Fort Bend Independent

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VOL 2 No. 37

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FBJSL receives Flo Berkman Award

The Fort Bend Junior Service League was presented with the 2009 Flo Berkman Award at the 10th Annual Flo Berkman Award Luncheon, hosted by Fort Bend Community Partners Rainbow Room. FBJSL was honored for its contributions to the agency through the direct service provided by League members as well as the financial support provided from the Pancakes & Pajamas Children’s Festival. The following members attended the luncheon and witnessed this proud moment for the League: Tonya Lewis, Robin Alston, Kelley Stephenson, KK West, Kristin Weiss, and Celia Olson. Standing: Evelyn Traylor, Pam Spencer, Toni Burns, Angela Hughes, Sarah Boyd, Brigit Engleman, Jenny Nelson, Raquel Smith, Manuela Arroyos, Wende Lewis-Buckley, and Diane Sigler-Kennedy.

P. O.BOX 623, SUGAR LAND, TX 77487-0623

Meager increase in taxable value; City plans to cut costs By SESHADRI KUMAR Missouri City City Council has decided to “tighten its belt” and reduce the cost of running the city, while raising the debt service tax rate to fund capital projects. At a special meeting of the city council, City Manager Frank Simpson briefed the council on the property taxes based on the Central Appraisal District’s valuation. The city will generate the same amount of revenue as last year by adopting a total tax rate of 52.8 cents per $100 property valuation. The current tax rate is 51.7 cents per $100 property valuation. Simpson recommended that the city adopt a tax rate of 52.8 cents, comprising 34.7 cents in maintenance and operating tax rate and 18.1 cents in debt service tax rate. The current M & O tax rate is 35.36 cents and debt service tax rate is 16.4 cents. Simpson said the 52.8 cent rate is less than the rate cap of

53. 1 cents that the council committed to during the 2003 and 2008 bond elections. The debt service tax rate, however, is 4 cents above the 2002 rate of 14.17 cents. The city’s total taxable value increased by $9 million. The existing residential value has dropped by $114 million, while the existing commercial property has been reappraised by $78 million more. The city had a new commercial value of $27 million and new residences accounted for $40 million. Simpson said the city budget proposed the issuing of $7.1 million bonds. The 18.1 cent tax rate, with the current taxable values, may not enable the city to sell the entire $7.1 million in bonds, he said. Simpson recommended an increase in the debt service rate instead of the M & O rate because improvements in the infrastructure and amenities enhance existing property values. Also, if

bonds are issued this year, future high interest rates can be avoided. The bond money helps the city take advantage of current lower construction costs. Simpson said the increase in the overall tax rate does not bring in additional revenue to the city. Lowering the M & O tax rate would reduce the general fund revenue by $750,000. Simpson said two-thirds of general fund is personnel compensation and benefits. By adopting a hiring freeze, other than in the police and fire departments, he would reduce the expenditures to meet the fund shortage. Simpson promised to submit a plan to implement the targeted reductions. At a future date, the city will officially adopt the tax rate after a public hearing. Mayor Allen Owen and other council members concurred with Simpson’s recommendation. “People are being asked to tighten their belts. The city ought to tighten its belt too,” Owen said.

Rebuttal to the relentless rant of a newspaper publisher By SESHADRI KUMAR Two weeks ago Fort Bend County Commissioners Court renewed the contract for publishing county legal notices with India Herald (and Fort Bend Independent). The Fort Bend Star did not get the contract last year because its price per classified column inch was $8.50, while India Herald’s price, including publication in The Fort Bend Independent, is $4.70 per classified column inch. Fort Bend Star publisher B.K. Carter has been attacking this newspaper and county commissioners relentlessly. She has been less than honest in her vitriolic comments, with innuendos, suggesting that the county business has

been given to a foreigner. In her latest rant on Sept. 2, Carter while claiming that she was not attacking the ethnicity of this writer, pursued her patently false and inciting comments. Carter says that India Herald is the ‘official’ newspaper and that she was “ashamed that the county chooses such shoddy products... to represent Fort Bend County.” Carter’s comments have gone unchallenged for too long not because what she says is true, but her comments are so cheap that they do not warrant a response. Now, I have chosen to respond and will pay back in her own words. First, there is no such le-

gal designation as “official” newspaper of the county and no newspaper “officially” represents the county. The newspaper is a business vendor and not a mouthpiece of the county government to “represent” the county. Assuming there is an “official” county newspaper, on what basis does Carter claim in her newspaper that the Star is “An official Fort Bend County newspaper.” Carter’s accusation that the county will be facing lawsuits over “improper notification,” is wishful thinking. If there is a challenge to notices published in India Herald, the Star will face the same challenge. Let me explain. The city of

Sugar Land last year awarded the legal notices contract to Fort Bend Star, the general circulation newspaper, after rejecting the bid of another newspaper with a lower price. The Star, the general circulation newspaper, has about 30 subscribers in Sugar Land. India Herald on the other hand, has more than 200 subscribers in Sugar Land. How can 30 subscriptions be deemed a general circulation newspaper in a city with about 25,000 households? Neither Carter nor the city can deny my assertion that Fort Bend Star has only about two dozen subscribers because this is the number given by Carter in her bid document

to the city. Just because Fort Bend Star has a similar sounding name as the free distribution newspaper, Fort Bend/Southwest Star, Carter has been pulling the wool over the eyes of the general public. Sugar Land considers the free paper, Fort Bend/Southwest Star, as part of the equation, and Fort Bend Independent fits that criterion equally. Last year, the Star publisher refused to renew the newspaper contract at $5.25 cents per column inch and by getting the lone competitor disqualified, thanks to a council member, she got the price she demanded, $8.50 per column inch. Last year, Fort Bend Inde-

Tickets for Clara’s Nutcracker Tea on Sale Sept. 21 The BalletForte Guild invites you to join Clara and characters from BalletForte’s The Nutcracker at the annual Clara’s Nutcracker Tea. Clara will be greeting guests on Dec. 6, 2009, from 3 to 5 p.m. at Safari Texas in Richmond. Tickets will be available for $28 each starting Sept. 21 by calling 281-799-7554. Savor a lovely tea of delectable treats from the Kingdom of Sweets with your family and friends. Then delight to a reading of the beloved Nutcracker, while the beautifully costumed dancers perform excerpts from the ballet. Have your picture taken with Clara on her throne. Collect autographs, snap photos, and make many happy holiday memories as you mingle with the dancers. Drawings for ballet and Nutcracker memorabilia will be held throughout the event. Clara’s Tea is a charming prelude to BalletForte’s The Nutcracker, a perfect introduction to classical ballet for the young and young-at heart. Proceeds from Clara’s Tea support the mission of BalletForte to entertain and educate the public in the art of classical ballet, while providing performance opportunities for dancers who wish to pursue a professional career in ballet. The Nutcracker 2009 performances will be Dec. 11, 12 and 13 at the Stafford Centre Performing Arts Theatre. Call BalletForte at 281-799-7554 or e-mail More information about BalletForte and the BalletForte Guild is available at Left, Clara (Kayla Hyde) poses with guest Anna Lillig at the 2008 Clara’s Nutcracker Tea. Right, The Sugar Plum Fairy (Shannon Lipsman) with guest Gigi de Vega at the 2008 Clara’s Nutcracker Tea.

Children’s Emergency Center Now Open. childrensmemorialher • 713.222.CARE

pendent and India Herald did not bid. This year, Sugar Land could once again call for bids and pick the competitive bidder. Apparently, the city council, unlike the county, does not want to incur the wrath of Carter, and would renew the contract at the same high price of $8.50 per column inch. Carter’s continued intimidation seems to have worked and Sugar Land taxpayers will have to shell out more for the same service which is offered at nearly half the price by another newspaper. This newspaper is obviously being discriminated. against. But, why? I leave it to your imagination.

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