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Take part in HIKEtober challenge
We’re keeping the virtual fitness and well-being challenges going through fall and winter! To maintain your own motivation, the JBLM Sports, Fitness & Aquatics program is inviting you to participate in our virtual HIKEtober challenge!
To participate, pick three or more hikes to complete this month (for ideas, visit JBLModr. com, wta.org or parks.state.wa.us). As you complete your hikes, share your progress and photos throughout the month on the HIKEtober event page at fb.com/JBLMmwr or on your own social media using #JBLMSoundLiving and #JBLMHiketober (have the setting as public so we can see your photos).
The key to sharing your progress is to motivate and encourage each other on social media in this virtual challenge. You might even inspire others to visit the places you’ve hiked!
Enter 5K Championship
Active duty Service members at JBLM are invited to compete in the virtual Commander’s Cup 5K Championship for bragging rights to the title! Register at JBLMmwrRegistration. com.
Units/squadrons will receive participation points for each member who races. The winner will be the unit/squadron with the most overall participation.
Competitors may run Oct. 2–9; any 5K route can be utilized. The unit with the most points overall wins the Commanders Cup 5K. Service members must track their time via GPS and submit it to the Intramural Sports Office for scoring by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9.
Questions? Call 253-967-6420 or visit JBLModr.com.