Fort Bend Independent 111418

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VOL 11 No. 46

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Official newspaper of Fort Bend County & Missouri City

Democrats sweep Fort Bend County, take control of courthouse after 24 years By SESHADRI KUMAR Democrats swept the polls in Fort Bend County to take control of the courthouse in a landslide victory after 24 years. All the Republican candidates in contested county races lost. Incumbent Republican County Judge Bob Hebert lost to Democrat KP George 47 percent to 53 percent. All the district judges and county court at law judges, district attorney and district clerk lost by a margin about 15,000 to 20,000 votes in each race. Incumbent Republican Pct. 4 Commissioner James Patterson lost to newcomer Ken DeMerchant, who received 34,965 votes to Patterson’s 32,757. Incumbent Democrat Pct. 2 Commissioner Grady Prestage won unopposed with 42,037 votes. Now, there will be three Democrats on Commissioners Court and two Republicans. Unopposed Republicans who won include CCL Judges Chris Morales and Jeff McMeans, County Clerk Laura Richard, and

County Treasurer Bill Rickert. In state and congressional elections, however, Republicans prevailed. State Reps. Rick Miller, John Zerwas and Phil Stephenson were re-elected and similarly, State Sen. Joan Huffman won. Incumbent Democrat State Rep. Ron Reynolds from Missouri City is in prison and he was re-elected unopposed with 47,035 votes. U.S. Rep. Pete Olson (R) defeated Democrat Sri Kulkarni in Texas 22nd Congressional district with 152,318 votes to Kulkarni’s 137,500. Though Sen. Ted Cruz won statewide, Fort Bend County joined Harris County in voting for Democrat Beto O’Rourke. Cruz received 111,190 votes in Fort Bend and O’Rourke 141,846. Fort Bend turned blue in the 2016 presidential election by voting for Hillary Clinton, but Republicans won the local races. This time, however, the huge turnout among Democrats, coupled with straight ticket voting, catapulted to office

Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert receives County Judge-elect KP George, left, in his office after the Nov. 6 election. anyone with a “D”. Until now, anyone with a “R” on the ballot could win countywide races. The Democrats’ turnout had its impact on Missouri City city elections as well where the

veteran mayor Allen Owen is in a runoff with Yolanda Ford. Long time Councilman Jerry Wyatt lost to newcomer V. Edwards. Incumbent Chris Preston is in a runoff with Susan Soto.

is lobbying the legislature for legislation benefiting the county. Though the commissioners court majority has changed, local legislators have not. Here again, most of the issues will be handled in a bipartisan manner. However, the legislative agenda may be political, depending on the majority party in office. The Texas Legislature is still in Republican hands. Meanwhile, the question remains why all local elected officials from county judge onwards were defeated. Hebert’s statement quoted elsewhere provides a plausible explanation. The election was not about Hebert’s qualifications, experience or performance. Nor was the race between KP George and Hebert. It was a vote against President Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. Fort Bend County Democratic Party Chair says the party’s success exceeded expectation. That Democratic voting in Fort Bend County was higher was evident from the 2016 presidential election. But, Asian voters and Muslim voters in New Territory, Telfair, Avalon and Riverstone areas of Sugar Land cannot be described as solid Democrats. In local elections, they supported Republican candidates until now. These precincts are unlike the voter base in Missouri City and Kendleton, which are strong Democratic precincts where Congressman Al Green gets 80 percent of the votes and a Democratic State Rep. wins from his prison cell. For the same reason, Democrat Sri Preston Kulkarni could not defeat Republican Pete Olson because the overwhelmingly Democratic Missouri City is not part of his Congressional district. Olson got 9,453 votes more than Kulkarni in Fort Bend, and 5,133 more votes in Brazoria County. In Harris County he barely won by a margin of 190 votes. Same is the case with State Reps and State Senators. The districts are not heavily populated by one party. This is the result of gerrymandering. The new voting pattern in the dominant

Democratic precincts will play a part in the next redistricting after 2020. Jacquie Baly, former Sugar Land City Council member and political analyst on Fox 26 Houston, said in a Facebook posting: “Fort Bend county turned blue. Many have asked me why. Many South Asians do not like our President. And we have many South Asians in Fort Bend county. We are also seeing many of the Democrats who lived inside the loop come into our community. In 2016, President Trump did not win in Fort Bend county but at least every other Republican on the ballot did. That was not the case last night. It also doesn’t help that George Soros poured over $600,000 into Democratic races. “I knew Beto was not going to win, however, what he did was elevate other Democratic races. Because of Ted Cruz’s close ties to our President and other issues #TheLeft has with him, many Democrats came and voted straight ticket. As a result fine men like County Judge Bob Hebert, Harold Kennedy and Dean Hrbacek (just to name a few) lost their races to opponents with very little experience. “Regardless of the letter by your name you can not deny the vast amount of experience men like Bob Hebert have in comparison to their Democratic opponents who beat them.” Another commenter said: “Beto’s coattails were stronger than Cruz and Olson. People affected by Harvey also needed someone to blame. Judge Hebert was well connected and respected in Austin and Washington, DC. That loss alone will take years to replace. Judge Hebert and Judge Ed Emmett were instrumental in the fight against mandatory flood insurance. It’s up for a vote soon. If it fails all of us already paying levee taxes will be saddled with a new mandatory high premium flood insurance policy. That could be devastating for Fort Bend County homeowners. I’m hopeful that our new leaders get up to speed quickly and draw upon the wisdom of others.”

County Judge-elect assures continuity

By SESHADRI KUMAR Fort Bend County’s newly elected county judge promises continuity in the county administration and assures other elected officials, employees and business leaders that he will work with “whatever exists and improve it.” KP George wasted no time in getting into action to ensure that the big change in county politics created no uncertainty and he promptly called on incumbent County Judge Bob Hebert and County Attorney Roy Cordes. He also visited with other county commissioners. Hebert told Fort Bend Independent: “It’s been a great 16 years serving Fort Bend County, and I head off into retirement with very few regrets. I wish the new court well, and will give any advice or assistance requested by the new judge. I’m not going anywhere, Fort Bend County is my home.” George realizes the enormity of the task ahead and is willing to learn things quickly. “It is not about me. Sooner one realizes it, it is better,” he says about his desire to do public service. “I am not here to change anything. There will be no discontinuity,” he said. There may be a difference in the style, but the substance won’t change, George said. George also met with officials at the Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council and the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the Central Fort Bend Chamber. A change of elected official normally means wholesale change in staffing in their offices. George, however, does not intend to make any wholesale change in his office. Already a couple of vacancies exist in his office and he will hire new people for those positions. He will have some others stay to ensure continuity. Enhancing the emergency management services and creating a flood control district are on his campaign platform. George said he will listen to his constituents and help address the issues affecting them.

People want to see their elected officials concentrate on projects and processes that affect them every day, and theese changes were promised during campaign, he said. George currently serves on the Fort Bend ISD school board as a trustee. Growing up in a little village in South India, state of Kerala, he came to this country with limited English knowledge and few bucks in his pocket like many other immigrants. He was able to come this far in life simply because “I have a desire for public service,” he said. Fort Bend County Commissioners Court now has two Republican commissioners, Vincent Morales and Andy Meyers. Pct. 2 Commissioner Grady Prestage is the longest serving Democrat on Commissioners Court. He will be joined by George as County Judge and Ken DeMerchant, as Pct. 4 Commissioner, replacing incumbent Republican James Patterson. Unlike the state legislature or the Congress, commissioners court does not run on political lines though county commissioners are elected on party basis. County budget is an area where there are likely to be strong opinions and there used to be different views even among Republican commissioners themselves. During budget time, departments headed by elected officials would make their requests and the budget would be approved after long deliberations. Similarly, creating new positions in county departments could become controversial. Most of the issues pertain to providing services to the county residents and are not usually based on political ideologies. One area where county politics will be impacted is in redistricting, which will be due after the 2020 census. These are political subdivisions and are notorious for gerrymandering by both the parties. Another area of significance

FBISD’s $992.6 million bond referendum approved

Fort Bend ISD voters approved a $992.6 million bond package Tuesday, amounting to the largest bond program in the growing District’s history. According to the unofficial results, 74 percent of Fort Bend ISD voters supported the bond proposal. Projects included in the bond referendum included funding for the construction of new schools and classroom additions, safety and security enhancements, renovations to address maintenance and adequacy throughout the District, and transportation and technology. The District currently serves more than 76,000 students, with enrollment expected to reach 85,700 by the year 2027. “The approved 2018 Bond Program marks a significant investment in the future of Fort Bend ISD, and will support achievement of our mission and vision. I am thankful for the community’s ongoing engagement and support on behalf of our students,” said FBISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charles Dupre. “While a large portion of the program is allocated for the construction of new schools, our community has also shown a willingness to ensure that our current students at existing schools throughout the District have the same access to quality learning environments, safe spaces and technology resources. We are excited to move forward on this important work.” The FBISD Board of Trustees called for the November 6 bond election at its August 13 Board Meeting. The bond package included: •$403.4 million for new construction, rebuilds and additions •$396.5 million for lifecycle deficiencies and facility adequacy, including auditorium updates, orchestra hall additions, and turf and track updates at many schools •$14.9 million for safety and security upgrades and investments

•$10.6 million for transportation •$142.6 million for technology •$19.7 million for future land purchases •$5 million for program contingency Notable projects included in the bond package include construction of three new elementary campuses, the design of one middle school, construction of one high school, the rebuild of Lakeview Elementary and Meadows Elementary, and additions at Madden Elementary and Neill Elementary. While the successful bond election will not necessitate any immediate change in the tax rate of $1.32, a potential three penny increase may be needed during the duration of the three-year program, with the earliest increase not anticipated until 2020. Following voter approval of the $992.6 bond program, Fort Bend ISD will now begin a concerted and expedited process to move forward on the projects included in the bond program. Construction is already underway on Elementary 51 in the Aliana community, and the District has engaged architects to begin designing a new Lakeview Elementary and Meadows Elementary, to be built at their current sites. “The passage of this bond comes on the heels of the 2014 Bond Program – and we are excited to be able to build upon its success,” said Board President Jason Burdine “As a district, we have learned many lessons that will lead to a more deliberate and efficient program delivery. Our community members want to see progress at their school quickly – and we look forward to making these projects a reality and keeping our stakeholders informed along the way.” A Bond Oversight Committee made up of community members of various backgrounds will meet on an ongoing basis throughout the program’s delivery to receive updates and provide oversight of the projects included.

Missouri City mayoral race in runoff

By BARBARA FULENWIDER Thanks to the Democrats getting out to vote this November, two races out of three in Missouri City will have run-off elections. The three candidates for mayor, Fred Taylor, Allen Owen and Yolanda Ford, got a total of 22,505 votes. Owen got 8,115 votes for 36.06%, Ford received 7,861 votes for 34.93% and Taylor got 6,529 votes for 29.01%. Ford and Owen will be in the run-off race for mayor on Dec. 8. The at-large position 1 went to Vashaundra Edwards who got 10,758 votes for 54.28% of the total votes cast in that race . Jerry Wyatt received 9,061 for 45.72% of the 19,819 total votes cast. The at-large position 2 race had four candidates and none received 50% or more votes so there will be a run-off election between incumbent Chris Preston and hopeful Susan Soto. Voters who want Preston to win gave him 9,441 votes for 47.49% of the total vote while Soto came in second with 4,942 votes for 24.86%. The other 2 candidates were H.R. “Buddy” Snyder and Angie Wierzbicki. Wierzbicki got 3,070 votes for 15.44% of the total and Snyder received 2,426 for 12.20%. On Dec. 8 voters will determine if Preston or Soto wins the city council at-large position 2 seat. Stafford also had an election but it was on 13 amendments to the city’s charter and every one of them passed.

Election results, Page 3 Fort Bend GOP and Democratic Party chairs react to Nov. 6 election results. See Page 4

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