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SEMESTRALE N. 2/2016 Poste Italiane Spa – Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale – 70% NE/PD Tassa Pagata/Taxe Perçue/Economy


LETTER FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER What an amazing summer 2016! The debut of the “new� Forte Village has been a great success! The satisfaction of our customers, moreover, is the most important objective that repays us for all the hard work and sacrifices made by our staff, by those who work behind the scenes and by those who, every day, interact with our guests. We have achieved our goal: to blend tradition with innovation while maintaining the unique style of the Resort. We have widened our appeal through a series of new services and facilities and by adding more affordable luxury accommodation, such as the eight refurbished and renewed (five-5* and three-4*) hotels. Our turnover has reached remarkable results that go even beyond the excellent years of 2007 and 2008. A datum that makes us proud, when one considers the overall worldwide decrease in business growth in this area. Furthermore, we were filled with joy when Forte Village won yet another collection of awards at the last World Travel Award ceremony, independently acknowledging, once again our Resort, as a world leader in the field. Our work, nonetheless, continues. We always stay abreast of the newest trends, but we especially want to listen to the needs of our guests, especially those who demand the most from a holiday, wishing to live the dream. We took care of the health of our guests by revolutionising the concept of Spa, but the surprises do not end here: from the autumn of 2017, we will offer even more, with the wide selection of winter treatments in our new indoor facility. To satisfy every pleasure of the palate, we invited thirty Michelin-starred chefs from around the world to host gourmet evenings of their cuisine, a record in the luxury


resort world. We will continue in the infinite search of taste, to give you the very best in quality and variety that you can enjoy during a holiday. Sports, with us, know no boundaries. From 2017, fencing, martial arts and gymnastics will join our established range of sports academies. Last but not least, the new arena. Forte Arena has hosted, among many others, the unforgettable performance by Andrea Bocelli, last summer. An event that showed the potential desire for more recreational and cultural activities. Alongside the opera season, which will open in June in collaboration with the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari, some of the most widely acclaimed international musical artists will perform at the Forte Arena next summer. To learn more, I invite you to continue reading Uniq magazine, where you will find previews, proposals, ideas and plans for another incredible holiday with us in 2017, the time and place to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul.


Enjoy your wellness experience



















The success of the 2016 season.

Thanks to its wonderful microclimate and to a spectacular transparent structure, the season of the Acquaforte Spa will now be extended beyond the summer. Keyword: detox. The unique and magical combination? Thalassotherapy and nutrition, cell renewal and a health boost.

A fitness coach such as Giampiero Ventrone. New protocols to strengthen muscles and rebalance posture. The professionalism of the Forte Lab to monitor physical fitness, before beginning each programme. All this is the extraordinary Acquaforte Spa. All this to be the first.

We all have a right to happiness.

The historical voice of Deep Purple: “Our new album, experimentation and pure joy”.

For an exclusive gourmet Christmas, try the recipes of Paolo Sirmioni, Executive Chef of the Forte Village, Sardinia.

The success of an idea that combines culture, environment, and performances of International standing. Acclaimed artists each for different audiences, which through a carefully studied calendar of shows confirm the soundness of an artistic, economic and entrepreneurial project.

Let’s find out what made the 2016 summer so special.

The new 2016 Academies and other important developments.

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Volleyball, football and now golf.

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UNIQ BIANNUAL MAGAZINE Owned by Progetto Esmeralda Srl Santa Margherita di Pula (CA), S.S.: 195, Km 39,00

Site manager: Luciano Tancredi

Publisher: Lis srl Via dei da Prata 14, Treviso

Editorial Staff: Forte Village Santa Margherita di Pula (CA), S.S.: 195, Km 39,00

Printer: Stamperia Artistica Nazionale Via D’Antona, 19 - 10028 Trofarello (TO) www.stamperiaartistica.it

Registrazione al registro della stampa del Tribunale di Padova, n. 2421 del 30/05/2016. È vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale della rivista senza l’autorizzazione dell’Editore. In questo numero la pubblicità non supera il 30%. Il materiale inviato in redazione, salvo accordi specifici, non verrà restituito. L’Editore è disponibile ad assolvere ogni obbligo nei confronti dei titolari di diritti relativi a testi, immagini, illustrazioni e fotografie che non sia stato possibile contattare.


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LORENZO GIANNUZZI. Mission accomplished. The success of the 2016 season. It has been a truly amazing year, even the warm weather has brought results and the new image of one of the most prestigious Resorts in the world has been widely appreciated and welcomed. Forte Village panorama. The renovations, the embellishments, the extensive range of new facilities and services have enhanced the quality experience in this corner of paradise on the beautiful, tranquil coast of Santa Margherita di Pula: more than ever it is a truly magical place in which to enjoy the finest pleasures in life and revel in the total relaxation and freedom of a lavish holiday. Boasting eight hotels (five 5* and three 4*), over forty suites, eight luxurious villas, an innovative spa with thalassotherapy and a number of entertainment areas, all immersed in the luscious nature of Sardinia, Forte Village won yet another collection of awards at the last European Gala of the World Travel Awards ceremony. “The transformation is tangible and the positive and enthusiastic comments of our customers are our greatest reward,”

Presidential Suite.

said Lorenzo Giannuzzi, CEO and General Manager with great satisfaction.

— What have the strong points of the summer

“We can proudly claim to have distinctively

of 2016 been?

improved the entire facility: this is

In our area, there are no limits for improvement: the only boundaries

the right path that we intend to continue

are those of imagination and creativity. The secret is to always

following, towards delivering an ever

bear in mind our guests’ needs, to intercept their preferences,

more exceptional holiday experience

their moods and, above all, listen to their suggestions. We started

in the future”.

from the bedrooms, performing a complete refurbishment of all the accommodations in the Resort. We took care of the health of


our guests by renewing the Spa through the implementation of its scientific facilities, with specialised personnel and a wide range of medical check-ups that are complementarity to our thalassotherapy treatments. The SPA transformation will also continue next season, starting in autumn 2017, when a lightweight covering will be set up so that our guests will be able to enjoy our Wellness facilities year round, including winter months. As always, health professionals will be available for our guests with personalised programmes, such as detox

Presidential Suite.

and anti-aging treatments.



— Sport is synonymous with Forte Village. What were the innovations of 2016 and what is in store for next year? The Resort sports formula follows a precise protocol,

We created the new Forte Arena as the space dedicated to shows

offering a 360° training, a wide range of disciplines

and the ideal place to nurture culture and knowledge.

welcome here, we are constantly introducing new disciplines in order to satisfy our guests’ every desire for their moments of leisure. We are studying the launch of new sports academies, such as fencing, martial arts and gymnastics. Furthermore, we entrust the maximisation of sports performance to the best expert in the field: next year Giampiero Ventrone,

C O L L E C T I O N : L I G H T




— What are the innovations for guests amusement? The goal is always to provide high quality entertainment.

and the best coaches available. Sports are always



the fitness coach of Juventus FC, will be with us once again to provide his specialised training programmes. Our most extravagant sports innovation for 2017 is the expansion of the kart track that will finally be homologated in order to be able to host International competitions. We really believe in this activity as it attracts a wide and young public and, above all, it can be practiced any time of the year.

Last year’s performance by Andrea Bocelli, for example, was such a resounding success that we experienced an increase in guest arrivals who chose to come to Forte Village just to attend the concert. This has “opened our eyes” on a market of great interest for the public, and one in which we will certainly invest more energy and resources for the summer of 2017. The musical events will be enhanced, starting with the opera season, which will begin in June in collaboration with the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari. Furthermore, every Saturday some of the most widely acclaimed international musical artists, will perform on the stage of the Forte Arena...Stay tuned!!!

— A healthy mind and a healthy body also pass through the best cuisine, is this yet another big must of the Forte Village?

— Director, what is the first evaluation since the debut of the “new” Forte?

We are unique in providing the setting for the only restaurant in Italy endorsed by Gordon Ramsay. The culture of excellence in food at the Forte Village, includes a choice of 21 restaurants

The numbers are clear: our surveys of guest satisfaction are

in high season, signature dishes and cooking classes with top

the highest ever and our turnover has reached historical results,

professionals. In addition, in 2016, thirty Michelin-starred chefs

worthy of the pre-economic crisis period. This is an even

visited the resort to host gourmet evenings of their cuisine.

more significant event, given the general global decline

A world record both for the palate of our guests, and for the high

in this area.

quality of our gourmet offer.

Oasis swimming pool.






M C I P O L L I N I . C O M Children’s Wonderland.

Forte Bay Area.


D_SIGN AD Enrico Cesana / Styling Dorelan_Cesare Bazzoni / Photo Andrea Danesi_Studio Tre


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It’s winter... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SEASON! Thanks to its wonderful microclimate and to a spectacular transparent structure, the season of the Acquaforte Spa will now be extended beyond the summer. Keyword: detox. The unique and magical combination? Thalassotherapy and nutrition, cell renewal and a health boost.


Sisley Paris Booth.

What if winter, for others such a grey time of the year, was to become your new beauty season? What if these dreary months, usually spent in the city, waiting for a happy break, were the best time to think about yourself, your body and your nutrition? We think they are, because at the Forte Village winter “does not exist”, thanks to the wonderful microclimate that characterises the coast where the sea sparkles and the Resort is located.

Acquaforte pools.

Imagine, three hundred days a year of sunshine and mild, enjoyable temperatures, while elsewhere the sky is cold and dark. The season of the Acquaforte Spa will now be extended beyond the summer. A futuristic and transparent structure will be expanded over the pools and gardens, which will allow our guests to continue to benefit from the world’s most powerful natural detox, the unique thalassotherapy treatment, and to complete

nutrition programme, studied, creative

its effectiveness with innovative new protocols

and rewarding, always calibrated

designed by our medical team directed

to your needs, and always combined

by Dr. Angelo Cerina. In 2017, Doctor

with the purifying power of thalassotherapy.

Cerina will be joined by Dr. Elisabetta Orsi,

Just imagine the effectiveness of our exclusive

an internationally renowned naturopath

slimming, detox, sports and holistic wellness

nutritionist. Why would such a well-established

programmes, specific for every need: remise

professional nutritionist, who is a consultant

en forme, muscle strengthening, and

to the most extreme marathon runners, those

psychological rebalancing. And now,

who challenge each other in the hot desert

try to imagine your winter in the embrace

and in the icy surroundings of Alaska, choose

of the Acquaforte Spa, which joyfully

to work with the Acquaforte Spa? It is because

welcomes you to Sardinia, away from the cold,

we consider the well-being of our guests in its

grey depressing city environment.

entirety. The effectiveness of our approach has

Forte Lab.

been perfected from developing our unique and


advanced method of thalassotherapy, which

The result is a nutrition imbalance that

in itself is the most holistic approach using

produces toxins which burden and slow

seawater, and the endless wealth of its salts

down the organism, weighing down

plus sunshine and fresh air. To the natural

the body, taking away vitality from cells

combination of thalassotherapy we have now

and tissues, causing a weakening

added the science of nutrition and the results

of the psyche.

are unmatched. Unbeatable. Deep and lasting.

Exactly the opposite of thalassotherapy that,

Let’s understand why. Wellness means living

thanks to its trace elements, accelerates

at the centre of one’s life energy, with balance

cellular exchanges, deeply detoxifies,

and fluency, regardless of age. Nutrition is

revitalizes, prevents aging and by boosting

often unbalanced, in an increasingly stressful

the hormone of happiness, it induces

environment, amongst a multitude of daily

a state of euphoria.

commitments and deadlines.

Now imagine a scientifically developed

Another rhythm. Another lightness.

Acquaforte pools.




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A fitness coach such as Giampiero Ventrone. New protocols to strengthen muscles and rebalance posture. The professionalism of the Forte Lab to monitor physical fitness, before beginning each programme. All this is the extraordinary Acquaforte Spa. All this to be the first. Winners think about “everything”. Winners are those who think of the body as a complex and wonderful system. Winners are those who think of spending their next vacation in the fantastic and comprehensive Performance Centre of the Acquaforte Spa. Why? It is “everything” you need to get back in shape and perform your best thanks to the extraordinary programmes of our team of fitness coaches, doctors and nutritionists. But what does “everything” mean? “Everything” means that the devised training and strengthening method addresses the body as a whole: how we move, how we eat, how we regenerate ourselves, and how we prepare ourselves, even psychologically, to overcome the most difficult obstacles we encounter.

This is true both for professional sportspeople in their forthcoming competitions - or for whomever may need to recover from fatigue and stress - and also for the most passionate and demanding amateurs. There could not be a better endorsement than the name heading the Performance Centre?: Giampiero Ventrone, is the internationally renowned fitness coach, who has years of success in Italy and in Europe coaching peak fitness performance from the star players of top football teams such as Napoli and Juventus. His task is to assess the athletic shape of each guest, monitor their performance by medical examinations carried out at the Forte Lab and, on this scientific basis, develop the best programme to realign and strengthen each individual body. Five exclusive protocols, “Postural-Muscular Rebalancing”, “Performance”, “Specific Sport”, “Weight/Size Loss” and “Basic Programme”. At Acquaforte Spa guests can avail themselves of two impressive gyms each equipped with the latest Technogym® equipment, a unique thalassotherapy circuit, sports facilities, swimming pools, nature fitness trails, a restaurant with menus dedicated to each dietary requirement and, not least, the advice of one of the most famous Italian nutritionist naturopaths, Dr. Elisabetta Orsi. Results? Visible within a few days of training. This is thinking about “everything,” and it shows!

WINNERS THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING. BUT WHAT DOES “EVERYTHING” MEAN? Performance Centre: Prof. Giampiero Ventrone (archive photograph).






BOCELLI We all have a right to happiness.

— Bocelli, you have stated: “We are all called to the world


connected to the songs that make up my last album, “Cinema”:

to be happy and we all have a right to happiness.” What is,

a perfect selection of songs related to the films I have most loved,

in your twenty years of career, one of the moments of joy

that have marked my life, that made me grow, that elated me, that

that you remember with greatest affection and that still

amused me, that made me fall in love.

moves you? A career is like a house made of many bricks, each of which

— In 1994, you won Sanremo in the New Proposals category;

has its own essential function, otherwise the house could

in 2015 the trio Il Volo won the Festival. Do you think the public

collapse... Every moment, every encounter, every show has had

always appreciates pop music contaminated by opera?

its importance and its beauty: from my first venue, when I was

More than contaminate, my desire has been to support and spread

a teenager in a village near Lajatico, to my last performance.

good music, whichever repertoire it belongs to. Classical music

Naturally, there are events and circumstances that I remember

and pop music are two different universes, each with its own

before others, such as my opera debut (in 1994, in Verdi’s

peculiarities and artistic dignity. My course of studies is the one of

“Macbeth”), or my first time at the “Metropolitan” in New York,

an opera singer, even though it was through pop, early in my career,

or the concert in Central Park... That being said, whether I’m in

that I reached the public. My encounter with music, during my

front of a hundred thousand people, or a small school, before

childhood, was with the voices of the much-loved artists

sovereigns or a few friends, the commitment and the joy that I

of the ’900 opera, from Enrico Caruso to Beniamino Gigli,

feel, when I sing, are basically the same.

from Tito Schipa to Franco Corelli... Personalities who have made the history of opera singing and who have also interpreted many

(photo by Luca Rossetti).

— You come from a family involved for generations


popular “romanzas”. Contamination is nevertheless an essential

in the Tuscan agricultural tradition. Tell us an episode

spark in the evolutionary development of man: whenever two

that most recalls your childhood, immersed in the countryside

differences intersect, a small miracle takes place and something

and scents of Valdera.

new is born. The history of art is full of contamination: popular

I remember that, especially in the summer, unforgettable football

and classical music have always found points of contact,

matches took place in the courtyard of our farmhouse where

of intersection, of exchange, often drawing mutual benefi t

the flowers, that my grandmother and other relatives were trying

from a creative point of view.

to grow, were recurrently the victims of the blows of our ball... Casa Bocelli was the headquarters of a gang of children that lived

— During the funeral of Luciano Pavarotti, you sang

in the area. Our grandmother-teacher, Andreina, kept an eye on

the Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart. What memories do you have

us and offered snacks to everyone. We devised bands, assigned

of the great Italian tenor?

ranks, raided the fields and the rivers armed with slingshots...

He was an exceptional artist and a dear friend. His death, though expected, saddened me very much. I perfectly remember his funeral

— You are the father of three. How do you manage

in Modena, on a clear day in early September. He himself had

to combine success, your engagements all over the world,

indicated the guidelines for his own funeral. He had also specified

with your family commitments?

how he should have been dressed: as for a concert, with the white

The family is the main brick of society: a forge of affections,

bow tie and a milky-white scarf in his hand: he had thought

a privileged place where you could find harmony and mutual

of this as his last show, the last embrace with his audience, the last

respect... A dimension in which to be guided and to guide -

tribute to music, that when it is great, music is always sacred.

in every action - towards choosing the option that favours the common good. I try to be a father who is present and caring, even if the time available is never enough. But I want, and therefore make sure, to be close to my children, despite my profession. You can always find time to dedicate to your loved ones: you just need to be organised. — Prior to asserting yourself with great success in opera, you had your debut in pop music. First with Virgin Records, then with Sugar, Caterina Caselli’s label. What is the pop song

To give an idea of the magnitude of Andrea Bocelli, it is enough to take a look at the numbers, to which one must add a long list of awards, including that of Grande Ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito of the Italian Republic, prizes, performances and highly prestigious duets. His name is one of the best business cards of the Italian musical tradition in the world with eighty million albums sold in over 70 countries: not only an “opera tenor with a voice of rare beauty, he also has a rare sense of romance and melody”, as defined by the tenor Franco Corelli, his point of reference and mentor. The courage and tenacity of Bocelli have allowed him to reach the highest peaks, thus making him one of the most important symbols in the struggle to overcome the barriers created by poverty, disability and social alienation.

you are most fond of? The one to which I feel most grateful to is probably “Con Te Partirò”, since it has provided a tremendous springboard towards International fame. It is undeniable that this song has become a classic in its own way, at all levels, able to stir, to enter into people’s hearts. I for one never get tired of singing it. Honestly, however, I am tied to everything that I sing: to be able to perform a pop song, but the same goes for opera, I have to hopelessly fall in love with it. To be able to interpret the song at its best, I have to make it mine, believe in it. In other words, love it...

Interview by

LUCIANO TANCREDI fortevillage.com

If this does not occur, I simply do not sing it, because it would sound dishonest and insincere. In this sense, today I feel strongly

Andrea Bocelli at the Forte Arena.



The Bishop, saluting Luciano, chose to quote the First Letter of Paul



— Your talent is appreciated all over the world,

to the Corinthians: “Though I speak with the tongues of men

but especially in the United States and in Russia. How do

and of angels, but I have not charity, I have become sounding brass

International audiences differ from Italian audiences?

or a clanging cymbal.”

I think I am very lucky because I unfailingly have a generous and well disposed public before me wherever I perform, including Italy.

— Within the International scenario, with which colleague

How do you IMAGINE it?

But sometimes, to be honest, opera audiences in my country, and

have you felt the greatest affinity?

in Europe in general, seem less inclined to let themselves go, to

I prefer not to name just one, as in doing so I would wrong

have fun and enjoy the art of sounds with ease, to be moved,

the many others who have my highest consideration. The world

to share strong emotions... A certain restraint, that I would not

is full of talented colleagues, even among the younger generations.

know whether to call shyness or disenchantment, is sensed from the stage, which is not perceived in the United States,

— During the interpretation of which opera have you felt

nor in Russia.

the greatest elation, and in which, if any, have you encountered difficulties? I am lucky to have received the gift of a voice with certain characteristics, thanks to which I can interpret the main roles that the great composers have developed from the heroic figures of literature, those moved by high ideals and impulses of love... If I were a deep bass, it would be factually more difficult to repeatedly embody intrepid and heroic profiles! I can therefore say I feel great enthusiasm for almost all the operas I sang. The latest I have sung and recorded, Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida, under the baton of Zubin Mehta, undoubtedly poses important obstacles in the role of Radames, whose arias present complex passages. The role moreover calls for a constant heroic quality, which the voice must honour without sacrificing adherence to the score and the quality of the phrasing. Aida is a title that cherished by Verdi, from patriotism to the ideal tension, from violent passion to desperate love. — Your performances have been held in some of the most beautiful places in the world, often in the presence of prestigious and Internationally renowned personalities. From the Colosseum in Rome, to the wedding of the Monaco Royals, Albert II and Charlene, to the most important theatres in Europe

INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY and PASSION Trust on YOUNG people Proud to be ITALIANS Able to lead the CHANGE to believe in a PROJECT and to shape it with SELF-SACRIFICE, FAIRNESS but above all HUMILITY

This is us, since 1987. Now let’s discover the future, TOGETHER

n s

are everywhere

(photo by Massimo Sestini).

I particularly love, a sort of quintessence of the great themes

and in the US. Was there an occasion in which you particularly felt the thrill of going on stage?

— You are also known for your great social commitment,

I feel the thrill you refer to whenever I am in the limelight,

which you have been carrying forward from 2011 with the Andrea

no matter where. Being emotional by nature, even today,

Bocelli Foundation. What were the most difficult obstacles

whenever I get on stage I feel tense, though I try to maintain

to overcome? And what are, today, the greatest barriers

my self-control and to convert my anxiety into positive energy.

for people who, like you, are disabled, or are alienated due

I felt a very special emotion on every occasion that I had the

to poverty and social inequality? What can we do to contribute

immense privilege of singing in front of Pope John Paul II,


Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis...

We all have obstacles to overcome, and limits to challenge. Unfortunately, the problems of the world are many, and even

— On August 12th you also performed at the Forte Arena

in Italy the social alarm that the crisis is producing is felt

of the Forte Village. What emotions did you feel singing

dramatically. Each of us can do something, indeed much can be

in the open air, in such a magical place?

done: every smallest contribution is essential! As I often remind

It was a great joy: as I have said before, I carry Sardinia in my heart

those around me, even if good does not make the headlines,

for many reasons: it is an island that I love, and a land of which

I think it represents the only feasible way forward for humanity.

I have many fond memories, both personal and professional.

Siding with good, you can contribute by trying to return a better

In Cagliari I had my first theatrical title role debut, in “La Bohème”

world to our children. I strongly believe in the organisation of the

by Puccini... Returning to the island to sing, even more so

foundation that bears my name (ABF), wich was conceived as a

in this brand new arena, was very satisfying. The atmosphere

living laboratory, where every drop has its weight in the actions we

of the place has without no doubt contributed positively

do every day, and where even the smallest contribution is valued.

to the artistic quality of the final product. A warm and sensitive

Together, in these five years, ABF has already achieved ambitious

audience, a perfect environment; in conclusion, an evening

projects, which have brought hope and a future to many people,

of celebration!

especially children, in Italy and around the world.


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(photo by Tommaso Mei).

— Ian Gillan, historical voice of Deep Purple, tell us


— Deep Purple are recognised for the ability to mix

what is the secret - if there is one - for a marriage that

many kinds of music: from hard rock to funky, from jazz

has lasted nearly half a century, between highs and lows,

to classical and Eastern music. Is rock dead, as is claimed

conflicts and reunions?

by some, or is there still room for innovation?

Well, it is just like a marriage, in which the key to success relies

I was inclined to think it was all over, but having recently worked

entirely on human chemistry and common interest. And, just like

with bands like Rival Sons and Toseland, I believe there is hope

some marriages, we have been through a divorce, and survived,

after all.

and thrived. Of course, there are ups and downs, “Heaven wouldn’t be so high I know, if the times gone by hadn’t been so low” (from Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming Screaming), ), but things now are

— What can we expect from your new album? Further developments, strange as that may sound after so long.



The historical voice of Deep Purple: “Our new album, experimentation and pure joy”.

Bob Ezrin, our producer, has given us some perspective on exactly who we are and so the exploration of new themes, as in the last album, continues. I can’t believe that we have come up with this kind of material, which I had never heard before, and at this stage of our lives; but this album is pure joy for me. It’s impossible to describe it

(photo by Bob Mussell).

as good as they have ever been. The band is HOT!

in words, so you’ll have to judge for yourself when it is released in February 2017. — During the summer of 2009, you performed at various rock festivals in lieu of Oasis. The public followed you with incontrollable enthusiasm. How does it feel to know that you are so popular with young people even now, fifty years after your debut? Strangely, the audience at the Oasis shows had an average age of 30, whereas in recent years, Deep Purple’s audience has been of 18-25-year olds in most countries. I love the energy the younger crowd brings to the shows, it is inspirational and, as the sixth member of the band, the audience makes a huge contribution to the performance. — Deep Purple was born in 1968, in an age of change and social and political rebellion, so far an unrepeated event. What, in your view, is the most important inheritance we have received from


those times? And what was the biggest failure? I would say the most important thing was the transistor, which gave us radios we could take out of the house and thus escape the control

Interview by


In contemporary rock Olympus, only a few true gods remain and they, certainly, are amongst them. From that day in the 70’s, when Jon Lord had the insight to connect a Hammond to a Marshall amplifier, the distorted organ timbre that, from vinyl records to mp3s has been their trademark sound, was born. Deep Purple have spanned the consciences of generations, contributed unexpected impulses to composition thus becoming, alongside Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, the pioneers of heavy metal, and, in almost half a century-long career, gaining immortality in the musical culture of the world. Today, with a new album expected in 2017, the British band is preparing to tread the boards once more and they will doubtless be able to offer yet again a breath-taking performance, as they did in the 2011 Verona Live, in which their electric guitars were flawlessly mixed with the delicate and definite sound of a full orchestral ensemble. fortevillage.com

— In 1972 you achieved a place in the Guinness Book

of our parents, in other words... freedom! Paradoxically,

of records as the world’s loudest band, by touching 117 db.

the biggest failure, in England anyway, has been the loss of freedom

Do you have the intention of surpassing yourselves?

of speech, in this pathetic era of political correctness, when people

I beg your pardon? Can you repeat that again? Seriously, sound

take offence where none is intended and often take offence

production is much more sophisticated these days, so you can be

on behalf of someone who is not offended at all.

proud and powerful without being deafening.

— In contemporary music, what is the most significant sound

— Rock is made of dualisms: The Beatles and Rolling Stones,

legacy from those years?

Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Can you tell us about

I would say that the greatest sound legacy came from The Beach Boys,

an episode that you had with Robert Plant’s band that remained

The Beatles, and Elvis Presley. Technically, there has been nothing like

in your heart?

them since then.

I can’t say we ever had any ‘episodes’ with Led Zeppelin. What a fabulous group they were!

— Drugs were a common element of music production in the 70’s, a factor that touched the band personally, resulting in the loss

— What prompted you to choose the Arena of Verona for a live

of guitarist Tommy Bolin. What thoughts come to your mind today,

recording in 2011?

when thinking about that period, so intense, but also so difficult

I think the sheer magnificence and glorious history made a fabulous

and tragic?

setting for our concert. Although the decision was not mine.

There were no drugs in the band when I was a member, we drank whisky and smoked cigarettes: both boringly legal. So, I can’t really comment on something I didn’t experience.

— Who are the artists of today that excite you? That is hard to say; I am out of touch with contemporary music.







For an exclusive gourmet Christmas, try the recipes of Paolo Sirmioni, Executive Chef of the Forte Village, Sardinia.


with white wine, served with seasonal vegetables and prickly artichokes. This dish is well suited to the holiday season: warm and enveloping, it will certainly gather around the whole family.

SERVINGS: 8 A rack of veal cutlets 50 ml of olive oil 50 g of butter Sage, rosemary, thyme 4 cloves of garlic 2 large carrots, diced 2 sticks of celery, diced 1 glass of white wine Salt and pepper to taste.

SIDE DISH 8-10 prickly artichokes 50 g of bacon, diced 5-6 large potatoes, pared 4 carrots, sliced 4 courgettes, sliced 3 red onions, sliced A few basil leaves Olive oil as needed, salt and pepper to taste

PREPARATION Ask your butcher to prepare a clean rack of veal cutlets for you. Place the meat in a baking pan, season with salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic and butter and sear on the stove at a high temperature to colour the meat. Add the spices and put the baking pan in a 160°C oven to roast. Add the carrots, the celery and the white wine. During roasting - about 1 hour - occasionally baste the meat with the pan gravy. Once cooked, allow the rack to rest for about twenty minutes. Meanwhile, clean and peel the artichokes, cut them into wedges and sauté them in a pan with oil, garlic and the basil leaves. Add the diced bacon to taste. Season with salt and pepper. Prepare the potatoes, the carrots, the courgettes and the onions. Sauté the vegetables in a pan with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

PRESENTATION Cut the loin into slices and place a slice on each plate. Decorate with the vegetables, the potatoes and the artichokes. Drizzle with gravy and serve hot, serving the remaining gravy in a gravy boat.





MARINATED SALMON, TUNA, AND SWORDFISH FILLETS with passion fruit, ginger and lime dressing, and a touch of pomegranate.

Our menu follows the rhythm of the nature of Sardinia: the ingredients brought to the table by our chefs are selected among the first fruits of every season and remind us of the beauty and sincerity of our Earth. Welcome to the MOOD.

This is an appetizer that evokes Christmas‌ a special day, as special as the simple but delightful preparation of this regal fish dish, enriched by a dressing scented with exotic and fresh hints, but softened by the red wintry notes of pomegranate.

SERVINGS: 8 1 Kg per type of selected fish, already filleted.



8 passion fruits, 20 g of grated ginger,

1.5 Kg of sea salt, 1.5 Kg of brown sugar, 2 oranges, 4 limes, 50 g of ginger,

1 lime - zest, 1 pomegranate, olive oil.

a few grains of black pepper, lemon grass to taste.

PREPARATION STEP 1 Mix together the salt, the sugar, the grated citrus rind, the grated ginger inger and a few grains of crushed black pepper. Cover the bottom of a baking dish with a layer ayer of this mixture and arrange the fish fillets. Coat the fillets with another ther layer of mixture, making sure that all the fish is perfectly covered. Put in the fridge for 24 hours, remembering to turn the fish fillets upside-down, and making sure that they are always completely covered by the salt mixture. After 24 hours, wash the fillets under cold water and pat dry with paper towels.

Wrap the fish fillets in cling film and leave them in the refrigerator for a few days. STEP 2 Split the passion fruits in halves, reserve the juice, taking care to remove the seeds, pour the juice into a blender along with the ginger and the lime, and add the juice of half a pomegranate. Blend with a drop of olive oil. STEP 3 Arrange the fish fillets in a fan shape on a serving plate with a little fennel in the centre. Drizzle with the dressing and garnish with the pomegranate seeds.

PRESENTATION Arrange on a plate and garnish with pomegranate seeds and fennel cut into very thin slices.






stuffed with guinea fowl and fois gras, cream of porcini mushrooms and black truffle. This is a sumptuous dish, with sophisticated ingredients and strong wintry flavours. Definitely worthy of being served at your Christmas dinner party.



250 g of Manitoba flour, 250 g of wheat semolina, 4 eggs, 3 egg yolks,

400 g of fresh (or frozen) porcini mushrooms,

30 g of olive oil, 1 pinch of salt.

500 ml of cream, 1 white onion, a sprig


of thyme, salt and pepper to taste.

500 g of guinea fowl breast, 200g of foie gras, 1 white onion - caramelized, a few sage leaves, butter and olive oil as needed, grated Parmesan cheese to taste, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.

PREPARATION STEP 1 Prepare the pasta dough by mixing all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth th and uniform; cover with cling film and leave to rest for about two hours. STEP 2 Cut the guinea fowl breast into cubes and brown in a pan, with a little olive oil, over high heat, then add the fois gras, the sage and the caramelised onion. Add salt and pepper and cook for about 2 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and then blend well in the mixer, adding grated Parmesan and nutmeg to taste. STEP 3 Roll out the pasta dough in a layer about 1 mm thick and cut out squares of about 6/7 cm. Put a teaspoon of the filling in the centre of each square, then join the sides of the squares in order to create a pyramid, making sure to pinch the edges with your fingers to seal the tortello well. STEP 4 Cut and simmer the onion with a little olive oil, add the porcini mushrooms and a sprig of thyme. Combine the cream and a pinch of salt and pepper; if you wish, add some grated Parmesan Cheese. Blend well. STEP 5 Cook the pyramid ravioli in plenty of salted water. Drain well and sautĂŠ in a hot frying pan with butter and sage. Place a spoonful of the warm porcini cream ream on the serving plate, arrange the ravioli, and complete with very finely sliced black truffle.

PRESENTATION Serve with black truffle, butter as needed, a few sage leaves.






The Arena, launched by the Resort management, was born thanks to an investment of around two million Euros: it offers over five thousand seats and more than twelve hundred parking spaces. It was built by the Forte Village Resort staff using environmentally friendly materials, and was completed in record time. A precious jewel, beautifully set in the surrounding environment.

The success of an idea that combines culture, environment, and performances of International standing. Acclaimed artists each for different audiences, which through a carefully studied calendar of shows confirm the soundness of an artistic, economic and entrepreneurial project. By


Thus, the huge acclaim received for the first

the world. Through careful scheduling,

four events in summer 2016 was more than well

Forte Arena will present acclaimed tenors,

deserved. With Fiorello hosting the opening,

sopranos and directors, with the performance

followed by Anastacia, Renzo Arbore and the

of Aida expected to entice fans from all

Orchestra Italiana, and ending with Andrea Bocelli,

the five continents. A goal which will have a strong

there could not have been a better beginning.

resonance on the economy of the territory.

“And in 2017 we will begin with operas of

In short, the history of tourism of the island

International relevance” remarked Lorenzo

of Sardinia now has another valuable chapter

Giannuzzi, CEO of the Forte Village Resort.

on its side with the branding, expertise

The DNA of the Arena is flawless: the entire area has

and endorsement of the Forte Village.

Forte Arena (archive photograph).

benefited from the endorsement of a high-profile location, which offers interesting opportunities for the whole of Sardinia. That there will be success is beyond doubt. The first four events have confirmed that the path is the right one. However, here at the Forte Village, they seize the moment: they do not like to rest on their laurels. Executives of the Resort have already had the upcoming year on their radar. “We will begin by signing a prestigious agreement with the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari and we will open the season with Aida, in June. The cast - said Domenico Bagalà, Forte Arena Manager – is still to be confirmed, but the presence of the orchestra and choir of the Teatro Lirico is certain. Which means about seventy musicians and sixty choristers with exceptional curricula. We will enlarge the stage, increasing its front length from 20 to almost 40 metres. An investment

Forte Arena (archive photograph).

that will allow us to host the artists on a scenic section of over 600 square metres.” Bagalà allows himself to smile. Engineer, transportation, logistics and sea shipment expert, he has found vitality


and enthusiasm in the team and in the projects coordinated by Lorenzo Giannuzzi. “After offering superb classical music, we will continue in July and August with at least four concerts, perhaps more, every month. The artists? Undisputed stars.” To sum it up, the Forte Arena has become a very trendy spot and, as such, competes with the Internationally celebrated Taormina and Verona. The events with Fiorello, Anastacia, Arbore and Bocelli have brought ample positive consensus from critics, public and institutions. The legacy of 2016 is the platform of marvellous artistic and musical entertainment stories. It has fused excellences and

Forte Arena (archive photograph).


different worlds. A scenario that will recommence with the finest opera to conquer admirers around

Forte Arena (archive photograph).




IT ONLY HAPPENS AT THE FORTE VILLAGE Let’s find out what made the 2016 summer so special. CUISINE & WINE

BeachHouse Sylt




Together to cook and have fun. The chefs Gianluca Fusto, Emanuele Scarello, Rocco Iannone, Pierre Meneau, in collaboration with Cantina Aneri, created a unique experience for the Resort guests, an eight-handed event, where the creativity of the four blended in the kitchen to create a journey to discover unforgettable flavours.

Somewhere in the dunes, there is a place of happiness, silence and peace. With a wonderful view over the north sea the Beachhouse-Sylt is located in the south of the capital Westerland on the island of Sylt. To make every day unique is the philosophie of Jan Scharfe (owner) and his team. “The stars at this awesome place are my guests, the products and the ocean!“ says Jan Scharfe The menu changes every day to stay interesting for the locals and the tourists. Freshness and quality are the main points in the kitchen of the Beachhouse-Sylt. In the season Hendrik Kleist (Chef) always gets up at 5:00 in the mornig to get the best products from the local fishermen. Also beef, lamb and most of the vegetables are from local farmers.




During July and August,

Dinner with a view at Emanuele

From 2016, the Forte Gourmet

the starred chef Carlo Cracco has

Scarello’s restaurant, the “Trattoria

has been transformed into an haute

delighted Resort guests during

Italiana”, on its exclusive terrace

cuisine school, by opening the

a Gourmet evening in collaboration

on the sea.

Cooking Academy to our guests.

with Pommery.


A big choice of Champagne mixed with great white and redwines from all over the world leave nothing to be desired. 364 days in the year the Beachhouse-Sylt welcomes his guest from 11:30 to open end. Hope to see you soon on the roof of the island


BeachHouse Sylt Käpt‘n-Christiansen-Str. 41a 25980 Sylt OT Westerland Germany




Thirty Michelin-starred chefs took

Inauguration cocktail of

A signature one-man show,

An evening in Piazza Maria Luigia

turns on the stage of the Forte Bay

the exclusive Damiani Shop,

conducted by Fiorello,

with the group Ricchi e Poveri and


with a runway show in the Piazza.

for the inauguration

Pupo, winners of the UK formats.

of the new Forte Arena.

Unmistakably present in the Piazza of the Forte.

Telefon: +49 4651 288 78 www.beachhouse-sylt.de









Carlo Cudicini 18/06 - 26/06

Match between stars at the Tennis

What are Fiorello, Meloccaro,

On the track of the Forte Village

Paulo Ferreira 25/06 - 03/07

Champions Tournaments, with the

Ilie Nastase e Magnus Larsen doing

Leisureland amusement park,

Dennis Wise 16/07 - 23/07

face-off between Paul Haarhius

on one of the 12 tennis courts of

karts challenge each other to

Tore Andre Flo 25/07 - 01/08

and Dominik Hrbaty.

the Forte Village? Simple, playing

the last curve in the competition

The great champions never fail

one of the most exhilarating

offered by the Main Sponsor

to be found on the lawn at Forte

matches of all times!



ITALIAN CREATIVITY IS RECOGNIZED EVERYWHERE. It transpires from that distinctive Made in Italy

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communication group that through brand

of Italia Brand Group. Giving a Brand that

competence, creative thought and technological

unique charisma that stems from a deep-seated

innovation aims to build “Italy-minded” brands.






OCTOBER 30TH Forte Village and Challenge Family

The Sports Academy Centre arrives

together once again for another

to the Forte. Four schools to hone

triathlon competition, defying

the talents of dance, boxing, ping-

every resistance.

pong plus... one for conjuring and




magic tricks, with Marvin’s Magic Academy.















Well-known Thomas train stops

A real wonderland! Every day,

The Children’s Wonderland turns

At the Forte Fortissimo the night

over at the Children’s Wonderland.

at the Children’s Wonderland,

pink. With the most beloved doll

is young. Hawaiian Party, one of

creativity and imagination go wild

of all times – Barbie - surprises

the many theme nights that have

with theme parties.

never end.

enlivened the summer under the stars of the Forte Village.



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New synergies to be experimented

The Performance Centre opened

The chef Rigothier delights the palates of the guests invited to the Rolls

are generated by the fusion

in the Oasis of the Spa, coordinated

Royce dinner. The refined style of the cuisine is set alongside the elegant

between Acquaforte and Sisley

by Giampiero Ventrone, the fitness

and timeless brand.


coach of football stars.




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DANCE, MAGIC, BOXING AND PING PONG: FOUR ARTS UNDER ONE ROOF The new 2016 Academies and other important developments. The desire for a holiday arises when one wishes to treat oneself to something that often one is forced to give up.

Each of these disciplines was studied in detail

in compliance with international standards, and

and at various levels of expertise, to ensure the

will host the Rental Kart world championships,

participation of everyone. The summer of 2017

which will be open to everyone, even to those

will witness the inclusion of new specialities,

amateurs who wish to participate in the qualifying

And it is quite remarkable to realise that sports

to try to encompass every form of sport

races. Without forgetting cycling and triathlon and

is that “particular detail” that nobody

wellness. I am happy to announce that there will

their academies, open from May to September.

relinquishes at the Forte Village when, at last,

certainly be a school of artistic gymnastics,

one has time to devote to one’s emotional and

open to athletes of all ages.

guests, regardless of their age, display a constant

— Tennis remains a great classic at the Forte Village.

physical well-being. In fact, all the Resort’s — What was the greatest satisfaction

Certainly. It is a much-loved and pursued sport

interest and involvement in an array of sporting

of the season?

by our guests and next year we will add two

activities, from the various disciplines to the

The athletic entertainment for children has

extra indoor courts to the already extensive

fitness centre, from training to improve their

been a real success. Often, children who live

dedicated structure. We will once again host

appearance and body functions, to athletic

in cities such as London, Moscow, Milan, Paris,

the ITF tournaments from March to May,

training and competitions. “The data prove

frequently have difficulty in finding a wide range

and then again from September to November.

it”, explains Angelo Giannuzzi, Director of

of activities in one place, as is offered here at the

The players in the men’s singles, women’s singles

the Sports Academy Center, the 2016 sports

Forte. Furthermore, the mixture of languages and

and doubles categories will challenge each

novelty. “In September we made our periodic

the interaction with other children who come from

other, for a prize pool of $ 25,000. In our school,

assessment, analysing the high-season numbers.

afar enrich the cultural background of the children

moreover, we have nine professional instructors

We interpreted the tastes of our guests, what

and their knowledge of the world, while practicing

who speak sixteen languages. Tennis is an activity

they welcomed and what they suggested, thus

sports. Children come here on vacation, practice

that is also very popular among Italian stars.

succeeding giving our guests the very best

and compete together in sports; hence, sports

Last August “Fiorello and Friends” was held on

in sports, while keeping in line with the style

bring different cultures closer together.

our tennis courts: a very entertaining match in which the Italian showman Fiorello played

of our brand”. — Give us another preview on next summer... — What did the guests of Forte Village enjoy this year?

against Carlo Cracco, Stefano Meloccaro and

Our kart track will be completely refurbished.

the tennis champion Arthur Larsen, before

It will be expanded and homologated,

an audience of 400 spectators.

Our sports academies were highly appreciated, and we will continue to develop them by adding new disciplines to the ones currently offered, as we observed that sports are widely valued by our customers. From water sports to tennis, virtually everyone focuses on his or her well-being and many choose to regain their physical fitness during the holidays, perhaps in order to be able to enjoy a few extra culinary delights, guilt-free. — What is the strength of the new Academy Center?

www.bonfissuto.com To order your Christmas “Panettone” info@bonfissuto.com

This year we have added four categories of sports at the highest level: dance, table tennis, the school of magic and Frank Buglioni’s boxing.




Gian Paolo

Volleyball, football and now golf player. But also writer, commentator and university professor. Gian Paolo Montali is one of those people who not only lives sports, he traverses them, influences and professes them. Since his 1986 debut as coach of Santàl Parma, he has collected many successes: appointed head coach of the Italian national men’s volleyball team in 2003, in five years he collected two European gold medals and a silver at the 2004 Olympics, five championships in four different cities, eighteen European cups and a World Cup. Then followed the era of football: member of the board of directors of Juventus from 2005 to 2009, he then moved on to AS Roma, at first with the role of general coordinator, and later of General Manager of the club until 2013. Today, Montali’s new mission is called the Ryder Cup 2022, one of golf’s most prestigious events, of which he is director: it is a challenge between Europe and the United States which will be played for three days on golf courses in Italy, where this sport is for many still a world to be discovered and, above all, appreciated.


Volleyball, football and now golf.

(photo by the Italian Golf Federation).

— Gian Paolo Montali, the first Ryder Cup ever in our country


(photo by the Italian Golf Federation).

— The Italian Ryder Cup will also receive investments



(photo by the Italian Golf Federation).

strategic marketing and especially on the values of golf. I will tell you

will be published in the pages of the magazine of the best Resort in

will have your mark. Can we call you an ambassador of golf in Italy?

by the Government and the Coni, as well as creating new jobs.

one thing: golf is the only sport without a referee. Because compliance

the world, which is right on the south coast of Sardinia and just a few

Among the roles that the president of the Golf Federation,

What is the potential of the event in economic terms?

with the rules is the centre of its essence. For this reason, we want to

steps away from the golf course. I was recently at the Forte Village

Franco Chimenti, has entrusted to me, besides the organization

A study commissioned by us has quantified the economic impact:

introduce it even in schools.

and I personally saw the magical blend between this structure

of the Ryder Cup, there is precisely this mission: to follow

a value of one billion and 50 million euros over the next eleven years.

the development and growth of golf in Italy by putting my knowledge

Furthermore, the event will defend the already existing jobs in the

to use; that of a person who did sports and won a lot, in order

sector and will create new ones, attracting great sponsors with its

and British) to a Made in Italy Ryder Cup?

to explain that golf is a real sport, with real values. In this sense,

appeal. Finally, it will offer the opportunity to make golf tourism

Great enthusiasm. When we released the statement to the press, we

volleyball. Football, obviously, is quite another matter. But how did

yes, I somehow feel an ambassador.

flourish in our country, which is well suited for obvious reasons,

noticed that the piece of information of greatest appeal was that it

you approach the world of golf?

with all the connected activities that will follow.

would be held in Rome. And I must confess that even greater (I was told

Walt Whitman said: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I

jokingly but not by that much) was the enthusiasm of the wives of the

contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.” All quotes aside,

golf professionals, who will be able, during their stay in those days,

there are no differences between sports if one pays attention to

— Tell us more about this competition. What are the numbers, in terms of players and spectators, which circle around this event?

— Why eleven years?

and the natural beauty of the location. — What is the reaction of golf professionals (mostly American — One never forgets one’s first love, and yours is certainly

We have a long-term vision, far-sighted. To implement it, we requested

Eleven years because a condition negotiated with the Ryder Cup

to enjoy the charm of the capital. And, do not forget the satisfaction

the underlying culture which is the same for all. I am a very lucky

the participation of the Italian Government, which has also provided

brand is that the Italian Golf Federation must organise every year, for

of the Italian champions, not only for the Ryder Cup, but also

person because I have always worked in sports, enjoying myself

guarantees to the English owners of the Ryder Cup brand, and the

the next eleven years, an Open with a total prize money of € 7 million,

for the official ‘Opens’ and the millionaire tournaments that will be

very much. Just think, I studied medicine, I should have become a

commitment of Coni, in the person of the President, Giovanni Malagò.

a record for us, so as to bring to Italy the best players in the world and

played in Italy.

dentist and stayed locked in an office all day... Instead, I had this great

In these last few days, I have been to the United States to assist the 2016

therefore create our own audience for this sport. The whole project

Ryder Cup: six days in all, with fifty thousand people on the stands during

will actually end in 2027. The intention is to nourish the culture and

the competitions and forty-five thousand watching the champions’

knowledge of this sport in Europe and especially in Italy, a country

Simone in Rome, but also Is Molas course in Sardinia, just steps away

winning a lot, football as a mature man and today golf, at a time of my

training sessions. The Ryder Cup is also the third largest world event with

that, both for its geography and receptivity, seems born to host it.

from the Forte Village. From the point of view

life when I felt like accepting a difficult challenge. We will see. Would

of the structures, do we have all it takes to live up to the occasion?

you like to know the truth? I do not even know if golf will be the last

We will try to distribute the eleven Opens and the Challenge on the

sport I will be involved in.

regards to media visibility; just think that the first place is held by the final match of the football World Cup and the second by the Olympics.

— What is the current state of “golf culture” in Italy and what

opportunity, thanks to my deep-seated curiosity and my desire to — Scenario of the competition will be the Circolo Massimo

For the Americans, the Ryder is a Superbowl multiplied by six days. Each

feedback is expected from our audience?

Italian territory and certainly on the islands. We would be very happy

hole on the course has an amphitheatre nearby that can sit 5-10 thousand

At the moment quite trivial, in fact. But with the activities we are

if Is Molas should candidate itself, because Sardinia is the ideal place

planning, things will change. We will work on communication,

with regards to accommodation. It is no coincidence that this interview

people. This is what we will also have to implement in Italy.


always learn something new. I practiced volleyball as a young man,

Interview by

L U C I A N O TA N C R E D I fortevillage.com





NATURE A solid and fascinating journey.

A mosaic that brings together history, traditions and faith in an ocean of colours with aromas, fragrances and emotional desires: this is Sardinia, a breath-taking island paradise.


to the fifteenth century BC. Named Su nuraxi,

they serenade her to the notes of Sa cantada a is

it was brought to light in the 50’s by excavations led

piccioccas. Following this, the dowry is transported

by the archaeologist Giovanni Lilliu. The village,

to the house of the future spouses. The robing of the

a UNESCO World Heritage Site, can be visited 365

couple, in the typical “Campidanese” houses called

days a year, is worthy of great attention and leaves

lollas, precedes the blessing by their parents which

its mark. Ineffaceable. Coated almonds, grains

is done through the sprinkling of salt and wheat on

Combed by the northwest winds, adorned by an

of rice and sheaves of wheat under the bright sky

the spouses’ heads and the breaking of a plate. Then

ancient natural habitat, thousands of years old,

recall of Selargius, a densely inhabited town in the

the fiesta explodes. The groom is accompanied by

sealed by rituals and time-honoured customs, the

hinterland of Cagliari, it which is renowned for its

launeddas players to the bride’s house. Together,

Island of the Four Moors deserves an unhurried

Sa coja ceraxina: a wedding in chains, charming

they go to the Romanesque church of San Giuliano.

discovery. Away from hysteria, last minute trips,

and able to steal the visitors’ soul.

In a jubilant burst of religious Sardinian songs,

stereotyped quick getaways. From Cagliari, the

The origins of the Ancient Selargino Wedding

they both sign the marriage contract. The most

capital of the Region, to some of its most prestigious

are lost in the mists of time and are annually

glamorous moment? The couple exchanges a

centres, a flurry of architecture, landscapes and

re-enacted between the first and second week

written love vow that will be unveiled only during

magic explode in a territory that enchants. The

of September. A wedding ceremony in stages,

their twenty-fifth year of marriage. Finally, the

art of silence and reflection. Villages, fortresses,

intriguing and full of pathos. On the eve of the

ritual of rituals: the bridegroom slips the little

churches, all reveal a land both harsh and rich in

ceremony, the groom is accompanied by friends in

finger of one of the hands of his future life partner

appeal. Television networks from around the world,

traditional costume, to the house of his fiancée.

into one of the rings of the chain that surrounds

for example, compete to secure that which, in the

To conquer the heart of the future bride,

her waist. The knot is unbreakable. We hope.

Mediterranean basin, is considered to be the mother of all festivals. Devotion and folklore in celebration of the warrior martyr Saint’Efisio. For nearly four hundred years, religious ceremonies and liturgies mark the first of May in Cagliari. Over six thousand islanders walk in procession, wearing traditional costumes, rich in gold, silk, velvet and leather. Accordions and launeddas create the soundtrack: a journey back in time. Embellished by traditional songs, the pageant in honour of the patron of the Region’s capital winds solemnly and passionately through the city centre. A showcase for tens of thousands of tourists and believers that moves and intrigues. The procession is a large and passionate event also for the laity. The militia on horseback,

(photo by Dario Sequi).

the chariot of the Saint greeted by the sound of the sirens of the ships at anchor, bells tolling in full peal, lace, brocade and exquisite jewellery worn by men, (photo by Dario Sequi).

women and children. But it’s the magnificence of the women’s attires to charm the tourists: the ladies


of Sardinia gracefully walk on the Sa ramadura, an astonishing lawn of petals and essences strewn on the central Via Roma. A pool of flowers at the foot of City Hall. The symbolic act that leads the celebration, the believers and the yokes of the beautifully decorated oxen, amidst corn cobs and oranges, to Pula. Sant’Efisio protects the Sardinians and its guests: a good reason to not miss a unique display involving the entire island. And when it comes to territory, one must underline the sensitivity shown to its guests by the Resort Forte Village, located on the southwestern coast of the island. The Resort usual clichés. For example, the trip to the Nuragic village of Barumini: a must for Japanese, French and Americans. Since 1997 pearl of the UNESCO heritage, of priceless archaeological value, the Nuragic area offers a special atmosphere just a half hour’s drive By

MARIO FRONGIA fortevillage.com

from Cagliari. In ancient times, it was the seat of power in an economically prosperous area and an important communication hub, the site dates back

(photo by Dario Sequi).

also offers glimpses of Sardinia that are far from the

(photo by Dario Sequi).





A selection of this winter’s most fashionable accessories you just can’t do without!









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