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Team up for virtual learning
Let JBLM libraries partner with you
in your children’s virtual education this school year! We know it’s tough to find adequate resources to keep up with homework, computer connections and ageappropriate learning, and we’re here to help!
We offer WiFi hotspots to check out as well as free WiFi in our libraries, computers with printing available, educational books and DVDs, plus individual study rooms.
Here’s a short list of our amazing databases, all available for free with a library account:
Explora Primary Schools (Ebsco) — Elementary students can learn about a variety of topics, including endangered species, famous musicians, fitness and space exploration with easy-to-read entries and a large image collection.
Middle School in Context (Gale) — Covers a range of the most-studied topics for middle schoolers including cultures, government, people, history and science with newspaper articles, magazines and primary sources.
National Geographic Kids (Gale) — The complete run of the magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos and images of amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology and space.
NoveList K-8 Plus (Ebsco) — Need a new book to read? NoveList K-8 can help! Find books to read by grade level with Common Core and curriculum connections.
Scholastic — Four resources from Scholastic — BookFLIX, FreedomFLIX, TrueFLIX and ScienceFLIX — use media, activities, projects, videos and more to help children learn about social science, science, reading and other interesting facts.
Tutor.com — K–12 students can chat 24/7 with a live tutor in all core subjects and at all skill levels including essay writing, math, science and more.
Overdrive — Love Rick Riordan? Check out his newest book or one of the other 15,000 eBooks, audiobooks and movies for download. Find best-sellers, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels and more with new titles added weekly.
We also carry resources for high school and college students such as:
Gale eBooks — Find reference resources for topics ranging from biographies, business, history, medicine, religion and science.
Safari Books — Over 58,000 of the best business and technology books and videos from leading publishers, including O’Reilly Media and the Pearson Technology Group.
Interactive Science and Science in Context (Gale).
For a complete look at our online resources, visit JBLMlibraries.com or visit us in person!
For the love of hunting
By Patti Jeffrey
Ronnie Pippin sits with me in the conference room at Northwest Adventure Center. On the wall behind him, a picturesque bird and game hunting poster states a simple philosophy: “Hunting… It’s not just a sport, it’s a way of life.”
I’m here to ask Ronnie what hunting on the training areas is like at JBLM and what hunters can expect to find. Ronnie’s a life-long hunter and oversees the rifle and pistol range (known as Range 15), the Shotgun Shooting Complex, archery range and ORV Park, plus other related outdoor recreation operations.
“My first memory of hunting was when I was about 2 or 3,” recalls Ronnie. “My dad was quail hunting with bird dogs, and it had rained so much that he had to carry me on his shoulders. We fished and hunted a lot together while I was growing up.”
Ronnie says that it’s different for kids growing up now, but for him it was more than just a sport — it was how he and his dad bonded and how he grew to love the outdoors. He says that many hunters at JBLM also have been hunting for most of their lives as a way of life outdoors. Continued on page 27.