Early to Nov.2,2,2018 2018 Earlyvoting: voting: Oct. Feb. 22 20–March Primary Day: Tuesday, 6 ElectionElection Day : Tuesday, Nov. March 6, 2018 Political Ad Paid for by Dean Hrbacek for Judge Campaign, Kathy Luckenbach, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
VOL 11 No. 39
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P. O.BOX 623, SUGAR LAND, TX 77487-0623
Official newspaper of Fort Bend County & Missouri City
Hindu group turns GOP’s goodwill ad on its head By SESHADRI KUMAR A Hindu group turned the tables against the local Republican Party and triggered a negative campaign when the Fort Bend County Republican Party published an advertisement on the occasion of the Hindu Ganesh festival on Sept. 12. The ad conveying greetings to Hindus on the occasion of Ganesh Chathurthi was published in the India Herald (also published by this writer.) The header of the ad copy read: “Fort Bend County Republican Party wishes a Happy Ganesh Chathurthi to the followers of Hindu faith.” The advertisement had a sketch of Ganesha, the elephantheaded deity and explained the symbolism around the image. The political advertisement also contained a sentence which asked Hindu voters: “Would you worship a donkey or an elephant? The choice is yours.” This sentence became controversial and many readers felt it was not in good taste. For six days after the publication of the ad, there was no negative reaction. However, the HinduAmerican Foundation, took upon itself the role of decoding the message, and concluded that the ad is “offensive.” It called upon the Fort Bend County Republican Party “to clarify its intentions regarding the use of Lord Ganesha in
an ad urging support of the Republican Party.” All those who had not seen the original ad, now got to know that the ad is “offensive” to Hindus. Many who saw the ad in HAF’s Facebook posting did not know where it was published or if Hindus were involved in the creation of the ad, but denounced the Republican Party with their choicest expressions. Though the HAF has belabored the point and created a narrative suggesting that the ad is offensive to Hindus, not all Hindus bought the argument. When asked to point out what is wrong with the ad, most people said the sentence at the bottom about voting for elephant or donkey was in poor taste. But, really nothing about Hindus was objectionable. And the Republican Party of Fort Bend County appropriately clarified its ad with the following statement: “The Fort Bend County Republican Party placed an ad in the India Herald on September 12 that was meant to bring a greeting for Ganesh Chaturthi, a Hindu festival that was celebrated September 13. “The ad was meant to be part of the celebration and acknowledge the occasion and was not meant to disparage Hindus in any way. As the party’s first Korean-American Chairman, I have seen successful party outreach and understand the complexities
of those efforts. This ad was created with input from Hindus so that we could properly pay respect to the sacred festival. This highlights the difficulty in outreach that can be positive for one group but not for another in the same community. We offer our sincerest apologies to anyone that was offended by the ad. Obviously, that was not the intent. “It is our goal to build understanding and relationships with all of the different communities in Fort Bend County so that we can best convey our ideas and values. We welcome all those who are willing to be part of that process.” Instead of graciously accepting the “ apology,” HAF gave generous advice “ to both the parties” (as an after thought) not to repeat what HAF considers a “mistake” of using a religious image in a political ad, “while continuing outreach to not only the Hindu community, but all communities in Fort Bend.” Another interesting fallout of this controversy was even Muslims were “outraged” by the ad and some Muslim community members approached the Hindus asking if they would agree to issue a joint statement condemning the Fort Bend GOP. The Hindus declined the offer. The whole media narrative was that the Republican Party See HINDU, Page 4
Sugar Land City Council keeps tax rate unchanged; drops plan to raise taxes for park project Sugar Land City Council approved a fiscal year 2019 budget of $247.35 million and a 2018 tax rate of 31.762 cents on Sept. 18. The adopted tax rate funds the city manager’s recommended fiscal year 2019 budget, including $28.32 million in capital improvement projects, with amendments requested by City Council during budget workshops. Changes made during the budget workshop process include accelerated funding for public safety training facilities and drainage improvements. The tax rate of 31.762 cents is the same rate as the prior year and remains the second lowest in the state for cities over 60,000 in population. The residential tax burden is further minimized by the city’s 10 percent homestead exemption, and the city of Sugar Land makes up only 15 percent of the average residential tax bill. The city manager’s proposed budget was presented in July based on Council-approved financial management policies
that direct the budget to be prepared around a 3 percent increase in property tax revenues. The adopted rate is 2.63 percent higher than the effective tax rate -- which is the tax rate that generates the same revenue as the prior year. This is the second year in a row the budget has been constrained to reflect revenue growth of less than 3 percent. As such, the budget continues many of the budget reductions implemented in fiscal year 2018 to manage the city’s finances within conservative revenue estimates. The City Council also requested minor changes to the fiscal year 2019 operating budget that resulted in a net decrease of approximately $60,000 from the filed budget. Overall, the budget focuses on strengthened resiliency and innovative constraint. Investments in public safety infrastructure are included to help first responders provide critical response and care, while investments in equipment and training ensure their safety. Targeted funding for
increased rehabilitation of city facilities and infrastructure consistent with a multi-year plan proposed last year, as well as drainage improvements to further protect the community and a new enterprise resource planning system to help improve accountability and transparency of city data systems, is also included. The remaining park projects from the 2013 voter-approved general obligation bond referendum were not added to the final budget and may be considered for funding in future year budgets. During budget discussions, some city councilmembers were in favor of increasing the tax rate by one cent to complete the projects approved by voters in a bond referendum. That voters approved city’s borrowing money to fund certain projects means that the city can raise the appropriate tax rate to pay for the debt. The city can manage to do the projects without borrowing if funds are available elsewhere. At least five votes are required to adopt the tax rate.
Commissioner Meyers hosts Annual Fort Bend Ranchers’ Ball
Fort Bend Ranchers’ Ball Committee Members •Other worthwhile charities •Lone Star Veterans On Saturday, October 20, a non-profit that serve the residents of Fort 2018 from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., 600 Association, guests will be saddling up and focused on assisting young men Bend County. The 2018 Ranchers’ Ball riding to the tastes and sounds and women as they transition of the Fourth Annual Fort Bend from the military to civilian life. co-chairs are Jon and Sue •Katy Christian Ministries, a Strange, Jess and Terri Stuart. County Rancher’s Ball at Safari Texas Ranch, 11627 FM 1464, non-profit focused on assisting 2018 Ranchers’ Ball committee the most vulnerable in our members include: CJ & Gary Richmond. Hosted by Fort Bend County community with a variety of Aber, Mayor Bill & Barbie Precinct 3 Commissioner social services, including a food Benton, Synda & Robert Frost, Joe & Doris Gurecky, Tricia & Andy Meyers, the “cowboy pantry. •Simonton Christian Ed Krenek, Tommy & Rhonda chic” style ball will include live entertainment from Academy, which provides Kuykendall, Josh & Megan local favorite, Texas Swing an outstanding educational Lockhart, Carole McCann, experience to the youth of Barbara & David Minton, Steve Unlimited. The event is a charity Simonton, Texas and the & Cynthia Pierson, Terese Raia, Debra Ross, Cheryl & Kenneth fundraiser, benefiting Fort surrounding communities. •The Fort Bend Fair and Stalinsky, Donna Kay Tucker, Bend Charities, Inc., a 501(c) (3) charitable entity that has Katy Future Farmers of Andrew & Jody Van Chau. For more informatiion, visit provided over 1 million dollars America (FFA) which provides or in financial support to various scholarships to local youth charities working to serve Fort to help them further their contact 281-238-1400 education. Bend County including:
Celebrate Four-legged Friends at Jordan Ranch Nov. 3
Pet lovers can plan a playdate at Jordan Ranch, where the furriest of friends will be celebrated at Pet Palooza, noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3. Stop by the Jordan Ranch model home park, 2422 Sandhill Crest Lane, for a pet-centric event featuring a Wild Things Zoofari petting zoo, a DJ, pet swag bags (while supplies last), “pet-icures,” a “Smooches to your Pooches” photo-booth, a caricature artist, food trucks and more. Event-goers also can meet the canine stars of the Houston Disc Dogs and Dock Dogs after their performances. Fort Bend County Animal Service will be on hand with a 70-pound turtle and adoptable pets. The event is free, but guests are asked to bring pet-related items to donate. For more information about Jordan Ranch at