Pages 10–13
MWR snacks
Pages 18–22
Focus on festivals
Pages 26–29
Director, Family & MWR Venicia Morse
Marketing director Kimberly Perrenot
Editor/Writer Angie Andrews
Graphics Toby Bartley, Emiliano Hernandez
Contributing writers Donovan Blas, Olivia Lamkin, Bianca McClendon
Contributing photographers
Angie Andrews, Kelsey Ferguson, Emiliano Hernandez, Patti Jeffrey, Bianca McClendon, Lional Kam, Kaweka Stoney, Toby Bartley, Hillside Journal Photography Club, JBLM Public Affairs
For commercial sponsorship or advertising inquiries, off-base businesses, call 253-966-2256.
EXPLOREJBLM is an unofficial information source. Activities described herein, which are open to authorized patrons and, where applicable, guests, are subject to change; contact the activity for confirmation. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent Family & MWR, Joint Base Lewis-McChord or any U.S. government entity. The use of a commercial sponsor logo or mention of a commercial sponsor or other organization does not constitute U.S. government endorsement.
NOTE: Events mentioned in this issue may be canceled or revised after publication date. For current updates, visit JBLM.armymwr.com.
April is Month of the Military Child! Join us in celebrating how our children are brave, fearless and resilient. Kids’ Fest will also kick off our focus on festivals this spring, as kids come to the rescue during this superhero-themed event.
Three MWR contenders have entered the ring to help you fight off all your hunger pangs. Discover some of the snacks our taste-testing team recommends!
Warm, sunny days are coming soon. Plan to safely enjoy entertainment, venues, programs and events in the season ahead.
to JBLM! Located in the Evergreen State, JBLM is the perfect place for you to bloom.
MWR is here to meet your needs and support you through our programs and services. Options for families include child care, Youth Sports, the youth and teen center, School Support Services and more. Single Service Members can link up with BOSS (see page 6) as a starting point, and all MWR patrons and their families can enjoy our libraries, fitness centers, the Arts & Crafts Center, auto care centers, golf courses, Bowl Arena Lanes, indoor and outdoor pools and playgrounds, Outdoor Recreation programs, discounted tickets from Leisure Travel Services and classes, resources and programs from AFCS. The possibilities are endless!
Celebrate Month of the Military Child with us. This April, we’re showcasing how our military children are brave, fearless and resilient — and how they’re superheroes! Check out what some of these caped crusaders have to say about life as a military kid starting on page 10.
Devour all the delightful MWR fun, and dine on some delectable snacks. Peruse a vast buffet of job options when you attend one of our job fairs. Relish days spent in the great outdoors with Outdoor Rec rentals, the Outdoor Rec Expo and Fishing Derby and white water rafting. Feast your eyes on classic and unique cars and glorious fireworks at Freedom Fest. Treat your ears to a live concert, too! Get a taste of what’s to come this summer. Plus, see what others at JBLM are up to on our “MWR & You” page! Read on and you’ll discover why JBLM is a great place to live, work and play.
For resources, plus fun events & activities, visit JBLMmwr and look at our events list!
News reports, almanacs and gardening journals all tell the same tale: the main character always has a green thumb, the setting includes plenty of sunshine and the plot follows a simple process of planting, watering and watching your garden grow. Ready for this story to be yours? Dig into Community Garden opportunities right here at JBLM!
Garden plots are 4 feet by 10 feet and are available for yearly rentals on Lewis North and McChord Field. Think of all the vegetables you could grow in 40 square feet! Plus, you’ll get to spend time outside and save money on your grocery trips. Rakes, compost and garden hoses are provided for patrons to use.
First year gardeners can rent beginning April 1. (Returning gardeners should have already been contacted in March.) To rent a plot for $25 per year, please contact the Northwest Adventure Center at 253-967-7744 or come on by at 8050 NCO Beach Rd., Lewis North.
Did you know it’s likely the average adult makes over 30,000 decisions each day? That’s over ten million decisions in just one year. Successfully navigating day-to-day life is demanding! Active-duty Service Members, go ahead and cross off one of your decisions for the day — choose to participate in BOSS life skills programming and events and watch how much more effectively you learn to deal with life’s challenges. The BOSS life skills program, which was expanded to all garrisons in 2016, focuses on personal and character development, licensing and certifications, health and nutritional wellness, physical strength and emotional stability. It’s all about lifelong intangible learning and gaining adaptive and positive behaviors applicable to a variety of situations.
For example, recent life skills events from BOSS at JBLM included Tai Chi, kickboxing, skiing, pottery and iron
forging. Through these activities, Service Members learned about strength, creativity, communication, patience, personal resiliency and more. The best ways for you to find out what upcoming life skills events are being offered are by checking out the monthly BOSS calendars published to our social media sites and to come to the BOSS community meetings held on the third Thursday of the month. The meetings are also a great place to share your ideas for new events or life skills you’d like to learn. For more information, chat with your unit BOSS representative or the BOSS office located inside Warrior Zone on Lewis North, 253-967-5636.
Festivals with lanterns are associated with various meanings and have been celebrated across the world for centuries. Often connecting to an emotional experience, the physical release of lanterns can represent contemplation on the loss of a loved one, cherished memories with them or even a hardship overcome.
On Saturday, May 25, JBLM community members will come together for a lantern release, providing an opportunity for reflection,
tranquility and peace. Attendees at JBLM’s first Remembering Why Lantern Release will gather starting at 6 p.m. After checking in, there will be plenty of time to find a quiet spot to prepare your lantern. Each lantern comes with a marker which can be used to add your personal expressions and decorations. Then, the floating water lanterns will be released around dusk. It’s our hope that as Shoreline Park is filled with the soft glow of lanterns floating on rippling waters, participants are inspired by this chance to get together on a weekend full of remembrance. Weather permitting, Disney’s “Tangled” — which features remembrance ceremonies with sky-released lanterns — will play in the background as well. Admission to the lantern festival is free, and for those wishing to release lanterns, the cost will depend on when you register: $15 (registering by April 26); $20 (registering by May 10); or $25 (registering the day of the event). Please note: day-of-event lanterns are only available in limited quantities. To register, or if you have any questions, call 253-967-3085 or stop by Leisure Travel Services, (inside the Northwest Adventure Center) 8050 NCO Beach Rd., Lewis North.
Here at JBLM, we understand that life doesn’t always adhere to a nine-to-five schedule, which is why we’re thrilled to offer our 24/7 after-hours fitness feature! Located at three fitness centers: Wilson, McVeigh and McChord. Once you sign up at one, you’ve signed up for all, and signing up gives you the freedom to access our facility whenever your busy schedule allows it.
So what does “after hours” mean? Well if the fitness center is closed, and the staff have gone home, you still have the opportunity to break a sweat and achieve your fitness goals at any time that works for you. Whether you’re an early riser, or a night owl looking to burn off some energy, our 24/7 access ensures that
you never have to compromise on your fitness routine.
Signing up for 24/7 access is a quick and easy process. Simply ask any fitness staff member about our 24/7 membership option, and they can give you a small packet to fill out while entering your information in the system. Once you’ve been put in the system you’ve gained access at all three fitness centers!
With signing up, the gym becomes your fitness sanctuary, available to you whenever inspiration strikes. You can even use the locker rooms and showers. Experience the freedom of 24/7 fitness access and you’ll find there’s nothing but endless opportunities to prioritize your health and fitness on your terms!
Have you heard about the family-friendly rooms at our fitness centers? They’re sure to make your workout routine more convenient and more enjoyable. In our Line of Sight rooms, you can now work out while supervising your children. The room is big enough for multiple types of equipment and weights and has a gated play area where kids can enjoy themselves safely. The room is designed to provide a family-friendly environment where parents can maintain their fitness goals while keeping a watchful eye on their children. Say goodbye to sacrificing your gym time or the dilemma of finding child care.
We prioritize creating a safe and inclusive
space where families can prioritize their health and fitness. To make sure that everyone is safe, we ask that you stay in the Line of Sight Room with your child when working out. This room is equipped with a variety of exercise equipment to make sure you have a productive workout session. Staff members will be available at all times to help with any questions or concerns that you may have.
So why wait? Join us at Wilson, McVeigh or McChord Annex Fitness Centers and experience the convenience and ease of our Line of Sight rooms. Whether you’re a seasoned gym enthusiast or just starting on your fitness journey, there is something for everyone at our family-friendly facilities.
Editor’s note: When using 24/7 Access or Line of Sight areas at fitness centers, be sure you are adhering to established rules. For any questions, please check with staff while registering or checking in for facility use.
Each year, we ask ourselves as military community members and the nation at large to look a little closer in order to tell the story of some very inspirational superheroes. They may not outfit themselves in capes and identifiable insignia, but there is no mistaking their everyday examples of superhero attributes. Military children are brave, fearless and resilient. But, what does that mean?
Well, you’ve likely heard some of the facts. Military kids face unique challenges compared their civilian counterparts. They move more often — almost three times as frequently. They could spend lengthy periods of time separated from their Service Member parents and might live far away from extended family. They change schools a lot. Say goodbye to friends a lot. You know what else they do a lot? Adapt. Face these difficulties head on. Approach new places and
people with bold and courageous attitudes.
As Stephanie, a JBLM community member and mother of four military children, shared, “Our children have shown great bravery and resilience many times throughout our military journey. We were blessed with the opportunities to live in South Korea and Germany, which helped our children to learn extremely valuable life lessons and expand their scope on the world. It wasn’t always easy,
but they made amazing friends that became like family at each of our duty stations and it has molded them into better people. Two have chosen to follow in their father’s footsteps and currently serve in the Army and Air Force themselves. Our third child is currently working
on enlisting in the Air Force as well.”
Wow! What an adventure. And Stephanie’s children are not alone. There are close to two million military children worldwide. We asked a few of them what they thought about being both military kids and superheroes.
Six-year-old Isabella explained it like this, “I
am a military kid! That means I am strong and helpful. I think my superhero power is flying. Because it is fun to help people, I could fly home to see family or fly to visit my daddy when he’s far away.”
Lional Kam
Five-year-old Blanca added,
“We go everywhere that has the Army.”
She also shared her personal superhero power, which we inferred to be imagination. She’s got “an electronic beam because she’s an alien princess” like Starfire from “Teen Titans.” Hopefully that won’t cause too many hiccups during her family’s many PCS moves!
Nine-year old Elliot provided some expert tips about the PCS process.
“I am a military kid! That means I have a parent that is in the military. It sometimes can be fun and exciting to go to new states, but it may seem sad at first. Maybe you didn’t want to leave because a lot of your friends lived there. I feel that feeling all the time when I move, but I learned you can still talk to your friends by sending letters and you can make new friends, so it’s special to be a military kid. I think my superhero power is staying strong when I go to new places.”
Seven-year-old Annabelle, also chimed in about moving often.
“It’s hard because I miss my friends, but I also get to meet new friends. I think my superhero power is to be kind and generous to other people and to also be strong.”
Fifteen-year-old Keandre gave us some perspective about on-base living. He shared, “Fearless
makes me feel like a superhero. I say fearless because living on a base provides safety and protection. I can freely explore with friends, walk places I need or want to go or just hang around. Being fearless allows me to do things that some people may find scary, but for me, it gives me more chances for adventure.”
A big thank you goes out to our military kids for their insightful messages and sharing life lessons with us on the regular. We’re proud of you year-round, but especially look forward to celebrating with you this April. Be sure to join us at Kids’ Fest (see page 27) and keep a good watch on the Happenings section of our website (QR to right) for Month of the Military Child updates.
Join us to celebrate with different activities each week during April.
April 1–6 Stop by to receive a ribbon for Month of the Military Child to tie around your favorite tree.
April 8–13 Find the purple 3D print and receive a prize from the treasure box.
April 15–20 Write or color on a purple heart to explain what being a military child means to you. Hearts will be displayed at the libraries.
April 22–27 Complete the I spy window activity and receive a prize from the treasure box.
15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 28
See page 31
Volunteering is an opportunity that many people should look toward because of the experiences one can have and the potential doors it could open, and that’s exactly what JBLM’s Morale Welfare & Recreation is and does.
MWR provides a ton to individuals choosing to be involved with a great community and program. You get to establish connections and relationships with people who might be able to help you down the road, attend events and gain experiences that you might not have at the moment.
Along with benefits, MWR offers a wide variety of volunteering options to see whatever may pique your interest. Some of these roles include a writer, special events volunteer, photographer, printer and many more. You can also volunteer at MWR special events, including Armed Forces Day (see page 28) and Winterfest.
Through the main MWR website, you will also find a “partner-with-us” section (or, if on
mobile devices, a tab in the top right menu) that you can go to for more information to see if volunteering with MWR is the right fit for you. Visit JBLM.ArmyMWR.com/Programs/Volunteer to see all of the roles and events MWR has to offer, and how to register. If interested, once your application is processed, you can expect to be contacted with information on role requirements, start date and timeline.
Also, if you’re already a volunteer, for a way to say “thank you,” appreciation booths hosted by the Installation Volunteer Corps are available to anyone who volunteered for JBLM during 2023. Stop by on Tuesday, April 23, at the Stone Education Center from 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Thursday, April 25, at Waller Hall from 11 a.m.–noon and Friday, April 26, at the McChord Commissary from 12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
By volunteering, you can help yourself along with the community around. Some may frown upon it because it’s “working for free,” but as you can see, there are many opportunities and benefits that can come from volunteering. Why not start with a great program such as MWR?
What should you expect when attending one of our MWR Job Fairs? Arm yourself with knowledge and take a moment to bulk up on these insider tips and you might just feel that heavy-duty weight lifted right off your jobseeking shoulders.
First up, our job fair events are usually held at Eagle’s Pride Golf Course located off I-5 Exit 116, which means you can attend even without base access. Even if you’re new to the area, or completely unfamiliar with the base layout, you can just set your GPS directions and wind up in the right place.
Once inside, you’ll check in and our helpful team members will guide you to your next steps. Your job fair experience will slightly differ depending on whether or not you have already applied through USA Jobs and whether or not you brought a copy (or better yet several copies) of your résumé.
After checking in, you will either work on filling in some paperwork or go straight to the info booths and chatting with the representatives at our different MWR divisions. You can meet folks from Community Recreation, Business Operations and Child and Youth Services. On some occasions you might also have the chance to meet with representatives from external organizations such as the Exchange or Texas Roadhouse. While at each MWR booth, you can pick up job applications
for any job you are interested in, fill them in and then bring them to the eligibility check tables for review.
If you’re found eligible, you can move on to on-the-spot interviews with hiring managers! Then, if that goes well, you might receive a tentative job offer and onboarding tasks such as pre-employment screenings and fingerprinting could also all happen right then and there.
As you can imagine, once the event gets going, things can get pretty busy. You should expect to spend a bit of time, maybe even a few hours, to work your way through the whole process. Other day-of tips include having an open mind to learn about more than one job, showing confidence in yourself and your skills and, most of all, being prepared.
Ways to prepare include searching USA Jobs in advance for current vacancies, having both your professional and personal references (names, phone numbers and emails) and bringing your résumé, transcripts, certifications and your identity documents including your driver’s license, social security card and documents verifying USA Job category status if you are a veteran or military spouse.
Upcoming dates for job fairs are tentatively scheduled for May 7, June 4 and July 9. Visit the Employment section of our website for details. Should you have any questions, please email the HR group box at USArmy.JBLM.
Caught in the throes of everyday existence, there comes a time — maybe even multiple times daily — when your voracious appetite rises up and strikes. In an effort to avoid a steady onslaught of hunger sneak attacks, we ventured into the fray to settle the score once and for all. Three heavyweight MWR contenders have entered the ring with some knockout snacks to crush all your cravings: Strike Zone Café, Habañero Mexican Grill and Warrior Zone Café.
(Strike Zone Café)
A familiar classic, these will hit the spot with the unparalleled delight all comfort foods are known to bring. Crispy fries are laden with equal portions of nacho cheese and chili creating a salty and sweet combo for the best of both worlds. They’re a one-size fits all serv ing, but don’t let that fool you; they’ll fill you up and keep your wallet pretty full too! Custom izing options include adding on extra cheese or chili, bacon, tomatoes, onions, and more toppings or switching things up by swapping the nacho cheese for shredded cheese. You could also always go rouge, skip the fries and order a bowl of the chili à la carte (also topped how you please).
(Habañero Mexican Grill)
Holding up to their namesake descriptor “loaded,” the base fries seemingly defy logic and science, maintaining an unbelievable crisp factor which serves to support their many layers. Piled high and filling enough to share (if you’re feeling generous!), every bite is packed with flavor. They come topped with steak, shredded cheese, bacon, pico de gallo, guacamole, jalapeños and drizzled with sour cream. Of course, you can customize them by adding, taking away or swapping any of the ingredients. According to one of our taste testers, these are worth ordering again and again, and in our discussions with MWR Cook Lamai, we got the hot tip to “ask for spicy” to up your fry game with any number of hot sauces or different salsa options.
Reportedly ranking in Warrior Zone’s top two most popular wing flavors, these little firecrackers are a saucy favorite. While “finger-licking good” might be the applicable expression, we’ll argue you’ll be licking and smacking your lips over them, too. The traditional Buffalo sauce is made in-house, so we can’t divulge any recipe secrets, but we gathered a few pointers for all you wing aficionados out there: Choose bone-in or boneless, opt for half and half — meaning selecting two wing flavors out of the 10 avail able instead of settling for just one of them, go for six- or ten-count portions and if you really want to fly your wing-preference flag, ask for flats or drumettes (staff will accommodate this request whenever possible, based on current availability). You can even ask for extra crispy!
Coming in hot as one of Strike Zone Café’s most ordered items, these tasty bites are breaded, providing well-balanced textures of crunchy coating and tender, juicy chicken. After tasting, we needed little other convincing to understand why, “lots of league regulars love ’em.” Trust your own heat-tolerance, but several of our wing fans say even with spice blended right into the coating, these are pretty mild; even so, you can add some zing or cut the heat with one of the available dipping sauces: ranch, honey mustard, Buffalo, sweet and sour or tartar. Ordering tips include requesting flats or drumettes if you prefer, choosing six- or ten-count portions and if you’re an indulgent, hands-on food connoisseur (as most wing fanatics are), asking for a Wet-Nap before bowling your next strike.
(Warrior Zone Café)
Starring the same traditional, house-made Buffalo sauce as their wings, this large and in charge “snack” layered between two tortillas, stuffed with chicken, cheddar jack cheese and onions is certainly sharable, and if sharing’s not your thing, meal-worthy. Currently the most popular of four quesadilla options at Warrior Zone, it’s closely trailed by the B.C.Q. (beef, bacon and cheddar jack plus burger style con diments), and according to the café manager, Dorte, about to be rivaled by the café’s newest quesadilla release: pulled pork. This flavor hit all the right wow factors with an audience lucky enough to preview it and its sibling menu item, a pulled pork sandwich. Don’t mind us, we’ll be piggin’ out for quite some time with so many delicious options.
Stuffed to the brim, there is a reason our taste-testers went back for seconds. Quesadillas at Habañero can be made with any of their four meat selections: steak, pork, shredded beef or the one we opted for — chicken, which we found to be cluckin’ delicious. Additional options are a cheese-only version or adding grilled bell peppers and onions. Two portion sizes are offered, so this snack fits the bill on days you’re feeling ravenous and when you’re indulging with slightly more caution. Either way, be warned, you’ll be walking away full and satisfied.
Peppers for heat, cream cheese mix smoothly countering their spice and breading oh, so deeply golden brown for crunch — these three main ingredients are not a crowd, but rather mix and mingle amicably. Pleasantly plump and filling, it’s beyond easy to keep popping one after another. Of course, you can also customize these with the dipping sauces. Our taste testing team came to an undisputed consensus: Habañero’s chipotle reigns su preme as far as awesome sauces go. If you’re
only your taste buds will triumph. For full menus, visit the Dining section of our website. To beat any nagging hunger pangs to the punch, stop on by. Please note: Warrior Zone is open to ages 18 and older only (including the café area), but all MWR dining locations also offer their menu items for takeout.
As a word, mozzarella derives from mozzare which, translated from Italian, means “to cut.” It’s all about how the cheese is made, but we’ll cut to the chase, there’s nothing not to love about these bites: stretchy, melty cheese perfectly encased in beer-battered breading and fried until lightly golden brown. Tangy, salty and set on satisfying every cheese lover’s hankering, they’re served with marinara sauce for dipping. For those of you looking for unique flavor pairings, Hunter, the Strike Zone Café employee who named these as his go-to menu item, recommends sprinkling a little burger seasoning over these to amp them up.
Habañero Mexican Grill
Strike Zone Café
Warrior Zone Café
Get sporty this season with offerings from Intramural Sports. You’ve got multiple options to team up and play hard.
April starts things off with the Open Kickball Tournament Saturday, April 20 at the Lewis North Athletic Complex. Be sure to register by Thursday, April 11. There will also be an Open Pickleball Tournament Saturday, April 20 with registration due by Friday, April 12. For those interested in the Commander’s Cup Softball League (season is May–June), please register by Saturday, April 23.
May’s racket is all about your swing. Registration for the Commander’s Cup Golf closes Wednesday, May 1 (season is May–June). The Open Tennis League season starts in late May and lasts through the end of June. Make sure to register by Tuesday, May 14.
Once June rolls around, you’ll have the chance to sign up for three open leagues: soccer, dodgeball and pickleball. All three seasons will start in July. Registration deadlines
are on Tuesday, June 18 (soccer), Thursday, June 20 (dodgeball) and Tuesday, June 25 (pickleball).
DoD ID card holders ages 18 and older may register for any open leagues and tournaments, and Commander’s Cup events are open to active-duty Service Members only. Register by calling 253-967-6420, by emailing JBLMintramurals@army.mil or in person at the Intramural Sports Office, 2710 Bitar Ave., Lewis Main.
With your calendar dug out, base your plans on catching the Youth Sports action. This season, your kiddos will feel right at home on their baseball teams!
Enroll for youth baseball April 22–June 13. Families will have two enrollment options: Lil’ Batters, which is for children ages 3–4 and costs $25 or Spring Baseball, which is open to children ages 5–15 and costs $65. Both seasons run late June–August. Lil’ Batters is a practice-only opportunity; no games will be scheduled.
If your youngsters happen to feel more at home in the gym than out on the fields, two ongoing offerings are gymnastics and karate!
Registration is monthly for these sports and classes are offered at various dates and times based upon age groups. Schedules and prices are found online.
Before signing up for baseball, gymnastics, karate, The First Tee Golf (see facing page), or summertime British Soccer Camps, be sure your children are fully enrolled with CYS. When ready to register, you can enroll online through WebTrac or stop by Parent Central Services. If you have any questions, call Youth Sports at 253-967-2405.
As the weather warms up for spring and summer, take a few warm-up swings and get back to your game — your golf game, that is!
Eagle’s Pride Golf Course and Whispering Firs Golf Course have a lot to offer.
Eagle's Pride Golf Course is a 27-hole championship course appealing to military members and civilians alike and is open to the public. It's easily accessible from I-5. Whispering Firs Golf Course is an 18-hole course located on McChord Field and only open to DoD ID card holders and authorized guests. Both courses offer driving ranges, practice greens, fullystocked pro shops, professional lessons for golf enthusiasts of all experience levels (ages 7 and older) and, of course, dining facilities. For more info on Tin Hut BBQ at Eagle’s Pride, check our website. Habañero Mexican Grill at Whispering Firs also has a link with a full menu, or you can flip to page 18 to see some of their delicious items featured in our snack battle.
How you play is up to you! Will you schedule a tee time or enjoy specific programs? For youth, First Tee Golf, which is open to ages 7–18, is offered a few times throughout the year at both golf courses. Current registration for First Tee Golf is open through April 15 if participating at Eagle’s Pride and open through April 17 if participating at Whispering Firs. In addition, Eagle's Pride Golf Course is
one of the thousands of courses partnering with Youth on Course, a program making golf affordable for youth ages 18 or younger.
For adults, options for programming include CG Scrambles, the Fort Lewis Amateur Golf Tournament or the Rainier Cup, a tournament for active-duty Service Members that covers 54 holes at three branch-affiliated courses over three days. Plus, the Whispering Firs Golf Course patio and grill area is available for rent for private parties, as is the conference room at Eagle's Pride Golf Course, which also means both golf courses are available to units taking advantage of their unit funds for get togethers, golfing or both!
And don’t forget Eagle’s Pride indoor golf simulator, which accommodates up to eight players during each reserved time slot. Players can use their own clubs or practice with those readily available from Eagle's Pride, which allows patrons to try out new brands, club fit and feel. Beyond all the virtual fun you can imagine, the simulator is also a strong training tool and provides instant shot analysis and feedback. Additional sports and games can also be played, such as soccer, rugby, cricket, football, hockey, dodgeball, basketball and baseball, making the simulator and lounge another great place to host a private party. Each golf course has its own section on our website, so feel free to explore online or stop by in person for more info.
Saturday, April 27 Kids’ Fest
Saturday, May 18 Armed Forces Day
Saturday, June 8 Outdoor Rec Expo & Fishing Derby
Saturday, June 29 Freedom Fest
Breaking news: MWR officials have reported threats from a mysterious villain attempting to ruin everyone’s fun. At this time, it is believed our best course of action is to call upon the local superhero squad: JBLM’s Military Kids! Military children of all ages, with their extraordinary abilities, are needed to save the day at Kids’ Fest.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to have a blast all day on Saturday, April 27. Report to Cowan Stadium at 10:30 a.m. for your first task: The Armed Forces Kids’ Run, where you’ll use your superhuman speed to conquer distances based on your age. Once accomplished, collect your free T-shirt to add to your kid-by-day attire and suit up to conquer an afternoon of entertainment.
Kids’ Fest begins at noon and takes place at the MWR Fest Tent, Bowl Arena Lanes and on the CYS Fields. Use your telepathy to determine where your skills are required and teleport, fly or zoom over for games, crafts, free bowling, balloon twisters, inflat ables, a
petting zoo, military static displays, caricatures and more. The Brian Waite Band and DJ Chrissy will be creating your theme songs and soundtracks for the day, and food trucks will be around in case your mighty appetites require smashing.
Make no mistake, the odds are stacked against any mischief makers plotting to steal away with JBLM’s festive spirit. Overall, this looks like a job for military kids and we’re confident you are the caped crusaders we have been searching for. It’s our understanding that even though they’re grown-ups, your parents and guardians have been outfitted with invisibility shields to stay by your side while you are brave, fearless and resilient in you undertaking of this task of utmost importance.
Now, you’ve received your directions and we trust you’ve got the power to get it done, but should you want more information, use your x-ray vision to scan the QR code (inside front cover) and BAM, you’ll find out all the super details to power through.
Registration for the Armed Forces Kids’ Run is required. Registration forms and drop boxes are located at Parent Central Services (2295 12th & Bitar Ave., Lewis Main), the Youth Sports Office (6398 Garcia Blvd., Lewis Main) and at the McChord and Lewis Main Commissaries. Registration is also available on-site on the day of the event at 9:30 a.m., however, T-shirts or specific sizes may not be available. Pre-registered participants (those registered before the April 1 cutoff date) may pick up their shirts and bibs from Tuesday, April 23–Thursday, April 25 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Youth Sports Office. Otherwise, please plan to arrive one hour early on race day.
There are several military-affiliated holidays between April–June. Gold Star Spouses Day, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Children of Fallen Patriots Day, Memorial Day, the anniversary of D-Day and the Army Birthday to name just a few. And of course, there’s Armed Forces Day.
Armed Forces Day has been celebrated on the third Saturday in May since 1950. At JBLM, this is a great day to showcase what we do and what we’re all about. Open to the public, this year’s Armed Forces Day event will take place on Saturday, May 18 from 11 a.m.–6 p.m. at Heritage Hill, McChord Field.
The event will have military static displays, military working dog demos, an entertainment stage and historical reenactors. The fun does not stop there, either. There will be food and craft vendors, laser tag, mini golf and laser tag.
Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook announcements for updates regarding day-ofevent schedules, parking information and more details.
Are sunny days with warming temps luring you out and about? On Saturday, June 8, get hooked on outdoor activities at the Outdoor Rec Expo and Fishing Derby! Stop by, leisurely cast your curiosity net and catch all the fun.
It’ll be a day full of kayak and paddleboard demonstrations, Outdoor Rec workshops, fishing, info booths, bounce houses, giveaways and more. Plus, the day aligns with Washington state’s free fishing weekend, so you don’t even need a fishing license to participate.
Be sure to keep an eye on the MWR calendar and social media sites for more information as the event date approaches. Of course, if you have any questions, drop us a line and we’ll fish up the answers to any questions you may have.
After a few years hiatus, festival goers are revved up and ready to celebrate. Freedom Fest is returning to JBLM! On Saturday, June 29, revel in a full day of pre-Fourth of July festivities at Cowan and Memorial Stadiums and surrounding areas.
First up, Freedom Wheels Auto Show, put on by the MWR Auto Skills Centers, will be steering crowds toward automotive admiration. Displayed throughout the day, classic cars brought in from JBLM community members will vie for coveted awards, which will be announced later in the afternoon.
Freedom Fest attendees can also expect roving entertainers such as juggling clowns and balloon artists, carnival rides, food trucks, vendor booths, bounce houses and on-stage entertainment. On the kids’ stage, you’ll find it tricky to hold back your “oohs
and aahs” during the magic show and have plenty of fun during the interactive game show. On the main stage, take in live music including performances by America’s First Corps Band and the event’s headliner band, Switchfoot. Freedom Fest is open to the public, and more details will light up our website and Facebook page just as sure as the event’s finale fireworks will burst through the night sky.
All aboard the equipment express! Next stop on our scenic railway: the Northwest Adventure Center. We’re pleased to share our expansive selection of rental items to enhance your journey as you explore the PNW.
With close to a hundred items available from Outdoor Recreation equipment rentals in water, camping, utility and party categories, nothing can derail your adventurous plans. Items include inner tubes, paddleboards, fishing poles, life vests, hiking backpacks, tents, mess kits, camping chairs, trailers, hand trucks, bounce houses, BBQ grills (both propane and charcoal options), coolers, canopies, cornhole sets, ladder golf sets, folding tables and chairs, sno cone machines and more! Plus, you can rent boats, campsites, cabins, campers and pavilions. Pro-tip for active-duty Service Members: free rentals of picnic kits are available any unit functions and protocol events you’re conducting.
To find a full list of items and prices, visit JBLMmwr.com/Programs/Equipment-Rental Prices are per day unless otherwise noted. Reservation can be made up to 30 days in advance for equipment, up to 90 days in advance for cabins and up to one year in advance for RV/campground spaces. If you’re really planning ahead, make a mental note for next winter because winter rentals are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserve your rental by calling 253-967-7744 or stopping by 8050 NCO Beach Rd., Lewis North. Our trained staff will be happy to assist you with all your rental needs.
Frothy water splashes and sprays. Paddles dig deep. Voices carry above the rushing river’s roar. Adrenaline courses through your veins daring you to experience Washington from a new perspective: white water rafting.
Meet the expert guides from Outdoor Rec for a thrilling excursion this summer. Stretching from Lake Wenatchee to the Columbia River, the Wenatchee River — just a few miles from Leavenworth — offers cool waters and class III+ rapids.
The International Scale of River Difficulty puts this right in the middle of its six categories, and Outdoor Rec rates this trip with an overall difficulty rating of three out of five, which leads to participant restrictions. Interested participants must be at least 14 years of age, weigh at least 50 pounds and have appropriate paddling fitness levels.
When registering for white water rafting, choose from several dates in June and plan your travel time accordingly. You may even want to make a mini vacay out of it and stay in or around Leavenworth before or after your rafting trip. Participants will meet in Cashmere, WA and are responsible for transportation to and from the meeting location.
Outdoor Rec will provide wet suits, insulating tops, splash tops, neoprene booties, rafting equipment and staff guides. You should plan to wear non-cotton clothing and bring a dry change of clothes, a towel, snacks, water and sun protection. If you bring a cell phone, camera or GoPro, we recommend you leave these items in your vehicle.
Visit JBLMmwrRegistration.com for more details. If you have any trouble with online registration, call 253-967-7744.
When the weekend rolls around, does your smile light up like David Schwimmer’s in “The One with Ross’ Teeth?” Oh, how his overwhitened teeth glowed when he found himself in the cosmic setting of a black light!
Flash your own pearly whites every Saturday while you’re having a rockin’ good time with your friends at Rock N’ Glow Bowling at Bowl
Arena Lanes on Lewis Main. Starting at 4 p.m., you’ll enjoy all the perks central to a fun night out: upbeat music and a party atmosphere with black lights, lasers, glow-in-the-dark bowling balls and tasty food. Read more about The Strike Zone Café in our snack battle (page 18), and if you’re amped-up enough for a full dinner, the menu offers plenty of those as well — including combo meals.
Photos by Emiliano HernandezDid you know the Arts & Crafts Center has Paint & Go Ceramics? You can choose from many different shapes and sizes of ceramics and personalize them with your own artistic flair.
Create decorative pieces such as animals, gnomes and holiday figures or opt for functional items such as dishes, mugs and bowls. After selecting your piece, determine which colors to paint with: bright, flashy, primary, bold, soft, neutral or rustic. Will you use flat, broad brushes or thin, angled ones? The options are as vast as your imagination allows!
Pricing for Paint & Go Ceramics is based on the item you select and includes paint, glaze and firing. Once painted (and glazed), we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll fire your piece and after its trip to the kiln, it’s time for you to cherish it, display it or maybe even gift it. Ready to go paint ceramics? Stop by the Arts & Crafts Center at 1121 Barnes Blvd., McChord Field. Hours are listed online.
Text and photos by Bianca McClendon
Playful bricks in every color of the rainbow saturated the McChord Library tables for Family LEGO® Night. My son and I walked through the library doors at 4:30 p.m. sharp, and we were warmly greeted by an MWR librarian working behind the recently upgraded circulation desk. We were escorted to a large gray cabinet full of supplies, and a friendly staff member gave my son the option of a free build or a box with instructions on how to build models.
As a proud son of an Airman, and having a love for all things in the air, my son selected the 3-in-1 LEGO® Build Plane and Jet Set. We took it to a nearby table, scattered the pieces, grabbed the instructions and got comfortable. Hushed excitement and quiet concentration filled the library as tables of families worked on their chosen projects as well. As we worked on building our plane, a helpful MWR staff member circled the tables offering whispered words of encouragement and help if needed.
When we finished building our plane, the library staff displayed our project on a cart for the community to see with the rest of the finished builds.
My son and I enjoyed having creative time together at the McChord Library, and we plan to visit more often!
Editor’s note: Family LEGO® Night is available at both McChord and Grandstaff Libraries on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 4:30–6 p.m., unless otherwise noted on the monthly calendar.
Hop off your Nimbus Two Thousand and bring out your inner wizard or witch, or simply show up as your awesome Muggle self. Warrior Zone’s trivia night theme for April 17 is Harry Potter! Join us beginning at 7 p.m. Prizes in the form of gift cards will be awarded to the top three participants of each round! Trivia is free and played on your own device. Food and beverages are available for purchase. On Wednesday, May 8, morph from wizard to Jedi for our Star Wars theme, but unless you’re a true seer, you’ll have to stay tuned to our website and Facebook announcements to find out the trivia theme for June. Trivia nights are every Wednesday, and on non-themed nights, winners of each round can still receive prizes! Registration is not required, but please note: Warrior Zone is open to DoD ID card holders ages 18 and older only.
Join us each Thursday from 9–10 a.m. at Book Patch Children’s Library for our Low Sensory Hour. This is a great time for those who enjoy a more relaxed environment to experience the library in their own way! We will dim the lights, play low volume music and low-sensory videos and have plenty of sensory toys available for independent or family play. Come hang out however you like, check out the low-key vibes and, of course, gather some books to check out too!
Oh, the thrill of not setting an alarm clock, or not meal planning or not rushing to complete tasks by a set deadline! We get it. Everyone loves little breaks in their routines. Which is why Parent Central Services knows parents deserve a little break too!
Take advantage of our Parents Nights Out events, which happen every few months. The next one is planned for May. You’ll get a few hours reprieve from your always-on parenting persona and your kids will have plenty of fun with CYS staff.
Some important reminders are that families participating in Parents Night Out must be fully registered with CYS and should be prepared to prepay when registering. Be sure to watch our MWR calendar and our Facebook page for registration info.
Don’t you hate it when a book is so good you wish it would never actually end? Just because you close a book doesn’t mean you can’t turn a new page … bring the story to life with lively discussions!
Every second Tuesday of the month, join the Adult Book Club at McChord Library from 4:30–5:30 p.m. This quarter, we’re discussing “Sanctuary of the Shadow” by Aurora Ascher in April, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain in May and “Transcription” by Kate Atkinson in June. Our discussions will take us through romance, the successes of introverts, WWII espionage and more.
Books selected for book club are available in limited numbers for checkout and may also be available as e-books or audiobooks. Don’t have your library card set up yet? No worries! It’s actually your DoD ID card, which makes registering quick and easy. Please check with library staff if you have any questions.
CYS Employees: 50% childcare discount for your youngest child. 15% discount for each additional child.
Commissary benefits for CYS.
Morale/team-building activities.
Professional development and training. Shopping privileges at the Exchange.
Gym and pool access.
Full access to leisure activities (bowling, golf, skate parks, beachside picnic areas, on-base dining, special events and festivals).
Discount tickets to popular attractions across the U.S., movies, sports and more. Affordable recreational rentals.
Access to MWR ranges, marina, cabin rentals, travel camps and more.
Use of self-help auto center, arts & crafts center, library programs and more.
Asthe days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, grab your sunglasses and set your sights on the season’s hottest offerings.
When school’s out and summer block leaves are often granted, fill that free time soaking up the seasonal fun.
Boat, kayak, paddleboard, fish and have a great time on American Lake. The marina offers rentals or you can bring your own equipment; they even offer moorage if you’d like to store your personal boat. Plus, you can buy snacks, ice, bait, tack le and more.
There are three pools at JBLM: two indoor and one outdoor. Both indoor pools operate
throughout the year (unless closed for maintenance). The McChord Outdoor Pool is only open during the summer months. Be sure to check out the Aquatics section of our website for hours of operation and pool rules.
Two splash parks are summer-only locations as well! The Lewis Main Splash Park is located off Liggett Ave., near the Freedom Park playground and skate park area. It is open daily, unless announced otherwise, as is the Summer Cove Splash Park located at American Lake. There’s a shallow wading area at the lake, the sandy beach and the large playground and splash pad area.
Summer?! More like picnic season! At a base as large as JBLM, there are plenty of places to gather, relax outdoors and play. Pavilions accommodating groups both large and small are available for reservations. For more information, please see the Parks and Pavilions section of our website at JBLMmwr. com . If you need some extra gear for your get-together be sure to check out all the great items available through Outdoor Rec rentals (see page 30).
It’s never too early to anticipate the return of tried-and-true happenings. Check out some of our JBLM summertime favorites.
Of fered through the libraries and open to participants of all ages, this is your chance to celebrate your inner bookworm. Track your reading, earn prizes and join in at celebratory events including the program’s end-of-summer finale. Stay tuned for the unveiling of this year’s theme, registration directions and more details.
Traditionally, this national program permits all registered children to bowl two free games per day. Once Bowl Arena Lanes is able to pin
down the official details for this year, you’ll be the first to roll — ahem, know.
On top of the spring action (see page 24), you can pl an on playing straight through summer with more great options: an Ultimate Frisbee League, a Softball League and the 3v3 Basketball Tournament. And speaking of playing th rough, don’t forget about summertime golf opportunities (see page 25).
Sweat. Grime. The rising temps of late July. Race enthusiasts know these things are nothing to shy away from! To get the dirt on this one, speed over to JBLMraces.com when you’re ready to register.
Planned for August, this will be a full day to celebrate single Service Members, camaraderie and, of course, fun. Last year’s event boasted DJ music, dunk tanks, a mechanical bull, esports tournaments, basketball, resiliency painting and more!
Also planned for August, this is your chance to learn about the upcoming school year, resources available and to flat out have a blast before school routines and schedules kick in.
We’re excited for a wonderful summer with you at MWR! Check on your friends and neighbors and remember that safety is paramount year-round. As with every season, there are a few unique elements to consider when thinking of summer safety.
Remember to bring water and eat hydrating foods such as watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe and other water-rich fruits and veggies.
Bring and wear sun protection
Summer can seem short-lived in Washington, so you might be tempted to soak up all the rays, but sunscreen, sunglasses, hats and light, breezy breathable clothing are summertime musts in your safety arsenal.
Be sure to know if there are lifeguards on duty where you choose to swim, boat and enjoy water sports. Wear your life jackets when boating, canoeing, kayaking and paddleboarding. It’s also important to note that water temperatures in local bodies of water, including
American Lake, maintain constant temperatures throughout the year and hypothermia is a risk, even during summer.
Many buildings and homes in Washington do not have air-conditioning. If you’re new to the area, consider if you need to purchase items such as fans, portable air-conditioning units or kiddie pools for your littles to splash in. There are also several MWR locations where you can come hang out and cool off; Bowl Arena Lanes, Warrior Zone (open to ages 18 and older), McChord Library and Habañero Mexican Grill (located at Whispering Firs Golf Course) all have air conditioning. Last, but not least, do not leave children or pets in your vehicle, even for a moment. Temperatures can reach lethal levels very quickly.
Register with MilitaryChildCare.com.
Register from anywhere in the world at MilitaryChildCare.com to request care at a CYS center at JBLM and get placed on the waitlist.
• Once registered, the site provides an anticipated placement time based on family priority, spaces available for specific age groups and requested location. This is only an estimate — placement times can fluctuate both down and up.
• Parents are responsible to manage the waitlist and are required to reconfirm request every 30 days.
• MilitaryChildCare.com generates all notifications — placement offers and reminders — via email.
• Once offer is extended by the site via email, parent must contact Parent Central Services by phone or in person within two business days to make an appointment to complete enrollment requirements.
• It’s important to remember that MilitaryChildCare. com is a waiting list management data system that allows you to manage your own wait list. It does not enroll you at JBLM CYS. You’ll need to go to Parent Central to register (step 2).
Register your children at Parent Central Services.
As soon as possible, families should register their children at Parent Central Services. Patrons will need the following documents in order to complete the registration process to use care:
• DoD ID card.
• Contact information for home and work.
• Two local emergency contacts.
• Official shot record from your physician or medical facility.
• Full month of most recent LES or pay stubs or proof of full-time student.
Go to JBLMcysRegistration.com and click on
the “Start New Registration” button to expedite registration.
• All paperwork must be completed prior to the child’s enrollment.
• Registration appointments are recommended by not required.
• Public computers are available at Parent Central Services and staff is available to assist with MilitaryChildCare.com registration and WebTrac preregistration.
• If you’re enrolled at Parent Central prior to being offered a child care space, you can start care right away once you’re offered a space from MilitaryChildCare.com.*
Only want to register for programs or sports? Start here.
Do not register at MilitaryChildCare. com if you only want youth programs or sports.
Families should register after arriving at JBLM with the following documents:
• DoD ID card.
• Contact information for home and work.
• Two local emergency contacts.
• Official shot record from your physician or medical facility.
Once registered with JBLM Child & Youth Services, families may sign up for sports online using WebTrac at JBLMcysRegistration.com.
*Prior to starting care, you must attend CYS orientation at your child/school age care program. This will be explained more during your Parent Central appointment.
Parent Central Services is located at 2295 S. 12th St. (at Bitar Avenue), Lewis Main. For more information, call 253-966-2977.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Family and MWR
Go to JBLM.armymwr.com for more information.
Phone area code is 253. LM = Lewis Main | LN = Lewis North | MF = McChord Field
11592 17th & D St. LN 967-5636
8050 NCO Beach Rd. LN 967-3085/2050
11592 17th & D St. LN 477-5756
Pavilion Info & Reservations 982-7744
Holiday Park/Fam-Camp 982-5488
2275 Liggett Ave. LM
SPLASH PARK (Summer only) 967-4661
8050 NCO Beach Rd. LN
RUSSELL LANDING MARINA (Open Memorial Day through Labor Day)
8981 American Lake Ave. LN 967-2510
Shoreline Beach Rd., Pavillion info LN 967-7744
2 miles past the Skeet Range 967-7056 for access
0015 East Gate Rd. LM 967-9803
3969 2nd Div Range Rd. LM 967-7056
KIMBRO POOL 2161 Liggett Ave. LM
McCHORD FIELD OUTDOOR POOL (open summers only)
2nd Div. & Handrich LM 967-5390
PT occurs between 6:30–7:30 a.m.
2022 Liggett Ave. & Div. LM 967-5975
729 5th St. MF 982-6707
SHERIDAN SPORTS & FITNESS CENTER 3759 Stryker Ave. LM 967-3797/4467
WILSON SPORTS & FITNESS CENTER 11596 D St. & 41st Div. LN 967-7471
8300 American Lake Ave. LN 967-2600/477-5379
2095 Bitar Ave. LM 967-2300/5455
6396 Garcia Blvd. LM 477-3125/3126
6995 Jackson Ave. LM 967-2800
578 Lincoln Blvd. (EAST) MF 982-0413/982-4903
560 Lincoln Blvd. (WEST) MF 982-4166/4178
2402 Bitar Ave. LM 966-8977/8978
6397 Garcia Blvd. LM 967-4441
8584 American Lake Ave. LN 966-7166/7167
3032 Dogwood St. MF 982-2203
6398 Garcia Blvd. LM 967-2405
Show us how you enjoy MWR events, programs and activities by sending in your photos by email or FB message. Letters to the editor are welcome, too!
Galarza family on a boating adventure from Russel Marina
Keep reading. Keep smiling. Keep living, working and playing JBLM!