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Caring for youth is a priority
Especially for parents, know that you’re not alone in this! Use CYS staff as a resource — we’re not only teachers and child care workers, but we also can listen and help search for answers and resources. If we don’t have the answers, we can find the answers together.
complete remote learning.
“Youth will come to view school differently while in front of a computer, and that’s going to be challenging,” says Tamara. “However, we’ll have at least one staff member who will support them during the day with supervision and help.”
Tamara is optimistic in spite of the challenges. She believes that this new way of doing things is not permanent, nor impossible to overcome.
“It’s easy to let negative thoughts and feelings creep in during this pandemic,” she says. “I find that having a positive attitude and trying to be optimistic can help filter out some of the constant barrage of bad or discouraging news.
“You can get through this by asking for help and letting others support you. Look at us as one of your support systems, and try to build support at home with family and with friends,” she says about Child & Youth Services.
Her advice for becoming more resilient through this time is to: • Have at least one other person for support to talk through your feelings. If you’re feeling down, don’t be afraid to seek help because there’s help all around. (See JBLM mental health resources on pages 42–44). • Find things you like doing — indoors and outdoors. It makes you feel better all the way around when you do something positive like moving around, walking, exercising and even going on a hike as a family. • Especially for parents, know that you’re not alone in this! Use CYS staff as a resource — we’re not only teachers and childcare workers, but we can also listen and help search for answers and resources. If we don’t have the answers, we can find the answers together. We’re that other support system.
For more information on what CYS is currently offering, visit the COVID-19 information pages and resource pages at JBLMcys.com.