Kidneys filter blood to extract fluid and waste and make urine. At times fluid levels in the blood are low while the quantity of waste is high. The waste build-up causes renal calculi or kidney stones. Kidney stones are solid masses made of deposited salt and minerals, mainly calcium. TYPES OF KIDNEY STONES The kidney stones come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the type of deposition.
CALCIUM This type is the commonest. You develop them due to deposition of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. Eat chips, peanuts and chocolate in moderation, as they are rich in calcium oxalate.
URIC ACID The uric acid kidney stone has a male predilection but can occur in females as well. It develops in gout patients or those undergoing chemotherapy when their uric acid gets too acidic.
STRUVITE They are big enough to impede urine flow. Women with Urinary Tract Infection often contract Struvite kidney stones. The best kidney doctor in India will treat the UTI to ward off these stones.
CYSTINE These are the rarest of all. They are a result of a genetic disorder, and prevalent in both, males and females. In this condition, the kidneys release Cystine into the urine.