When life gives them scraps, they make quilts – elaborate works of art made with pieces and layers of fabric and padding. This February, dozens of quilt-makers on the island will be showing their creativity at the Kaua‘i Quilt Show 2023 in Līhu‘e.
“Quilts are works of love, they keep us warm and bring us comfort. It takes many hours of commitment, skill and labor, depending on the complexity of the pattern, to make a quilt,” said Lea Ingram, a seasoned quilter who is co-chairing the event along with quilter Toni Wass.
The Kaua‘i Quilt Show 2023 opens Friday, Feb. 10 at Kaua‘i Society of Arts at Kukui Grove Center, with a “Meet the Quilter’s Reception” from 5 to 7 p.m.
“Come to the Kaua‘i Quilt Show and immerse yourself in a wonderfully diverse and colorful exhibition,” Ingram said. “The show is open to all with free admission, and is a great opportunity to see some of the amazing talent that is here on our island of Kaua‘i.”
The show will run daily until Feb. 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you miss the opening reception, you may still meet some of the quilters, as each one of them will be doing a couple shifts at the KSA gallery during the show’s duration.
“Many of the quilts will be for sale. The prices range depending on the complexity and size of the quilt and range anywhere from $100 to $2,000,” said Ingram, adding there will be at least 50 “donation” quilts for sale. “A donation quilt is a quilt that has been made to donate by members of either the Nene Quilters or the Kaua‘i Quilt Guild.”
When these quilts are sold, 100 percent of the proceeds go to a Kaua‘i nonprofit of the buyer’s choice. There are about 13 nonprofits for the buyer to choose from, according to Ingram.
“Last year we raised over $8,000 that was given to 12 nonprofit organizations on the island (including Kaua‘i Hospice, Kaua‘i Humane Society, Kaua‘i Foodbank, Kumu’s Cupboard). The quilters of Kaua‘i believe in giving back to our island community and the Kaua‘i Quilt Show is a great opportunity for us to share our passion and at the same time contribute to those in need,” she said.
The quilters will also have a “Quilt Boutique” in a pop-up store at the mall. The store will sell handmade items donated by quilters from all over Kaua‘i.
“There will be many different items such as handbags, pouches, table runners, mug rugs,
microwave bowl holders, etc. All made by our Kaua‘i quilters,” said Ingram, adding that 100 percent of the proceeds will go to next year’s Kaua‘i Quilt Show, and to buy fabric and supplies for next year’s donation quilts.
What defines a quilt is that it has three layers, according to Ingram. The top is a piece of fabric that has been stitched together, but it can also be a whole cloth with designs stitched to it or painted on it. The backing is often a whole piece of fabric, although it can also be made of pieces of fabric stitched together, just like the top. In between these two layers, there is padding, also called batting or wadding, for warmth and puffiness. The layers are kept in place by lines of stitching.
There are infinite ways of crafting a quilt; it all depends on the quilter’s skills, creativity and patience, lots of patience.
“Each quilt becomes unique since even when using a pattern, the fabric choices and placement are different depending on the maker. Also, the stitching or quilting that holds the quilt together changes the look and feel. That stitching can be done by hand or by machine with a variety of techniques,” Ingram said.
A quilt is a versatile piece that checks both form and function – it may serve a decorative purpose, while it may also be used as a blanket or throw blanket.
“Quilts can be hung on the wall as art, or used to wrap up on a sofa or on a bed. Baby quilts are often put on the floor so the baby can stretch out and roll around safely on a clean surface without falling off of anything,” Ingram said.
A quilter for more than 25 years, Ingram learned to sew at a very early age, as her mother was a professional seamstress. So, to her, she said, quilting was a “natural segue.”
“I usually don’t follow a pattern but rather create my own design. The color and textures of the various fabrics are stimulating, and the possibilities are endless. For me, quilting is a great outlet for my artistic creativity,” Ingram said.
In recent years, she said, there has been a resurgence of popularity in quilt-making around the world, with many quilt shows popping in large and small venues in several countries each year. On Kaua‘i alone, there are at least 100 quilters who belong to some kind of quilting group, and then there are many others who quilt on their own.
The show is expected to attract between 35 and 40 quilters, with a wide range of experience.
“We have quilters from all walks of life from the young to the ‘more mature.’ One of the best things about quilters is their open willingness to share their knowledge, skills, love and enthusiasm for quilting,” Ingram said.
continued on page 5
This is one of the quilts available at the Kaua‘i Quilt Show at Kukui Grove Center. Photo by Léo Azambuja There will be more than three dozen quilters showing, and selling, their work at the Kaua‘i Quilt Show 2023. Photo by Léo AzambujaFEBRUARY 2023
Léo Azambuja editor@forkauaionline.com
Léo Azambuja editor@forkauaionline.com
Carrie Johnson Andarta Design • design@andarta.com
Honey Hunter calendar@forkauaionline.com socialmedia@forkauaionline.com
Published by Kaua‘i Management Group
For Kaua‘i Newspaper 3–3 400 Kuhio Highway C - 211 Lihue HI 96766
Barbara Bennett, Sales Manager 808-652-2802
On the cover: Left to right, artist and Kaua‘i Quilt Show Chair Toni Wass, artist Tammy Quinn, and artist and Co-Chair Lea Ingram.
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from page 2
When the first religious missionaries arrived in Hawai‘i in March 1820, they brought quilts with them. Over the next few decades, traditional Hawaiian quilts evolved into their own unique style, with elaborate local flora and pride. These quilts were often made with two contrasting colors; one for the background and another for the applique cut from a single piece of fabric. The applique, quite often a symmetrical design inspired by nature, was stitched to the background fabric.
“There aren’t many traditional Hawaiian quilters these days, as it is a labor-intensive undertaking; all stitching done by hand which can take years to finish,” Ingram said. “However, the art of quilting has evolved over the years and the tropical influence is apparent in our local quilts. We use vibrant colors and exotic themes. Quilt design is a wonderful way to channel artistic creativity.”
Ingram said quilts are for everyone and anyone; they are universally cherished by all.
“We have people who buy quilts for gifts for their children, grandchildren, mothers, fathers. A quilt is a gift – even if it is for yourself – that speaks of caring and comfort. Wrap yourself up in a quilt and you can feel the love it was made with,” Ingram said.
The Kaua‘i Quilt Show 2023 is sponsored by Discount Fabric Warehouse, Kapaia Stitchery and Vicky’s Fabrics. They donated the prizes for the Viewer’s Choice Award.
For those interested in quilting, there are two main groups of quilters on Kaua‘i. The Nene Quilters on the North Shore and the Kaua‘i Quilt Guild in Līhu‘e; and both hold monthly meetings. There will be info at the Kaua‘i Quilt Show on how to join either group. Additionally, Ingram can be contacted at leaingram.artist@gmail.com for more information. Vicky’s Fabrics and Discount Fabric Warehouse offer quilting classes. Also, there are many small informal groups around the island who get together to quilt.
“The quilting community here on the island is widespread and welcoming. I have made many friendships through quilting,” Ingram said.
Here in Hawai‘i, we are currently in the middle of the humpback whale season, which goes from November through May.
Hawai‘i is the only state in the country where humpback whales breed, calve and nurse their young. During the breeding season, as many as 12,000 individuals may return to Hawai‘i, making Hawai‘i one of the largest humpback whale breeding grounds on Earth.
The Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary was designated by Congress in 1992 to conduct research, resource protection and education/outreach activities. Federal and state laws prohibit approaching humpback whales within 100 yards on/in the water or 1,000 feet in the air.
Reports of whales in distress and possible violations of federal laws can be made by calling the NOAA Marine Wildlife Emergency Response Hotline at (888) 256-9840.
• Jean Souza is a Program Specialist with Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. She serves as the on-site manager of Kaua`i Ocean Discovery in Kukui Grove Center, and is a member of the Hawaii Large Whale Entanglement Response Network. Email: Jean.Souza@noaa.gov
Whenever possible, all gear that is removed from a life-threatening entangled whale is brought to shore for analysis and source identification. The long term goal is to work on measures that prevent entanglement. This is one of the response vessels used by the network of trained and authorized responders headed by Ed Lyman (R) of HIHWNMS. NOAA Permit MMHSRP-P932-190577EGL_3279. Contributed photo
Imagine a young boy at summer camp each year and taking notice of the leaders around him. He grows up realizing their contributions in creating, organizing, and operating the camp, as well as training the future leaders. Impressed by their positive impacts, this young man decides to follow in their footsteps. Showing eagerness, he is given responsibilities and soon is leading groups within the camp.
After college he joins corporate America. He lands a job at Intuit in 1990, where he is selected by his colleagues to collaborate with the president and CEO in revising the company’s vision, mission and operating values. Those extraordinary founders were awe-inspiring role models.
Fast forward to today on Kaua‘i, where a small and mighty IT company has a fearless, caring, employee-centered, honest and forthright entrepreneur and CEO, Mark Gregory of IT Kaua‘i.
Mark has a servant leadership style with his staff as the top priority. Similar to camp, he strives to create a positive environment for his employees to perform at their optimum, making sure they have everything they need to be successful. “We celebrate wins and discuss losses, acknowledge accomplishments, and encourage growth in one another,” Mark said.
Mark developed his style from both positive and negative experiences with bosses and colleagues. “Everyone is your mentor, but not everyone knows it. Gold nuggets are not always found in a great manager, boss, or colleague. You can learn just as much from negative experiences and sometimes more. We’d all rather learn from positive experiences but
With a shortage of seasoned IT techs on Kaua‘i, Mark pivoted to hiring qualified and trustworthy individuals though relatively new to the industry. A natural teacher, he mentored them from the ground up to become independent. To hear “I got this or I’ll take that” on the floor means success. His mantra is, “Only seek out win-win situations. If one person loses, everyone loses.”
Along with empowering role models in his corner, Mark has unwavering faith and trust that things will work out. As chaotic as life gets, he finds a calm in this inner knowing.
Entrepreneurs take a special kind of risk. In a Forbes article, researcher Sally Caird calls it “calculated risk taking” and describes it this way: “Calculated risk-taking is operationally defined as the ability to deal with incomplete information and act on a risky option, that requires skill, to actualize challenging but realistic goals.”
Successful entrepreneurs are experienced calculated risk takers, and they take leaps of faith to move their businesses forward. Mark does this daily as he legacy builds with his employees and his two children who also grew up in the business. Like his inspiring mentors, he hopes to lead by example in encouraging others to trust themselves and leap towards their aspirations.
What gets him up in the morning? Mark replied, “The smell of brewing coffee, actually, I am excited for Mondays because it is a fresh start on a new week.”
His favorite quote is: “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” –Navy Seals
www.leadershipkauai.org • 808-246-8727
Since its inception in 2003, Leadership Kaua‘i, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to cultivating strong and committed leaders on Kaua‘i. We do this by engaging a cross-section of youth and adults from diverse backgrounds, and developing their leadership skills to serve our community collaboratively.
FEBRUARY 18 - 25, 2023
FEBRUARY 18 - 25, 2023
Kaua’i’s largest and longest-running festival held in the plantation town of Waimea...a place to discover the real Kaua’i.
Take a step back into old Hawai’i, where the town takes care of its people and everyone contributes something towards the fun!
Waimea Town Celebration really knows how to put on a show with an impressive list of bands and local entertainers! Our 2-day finale ho’olaule’a is like a huge block party featuring Hawaiian music, entertainment, arts and crafts, island cuisine and a beer garden.
Our local westside community spends 8 days annually celebrating our cultural heritage. The opening weekend of Waimea Town Celebration features the Kaumuali’i Lu’au that honors Kauai’s favorite King with hula and music by award winning kumu hula Troy Hinano Lazaro.
From 2k, 5k, 10k runs and long distance canoe races to storytelling and rodeos, there’s something for everyone! Our values of commUNITY and aloha are generously poured into each of our events. Be a spectator or join in on the fun. All are welcome. ICE
02.18.23 - SATURDAY 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Spend the evening immersed in our opening night’s theme for 2023: MARDI GRAS! Walk into a Carnival celebration reminiscent of a street festival with cajun flair. Come dressed the part and enter our costume contest for CASH prize, enjoy our take of the King Cake and sample cocktails popular in New Orleans.
$60* General Admission / $80* VIP 6:00 pm entry (*Must be 21+ to enter.)
02.19.23 - SUNDAY 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
A cultural presentation of beautiful songs and dance by Kumu Hula Troy Lazaro & Halau Ka Pa Hula o Hinano in honor of Kaua’i’s favorite King Kaumuali’i. Doors open at 4:30 pm.
$30 General Admission includes a special meal.
02.20.23 - MONDAY 9:15 AM - 6:00 PM
Asian Pacific films including an encore of award-winning films & sleepers from the Hawaii International Film Festival 42. The complete lineup will be posted on www.WaimeaTheater.com.
$10 tickets sold at the Box Office and $30 All Day Pass includes special meal and can be purchased online.
Join us for lunch in the center of Waimea Town at Hofgaard Park for LIVE music & enter our daily All-You-Can-Eat contests to win CASH prizes. FREE ENTRY, Family Friendly, Craft Vendors
02.21.23 TUESDAY 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
02.22.23 WEDNESDAY 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
02.23.23 THURSDAY 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
02.22.23 - WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Kanaka Maoli Storyteller MOSES GOODS and members of the Honolulu Theatre for Youth Ensemble spent 2022 working in the salt beds of Hanapepe to create this special new production: “THE PA’AKAI WE BRING.” The play follows a family with multiple generations of Kaua’i salt farmers and mixes in ancient stories, hula and original songs. It is served with aloha and FREE treats from Gina’s Anykine Grinds Cafe and Super Duper II Icecream.
$10 General Admission
02.23.23 - THURSDAY 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
The Neil Diamond cover band CHERRY CHERRY returns to Kaua’i to celebrate and honor our Ambassador of Aloha 2023 JIMMY OKADA who will be presented with the Malama Award for his service to our westside community.
$20 General Admission
02.23.23 TO 02.25.23 - THURSDAY TO SATURDAY
Come and see Hawai’i’s best battle it out. All events are open to the public.
$10 Admission Fee only on Saturday for persons 2 years and older
Thu 7:00 pm - World’s Best Muley Roping
Fri 8:30 am - Team Roping Qualifying Slack
Fri 7:00 pm - Barrel Racing Qualifying Slack
Sat 10:00 am - Po’o Waiu, Roping, Barrels, Double Mugging & MORE
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02.25.23 - SATURDAY 7:00 AM START (5:30-6:30 AM CHECK-IN)
The WTC Fun Run attracts a mixed field of keiki to kupuna. Cost is $30/ Adults, $25/Students (17 years and younger). Register online or on Friday night at the Ho’olaule’a (in front of the Beer Garden) from 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm. $40/ Late Registration.
2023 includes Kupaoa • Cherry Cherry • Bruddah Waltah • Norm
Thompson • Natural Vibrations • Hammah House Band • Miah Music
Molokai • Ka’ikena Scanlan • Eli Mac and much more!
FINAL WEEKEND: FRIDAY & SATURDAY / 02.24.23 & 02.25.23
2-Day finale ho’olaule’a at the Old Waimea Mill on 2/24 (Fri) & 2/25 (Sat) includes food booths, craft vendors, 22 hours of FREE entertainment and the Paradise Beverages / Koloa Rum Beer Garden! Visit waimeatowncelebration.com for lineup.
Na’i’ole Long Distance Canoe Race at Waimea Landing on Saturday, 02.25.23 at 8:00 am with traditional Hawaiian outrigger canoes racing along the Waimea shoreline. Awards at 1:00 pm.
Kaua’i’s largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament for all ages!
6 pm - 9 pm Fri 02.24.23 and 9 am - 9 pm Sat 02.25.23 at Waimea Canyon Park Bball Courts
$20/students and $40/adults
Begins at Noon on Saturday 2/25/23
FREE to participate. Sign up with Lisa from Super Duper 2 at 11:30 am in front of the Ho’olaule’a Big Stage.
Begins at 1:00 pm on Saturday 2/25/23 at the Ho’olaule’a Big Stage. FREE to participate and new ‘ukulele awarded to winners. Pickup an entry form at Scotty’s Music (across from Walmart) or download below. Pre-register by 12:45 pm the day of the contest.
Enter a hat lei in the Most Beautiful (fresh materials) or Most Unique (any material) Categories for CASH prizes. Enter your family Heirloom for the People’s Choice Award. Download an entry form from our website. Drop off Sat 2/25 from 10 am to noon at the old Waimea Mill Site. View from 2 pm to 6 pm. Pickup lei & awards at 6:00 pm.
9889A Waimea Road, Waimea (808) 639-1097 Phone
Owners: David and Camille Hesapene
dcsweet.laundry dclaundryandsweets
Hosted by the Historic Waimea Theater and Cultural Arts Center, a nonprofit organization with a mission to provide benefits to local worthy charities and non-profit groups by promoting the community of West Kaua’i through a quality celebration of heritage, diversity and inclusion of its kama’aina and malihini.
Hawaii Tourism Authority • Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau • Historic Waimea Theater & Cultural Center • County of Kaua'i • Kaua'i Festivals • Kikiaola Land Company • Koloa Rum • Paradise Beverages
AES • Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union • Aloha Xchange • Aloun Farms
• Bank of Hawaii • Big Save Market • Captain Andy’s Sailing, Inc. • Coors Miller Brewing Company • Corteva Agriscience • Family & Friends of Ag • First Hawaiian Bank • FM97 Radio • For Kaua'i Newspaper • The Garden Island Newspaper • Garden Island Mortuary • Garden Isle Portable
Toilets • Gather FCU • Gay & Robinson, Inc. • Gina's Anykine Grinds
Café • Global Ag • H-Hawaii Media • Hartung Brothers • Hawaii Food Bank • Hawaii Food Service Alliance • Hawaii International Film Festival
• Heineken Beer • Hertz RAC
• HHSC Kauai Region • Ishihara Market
• Kauai Coffee Co • Kauai Island Utility Coop • Kauai Kimchee • Kauai
Outrigger Association • Kauai Shrimp • Kauai Visitors Bureau • Kawaiola Pharmacy • Kekaha Agriculture Association • Kiahuna Plantation Hotels • Kong Radio • Malama Market • Meridian Pacific, Ltd. • The Parker Group
• Redondo's • The Saddle Room • Scotty's Music House • Super Duper II
• Times Supermarket • Waimea Plantation Cottages
Thank you, Waimea Town Celebration for supporting the spirit of giving food to our families in need!
Meridian Pacific is proud to be a “supporter” of Hawai‘i Food Bank Kaua‘i!
- 25, 2023
Bring a gift of rice and/or canned goods to the WTC 2023 celebration Hawaii Food Bank-Kauai bins
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine have a rich history, having been around for approximately 5,000 years.
We all want to feel well. Relieving pain or discomfort is often the reason people seek treatment and health care. Chinese medicine gives us a framework of natural patterns to work from. It gives us a very clear approach to balancing our health based on the patterns found in nature.
Acupuncture is potentially very complex. In an effort to simplify and to explain it, we say that all acupuncture treatment seeks to do is remove blockages in “chi” energy, or nerve flow.
One good analogy is to see the effect of a blockage in the garden hose when we turn the water on with a “kink” in the hose – no water comes out.
Similarly, acupuncture simply seeks to remove blockages in the flow of “chi” in the acupuncture meridians to restore balance and health. Symptoms such as pain, inflammation, numbness, weakness and spasm can all be attributed to such blockages.
Looking at an acupuncture chart is like looking at a road map of the human body, with roadways, or lines of energy flow, referred to as “chi” meridians or channels in Chinese medicine.
The meridians are named after internal organs such as lung, heart, large intestine, etc. Along the meridians are found the specific acupuncture points, which serve as access points to influence the “chi,” or energy, and remove the blockages to health. The acupuncture points are below the surface of the skin, and at various depths. Thus, we use specific acupuncture needles to stimulate the points to treat the imbalances that create symptoms.
I liken a channel or meridian in the body to a current in a river. You do not necessarily see a current until you throw a leaf in the water and see where it goes. In the same way, a channel is not a physical structure, but its movement can still be seen and measured. Each channel flows through an area of the body, including the limbs and torso, even to the top of the head. Each meridian can be affected by external factors such as trauma, illness, surgery and by internal factors such as our inner emotional and mental state. As we all know, stress can be a huge factor contributing to health, or lack of it.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine seek to balance all aspects of health: physical, mental and emotional. A partial list of conditions, (both acute and chronic) treated are: headaches, back pain, insomnia, menstrual disorders, Bell’s palsy, respiratory conditions, muscle spasms, digestive complaints, osteoarthritis, injury and post-surgical pain, tendonitis, and more. Both acute illness and chronic conditions are treated effectively.
One framework for understanding traditional Chinese medicine is the Five Elements theory based on an idea that elements in nature are also present in our bodies. This is applied in several ways.
The five elements are: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Each element is assigned an area of the body; an internal organ system; an emotion. Persons with imbalances in specific elements have specific sets of acupuncture points that treat their specific element imbalance.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicines have specific formulas, some as old as 500 hundred years. Tried and true, these formulas augment or support acupuncture treatment, and similarly treat blockages in “chi” flow. They treat every system or internal organ of the body and can directly affect illness. Some formulas have very direct use for all the common conditions treated with acupuncture, such as are listed above. Chinese herbs are used in many forms: teas, tablets, capsules, liquid tinctures, topical liquids and patches.
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine is and has been “primary health care” for literally billions of people, today and throughout history. The popularity of TCM throughout the world is testimony to its effectiveness. Throughout Asia, one can venture into a Chinese herbal pharmacy or regular pharmacy and find the Chinese medicines alongside the “regular” medications used in regular allopathic or Western medicine.
Modern medicine has tested both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines in clinical trials and laboratory assessment for many decades. Most of the research has been published in Asian languages, and appears in research journals and scientific references.
Find out what acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines can do for you: Check in with a licensed acupuncture professional. One does not need specific health complaints to experience traditional Chinese medicine, as health optimization is the ultimate goal.
• Ms Bridget Schuyler LAc, Licensed Acupuncturist recently joined the staff at Natural Health Clinic in Līhu‘e and is accepting new patients. She has been practicing since 2006, and is a graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. Her areas of focus include woman’s health, orthopedics and general practice.
For the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced and taken lives around the world in unforgettable and tragic ways. Communities and countries have responded to the disease’s continuing threats in various ways which are still evolving.
A few jurisdictions deserve recognition for their successes in preventing serious illnesses, minimizing the number of pandemic-related deaths, and managing economic impacts. Valuable lessons may be drawn from those communities.
Nationally, the State of Hawai‘i was awarded one of the top rankings for pandemic response and healthcare outcomes. As a county, Kaua‘i consistently scored better on COVID-19 response and healthcare outcomes than the other counties. (www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/scorecard/2022/jun/2022scorecard-state-health-system-performance)
“It is a privilege to be part of the team leading Kaua‘i through the difficult pandemic years,” Kaua‘i District Health Officer Janet Berreman said. “Most of all, mahalo to the Kaua‘i community for its patience and resilience. None of us could have done this alone.”
Evidence gathered on Kaua‘i and recently published online makes the case that our community’s response ranks among the best in the nation in mounting effective and appropriate measures to combat the pandemic.
By recounting how the community came together with the same strength of spirit shown in response to Hurricane Iniki and the 2018 floods, this article credits Kaua‘i’s ordinary residents with stepping up and managing through adversity, as they have done before.
The detailed account of Kaua‘i’s rapidly coordinated public health response is available to subscribing public health professionals online or by request to Kaua‘i Path. Health Security provides insight into the experiences of local, county or state health professionals on the frontlines of health emergencies. Titled Effective Pandemic Response: Lessons from Kaua‘i, the article in Health Security was written by Kaua‘i residents Janet Berreman and Lauren Guest. Subscribers may access the article at www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/ hs.2022.0097, others will need to reach out to news@KauaiPath.org.
“Since the beginning of COVID, our island has been kept safe through the incredible effort of the Kaua‘i District Health Office, the Incident Management Team, and the resilience of our community,” Mayor Derek Kawakami said. “We applaud the published work by Dr. Berreman and Lauren Guest that illustrates in great detail the effectiveness of our pandemic response, and thank them for their leadership and service to Kaua‘i.”
Berreman and Guest’s paper recounts assembling local leaders, compiling the most relevant public health information available, and reaching consensus decisions on how to implement appropriate local pandemic countermeasures.
Saving lives was paramount in the team’s broad array of initiatives. In the paper’s introduction the authors write, “Response successes include implementation of unified command, coordinated public messaging, early protective measures, effective disease control and outbreak response, attention to secondary impacts of the pandemic, free community testing, mass vaccination, and mobile vaccinations and testing. The value of local health departments engaging regularly and authentically with partners and communities cannot be overstated. It has saved lives on Kaua‘i. Local health jurisdictions should focus on all-hazards and all-staff endeavors to enhance their disaster response effectiveness.”
Guest said that in a country where the COVID-19 response tended to be contentious at every level of government, she was enormously grateful to have been part of such a collaborative effort on Kaua‘i. commented Deputy District Health Officer Lauren T. Guest.
“Our Incident Management Team was comprised of county and state representatives who each brought their own expertise and perspective to the table. We definitely didn’t always agree, but we were always able to reach a consensus and to make the best decision we could at the time with the information we had available to us – and to course correct when new information warranted it. I can’t say thank you enough to Mayor Kawakami and his administration for their continuous support and willingness to make difficult –and at times unpopular – decisions in order to protect our community. I would also like to thank the Kauai District Health Office staff for their tireless efforts during the past three years. It’s an honor to be part of such a dedicated team,” Guest said.
There are volunteering opportunities with the Kaua‘i Medical Reserve Corps and American Red Cross for community members willing to be a part of future responses to whatever new threat comes to our shores. Interested individuals can sign up with the Kaua‘i Medical Reserve Corps at www.nlk.doh.hawaii.gov/ , or contact Tommy Noyes at news@KauaiPath.org to discuss volunteering and more on this topic.
February is the month for love, and in Hawai‘i that’s aloha. Love in action. Showing up in caring and compassion. Aloha spreads joy. It’s in every act of kindness we share with each other. It could be a little more patience with others,or letting people feel their emotions without judgement.
It takes a listening heart to recognize others’ needs for help. Lend a helping hand in a gentle way. There is no normal anymore. No one can understand the world right now. We are all struggling in different ways. We don’t know each other’s battles.
Some people are dealing with many problems that you don’t even know about, perhaps even worse than yours. But there’s no comparison in measuring suffering; there is simply accepting it and allowing each of us to express our needs.
Recently, my husband and I have been on the receiving end of compassionate medical care. First at Wilcox hospital, and the great team of doctors and services there. Some people are surprised to know we have such a great hospital constantly striving to improve and add services.
Secondly, HHSC’s KVMH hospitals and the clinics in Waimea and our friends at the Kalaheo Specialty Clinic. Also, it may surprise people to know that the clinic in Po‘ipū at Kukui‘ula center. Is also a specialty clinic for urgent care. It is not emergency room care.
I experienced amazing care, with an end of the day add-on appointment with the Kukui‘ula Clinic. They were so kind to let me come. All of them, physicians, nurses and receptionists. To check my sore wrist as I’d had a tumble, I needed an X-ray, which could be done right there. It was found not to be broken, just sprained, but a radiologist would review the result and give a report after the weekend. I received a splint to immobilize my wrist, which helped for the next two weeks.
Urgent Care to my amazing PCP, and the staff: front desk, nurses medical assistants, receptionists at the clinic in West Kaua‘i ‘Ele‘ele. Clearly, their dedication was to great care, My husband recently had an urgent problem requiring specialists. It resulted in being transferred for robotic surgery at another Hawai‘i Pacific Health hospital, Straub Medical Center on O‘ahu. From the time my husband got the urgent consultation and second video consult with the surgeon two days later, he ordered more specific radiology scans. After the results, he called and ordered preops physicals and bloodwork.
The surgery was performed with the Da Vinci Robotic System, which is precise. My husband was released the same day to our hotel, the Waikiki Prince, where the staff always offer us exceptional care.
We had a surprise visit to Straub’s Emergency Room, where we received impeccable care. Everything was meticulously explained about protecting privacy and medical records. My husband was shocked. He has always been very healthy and active. We never expected this. The staff showed patience in listening while jumping into action. We were impressed, especially my husband.
On Kaua‘i or O‘ahu, whether you are a visitor or resident, be grateful for the place where the spirit of aloha meets high-quality care.
Aloha is about compassion, caring for each other.
Aloha makes us great.
Kukui‘ula Golf Course The Club at Kukui‘ula
2700 Ke Alaula Street
Four daily Tee Times have been reserved for Kaua‘i residents, with green fees of just $35 per player. Starting time blocks for Kaua‘i Residents are:
Wednesday-Friday: 12 PM, 12:10 PM, 12:20 PM 12:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11 AM, 11:10 AM, 11:20 AM, 11:30 AM
TEE TIME HOTLINE: 808-742-3010
(All golfers must provide proof of Kaua‘i Residency.) Please visit www.kolepakukuiula.com for more details.
Poipu Bay Golf Course Poipu
808-742-8711 or 1-800-
This outstanding course is backed by lush emerald mountains and sculpted from a rolling plateau eight stories above the Pacific Ocean. Nestled among the gentle contours of Poipu Bay. Home of the PGA Grand Slam of Golf from 1994-2006.