Fort Bend Independent 122618

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VOL 11 No. 52

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Official newspaper of Fort Bend County & Missouri City

Yolanda Ford takes office as Fort Bend ISD continues Missouri City Mayor legal fight over the cemetery

Yolanda Ford takes the oath of office as Mayor of Missouri City as Presiding Judge Debra Sinclair administers the oath. Photo by City of Missouri City. Then, the new Mayor the citizens and for personifying Resting her hand on her grandfather, Rev. O.D. Ford Sr.’s immediately conducted her first the role of a dedicated leader heirloom Bible, Mayor Yolanda official action of the meeting by through your actions for the Ford was administered the oath swearing-in At-Large Position #2 past 32 years. We appreciate of office at the Monday, Dec. 17 Councilmember Chris Preston, your contributions and work Regular City Council Meeting by who was recently re-elected to as Mayor of the “Show Me Presiding Judge Debra Sinclair, his position, using her family’s City” strengthening families, signaling a historic transition Bible, which was held by Judge workplaces and the overall community, making Missouri of leadership in Missouri City Sinclair. Preston said “Wow, God is City one of America’s “Best prompted by Ford’s win in the good all the time, all the time He Places to Live.” Dec. 8 Runoff Election. Owen shared his sentiments Joined by her father, Abram is good. You know, someone saw Ford, Sr., and her mother, me earlier and they said you seem afterward, saying: “I want to Jacqueline, Mayor Ford vowed jittery, are you nervous? Even thank God for giving me the to “faithfully execute the duties though this is my third time, I strength and courage to take this of the Office…and to the best of am, and I don’t think I’ve been job on. I wish Yolanda the best of my ability preserve, protect, and this nervous since I asked my luck in her new role. And I want defend the Constitution and laws fiancée if she would marry me. to thank my family, my wife of 51 of the United States, and of this But no, in all seriousness, I am years, for allowing me to do this State,” in the presence of hundreds so honored to be standing before for 39 of those years. I want to thank all the people that are here of citizens, stakeholders, family you starting my third term.” Preston, who was elected as who supported me over those members, elected officials and supporters who came to witness Mayor Pro Tem later that night, years, it’s been a great journey. the ceremony first-hand and give continued: “I am honored, and as You know when I first started a proud product of Missouri City out this City had about 24,000 her a standing ovation. After being sworn in, Ford, I will remain committed to the people in it. And the major who was elected with 51.95 integrity and the forward progress employer at that time was a little percent of the vote citywide, of our beloved community. I foundry called WKM. Matter addressed the audience: “I just grew up here…the schools raised of fact our first fire station was want to take this opportunity, me, the neighbors invested in there because they were afraid to one, thank God, my parents, me…the churches prayed for me the foundry would catch on fire,” my family and everyone who and I owe a debt to Missouri City said Owen, who was Mayor from supported me to get to this and I will pay that debt in full. 1994 to 2018. “So we’ve come a long way point. I sincerely appreciate We have a lot of business to do, it,” said Ford, who is the City’s a lot of unfinished work, so let’s since then and I’ve worked with a lot of great Council people, a 11th mayor and the first female get back to it. Thank you all.” Mayor Ford and City Manager lot of great City Managers, a and first person of color elected to the position. “And I want Anthony J. Snipes also saluted lot of great staff and I look back to leave everyone with one former Mayor Allen Owen for his over the years and we’ve come a remark: I know we have a lot 32 years of public service to the long way. We’re not the bedroom of differences, but with that we citizens and presented him with community we used to be, we’re have to learn to appreciate our a proclamation and a certificate the industrial giant, I think, of Fort Bend County. So, good luck differences so that we can work reading: “The City of Missouri City to the Council, thank you for together to get things done. And, I also want to say that we have to would like to extend their your service. Go to work, you’ve learn to work together as brothers gratitude and appreciation to got a lot of work to do. Thank you all for coming.” or we’ll perish as fools. So thank Mayor Allen Owen. “For your tireless devotion to you, thank you!”

Former Mayor Allen Owen, center, received a proclamation and certificate from Mayor Yolanda Ford and City Manager Anthony Snipes.

By SESHADRI KUMAR The fate of the unknown bodies found in a school construction site in the Telfair subdivision in Sugar Land remains in a legal limbo even as Fort Bend ISD seeks the court’s permission that would allow the bodies to be reburied as agreed by the school District and the City of Sugar Land. The District has outlined the potential hardships students and taxpayers will experience by the uncertainty and any further delay. In the most recent action on December 20, 2018, an appeals court granted the FBISD motion for relief and stayed Fort Bend County District Judge Jim Shoemake’s order appointing a Master in Chancery, which means the Master of Chancery, at least for now, has no authority to represent the court in the process. Attrorney Michael W. Elliot is the Master in Chancery. In late November, the District also filed an Objection with the Court because it believes the appointment of the Master of Chancery constitutes an abuse of discretion that will end up costing FBISD more money that is not necessary. The law does not permit the Court to appoint a master without making a finding of good cause and with an impermissibly broad authority over all matters in the case. Earlier, Fort Bend ISD had requested a court ruling allowing it to rebury remains of 95 individuals discovered on District property where construction of a career and technology center is underway. Following a December 18, 2018 hearing in 434th District court, FBISD issued the following statement: The District is currently constructing the James Reese Career and Technical Center, a $58 million state-of-the-art career and technology center that was approved by voters as part

of a 2014 bond program. The center is scheduled to open in the fall of 2019. It will offer advanced courses providing career opportunities in agriculture and natural resources, architecture and construction, arts and audio video communications, culinary arts, cosmetology, education and training, information technology, law and public safety, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. Students will have access to dual credit courses and multiple opportunities to earn industry certifications while completing coursework at the center. An abandoned cemetery, presumed to be part of a state prison operated from 1870 to 1911, was discovered during construction of the center. Associate Judge John Hawkins ordered exhumation of the remains in June of 2018. A team of archeologists hired by the District exhumed the remains of 95 individuals over a fourmonth period. The remains are currently being kept in storage boxes awaiting reburial. Texas Law requires that the remains be reburied in a county, municipal, or perpetual care cemetery. In October, the District and the City of Sugar Land agreed to a final resting place for the remains at the Old Imperial Prison Farm Cemetery, an existing cityowned and maintained cemetery that has a shared history with the land where the remains were discovered. Both the Texas Historical and Fort Bend County Historical commissions participated in the planning discussion and supported the District’s plan. Fort Bend ISD has since requested that Judge James H. Shoemake grant a previouslysubmitted petition that would allow the bodies to be reburied as agreed by the District and the City of Sugar Land. The District has outlined the

potential hardships students and taxpayers will experience by the uncertainty and any further delay. While construction of the center continues in areas not affected by the archaeological discovery, cost increases associated with the delays and potential redesign are rising each month. The District has already incurred an estimated $5.5 million in construction delays and for archaeological observation, investigation, exhumation, and historical analysis. It is anticipated that further delays will cause the District to spend an additional $7.5 to $8.5 million to ensure that other parts of the center can open as scheduled. If the court does not allow the bodies to be reburied at the city-owned cemetery, the center would have to be redesigned to a different area of the property. The cost to construct the redesigned center would add an additional estimated $18 million in costs to the $58 million-dollar bond project, which could push the project an estimated $25 million over budget. “Our District has a responsibility to our students, taxpayers, and the citizens who voted in support of this project to avoid the continuing delay and economic harm being caused to the taxpayers,” said FBISD Board President Jason Burdine. “The District and the City of Sugar Land reached an agreement to bury the remains in a city-owned cemetery in October. The only holdup now is that we need approval from the court. Further delay will leave the remains without a final resting place and will add millions of dollars of unbudgeted costs to the project. The District’s mission is to educate students. It is legally prohibited from operating a cemetery and we need the court to approve the plan to rebury the remains at the city cemetery without further delay.”

MEDEXPRESS TEDDY BEAR CLINIC. The Fort Bend Children’s Discovery Center and MedExpress Urgent Care, a neighborhood medical center, invite Fort Bend families to bring stuffed furry friends for a holiday “check-up” and learn more about what to expect when visiting a doctor’s office or urgent care on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Fort Bend Children’s Discovery Center, 198 Kempner St., Sugar Land. The Discovery Center will host a “MedExpress Teddy Bear Clinic” to teach basic health care concepts to children in pre-school and kindergarten. Children can participate in hands-on activities to learn about splinters, germs, sprains and scrapes. MedExpress employees teach children what doctors, nurses and radiologists do, including mock X-rays and applying bandages to a teddy bear named Sniffle. MedExpress Teddy Bear Clinics offer a fun, informational, hands-on opportunity to promote healthy habits and good hygiene starting from a young age, which is especially important heading into peak cold and flu season. Children are invited to bring their own stuffed friends with them. The MedExpress Teddy Bear Clinic is recommended for children ages 3 to 8. Clinic included with general Museum admission: $12 per person and $11 for seniors 65+ and $10 for active duty military personnel. Children under one and Museum Members receive free admission. For more information, visit or call (832) 742-2800.

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