 43







Opening Open your mind; Prepare your heart.



We Are Young women who stand for the Christian faith and live strongly by it, applying it to our everyday lives

Our Desire Is for other girls to learn more about our awesome God we serve and to deepen their relationship with their Savior.


OurTeam Note: You can read all about us on our website!




The sign of a person is that they Always see the in





umbrage New Word:


1. Shade, shadow 2. Vague suggestion: hint 3. A feeling of resentment at some often fancied slight or insult



Note From



10 10

practical ways to bless others [part one]

By: Debra Burkholder Anonymous photography


Can God use the


things that I do for others to bless them?




Meet the Author: Debra Burkholder


The defining factor of my life is that I am a beloved daughter of the King! Beyond that I am single at 36 (and yes, there are volumes in those words, but I love the stage of life I am in now and feel that God has me here right now for a purpose!). My family hails from Dundee, New York which is Upstate New York and six hours away from New York City. I have three nieces and three nephews with three more due to arrive in the next four months- so being Aunt Debra is an important part of my life! Missions are close to my heart though I was never on a foreign field more than the five weeks of the WATER program- but I do hope that God leads my life so I can serve Him there someday. Teaching school has been my passion, call, and one of the most joyful parts of my life as well as one of the most pain-filled. My current assignment for the 2014-2015 school year is seven students in Grades 6-8 at a small school in northeastern Pennsylvania about seventy miles from my home. The school is in an area with lots of deer, some bear, and a very occasional bobcat. And yes, I have seen a bobcat in the eleven years that I’ve taught there at the school. But that’s another story for another day. I am excited to be able to write for this publication.

Irish Recipe:

Christmas Morning Muffins Ingredients -

11oz of flour 1 ½ tsp baking powder 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon 3oz brown sugar 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1 cup icing sugar 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice ToDo: Preheat the oven to {180 degrees Celsius} 356 Fahrenheit. Line a mini muffin pan – with small paper muffin cases. Stir flour, baking powder, brown sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Mix wet ingredients (except lemon juice) – then slowly add to dry mixture. Bake for 20 minutes. Place icing sugar in a bowl and add enough lemon juice to form a soft icing - drizzle over muffins.

15 15

Note: Due to the less intrest for this certain section we are taking out: “To Travel the World.” However, we are keeping the recipe. Each issue we will share a recipe from a different place. If you have a certain place you would like to see a recipe from, suggest it on our website! Credit: www.foodireland.com


Princess Taken from the book by Sherri Rose Shepherd -

Picture Credit: Elisa Knicely

“Have a Passion For My Word”

want you to have a passion in your heart for Me and My written Word. I promise you … the more you read My word, the more you will want Me. Don’t let anyone or anything steal that time away from you and Me, My child. I know you love Me, but I often find you looking everywhere else except to Me. It’s My word that lets you live life with supernatural wisdom. It’s My word that defines who you are and how much I love you. I know there is much to see and do, but nothing will give you the blessings or security that you will discover in the love letter I’ve written for you- My Word. Open your Bible today, and let Me reveal Myself to you in a very real and intimate way. Any time you spend with Me will be multiplied My mighty hand, so draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.

, 16 16

“You did not choose me- I chose you.”

John 15:16


Two blonds fall in a hole. One of them says, “Its dark in here isn’t it?” And the other one says, “I don’t know – I can’t see.”


18 18

For our daughters 6th birthday we bought her a fish. We couldn’t help laughing when she announced – “the fish’s name is Sparingly.” How do you know? I asked. “Look-“she responded. “It says – ‘feed sparingly three times daily’”

Student: Should I get into trouble for something I didn’t do? Teacher: No Student: Good, because I didn’t do my homework.

Definition: noun The action or sound of laughing. Synonyms: chuckling, chortling, guffawing, giggling, twittering, cackling, and sniggering.


By: Britt N + Elisa Knicely 20 20

Photographer: Rosa Yoder


- Unpopular


we can feel like we get overlooked by the "big people" in this life. It's frustrating when those people who are so "popular" don't even look your way and don't even have the decency to talk to you. Do they think they are much better than you? Maybe you have been feeling left out, rejected, and well, just "invisible" to everyone else. Maybe you go out of your way to be friendly and nice, but all you get in return is an unfriendly smirk and a fake hello. Maybe you are the on tries to friendly to everyone but end up every night going home in tears because of everyone's inconsideration. This world is cruel. This world is unfair. This world is not our home.


Jesus was the awaited King and the Son of GOD. He wasn't just a normal human like you and me, and He wasn't someone who used His popularity to make himself better known. And even He used His life to reach out to those who were in need of help and felt lowly. It seems like there aren't many people who are popular and still can relate to the unknown people. It is the truth that God does relate to all people- and He

"Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature,

For the lord sees not as man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance,


but the Lord looks on the heart."

blesses those who do. As Christians, we should be living a life like His. So don't give up if you are feeling rejected and alone- it’s probably a good thing that you aren't like those who are popular. It is also nice to know that Jesus knows how we feel when we go unnoticed and feel rejected. God sees the injustice and the way people treat youyou’re not being overlooked! If ignored, I encourage you to reach out to other people. Try to not think of yourself – (this can be a hard one!) Look to younger children; they admire older people. Just speaking a few words to them really makes their day! Even Jesus reached out to the little children. “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19:14 22

-1 Samuel 16: 7 | Revised

Keep a thankful spirit. “Give thanks to Him and praise His name- !” (Psalm 100:4) Write down at least one thing you are thankful for each day to keep your mind off of your struggles. I encourage you to look around you. Is there someone who is alone a lot – and never in a group? Try to reach out to her! You don’t have to become best friends, but more than anything I am sure it will brighten her day. Above all let’s keep our focus on our truest friend Jesus! He’ll never disappoint us.


By Elesa Stoltzfus Photography: Elesa Stoltzfus

24 24

Liberia Liberia... the land of sunshine, red dirt, and cute little black children. And Ebola. Yeah, you heard rightEbola. I lived with those people. They became my friends. And now Ebola is ravaging among them and I can’t be there with them to play their own little games with them and hear their laugh, making them forget all about Ebola. I can’t be there to just hold them and give them the love that they can’t get. Those five years on the mission field were incredibly hard—to be away from friends—but they were

some of the best of my whole life. I miss the children begging for a piggy back and fighting to old the “white woman’s” hands. I even miss the dirt. That is what I found fulfilling. And now what? There are no longer villages full of children racing to meet me. I miss those dear little children with my whole. entire. heart. I really feel like I “left half- near to all- of my heart there” which really hurts. But this saying from Ann Voskamp has become my favorite trademark— just because it describes exactly what I’m going through.

... The only way to ever leave beauty marks on the world is with bits of yourself -- and this will hurt. Things of realest beauty don't bring us glory -- but Him glory. Yes, it hurts. Real bad. But through this, may it bring my Father glory. If it does that, it was worth it.


He makes something When you love for Him,

out of it.

I want to be ok with being here. And I don’t know if I’d trade this time back for anything. There are finally friends my age, and there’s even ice cream... The list could go on. But still in the deepest places of my heart, it hurts. You have no idea how many buckets I could have filled with my tears since I came back. People wander, “How are you adjusting?” To which I reply, “I’m not.” Point blank. I’m not. I’ll never, ever, in my whole entire life be the same person I was before I left. Something about leaving part of your heart somewhere... It hurts, but it happens. When you love, you make yourself completely vulnerable. But it makes you beautiful. Completely beautiful for God. When you love for Him, He makes something beautiful

out of it. And I can feel fulfilled because I know it made a difference. The teenage girls that I talked to. The children that I told Bible stories to. I know God can keep those things in their minds. I believe in miracles. That even just one person or child may be changed because of what I did.


But even for the rest of you—I encourage you to throw yourself into some kind of mission. It may be in your neighborhood—just inviting the children over for a party, caroling for the neighbors who don’t know God. And put your whole heart into it. I know it really makes a difference.



Make your own Latte’s

27 27


1. Easy Mocha Latte 5 minutes to make

Ingredients: -

2 tbsp Hot chocolate mix 8 oz. coffee – strong Ÿ whole milk.

Directions: - 1. Stir together the coffee and hot chocolate mix in a large mug - Heat the milk on the stove to warm. It should be just hot enough that you can only keep a finger in it comfortably for a couple of seconds. Remove from the stove + whisk vigorously by hand until the milk foams. - Pour the frothed milk into the coffee. If desired, garnish with whipped cream and a dusting of hot chocolate mix. For peppermint mocha, stir the coffee with a candy cane.

e is short;

Sometimes, having coffee with your

Is all the therapy You need.



Pumpkin Spice Latte www.afarmgirlsdabbles.com

Ingredients: For the pumpkin spice mixture:


1 15 –oz can pumpkin 2 cups whole milk ½ cup sweetened condensed milk 1/3 cup brown sugar 2 T. pure vanilla extract 1 T. Cinnamon 1tsp nutmeg 1 tsp. ground dried ginger ½ tsp ground cloves ¼ tsp allspice To assemble the pumpkin spice latte:



Strong coffee Slightly sweetened whipped cream Cinnamon Dark chocolate shavings

For the pumpkin spice mixture:

In a blender, combine all the pumpkin spice mixture ingredients. Blend for about 30 seconds. If you want a smoother mixture, blend for a couple minutes, or until the mixture is to your desired consistency. Assembling the pumpkin spice latte:

Pour ½ cup (more or less, depending on your preference) of the pumpkin spice mixture into a large mug. Microwave for about 20 seconds then add 1 cup of hot strong brewed coffee and stir. Top with a nice lofty pile of whipped cream. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. And if you’re looking for extra deliciousness, top with chocolate shavings. So pretty! Opt: Pour the remaining pumpkin spice mixture into a quart jar or similar sized container and top with a lid. Store in the refrigerator. When ready to make another drink, shake – and repeat the assembly of the pumpkin spice latte. It will keep well for up to 1 week in the refrigerator. 29

For A



By Elisa Knicely

Photographer: Victoria Martin


e look over. There she is. That perfect stature. That perfect face. How can someone be so perfect? We watch her every move. How she carefully tucks that wayward piece of hair away and smiles to the girl next to her. That smile- how it makes the whole room appear lost in thought.


It is truly hard to look past all of those all of those negative ways of thinking, to looking onwards towards what is called positive thinking.

Do you realize that by comparing ourselves we are actually selfish? We are thinking about the needs of ourselves- and we are scared of what other people may think of us. Not only Then we look at ourselves. We can't see the are we self-seeking we aren't looking into the person behind the mirror the way she truly is. "perfect persons" life. We see her as someone who is below the perfect girl that we admire. Who am I? Why Admit it now. No one is perfect. And to the am I not as beautiful as her? Why is my smile viewers who watch this perfect person; she truly is an example of a perfect lady and is crooked? With these questions - we start to perfectly beautiful. But let’s take a peek into think negatively. I am not near as good as her- so I must be horrible! I can't write near her life in general. She meanwhile is looking into her mirror. My nose is awful crooked. She as good as her - so I must be awful! My thinks. Why ... that girl over there has the volleyball skills aren’t near anything like hers, therefore I am a failure to everyone. No straightest nose that ever existed! And her complexion! Why everyone must love her one will even look at me. beautiful face. Its then that we begin to give up. We lose our courage, and our self-confidence goes down It’s an endless chain. Nobody likes the way she looks and soon everyone is looking up at miles. Why bother, anyway? She is better than I - and I won't ever have that chance of God and saying- "God!? Why did you make me this way?" What we are really doing, is being as good as her. slamming God. We dislike what He, God has

slamming God. We dislike what He, God has made. God has each made us special- and each with a purpose to bless others. Imagine this: You had painted the most wonderful picture. Generously, you gave it away. But the person you gave it to constantly pointed out the flaws and mistakes. How would that make you feel? God is the painter and you are the painting he has carefully created. It breaks God's heart when you constantly criticize yourself, because he made you perfect. You are absolutely beautiful in his eyes. you had ever painted. You absolutely loved it! However the person you gavemade it to constantly pointed out the and even God us each unique individualsflaws and - how would that though it ismistakes very hard to remember sometimes, make you feel? God is the painter we are all a different person. We can never be and you are the person it has been someone else. given to; it breaks God's heart when We never be that beautiful girl next door, or you can constantly criticize yourself, that talented writeryou at schoolbecause he made perfect. not Yousaying are you have the same talent;inbut will always be absolutely beautiful hiswe eyes. ourselves, and its best we get to know ourselves Godbe made uniqueand even and whousweeach truly are. I know. Sometimes though it is very hard to remember our looks are enough to crawl under the bed sometimes, wefor areseveral all a different and live there years. That’s where personand we can never someone we move on. I am sure all be of you have heard: else. "It’s the inside that counts." Sometimes we hear something over and over and forget to truly look into the context of what it is saying. Listen to me when I say this: It is honestly and truly the inside that counts.


There is nothing in the world like a sweet charming girl who cares about others. Who reaches out to the needy and loves the little children, and is a good example at home as she is at school. Who loves that one classmate that constantly annoys her ... She is beyond beautiful in God's eyes and we are talking about God's eyes. He thinks that we are beautiful. It’s not those fake pictures that have perfect people with a perfect nose - that is telling us that. It is God. And that, in itself, is beyond special. It gives more reason to look into the mirror with a smile and say, "God made me for a purpose!" and to live every day with a purpose.

Never Trust a Mirror Never trust a mirror. It only shows you what’s skin deep. You can’t see how your eyelids flutter, or when you’re drifting off to sleep. It doesn’t show what the world sees, when you’re only being you. Or how your eyes just light up when you are loving what you do. It doesn’t capture when you’re smiling- where no-on else can see, and your reflection cannot tell how much you mean to others. Never trust a mirror, For it only shows your skin. And if you think it dictates what your worth, it’s time you looked within.


7 Ways To Be

Beauty is as beauty does.


1. Smile: be cheerful 2. Do a good deed without anyone finding out 3. Give an extra hour of work for your mom 4. Surprise someone 5. Give someone a letter of appreciation 6. Think Positive 7. Be Thankful! Tell someone randomly that she’s beautiful! I will guarantee you – it will brighten her day! “If someone tells a girl she’s beautiful- she’ll believe it for several days – but if she is told she is ugly – she will remember it for life.”



Lemon Cheesecake - ¾ -

½ ¼



36 Rosa Yoder


How Much?

- Dorcas Yoder




Photographer: Elisa Knicely



freely share your thoughts with God.� that He sent Jesus, His own Son, to die for you.


Living Life with Color


The color orange radiates warmth and happiness, combining the physical energy and simulation of red with the cheerfulness of yellow. The color psychology of orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating our spirit. Orange is probably the most rejected and under-used color of our time.


Variations of Orange: -

Peach Golden Orange Amber Burnt Orange Dark Orange

Inspired -

Words with meaning Photography by Macy Sheaman

Being a Christian doesn’t change what you deal with. It changes how you deal with it. -

Lauren DeMoss -

Don’t Cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened! - Dr. Suess You are not the same individual you were a year ago, or a month ago, or a week ago. You are always growing. Experiences don’t stop. That’s life. - Osiris -

The sign of a beautiful person is a person that sees beauty in others. -UnknownA good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. -Unknown-


Acolorful Outlook: - A Quick Writing Tip Check spelling by reading backwards. It is easy as writers to overlook misspellings when proofreading, especially when we are hurrying (and who is not hurrying these days!?) One way to slow ourselves down is to read the words from last to first. This takes the words out of their context and forces the brain to focus on each one. Be aware that this trick won’t work for any other proofreading issue.

Keep watching for our soon giveaway in a couple weeks! We’re having a writing contest! Write a story set in a world where crying is

forbidden. Use no less than 700 words – and more more than 1000. This contest ends January 30, 2015. Use your imagination! From now on we will be doing themes for our: I LUV Photography section. This means you can’t send in random pictures in- but rather pictures of the theme. Our next theme will be:

44Black and White.

For more info go to our site!

2015 inspiration Photographers: Take our 30 day photo challenge! (Featured on site) This not only will help your photography skills, but will also show you the beauty of life! Writer: To those who love writing – I encourage you to write at least one short story a week. It doesn’t have to be much, and you don’t have to show it to anyone, but it probably will help your writing skills! {more info on our site!}

The Ultimate Resolution List 45

Get more sleep Drink more water Get more exercise Read more Get more organized Clean more often Explore more Relax more Have more patience Forget doing ‘more’

Try your best!


Pray about those little things

Website Update: We HAVE

Includes:       

Input More about our next issue Guest Book Guest Opportunities Info about our upcoming giveaway! Previous Issues Our Photography Challenge (and details for the writing one)  Our Writers Contest!



A few highlights

Our next

issue :


Looking past initial “weirdness� in a person.

A Character


More Ways to bless others!



Several ways to make your part of the world more

Just a minute? Are we really spending our time wisely?


spring like!

And MUCH more

Contact Us! We love hearing from you! From your contributions, to your lovely words of encouragement – never are they not seen! If you send a little note about your favorite topic, or how you enjoyed some photography be sure to tell us and it will be forwarded to the photographers- or writers right away.


foreverhisprincessmagazine@gmail.com For a direct email address to the editors you can check our Website.

Google+ Forever His Princess

Our website Foreverhisprincessma.wix.com/foreverhisprincess

Updates: Foreverhisprincessmagazine.blogspot.com




Please do not reproduce any part of Forever His Princess without expressed permission.

For everything there is a season and a time for

every matter under


Everything Beautiful

He hath made

in his time. Ecclesiastes 3 vrs 1 +11


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