Fort Bend Independent 031319

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VOL 12 No. 11

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Official newspaper of Fort Bend County & Missouri City

America is the last best hope for mankind: Muslim doctor tells the party of Lincoln, Reagan and now Trump By SESHADRI KUMAR The Lincoln Reagan Dinner of the Fort Bend County Republican Party, an annual fundraiser, held on March 1 at the Safari Texas Ranch in Richmond, may turn out to be a watershed moment in the party’s history. The party of the first elected Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, and the modern day Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, made a bold attempt to reshape its image under President Donald Trump, breaking the perception that the Grand Old Party is racist, antiMuslim and anti-minorities. Who can make this case better than Dr. Shahid Shafi, a Muslim Republican, who survived the attempt by a faction of his own party to oust him? Even today, in Fort Bend County, a few in the Republican Party continue to view Dr. Shafi with suspicion because of his religion, but Shafi says his faith in the party and the nation has only been enhanced and not diminished. And the proof was in his address to the Fort Bend County Republicans and it means something only if one takes him at his words. Shafi spoke about the efforts to remove him from the party because of his religion in

Tarrant County and shared some of his thoughts on how to grow the party for 2020 and beyond. “Throughout this ordeal I remained very optimistic because I had faith in the founding principle of our nation that all men are created equal,” Shahid said. Eventually, by overwhelming vote, the Tarrant County Republican Party rejected the motion to remove him “which reaffirmed my faith in our party and country. It was a shining moment for the Republican Party not just in Tarrant County, but for the entire nation; it is something we all should be proud of as Republicans.” In 1947, partition caused riots on both sides of India and Pakistan, following the partition of India by the British. And Shahid’s family lost everything because they were Muslims. “I grew up in Pakistan under brutal dictatorship, where police were an instrument of oppression and killed innocent people whom they were supposed to protect. I came to the US in 1990 with very little except the desire to be the best I could and here, me and my family found freedoms and opportunities that were denied to us back home. So I remain optimistic about our country,” Shahid said. In post 9/11 America, when

Left, U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw addresses the Fort Bend County Lincoln Reagan Dinner on March 1; Right, invited guest Dr. Shahid Shafi, with keynote speaker Dr. Ben Carson. Photo by MARY FAVRE. he won the city council seat for Southlake city, his speech on election night contained three words “Only in America.” Then, Shahid turned to the party’s future in 2020. The party is dying as evidenced by the 2018 mid-term elections, he said. “To grow, we need to add conservative Americans of all types and not subtracting. Unfortunately, for the last several years our party has used a variety of litmus tests of purity

Award-winning art piece

and whoever failed the test was labeled as RINO or worse,” Shahid said. Any attempt to paraphrase Dr. Shahid’s speech runs the risk of diluting his message and here are excerpts from his speech: “We have created artificial divisions in our country, with every group feeling under threat from the other. Men vs women, rural vs urban, whites vs nonwhites, Christians vs Jews and Muslims, immigrants vs nativeborn, straight vs gay, black lives vs blue lives, people who work in our fields and factories vs those who work in offices. But, I remain optimistic. I am optimistic because of the history of our nation where we have overcome divisions far worse than what we are facing today.

“I remain optimistic because of sacrifices made by individuals like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JFK and thousands of men and women who rest in the Arlington National Cemetery and other cemeteries in our country bearing simple marks of a cross, a star, a crescent, or no religious mark at all. “I remain optimistic because of African American scientists such as Katherine G. Johnson who struggled to get college education and use that education to help launch John Glenn into space and bring him safely back to earth. “I remain optimistic because of a fellow Muslim American surgeon in Michigan who helped develop a revolutionary bandage

that instantly stopped bleeding when applied to injuries which has saved thousands of lives of civilians, soldiers and police officers. “I remain optimistic because of your own J.J. Watt who raised over $30 million to help Hurricane Harvey victims. “I challenge anybody to tell me who among these men and women that I just told you about is not welcome in our party. “Our message as Republicans should be absolutely clear, unambiguous, unequivocal. “We recognize no boundaries of race, ethnicity, religion, caste, creed or sexual orientation. “So, how do we convince these Americans to join us?

The last of the bills identified as priorities by the Lt. Governor were submitted before the deadline on filing legislation for the current session arrived last Friday. This includes sweeping reform bills like the school finance proposal, a bill that would raise the smoking age to 21 and one to pay back student debt for people who become peace officers. In a statement released last week, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said that the slate of 30 bills reflects his own priorities as well as the majority of the Senate. “They strengthen our support for life, liberty and Texas values, increase protections for taxpayers, and ensure that our democracy remains strong and our economy will continue to grow and create jobs,” it read. While bills are numbered based on the order they are filed, the Lt. Governor traditionally reserves the lowest bill numbers for legislation he considers important. In the past two sessions, Patrick has set aside numbers one through 30 for these bills. Senate Bill 1, as it is every session, is the state budget. Other major priorities, like the teacher pay raise in SB 3 or the mental health consortium envisioned by SB 10, have already cleared the Senate and are now up for House consideration. More have been considered in committee, like SB 2, which would put a limit on local property tax rate increases before triggering a ratification election, and SB 11, aimed at

strengthening school safety. One such bill, SB 18 by Senator Joan Huffman of Houston, was passed out of the State Affairs Committee on Monday. This bill seeks to protect freedom of expression on college campuses. “I think that college students, our future leaders, should be exposed to all ideas, I don’t care how liberal they are or how conservative they are,” said Huffman. Her bill would establish a uniform, statewide standard for free expression on campus and reaffirm the state’s commitment to free speech. It would define all open spaces as public forums for lawful, non-disruptive displays of expression. Campus administrators can limit things like time, place and manner of expression provided these rules are narrowly tailored and politically unbiased. When considering whether to approve permits for invited speakers, administrators could only consider neutralviewpoint criteria and couldn’t deny application based on the anticipation of controversy. This measure now heads to the full Senate for consideration. Also in committee Monday, the Senate Finance Committee approved the 2018-2019 supplemental budget to align appropriations made in 2017 with actual expenses over the last two years. The bill’s all funds total is $8.4 billion, with $1.7 billion from general state revenue and $4.4 billion out of the Rainy

Day fund. $3.1 billion of that latter number is dedicated to costs incurred from Hurricane Harvey “I know those are big numbers,” said author and committee chair Senator Jane Nelson of Flower Mound. “But we all knew that the cost of Harvey was going to be significant.” Other items in SB 500 include $4.4 million to cover a Medicaid shortfall, $542 million for teacher pensions, $300 million for state hospital improvements and $100 million to harden school campuses and improve safety. The public got its first look at the Senate version of the school finance reform bill on Friday with the filing of SB 4, by Friendswood Senator and Education Committee Chair Larry Taylor. As expected, the bill would direct more money to students who have dyslexia, are economically disadvantaged or enrolled in bilingual education programs. It seeks to incentivize thirdgrade reading proficiency as well as readiness for college, the workforce or the military by giving districts more money for every low-income student that meets state standards in those areas. It would also allow districts to create effectivenessbased teacher compensation schedules to give pay raises to the best teachers in the district. The bill was referred to the Education Committee on Monday, but a hearing date has yet to be set. —Richard Lee

See PARTY, Page 2

Priority bills filed in Senate before deadline

The above entry “Just a typical day” by Spoorthi Cherivirala, 11th grader from Dulles High School in Fort Bend ISD, has been listed among the top ten winners by Last fall, Spoorthi Cherivirala, the art anthology Celebrating Art. deadline is April 4, 2019. This is submitted the above art to a Each Top Ten Winner receives not a contest where every entry contest that was held for student a complimentary copy of the is accepted for publication. Art of high merit will receive an artists throughout the United anthology and a $25 award. Art pieces are selected for invitation to be published in an States and Canada. Spoorthi was in grade 11 attending Dulles High their creativity, originality, self- anthology. To enter, students should School at the time of publication. expression, craftsmanship, and submit one original entry online Spoorthi’s art, “Just a skill. and at Each Typical Day” was selected from thousands of entries as one of the Blick Art Materials sponsor art piece must be submitted with ten best in his/ her grade division. this contest to offer a creative the student’s name, grade, home Spoorthi is the daughter outlet that honors our youth. address, school name, and school of Ramesh and Anuradha Too often the efforts of young address. For more information, artists are unrecognized and they contact Tom Worthen, Ph.D. at Cherivirala of Sugar Land. The contest was held for lose their motivation to express CelebratingArt, (435) 755-8126. students in grades K-12. The top themselves. You can also email Dr. Worthen casupport@celebratingart. ten artists in each division (grades has awarded over $50,000 to at K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12) are each students and teachers since 2010. com. The upcoming art contest receiving special recognition in

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