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Alresford Town Council News

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New Alresford Town Council

Outdoor Gym


We are so pleased that this new set of equipment has been extremely popular since its opening at Arlebury park in July. There are many benefits to using the outdoor gym, exercise can help improve an active and healthy lifestyle, improve mental wellbeing and energy levels. You can exercise with your friends and family, there is something for everyone of all abilities so come and along and give it a go!

Stratton Bates New Playground

It was a great pleasure to see many residents at the new playground opening on Saturday 6th August. We’ve been delighted to see so many children enjoying the new playground. The dry weather has had a knock-on effect on the site with the ground turning to dust and the grass, has not appeared as wished. We hope the rains will see it bounce back to life.

Water Restrictions

For the past eight months we have had extraordinarily little rain, the driest July since 1935, this is impacting river flow. The river levels in Hampshire are lower than they should be at this time of year, and this is where some of the fresh water supplied to us comes from. Therefore, these temporary water restrictions seem to be set to continue. Please see www.southernwater.co.uk/retail/ save-water for advice and water saving tips.

Grants Applications

Grant applications are considered by Town Council on a quarterly basis. If you have a project in mind please submit your form, which is available on the Council website, by 4 of October 2022. Preference will be given to specific projects or activities rather than general running costs. Representatives of the Organisation are welcomed to attend the meeting details of which are available on website www.newalresford-tc.gov.uk

Broad Street

Many residents were keen to see the upper part of Broad Street pedestrianised. The Town Council had several meetings with Hampshire Highway engineers and designers to endeavour to put this in place. However, as formal plans have not been received from Hampshire County Council, the road has been re-opened and the planted troughs have been re-located. For the future we hope that this will not be a forgotten project but will of course keep you updated.

Community Drop in for Ukraine

Winchester City Council are offering a number of Community Hubs to provide advice and support to Ukrainian refugees and their host families. Where resources are available the hub will offer the full range of services, the drop in’s will be attended by a translator, the communities and housing team, the careers service, Citizens Advice will also attend where possible. This will provide an opportunity for guests to meet and socialise with others in a safe environment. A Community Hub is to be held at Alresford Community Centre on Tuesday 20 September 2022 between 2pm and 4pm. To find out more about the support on offer: https://www. winchester.gov.uk/no-listing/ winchester-city-council-pledgesupport-for-ukraine

The Future of Winchester Station Approach

Winchester City Council, Network rail and London & Continental Railways are exploring potential opportunities for regeneration in the area around Winchester Railway Station. A consultation on this vision in under way and you are encouraged to share your views. The consultation will run for 12 weeks finishing on Friday 21st October 2022. There will be two pop up engagement days in September. Thursday 15th September 2-7pm outside the main entrance to Winchester Station and Saturday 24th September from 10-2pm at WCC stall in the market on the High Street. To leave your views visit winchesterstationapproach. co.uk or please contact the town council office if you prefer a paper version.

Call us: 01962 732079 E-mail us: townclerk@ newalresford-tc.gov.uk Recreation Centre, The Avenue, New Alresford, Alresford SO24 9EP

Alresford Rotary News

The new President of Alresford Rotary David Marshall shares his aims for the future of Rotary in Alresford and surrounding villages.

What are your hopes and aspirations for Alresford Rotary?

My primary objective is to ensure it’s sustainability. Although most people join Rotary to volunteer their time to support the local community, it has to be much more than that. We have a fantastic bunch of men and women that have fun together and enjoy the unique position Rotary has at the centre of so much that’s going on in and around Alresford. I am keen to enhance their experience by adding new, regular social events such as winery visits, jazz evening trips, sporting outings, walks and more. We have moved away from being a dinner club and now all dinners are optional, which also helps to keep the cost down. Our most recent new members work full time but wish to make a difference to the local community helping to run local events such as our Bonfire Evening or 10k run.

Do you want to attract new members?

Yes, that’s key for me. Although we are open to all adults, we are especially keen to bring in more younger men and women. Our long serving members bring a depth and breadth of experience in the community that we can all learn from, but we are keen to take on new people with enthusiasm and new ideas for events and fundraising.

Does Alresford Rotary have big aspirations?

Alresford is a small town so Alresford Rotary will never be huge. With a membership of up to, say, 35 we can all know each other and maintain the informality and friendly feel of the club. That would be hard to maintain if larger.

Is your focus ‘just’ Alresford?

Not at all. In fact, the name is misleading. We currently have members who live in Winchester, Ropley, Itchen Abbas, and Bighton as well as Alresford and are keen to attract new members from anywhere in and around mid Hampshire and to have the opportunity of making a difference to the outlying villages as well as Alresford.

What in Rotary are you most proud of?

More than 35 years of successful fundraising events that have enabled us to invest in many good local causes. Most recently the Arle riverbank repair, Eel House restoration and new Stratton Bates playground. What most locals do not see is our support internationally. Being the world’s largest volunteer organisation means we are able to send funds directly to where it is needed worldwide. For example, this year we have contributed funds to the Global Rotary Fund in aid of the Ukraine crisis and arranged micro-loans to hundreds of small businesses in Africa and Asia.

How can I find out more?

It’s easy. Just contact me or any Alresford Rotarian for a chat and you can join in a Rotary Event, social or business meeting to get to know us all.

Wessex Rotary Shoebox Scheme

Please make up a Christmas shoebox (or more than one) for a disadvantaged or displaced child in Eastern Europe who may never have received a present before! Because in recent years it has become increasingly difficult to source boxes of the prescribed size Rotary can now provide boxes as well as the scheme leaflet (wjrp@ hotmail.co.uk 738788) and both are available now! Local schools who supported the scheme last year are being contacted but it is not just a scheme for schools. Everyone and all local organisations are encouraged to take part – please contact us and make a child’s Christmas!

Photo is of President David Marshall at the opening of Stratton Bates playground.

Thank you Ken and Steve

For the last 27 years and 15 years respectively Ken Coburn and Steve Walker have been an integral part of the contribution that Alresford Rotary has been able to make to benefit the local community. Ken has been Treasurer for more years than he might have wished and his expertise has masterminded the additional lighting needed at Arlebury Park for the annual Rotary bonfire celebrations (Friday 4th November this year). Steve is a past President of Alresford Rotary and has for many years been a principal organiser of the Christmas shoebox scheme and Alresford Rotary’s annual charity quiz. The significant help and support from their respective wives Marlene and Kay must not be overlooked! Both have recently left Alresford Rotary and we thank them, Marlene and Kay for all they have done in living the Rotary message of “service before self” and, with our best wishes, we hope to remain in contact with them (although in Steve and Kay’s case from a distance of several thousand miles)!

If you like to become a friend or member of Alresford Rotary, or have any questions, contact David Marshall on 07951 951671 or email: rotaryalresford@gmail.com

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