India Herald 100219

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India Herald

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20 Pages

VOL. 25 • NO. 40 • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2019 • P.O. BOX 623, SUGAR LAND, TX 77487 • PERIODICAL PERMIT USPS 017699 • 25 cents

IACF annual gala

The Indo-American Charity Foundation held its annual fundraising gala, with the theme “Share your heart Texas way” Stafford Center on Sept. 13. Lighting the lamp at the gala are IACF President Venkat Iyer, left, Chief Guest Bal Sareen, Stafford Mayor Leonard Scarcella and Fort Bend County Judge KP George. — Royphotography. See Page 4.

Live Charkha spinning at Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial Celebrations

Mahatma Gandhi Library along with more than 100 organizations will conclude the yearlong celebrations of the sesquicentennial at the Miller Outdoor Theater on Sunday, October 6, 2019 from 4 PM to 9 PM. For the first time, there will be a live charkha spinning demonstration at the event. The event is FREE. The celebration will feature activities such as face painting, henna, balloons and arts and crafts for children. There will also be an exhibition on Mahatma Gandhi prepared by the National Gandhi Museum in New Delhi chronicling his life for your viewing. The evening will begin with the Walk For Peace at 4:45 PM from the Miller Outdoor Theater and returning to MOT where the walkers will be recognized on stage. Please register online at and come vote for peace with your feet. 1000 Lights for Peace, a multicultural and international dance and music show dedicated to peace, will start at 6 PM. The finale of the event will be lighting of a candle as a pledge to practice peace in one’s own life. (See Page 19.)

Meenakshi Temple honors priest

Sri Meenakshi Temple Society at Pearland held its annual fundraising gala recently. One of the longest serving priests, Thanga Bhattar, who was associated with Sri Meenakshi Temple since its inception 42 years ago was felicitated on the occasion. Honorary President Sam Kannappan honored and presented the title Priest Emeritus to Thanga Bhattar, while Dr. Padmini Ranganathan, MTS chairman, presented him with a plaque on behalf of the Hindu Temple of Hawaii. S. Narayanan, left, advisory council member, Dr. Padmini, Thanga Bhattar, S. Kannappan and Meenakshi Kannappan. See Page 5.

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Style and substance of Modi-Trump Summit

What is the impact of the spectacular joint appearance by the two world leaders? See Page 3.

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Glimpses of HowdyModi!2019

Inside NRG Stadium on Sept. 22 at the Howdy Modi summit. Photographs by Biyani Photography.



Style and substance of Modi-Trump summit

By SESHADRI KUMAR The euphoria over the Howdy Modi summit in Houston is fresh and lingering and that may remain so for some time. A vast majority of the people who attended the rally in Houston and others in the U.S. who watched the spectacle are satisfied with the joint appearance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump. Most of them are not driven by political ideology, but are inspired by a re-emergent India under the leadership of Modi, whom they perceive as an honest individual, good at heart unlike a traditional political leader. On the other hand, the event is an unmitigated success for a handful of individuals associated with Modi since his early days in Indian politics, who chose to showcase Modi in Houston, both to celebrate the victory of the Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party in India and to create an opportunity for Modi to express his gratitude to the people who helped in his reelection from abroad. At the outset, the Howdy Modi community summit was billed and designed with Modi as the protagonist and little did the organizers think of Trump sharing the stage with Modi. The organizing committee included some known Trumphaters, but they had to hide their feelings and cheer for Trump. What else could they do when Modi himself wanted Trump to be on his side? What is the impact of the Modi-Trump summit? The impact can be seen at the international, national, local community and individual levels. The audience can be categorized as pro-Modi and anti-Modi, pro-Trump and antiTrump, pro-Modi-Trump, and anti-Modi-Trump. Newspapers also covered the Modi-Trump event from their own bias for or against these political personalities. The New York Times, for example, opened its story by saying Trump was playing “second fiddle to Modi.” The Washington Post said “The foreign strategy of soothing tensions with the United States by stroking President Trump’s ego was put into vivid effect.” “The joint appearance also underscores the growing strategic significance of USIndia ties. The world’s two

largest democracies are a vital check on China’s ambitions to dominate the Asia-Pacific region,” said the Wall Street Journal. Irrespective of party politics and whatever might be the thinking of his U.S. supporters, Modi’s decision to invite Trump and demonstrate their friendship suggests that his strategy was based on his “national interest” and that India would and should benefit from this personal relationship in myriad ways. Turning to the local community and individual level impact, the independents among Indian American voters would become Trump supporters even as the Republican Indian Americans would be reinforcing their faith in Trump’s leadership. The hardcore Democrats among Indian Americans are unlikely to be swayed by Modi’s endorsement of Trump. Conventional wisdom among analysts, after the Howdy Modi event, is that Modi’s support for Donald Trump could swing some Indian-origin voters, most of whom had voted for the Democratic Party in 2016. In Fort Bend County, for example, a majority of Indian American voters favored Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in 2016 even as they voted for Republicans in down ballot, local races. In 2018, in their enthusiasm to vote for the Democratic Party nominee in the Congressional District 22 race, Sri (Preston) Kulkarni, more because of his identity as an Indian American, most people voted straight ticket as Democrats, even where Kulkarni was not on the ballot. This was described as the socalled blue wave. Of course, the anti-Trump sentiment among the Indian American voters was discernible as well. Kulkarni’s major Hindu voter base now saw the spectacle of Modi making a pitch for Trump’s re-election. Kulkarni’s main campaign platform, both in the first attempt, and now in his second attempt, is being an outstanding Trump hater. The change of heart will be certain, but no one knows how deep and wide it will be. Come November 2020, we will have an idea. This contradiction among Modi supporters who are Trump haters has been analyzed by a correspondent for The

Modi and Trump do a victory lap around the NRG arena waving to the crowd after the Howdy Modi Summit. Hindu, (One of India’s major newspapers) but the article is full of misplaced assumptions and ill-informed conclusions. While the article identifies the phenomenon correctly, the analysis flows from the writer’s bias against both Modi and Trump as ultra-nationalists, racists, cultural supremacists and the list is long. In the article, “One people, many countries,” Varghese K. George writes, “In multiple dimensions, this event will showcase the paradoxes in the politics of the two protagonists and their primary audience, the Indian American community. The event might spur selfreflection among some, but could harden the positions for many and sharpen the polarization in the community.” This is a fair generalization. But, what follows is not. “Naturalization requires one to abjure allegiance to a foreign country, but America allows dual citizenship. Though India does not allow dual citizenship, the societies in both countries are largely accepting of multiple identities. However, Mr. Trump and Mr. Modi lead politics that seeks to assert and privilege a national identity by subordinating particularities, and rebuild their nations into puritan, unitary communities. This project also involves, in both countries, a massive state drive to identify, isolate, detain and possibly expel people who are suspected to be intruders into the nation. The India of Mr. Modi’s Hindutva dreams, advancing rapidly under his rule, will be “one nation” with one people, one language, one religion, one election, one market, and one everything — a homogeneous, Hindu utopia.

The Houston rally could be an opportunity for both leaders to see up close the fallacy of this pursuit. It will be one people cheering leaders of two countries that they divide their loyalty for. The irony is that Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump ride populism that targets various minorities for fractured loyalties.” This line of sky is falling argument is typical of all antiHindu forces. It is as realistic as the world coming to an end in 2020 through climate change. “Seeking absolute and unalloyed loyalty to the nation from the entire population, expressed as unquestioning fealty to the regime, is the fulcrum of Mr. Modi’s politics within India, but abroad he seeks and encourages the Indian diaspora to maintain dual loyalties — for India and their host countries.” The pitfall in this line of argument to say that when one says ‘Make America Great” or “Make India Great” it means subordination and subjugation of other nations. The idea that each nation can aspire for its own greatness without demeaning another is ignored by such analysis. For example, when American conservatives talked of American “exceptionalism,” former President Barack Obama ridiculed the concept by saying that other countries like Germany and France were also exceptional. “Indian American Hindutva groups, largely upper caste Indians, are advocates of minority rights in the U.S., but simultaneously and contradictorily supportive or uncritical of cultural supremacism and majoritarianism in India. Mr.

Modi’s followers in the U.S. want American Democrats to fight back Mr. Trump’s cultural supremacism that belittles them and their culture. They demand as a right, the American green card and passport, and the Modi government has supported such claims for more opportunities for Indians in bilateral talks with the U.S. But they want American Democrats to keep their mouths shut about the rights of those living in India for generations — whether in Kashmir or those who are arbitrarily being asked to prove their citizenship though they never took an oath abjuring and renouncing India. India-friendly voices in American politics are under attack by Hindutva groups in the U.S. for speaking up for constitutionalism and pluralism in India. Hindutva groups in the U.S. even want Indian American Democratic lawmakers to subordinate American interests to India’s. Ro Khanna, U.S. Representative from California’s 17th Congressional District, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, is being singled out by these groups for his association with the Pakistan Caucus, as if they are fighting the India-Pakistan rivalry in America. Mr. Khanna is an unequivocal and strong supporter of a pluralist America, and India-U.S. ties, and for the same reason rejects Hindutva and its exclusive nationalism.” I have reproduced these excerpts not to endorse the views, but to show their shallowness and fallacy and to put it to test to the very people who are insinuated in these columns. It is a thought to ponder.

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IACF gala — “Share your heart Texas way”

IACF President Venkat Iyer, left, with 2019 board members Anand Chauhan, Hasu Patel, President-elect Joseph Ellankil, Lakshmi Peter, Dr. Prasun Kumar Jalal, Shobana Muratee,Purvi Parikh, Sushovan Guha, Sreedhar, Mahesh Wadhwa, Nanda Vura and Rajesh Dikonda. Photo Royphotography. By SESHADRI KUMAR Sonal Bhuchar and Kamna the legacy of 31 years of IACF awards were given to Srini Scarcella, in his remarks, comThe Indo American Char- Sharma to IACF and observed on his shoulders in addressing Chittaluru, an IT consultant, mended IACF for its support to ity Foundation of Houston, at a moment of silence in their the needs of the community in and current president of the education. No culture places its annual fundraising gala, re- memory. education, family, general wel- Telfair HOA in Sugar Land, more emphasis on education cently instituted a scholarship Iyer also announced that for fare and healthcare. Ramesh Maddi, Maddi Soft, than the Indian community and in memory of Sonal Bhuchar the first time, three families “Continuing the legacy of Inc., Carl Pham, vice president the proof is in the pudding, he former IACF president and have committed to make dona- the president, I have been try- at Whitney Bank, Mahesh De- said alluding to the numerous Fort Bend ISD school board tions over the next few years ing to drive home the point sai, CPA and financial advisor, valedictorians and salutatoripresident. for educational initiatives, es- that IACF is the only Indo P. Vaduganathan, M.D., Sam ans from area schools. The foundation also an- pecially STEM scholarships of American organization that Kannappan, president of ABI County Judge KP George nounced the establishment of $10,000 per year. ploughs back 100 percent of Enterprises and Ravi Varre, was the keynote speaker, and a board of advisors to identify There is a single thread that its proceeds to enrich the com- founder-CEO of Camelot IS Bal Sareen was the Chief the next charitable organiza- binds us all together. Over 30 munity we live in. This year’s Inc. Guest. tions for providing funds. The plus years, we have been work- gala “Share your heart Texas After a ramp walk of IndoThe Angels of Charity titles advisors will also help keep the ing to achieve a single goal of way” is all about how we go were conferred on Leela and Texas fashion by Munaari Deorganization in tune with cur- “enhancing the quality of life” the extra mile and expand our Nat Krishnamurthy, Dr. Shwe- signs and vote of thanks by rent times and ensure it func- in the community we are in to- horizons, while sticking to the ta and Dr. Shilpan, Tupil and IACF President-elect Joseph tioned ethically. day and where our future gen- mission “We live here, we give Ranjana Narasimhan, Neera “Zenith” Ellankil, the gala endVenkat Iyer, IACF presi- erations will make their mark,” here.” and Vipin Kumar and Amit and ed with dinner and live music. dent, in his opening remarks, Iyer said. Following the President’s Roopali Mittal. recalled the contributions of Iyer said he was carrying remarks, “Friends of Charity” Stafford Mayor Leonard

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12:07 PM

Past and present officers of the IACF board.



Looking to the future: Meenakshi Temple fundraiser

Dr. Gopal, with his pet “Kanmani,” played the role of a saffronclad sanyasi in a hilarious skit “Let us go to Kasi,” produced and directed by Dr. Vaduganathan. By M.K.SRIRAM Sri Meenakshi Temple’s annual fundraising dinner was appropriately named Bhavishya, looking forward to a bright future. Looking back however, it all started from humble origins when the temple started in a trailer in a little-known neighborhood south of Houston. Fast forward 42 years to the present day, it has become the premier temple in a sprawling complex with spectacular architecture that has become a landmark and a must-visit destination of Pearland, Houston and the entire state of Texas. Bhavishya gave a glimpse of what is yet to come. The vibrant energy of the Board of Trustees, the dedicated staff and scores of enthusiastic volunteers was very much on display on Sunday, September 8th. With the renovation of the adjacent Kalyana Mandapam going on briskly, the entire gala was most innovatively performed in the transformed Youth Center and Cafeteria complex. As the guests began arriving by 5 PM, they were welcomed with free valet parking, tasty snacks and beverages in the cafeteria now transformed into a beautiful reception area. The annual silent auction which is a center-piece of the banquet, was beautifully setup with many exquisite art pieces, exotic jewelry and beautiful silk saris. The visitors were amazed by this collection and bid and counter-bid on their favorite pieces, all for raising funds for the temple. The guests then moved to the most stunningly decorated Youth Center hall for the main event. A spectacular sculpture depicting the celestial wedding of Goddess Sri Meenakshi with Lord Sundareswara was the centerpiece. Much of the credit for setting up for the event goes to the temple shilpis (artisans) who worked See Temple, Page 10

Hon. Vice President Dr. Vaduganathan, left, presented the title “Emeritus Chairman of Sri Meenakshi Temple” to Dr. Venugopal Menon, third from right,, for his outstanding dedication, service and leadership for over 40 years. Honorary Trustees Anantha Aiyer, Honorary President Sam Kannappan K.R. Thiagarajan and Dr. S.G. Appan,were also recognized.

Hindu Worship Society

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Diana & Narin Sehgal of Bombay Brasserie have very kindly agreed to provide the dinner prasad for all the attendees.


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By Ranvir Biki Mohindra In an earlier article, we established the minimum amount of liquid assets that are required to maintain your lifestyle during the retirement years and the recommended savings rate to achieve those targets. These numbers will vary and are dependent on your level of income, but they can be understood as factors of your gross income as you approach retirement. Let us say that your gross income around the age of 50, is X, then you need a minimum of 10X in liquid financial assets to retire with a comfortable retirement. To achieve this goal, you need a savings rate of 20% or greater during your working years. We also presented several examples of how this works at different income levels. For income near $100,000 per year, social security plays a bigger role than at incomes around $400,000-$500,000 per year. In this article, we are presenting a framework of how these savings should be allocated during the various stages of your life. Let us divide your gross income into five groups each of which is about 15%25% of your gross income: 1. Federal income taxes 2. Total savings (including savings at work, 401-k, 529 and retirement plans) 3 .Home expenses (including property taxes and maintenance expenses) 4. Monthly expenses (food, utilities, vacations, clothes, credit cards) 5. Discretionary expenses (insurance, automobiles, private school tuition) First, we recommend that your total savings should be equal or greater than your Federal income taxes. In this article, we will focus on allocations within the savings plans and within discretionary expenses. Allocations within Savings Plans Within your savings plans, we recommend that you select as many low-cost index funds as possible. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are better than Mutual Funds. Broader based funds are safer than sector funds, and finally, equity funds will always give higher returns than debt funds, but are more risky in the short term. A time-tested formula is the rule of 100 minus age should be invested in equities and the balance invested in debt. This means at the age of 30 you are 70% invested in equities and 30% in debt. This will decline as you grow older and have less appetite for risk and less time for recovery from stock market declines. We recommend fund families such as Vanguard, who offer a broad range of low-cost funds. As you grow more sophisticated in investing, options used wisely can help you improve your results and manage your risk.

Many people have used other investments such as rental real estate to build wealth. The merits depend on the local markets and how they appreciate in value and how much time you can devote to the management. Allocations within Discretionary Income The largest part of this group is insurance. There is life insurance, disability insurance, second-to-die policy, homeowners insurance, automobile insurance and umbrella insurance. I consider investment in gold as insurance as well. At the earlier part of your career, insurance decisions have to be based on the maximum bang for the buck. Just like term insurance is advisable at the earlier stages of your career, whole life insurance is better as you approach retirement. I do not like Universal life or Variable Universal life products, which seem to fit neither the early stages nor the final stages of a typical career. I strongly believe in allocating up to 10% of your discretionary income into Long-Term Care insurance and gold. Do not buy these products blindly. There is a very big difference in types of options available in the market today. Finally, there are Annuities. Most of these products are very costly and are poor solutions to wealth building. I strongly recommend that you should consult with a trustworthy Financial Planner, before signing up for these new and creative products. We will discuss these subjects in greater detail in future articles.

Ranvir Biki Mohindra

A resident of Texas for over 40 years, Ranvir Mohindra has been involved with many issues that are relevant to the South Asian community living in the United States. Whether you have money in India that you did not report or have inherited an ancestral property, there are new rules of compliance. Mr. Mohindra’s expertise is built on personal experiences and access to tax and legal professionals, both in Houston and in India, who can provide additional support to bring you in compliance and protect your assets. He can be reached at 713-805-0915 or


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Writer Chitra Divakaruni is in conversation with Rekha Muddaraj at the Jaipur Literary Festival in Houston. Chitra Divakaruni’s The Forest of Enchantments is the story of the Ramayan, but with the spotlight on Sita. It focuses on her immense courage, strength, will power and dignity. Sita deals with (and triumphs over) many issues that face modern women: abduction, rejection by husband, and bringing up children as a single parent. Published by HarperCollins, the book was launched at the Jaipur Literary Festival in Houston. By SESHADRI KUMAR The Jaipur Literature Festival, dubbed ‘the greatest literary show on Earth’, brought internationally acclaimed authors and thinkers taking part in a range of panels and debates, for its second edition at the Asia Society Texas Center. The Festival opened on Friday evening, September 13 with events running all day on Saturday, September 14. Program highlights included opening and closing night musical performances and vigorous panel discussions. The audience listened to conversations about diverse topics such as mystics and mythology, migration and diaspora, women’s issues and concerns, America’s medical industry, astronomy, energy solutions, politics and much more. The Houston event presented a rich showcase of South Asia’s literary and oral heritage while also featuring authors from around the world as well as local literary figures from Houston. Participating writers included Bapsi Sidhwa (delivering the keynote address on opening night), Chandrahas Choudhury, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Daniela Arnold, Deborah D.E.E.P Mouton, Edward Carey, Lacy M. Johnson, Lawrence Wright, Makarand R. Paranjape, Manisha Koirala, Mat Johnson, Mike Magee, Mira Jacob, Monique See JAIPUR, Page 10

Physicist Priyamvada Natarajan spoke on “Black holes: Cosmic enigmas.”


MUSIC Jaipur From Page 9

Truong, Namita Gokhale, Priyamvada Natarajan, Purushottam Agrawal, Sohaila Abdulali, Sunanda Vashisht, Susan Abulhawa, Tarfia Faizullah, Usha Akella, Vivek Virani and William Dalrymple, among others. The program covered a wide range of topics including: Black Holes and Cosmic Enigmas, An Investigation of America’s Medical Industry, The American Model in the Middle East, Migrant Worlds (presented by Rice University), What We Talk About When We Talk About Rape, Kabir in Music and Poetry, and the Rise and Fall of the East India Company, plus some of our finest fiction writers and poets. Once again, Teamwork Arts and Inprint collaborated on programming JLF Houston. The inaugural address titled “Each other’s stories” featured poetry reading by Daniela Arnold and remarks by William Dalrymple, festival director, Sanjoy K. Roy, festival producer, Rich Levy, executive director Inprint, Dr. Anupam Ray, India’s ConsulGeneral in Houston and Harsh Vardhan Shringla, India’s Ambassador to the U.S. Houston-based writer Bapsi Sidhwa delivered the keynote

Temple From Page 5

tirelessly day and night. The main program started with a prayer by the priest. Chairman Dr. Padmini Nathan warmly welcomed the guests and gave an overview of all the temple activities highlighting the ongoing FRPE project. Mayor Tom Reid of Pearland who has rarely ever missed a major temple event, reminisced his association with the temple for the last several decades. MTS takes great pride in promoting education and awards scholarships to deserving high school graduating students, every year. Most of these are children who literally grew up at the temple and call it a second home. Joint Treasurer Bhargavi Golla announced all the 16 scholarship winners and the awards were presented to students by the senior community leaders. The FRPE fund raising team members proudly announced the names of the donors at various levels and made the pitch for more donations to reach the 1.5M target. The members of the Board, Advisory Council and Honorary Trustees were introduced. Joint Secretary Partha Krishnaswamy gave a presentation on the progress of the Kalyana Mandapam renovation project with 3-D

address on “Landscape of writing.” Novelist Sidhwa, an American-Pakistani writer of Parsi descent, has written five novels, including The Ice Candy Man (also titled Cracking India) dealing with the partition, which was made into a film “Earth” by Deepa Mehta. Her other works include The Pakistani Bride, The Crow Eaters, The American Brat and Water. The second day’s morning session featured Houstonian Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and launched her latest novel “The Forest of Enchantments.” Chitra, in conversation with TV anchor and reporter Rekha Muddaraj, explained the behind the scene challenges and opportunities in interpreting the character of Sita in contemporary society marked by the #Metoo movement. Divakaruni’s novel “The Forest of Enchantments” tells the story of the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana, from the perspective of the female protagonist, Sita. She transforms Sita’s ordeal into a contemporary narrative, but without in any way altering the traditional attributes given to Sita in ancient times. The novel presents Sita as a strong, courageous women of individual conviction, not a militant character, and without violating the ethics and norms

of society in her times. For example, the novel depicts Sita as a successful single mother, when she was banished to the forests after returning from the custody of Ravana. She was always dignified and knew how to conduct herself. She did not fall and cry, but took control of the situation. She speaks against victim shaming as she knew she was pure, in her heart. Sita faults Rama not for sending her to forest or for his lack of faith, but he failed to consult with her in sending her away. If he had asked, Sita says she would have agreed to go to the forest so that Rama and his kingdom could be beyond reproach. Sita loves and lives her life all the time in forests, first when she goes to the forest with Ram and Lakshman, then when she was in captivity in Lanka’s forest and lastly, when she is exiled to the forest and delivers twins. From fiction to cosmic science, the next session was a lecture by Priyamvada Natarajan, a physicist, who spoke on “Black holes: Cosmic enigmas.” She is the author of “Mapping the heavens: The radical scientific idea.” Natarajan spoke of the “Dark matter” that indirectly influences bending of light and exerts gravitational force

rendering. This was followed by a hilarious skit “Let’s go to Kasi”, created and directed by Dr. Vaduganathan. The actors, all amateurs and temple volunteers, put on a great performance. The stars of the show were the ever-young couple Dr. Appan and his wife Rajam. ‘Kanmani’, the pet dog of Mala and Dr. Gopal stole the show with its first time ever on-stage performance wearing the garb of a sanyasi. Honorary President, Sam Kannappan honored and presented the title Priest Emeritus to Sri Thanga Bhattar, who has been associated with the temple from the very beginning. Dr. Padmini presented him with a plaque on behalf of the Hindu Temple of Hawaii. Hon. Vice President Dr. Vaduganathan presented the title “Emeritus Chairman of Sri Meenakshi Temple” to Dr. Venugopal Menon, for his outstanding dedication, service and leadership for over 40 years. Honorary President Sam Kannappan and Honorary Trustees Dr. S.G. Appan, Sri Anantha Aiyer, Sri K.R. Thiagarajan were also recognized. The finale of the event was the stand-up comedy by the very talented Dr. Subodh Bhuchar. Guests were treated to a phenomenal dinner catered by Madras Pavilion. The best was yet to come! While the show was going on, the cafeteria was

magically transformed into a dessert lounge of a Five Star hotel, and titled MADHUR MAHAL (Palace of Sweets) thanks to the incredibly talented Nalini Kannan of Décor One. The guests were treated to a vast array of desserts including walnut halwa, falooda, thava dessert and an awesome fresh fruit display specially prepared & served in style by Rajan and Mahesh of Madras Pavilion. All in all, it was an evening to remember for the more than 350 guests, and many felt that this was one of the best ever annual gala organized by MTS. Great entertainment, great ambience, great food, great teamwork!!

and how “Black holes” littered everywhere in the universe play an invisible role. Nearly 72 percent of the universe comprises dark matter, she said. Light is a cosmic messenger and “potholes” in space leave the imprint on light. Matter interacts with space in a particular way. Space is not a fixed grid. Interestingly, the cosmic term black hole has its origin in the Black hole of Calcutta, an infamous prison in the 1750s which was known as a point of no return for anyone who entered it. Since light is captured and it can’t escape from that matter, it is called a black hole. Where are black holes? It is sitting inside the center of a galaxy. Thus, our earth and our local space may be part of that black hole. The origin of a black hole is considered to be the end of the first star. The black holes are growing with the gas fed by dying stars. Collision of galaxies is another method of formation of black homes. Such collisions could be called earthquakes in space time. The radio telescope technology has improved vastly today to study the black holes and today’s technology has helped prove the predictions made by Priyamvada 20 years

ago about such cosmic waves knowns as quasars. Priyamvada’s cosmic story conveyed the fantastic life in science and encouraged everyone to seek to study basic sciences. JLF Houston was held in association with Asia Society Texas Center, and Inprint. Teamwork Arts is the producer of the festival. JLF Houston is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance and is supported by the Consulate General of India in Houston. JLF Houston is a part of the larger umbrella of international JLF festivals in the USA, which also includes JLF New York on September 17-18 and ZEE JLF Colorado on September 21-22. For over 30 years, Teamwork Arts has taken India to the world and brought the world to India, presenting the finest of Indian performers, writers and visual artists in the cultural and art space in India and abroad. The past decade has seen JLF transform into a global literary phenomenon, having hosted nearly 2,000 speakers and welcoming over a million book lovers from across India and the globe. Its core values remain unchanged: to serve as a democratic, non-aligned platform offering free and fair access.

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NEWS Community mourns slain Deputy Dhaliwal

Fort Bend County Judge KP George issued a statement on Monday honoring and remembering Harris County Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal. George said “Fort Bend County mourns with the family and friends of Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal, our neighbors at the Harris County Sheriff’s office, and all those throughout our community that were touched by the kindness of Deputy Dhaliwal over a storied and trailblazing career in law enforcement. He was a groundbreaking officer in our region, state, and country because he worked hard to break barriers and received permission to wear the garb of his Sikh faith on patrol paving the way for so many and inspiring countless in the process. “Deputy Dhaliwal was a shining example of the values we T:6” hold dear in our diverse region by exuding compassion and understanding in every aspect of his career from connecting with the youth to serving by example during the disaster of Hurricane Harvey. As a mark of solemn respect for the downed law enforcement officer, by the authority vested in me, I hereby order the flags of Fort Bend County be flown at half-staff until sunset on These Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket games will be closing soon: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019.” Official Close of End Validations Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal, 42, Game # Game Name / Odds $ Game Date was shot and killed during a traffic stop on Sept. 27.Dhaliwal ® 2111 10X - Overall Odds are 1 in 4.90 $1 10/20/19 4/17/20 stopped driver Robert Solis around 1 p.m on Friday. His dashcam showed no signs of confrontation. 2139 Triple Play - Overall Odds are 1 in 4.76 $2 11/20/19 5/18/20 Dhaliwal walked back to his car and was ambushed by Solis 2109 30X - Overall Odds are 1 in 4.27 $3 11/20/19 5/18/20 who shot the officer in the back of his head. Solis, 47, was charged late Friday with capital murder in the case.“In a cold-blooded 2125 Crazy Cash Blowout - Overall Odds are 1 in 3.51 $5 11/20/19 5/18/20 manner, ambush-style, (he) shot Deputy Dhaliwal from behind,” 2116 Golden Nugget - Overall Odds are 1 in 4.17 $5 11/20/19 5/18/20 Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said.Solis had a long criminal history, including convictions for aggravated assault with a 2118 Hot 5s Hot Streak - Overall Odds are 1 in 3.69 $5 11/20/19 5/18/20 deadly weapon, aggravated kidnapping and driving while intoxi2066 Pac-Man® Slots - Overall Odds are 1 in 3.90 $5 11/20/19 5/18/20 cated.Dhaliwal was a beloved member of the Sheriff’s office and the Houston community. He is best-known for being a pioneer 2122 The Big Ticket - Overall Odds are 1 in 3.78 $10 11/20/19 5/18/20 in the Houston Sikh community. He was the first Sikh deputy in is the official source for all pertinent game information. Game closing procedures may be initiated for documented business reasons. These games may have prizes Harris County. unclaimed, including top prizes. In addition, game closing procedures will be initiated when all top prizes have been claimed. During closing, games may be sold even after all top prizes have been claimed. Must be 18 or older to purchase a ticket. For help with a gambling problem, © 2019 Texas Lottery Commission. PLAY RESPONSIBLY. To maintain strict observance with his faith, he was able to successfully file a religious accommodation with the Sheriff’s office allowing him to wear his turban and a beard.His national acclaim gave power to the half a million Sikh’s in America wanting to fulfill their religious values of both public service and rituals of faith without compromising one for the other. 1 TX96476_INDH_EOG_ASIA_1002.indd “As a Sikh American, I felt the need to represent the Sikh None printed at 9-25-2019 11:30 AM Admin’s MacBook Pro from by Tommy Salazar / Tommy community in law enforcement,” Dhaliwal told reporters saved in at 2015. “Serving in the police force is natural to us, as Sikhs value approvals fonts & images job info service.”Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner tweeted that Dhaliwal None job # creative dir W96476 Fonts client TEXAS LOTTERY Helvetica Neue LT Std (95 Black, 77 Bold Condense “represented the diversity and inclusiveness of our community None art director headline/tag OCT EOG AD Condensed), Times (Regular) None copywriter and everything that is good.” Dhaliwal’s charitable endeavors and trim 6” x 3.5” account mgr VALERIE CRUZ bleed None Images service projects were a part of his police work.After Hurricane live None None Harvey, Dhaliwal organized members in the Sikh community color to setup BW notes vendor/pub INDIA HERALD Inks deliver supplies to first responders. He even traveled to Puerto Black media type NEWSPAPER DUE: 09/25 die cut None PUB: 10/02 Rico to assist the family of a sheriff’s office colleague after a hurricane. And in 2015, Dhaliwal was instrumental helping rename the Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth Park after a fellow police officer who was shot and killed. “This guy had a heart of gold, he treated his brothers and sisters in law enforcement as if they were just brothers and sisters. He thought of them before he thought of himself” said Harris County police commissioner Adrian Garcia..


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Bhajan Idols 2019” crowned at JVB Preksha Meditation Center’s Bhajan Competition

About 30 talented singers from the Greater Houston area from ages 7-70 competed in JVB Preksha Meditation Center’s second Bhajan Competition held on Sunday, Sept.29. The competition was held as the initiation of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the center, and part of the commemoration of the centenary year of Jain monk Acharya Mahapragya Ji. Jain nuns Samani Punya Pragyaji & Samani Jigyasa Pragyaji (disciples of Acharya Mahashraman) presided over the event. The competition was split into 3 age groups, the first being - Rising Stars 7-11 years, Energetic Youth 12-17 and Evergreen Adults 18 and above. Participants sang a multitude of bhajans, some of the most popular ones sung by multiple singers were – “O PalanHare, Choti Choti Gaiya & Humko Man Ki Shakti Dena.” The audience was mesmerized by some wonderful performances by kids as young as 7 years. It was a joy to the ears to hear American born kids sing beautiful bhajans in Hindi. After a quick welcome by JVB President Shashank Jain, Samanijis provided an auspicious start to the event with the Jain prayer of Navkar Mantra. Thereon, event emcee Nikhil Jain took over and kept the competition lively and interactive. The competition was tough and the judges’ panel of local music gurus - Surendra

Bhajan competition winners with Judges Surendra Talwar, Dipti Kanhere & Sonny Mehta of Riyaaz Qawaali and JVB Preksha members. Talwar, Dipti Kanhere & Sonny of Riyaaz Qawaali chose a winner for each age group. Pooja Ratan won in the kids’ category for her beautiful rendition of “Humko Man Ki Shakti Dena.” The youth category winner was Mahi Tomar for “Tora Man Darpan Kahalaye.” The adults’ category saw great performances by 15 contestants, and the first place winner was Soma Chatterjee also for “Humko Man Ki Shakti Dena.” Local Houston talent was also put forth by the Tabla & Harmonium accompanists – Haman Ramnarine & Ms. Smriti Shrivastava. All three winners will perform again


at JVB’s 10th anniversary celebrations cultural evening on October 12. JVB Houston senior members Hasmukh Patel, Shashi Jain, Virendra Khemsara, & board member Pramod Bengani felicitated the judges & musician with plaques; and the judges thereafter distributed the trophies to the winners. This unique program ended with the recitation of Mangal Paath by Samanijis, & a short prayer of remembrance for fallen Houston Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal. Nikhil thanked everyone for their attendance and the tireless volunteers without whom the event would have lacked charm. Special mention was made of Bhajan

Idol 2019 event chair & JVB VP Ashok Jain; and the audiovisual team of Samji Dedhia & Mayank Jain for capturing the exciting moments in video & stills. The JVB Preksha Meditation Center conducts regular Preksha Meditation sessions which is the practice of purifying our emotions, consciousness and realizing our own self. Meditation augurs attitudinal change, behavioral modification and integrated development of one’s personality. Started in 1970, Preksha Meditation is the result of the untiring efforts of Ganadhipati Tulsi and Acharya Mahapragya. Preksha Meditation is for everyone, irrespective of his

or her race, religion, language, color, gender and belief. JVB Preksha Meditation Center is home to a specially designed Preksha Dhyan ‘Pyramid’ Meditation Hall and is located at 14102 Schiller Rd, Houston, TX 77082. Upcoming events include the 10th Annual day celebrations planned for October 12th & 13th; celebrations will include an Adhar Abhishek Pooja, a cultural evening with a hilarious play in Hindi & a Speaker Panel Discussion on Meditation: Stress Management & Beyond. For more information, please visit or call 281-596-9642.

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Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial Speech Contest

Speech contestants, judges and organizers at the Speech Contest organized as a part of yearlong Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial celebration on Saturday, September 28, 2019, at Arya Samaj Greater Houston.

Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial, 150th birthday, Celebrations with a Speech Contest Saturday, September 28, 2019: Children of all ages and backgrounds gathered at Arya Samaj Greater Houston for the 16th Annual Speech Contest, commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s Sesquicentennial, 150th birthday. As the children registered for the contest with Ms Alka Agarwal they were excited, a bit nervous, but peaceful. Speaking on “My dream of World Peace”, the 10-andyounger children inspired the audience. They spoke about how to be an agent of change

and learn from Gandhi’s practice of non-violence, truth, environmental consciousness. Afterwards, many of the attendees participated in the Poster Contest, coordinated by Namita Sutaria. This round was followed by a round of speeches by a group of kids 11 and older, in which they spoke about the “Eternal Gandhi Museum – What I’d Like to See”. They presented their ideas to the Gandhi Library on how to present Gandhi’s teachings and life stories in new light. The Gandhi Library’s goal is to attract the current, technology minded generation to the museum, which is slated to open in Houston in 2021 as indicat-

ed on One of the speakers wanted the museum to be a celebration of ideas and not simply a collection of memorabilia. Another wanted Gandhi to be shown as an ordinary man, like you and I, with human fallacies and how he conquered them all. Yet another participant expressed her wishes to have the museum accommodate for the hearing impaired and blind. The judges, Colonel Raj Bhalla, Dr. Renu Jain, Jasmine Pirani and Dr. Nidhi Trehan, were so impressed that each one of them took turn to iterate the high points and praise effort of the children at the end of the contest. The 10-and-un-

der group had a tie for the 1st place between Ayushi Kawedia and Nathan Ndisang. The 3rd place winner was Ishan Narkar. First place winner of the 11-and-above group was Anusha Sathya. Second place went to Eesha Nair; third, to Marianne Duterte. The contest was a fitting tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birthday. The volunteers that made the event possible were Dr. Rakesh Agarwal and Karam Gupta, coordinators of the contest, Shreya Chawla, MC, Rishika Sawale, Time Keeper, Aditya Talwar and Riya Gorji, Video and photography, Rita Kothari, snacks, Tej, audio, Rajan Chawla and

parents of the participants. Many thanks to School of Science and Technology of Sugar Land who participated in this contest for the first time. Thanks to Arya Samaj Greater Houston for hosting this event. Please mark your calendar to attend the 1000 Lights for Peace program at Miller Outdoor Theatre on Sunday, October 6, 2019 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM to listen to the inspiring speeches from the contest winners and enjoy international multicultural dance and music show dedicated to peace. For more information, please visit

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GAURI SIDDHIVINAYAK TEMPLE 5645 Hillcroft Ave. Suite 701, Houston, Tx -77036. / Website:-

A Hearty Invitation to all the Devotees on The Occasion of The Celebration of Navaratri Starting Sunday 29 Sept to Tuesday 08, Oct 2019

Aswin Navaratri- Athami Puja & Havan of Mataji Shree Durga & Shardiy For Any Ceremony Contact Priest Pradip Pandya M.A. (Sanskrit) @ 832-466-9868 Date:- Sunday, Oct, 06,2019

Maha Puja Starts at 3:30 PM Maha Yang at 6:00 PM Purnahuti at 6:30(Nariyal offering) Maha Aarti at 7:00 PM Maha Prasad will be served after Aarti at Gauri Siddhivinayak Mandir of Houston,Inc. 5645 Hillcroft Ave. Suite:701 Houston,TX 77036 Tel: 832-466-9868

Volunteers And Sponsors Needed Devotees wishing to perform Havan & Pooja May Give Their Name Priest Shri Pradip Pandya 832-466-9868

Available for Download

The Gauri Siddhivinayak Mandir of Houston is a Non-profit 501( C) organization, All Donations are tax deductible.

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Tatvam School of Dance devotes concert to the theme of Panchamam (principles of five)

By AYSHWARYA SRINIVASAN I had the privilege of attending the fifth Annual day of the Tatvam School of Dance, founded by Smt. Lavanya Prabu, on 21st September 2019. As such, the theme was Panchamam, an important concept in Sanatana Dharma, or Hinduism. Among the many references of Panchamam or Pancha (five) in the scriptures, there is one that stands out particularly, which is the five syllabled mantra, or Panchakshara Mantra, in praise of Lord Shiva, the ultimate originator of the dance treatise Natya Shastra. I hail from a family grounded in strong cultural traditions, writers and poets and have been formally trained in Bharata Natyam in India and the United States. I have attended numerous stage performances across the globe but have never seen a conceptbased annual day created at the level of a stage production with studio style music and stunning visual effects highlighting the talents of the dancers. Attending this was a special treat for me as I was transported to this wondrous world of music, dance, art, seva and storytelling. Founded in 2014 by Smt. Lavanya Prabu, the Tatvam School has the mission of promoting Bharatanatyam in its purest form and to guide its students to experience the divinity in the art form – Tatvam means essence. At Tatvam, children learn the Vazhuvoor style of Bharatanatyam, which is defined by subtle and realistic facial expressions accompanied by crisp yet graceful movements. This year, Tatvam’s annual day was not only for the parents to see their children perform, but also to raise awareness and support the organization Aashaya (which means hope), a center for the differently abled in India. The center works for children with autism, ADD, ADHD and other developmental disabilities with the main objective of providing hope to the children and their parents. As I entered the venue, I was immediately extended a warm welcome by the parent volunteers and was rapt by the elegant decoration. I was also impressed by the fact that even though this was considered a Tatvam event,

there was a strong collaboration with the Bharati Kalai Manram (BKM), and the Shreekrithi school of music, and this served as another reminder of how the Houston community comes together to celebrate culture. Before the start of the actual dance performance, The Shreekrithi School took the stage for a pre-performance by their young talents tutored by gurus Maha Krishna and Sandeep Kumrouth. The short performance focused on demonstrating the prevalence of Raga in all genres of music. The audience were completely immersed in Maha Krishna’s mellifluous voice and engulfed in the various songs played in the ragams Natai, Mohanam and Kiravani. The program kicked off with Varshini Subramainam’s graceful introduction of Guru Lavanya Prabu, who spoke of the milestone of the school reaching its fifth year. Following this, a video was shown which captured the journey since its inception. As Lavanya spoke, she introduced and honored the chief guest, Dr. Indra Mahabir who had flown from Philadelphia despite numerous cancellations due to tropical storm Imelda. Dr. Mahabir gave a very powerful speech on her personal engagement and involvement in Aashaya and how the fundraiser could significantly support numerous children who are differently abled. After these introductory remarks, the audience was in for a distinctly different journey into the elegantly woven tapestry of dance and music. Typically, Annual days would focus on the students performing Adavus, Jatiswarams, Kavuthvam, Padams, Varnam and Thillana, but Lavanya showed her creative brilliance and devotion to her students by taking things to an unimaginable level. She has given these budding dancers a lifetime experience of being part of a concept-based performance, which would certainly inspire them to be part of the larger institution. Panchamam started with the Prarthana. As the screen opened up, I was captivated by the students ranging from the tender age of 5 to 18 standing on the stage, wearing their beautifully color coordinated costumes.

There were more than seventy students, and they started the performance with a prayer from the Kamba Ramayanam in praise of Lord Hanuman, who showed his connection to the Panchabhutas. This was followed by the Pancharatna Mala. A Pancharatnam (literally five gems) or Panchakam is a sloka with five stanzas. Students presented the Panchakams to invoke the blessings of the various deities. The beginner and senior students elegantly performed the Ganesha Pancharatna, followed by the intermediate students performing the Siva Panchakshara with passion and devotion. The intermediate students with vibrant footsteps expertly performed the rare Meenakshi Pancharatna. The audience got the chance to revel in the equally rare Ranganatha Panchakam, which ended with the students gracefully forming the Lord Ranganatha pose. The Madhava Panchaka was the last Pancharatna, and was beautifully performed by the senior students. The impressive display of culture, dance, music, audio and visuals took the performance to exhilarating heights! Only a true Vidvan and Guru such as Smt. Lavanya has the in depth knowledge and creativity to conceptualize a daring display such as this, and leave the audience hungry for more. She expertly wove Geetha Srinivasan’s beautiful lyrical composition into the performance, captivating all who were in the auditorium. The performance then moved to the Panchanadai Varnana, which demonstrated the five basic rhythmic patterns in Bharata Natyam. The five basic patterns, Tisram, Chatusram, Kandam, Misram and Sankeernam, or the 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 beat, respectively. Different batches of students performed the different Nadais. Master of Ceremony Shyamala Ramalingam did an excellent job at explaining different Nadais and the accompanying Sollukattu. The highlight of the evening was the Panchabhuta Mahatmyam – a beautifully choreographed presentation showing the greatness of the five elements that form the basis of creation, namely, water, wind, fire,

earth and space. Each element’s mood was matched with the appropriate ragam and talam. Varuna/Water in raga Madhuvanthi was set to Tisra Nadai, Agni/Fire in Soorya Raga was set to Chatusra nadai, Prithvi/ Earth in ReethiGoula was set to Kanda nadai, Vayu/Wind in Vasantha was set to Misra nadai and Aakash/Space in Kaapi was set to Sankeerna nadai. As every element of the Panchabhuta was showcased, the highly revered Gayatri pertaining to the element was chanted. This was followed by the narration of the story connecting the theme. One has to certainly appreciate Lavanya’s capacity to conceptualize and choreograph such creative masterpieces. Varuna showed the story of Krishna’s birth, followed by Agni, where the story of Rama and Seetha’s Agni Sakshi was shown. This piece revealed the mastery of emotion of the senior students playing Rama and Seetha and their crisp story telling through expressions. Prithvi followed, focused on the Azhwar Andal, or Perazhwar Andal, and ended with “Bumi Thaye Potrugirom”. Vayu showed the story of young Hanuman, and the young dancer demonstrated great enthusiasm and mischievous expressions to match the spirit of Hanuman. The dancer playing Anjana also displayed mature expressions and crisp footwork. The story truly showed how the wind is the pulse of the earth, and ended with the powerful prose of “Agamum Puramum”. The final item within this segment was the story of the North Star, or Dhruva Nakshatra was illustrated in the Aakash segment. The young dancer in this segment showed different emotions capturing the arduous emotional and physical journey of Dhruva as he is shunned by his step mother, runs to the forest for penance, and finally obtains a boon by Lord Narayana himself. The tapas performed by the young dancer on the stage was impressive and demonstrates the focus, talent and determination of the dance virtuoso, and the exemplary training given by her guru. The program concluded with the traditional Pranama or man-

galam offering which is a salutation to the five elements. Five ragams were brilliantly combined, starting with Amritha Varshini, Sunaadha Vinodhini, Shanmugapriya, Brindaavana Saaranga and Shivaranjani, only to then play the ragams in the reverse order to conclude an exquisite evening in such a creative fashion. Music composition by Maha Krishnan and violin support by Mukund Josyula complemented this culminating master piece, and this was veritably the proverbial cherry on top. The young dancers demonstrated beautiful clean footwork and energy until the very last second of the performance. The vote of thanks was given by Lavanya. She was generous in profusely thanking the numerous volunteers who made this event successful despite the challenges that were thrown on them – a Tropical Depression that showered Houston in copious amounts of rain, the only stage rehearsal being canceled, ambiguity regarding the arrival of the Chief Guest. The event raised more than $15,000 for Aashaya and Lavanya acknowledged the support she got from all. Bharathanatyam is known to be a powerful form of communication, which has the ability to convey deep philosophies and instill pure devotion, spirituality and focus in the viewers’ mind. Lavanya had outdone herself in using this medium in such a creative way to teach the children not only this pristine art form but also teach them compassion, which is the true essence of life. A passionate dancer and teacher, Lavanya is a role model, who is working hard to instill the Guru-Parampara in her students, which she was blessed to experience through her legendary guru “Acharya Choodamani” Smt. Rhadha for three decades. Panchamam illustrated that one could achieve anything through hard work, creativity, combined with the blessing of their guru and god. The stunning, flawless and spiritually enriching performance we saw is a true testament to this statement. It was a blessing to be part of the audience, experiencing and enjoying every bit of this authentic classical odyssey!


NEWS Keezhadi excavation leads to ancient civilization on the banks of Vaigai In 2013-14, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) carried out explorations in 293 sites along the Vaigai river valley in Theni, Dindigul, Madurai, Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram districts. Keezhadi in Sivaganga district was chosen for excavation and artefacts unearthed by the ASI in the second phase of the excavation at Pallichanthai Thidal of Keezhadi pointed to an ancient civilisation that thrived on the banks of the Vaigai. Carbon dating of charcoal found at the Keezhadi site in February 2017 established that the settlement there belonged to 200 BC. The excavations thus proved that urban civilisation had existed in Tamil Nadu since the Sangam age. The Union Ministry of Culture has announced that the third phase of excavation will begin in this month and go on for three years and ₹40 lakh has been sanctioned. Meanwhile, the transfer of K. Amarnath Ramakrishna, Superintending Archaeologist, Excavations Branch (Bangalore), ASI, who has been overseeing the excavation work in Keezhadi, at a crucial juncture kicked up a storm recently.. The delay in approval, which ought to have happened in October last, and the alleged reluctance of the Central government in continuing the excavation kicked up a controversy and evoked widespread condemnation by various political parties, writers and film personalities in Tamil Nadu. State Department of Archaeology will enter into a tripartite

memorandum of understanding with Madurai Kamaraj University and Harvard Medical School to take up ancient DNA study of human bones excavated or to be excavated from Keeladi, Konthagai and Adichanallur sites in Tamil Nadu. Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Department of Archaeology T. Udhyachandran said that a tripartite MoU would be signed among the Department of Archaeology, MKU and David Reich Laboratory of Harvard Medial School to carry out the study. Carbon dating of artefacts collected during the fourth season of excavation at Keeladi done at Beta Analytic Lab, Miami, USA, has revealed that urbanisation of Vaigai plains had happened in Tamil Nadu around the 6th century BCE as happened in Gangetic plains. The State Department of Archaeology has already collected skeletal fragments from Keeladi and Adichanallur. “We are hopeful of finding more human bones in our future excavations at Konthagai, Keeladi and Adichanallur. These samples will be sent for ancient DNA study. It will predominantly reveal what kind of gene was in the human bones excavated/ to be excavated in Tamil Nadu,” he said. The School of Biological Sciences at the MKU will be the collaborator for the Department of Archaeology on taking up the ancient DNA study, remote sensing of the sites and study of data. “We are collaborating with the best institutions in the world,” he added.

David Reich was involved in the study of ancient DNA from the samples from Rakhigarhi site of Harappan civilisation, the report of which was published recently. Retired Professor of School of Biological Sciences RM. Pitchappan, who has been roped in to coordinate in ancient DNA study, said that archaeologists, linguistics, anthropologists and experts in ancient DNH would come together to carry out this study. In a major turning point in the cultural historiography of the ancient Sangam Age, the Tamil Nadu Archaeology Department (TNAD) has stated that the cultural deposits unearthed during excavations at Keeladi in Sivaganga district could be safely dated to a period between 6th century BCE and 1st century CE.

This is the first time the date has been officially announced by the TNAD. The new findings in the report, released on Thursday by Minister for Tamil Culture and Archaeology K. Pandiarajan here, place Keeladi artefacts about 300 years earlier than previously believed — 3rd century BCE. One of the six samples collected at the depth of 353 cm and sent for carbon dating test in the U.S. “goes back to 580 BCE,” Commissioner of Archaeology T. Udayachandran said. The report titled, ‘KeeladiAn Urban Settlement of Sangam Age on the Banks of River Vaigai’, was published by the TNAD. The results from the fourth excavations suggest that the “second urbanisation [the first

being Indus] of Vaigai plains happened in Tamil Nadu around 6th century BCE as it happened in Gangetic plains.” The report also spells the site as Keeladi as against the erstwhile widely used Keezhadi. ‘Tamil-Brahmi older’ The recent scientific dates obtained for Keeladi findings push back the date of Tamil-Brahmi script to another century, i.e., 6th century BCE. “These results clearly ascertained that they attained literacy or learned the art of writing as early as 6th century BCE,” the 61-page report stated. Six carbon samples collected from the fourth season (2018) of excavations at Keeladi were sent to Beta Analytic Lab, Miami, Florida, U.S., for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dating. (The Hindu)



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A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court on Tuesday did not intervene in the implementation of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act of 2019 from October 31. The Act reorganises the State of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories — Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. A fresh delimitation process will follow. The five-judge Bench led by Justice N.V. Ramana wound up the hearing shortly after realising that the Centre and the J&K government have not yet filed any response to the series of petitions challenging the dilution of Article 370 abrogating the special rights and privileges of the Kashmiri people and the reorganisation of the State. Both the Centre and the State government were issued notice by the Supreme Court in the main petition filed by advocate M.L. Sharma two months ago on August 28. Yet, Attorney General K.K. Venugopal, for the Centre, on Tuesday, sought more time to file the replies. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, for the J&K government, followed suit. The Bench promptly agreed to the request made by the Centre and J&K for time. It gave them four weeks’ time to file counter affidavits and fixed the next date of hearing on November 14 - a fortnight after the Reorganisation Act is implemented. “A realistic time limit,” Mr. Mehta reacted. Senior advocate Raju Ramachandran, for some of the petitioners, tried to convince the court in vain that a deferment of the hearing to a date after the implementation of the Reorganisation Act would effectively leave the petitions infructuous. “In the previous hearing, this court had ordered the government to exchange the pleadings. But now the government is still asking for time. The Act comes into existence from October 31 and this case would be rendered infructuous,” Mr. Ramachandran said. Again, though the cases were referred to a Constitution Bench on August 28, the Chief Justice of India had set up the Bench only last week. The petitioners argued that once the delimitation process starts after the reorganisation law is implemented, the effect would be irreversible. “It is better we wait for them [Centre, J&K] to file their counter affidavits,” Justice Ramana replied. Other judges on the Bench were also of the same opinion. Justice S.K. Kaul advised the petitioners “first let us ensure the pleadings are completed”. Justice R. Subhash Reddy agreed that “in such matters how do we proceed without counters of the other side”. “But we object to the government’s request for more time...” Mr. Ramachandran insisted. “How can we hear without their counters?” Justice B.R. Gavai addressed Mr. Ramachandran as Justice Surya Kant, the fifth judge on the Bench remained silent. The Bench said even if the Act came into existence on October 31, the court could “turn the clock back” if a judgment is later made in favour of the petitioners. The Bench made it clear that, if necessary, it would even direct the Centre to produce the relevant documents pertaining to its decision to scrap special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Fifty-six days into a lockdown that began on August 5 in Jammu and Kashmir, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta claimed in the Supreme Court on Tuesday that “no restrictions” have been thrust on Kashmiri people and “100% landlines are working”. At one point when one of the judges on the Bench, Justice B.R. Gavai, ventured to ask Mr. Mehta about the state of mobile phone connectivity in the State, the top law officer indicated that mobile phones were a relatively recent phenomenon in Jammu and Kashmir. “Mobile lines were there in rest of the country from 1995, but it started in J&K only in 2005... If mobiles start, WhatsApp messages will come from across the border,” Mr. Mehta replied. Senior advocate Sanjay Hegde pointed out that the Supreme Court itself had in a previous order urged the government to restore “all forms of communication”. “All forms of communication does not mean just landlines alone, but Internet too,” Mr. Hegde submitted. But Justice Gavai preferred then to strike a balance and pointed out to the lawyer that the very same order had also urged the government to keep national security in mind before restoring full-fledged connectivity to J&K. “We need to balance liberty and national security,” Justice Gavai reminded Mr. Hegde.



Art Museum Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Arya Samaj Satsang Sri Meenakshi Temple Kumaris Weekly Havan Satsang every from 10School a.m. toSundays 12 noon. Kannappan Art Museums 2341 Sunday DAVBrahma Sanskriti 10 Weekly Havan Satsang every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12pleased noon. 8Apr Fri 7:00 p.m UgaBrahma Kumaris is DAV Sanskriti School Sundays 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Havan, Hindi N Galveston Ave, Pearland, TX a.m. to 12 noon. - Havan, Hindi DAV Sanskriti School Sundays a.m. to 12School noon. -for Havan, dhi Telugu andcontact Kannada New to announce a new location and Naitik Shiksha classes. DAV10 Montessori ages 2Hindi to in 7 77581. Please sam.kanand Naitik Shiksha classes. DAV and Naitik Shiksha classes. DAV Montessori School for ages 2 to Year Houston at 14333 Pavilion Point years. Call Arti Khanna 281-759-3286. Free Yoga classes on Sat. or 713 724- Montessori School for ages 2 to7 years. Call Arti 7:00 Khanna 281-759-3286. Free on281Sat. 14-toApr Thu p.m Tamil Beechnut and Hwy Sanskrit & Upanishad classes Tue.7(77083)(near 6-8 p.m. AtYoga 14375 Schiller Rd. 4399 visit. years. Call Articlasses Khanna Sanskrit & Upanishad classes Tue. 6-8 p.m. At 14375 Schiller New year 6). Daily Raja Yoga Meditation (bet Westpark & Bellaire off Hwy 6). 281-752-0100. Ashirwad Classes 759-3286. Free Yoga classes Rd. on (bet & Bellaire off Hwy 6). 281-752-0100. 14-Westpark Apr Thu 8:30 a.m Vishu classes are offered to theclasses comfor Kids in Katy Sat. Sanskrit & Upanishad Kani Darshanam munity the Chinmaya Mission Enrollments are open for In- Tue. 6-8free p.m.ofAtcharge. 14375 Visit Schiller 15Apr Fri 7:00 p.m Sri center for a tour every SaturChinmaya Mission satsangs for adults, youth,Rd. and children. There&areBellaire no weekly dianSunday Heritage classes for Kids (bet Westpark off Rama Navami day or Sunday anytime between Sunday satsangs adults, youth, andfor children. There are no weekly Balavihar classes satsang during the sumand Teens from and 4fortoSunday 16 yrs. Hwy 6).children 281-752-0100. 15-Apr Fri classes 6:00Yoga, pm 11:00 –Sept. 1:00Kumaris pm. Located The Balavihar classes and Sunday satsang foram children during thecenter summer. Regular weekly will resume on 13. at Class curriculum includes Brahma Dwajarohanam, Mahotsavam is open 7 days a week. Contact mer. Regular weekly classes will resume on Sept. 13. Located at Chinmaya Prabha, Synott Road, Land, TX 77498. New Meditation, Sloka,10353 Ramayan, The Sugar Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga 1st day us at (832) 379-8888, houston@ Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498. New members may Bhagwad visit the welcome betweenCenter 8 8:457a.m. Mahabharat, Githa, desk Meditation daysora 16-Apr Satvisit 6:00 p.m Poo desk, to members the welcome between 8 or a.m. - 8:45 a.m. or 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m.Fair Visit www.chin or callfree Bharati Sports Day,may VEDIC Presenweek. The center offers Raja Pallakku, Meenakshi Pattasign-up for classes and tours. All 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Visit www.chin or call Bharati Sutaria 281.933.0233. tations, Dance, Drama, Hindi & Yoga Meditation classes: Monbbhishekam Raja@ Yoga Meditation teachers Sutaria 281.933.0233. more. Contact : 281-995-0930 or Fri 6:00-6:45am and 7-8 pm, 24-Apr Sun 9:30 a.m Maat the Houston center each have Sat-Sun @ 7:00-8:30am, 10 am-2 Vedanta Society hotsavan final day, Meenakshi 15+ years of hours teaching Durga Bari Temple pm. Visiting are experience. Sat-Sun @ Vedanta Society Vedanta Society of Greater Houston, 14809 Lindita Drive (77083) Chinmaya Mission Kalyanam Durga Bari temple is open from 9 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Contact us at (832) Vedanta Society of Greater Houston, 14809 Lindita (77083) has classes every Sunday 10:30Sunday a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Drive on of satsangs forGospel adults, 30-Apr Sat4 9:00 a.mfrom Sita to 11Ramakrishna, a.m. and toSunday Mon. 379-8888,, has classes every 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Gospel of Sri 1st7 &p.m. 3rdfrom Sunday; Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Sunday; on youth, and children. Locatedfor at Rama Kalyanam thru Sat. aarti at 6:30 to sign-up Sri Ramakrishna, 1st & 3rd Sunday; Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Sunday; on works of Sandhya Swami Vivekananda, 4thor Sunday; Holy Mother Sarada’s Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 Synott p.m. Temple closesVivekananda, at Swamis 7 p.m. Sun All Raja Yoga Meditaworks of5thSwami 4thclasses. Sunday; Holy Mother Gospel, Sunday. of Ramakrishna Order visit to Sarada’s conduct Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498. day special from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. tion teachers at the Houston center Sri Radha Krishna Gospel,and 5th lectures. Sunday. Swamis of Ramakrishna Order tovisit conduct retreats www.houstonvedanta. org or visit 281-584-0488. New members may the Temple is located at 13944 Schilare samarpit and have 15+ years of retreats andTemple lectures. www.houstonvedanta. org orbetween 281-584-0488. welcome desk 8 a.m. ler Rd (off Hwy 6 bet. Bellaire & teaching experience. On the auspicious Durga occasion Bari of - Temple 8:45 Chinmaya a.m. or 10:15 a.m.-11:30 Westpark). Call Ganesh Mandal Mission Nav Ratri, the Temple will have Durga Bari Temple Durga Bari temple is open from 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Mon. a.m. Visit www.chin mayahousat 713-797-9057 / 832-423-8541. Sunday satsangs for adults, youth, Mata Ji Ki Chauki & Akhand Bari temple is open from 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. thruDurga Sat. Sandhya aarti at 6:30 p.m. Temple closes at 7 p.m. Sunday or call Bharati Sutaria AryaPath. Samaj Satsang and children. A unique BalaMon. ViRamayan Mata Ji Ki Chauthru Sat. Sandhya aarti at 6:30 p.m. Temple closes at 7 p.m. Sunday special from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Puja services -for Priest Bishnupada 281.933.0233. Weekly Havan Satsang every har program each grade, from ki by Mahant Ravi Shanker Puri. Puja special from 9 a.m. to Temple 7 p.m. services - Priest Bishnupada Goswami 281-597-8100 is located at 13944 Schiller Rd (off Vedanta Society on Friday April 08, 2016 startSri Meenakshi Temple October events Goswami 281-597-8100 Temple is located at 13944 Schiller Rd (off Hwy 6 bet. Bellaire & Westpark). Call Ganesh Mandal at 713-797Vedanta Society of Greater Housing 07:30PM onwards. Akhand Hwy 6 bet. Bellaire & Westpark). Call Ganesh Mandal at 713-7979057 / 832-423-8541. ton, 14809 Lindita Drive (77083) 4-Oct Friday 6:00 PM Suvasinis Puja Ramayan Path starting Saturday 9057 / 832-423-8541. has classes every Sunday from 5-Oct AMon- 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on April 09,Saturday 2016 at 10:30 5:00PM Shiv Mandir Purattasi Sani Vara Venkateswara Abhishekam wards until Sunday AprilShakti 10, Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1st Shiv Shakti Mandir Sanatan Shiv Shakti Mandir, 6640 Open daily 7 a.m.Gita, to 8 2016 Sun 7:00 PM. Will &Harwin. 6-Oct 7:00Prasad PM Navarathiri day 3rd8th Sunday; Bhagavad Sanatan Shiv Shakti Mandir, 6640 Harwin. Open daily 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All major festivals, as well as birthdays, naam karan, engageserved after Ramayan Path. For 2nd Sunday; on works of Swami Sri Durgaashtami p.m. All major festivals, as well as birthdays, naam karan, engagement and other ceremonies. Call Pandit Virat Mehta 713-278-9099 or further information call Vivekananda, 4th Sunday; Holy 7-Oct Mon 7:00please PM Navarathiri ment and other ceremonies. Call Pandit Virat Mehta 713-278-9099 or Hardik Raval 361-243-6539 for puja or other ceremonies. temple 281-933-8100 or visit Mother Sarada’s Gospel, 5th 9th DayatSaraswathi Puja Hardik Raval 361-243-6539 for puja or other ceremonies. www.SRKT.Org. Temple lo- Sunday. Swamis of Ramakrishna 8-Oct Tue 7:00 PM isVijayadasami ‘The Universe Within’ cated 11625 Beechnut Street. Order visit to conduct retreats 13-Oct Sunday 10:30 AM Santhabhishekam ‘The Universe Sahaj Marg is a natural and simple system of heart-centered mediSant Nirankari Mission andWithin’ lectures. www.houstonve26-Oct Saturday 8:00 AM Deepavali Bazaar Sahaj is a practice natural and simple system of heart-centered meditation andMarg spiritual thatits helpsdanta. one realize the utimate potential Sant Nirankari Mission holds org or 281-584-0488. Lakshmi Puja 26-Oct Saturday 7:00 PMthat Deepavali tation and spiritual helps one realize the utimate potential within oneself. Thepractice meditation is available to anyone who wishes to weekly spiritual congregation Durga Bari Temple 27-Oct Sunday 7:00 PM House Deepavali Katchi/Lakshmi puja within meditation is available to anyone who wishes to practice. Weekly meditation sessions held throughout the Houston on everyoneself. SundayThe at India Durga Bari temple is open from 28-Oct Monday 7:00 PMEmail: Skanda Shashti 1st day the Houston practice. Weekly meditation sessions held throughout area. meditate_ 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. fol9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Mon. area. Email: lowed by community meals. All meditate_ thru Sandhya aarti at 6:30 BUY For further SELL are welcome. inforp.m.OLD Temple closesNEW at 7 p.m. Heritage Classes mation, call Raj BhalaHeritage at (281) Sunday special from 9 a.m. to Classes Ashirwad’s Heritage Classes& in Katy, Cypress and Sugar Land for7 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 980-2825. p.m. Puja services Priest BishAshirwad’s Heritage Classes in Katy, Cypress and Sugar Land for Arya Samaj Satsang nupadaCell Goswami Phone 281-597-8100 SANJEEV KUMAR Weekly Havan Satsang every Temple is located at 13944 Schil832-689-1819 Sunday 10 a.m. to 12 noon. ler Rd Your from realtor for life. (off Hwy 6 bet. Bellaire & Email: DAV Sanskriti School Sundays Westpark). Call Ganesh Mandal 10 a.m. to noon. Havan, at 713-797-9057 / 832-423-8541. Lot for12Sale off- of Kalyani Hwy in Sodhpur, WE DEAL IN WE DEAL IN Houses, Hindi and Naitik Shiksha classes. Shiv Shakti Mandir Lot for Sale off of Kalyani Hwy in Sodhpur, West Bengal. 1Motels bhiga or 20Sanatan KathasShiv with 2300 Sq. Houses, Gas DAV Montessori School for ages Gas Stations, Shakti Mandir, West Bengal. 1 bhiga or 20 Kathas with 2300 Sq. ft. bungalow built.6640 Architectural plans 2 Stations, to 7 years. Call Artihalf Khanna Harwin. Open daily 7 and Farm &Motels Ranch. ft. bungalow half built. Architectural 281-759-3286. Freeavailable. Yoga classes Office: 281-497-7000 a.m. to 8713-722-8870 p.m. All plans major festiRs. 90 lakhs. Ranch Apartment Complex onand Sat. Farm Sanskrit & & Upanishad vals, as well as birthdays, naam available. Rs. 90 lakhs. Fax: 713-779-4656 281-497-7007 Please contact Saha at classes Tue. 6-8 p.m. At 14375 Shilpi properties Available!! Call Now karan, engagement and other cerPlease contact Shilpi Saha at or 832-647-9433 Schiller Rd. (bet Westpark & Bel- emonies. Call Pandit Virat Mehta or 832-647-9433 laire off Hwy 6). 281-752-0100. 713-278-9099 or Hardik Raval

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Bookof on FieldAtMarshal Sam Manekshaw PreK Grade 12. Satsangs in ISKCON guidance of Samani Houston. 1320 the auspicious kids 4totostories 18 yrs for -from meditation, Yoga, slokas, scriptures, ery Sunday at 5810 Almeda GeBook on Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw 361-243-6539 puja or other Telugu Fellowship Friday, July 10 @ 6:30 p.m. two sessions between 8:35 a.m. Kanchan Pragyaji and Samani W 34th St. (77018). Daily Darslokas,Sahasranam, stories from scriptures, Vishnu bhajans, com- noa Rd. Sunday School ata.m, 9:15 ceremonies. Telugu Christian Fellowship Friday, July 10 @ 6:30 p.m.who are 10:15 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. 1p.m. Pranav Pragyaji stationed shan & Arati Times: 4.30 7 Zoroastrian Association Houston will every third Saturday Vishnu Sahasranam, bhajans,Adult com- a.m. petitions and fun activities. Malayalam service4.30 atofp.m, 9:30 meets Bala Vihar students can take shloat Houston Center this year. of It a.m, 8.30 a.m, 12 noon, Heartfulness Meditation Zoroastrian Association of Houston will Behram Panthaki and his petitions andclasses. fun activities. Adult meditation Register at present a.m. onBrigadier 1stp.m. & 3rd Sunday. Adult the month at Triumph Church, ka, bhajan and orchestra classes also runs special events and pro7 p.m, 9 Sunday Festival: Heartfulness Meditation is or aat wife present Brigadier Panthaki and his Zenobia Panthaki, of the10555 much meditation classes. Register Bible class at7.30 9:30Behram a.m.authors English W. Airport Blvd., Stafor language classes for Hindi, grams like I-Choose, Meditation 5.30 pm to p.m. Weekly practical technique of tuning inwife Zenobia Panthaki, authors of the much acclaimed book: “Field Marshal Sam or Sri Ravula 281-995-0930. service at 10:30 a.m. on 2nd & Camps ford TX 77477 at 6:30 p.m. Join Telugu, Marathi, and Gujarati. and Gyanshala program Gita classes for adults; call 281wards to experience our higher Manekshaw: acclaimed book: “Field Marshal Sam The 713-991-1557 Man and His Times”, Sri Ravula 281-995-0930. 4th Sunday. Call us for a time of praise, worship Hare Krishna Dham Chinmaya Mission is located at for children ages 4-14 yrs. JVB 433-1635 or harekrishnadham @ selves. Meditation with someone at Manekshaw: The Heritage Man andand HisCultural Times”, the Zoroastrian or 281-261-4603. andlocated fellowship. Worship in Hare Dham Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 Synott is at 14102 SchillerisRd. who has Krishna the capacity of temple, yogic Houston’s original Vedic at the Zoroastrian Heritage and Cultural Center, 8787 W Airport Blvd., Houston, TX Call English. Chris Gantela 281Sri Guruvayurappan Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498. Houston 77082. Every Tuesday, Houston Namadwaar Houston’s original Vedic temple, transmission can help exISKCON of Houston. Atyou 1320 W 77071. Center,Starts 8787 W Blvd., Houston, TX at Airport 6:30 with social hour. 344-0707, or Rev. V. Gurrala Temple New members mayDaily visitAtthe wel-W A77071. 9:30am-11:30am, Samaniji has prayerManekshaw house where the Harefirst ISKCON of Houston. 1320 plore the(77018). Heartfulness practice 34th St. Darshan Starts at 6:30 with social hour. Sam was India’s Field 281-997-0757. Hours: Mon to Fri 6 a.m. -8 a.m. come desk between 8 a.m. 8:45 pravachan for all adults interested Rama Hare Krishna Maha-mantra 34th St. (77018). Daily more deeply. There are noDarshan charg& Arati Times: 4.30am, 7am, Marshal Sam Manekshaw was India’s first Field and a distinguished war hero. HisGaudiya Math and 5:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. a.m. orthis, 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. in learning about Jainism. Every continuously chanted. & for Arati Times: 4.30am, 7am, es and we invite you to is 8.30am, 12noon, 4.30pm, 7pm, Marshal and atodistinguished wardedication hero. His courage, his character, andWeekthe Sri Govindaji Matha ends & Holidays: 6 a.m. to noon Please visit www.chinmayahousWednesday thereGaudiya is Swadhyay ends: 8-11 AM & 4-7 PM, Week8.30am, 12noon, 4.30pm, 7pm, experience theFestival: unique benefits of 9pm. Sunday 5.30 pm to to courage, his character, andare thelegendary. dedication his troops and country at 16628 Kieth Harrow Blvd., and 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or contact Bharati Sutaria class from 7-8pm and meditadays: 7-8 AM & 6-7 PM. Weekly 9pm. Sunday Festival: 5.30 pmfor this transmission. Workshops onto to 7.30 pm. Weekly Gita classes country are legendary. Thehis lifetroops of thisand distinguished soldier is portrayed by two distinguished Houston 77084. Satsang Sundays jans Saturdays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; 281.933.0233 for more information from 8-9pm. Every Thursday “Gopa Kuteeram” children’s heri7.30 Weekly Gita classes for Heartfulness relaxation and medadults; 281-433-1635 or authors The lifewho of this distinguished soldier portrayed by twoof distinguished worked closely with him and many the historic 5isto 7shared pm. Mantra meditation, Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Special tion. from 9:30-11am there is Through special classes and Srimad Bhagavaadults;arecall itation held281-433-1635 weekly through-or tage harekrishnadham authors who worked closely with him and shared many of the historic events that changed the geo-politicalkirtan, landscape of the region. Sanatan Dharma classes. poojas (weekends and holidays) Jeeyar Educational Trust Yoga class for Ladies only. Every tam classes. Call 281-402-6585; harekrishnadham out Houston, including Saturdays anecdotes events thatrelated changed the geo-political landscape of the region. Through by Behram and Zenobia Panthakiand we Hindi get a unique Vedic Education classChoroon (Annaprasam) for kids, Translate knowledge into action Saturday, there is Yoga Class from visit (Global at 11 am at India House. Web: insight anecdotes by ideals, Behram Zenobia Panthaki we get anoon unique intorelated the man’s hisand military acumen, his mannerisms, and Houston Namadwaar es for kids. Gita classes Thulabharam, Vahana Pooja, classes every Sunday at 10:15 9-10am and Meditation from 10Organization for Divinity).; Email: his insight into the man’s ideals, his military acumen, his mannerisms, and sense of humor. Houston Namadwaar 1:30 pm Wed. Hanuman Chalisa A prayer house where the Hare Nirapara. Temple is located at a.m to 12 p.m. at Sri Ashtalak10.30am. Ist & 3rd Sundays, there Saumyakasi Sivalaya houston.heartfulness@gmail. hisBrigadier sense of Panthaki humor. himself boastsand a distinguished 30-yearon military ATemple, prayer house the Hare Sri RamcharitClasses Manas Tue. Rama Hare713-929-0040 Krishna Maha-man11620 Ormandy St. (77035) shmi 10098where Synott Road, is aGyanshala foraccomKids Saumyakasi Sivalaya is Tel: locom. Cell: Brigadier Panthaki himself boasts distinguished 30-year military career that earned him 12 military honors. Zenobia Panthaki Rama Hare Krishna Maha-man7:30–8:30 p.m. tra is continuously chanted. Week713-729-8994 email: temple@ Sugar Land, Tx 77498. Call 785 ages 4-14yrs. from 10-12:15pm cated at Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 (Ragini Prakash Miryala MD) career that earned him 12 military Panthaki accom panied her husband on his postingshonors. to 281-499-3347. manyZenobia small cantonment towntra is3621 continuously chanted. Weekor ends: 8-11orAM & Classes 4-7 PM, 550 832-334-9163. Visit Synott followed by Lunch. Visit www. Road, Sugar Land, TX Heritage panied her husband on his postings to many small cantonment town ships all over India and became involved with running welfare proends:7-8 8-11 AM 4-7PM. PM, Weekdays: AM &&6-7 Hindu Temple of Preksha Meditation forWeekly or email info@ Temple timings: Monday Ashirwad’s Heritage Classes in 77478. ships all over India and became involved with running welfare pro grams for soldiers’ wives and children; she has run the Army School, days: 7-8 AM &and 6-7 PM. Weekly “Gopa Kuteeram” children’s heri- to New facilities of JVB Preksha tration. for more details. Friday: 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon the Woodlands Katy, Cypress Sugar Land grams for soldiers’ wives and children; she has run the Army School and worked for the World Bank for 28 years until retirement in 2012. “Gopa children’s heri- and tage classes and Srimad Meditation Classes for for7601 Vedanta Society Yogpeeth 5:30 PMCenter. - 8:00 PM. over SaturS.Patanjali Forest Gate Dr, in“From for kidsKuteeram” 4 to 18 yrs - meditation, and worked for the World Bank 28 years until retirement 2012 The book has received 60 positive reviews. To quote: tage classes and Srimad Bhagavatam classes. Call 281Yoga and Meditation under guidVedanta Society of Greater HousFree Yoga Classes every Sat/Sun day and Sunday: 9:00 AM 2:00 The Woodlands, TX 77382 Yoga, slokas, stories from scrip- beginning The book has received over 60 positive reviews. To quote: “From to end this delightful narrative simply races along, providing Bhagavatam classes. CallCen281- PM 402-6585; visit ance by 5:00 Samani and discourston, VSGH (official Branch at Arya from 8 “am to 9:30 and PM 8:00 PM. Fornarrative Temple Hours tures, Vishnu Sahasranam, bhabeginning towitty endjis-this delightful simply races along, providing an intimate, and scintillating story ofSamaj a superhero Sam’s hu402-6585; visit (Global Organization for Divinity). es. At 14102 Schiller Road (off ter of Ramakrishna Math, Belur), a.m. Call Anil 281-579-9433. For more information Contact 281Weekdays: jans, competitions and fun activi- manism, an intimate, witty and scintillating story of a superhero “ Sam’s hu his notations on official files, his colorful language and his (Global Organization for Divinity). Hwy 6 bethis Bellaire and Westpark 14809 Lindita Dr. (77083), has 568-1690 other free classes, call Indra 281or Jay Deshmukh at 7:30 AM 9:30 AM ties. Adult meditation classes. manism, notations on official files, his colorful language and hi doodling”. - doodling”. 77082). Tel 281-596-9642. lectures & talks every Sunday 832-541-0059 537-0018. For Yoga/Herbal prodor visit www.sau5:30 PM 8.30 PM Register at on www.ashirwadaSaumyakasi Sivalaya This book, with over 200 photographs, is dedicated to the men in Patanjali Yogpeeth 11 am Saumyakasi - 12 pm, by Arati ucts, call Shekhar Aartidefending @is7:30 PM Saumyakasi Sivalaya or followed SriSivalaya Ravula 281This book, with over 200 their photographs, dedicated to the men in Sri is lo- uniform who have laid down lives their281-242-5000. country and to Free Yoga Classes every Sat/Sun & Prasad; Bhagwad Gita Class; www.DivyaGauri Siddhivinayak Temple Saturday and Sunday 995-0930. Sri Saumyakasi Sivalaya is louniform who have laid down their lives defending their country and to cated at Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 their widows who have also sacrificed so much. The book will be on attheir Aryawidows Samaj from 8 am to 9:30 on Tuesdays, 7:30 pm 8:30 pm; Darshan from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 8:30 AM 1:30 PM Hare Krishna Dham cated at Chinmaya Prabha, 10353 who have also sacrificed so much. The book will be on Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX sale at the discounted price of $35, and autographed by the authors. A a.m. Anil festivals 281-579-9433. and Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna on Temple All as of well Aarti atHindu 12:00 PM Houston’s original Vedic temple, Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX sale atCall themajor discounted $35, and autographed byWar the of authors. 77478. Temple timings: Monday to daily. major portion of the price royalty will be donated to the WoundedA For other free classes, call Indra Thursdays, 11 am 12 pm. Rev. The Woodlands as birthdays, naam karan, engage5:30 PM 8:30 PM ISKCON of Houston. At 1320 W 77478. Temple timings: Monday to major portion of the royalty will be donated to the War Friday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon and Foundation of India and the War Widows Welfare Assn. Wounded of India. 281-537-0018. Yoga/Herbal Sw. Atmarupanandaji, ResiS. GateAssn. Dr, of India and otherofFor ceremonies. CallWar7601 Aarti @Forest 7:30 PM; 34th (77018). Darshan Friday: 9:00 AM - Daily 12:00the Noon and ment Foundation India and the Widows Welfare 5:00 -St. 8:00 PM Saturday and Sunproducts, call Shekhar 281-242- The dent Monk, gives all classes, lecWoodlands, TX 77382 Pradip Pandya 832-466Contact 832-585--0001 & Arati Times: 4.30 a.m, 7-a.m, 5:00 - 8:00 PM Saturday and Sun- Pandit day: 8:30-2:00 PM and 5:00 8:00 familiesWeb: who believe in Veerashaiva dharma (Basava dharma). Monthly 5000. tures & talks. Ramnaam SankirTemple Hours, Weekdays: 9868 for puja and other ceremoordiscussion 8.30 a.m,Bharti 12 noon, 4.30 p.m, 7 Mahamane day:Call 8:30-2:00 PM and 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Sutaria 281-568families whoprogram believe infor Veerashaiva (Basava prayer anddharma on dharma). Vachana Monthly Sahitya and tan is on 1st Saturdays 6 pm 7 7:30 AM - 9:30 nies. At 5645 Hillcroft Ste 701, p.m, 9 p.m. Sunday Festival: Swaminarayan Temple PM. Call Bharti Sutaria 281-5681690 or Jay Deshmukh 832-541- followed Mahamane programContact: for prayer and discussion onAM Vachana Sahitya by Prasada. vsnahous or Jagadeesh Sathya Sai centers pm. Please www.houstonve5:30 PMSatsang - 8.30 PM TX 77036. 5.30 pm tovisit 7.30 p.m. Weekly Houston, Hindu at Shree Swami1690 oror Jay Deshmukh 832-5410059 visit www.saum followed by Prasada. Contact: vsnahous or Jagadeesh Halyal 832-744-4166. program held at two lo- Aarti or call 281988-7211. @ 7:30 PM Temple, under Veerashaiva Samaja Gita for adults; call 281- Sunday narayan Hindu 0059classes or visit www.saum Halyal 832-744-4166. cations (North Houston: 12127 Jain Society Saturday and Sunday VSNA Houston is a group of 433-1635 Shree NarNarayan Dev Gadi harekrishnadham @ Mar Thoma Church Louetta who Rd, believe Houston; South 8:30 Jain Society of Houston, JSH, is families AM - 1:30daily PM from 7 a.m. in lupur. Opens Gandhi Library Mar Thoma Church Trinity Mar Thoma Church every Sunday at 5810 Almeda Genoa Houston: 246 Fluor Daniel Dr, located at 3905 Arc Street HousAarti at 12:00 PM haiva dharma (Basava dharma). Houston Namadwaar to Sunday 12:30 p.m. andAlmeda from 4Genoa p.m. Gandhi Library Mahatma Gandhi Library Book Monthly Trinity Mar Thoma Church every at 5810 Rd. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Malayalam service at 9:30 a.m. on 1st Suga Land, from 3:00 pm to ton Texas 77063. Key tenets 5:30 PM 8:30 PM Mahamane program for A prayer house where the Hare to 8:30 p.m. Daily aarti at 7 a.m. Mahatma Gandhi Library Club: Meetsare: 2ndNon-violence Sunday of Book each 5:30 Rd. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Malayalam service atservice 9:30 a.m. on 1st & 3rd Sunday. AdultatBible class at 9:30 a.m. English at 10:30 pm. Spiritual Education of Jainism Aarti @p.m. 7:30 PM; andSai discussion on VachaRama Hare Krishna Maha-- prayer and 7 Saturday sabha from Club: Meets 2nd Sunday of each month; 12:30 PM at Arya Samaj & 3rd Sunday. Adult Bible class at 9:30 a.m. English service at 10:30 a.m. on for 2ndfollowed & 4th Sunday. Call or 281-261-4603. classes children; study circle713-991-1557 Ahimsa, mul- na Contact Sahitya by Prasada. mantra isPhilanthropy continuouslywith chanted. 5p.m to832-585--0001 7 p.m. followed by aarti month; 12:30 –PM at Arya Samaj Greater Houston, 13475 Schiller a.m. on 2nd & 4th Sunday. Call 713-991-1557 or 281-261-4603. for adults. Service programs ticity in views Anekantvad, No or Contact: vsnahous ton@gmail. Weekends: 8-11 AM & 4-7 PM, at 7 p.m. and Maha-Prasad (free Greater Houston, 13475 Schiller Sri &Guruvayurappan Temple Rd. Join the discussion of the great com distribution food drives; possessiveness Sai centers Jagadeesh Halyal 832- dinner).Sathya Weekdays: 7-8- Aparigrah, AM & 6-7Right PM. food or Website www.issotx. Sri Guruvayurappan Temple Rd. Join the discussion the great nursing man’s autobiography –of The Story Hours:home Mon tovisits, Fri 6 a.m. -8 a.m.Sunday and 5:00program p.m. to held 8:30atp.m. tutoring Knowledge -- Kuteeram” Samyak Gyan, twoWeeklocaWeekly “Gopa chil- 744-4166. org, phone (281) 530-2565. man’s autobiography – The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Hours: Mon to Fri 6 a.m. -8 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: 6 a.m. to noon and 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bhajans at schools etc. Contact Sanjay Right Path – Samyak Darshan, tions (North Houston: 12127 MalMar Thoma Church dren’s heritage classes and SriSanatan Dharm of My Experiments Truth. Trinity Call Manish Wani 713-829-6979. ends &Mar Holidays: toevery noon p.m. 8:30 p.m. Bhajans Saturdays 7Thoma p.m. to6Church 8a.m. p.m.; Sundays 95:00 a.m. to 1to a.m. Special poojas (North) 832-687-6766 or and and Conduct –with Samyak comson Road, Houston; South mad Right Bhagavatam classes. Call Gupta Call Manish Wani 713-829-6979. Maha Sabha Saturdays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Special poojas (weekends and holidays) Choroon (Annaprasam) for kids, Sondip Mathur (South) 832-215Charitrya. JSH has Jain Pathshala Houston: 246 Fluor Daniel Drive, Sunday at 5810 Almeda Genoa 281-402-6585; visit www.godiWest Indian Religious Organiza(weekends and holidays) Choroon (Annaprasam) for kids Thulabharam, Vahana Pooja, Nirapara. Temple is located at 11620 8675 Classed for students of all ages Sugar Land) from 3:00 to 5:30 Rd. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Gauri Siddhivinayak (Global Organization tion called Sanatan Dharm Maha Thulabharam, Vahana Pooja, Nirapara. Temple is located at 11620 Ormandy St (77035) Tel: 713-729-8994 email: temple@ each Sunday starting at 10:15 pm) Sai Spiritual Education Gauri Siddhivinayak Malayalam service at 9:30 a.m. Sadhu Vaswani Center for Divinity). Sabha Branch is located Temple Ormandy St Sunday. (77035) Tel: email: temple@ AM. The center is open M-F from on classes for# children; Study 1st &Vaswani 3rd Adult Bible (SSE) Sadhu Center of713-729-8994 HousSaumyakasi Sivalaya Temple at 26100 Tina Lane, Katy, TX Darshan from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Preksha Meditation 7:30 AM to 12 Noon and 4 to 7 Circle for adults & Devotional class at 9:30 a.m. English service Sri Saumyakasi Sivalaya is lo- ton holds regular Satsang on 3rd 77494. Durga Mata Pooja is held Darshan from 7Prabha, a.m. toas p.m. at Preksha Meditation daily. major festivals well PM, and Sat, and Sun from 88AM singing for all. Service 10:30 a.m. on month 2nd & and 4th Sun- Meditation New facilities of JVB Preksha Center. Classesprograms for Yoga Thursday of the daily cated atAll Chinmaya 10353 every Friday from 7canned pmAt to14102 9.30 daily. All major festivals as well as birthdays, naam karan, engageto 6 PM. Call Jain Center at 713 food distribution, food New facilities of JVB Preksha Meditation Center. Classes for Yoga day. Call 713-991-1557 or 281and Meditation under by Samani jis and discourses. at 7.30 p.m. Callguidance 281-463Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX Arti pm. Contact Ram Sharma @ as birthdays, karan, engagement and other ceremonies. Call 261-4603. 789 2338 or naam visit www.jainsodrives, nursing home- visits, and Meditation under guidance Samani jis and discourses. At tutor14102 Schiller Road (off Hwy 6 bet by Bellaire and Westpark 77082). Tel 0379 or e.mail 77478. Temple timings: Monday 713-412-9985 ment and ceremonies. Call Pandit Pradip Pandya for of5 281-596-9642. ing at and schools, etc. Contact Venkat Schiller Road (off Fellowship Hwy 6 bet Bellaire Westpark - 77082). Tel Telugu Christian to Friday: 9other a.m.12 calendar Noon and Pandit Pradip Pandya 832-4669868 for puja and other ceremoevents . Rao (North) 602-503-2249 or 281-596-9642. Telugu Christian Fellowship p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday and Sun9868 for puja and other ceremonies. At 5645 Hillcroft Ste 701, Shiv Shakti Mandir Ranji Raghavan (South) 281-451meets every third Saturday of the day: 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Patanjali Yogpeeth Exciting Summer Camp AtShiv 5645 Hillcroft Ste6640 701, month at Triumph Church, Houston, TXShakti 77036. Sanatan Mandir, 8238. Visit -nies. 8 p.m. Call Bharti Sutaria 281Free Yoga ClassesPatanjali every10555 Sat/SunYogpeeth at Arya Samaj from 8 am to 9:30 Houston,Open TX 77036. Harwin. daily 7 a.m. 832to 8 W. Sadhu Vaswani Airport Blvd., Stafford TX 568-1690 or Jay Deshmukh Classes every Sat/Sun at Arya from 8Indra am to2819:30 a.m.Free CallYoga Anil 281-579-9433. For other freeSamaj classes, callCenter Veerashaiva Samaja p.m. All major festivals, as well Sadhu Vaswani Center of Hous77477 at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a 541-0059 or visit www.saum 537-0018. a.m. Call Anil 281-579-9433. For other free classes, call Indra 281For Yoga/Herbal products, call Shekhar 281-242-5000. Web: Veerashaiva as birthdays, naam karan, engageregular Satsang onWeb: 3rd of praise, worship andproducts, fel- ton VSNA Houston isSamaja a group of time 537-0018. For Yoga/Herbal callholds Shekhar 281-242-5000. and ment and other ceremonies. Callof lowship. Thursday of the month and daily Worship is in English. VSNA Houston is a group and GauriVirat Siddhivinayak Temple Pandit Mehta 713-278-9099 For information call Chris Gan- Arti at 7.30 p.m. Call 281-463Darshan 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. tela 281-344-0707, WANT TO HOST YOUR SUMMER or Hardikfrom Raval 361-243-6539 0379 or e.mailCAMP? or Rev. Vijay daily. All major festivals as well Gurrala PARTNER WITH US & HOST YOUR SUMMER CAMP AT INDIA HOUSE for puja or other ceremonies. Gaudiya Math 281-997-0757. as Heartfulness birthdays, naam karan, enMeditation Shri Govindji Gaudiya Matha Sri Guruvayurappan Temple Instructors looking amazingsoon: space gagement other ceremonies. TheseandTexas Lottery beanclosing Heartfulness Meditation is Commission a Hours: iswill a for Hindu Vaishnava temple of MonScratch-Off to Frior6 agencies a.m. -8games a.m. Call Pandit Pradip Pandya 832conduct summer camp activities may These TexasofLottery Commission Scratch-Off gamesSanatan will be closing soon: practical technique tuning inDharam and worshipand 5:00 to p.m. to 8:30 their p.m. WeekOfficial Close End Validations 466-9868 for puja andour other cerGame Game Name $ to provide collaborate with us fun, safe and wards to #experience higher ping place of Shri Shri Radha ends/ Odds & Holidays: 6 a.m. to noon of Game Date Official Close End Validations emonies. At Hillcroft Ste Game # 5645 with Game Name Odds p.m. to $ selves. Meditation someone Krishna, Shri Gaur Nitai & Shri and /5:00 8:30 p.m.experience Bhaenriching for the kids. of Game Date 701, Houston, TXUltimate 77036. 1651the capacity OverallSaturdays Odds are 1 7in 3.27 $10 7/12/15 1/8/16 is open who has ofCrossword yogic - jans Ram Darbar. Mandir p.m. to 8 p.m.; 1651 can help Ultimate Crossword -Sundays Overall Odds are 1 in $10 7/12/15 1/8/16until 8.30 Veerashaiva Samaja transmission you Frenzy explore daily from 5.301/26/16 AM to3.27 1 a.m. Special 1690 Cash - Overall Odds are9 1a.m. in 4.09 $5 7/30/15 VSNA Houston is a group of the Heartfulness practice more- Overall PM.7/30/15 The services 1/26/16 are held from poojas and holidays) A TALENTED INSTRUCTOR? 1690 Cash Frenzy Odds(weekends are 1 ARE in 4.09YOU $5 families who believe in Veerasdeeply. 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The Texas Lottery supports Texas education and veterans. © 2015 Texas Lottery Commission. rights reserved. 713-929-1900 | For detailed oddsThoma and game information, visit call 1-800-375-6886. Must be 18 or older to purchase a Trinity Mar Church ev- orYoga Hare Dham and Swadhyay sessions in- TX Kieth Harrow Blvd Houston TX ticket. The TexasKrishna Lottery supports Texas education and veterans. © 2015 Texas Lottery Commission. All rights reserved. 8888 West Bellfort Ave., Houston, 77031 Houston’s original Vedic temple, side its unique Pyramid hall under 77084. Call 832-464-4686.




STORY OF MAHATMA GANDHI National tragedy follows Independence

After the defeat of Japan in August 1945, Britain agreed to a planned withdrawal from India in friendship and with no bitterness. All through his life Gandhi had worked for unity between Hindus and Muslims, without much success. There was a large section of nationalist Muslim in the Congress but leaders of the Muslim League were drifting further and further away. Gandhi was not the man to give up hope, however, and he pursued his efforts to bring about a settlement. On the other hand, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League, was hostile to the idea of unity. This is the concluding installment of the story of Mahatma Gandhi.

The Viceroy invited all leaders to Simla and tried to find a solution and bring about Hindu-Muslim accord. Jinnah would not agree to anything except a separate Muslim state of Pakistan. Britain announced an election in India and the election was held. The Congress won most of the nonMuslim seats and the Muslim League won most of the Muslim seats. The deadlock continued. “We can settle the Indian problem in ten minutes if Mr. Gandhi agrees to the creation of Pakistan,” said Jinnah. “Cut me in half,” cried Gandhi , “but do not divide India in two.” He spoke to the deaf. In February 1946, the British government sent a Cabinet Mission to India. It consisted of Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps and A.V. Alexander. The task of the Cabinet Mission was to study the situation and make recommendations. After careful consideration, the Cabinet Mission issued a statement proposing the withdrawal of British authority from India. They had the idea of a united India. On August 24, 1946, the Viceroy announced the formation of an Interim National Government to replace the Viceroy’s Executive Council. Jawaharlal

Nehru was the Vice-President of the Interim Government. The Muslim League declined to join on the ground that it had not been given the right to nominate all the Muslim members. After the installation of the Interim Government, Gandhi was anxious to return to Sevagram, his ashram near Wardha, but the Congress leaders prevailed on him to stay longer in Delhi because they wanted his advice. Then the Muslim League decided to join the Interim Government and an announcement was made to that effect on October 15, 1946. Gandhi once again felt free to return to Sevagram. He was about to leave Delhi when news came of disturbances in Bengal. There was widespread communal rioting in Calcutta and in the Muslim majority district of Noakhali in East Bengal, with murder, arson, looting, forced conversions, forced marriages, and abduction. Gandhi was confused and griefstricken. Instead of returning to Sevagram, he set out for Noakhali to try to bring peace there. The communal riots spread. There were similar riots in Bihar and the Punjab. Several thousand were killed and injured. Gandhi was greatly distressed by these events. He tried to calm and reassure the people. He walked from village to village and from house to house carrying his message of peace. Wherever he was, there was peace, at least outwardly, but the general situation in India was worsening. Rioting spread from the towns to the villages. In Bihar the Muslims were suffering and Gandhi went there to instil courage into the Muslim minority. The

HIS LAST WALK: Mahatma Gandhi with his grand-daughters Manu and Abha walking towards the prayer hall in New Delhi on January 30, 1948, a little before he was felled by an assassin’s bullet Mahatma Gandhi Week was observed in Houston from September 27 to October 3, 2004. Various activities, including essay competitions for children, lectures, exhibitions, seminars, were organized. These were held by the Mahatma Gandhi Library in collaboration with several Houston area Indian and American cultural and religious organizations. For more information, visit www.mahat magandhi

Sponsored by Houston Arts Alliance in honor of Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial Houston celebrations.

situation in India was so dreadful that the Congress leaders realized that the best way open to them was to accept Jinnah’s demand for a division of the country. Nehru met Gandhi to inform him of this decision. Gandhi asked him, “Is there no way out? No hope of a united India?” Nehru was sad and grave. “Bapuji,” he replied, “unity is impossible... we have to accept it (division of India). Otherwise this deadly turmoil will never cease.” Gandhi bowed his head to hide his despair. On June 3, 1947, British Prime Minister Attlee announced the plan for partition. The Congress and the Muslim League accepted it. For Gandhi it was a spiritual tragedy. With infinite sadness he said, “All of India must accept Pakistan in loving resignation. We have no choice. Hindus must lead the way to a friendly settlement.” Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy, was anxious not to delay the ushering in of independent India and independent Pakistan. He shortened the time limit for the British to quit India. The date for the declaration of Indian independence was fixed for August 15, 1947. Thus on August 15, 1947, India’s long struggle and suffering for freedom was over. A new nation, although split in two, was born. Lord Mountbatten hailed Gandhi as “the architect of India’s freedom through non-violence.” Gandhi had never given his approval to partition, but when it was done he accepted it and did everything possible for the attainment of Hindu-Muslim friendship. Yet the tension between Hindus and Muslims continued to increase. As a result of partition

over 700,000 Hindus, Sikhs, and other non-Muslims, fearing the Muslims, in Pakistan left their homes and set out towards security in India. From India about the same number of Muslims, fearing the Hindus, left their homes for Pakistan. The miseries attendant on this mass migration, one of the greatest in history, were manifold. One and half million people on the move were exposed to starvation, disease, and death on the way. Gandhi was on his way to the Punjab when he stopped in Delhi, hoping to quell the riots that had broken out there. Gandhi’s gospel of forbearance and forgiveness towards Muslims marked him as a traitor in the eyes of many Hindu extremists. In the face of fanatical opposition, Gandhi redoubled his efforts and the major disturbances in Delhi subsided, but there were still disturbances here and there. Gandhi decided to do penance by fasting, which he thought would bring about a change in the attitude of the Hindu fanatics. The fast began on January 13, 1948. There was gloom all over India at the news of Gandhi’s fast. People thought that he would not be able to survive another fast. The whole world watched as Gandhi, 78 years old, fasted to save his country from destruction. On January 18 a peace committee, representing all communities, met and signed a pact pledging unity and the protection of life, property, and faith to the Muslim minority. Gandhi was informed of the pledge and he broke his fast. Gandhi was staying at Birla House. Every evening he held a prayer-meeting in the grounds. During his prayer-meeting on


CHEF’S CORNER Prime Minister Narendra Modi symbolically a plaque of Masalaunveils Macherels Eternal Gandhi Musuem Ingredients: 1 Kg medium size mackerels, 4 tsp chilli powder (or

to taste), 1 tsp- cumin powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, orange size HOUSTON tamarind, 1/4 cupMinister vinegar, 4Nahendra onions, chopped tbsp finely India Prime Modi fine; has 5become thechopped second garlic, 4-6 green chillies, cut in half, 1 cup oil, salt to taste, 250gm world figure to support the creation and operation of a privately chopped tomatoes. funded Eternal Gandhi Museum planned for southwest Houston. Method: Cut Gandhi away museum will be a prized cultural land“The Eternal the head tails of fish, mark inand Houston,” said Modi, leader of the world’s most popgut them, wash and drain ulous democracy, during his weekend visit to Houston. “I have well. tamarind been Soak associated withinthis effort for a while. It will surely make vinegar andthoughts extract the Gandhiji’s popular among the youth.” juice. all the The pow-Dalai Lama, world leader of Tibetan BudHisMix Holiness ders with thisthe juice. mix people, endorsed the museum project in dhism and Tibetan with all the chopped January letter to its inlocal backers. gredients. Gandhi Add was salt the to Indian leader whose non-violent resistance taste. Smearled each fishto independence from British Rule and inmovement India with of rights this movements in other nations. spired some later civil masala fill some of Sunday to about 50,000 people at NRG Afterand Modi’s speech Stadium, Modi met with Indian-American leaders and it in the stomach cavity. Reserve the remainingbusiness masala. Take a thick unveiled a plaque stating that he had symbolically participated bottomed deep pan and line the base with a piece of banana leaf or in the ground-breaking the museum, which take place in foil. Pour some oil in it andfor spread a layer of fish in it.will Sprinkle some of southwest Houston. ANI News video of the unveiling is here. the reserved masala on top. Repeat the layers to use up all the fish, Mayor visited Rajghat, Memorial masala andSylvester oil. Top Turner with tomatoes. Place thethe panGandhi on a low flame. in New Delhi, during the Greater Houston Partnership trade misCover with flat lid and place some live charcoal on it. Cook for about sion he led to India in November 2018. 25-30mnutes or till the fish is cooked. Shake the pan gently to mix the The without mayor breaking related the thefish. Eternal Gandhi Museum project in layers, Houston to his visit to Gandhi’s andbethe garden Note: Instead of cooking this dishliving on fire,quarters the fish can layered in where Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. a baking dish, covered and baked a hot oven. “The kind words from Prime Minister Modi and Hos Holiness The Dalai Lama help us show that here in the nation’s most Fish Pulao diverse city, we live the values of tolerance, inclusion and pluIngredients: 2 cupsamong BasmatiGandhi’s rice, 1/2 kg Sear or Tuna slices, 1 tsp ralism, which were most important teachings. chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp garam masala, salt We are a welcoming city, where one of every four residents to is taste, 3 tomatoes, cup coconut milk, 4 tbsp gheerather or oil,than 4 cloves, 4 foreign-born and 1where we build relationships walls,” cardamoms, 1-inch cinnamon stick, 1/2 tsp pepper corns, 2 bay leaves. the mayor said. Method: Wash rice well, drain and keep aside. Wash the fish, drain. Smear with, chilli powder ,turmeric powder and garam masala and salt.. Blanch, peel and chop the tomatoes and blend them with the coconut milk. Measure this liquid and add enough water to make 4 cups. Soak rice in it for 10 minutes. Heat ghee or oil in a thick, deep fry pan, preferably non stick. Add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, pepper and bay leaves. Fry for a minute, add the rice with the soaking liquid. Add salt to taste. Bring to a boil, cover and keep on a low flame till the rice is cooked and the liquid is absorbed. Meanwhile, steam cook the fish for 10 minutes. When cool enough to handle, remove the skin and bones and flake the fish About 10 minutes after the rice is cooked, add the fish and mix very gently. ( If this is done immediately after the rice is cooked, the rice will become mushy) Keep covered for at least 1015 minutes before serving. The flavor of fish will steep into the rice during this time.

Fish Lasoon Miri

Ingredients: 1/2 kg Shark, Cod or Sole fish, 8 cloves garlic, crushed; 1 cup sliced onion, 3 tbsp oil, 1 tsp chilli powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp black pepper powder, lemon-sized tamarind, salt to taste. Method: Clean and cut the fish into 1-inch cubes. Soak tamarind in 2 Tbsp of hot water and extract the juice. Mix all the powders with this extract. Heat oil, fry garlic till fragrant. Add onion, fry till light brown. Add the tamarind-masala mix and fry well. Add 1 ½ cup of water, fish and salt to taste. Bring to a boil and simmer till the fish is cooked. Serves 3-4.

January 20, a bomb was thrown at him, but it missed its target. Gandhi continued his prayer meeting as if nothing had happened. “Bapuji, a bomb exploded near you,” said a voice. “Really?” Gandhi said. “Perhaps some poor fanatic threw it. But let no one look down on him.” On January 30, after a midday nap, Gandhi woke up at 3.30 p.m. The whole day he had had a stream of visitors. Sardar Patel went to see him at 4 p.m. Nehru and Azad were to come after the evening prayer. Gandhi left his room at 5 p.m. and went towards the prayer hall. He passed through a cordoned-off path, accompanied by Manu and Abha, his grand-daughters. As he was walking along a youth came forward as if to seek his blessings. But he stood in front of Gandhi and at point-blank range fired three shots in quick succession. All the bullets hit him. Gandhi fell, uttering the prayer, “Hay Ram.” Gandhi was dead. The assassination gave the world a tremendous shock. Nehru went on radio to tell the country of Gandhi’s death, his voice choked with emotion: “Friends and comrades, the light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. I do not know what to tell you and how to say it. Our beloved leader, Bapu as we called him, the Father of the Nation, is no more. Perhaps I am wrong to say that. Nevertheless, we will not see him again as we have seen him for these many years. The light has gone out, I said, and yet I was wrong. For the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light. The light that has illumined this country for these many, many years will illumine this country for many more years, and a thousand years later that light will still be seen in this country, and the world will see it and it will give solace to innumerable hearts.” — Concluded


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