Palazzo Fiuggi Press Collection HB

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Press Coverage

Press Coverage Italy

Source: Corriere della Sera

Date: 8th June 2021

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Date: 15th June 2021 Quotidiano

Data Pagina



15-06-2021 18 1/2

Lorenzo Giannuzzi

Source: Cook Corriere della Sera

Date: 14th April 2021

Source: Cook Corriere della Sera

Date: 14th April 2021


Data Pagina



04-2021 1+28/1 5/5

Lorenzo Giannuzzi



Date: 14th April 2021

Source: Corriere Beauty

Date: 30th May 2021

Source: Corriere Beauty

Date: 30th May 2021 Data Pagina



30-05-2021 52/53 1/2

Lorenzo Giannuzzi

Source: Corriere Beauty

Date: 30th May 2021 Data Pagina



30-05-2021 52/53 2/2

Lorenzo Giannuzzi

Source: Panorama

Date: 16th June 2021

Date: 16th June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

16-06-2021 76/77 1/2


Source: Panorama

Date: 16th June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

16-06-2021 76/77 2/2


Source: Panorama

Source: Vanity Fair

Date: June 2021

Date: June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

07-07-2021 30/31 1/2


Source: Vanity Fair

Date: June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

07-07-2021 30/31 2/2


Source: Vanity Fair

Source: Condé Nast Traveller

Date: March 2021

Date: March 2021


Source: Condé Nast Traveller

Source: Condé Nast Traveller

Date: March 2021




Source: Oggi Wellness

Date: 8th July 2021

Date: 8th July 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

08-07-2021 102/04 1/3


Source: Oggi Wellness


Date: 8th July 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

08-07-2021 102/04 2/3


Source: Oggi Wellness

Date: 8th July 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

08-07-2021 102/04 3/3


Source: Oggi Wellness

Date: April 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina Foglio

01-04-2021 4/5 1/2


Source: Trovaroma


Source: Trovaroma

Data Pagina Foglio

01-04-2021 4/5 2 /Date: 2 April 2021



Source: GQ

Date: April 2021

Source: GQ


Data Pagina



04-2021 Date: April 2021 138/43 5/6

Palazzo Fiuggi

Source: Condé Nast Traveller

Date: June 2021

Date: June 2021 Trimestrale

Data Pagina Foglio

06-2021 58 1


Source: Condé Nast Traveller

Source: Vanity Fair

Date: 12th May 2021


Data Pagina Foglio

Date: 12th May 2021 12-05-2021 191/92 1/2


Source: Vanity Fair


Data Pagina Foglio

Date: 12th May 2021 12-05-2021 191/92 2/2


Source: Vanity Fair

Source: F

Date: 13th July 2021


13-07-2021 th Date: 10313 July 2021 Foglio 1 Data



Source: F

Source: Elle

Date: 26th June 2021

Source: Elle

Date: 26th June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina



26-06-2021 102/07 6/6

Palazzo Fiuggi

Source: Grazia

Date: 27th June 2021

Source: Grazia

Date: 27th June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina



27-05-2021 133/35 1/3


Castel Monastero Resort

Source: Grazia

Date: 27th June 2021 Settimanale

Data Pagina



27-05-2021 133/35 2/3

Castel Monastero Resort

Date: 17th June 2021


Source: Vanity Fair

Palazzo Fiuggi

Date: 17th June 2021


Source: Vanity Fair

Palazzo Fiuggi

Date: 17th June 2021


Source: Vanity Fair

Palazzo Fiuggi

Date: 17th June 2021


Source: Vanity Fair

Palazzo Fiuggi

Source: Vanity Fair

Date: 30th April 2021 Data





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Topic: Meghan Markle Reali Podcast Lavoro Speciale Coronavirus ...






I gesti di seduzione che piacciono agli uomini

I segni zodiacali più fedeli e devoti quando si innamorano

L'uomo giusto per voi, in base al vostro segno zodiacale


Star bene alla spa: acqua, natura e benessere per rinascere 30 APRILE 2021 di L A U R A F I E N G O




Quando si entra in menopausa succede che... di M A R Z I A N I C O L I N I

Palazzo Fiuggi


L’attesa è finita: i sogni di fuga diventano realtà. A Roma, Bormio, Monte Bianco, Fiuggi, Montegrotto Terme. E in città la palestra (con vista) è in albergo SESSO

Source: Vanity Fair VANITYFAIR.IT (WEB)

Date: 30th April 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


È innamorato di voi? Scopritelo in base al segno zodiacale Questo articolo è pubblicato sul numero 18 di Vanity Fair in edicola fino


all’11 maggio 2021 Le terme sono in fiore Abbiamo sognato, programmato, immaginato: finalmente arriva il momento della realtà. Le terme e i trattamenti benessere sono in cima alla gold list, e le occasioni si moltiplicano: QC Terme, per esempio, propone un’interessante idea di rilancio per il turismo delle terme dopo tanta pausa forzata. Fino al 30 giugno 2021, i voucher QC Terme validi per un ingresso, massaggio o wellness lunch, possono diventare un Resort Dream Pass: si può scegliere di convertire il loro valore per soggiornare in uno degli hotel e suite apartment di Bormio, Monte Bianco e Roma. P.S.: è possibile convertire un voucher a persona per ciascun soggiorno (trattamento B&B + ingresso al percorso benessere), per voucher di coppia, uno ogni due persone. Si prenota sul sito, codici alla mano. Voglio una spa in camera Si chiama White Pool la nuova piscina termale allo Spa & Hotel Terme Esplanade Tergesteo (, cinque stelle luxury di Montegrotto Terme, giustamente rinomato. Unico nel suo genere, il nuovo specchio d’acqua costruito con materiali d’avanguardia ha un fondo bianco candido dove spicca addirittura una laguna, è circondato dagli alberi, piante fiorite e oasi con lettini e gazebo defilati a prova di privacy. Per stare ancora più in pace, gli alloggi più raffinati con camino a legna, mini pool riscaldata e una sauna finlandese (con finestra, wow!) sulla terrazza si chiamano Vital Spa Suite. L’unico sforzo è trasportarci lì seduta stante. Leggenda ritrovata La sua piscina storica risale al 1936: non c’è Baden-Baden che tenga, questa è stata la prima stazione termale in Europa con una piscina esterna, e l’area relax è un parco sterminato con una sequoia secolare. Tutto leggendario. Con il nome di Palazzo Fiuggi ( il wellness medical retreat che fa pensare alla Belle Époque e alle atmosfere da film (Oci Ciornie, per esempio, da rivedere) è tornato. Ma nelle cure è tutt’altro che d’antan: medical Spa ultra specializzata e personalizzata, tra i punti di forza vanta il criterio scientifico della food line, pensata nientemeno che dallo chef collaborazione con un team di luminari (genetica, senescenza, salute cerebrovascolare…). Pare si ritorni come dalla macchina del tempo. Workout with a view? Allenarsi in città aspettando l’estate? Il meglio è puntare in alto: il workout with a view spettacolare è la fantasmagorica area fitness con vista al 7° piano

Palazzo Fiuggi


tristellato Heinz Beck − una laurea ad honorem in Bioenergie naturali − in

Source: Vanity Fair VANITYFAIR.IT (WEB)

Date: 30th April 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


dell’Excelsior Gallia (A Luxury Collection Hotel, di Milano, che ha posizionato le più sofisticate attrezzature, tutte Technogym, in posizione panoramica sulla città. Luce naturale, pareti a specchio, macchine cardio Artis Technogym come cyclette e tapis roulant, fino ad attrezzature ellittiche — insieme a macchine per i pesi, pesi liberi e fitness ball per l’ormai imprescindibile cross training. Gratuita per chi dorme in hotel, in tempi normali è aperta anche a ospiti esterni, dunque possiamo sperare. Foto in alto di Valentina Sommariva Per abbonarvi a Vanity Fair, cliccate qui.



Palazzo Fiuggi

Source: Panorama

Date: 19th June 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


Palazzo Fiuggi

Panorama | News | La cattedrale del benessere SALUTE 19 June 2021

In un edificio storico d'inizio Novecento restaurato con eleganza è nato Palazzo Fiuggi, un rifugio di pace dove prendersi cura di sé. Per gli ospiti è previsto un programma personalizzato e la cucina è firmata Heinz Beck. Marco Morello

Una pausa dai meccanismi spietati e soffocanti della routine, una vacanza dal respiro rigenerante, da cui portarsi dietro souvenir


Regione per regione, l'Italia divisa in zona arancione e gialla CALCIO

Eriksen, dramma forse senza lieto fine NEWS

Gli ultimi sondaggi: le intenzioni di voto

preziosi: uno stato di forma ritrovato, un senso di relax, un


sistema immunitario più robusto, una cura contro i segni del

Roland Garros, Djokovic regala la sua racchetta ad un bambino | video

tempo. Un bagaglio di emozioni, con un corollario di benefici pratici. Succede dopo un soggiorno a Palazzo Fiuggi, «una cattedrale del benessere», «un'icona di ospitalità italiana che vuole diventare un emblema a livello internazionale», per riprendere la definizione e l'ambizione contenute nelle parole di L o r e n z o G i a n n u z z i , il suo ideatore.


Christian Eriksen colpito da un malore durante Danimarca-Finlandia | video


La cattedrale del benessere

Source: Panorama

Date: 19th June 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


Non è la solita sequela di vasche, zone gelide e altre f u m a n t i , n é u n a l b e r g o d i c h a r m e , ma qualcosa di più articolato e complesso: una «wellness medical spa», «un centro che unisce i pilastri della medicina occidentale con i principi di quella olistica». Un nuovo rifugio di pace per coccole a 360 gradi, aperto da poche settimane in un elegante palazzo immerso in un parco di 8 ettari. Un luogo di memoria e suggestioni: «La cittadina del Lazio è un posto unico, dalla logistica incredibile. A meno di un'ora da Roma, può contare su due aeroporti, è servita dall'autostrada e, presto, da un treno veloce. Si trova a 700 metri dal livello del mare, l'altezza ideale per l'ossigenazione del corpo; non presenta insediamenti industriali, dunque l'aria è purissima. Gode del potere terapeutico dell'acqua termale, che non scopriamo certo noi». In questo contesto di suo favorevole, Giannuzzi ha r e a l i z z a t o l a s u a v i s i o n e , ha fondato il suo obiettivo che suona come una promessa: «Dare risultati concreti, garantire un benessere supportato da evidenze scientifiche. Rimettiamo in pista chi ci sceglie, ne miglioriamo i valori ematici e fisiologici». Per riuscirci, nessuna alchimia, solo pragmatismo: linee guida comuni e un programma personalizzato, cucito addosso a ciascun ospite da un team di caratura internazionale: «Esperti di rigenerazione cellulare, del ruolo strategico della prevenzione per mantenersi sani». Primo tassello, l'alimentazione. Divieto totale di diete punitive, improntate ai sacrifici, alle privazioni, alle r i n u n c e . «Non si farà la fame» scherza Giannuzzi: «I nostri piatti sono firmati da Heinz Beck, un'autorità assoluta in materia di cucina salutistica». Gli ingredienti sono di altissima qualità; il menu delizioso, vario e saporito, è stato creato dallo chef tristellato in collaborazione con il professor David Della Morte Canosci, direttore medico-scientifico di Palazzo Fiuggi, specialista nel campo della senescenza: «I pasti si basano su un'intuizione, quella di adoperare il cibo come una medicina». In parallelo, ci si avvicina alla propria meta preferita: un riequilibrio psico-fisico, un'enfasi s u l l ' a n t i n v e c c h i a m e n t o , una disintossicazione dalle insidie dello stress. La ricetta è ricorrere a strumenti e apparecchiature ad alta tecnologia, dal piglio futuristico, affiancandoli a metodi densi di tradizione: trattamenti affidati a mani abili, sessioni di movimento, idroterapia in piscina, persino momenti di life Fiuggi, anche per contiguità geografica con il luogo in cui la locuzione latina nasceva dalla penna di Giovenale, sembra il contesto perfetto per ricordarlo e tradurlo in pratica. La sicurezza, intanto, è sfondo e premessa: tutto il p e r s o n a l e è s t a t o v a c c i n a t o , all'arrivo è previsto un tampone,


coaching e meditazione. D'altronde, mens sana in corpore sano. E

Source: Panorama

Date: 19th June 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


per godersi gli ambienti con un bonus di tranquillità ulteriore. La struttura, che risale a inizio Novecento, è stata riconosciuta dal ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali come «meritevole di tutela e conservazione per lo stile liberty che gli conferisce un particolare pregio architettonico». La storia s'incrocia così con la modernità, senza forzature o sussulti: «Abbiamo mantenuto l'anima dell'edificio, esaltandone il Dna. Ne abbiamo enfatizzato la già straordinaria potenzialità attraverso un restauro intelligente». La capacità ricettiva originaria è stata ridotta di un terzo per offrire camere spaziose e confortevoli. Impossibile, inoltre, non restare colpiti dalle aree comuni: «La sala da pranzo ha un soffitto alto 6 metri e mezzo, da cui scendono candelabri di fine Ottocento in vetro di Murano. Ci sono affreschi di inizio Novecento, ciascun angolo esprime scrupolo e raffinatezza. È uno dei rari casi in cui le immagini non rendono giustizia all'insieme, solo di persona se ne può apprezzare l'eleganza, viverne l'estrema bellezza».

LEGGI ANCHE In vacanza nel resort Covid-free - Panorama › Forte Village, ecco la formula contro il coronavirus per le vacanze in ... › Hell's Kitchen, inaugurato a Forte Village il primo ristorante al ... ›

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È «boom» per lo Yoga, anche causa pandemia

La scommessa sull'idrogeno

Siamo solo noi compie 40 anni: esce l'edizione Gabriele Antonucci speciale

Andrea Soglio,Mariella BaroliLaura Della Pasqua 19 June

19 June

19 June



Source: Ville & Casali

Date: 16th June 2021

Source: Ville & Casali

Date: 16th June 2021

Source: Ville & Casali

Date: 16th June 2021

Source: Ville & Casali

Date: 16th June 2021

Source: Ansa

Date: 30th June 2021 Data


Pagina Foglio


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Dolce & Salato

Heinz Beck, chef tedesco sempre più stregato daIl'Italia

Heinz Beck, chef tedesco sempre più stregato daIl'Italia Da Roma alla Sardegna, viaggio nella cucina a tre stelle Di Roberta Celot CAGLIARI 30 giugno 2021 18:59

Heinz Beck, chef tedesco sempre più stregato daIl'Italia © ANSA


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Il suo marchio di fabbrica è il connubio tra buon cibo e salute. E come tantissimi tedeschi è stato stregato dall'Italia. Il suo viaggio ha toccato con il cuore la Sicilia (sua moglie Teresa è palermitana) e con la testa Roma. Poi il 'salto' in Sardegna dove ormai è di casa al Forte Village di Santa Margherita di Pula e a Palazzo Doglio, l'elegante salotto a cielo aperto tra le centrali vie Logudoro, Goceano e Nuoro, a Cagliari. Il ritratto è del celebre chef tedesco Heinz Beck, tre stelle Michelin, 'special guest' ieri sera nella corte di Palazzo Doglio di una cena raffinata e ben risucita, esordio della

Una gavetta soprattutto tedesca e concentrata sui dolci quella di Beck, ma oggi la sua è a una realtà tutta italiana, dove non gli viene chiesto di fare la cucina delle sue radici ma quella della sua terra di adozione. "Ho impiegato 3 anni a ragionare da italiano e da cuoco e non più da pastry-chef tedesco", confesserà un giorno. Ora è un italiano a tutto tondo.


rassegna "Notti Stellate" con alta cucina d'autore all'Osteria del Forte, quartier generale del giovane executive chef Alessandro Cocco, che Heinz Beck in passato ha avuto al suo fianco nel ristorante del Forte Village.

Source: Ansa

Date: 30th June 2021 30-06-2021

Data Pagina Foglio


"Ho avuto modo di ripeterlo spesso: non si può scegliere il luogo in cui si nasce, ma si può scegliere quello in cui stare", ripete nelle interviste. La cena stellata creata per gli ospiti di Palazzo Doglio è stata una continua esperienza sensoriale sin dagli inizi: una esplosione di sapori con le entrée di benvenuto, mini cannoli ripieni di baccalà, un finto lampone a base di barbabietola rossa e una bruschetta mignon con gocce di pomodoro disidrato. Poi via alle portate: ostrica, sedano e miele; ricciola marinata allo yuzu e lemongrass su guacamole con macaron di soya; scampo con peperoni e gazpacho verde; tortellino alla "pappa di pomodoro" e frutti di mare; lombo di agnello al finocchietto in crosta di cereali con perle di caprino. Davvero scenografico il dolce cioccolato e ciliege: una sfera all'azoto alla ciliegia appoggiata su un triangolo di cioccolato al caramello. Il dietro le quinte di una cena stellata regala alcune sorprese: si scopre così che il tristellato Heinz Beck è rimasto sveglio fino alla 4 del mattino per preparare i tortellini alla "pappa di pomodoro", con la pasta tirata a mano dal suo giovane braccio destro Giovanni Ringressi, con lui nel ristorante del Forte. E che proprio Giovanni ha perso la sfida col suo capo nella scelta dell'ingrendiente per il dolce: avrebbe voluto il frutto della passione, Heinz Beck le ciliege. "Siamo in estate, sono di stagione, quindi perfette", racconta intrattendosi a tavola con gli ospiti a fine servizio. Una collaborazione ormai consolidata quella dello chef stellato con il Forte Village Group del Ceo Lorenzo Giannuzzi. Con nuove e stimolanti avventure: l'ultimo nato del gruppo, Palazzo Fiuggi, vede ancora una volta Heinz Beck protagonista della food line, sicuramente nelle sue corde vista l'attenzione e la cura per il cibo e la salute della persona. A meno di un'ora da Roma, Palazzo Fiuggi è un tempio del wellness aperto il 22 maggio scorso. Immerso nel verde del suo parco, il complesso domina da una collina con un microclima unico, elemento essenziale per ripristinare il benessare fisico e e spirituale. Il cibo, dunque, come medicina del corpo. RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA © Copyright ANSA

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Press Coverage UK

Source: Financial Time

1st March 2021 _

Date: 1st March 2021

Source: The Telegraph

2nd April 2021 _

Date: 2nd April 2021

Source: The Telegraph

Date: 2nd April 2021

Source: Financial Times

Date: 6th March 2021

Source: Financial Times

Date: 6th March 2021

Source: The Telegraph 13.02.2021 _

Date: 13th February 2021

Source: Forbes 22nd March 2021_

Date: 22nd March 2021

Source: Forbes

Date: 22nd March 2021

Source: Epicurean


Date: 4th April 2021

Source: Epicurean

Date: 4th April 2021

Source: Epicurean

Date: 4th April 2021

Source: Latte


Date: 1st July 2021

Source: Latte

Date: 1st July 2021

Source: Latte

Date: 1st July 2021

Source: Latte

Date: 1st July 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: 22nd April 2021

Source: Spa Business

Date: May 2021

Client: JVPR Yellow News Source: Spa Business Date: 05/05/2021 Page: 12 Business Source: Spa Reach: 3000 Value: 3877.1400

Date: May 2021

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Client: JVPR Yellow News Source: Spa Business Date: 05/05/2021 Page: 12 Business Source: Spa Reach: 3000 Value: 3877.1400

Date: May 2021

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+44 (0) 20 7264 4700

Source: Hospitality Interiors

Date: May 2021

Source: Hospitality Interiors

Date: May 2021

Source: Hospitality Interiors

Date: May 2021

Source: Hospitality Interiors

Date: May 2021

Source: Telegraph Travel

Date: 4th April 2021

Sunday 4 April 2021



P. 5




‘Pyjama-clad skippers were dashing about, trying to save their boats’

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P. 3

P. 6

P. 9


‘Countdown’ star Susie Dent has the last word on holidays P. 1 1

Room with a


phew: for Europe’s new hotels, there’s light at the end of the tunnel

Stylish stays for summer From Palma, Palermo and Portofino to Venice and Valletta, some of Europe’s finest destinations have new hotels still waiting to open their doors to guests, says Laura Fowler


s spring unfurls and we edge towards freedom, the concept of hopping over to the Continent for a holiday is no longer as abstract and absurd as flying to the moon, but an actual, pinch-me possibility. Europe’s sunshine states are already saying they want to welcome British travellers back to their golden shores, and the date that we might be able to return to them has taken on a kind of magical quality. Along with Europe’s hotspots, all sorts of exciting new places to stay are about to throw open their doors, too. This is excellent news for those who, like me, have failed to find so much as a

yurt available in the UK this August. Who cares about glamping in Gloucestershire when you can (hopefully) skip off to Taormina or St Tropez? This is a year of clean slates and fresh starts. All those hotels in Europe whose openings were put on hold last year, saving their fanfare for an audience, are ready and raring to open their doors to their first guests. Elsewhere, entire hotels have been constructed in the time it has taken me to finish painting my kitchen cabinets. Some are labours of love, like the interior designer who has created her very personal retreat-of-dreams on the out-

of-the-way Greek island of Antiparos. need most right now: a change of scene. Others are ambitious and game-chang- They will remind us what it’s like to eat ing, putting the spotlight on under-the- exotic food that you haven’t cooked radar destinations such as Portugal’s yourself, to wake up in an unfamiliar surf capital or the ancient Ardennes for- room with soul-stirring views of unduest – or a fresh spin on old favourites, lating vineyards, glittering coastlines or from Palma to Portofino. the thrust and thrum of a city, and to Just as our needs have shifted post- dive back into the sea and the fray of life pandemic, so too have hotel offerings in in a world reawakening, just as we are, response. More than ever the focus is on and blossoming anew, as sure as spring sustainability, embracing local food, follows winter. Inside are 25 knockout materials, culture and talent. There’s a newcomers for your first post-locknew focus too on space and mindful- down break in 2021 – all available for the ness – the hotel as a retreat from the warmer months ahead. world, a place to reset and breathe new air. And what they all offer is what we Continued on Page 2

Source: Telegraph Travel


Date: 4th April 2021

Sunday 4 April 2021 The Sunday Telegraph


Cover story

Continued from Page 1

SPLENDIDO MARE, A BELMOND HOTEL Portofino, Italy One of Italy’s most legendary grandes dames, the Splendido, will be joined by a little sister this April. Smack in the middle of Portofino harbour, among pastel-painted cottages, the Splendido Mare, A Belmond Hotel, has evolved from former fisherman’s inn to smart seaside sanctuary for a younger generation seeking a more modern brand of dolce vita. Parisian cool couple Charlotte de Tonnac and Hugo Sauzay, with their agency Festen Architecture, are behind the mid-century interiors, which pay homage to Portofino’s golden era and draw on the locale. Furnishings are sourced in Italy – 1950s antiques, Loro Piana fabrics, Murano glass lighting and Carrara marble in the striped beach-hutesque bathrooms – while Riviera shades of terracotta and sea green are used in the elegant rooms, with French windows opening onto balconies. Downstairs, Chuflay restaurant offers fine dining and even finer people-watching; and guests can also use the restaurants, gardens and pool of the Belmond Hotel Splendido, just up the hill. Doubles from €605 (£517);

 Lofty heights:

36 villas, all with their own pools, nestle in the hills, giving the Turkish Bodrum Loft the appearance of an old traditional Aegean fishing village

 The One&Only

in Portonovi, Montenegro, reopens with Giorgio Locatellidevised restaurants and a sandy beach

THE ROOSTER Antiparos, Greece Quietly fashionable for being the antithesis of its popular neighbours, the sleepy secret Cyclades island of Antiparos will have an exceptional place to stay from June 1. The Rooster is all about slow living and switching off, a quiet thoughtful place with a focus on wellness and sustainability. Owner Athanasia Comninos (whose background is in interior design) worked with Greek architects Vois to create her very personal project: a lo-fi, lowimpact, 17-house stone retreat, a few steps from Livadia beach, where open doorways and windows frame the sky and the sea. Comninos intends breaks at the Rooster to be just that: transformative escapes from the stresses of modern life, resetting through swimming, deep sleeping and deep breathing with the rhythms of the island. Suites from €580;

AIRELLES CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES, LE GRAND CONTRÔLE Versailles, France For the first time since the French Revolution, the fortunate few will be able to stay in the baroque boudoirs of Versailles, when a hotel opens at the palace this spring. Airelles Château de Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle, has been created from a trio of Louis XIV buildings beside the Orangery parterre, within which are a Grand Salon, a restaurant by Alain Ducasse who has reimagined traditional royal cuisine, and a Valmont spa and pool. There are just 14 rooms, all Marie Antoinette-maximalist as you’d hope, fancy as a buffet of patisserie: crystal chandeliers, toile de jouy-canopied four-posters and gilded 18th-century antiques. Guests will be left to eat cake at afternoon tea then, once the day-trippers have gone home, they’ll have the run of the world’s most opulent palace, with after-hours tours, boating on the lake, private access to the Hall of Mirrors, and Ducassecurated string-quartet-serenaded suppers in the garden – and they can even try on the costumes from Versailles. Rooms from €1,700;

IMMERSO ERICEIRA Portugal A point break north of Lisbon is Europe’s surf capital of Ericeira, a fishing town with white-and-blue-painted streets, still little-visited except by salthaired dudes. Until now, accommodation has been cheap and cheerful, but this July that’s set to change with Ericeira’s first five-star, new-wave boutique hotel Immerso. Launched by a surf-

NORDELAIA Piedmont, Italy A 1,200-year-old farmhouse is at the heart of Nordelaia, a charming 12-room hotel opening on a Montferrat vineyard on June 1. British all-female design practice These White Walls (which did Ollie Dabbous’s Hide restaurant in Mayfair) have overseen the sensitive renovation of the historic house, creating calming pale interiors, installing a spa and hammam in the basement, and adding a three-storey building housing restaurants (overseen by Michelin-starred chef Andrea Ribaldone) and a bar serving the hotel’s own pinot noir. Slow food and slow living are key, and guests have cookery classes, truffle hunts and guided nature walks to join, and e-bikes at their disposal for exploring the surrounding countryside’s wineries, medieval castles, hilltop villages and healing mineral springs. Rooms from €205;

SIX SENSES IBIZA Spain This June Six Senses Ibiza joins the

 Versailles treat:

there are just 14 rooms available at Airelles Château de Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle, where you can enjoy private access to stringquartet-serenaded suppers in the gardens

White Isle’s line-up of superstar stays, bringing its luxury wellness concept to Cala Xarraca on the wild north coast. It’s a departure for Ibiza: a 20-acre luxury “village” with rooms, suites and villas that’s open year-round. Taking its cues from its location, it has incorporated elements of Ibiza’s character and polished them five-star glossy: wellness and spirituality in the state-of-the-art spa, spiritual centre and yoga retreats; music and dancing with live music, DJs, a recording studio and beach bar; and healthy, raw and organic food at various restaurants and bars, with produce from their own organic farm.

WUNDERLOCKE Munich, Germany Hip aparthotel brand Locke has chosen Munich as its first foray onto the continent, drawn by its proximity to nature and up-and-coming arts scenes. This July, WunderLocke will become a major creative hub for both locals and guests which, as well as 360 apartments (Pinterest-fodder interiors in bold colours; all with kitchens), has plant-filled co-working spaces and restaurants and, up on the roof, a heated outdoor pool, a cocktail bar, and an urban farm growing WunderVeg.

CASA PACHA FORMENTERA Balearic Islands, Spain When Ibiza’s clubbers grow up they go to Formentera, its chilled-out sister island – and now the White Isle’s Queen of Clubs is doing just that. Casa Pacha Formentera opens this June on the sandy curve of Migjorn, a barefoot beach bolt-hole with a yogic-chic vibe and 14 spare, elegant rooms, all with terraces and sea views. It’s an altogether more sophisticated departure for the brand: a natural palette of woods, polished concrete, neutral linens (the hotel is entirely plastic-free), with mindful and spiritual goings-on: sunset rituals, fire dancing, live music performances and rooftop yoga and massage treatments. At its core is a beachside bar and restaurant, serving up just-caught grilled fish and seafood and local produce, and overlooking Migjorn’s turquoise shallows. Rooms from €400;

loving family, it’s all soul and hyperlocal spirit, celebrating home-grown creativity right down to growing organic vegetables, brewing their own beer and making surfboards on site. The architecture is fearlessly contemporary in wood and concrete, and inspired by the natural surroundings. Rooms from €250;


 Balearic beauty: the new Six Senses ‘village’ in Ibiza

Beside the river Eure in green, serene Monet country, the 18th-century Château de Primard formerly belonging to Catherine Deneuve has been turned into a five-star hotel and gourmet restaurant. Le Domaine de Primard is the most ambitious venture yet for couple Frédéric Biousse and Guillaume Foucher (whose Les Domaines de Fontenille portfolio includes luxe surf lodge Les Hortensias du Lac), and they’re

going all out with a spa, a riverside bar and farm on the 40-hectare estate between Giverny and Paris. It’s a francophile’s dream: oak-panelled on the inside, and absurdly romantic rose gardens and a moat outside.

INIALA HARBOUR HOUSE Valletta, Malta Malta’s big 2021 opening brings a new level of luxury to the island where, despite Valletta’s abundance of grandeur, there’s a lack of truly grand hotels. Created from four 19th-century houses on St Barbara Bastion, the 23-suite Iniala Harbour House, which overlooks the Grand Harbour, is the second property of millionaire trader-turned-philanthropist Mark Weingard (whose original Iniala Beach House in Phuket hosted the Kardashians for a week). Views of Valletta, blue and gold, are around every corner: from wrought-iron balconies (some with plunge pools); from standalone bathtubs set beside shuttered French windows; from fine-dining restaurant Ion which serves nouvelle cuisine on a balustraded rooftop. Suites from €350;

CHATEAU DE MIRWART Belgium When architect John Eyers happened across a fairytale castle in the Ardennes forest, he wasn’t intending to turn it into a hotel. He and his wife fell in love with the place, initially assigning each of its four towers to their four sons. But as the restoration went on, overhauling the French Classicist Château de Mirwart with their architectural Zen-minimalist interiors, they decided it should become a retreat for others to enjoy too, as it was in Renaissance times – a place to live well and eat well (their ambitious young chef has Michelin stars in his eyes), to go walking, riding and fishing, and revivify in the spa, with its infinity pool overlooking the ancient forest. Rooms from €185;

VILLA IGIEA Palermo, Sicily On Palermo’s seafront, a palazzo the colour of Sicilian sunshine has been hosting kings, queens and stars since

Edward VII lunched here in 1907. Burt Lancaster and Claudia Cardinale stayed while filming The Leopard, the book written 20 years earlier a mere horse-and-carriage ride away. Despite its star quality, and that ineffable scruffy beauty that Palermo does like nowhere else, Villa Igiea had rather lost its shine in recent years. But now Rocco Forte will reopen the landmark hotel this May, spiffed up to regal standards once again after a glorious makeover by Olga Polizzi and Paolo Moschino (of Nicholas Haslam Studio), which combines the classic and contemporary. In the gardens of palms and banana trees, there is a curving pool beside the remains of an ancient Greek temple. Rooms from £520;

BODRUM LOFT Turkey The all-villa Bodrum Loft makes a splash on the Turkish coast this May. It’s stacked up the hillside like a traditional Aegean fishing village, but the similarity ends there – this is an all-out luxury resort, designed by Tabanlioglu Architects, who also did the Macakizi

 Chef’s special:

Farm-to-table food is promised in chef Manuel Bouchard’s restaurant at Casa di Langa in Piedmont

 Paradise

regained: Rocco Forte reopens the landmark Villa Igiea this May; cane and leather furniture at the Ivens in Lisbon, top right; Iniala Harbour House, Valletta, above right

Source: Telegraph Travel

Date: 4th April 2021

The Sunday Telegraph Sunday 4 April 2021



CONCEPCIO BY NOBIS Palma, Majorca Tucked down a backstreet running between Palma’s boho Santa Catalina neighbourhood and old town, a 17thcentury soap factory is being turned into the hottest new hotel in the Mallorcan capital. Concepcio by Nobis is the first venture outside Scandinavia for the team behind Stockholm’s Miss Clara hotel – and we can expect the same jolly warmth and spot-on mix of vintage and modern that Nobis does so well. But the Palma outpost will be a fusion of ScandiMediterranean style and palette, embracing its island identity with local artisan-made furnishings in wood, leather and wool in its 35 lofty rooms. When it opens in June there will be a pool on the roof, along with a terrace, bar and restaurant. Doubles from €200;

AIRELLES CHÂTEAU DE LA MESSARDIÈRE St Tropez, France Château de la Messardière has been a St Tropez icon since the Roaring Twenties. From its seat between the hills of Provence and the Côte d’Azur’s glittering blue, the turreted Belle Époque palace hosted Gatsbyesque parties for high society – among them F Scott Fitzgerald and Pablo Picasso, unsurpri singly, whos e favourite drinks have inspired cocktails in the hotel’s Bar 1904. The bar and another St Tropez institution, restaurant Auberge des Maures, are new arrivals, part of the property’s reincarnation when it opens on July 1 as an Airelles hotel. They’ve also created the Kingdom of Children kids club, a brand new Valmont Spa and another outdoor pool, a three-bedroom villa (with the most gorgeous Ananbô mural), and freshened up the interiors – befitting for a renaissance of the Riviera’s Golden Age. Doubles from €1,150;

Two yachts, two rival captains, a storm at sea, a scantily clad woman. What could go wrong? di Langa opens this spring. Designed for US owners the Krause family to work with the surrounding countryside, the new-build terracotta-coloured hotel will have 40 large rooms arranged, ranch-like, around terraced courtyard gardens. Sustainability is the focus: the hotel aims to be carbon-neutral, solarpowered and plastic-free, and with farm-to-table food and drink using produce only from the estate in chef Manuel Bouchard’s restaurant and cooking classes.

ONE&ONLY PORTONOVI Montenegro When Aman Sveti Stefan opened 12 years ago, Montenegro had never seen glamour like it. Since then a bunch of swish places to stay have transformed the shores of its Bay of Kotor, a stunning, sheltered inlet cradled by mountains. The latest and greatest of them arrives this May: One&Only Portonovi, the luxury group’s blockbusting launch in Europe complete with villas, Chenot medical spa, fitness centre, tennis club, children’s club, sailing and diving, Giorgio Locatelli-devised restaurants, various bars and pools and its own sandy beach. Room from €495;

CA’ DI DIO Venice Patricia Urquiola’s bold contemporary interiors within a 12th-century house make Ca’ di Dio, a new five-star hotel overlooking the lagoon near the St Mark’s Square, a rare find. In summer months, a bar and a restaurant pop-up in two internal courtyards, while another indoor-outdoor restaurant has waterside views year round. Rooms from €460;



Beach Club, just along the coast. It’s similar in feel: outdoor-living spaces allow sea breezes in and sea views out, built from raw materials for a rustic sophistication, and working harmoniously with the landscape. Restaurants, bars and pool terraces tumble down to the sea, and a path weaves down through the sandalwood, pine and citrus trees to swimming platforms afloat on the iridescent water. All 36 villas have their own pool, and there’s a spa, too. Three-bedroom villas from €2,750 a week;

THE IVENS Lisbon Exploration is the theme of the Ivens, a ballet-shoe-pink hotel opening this June in Chiado. It’s named after 19thcentury explorer Roberto Ivens whose travels across Africa inform everything, from the fantastical decor – tropical murals, campaign touches in the cane and leather furniture, African art – to eating and drinking, an adventure in itself. A jungly and richly textural food hall designed by Lázaro Rosa-Violán (who created the knockout interi-

Sweden’s grandest place to stay, Hotel Diplomat, welcomes a boutique sibling to the fold on May 6. Located in Stockholm’s smart Östermalm neighbourhood, Villa Dagmar is born out of the 1870 Art Nouveau town house of Axel Munthe – Sorbonne-educated doctor, miracle healer to the poor, author, traveller, self-taught architect (he built Villa D’Este in Rome and Villa San Michele in Capri), best friend to the queen of Sweden and all-round over-achiever – whose home became a vibrant salon for society. Co-owner Anna Cappelen designed the 70-room hotel with this history in mind, as an elegant, eclectic home filled with art, furniture classics and Scandinavian design. Chef/restaurateurs Daniel Höglander and Niclas Jönsson of Michelinstarred Aloë are running the glass-roofed courtyard restaurant. There’s also a spa – and a flower shop. Rooms from SEK2,850;

BANYAN TREE ANGSANA CORFU Greece What would Gerald Durrell have made of Corfu’s latest digs? This spring, spa hotel brand Banyan Tree’s first European resort opens on a coast near the seaside village of Benitses. Angsana Corfu is a slick new-build resort which combines wellness with family-friendly favourites – pool villas, children’s club, three pools (one children-only), and 11 restaurants and bars, including an outpost of Athens’ Michelin-starred Botrini’s. Rooms from €219;

CASA DI LANGA Piedmont, Italy On another vineyard in Piedmont, Casa

After King Alfonso XIII’s grand tour of Europe, he returned home to find the Spanish capital somewhat wanting in the luxury hotel department – so promptly commissioned Cesar Ritz to build him one next to the Prado. Success: Grace Kelly and the Prince of Monaco honeymooned, Hemingway stayed, and James Stewart was almost turned away for being “not the Ritz type”. Three years ago, Belmond sold the hotel to Mandarin Oriental, which has spent three years giving the grande dame the facelift of her life; and this April Madrid’s Ritz is set to reopen, with the glass dome of its Belle Époque Palm Court intact once again. Rooms from €640;

FOUR SEASONS SAN DOMENICO PALACE Taormina, Sicily No amount of overtourism can extinguish Taormina’s magic, although it does help to have a particularly exquisite corner of it to yourself. The San Domenico Palace has provided an escape from the fray for 125 years for everyone from D H Lawrence to Sophia Loren, with its gardens of lemon trees, its pool terrace overlooking Etna, its intriguing history from 15th-century monastery to golden-age Hollywood hangout and a highlight on the Grand Tour at the turn of the 20th century. This summer it reopens, all fixed up after a three-year makeover, as a Four Seasons hotel.

VICO Milan Neri Baccheschi-Berti – a son of the family behind one of Tuscany’s loveliest hotels, 12th-century Castello di Vicarello – is opening a seven-bedroom guesthouse of his own in Milan. It’s set in his mother’s former fashion showroom on Corso Genova (Italian boys never stray far from their mothers) and the vibe is Italian modernism meets Moroccan bohemia, with tiles from Fez, kilims as art, and a green marble bar serving organic wine from the family’s Tuscan estate. Rooms from €280;

PALAZZO FIUGGI WELLNESS MEDICAL RETREAT Lazio, Italy Michelangelo and Pope Boniface VIII both came to take the waters in Fiuggi when they were feeling under the weather (though not at the same time). Today the spa town, an hour outside Rome, remains a wellness destination, and this spring a major new health resort will open with a crack team of doctors, scientists and therapists, and star chef Heinz Beck on nutrition. From €7,095 for a seven-night day wellness programme, all inclusive;

If, like me, you have been ardently watching ZeroZeroZero from behind the sofa, you may have decided that Monterrey, Mexico, is not the place to take the kids this summer. The bloodiest scenes in the cocaine trafficking thriller happen there. Calabria, on the other hand… well, that looks neat. The ’Ndrangheta may have made €53 billion in 2013 (the last time they filed accounts) but they haven’t wasted any of it spoiling the place. With cracking canyons and mountains it is rugged, sun-baked and dramatic – but will the Mafia bother you? In The Honoured Society, his study of the Sicilian wing of the family enterprise, Norman Lewis wrote that, thanks to the Camorra, you could leave your hotel room unlocked when visiting the ruins. Years ago, I rented two smallish sailing boats out of Lamezia on the Calabrian coast. It was a grown-up, celebratory trip to the Aeolian islands. The boats were brand new. We quickly divided into “an old couples’ boat” and “a smoking boat” (made up of ne’er-do-wells and singles). Ben had brought his girlfriend. It was sunny. She popped into her bathing outfit and the effect was, well, notable. This was not my assessment. The women on our family boat never, ever stopped talking about it. Wherever we sailed – Stromboli, Lipari, the Calabrian Medici city of Tropea – the “attached” women would come round to an assessment of Patricia’s figure. The hired skipper of the naughty boat, too, was transfixed. He could hardly steer in a straight line. Our family boat had a quiet, sober, middle-aged hired hand, while Captain Haddock of the smokers’ boat was a loud, flamboyant, cigar-chomping Florentine who, when not trying to “help Patricia steer”, was disparaging about “the south” – the ignorance, the clumsiness, the backwardness of Calabrians. One day, our commander pointed out that a sirocco was coming. Without any fuss, he hurried us to a hurricane hole. We dropped our anchor half a mile from our bow and lashed our stern to the quay. He warned the other boat of the danger but the Florentine buccaneer ignored “the peasant”. Besides, he wanted to show bella Patricia the blue grotto. Their boat arrived late. The harbour was already full of storm escapees. He had to tie up outside. Our Calabrian


For more information and advice on holiday bookings during the pandemic, see tt-covidtravel

Griff Rhys Jones Mr & Mrs Jones

ors at the Amazónico in Madrid and Soho House Barcelona) is divided into various quarters: a polished bar, Italian restaurant, oyster and seafood bar, grill and outdoor terrace. And, hidden away, a hush-hush jazz club, too.


WAR N I NG There are travel restrictions in force throughout the UK governing trips both within the country and abroad. For more information, see coronavirus; coronavirus-covid-19;


Still waters in Scilla, Calabria – but when the sirocco struck, ‘pyjama-clad skippers rushed about, trying to save their boats’

‘The hired skipper was transfixed by Patricia. He could hardly steer in a straight line’

skipper showed not a flicker of emotion. I was woken at 4am by a furious juddering and went on deck. A mighty wind was roaring. We were steady, if shaking like an Apollo re-entry capsule. Further up the harbour, pyjama-clad skippers who had not set their anchor half a mile out were dashing about, trying to save their boats. A huge replica pirate ship parted from its hawser. Fifty men rushed to haul it back into place. Just then, Patricia bounced into view, in a negligee. She braced herself against the wind and took a snap of them. They all started shouting – and nearly let go. Early next morning, the wind died. Our Florentine Jack Tar hailed me and escorted me along the quay. He showed me the stern of the naughty boat, which was crushed to smithereens after repeated bashing against the dock. “You!” He pushed a stubby cigar in my face, “you pay for this repair, mister. Insurance, no! You are the renter!” On the eight-hour sail back to Calabria, I eventually turned the conversation away from Patricia’s “ridiculous” night attire to my plight. “Darling,” I sobbed, “this will be ruinous.” My taciturn Calabrian captain suddenly spoke up. “Greef,” he said quietly. “With my friends in Calabria, I am the owner of these two boats we sail. Do not worry, I know it was not your fault.” He turned to stare across at the other boat. “I know whose fault it was.” It was a look I have only ever seen again recently, in ZeroZeroZero. I don’t know how long the Florentine skipper stayed after we left. Maybe, who knows, forever. But Calabria is a great place to visit. It has some excellent concrete bridges and motorways, too. To read more of Griff Rhys Jones’s travel writing, see team/griff-rhys-jones

Press Coverage RU



Date: 1st July 2021


Date: 1st July 2021

Source: Aeroflot

Date: March 2021

Source: Aeroflot

Date: March 2021

Фото: архивы пресс-служб




Source: Forbes

Date: July 2021

Source: Forbes

Date: July 2021

Palazzo Fiuggi – настоящий аристократ


олее ста лет назад в итальянском городке Фьюджи, что в самом сердце провинции Лацио, лучшие местные архитекторы возвели Grand Hotel Palazzo della Fonte. С первых минут своей жизни он навсегда стал не просто самым изящным и современным отелем в Европе, но и фаворитом оздоровительного отдыха всей европейской аристократии и высшего общества, включая многие королевские фамилии. В 2019 году Лоренцо Джаннуцци, CEO и генеральный директор легендарного курорта на Сардинии Forte Village Resort, вместе со своими партнерами вложил в реставрацию Palazzo, этого элегантного в каждой своей детали творения, более 30 миллионов евро. Учитывая размах в условиях мировой пандемии, полностью обновленный Palazzo Fiuggi Wellness Medical Retreat действительно лучший из лучших. Судите сами.

– Синьор Джаннуцци, мы знаем, как непросто подарить «вторую жизнь» зданию, которое обладает колоссальной исторической и архитектурной ценностью. Расскажите, почему вы решили восстановить именно его. – Palazzo Fiuggi всегда занимал особое место в моем сердце. Прекрасно помню, как познакомился с этим творением много лет назад – с 1988 по 1992 год я работал в сети Forte Hotels и руководил реконструкцией и открытием Palazzo Fiuggi в качестве генерального директора, уже тогда четко осознавая его исключительный потенциал как роскошного медицинского курорта. Уникальные целебные свойства воды Fiuggi, известные еще со времен Средневековья, умиротворение, которое царит вокруг, расположение Palazzo на высоте 700 метров над уровнем моря и чистый, богатый кислородом воздух, не загрязненный заводами, – все это

создает идеальную среду для трансформации, оздоровления и хорошего самочувствия гостей. Я буквально влюбился в красоту и историю величественного Palazzo и его окрестностей! Однако на тот момент мне предложили должность управляющего директора сети в Карибском бассейне и Западной Атлантике, и я на время оставил этот замечательный проект. В 2019 году Palazzo был выставлен на аукцион, и после пары неудачных сессий я добился успеха! И вот после двух лет научных и медицинских исследований и обширной реконструкции, которая вернула первоначальное величие этому прекрасному зданию в стиле либерти, Palazzo Fiuggi приветствует своих гостей и предлагает им не только оздоровление, но и самое настоящее повышение и улучшение качества жизни! – В чем выражается философия Palazzo Fiuggi?

Source: Forbes

– Palazzo Fiuggi – самый инновационный оздоровительный и лечебный курорт в мире. Аутентичный храм всего в часе езды от Рима специализируется на регенерации клеток и улучшении состояния всего организма. Он сочетает в себе глубокие холистические традиции и самую передовую традиционную западную медицину, чему способствуют ведущие мировые технологии, доступные на базе отеля, – МРТ, инфракрасная технология для здорового сна, улучшения функционирования мозговой деятельности, сканирования сетчатки и диагностических тестов. Все наши программы (Complete Life Rewind, Optimal Weight, Deep Detox и lmmuno Boost) основаны на медицинских показаниях, разработаны нашей суперкомандой всемирно известных врачей и экспертов и соответствуют индивидуальным требованиям гостей. Всего через неделю после старта вы можете сдать анализы крови и наглядно убедиться в улучшении многих показателей. – Давайте поговорим детально о процессе оздоровления и восстановления природы красоты, с которыми в Palazzo Fiuggi тесно связаны медицинские услуги. – Медицинский директор и научный сотрудник отеля доктор Дэвид Делла Морте Каноши – высококлассный специалист в области неврологии и лидер нашей команды специалистов, изучающих все области интегративной медицины. Его исследования и опыт в области физиологического старения, метаболических, сердечно-сосудистых и цереброваскулярных заболеваний играют неотъемлемую роль в концепции курорта. Точно так же, как и наша уникальная диагностическая техника. Например, IMEDOS Retina Scan проверит состояние микрососудов и на очень ранней стадии выявит все сосудистые риски. NILAS в режиме реального времени оценит функциональные параметры уровней стресса и подберет биомаркеры для выбора оптимального лечения и рекомендаций врачей. Важно упомянуть и необычный протокол,

Date: July 2021

основанный на транскраниальной фотобиомодуляции инфракрасным светом для лечения тревожности и нарушений сна. – Синьор Джаннуцци, какие инновации скрываются за Workout Movement Lab – уникальной лабораторией фитнеса? – Workout Movement Lab – это больше, чем тренажерный зал: пространство площадью 400 кв. м, где много воздуха и света, расположено в бывшем бальном зале прекрасного Palazzo. Наша команда тренеров предлагает всесторонний подход к спорту, который поможет гостям похудеть, приобрести хорошее самочувствие и улучшить осанку с помощью самых передовых технологий. К этим технологиям относятся lcaros, ультрасовременный аппарат, который имитирует полет над городом Фьюджи в виртуальной реальности для стимуляции различных групп мышц с акцентом на верхнюю часть тела, а также Reaxing, особый метод тренировки, который использует способности тела реагировать на внезапные раздражители. – Давайте отметим самые сильные стороны Palazzo Fiuggi с точки зрения медицинского туризма. Что получают ваши гости? Возможно, есть программы или направления, которые нравятся вам лично?

– У Palazzo Fiuggi масса достоинств, которые отличают его от конкурентов. В основе нашей уникальной концепции – многолетние научные и медицинские исследования от ведущих мировых экспертов, а также уникальная лечебная линия продуктов питания, настоящий эксклюзив для оздоровительного курорта. Она была разработана Хайнцем Беком, шеф-поваром, отмеченным тремя звездами Мишлен, в сотрудничестве с профессором Дэвидом Делла Морте Каноши, медицинским и научным директором Palazzo Fiuggi. В этой необычной линейке продуктов используются не только полезные, но и вкусные биодинамические ингредиенты и питательные вещества. Наши повара придерживаются принципа «еда как лекарство», идея которого заключается в оздоровлении организма при правильном приготовлении и подаче блюда. Кроме того, со времен Римской империи вода Fiuggi известна своей чистотой и мощной целебной силой. Папа Бонифаций VIII и Микеланджело высоко ценили ее свойства, особенно за свое чудесное исцеление от камней в почках. Выделить определенную программу лично мне всегда сложно, ведь каждая из них – это уникальное предложение для наших гостей, которые хотят изменить свой образ жизни и привычки в лучшую сторону.


Date: 16th June 2021



Date: 16th June 2021

Source: S7


Date: 26th April 2021



Займитесь счастьем

03/2021 Журнал для пассажиров

Художница ИРИНА КОРИНА || КАМЧАТКА || Наукограды как среда обитания || Актриса МАРИЯ ШУМАКОВА || Российские сериалы в эпоху глобализации || САМАРА || Ведущие керамисты современности || Кто изобретает новые материалы || Ботаника на службе гастрономии

Source: S7

Date: 26th April 2021

Press Coverage Germany

Source: Falstaff

6th April 2021 _

Date: 6th April 2021

Source: Falstaff

Date: 6th April 2021

Source: Falstaff

Date: 6th April 2021

Source: Insiderei


Date: 16th April 2021

Source: Insiderei

Date: 16th April 2021

Source: Insiderei

Date: 16th April 2021

Source: Imagine Magazin

created by:

Date: April 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Imagine Magazin

created by:

Date: April 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Imagine Magazin

created by:

Date: April 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Imagine Magazin

created by:

Date: April 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Imagine Magazin

created by:

Date: April 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Proud Mag

created by:

Date: March 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Proud Mag

created by:

Date: March 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Proud Mag

created by:

Date: March 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Proud Mag

created by:

Date: March 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Proud Mag

created by:

Date: March 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:


17.03.2020 _

Date: 17th March 2021

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Starling PR

Date: June 2021



Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Source: Streifzug

created by:

Date: June 2021

Starling PR Helen Daffner & Isabel Schleiwies

Address: Dreimühlenstr. 29 80469 München Deutschland

Telephone: +49 (0)89 124 77731 E-Mail:

Press Coverage Row

Source: Elle Turkey

Date: 29th May 2021

Source: Best in Travel

Date: April 2021

Source: Best in Travel

Date: April 2021

Source: Best in Travel

Date: April 2021

Source: Best in Travel

Date: April 2021

Source: Best in Travel

Date: April 2021

Source: Destin Asian

Date: July - August 2021

Source: Destin Asian

Date: July - August 2021



fiuggi in focus In the hIlls of lazIo, Italy’s newest medIcal retreat sets the stage for a transformatIve wellness experIence.

holistic haven

Clockwise from above: Palazzo Fiuggi’s gym; morning yoga at a nearby waterfall; overlooking the eight-and-a-half hectare estate; a shirodhara treatmeant.


D est inAsiA

cal spa and health center equipped with thalassotherapy pools, Roman-inspired baths, advanced diagnostic tools, and, in what was the hotel ballroom, a stateof-the-art gym. Lasting a week or more, programs tailored by in-house clinicians focus on immunity boosting, longevity, detox, and weight loss. These are supported by spa treatments that run the gamut from sound and infrared therapy to Dead Sea mud wraps and Ayurvedic sessions. Food is central to the experience. To devise its personalized menus, Palazzo Fiuggi has brought in German chef Heinz Beck, best known for his three-Michelinstarred La Pergola restaurant in Rome. Here, he has worked alongside the retreat’s medical and scientific director to create a line of dishes that promise equal

servings of nutrition and delectability. Add in the property’s salubrious setting — it sits 700 meters above sea level amid an extensive natural park — and you’ve got the perfect base for a restorative post-pandemic escape. —David Tse Seven-day programs including meals, accommodation, and all the Fiuggi water you can drink start from €8,900 per person. ju ne / August 2021

tyson sADlo

The healing mineral waters of Fiuggi may have cured Michelangelo’s kidney stones, but it wasn’t until the early 20th century that the central Itali ta ly ian town (an hour’s drive east of Rome) emerged as a fashionable spa destination. Now, almost 110 years since the Grand Hotel Palazzo della Fonte opened as the most elegant place to stay in Fiuggi, the estate has been transformed by its new owners into a 21stcentury medical wellness retreat called Palazzo Fiuggi ( While the Liberty-style building’s original grandeur — think frescoes, Murano chandeliers, and acres of Carrara marble — has been updated with contemporary furnishings and color palettes, its former conference facilities are now a vast medi-

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

Source: The Best Hotels Guide

Date: June 2021

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