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forever princess HIS

March-April, 2014


in small places

Sisters Forever

{Readers share their advice on sisterly love}

Color L#ve our contest!



March&April, 2014

{Opening} - New Word - Note from Elisa - Meet the Staff

{Live, Laugh & Style} -

Recipe’s- havin fun in the kitchen How we live in: Eureka, Nevada Laugh! Readers Question: What is your most difficult chore?

- To Travel The World: Vancouver Island - I Luv Photography!

{Forever His Princess} - Sisters Forever - Encouragement for Everyday Struggles - His Princess - Squished in Small Places - Behind the Mirror - God’s Jewel For You - Mission Update: Kenya

{Color&Design} - Color Love - DIY: Waterfall Braid

{Closing} - Closing Note - May Issue - Contact Us!

Extras! Valentine Day Living Photography Contest

 Coming soon! Quote Corner

Giving you an extraordinary word for ordinary living

\luh-KOO-nuh\ noun

1: a blank space or a missing part: gap 2: a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure

“The newly discovered Civil War documents will fill many lacun in the museum's archives.�

a note from


Life is one of God’s best gifts- and as we slowly see the approaches of spring, I am reminded how beautiful a new beginning is.

Even though this winter has been much longer, in fact, it is late March and snow and ice is our landscape The beautiful snow leaving (isn’t that exciting!), beautiful green popping up everywhere, tiny shoots finding their way through the soft earth- life in general radiates happiness. I am personally not a winter person. Like the saying goes: “My favorite part of winter is when it is over.” That sums it all for me. I just love spring! This months’ issue was very exciting to compile- and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Meet the

Elesa Stoltzfus::

Elisa Knicely

Co-editor and creative designer Editor and creative designer

I am currently serving in Liberia, West Africa as a missionary with my family. I love it here as there are always cute little black hands reaching up to yours, desperate for someone to show love to them. And I love doing just that- holding their hands and showing them love. I also love my job of being a teacher’s aid, shooting pictures with my camera, sunsets, and the ocean. I desire that everything I do can show the world God’s love and make an impact for the One that cares the most. If you want to contact me, feel free to by emailing

I started Forever His Princess in late 2010 with my love of writing, and little did I realize how big it would become, thanks to our lovely readers! I enjoy the following: hanging out with friends, playing around on the piano, spending an evening designing, finishing a good book, singing my heart out, meeting new people, and the color yellow. I long to do what I can do for God, and my desire is to impact people for Him. Have a personal question? Email me at-

Meet our

New staff members: :

Destinee Stoltzfus Proofreader

I am a 17 year old girl who is striving to live a full life for God, and enjoy it to the max. My name is Destinee Stoltzfus and I live in the cold freezer of Perry, NY. : ) Summer is a beautiful time of year here though!! Winter is too, if you can learn to enjoy the long season. I will clarify that I’m about 7 hours from New York City- as most people automatically think I’m from NYC when I tell them I’m from NY, and this part of NY is very unlike NYC!! I am a secretary, which I love. My family owns a discount grocery store- so I work there a lot too. Reading is a favorite pastime, but I don’t seem to have very much time for it. I love hanging out with my friends as well as making new friends. I want every girl to know that she is special, beautiful and loved. Every person deserves to enjoy life.

Elisa Knicely::

Harmoni Ropp Proofreader

Hi ya’ll! I’m Harmoni Ropp and am 14 years old. I live in Bemidji, Minnesota and after this frigid weather we have been having, I am quite ready for summer to arrive! Some things I enjoy are friends, fuzzy blankets, piano, guitar, sewing (depending if I am in the mood of it or not!) and rain on hot summer days! I have six siblings, two of whom are away from home, serving where God has placed them. One of my dreams is to go to some foreign land and start an orphanage there. We shall see what Jesus has planned for me!

Tasha Yoder:: Guest Proofreader

I met Elisa when they moved to our church in 2006. In the last few years we have become good friends. I enjoy reading, writing letters, spring, summer, and being with my friends.

Readers Share:


Photography by Jessica Lehigh and Elesa Stoltzfus

MariElla Reinford:


“My older sister and I are 17 months apart. We fight and argue just like normal sisters. One thing I've found in relating to sisters is to share with them. Me and tree aren't super close to the point where we share deepest secrets but we share dreams, ideals, jokes ;), struggles and are comfortable with each other. I also have four younger sisters. With all of them I feel the most important link to gaining their trust and love is to listen to their childish secrets and problems. I'm definitely still their bossy big sister but I like to ask about their life and listen to them talk about things that are 'important' to them. I don't have lots of advice because I'm still learning myself and definitely fail more then I'm actually on track :)! I love all my sisters and all their different personalities. It's amazing how God can make each one so different!”

Sarah Ebersole: Recommends “I really love my sisters because, I put it this way... if you got mad at them during the day, what if you hadn't said sorry yet and they get in an accident.. Wouldn’t you be filled with regret the rest of your life? I hope you know what I mean!!”

Brittney Swartzendruber


“My sister and I have had a hard time learning how to live together in the same room. We have tried to “split the room in half." That didn't work. We tried to have one person clean up the room one morning and the other the next morning. That didn't work either. We have finally figured out that if we each make our own bed, and put our own clothes away and clean up our own projects each morning we can keep our room clean. We now have a clean room most of the time and are happy with each other. We are now becoming great friends.”

Brooklyn Weaver:


“I think the verse, ‘If you want to have a friend, you must be one’ applies to sisters also. Be there for her, show her that you care, be available to talk when she needs a listening ear, have fun together. Sometimes the best things is to just hang out, even if you are with a group of friends and you don’t have much quality time, spending time together is very important to your relationship. Especially if she is younger than you, make sure that she knows that you think she is special and important, even when you are with other people.”

Elesa Stoltzfus: recommends “As sisters, it is very easy to get on each other’s nerves. Oh, I just cleaned that up. Look at what you just did! But in Galatians 5:14, we are given a command to love our neighbors as ourselves. Are our sisters our neighbors? Definitely! If you are having problems getting along with your sisters, just look at them through the eyes of your heavenly Father. You were not perfect at one time, and you made mistakes too. Your Father just taught you Himself. Maybe He even held it in. :) But He never scorned you or yelled at you. He patiently waited and told you with love. That is how we should do. And of course, it is very hard to do with sisters. But you know, what you do today will affect what they think of you in the future. That is when you will look back and never regret it.”

for everyday struggles

I know in my late childhood days I always felt awkward and it was just a bad phase of life. My friends changed and rejected me and I was becoming adjusted to junior high and the new view of who I should be. I wasn't treated like a child anymore, but I sure didn't feel like an adult yet. I was never one to grow up- I always enjoyed childhood and enjoyed my playful days as long as I could! If you are experiencing problems with your friends and you feel like everyone whom you felt close to is suddenly changing and refusing you as a friend- it can be quite hurtful and hard to get used to the changes of growing up, but it is all a part of life. I know 5th through 10th grade were the hardest years of school to go through. It was years of transition and getting used to who I wanted to be. 

 

Maybe you feel like your friends are different and have changed, and they no longer want you as their friend. You feel rejected and you just want to be someone's friend. Maybe you feel like an outcast because nobody thinks you are a good friend? Maybe you are stuck in a friendship where you feel pressured to do things or are taken advantage of?

There are so many one sided friendships that we all get

caught up in and are a part of. It is hard to leave when we feel like we don't like the friends we have- and sometimes they are the only "friends" we are stuck with. But when you feel like you are overlooked and are taken advantage of- know that God has a purpose for what you are going through. He has a plan for your life. He has the people in your life for a reason. They are shaping you for later in life and are allowing you to become the person you are. Yes, even those mean friends, enemies and people you encounter. They all help you and shape you into who God wants you to be. And above all else, God is your best friend who will never abandon or leave you. He will never reject you or think you are ugly or stupid. During this age everyone makes you feel like you should be like them and you feel pressured into many different things that everyone else is doing- Facebook, twitter, social events, partying, sleepovers, much stuff that you feel like you should be involved in but maybe you don't want to? Peer pressure takes a hold of us and forces us to be a person we don't want to be. We do things just to fit in and not because we want to do them. It is hard not giving into the world and everyone else that is popular. We don't have to do what everyone else is doing. Doing things just because everyone else is doing them isn't much of a good reason to do them. Do the things you want to do because you like them. Don't be ashamed to be you.

Be your own person and do the things you want to do, not just because they are popular. You don't have to be like everyone else to feel confident in yourself. Be happy and glad with who God made you. He made you unique so you could stand out and be different! Don't be afraid to show yourself and never hide what is underneath your appearance. It is good to be unique and different!! I remember I really disliked all the people who were popular because they were all the samesnobby, stuck up and made-up. Most people who are popular are not very pretty on the inside- they focus on their looks more than their heart. If we spent as much time on our inner beauty as much as we do on our outer beauty, I think we'd all be better off- it would last a lot longer in the long-run. I'd rather be someone who was beautiful on the inside than on the outside. In school I wanted to be someone who was real and not perfect. I wanted to care for others and help them, since I wanted the same in return- but not too many showed that in return. Be someone who is truthful and real.

Behind every popular person lies a person who makes mistakes, wants to fit in, doesn't feel secure and wants to be loved.

Don't wait to start growing closer to God until you are older...start now

Remember, lots of people feel the same way as you but they just don't show it. I remember hearing that those who are mean and bully others usually are insecure inside and don't feel secure in themselves. They must not like who they are and are upset with themselves. They don't know how to act, so they are mean to those that they like since they are jealous. But those are just some things I have heard.... During my early teen years I have to admit I wasn't very close to God and I didn't spend as much time with Him as I do now. I was close to Him, but not the same as now. I didn't feel as close to Him and I didn't have the same outlook as I do now. But at least that is showing me that I've been growing in my relationship with God, and you will be stronger later in life. It will be worth it if you start spending time with God now because it will give you a better outlook on your life, your friends, circumstances and your future. If you start

growing closer to God now, it will prepare you for the harder trials and circumstances as you grow older. Spending time with God can also help you through your current circumstances and help you understand them better. You can start by spending a few minutes reading your Bible and trying to grasp what God is writing to you. Devotionals help as well to reassure you and encourage you too, but the Bible is almost like a letter from God encouraging you through your day- and sometimes is more personal. :

Check out my blog at:

WANTED: a photographer To join the Forever His Princess Team

{SHARE THE LOVE} Enjoy capturing the beauty of life through camera lens? We are now offering a position for this area in our magazine!

For more information, go to our site; and click on the tab: NOW TRENDING/Opportunities

His Princess

Be careful to obey all the commands I give you; show love to the Lord your God by walking in His ways and clinging to Him. Deuteronomy 11:22

My Princess… Walk the road to life There will always be two roads before you, my love. The popular road is easy, its bumps worn smooth by the wandering crowds. This road appears safe simply because so many have already ventured around its curves and shuffled down its valleys. What the crowds don’t understand is that this road is filled with regret and guilt, and it ultimately leads to death. This is the road that leads away from Me, your King. If you find yourself on the wrong path, don’t lose heart, just cry out to me and I will find you. I won’t join you on this destructive detour, but I will lead you back to the road that leads to life again, the road your feet were created to walk on. Throughout My Word you will find signposts that will give you wisdom and direction, so keep reading and walking, My princess, and you will begin to discover the real joy of the journey of life.

Love, The Way, the Truth and the Life


In small places

My story of learning to live every situation with happiness.

It’s rather simple actually, all we did is take a few months out of our busy schedule, and make them more busy, hectic and tight. It sounds fun, doesn't it? It was early June that we had bought land on our small mountain top. It was quite a distance from our rental and we didn't see how we could finish the big task that lay before us, so moving was seen one of the only options. We decided we would move into our charming camper late August, just about the time that we were charging full blast into a new school year. It took about a week to pack up our meaningful possessions and take daily trips back and forth. Mentally telling ourselves that we would be done the next day, kept our spirits high and even if it wasn't true- we could at least imagine it so. There were times, I must admit, that we just couldn't go on, and we would always try to cheer each other up, and I won't say we succeeded. Fifteen trips later- life was perfect. *Oh I would love to say that*

Now see my side of things here: I like my room. I love having a place to keep my clothes, commonly in a wood like figure called a dresser. Little do you girls know how much joy that word brings me. I love my desk where I can sit and write long letters- and fill it up with lots of clutter. I love my bookcase- that has a wonderful three shelves of beautiful books, and my adorable half-filled journals. This was rather hard on me. Its not like I don't like sharing- its just my stuff. Like- how do

adorable half-filled journals. This was rather hard on me. It’s not like I don't like sharing- it’s just my stuff. Like- how do you take three drawers of clothes, two boxes of sweaters, crates of special things, and bunches of books, to a tiny, little camper- in which the only closet (that is tinier than your last one) is shared by three other girls and one little boy? So the question we would ask ourselves when we would sort through our stuff is this: "Do I need this?" And if you do, then, "Can I store it?" Me, loaded with one duffle bag, one backpack, and one basket, moved in, and I started on what I thought was one of the hardest times in my life. How many teenage girls out there get the privilege of cramming yourself into a little camper and four other children? The size of it looked like the size of my room. Dad told all of us that he assumed we would be in our wonderful house by Christmas, and that’s the only way I would have moved. Now look- I don't want to make this look like I am the grumpy teenager who complained the whole time, and begged of my parents to let me not move along with them- believe it or not I love adventure; and even though this was one of my hardest tasks in my small life I inwardly was wondering how it would turn out. As a matter of fact we probably all did. Then there was the first week anniversary. How I rejoiced, or maybe you couldn't say rejoiced, maybe you would say I smiled- fondly, and dreamed

It’s facing the difficulty with an optimistic spirit; and with smile on your face. It might be hard, but this is life, right?

anniversary. How I rejoiced, or maybe you wouldn't say rejoiced, maybe you would say I smiled- fondly, and dreamed of days long past when I had my own bathroom. This point is the only point I really, really, really missed. I felt like we were in an amusement park and I was waiting my turn for the ride. Not that I had ever been in an amusement park, I could only picture myself there. Once you get inside the bathroom however, it’s not a ride- it’s; well to be more specific it could be called a closet. You can sit on the toilet; wash your hands in the sink and

clean your feet in the four foot (if that) bathtub- and a half a person would fit better than one. We somehow managed to squish at least three people. Probably the worst part of it all was getting ready for church. You know when someone is doing a different activity- turning this way to grab a shoe, or squeezing past you to grab a dress, or jumping from the top bunk and making the poor camper shake violently. Believe it or not losing things was another big thing. I knowlose something in a small camper?"

I know what you are thinking- "Uhh.... Elisa? You don't lose things in a camper- it just doesn't happen." And yes and my firm belief still is that you don't lose things like shoes in a small camper, it just doesn't happen The nights were the best part of the day. We were all in our perfect places, it wasn't tight, and even though when a person rolled over in their humble beds and the camper shook it was the most.... enjoyable for me. We had one set of bunk beds, a pulled out sofa that applied and there was a small room for all of our sleeping needs. I was so, so grateful to get my own bottom bunk, my own space. Now, you can't exactly sit up in the bunk- but

it’s space right? It’s not tight against another human being, it’s not squished up against a wall *cough, cough* let me correct that- it’s not too squished up to a wall and you can breathe. Of course cooking/baking is another issue. When cooking, I would usually send everyone out and have a wonderful time making the table a large cutting board, the sink filled with garbage and the stove caked with food. A lot of times we would just do something in a crockpot, and since we aren't really picky eaters it wasn't

that hard. We usually ate outside on nice days and on those blustery days we camped out on our tiny couch and small table. We live in the wilderness and on a small mountain. Large trees shade us from the little heat we do get, and a small creek encircles round the bottom. We also have quite a few deer trails that run through our property. I had a little bear experience that made me think twice about going out at night! One of the highlights of our days was the daily exercising routines of running up our lane. (I can't believe I just wrote that! :) After school, as we neared our lane, there was a chorus of voices pleading to let them run up it’s lengths. I think it helped them give up all the energy that would have exploded, if they were in the camper.

Then came the winter. It’s gloomy depths pushing its way upon us. After one especially cold night of a lot of sleeping bags and trying to dress in the morning in our beds- we decided it was time to take action. The next evening we loading all of our belongings and managed to stay warm in our basement. It actually was

was quite an accomplishment to what we were before experiencing. It’s cheery amount of room made me quite happy. We got used to cuddling up to our small electric heater with cups of tea and coffee, while letting the cold drafts whip around us. Then came the snow- and it snowed, and snowed and snowed. Our lane drifted and we weren’t able to get up with our van. So walking was in order. In fact, walking was the only thing that we were able to do! It is now mid-March, and I am looking out the window and snow is blowing around. Darkness increases around everything. But there is the warmeth of our cement floor. [my favorite part of the house ^.^] and the warmeth of a togetherness that we have experienced for the last seven months. We are now hoping to finish the house by late May. But you never know with us! >.< I think what I have learned from this whole experince is that family means a lot- and without them life just isn’t the same! That even a squished togetherness is fun, and you can learn to face each hardship with a cheerful attitude- even if it is close up to the next person. To enjoy each little thing. Even if the snow falls steadily each week- it’s still beautifuland take the opportunity to dance in it! And that God is contol of everything-even if He seems like he isn’t there; He is, right beside you in every situation!

Behind the Mirror:

Friends by Inward Beauty {Looking at the inward beauty of a womanrather than the outward}

Mary Derstine

“Being cute definitely has its benefits!” Rachael thought smugly. Today was the second day of camp, and already the girls and many of the boys had become her friends. Her smug smile stretched to a wide grin as she stared into the mirror, admiring her creamy skin and blonde hair. Her blue eyes were amazing also; deep blue pools, shaded with long lashes that curled slightly at the tip. One thing that she didn’t like was that her nose was straight, instead of slightly upturned like she wished. She smiled again, and turned to open the bathroom door. Just as she stepped out, she banged into a young girl, probably around the same age Rachael was. “Well, hello,” she exclaimed sharply, “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be there!” “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know someone was coming out of the bathroom,” the girl breathed apologetically. Then she smiled, “By the way, I’m Dee.” “And I’m Rachael.” Rachael’s smile was stiff. “Hope I’ll be seeing more of you!” Dee’s grin widened, and she waved good-bye. “And who was that girl?” Rachael loudly asked her group of friends. “Oh, that’s Dee.” Priscilla said nonchalantly. “I know her name. What is she like?” she huffed. “She’s sweet. She is always nice to everyone and is everyone’s friend. And it’s not just show either; she truly likes every person she meets, pretty much!” Priscilla told her. “Well, I guess she needs to be nice, to make up for her looks!” Rachael laughed. “What? She’s not ugly,” several of the girls protested.

After all, it’s not every day you bang into someone and they try starting a friendship while you’re still getting over the shock! Dee smiled as she thought of Rachael’s face. “Hi Dee!” Jennifer, one of Dee’s knew friends greeted her. “I’m so glad there is someone nice like you at camp,” she gushed as they walked to the main building. “Did you hear Miss Pretty girl Rachael did to Tom?” “No, I didn’t. Did she do something nice?” “Nice? Ha! You wouldn’t catch Miss Pretty girl doing something nice! She asked him—“ “Jennifer, if it wasn’t something nice, then maybe I don’t want to hear it. I really would,

“She’s sweet. She is always nice to everyone and is everyone’s friend. And it’s not just show either; she truly likes every person she meets, pretty much!” but then that would only give me reason not to like her. You really wouldn’t prove anything in telling me.” “Well, there is reason not to like her! Imagine! Asking someone why he had so much acne! How rude could she get?” “Maybe we just need to pray for her. Really hard, Jennifer. She obviously is struggling with pride or something. But most of all, we need to love her. Truly love her. The Bible said that love is greater than faith! I believe that love and prayer is the key.” “I guess you’re right. But it will be extremely hard to love her!” “I know… just thinking about her being mean to Tom makes my blood boil, he’s already so insecure! Well, I guess I don’t do much good talking about it.”

Soon many of the children at the camp learned to dislike Rachael. The only ones who did like her were the ones who joined in with her picking people apart, and Dee with a few of her friends “Hi, Rachael!” Dee smiled one morning, “Are you going to go horseback riding today? I know some of the girls were talking about it, but I wasn’t sure if I would.” “Oh, I don’t know,” Rachael mumbled and walked past Dee. However, as it ended out, Dee and Rachael both went horseback riding, and were assigned to share a horse. “I decided she needed someone like you! I hope it doesn’t wreck your day, though,” one of the staff whispered to Dee when he got the chance. “It’ll be fine,” she told him, while thinking I hope it will. Turning to Rachael she questioned, “Do you want to have the reins, or do you want me to?” “You can!” Rachael exclaimed quickly, “I’m way too scared!” “Raaaachael!” one of Rachael’s friends mocked, “Scared of a horse, especially that one? How wimpy are you?” A chorus of “yea’s” followed from all around. “She’s not a wimp at all you guys… just because you’ve been around horses so much.” Dee was quick to stick up for Rachael. “I remember when I first rode a horse- in fact, that was last year!” Then Dee began telling the story of how she was scared to have the horse even walk, and began screaming when the horse started picking up speed. That made the horse start galloping. Her dad yelled, “Stop screaming and pull the reins,” many times until she finally heard him. Shakily she did what he said, and the horse stopped. “I never wanted to sit on a horse again!” she exclaimed, and laughed with the rest of the group. By that time everyone was on the horses, and ready to go. When they started on the trail, Dee quietly asked Rachael, “Is this your first time being on a horse?” “Yes,” replied Rachael quietly. She clung so hard to Dee, her knuckles were white. “Rachael, just relax and enjoy the ride. You won’t fall off.” Dee kindly informed her. Rachael lessened her grip some, but not much. After the ride, when everyone was taking off the saddles, Rachael turned towards Dee. “How do you act so nice? And how do you have so many friends? I always though beauty attracted people, but it seems everyone likes you, and no one likes me!” “Well…” Dee stammered, obviously shocked. “I just… try to think the best of every one, and I try to be

friendly and nice to everyone! I’m definitely not perfect, though I would love to be!” she laughed. “But...” it was Rachael’s turn to be surprised, “how can you like everyone? There are some people who just get on my nerves!” “Just try to like them! I know most people aren’t very attracted to me, especially at first glance, since I don’t look like someone very exciting and beautiful. Sometimes I get mad and hurt by that. When I told my mom that she told me two things: I’m not ugly, and it’s better to be nice than to be beautiful!” “You can say that again. I know I’m in the terms of what people call beautiful, but what is that worth when I’m not fun to be around?” Rachael lamented. “Well, there is always now, Rachael. I don’t want to sound like a preacher, but…” “I could start over by being nice now!” Rachael finished Dee’s sentence with a grin.

Gods Jewel For you


Recipes {Having Fun in the Kitchen}

Banana Split Pancake Stackers Start with a tub of Cool Whip. Thaw it, according to package directions, if needed. Place 9 mini pancakes in the microwave until warm. Add a dollop of Cool Whip on top of one pancake, then a few thinly sliced bananas, topped with another pancake and repeat the cool whip and banana layers. Drizzle a small amount of Chocolate syrup topping over your pancakes. Let that chocolate drizzle down the sides and create some style for your final product! Sprinkle with your favorite rainbow sprinkles. Top with a dollop of cool whip. Add a strawberry or cherry to the top of your stackers. Serve them immediately!




Readers pick:

Italian Cheese Bread: Contributed by: Brianna Reinford You will need:: -

2 ½ cup flour 1 tsp. salt ¼ cup Italian Dressing ¼ tsp. salt, garlic powder, oregano, thyme Dash of pepper ½ cup shredded cheese 1 tbsp. yeast 1 tsp sugar 1 tbsp. oil 1 cup warm water

Directions: Dissolve yeast in water. Add flour, salt, sugar and oil. Put in a greased bowl and let it rise for 20 minutes. Put into a 12” greased pizza pan. Spread Italian dressing on dough. Combine salt, garlic powder, oregano, thyme, and pepper. Sprinkle on dough. Then add the cheese. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes! Delicious with Chili Soup, Spaghetti, Pizza or anything else! Enjoy!

Day Elisa Knicely

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has

no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15: 12-13) During Valentine’s Day, stores are packed. Candy boxes and chocolates line the aisles, with stuffed teddy bears decorating the cluttered rows. Roses dot the front entrance and boxes of heart shaped chocolates are piled against the shelves waiting to be picked out by someone special. People line up to check out their precious packages, certain that they can prove their love with a box of chocolates or a bouquet of roses. Are roses the only way to show your love to someone? "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God." Let’s look at behind the scenes of Valentine’s Day:

“The story of Valentine’s Day begins in the third century with an oppressive Roman emperor and humble Christian Martyr. The emperor was Claudius II. The Christian was Valentinus. Claudius had ordered all Romans to worship twelve gods, and had made it a crime punishable by death to associate with Christians. But Valentinus was dedicated to the ideals of Christ; not even the threat of death could keep him from practicing his beliefs. He was arrested and imprisoned. During the last weeks of Valentinus life a remarkable thing happened. Seeing that he was a man of learning, the jailer asked whether his daughter, Julia, might be brought to Valentinus for lessons. She had been blind since birth. Julia was a pretty young girl with a quick mind. Valentinus read stories of Rome’s history to her. He described the world of nature to her. He taught her arithmetic and told her about God. She saw the world through his eyes, trusted his wisdom, and found comfort in his quiet strength. “Valentinus, does God really hear our prayers?” Julia asked one day. “Yes, my child, He hears each one.” “Do you know what I pray for every morning and every night? I pray that I might see. I want so much to see everything you’ve told me about!” “God does what is best for us if we will only believe in Him,” Valentinus said. “Oh, Valentinus, I do believe! I do!” She knelt and grasped his hand. They sat quietly together, each praying. Suddenly there was a brilliant light in the prison cell. Radiant, Julie screamed, “Valentinus, I can see! I can see!” “Praise be to God!” Valentinus exclaimed, and he knelt in prayer. On the eve of his death, Valentinus wrote a last note to Julia, urging her to stay close to God. He signed it, “From your Valentine.” His sentence was carried out the next day, February 14. He was buried at what is now the Church of Praxedes in Rome. It is said that Julia planted a pink-blossom almond tree near his grave. Today, the almond tree remains a symbol of abiding love and friendship.” Taken from the internet

How We Live in: Brianna Reinford:

It is set up in the mountains above Diamond Valley. It was founded in 1864 by some men who found silver ore. The hills around Eureka had many minerals in them so the population began to boom. At its peak in 1878 there were 10,000 people. You would never know that now, however, the entire county has only 2001 people (2012 census). Our little town consists of a small grocery store with very expensive prices, three restaurants, three hotels, and two gas stations. Then since we are miles and miles from any other town there is a courthouse and such. All the businesses are on a single street (Main Street). The people are very friendly and many know each other. The closest town (if it can be called that) is Austin which is 70 miles away. For shopping we go two hours to the north to Elko. There we have a Wal-Mart, Smiths (a western grocery store), Jo-Ann's Fabric, and a few other clothing stores. Our church people are all within 1/2 hour of each other, and we meet at our little double-wide church. Diamond Valley Mennonite Church consists of seven families with around 40 people. Our school, if we had one, would have seven students in it. I have only one girl within four years of my age, and we are great friends. :) There are lots of mountains in Nevada; you can always see some no matter where you are. It is considered the most mountainous state for a reason! Diamond Mountain is the highest peak in Diamond Valley. Its peak is 10,614 feet high. The mountains are covered with deer, elk, mountain lions, antelope (they are mostly in the valley), and in some areas, sheep. Nevada is known for its wild horses! There are thousands, and they have taken over the land. The climate is dry- very dry! It is considered high desert and pretty much all that grows by itself is sage brush. We have lots of salt flats which are just big patches of salty sand. We also have a lot of tumbleweed. Once we saw some bikers carrying tumbleweeds in their backpacks. It had to be an itchy ride. :) There are pretty much two main occupations: hay farming and mining! All irrigation is done by pivots. We have a mine right here in the valley, which you can see it from our house. Due to a wall collapsing, they are now shutting down. Another mine is starting in the next valley over or, else Eureka would have gone back into an almost ghost town.

We have three boys and three girls. I enjoy a lot of stuff: riding my horse, hunting, organizing, taking walks (only when I'm in the mood), emailing or talking on the phone with my friends, playing my guitar, and many other things. As far as housework, I like the cooking/baking side, and I don't mind cleaning. Wade is twelve and helps my dad a lot with the slaughtering they do as a side job. He also likes to hunt, fish, and do all the other 'guy' things. Washing dishes is never 'man' enough for him :) We comfort him by telling him it will be useful if he is ever a bachelor. Riley, at ten, is very imaginative and loves to do anything outdoors. He likes to go along when we go hunting and is a big help with packing out deer. He likes to do anything his big brother is doing. Alicia is my little prayed for sister, I was sure before she was born that I was going to have all brothers (not that it would have been that bad or anything). She is eight and is a very crafty person. She's happy with anything that has to do with beads or paint. Chet is four and likes to play and color. He wants to go everywhere with his daddy and is never happier then when he is able too. He likes to play outside and in the summer pretty much lives out there. Courtney is the little one at the bottom. She is one and to the age where she mimics everything. She dearly loves her big brother and if Chet is doing something she HAS to do it too. “Reading" books is one thing she likes but usually it ends up being a session of pulling EVERYTHING out of the book shelves. :-/ My parents provide for us and we have never gone hungry, thanks to them. Sometimes it’s hard to remember all your blessings but imagine what life would be without parents? My family moved to Nevada in 2009. We as a family enjoy playing games together, having picnics, taking short vacations, and just talking about various subjects (our discussions can get quite interesting!) I guess if you want to know more you will have to come visit.


{Finding laughter in every situation}

We would love to hear your most embarrassing moments!

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says, "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!" The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her, "The driver just insulted me!" The man says, "You go right up there and tell him off - go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you."

There is a senior citizen driving on the highway. His wife calls him on his cell phone, and in a worried voice says, ''Herman, be careful! I just heard on the radio that there is a madman driving the wrong way on Route 280!'' Herman says, ''I know, but there isn't just one, there are hundreds!'' Contributed by: MariElla Reinford

Introducing our:

Photography Contest We want photography of girls. Try new poses with your best friend or sisters! We would like the ages to be older than 8. You can’t submit more than 3 photos.

The winner will be on the cover of the next issue, and will answer questions. Note: One of each of your entries will be in the upcoming issue.

Take your camera and let’s have some fun!

Deadline: May 1

Reader’s question: What is your least favorite chore? Washing Dishes Tara Danner

Washing dishes: Addie Imel

Kimberly Byler

LaundryBreanna Reinford

Shaking the Rugs! Sarah Ebersole

Sweeping Laura Danner

Washing Dishes

Cleaning bathrooms!

Brittney Swartzendruber

Denise Amstutz Drying dishes! Harmoni Ropp

Washing Dishes Adrianna Ropp

Mopping the floor. Latisha Musser Cleaning the bathroom. Sylvia Yoder

Cleaning the kitchen and my bedroom, I’ll clean every other room in the house but I detest cleaning those two places! Don’t ask me why because I am not sure myself

Cleaning the bathroom! Tasha Yoder

- MariElla Reinford ..either digging all the slimy bits of food out the drain in Bathroom cleaning the sink, or giving the cows because your hands get frozen silage that you can be nasty and it gets dirty all grateful you’ve never smelt. over again. Lily Eby

Hana Knicely Hanging laundry! Aili Burlando

Caption It! “Don’t tell me these glasses didn’t do the job!” Andrea Stoltzfus “I hope she thinks I look nice!”- Letitia Wadel

“I am lovesick”- Denise Amstutz

“Now what should I do with this rose!??” – Brianna Reinford

“Whoa! Look at the beautiful poodle over there!” – Sierra Zehr


We welcome your photography for this section!

To Travel The World:

facts - The 2011 census recorded 603,502 people in the city, making it the eighth largest Canadian municipality - 52% of its residents have a first language other than English. - Vancouver is well known as an urban center surrounded by nature, making tourism its second-largest industry - It is a costal seaport on the mainland of British Columbia, in Canada

“Beautiful Island!�





Prep: 25 minutes Cook: 12 minutes Chill: 1 hour, 45 minutes Makes: 48 bars Ingredients: 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 1/3 cups butter, melted, plus 2 tablespoons unmelted 2/3 cup cocoa 1/2 cup granulated sugar 3 cups graham cracker crumbs 2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup finely chopped walnuts 1/4 milk 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 cups confectioners' sugar 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped

Directions:: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 13-by-9-inch cake pan. Line with parchment paper, leaving 1-inch extending over long edges; set aside. Whisk together eggs, 1 cup of the melted butter, cocoa and sugar in large bowl; stir in crumbs, coconut and walnuts. Press evenly into prepared pan. Bake 10 minutes. Cool in pan on rack. Stir together remaining 1/3 cup of the melted butter, milk and vanilla in medium bowl; beat in confectioner's sugar until smooth. Spread evenly over cooled base. Refrigerate until firm, about 45 minutes. Place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl with remaining 2 tablespoons of the butter. Heat 1 minute; stir. Heat 30 seconds; stir until melted and smooth. Spread evenly over filling. Score the surface into serving size pieces. Refrigerate until set, about 1 hour. Use parchment paper to lift bars from pan; peel off paper. Cut into bars.

Story Corner: {Positive Thinking}

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, “If I was doing better, I would be twins!” He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling him how to look on the positive of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I don’t get it! You can’t be a positive person all the time. How do you do it?” Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in bad mood.’ I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.” “Yeah, right, it’s not that easy,” I protested. “Yes it is,” Jerry said. “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood. The bottom line: It’s your choice how you live your life.”

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often I thought about him when I made a choice

about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business; he left the back door open one morning and was held at gunpoint by three armed robbers. When his hand slipped off the combination, the robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was he replied, “If I were any better, I’d be twins. Wanna see my scars?” I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door,” Jerry replied. “Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live.” “Weren’t you scared?” I asked. Jerry continued. “The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine, but when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, ‘He’s a dead man.’ I knew I needed to take action. There was a big nurse shouting questions at me. She asked if I was allergic to anything. ‘Yes,’ I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply, ‘bullets’. Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as I am alive, not dead.’” Jerry lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live full. Attitude, after all, is everything.

Elesa Stoltzfus

I L#ve Photography Readers share their love with photography

Breanna Reinford

Elisa Knicely

Addie Imel

Kim Byler

Includes picture on right and left:

Jamie Sauder Includes picture on right:

Sara Ebersole: Including picture on bottom: :

Letitia Wadel

Sara Ebersole:

If your picture isn’t in this issue: look for it in the next!

Living in::

Kenya Kenya

Rachel Miller

Hello from hot and dusty Kisumu, Kenya where I work as a social worker at the mission compound. I enjoy my job and have a lot of variety. The mission’s work here is to plant churches and provide some humanitarian aid. I teach a sewing class every week for 3 native ladies. I love the interaction with these ladies – but teaching does have its challenges. The luo language is a very hard language and even though I took language classes I still cannot speak it very well. Using the words I know and the bit of English they know plus showing them signs we get along. It is also hard to know how hard to push them – sometimes I think they are doing their best and other times they rush to get done. I also am in charge of dresses for the orphan girls on the orphan program. Native ladies come and cut out the dresses and I then package them and send them out to ladies who sew them. When they come back I inspect and sometimes iron them. The dresses are distributed to the orphan girls twice a year. They also cut/sew slips and bedcovers. The ladies do a good job I just have to organize and keep checking their work. Doing laundry, babysitting, and cleaning for mothers on the compound is part of my job too. I enjoy helping them and lightening their load. Visiting native friends is a highlight for me. Cooking ugali which is maize flour and water cooked to dough like consistency and eaten with sukuma wiki (collard greens) in their smoky kitchens gives you a new appreciate for their food. Often the kitchen is a small hut without windows and the only light is from the doorway. Working with them in the samba (garden) with jembes (large hoes) is hard work. It is like tilling your garden by hand. When the rainy season comes they will plant maize. I also had the privilege of helping to mud a house. First water needs to be carried from the river which is a ladies job they often carry it on their heads. The men mix mud using dirt and water,

“Helping/Serving people can be lived out wherever you are…” creating quite a gooey mixture. This is then applied between the stick walls. It causes one to feel quite muddy after it is all finished. Helping/Serving people can be lived out wherever you are and when you allow God to work through you. Please pray for the people of Kenya, especially the luo tribe. Pray that they would see and experience God’s love and that through the work here God’s name would be honored and glorified.

About the Author: Hi, my name is Rachel Miller and I am from Ohio. Currently, I call Kisumu, Kenya home, I have been here for 4 months and have committed to stay for 2 years. I miss my family and friends, but also love Kenya and I have a peace in knowing I am where God wants me. I enjoy reading, sewing and spending time with friends. A few things I enjoy about Africa are fresh fruits, warm weather and of course the people, especially the children.

Next Time: Haiti

Red is the color of energy, passion and action

Color Love {RED}

Red Represents: -

Energy Passion Strength Determination

- Desire - Love - Power

Red: Has a very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red.

Red: is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical

needs and our will to survive. Red is also energizing, it excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power. The color red can simulate the appetite, often being used in restaurants for this purpose. It also increases craving for food and other stimuli. Being surrounded by too much of the color red can cause us to become irritated and agitated. Variations of Red: - Crimson- has a little orange mixed with it, giving it a richness and brightness. It indicates enthusiasm and love of life.

- Burgundy: a dark purplish red, it is more sophisticated and serious and less energetic than the true red.

- Maroon - Scarlet


Waterfall Braid .

Closing Note:: And that about sums it up. I hope you enjoyed every moment of it! I want to especially thank the proofreaders who took time in their day to look over every detail! I want to thank-you for the little time you took in your day to send us contributions- they made the magazine more reader friendly and helped us out a lot. We love our input for the photography section. There are so many contributions, in fact, that we aren’t able to put everything in an issue. We are requiring that you only send in 1-2 pictures in the “I Love Photography” so it is easier to compile and helps the readers get an upclose look at the readers talent. We are really looking for Topic ideas, such as you could write, or even some one you know- older or otherwise. This also includes “Mission Statement”. Do you know anyone on the mission field that wouldn’t mind sharing their story? Do you have a story that you wouldn’t mind sharing? We also are compiling a series of questions that we thought might be neat to let your moms do the answering. Let us know what you think! Thank You so much for all you did to make this issue possible!



We’re not sure what’s in store for the next issue. Life has taken a busy toll for each of our lives, and we find it hard to put time in our everyday schedules! Hopefully we will be looking at a JuneJuly issue, and then we will see where life is by then to tell by the next. I will send an outline out when we are planning the next issue. You can keep in contact with us through our blog and google+ Thank-You!

Kimberly Byler


There is still more fun stuff!

Give us your thoughts! What did you think of this issue? Tell us, because it is only through our readers that Forever His Princess expands. We are especially looking for new topic ideas, exiting new features, crafts, new sections, and what we can do to make Forever His Princess a better magazine.

Once we get 100 readers, we will do an extra, special issue on Friendship! Enjoy Forever His

Princess? Tell your friends!

Our email address is: We love to hear from you!

Find us on:

Blogger and google plus

Cover Picture: Introducing:

Sylvia Yoder |VA Age: 13

Favorite Season: Summer What do you do to relax? Edit pictures, lie in bed and listen to stories What are your hobbies? Photography and sewing

What are some of your favorite things? Camera’s, cunning in the rain, drawings and notes from my niece and nephew. What’s your favorite thing about FHP? Probably the “I Luv Photography” section.

{Blog is under construction}

Are you a photographer?

You could be on the Cover! Would you like to be on the cover of the next magazine? Send in a picture, you might be chosen! Have a picture of you and your best friend? We might use it! We will contact you beforehand to let you know that you have been chosen.

We send out a list of photography props each month. Would you like to receive them too? Email us, or sign up on our blog! ●

Forever His Princess Spring, 2014

Please don’t reproduce any part of Forever His Princess without expressed permission. Thank-You!

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