Alpbach Moments 2013/14

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Alpbach Moments 2013/2014

Festival of Ideas The European Forum Alpbach was created as a platform that society can use for social discussions and open dialogue. Thousands of people come here every summer to share their knowledge and learn from each other away from the bustle of everyday life.

The European Forum Alpbach 2014 in Numbers

Speakers who shared their knowledge in Alpbach in 2014 .................................................................................................................................................... 756 Speakers who have shared their expertise in Alpbach since the year 2000 .............................................................................. ..................... 7,083 Countries that scholarship holders travelled from to come to Alpbach ....................................................................................................................... 53 Countries that speakers travelled from to come to Alpbach .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Countries that participants travelled from to come to Alpbach .......................................................................................................................................... 67 People who attended the European Forum Alpbach 2014 .............................................................................................................................................. 4,551 People who followed the European Forum Alpbach 2014 via webstream ....................................................................................................... 3,373 People who visited during the European Forum Alpbach 2014 .............................................................................. 147,393 Number of national and international media reports on the European Forum Alpbach 2014 ... .................................................... 1,097

The more people involved in the knowledge process, the fairer society will be. For a long time, producing, conveying and applying knowledge has been more prevalent in industry than in the social and economic spheres. Our scholarships allow hundreds of young people to participate in the European Forum Alpbach. The thirst for knowledge that drives them to Alpbach and the great commitment with which they take part is impressive. The participants’ reward is going home with their heads bursting with innovative ideas, while the European Forum Alpbach benefits from the young people’s fresh ideas. It is this which makes Alpbach unique. The events at the European Forum Alpbach help to ensure that knowledge has the most

Cover picture: Theatre performce by members of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art London during the European Forum Alpbach 2014. Imprint (November 2014) Publisher: Europäisches Forum Alpbach gemeinnütziger Verein / Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, 1010 Vienna / +43 1 718 17 11 / / Printing: Druckerei Hans Jentzsch & Co GmbH, Wien / Pictures EFA 2014: Philipp Naderer, Luiza Puiu / Other Pictures: Peter Mayr, Mithad Poturovic, Simon Rainsborough, Haris Tahmišcic / Editor: Stefan Kranewitter

positive and long-lasting impact possible – across all generations, disciplines and ideologies. Everything centres around lively discussions, the exchanging ideas and searching for a common ground. We live in a complex world, so with this in mind our goal is to help people from all sectors of society to reach the best, most forward-looking decisions. Otto Molden and Simon Moser founded the European Forum Alpbach in 1945 in response to the suffering and the destruction caused by the Second World War. We are continuing this legacy today and are developing Alpbach as a place where Europe’s cultural, scientific and humanitarian heritage can be enhanced. With the future in mind, we are creating a space where further European integration can be promoted. We are proud of the vast number of people who are accompanying and supporting us along the way. We would like to invite you to read the following pages and to discover some of the “Alpbach moments” which occurred over the last few months.

Franz Fischler, Caspar Einem, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Claus J. Raidl, Ursula SchmidT-ErfurtH Executive Board oF THE European Forum Alpbach Philippe Narval Managing Director of the European FOrum Alpbach

3 . 5 7 p. m . , A u g u s t 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 , H a u p t s c h u l e A l p b a c h – S e m i n a r W EE K

One Simple Question dialogue between different generations and ideologies. This is the central question which has driven people like Olena Chernova and Ivo Fischer to Alpbach since 1945: how can our continent grow together peacefully?

Ukrainian Olena Chernova (standing) has seen the failure of politics in her home country firsthand. Austrian Ivo Fischer (sitting) endured the same bitter experience in his youth. Both know that peace is only possible if there is 4


4 . 0 4 p. m . , A u g u s t 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 , H a u p t s c h u l e A l p b a c h – SEMINa r w e e k

1 0 .1 1 p. m . , A u g u s t 1 9, 2 0 1 4 , H a u p t s c h u l e A l p b a c h – A l p b a c h I d e a j a m / H i g h e r E d u c at i o n S y m p o s i u m

The Classroom of Thought

Ideas Are in the Air

man memory researcher Aleida Assmann (left), who discussed with the students how commemorations, memorials and anniversaries shape our collective memory. Her tutorial was one of the highlights of the 2014 academic seminar week.

At the Alpbach secondary-school, there are no summer holidays. Every August, during the European Forum Alpbach, the classrooms burst at the seams whith hundreds of inquisitive young minds participating in active discussions in a range of seminars. Among the teachers is renowned Ger6

need time to let it develop. The most interactive sessions at the Forum, such as the Alpbach IdeaJam and the EU simulation game, provide time for this. There is no pre-determined agenda, so instead the participants’ spontaneous input determines the course of the session.

Shortly before midnight, the 80/20 rule prevailed in a creative competition to find the educational innovation with the brightest future. The rule states that everyone should be able to spend 20% of their time on a project close to their heart as part of their studies or work. The underlying principle is that if you have a good idea, you also 7

6 . 4 4 A . M . , A u g u s t 1 7, 2 0 1 4 , W i e d e r s b e r g e r H o r n – S u n r i s e H i k i n g T o u r , T y r o l Day

See the World through Fresh Eyes a great deal of inspiration and new perspectives home with them. The ascent demands a lot from the mountaineers, but the unforgettable moment when the sun bathes the world in warm morning light is the reward that comes from exploring new paths with others.

Meteorologist Karl Gabl (centre, with hat) is used to looking to the future: the best mountaineers in the world rely on his forecasts. Learning from the knowledge and experiences of others in order to reach good desicions– this is what the European Forum Alpbach stands for. Many participants take



8 . 0 6 p. m . , A u g u s t 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 , F e u e r w e h r ha u s A l p b a c h – A RT P r o g r a m m e

Homage to Sigmund Freud At the end of the performance, they took off their masks and the applause went on and on: there was a standing ovation at the fire station for the actors and actresses of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. The audience from the European Forum Alpbach was impressed with the Londoners’ theatrical performance to mark the 75th anniversary of the

death of Sigmund Freud. As part of the Forum, they honed the play to performance standard under the direction of playwright and creative Director Nona Shepphard, and thus proved that ambitious programmes can be delivered in unusual spaces. 10

9. 3 8 P. M . , A u g u s t 2 1 , 2 0 1 4 , C o n g r e s s C e n t r e A l p b a c h – T e c h n o l o g y S y m p o s i u m

Where Will this Journey Take Us? and joined the subsequent debate. Each year at the European Forum Alpbach, representatives from a range of social sectors, such as science, politics, economy, culture and civil society, examine the big questions confronting humanity.

In 2014, 100 years after the beginning of the First World War and 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, participants dealt with the course which Europe must set in order to be fit for the future. Quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger was among them. He spoke during the Technology Symposium 11

2 . 0 0 p. m . , A u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 1 4 , V i l l a g e S q u a r e A l p b a c h – P o l i t i c a l S y m p o s i u m

1 0 .1 8 a . m . , A u g u s t 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 , Z IRM A LM – “A l p b a c h i n M o t i o n “ s u m m i t

The Village of Europe

Apollo, Athena, Dionysus und Zeus accompanies the EU’s foreign policy chief on the way to the Congress Centre Alpbach. For just a few days, the vast continent of Europe shrinks here to the size of a village. Many politicians use the uncomplicated atmosphere to hold discussions, explore decisions and find solutions.

A space ist needed to demonstrate the prospects for work, education and knowledge to politicians. Catherine Ashton is one of many senior representatives of European politics who come to Alpbach each summer. Host Franz Fischler, President of the European Forum Alpbach and former EU Commissioner, 12


The Economist has called him a “guru” and “one of the world’s most influential management thinkers”, and Irish philosopher Charles Handy (r) normally packs out the big halls – but not in Alpbach. At the Zirmalm, the best-selling author spends a lot of time philosophising with young leaders from 13

across Europe about the skills that shape the managers of tomorrow. He believes that management styles can be reduced to four basic types, which he has named after Greek gods. It was a unique discussion, which the landlord will not forget in a hurry as well.

1 1 . 3 7 a . m . , A u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 1 4 , CO n g r e s s C e n t r e A l p b a c h – P o l i t i c a l S y m p o s i u m /A l p b a c h - La x e n b u r g G r o u p

An Invitation to the World Jeffrey Sachs (left to right) share a stage, guests can witness a debate between world-renowned researchers and experts. Programmes involving such a wide range of opinions and disciplines from all over the world have been a hallmark of the European Forum Alpbach for 70 years.

The Erwin SchrĂśdinger-Saal is a space in which hundreds of people from all over the world can voice their opinions. When Frenchman Pascal Lamy, long-serving former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, Indian economic researcher Montek Singh Ahluwalia and American economist



1 2 . 4 8 p. m . , A u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 1 4 , C o n g r e s s C e n t r e A l p b a c h – a l p b a c h M e d i a A c a d e m y

3 . 2 7 p. m . , A u g u s t 2 7 2 0 1 4 , H a u p t s c h u l e A l p b a c h – E c o n o m i c S y m p o s i u m

Do You Have a Minute, Ms President?

Unconventional and intimate

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. His piece about gender equality in positions of power continues the plenary debate on paper. Conor Campbell and his colleagues have put together a total of eight dossiers, which are available online, at

Check your facts, explain the context and ask critical questions – the golden rules of high-quality journalism also apply to the Alpbach Media Academy. Young Irish journalist Conor Campbell uses a break in the programme to get a few words from Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and 16

The European Forum Alpbach offers plenty of opportunities to learn about new directions in the world of business. Exchanging business cards, meeting potential business partners and targeting new goals – when it comes to business talks, not a day goes by without a new project being created.

Alongside other managers and in front of an attentive audience, Wolfgang Anzengruber (left, holding the microphone), CEO of Austria’s largest electricity provider, outlines during a breakout session what makes leading companies so successful. Joined-up thinking and the courage to explore new avenues are certainly some of the most significant factors. 17


3 . 5 2 p. m . , A u g u s t 2 8 , 2 0 1 4 , H o t e l B ö g l e r h o f – B u i lt e n v i r o n m e n t S y m p o s i u m

Room with a View urbanisation have on our (working) lives. They left their home in New York behind and visited the European Forum Alpbach in order to look to the future in tranquil surroundings, far away from the bustle of the megalopolis.

Even noted social scientists are awed by the beauty of nature here. Saskia Sassen and Richard Sennett are the proverbial “first couple” of contemporary sociology. They have written countless books and conduct research at prestigious universities. Their publications show the effect that the economy and



4 . 4 5 p. m . , A p r i l 6 , 2 0 1 4 , F r a n k e n f e l s - I n n o vat i o n l a b „ R e :t h i n k A u s t r i a 2 0 1 4 “

Parliamentarianism 2.0 play in the future? Which tools do future members of parliament require? In the protected environment of “Re:think Austria”, the almost-unthinkable happens: political differences melt away when it comes to generating collective ideas for the future of democracy and parliamentarianism.

Debating is their passion, which is why parliamentarians from all political groups immediately relish the dynamic setting provided by the innovation laboratory. Rehearsed statements and objections fall by the wayside here as the participants begin to look to the future together. What role will Parliament 20


7.1 2 p. m . , Ma r c h 6 , 2 0 1 4 , S e e s ta d t A s p e r n – I n n o vat i o n l a b „ R e :t h i n k | h o u s i n g . p o l i c y.“

The Transformation building of more affordable housing had actually been put forward. The dynamic setting created by the innovation laboratory pushed the participants to their limits – with great results. They transformed an empty conference room into a source of new projects and opportunities for cooperation.

Enjoying a panoramic view of Europe’s largest urban development project, Aspern, on Vienna’s urban lakeside, 60 experts examined Austrian housing policy. Host Matthias Reisinger (standing) was highly impressed that, by the end, new projects and initiatives aiming to get the ball rolling on the 22


7. 3 7 P. M . , F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 , W i e n M u s e u m – A LBPA C H TA L K S , C o o p e r at i o n w i t h W i e n e r Z e i t u n g

Because Every Summer Comes to an End that the evenings help pass the time a little more quickly until the next Forum, as the Alpbach Talks provide a platform for people who have something to say about today’s problems. Last year, these included Big Data author Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and demographic researcher Prof. Wolfgang Lutz (pictured).

The audience at the Alpbach Talks want to understand the world better. Whether the subject is data protection, the health system, educational opportunities or housing policy, the European Forum Alpbach uses the Alpbach Talks to discuss the summer’s controversial topics and further the debate throughout the year. An added bonus is 24

2 . 2 5 p. m . , F e b r u a r y 7, 2 0 1 4 , H a n n s - S e i d e l- S t i f t u n g , M u n i c h – A l p i n e r e g i o n e n e r g y f o r u m

First-hand Information begin the search for an energy strategy for the Alpine region. EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger (bottom centre) did not just stand on the side-lines but rather actively got involved, and spent an afternoon wiping the slate clean and debunking the myths surrounding the turnaround in energy policy.

How often do you get the chance to speak openly and directly about a huge project such as the turnaround in energy policy with the EU Commissioner responsible? Power-plant operators, agency representatives, academics, politicians and stakeholders whipped out thick pens and pinned flipchart paper on the wall to 25

Scholarships Forum Alpbach Network Events Speakers Association & Boards Partners Figures Pages 28 - 29

Pages 30 - 31

Pages 32 - 33

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7. 0 0 p. m . , N o v e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 3 , L e o p o l d - F r a n z e n s - U n i v e r s i t y I n n s b r u c k – c o n f e r e n c e “ C u lt u r e & E c o n o m y “ I n c o o p e r at i o n w i t h “ G e d ä c h t n i s s t i f t u n g P e t e r K a i s e r ( 1 7 9 3 – 1 8 6 4) “

From the province and the wider world

Pages 38 - 39

is developing into a global village, whilst regional consciousness is returning to the fore. The film portrays this tension through the life stories of different Europeans and provoked a lively discussion between the participants of the conference.

With his film “Trivial Europe”, Linz-based director Wolfgang Preisinger (pictured bottom left) visually encapsulates the theme from the “Culture and Economy” conference series. The term “glocalisation” describes a combination of two phenomena: the world 26


Pages 35 - 36

n o n - p r o f i t f o u n d at i o n o f t h e e u r o p e a n F o r u m A l p b a c h

Create Meaning and Encourage Young People with them the intellectual courage required to question seemingly irrefutable facts. In total, more than 700 scholarship holders from over 50 countries take part in the European Forum Alpbach each year. The European Forum Alpbach therefore makes a significant contribution to European integration and international understanding.

The private charitable foundation of the European Forum Alpbach has developed a scholarship programme which enables students from all over the world to come to Alpbach and participate in the Forum. It is impossible to imagine Alpbach without its student participants. They represent the youthful spirit that characterises Alpbach, and bring Schol arship holders of the europe an forum alpbach 2014

Nothing for Pessimists voluntarily. Alongside renowned academics, they immerse themselves in an environment bursting with novel ideas, new ways of thinking and opportunities for making new contacts. And they return home with a more acute awareness of Europe’s diversity and cultural sensitivity.

Cultural pessimists and cynics think that the youth of today are a waste of space. Kidan Afessa from Ethiopia, Derek Ouyang from the USA, Kseniya Pak from Uzbekistan and Klaus Seltenheim from Austria (top left to bottom right) prove otherwise. Along with 700 others, they have travelled to Alpbach to spend six hours a day in classrooms, 28

Supporters of the non-profit foundation of the European Forum Alpbach (2014) Billa AG | Bohmann Druck & Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | BROCHIER Holding GmbH + Co. KG | BM für Europa, Integration und Äußeres | BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft | BM für Wissenschaft und Forschung | Diözese Graz-Seckau | Gemeinnützige Siedlungs-Genossenschaft Altmannsdorf und Hetzendorf | Generali-3 Banken InvestmentGmbH | HEIMBAU - Gemeinnützige Bau-, Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft| Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien (MA 7) | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | Pfarre Hausmannstätten | Philip Morris GmbH | PORR AG | Raiffeisen Bank International AG | Rupp AG | Santander Consumer Bank GmbH | Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG| Stiftung PROPTER HOMINES | Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Austria | Telekom Austria Group | Vienna Insurance Group AG | VTB Bank (Austria) AG | Wirtschaftskammer Österreich | WKÖ Bundessparte Tourismus | WKÖ Tirol Abteilung Holzbau 29

Forum Alpbach Ne t work

Committed throughout Europe and national borders. Visible proof of this connection can be seen in the development of 36 alumni associations from 25 different countries, which have also organised highly successful scholarship programmes.

Despite their wide variety of experiences, specialisms and ways of life, the members of the alumni associations have one thing in common – a great passion for critical and interdisciplinary thinking. Their time together at the European Forum Alpbach connects former scholarship holders from across many years Coordination Team of the Forum Alpbach Network

Katharina Posch, Johannes Purtscher, Milana Sredojevic, Hanna Wilhelmer

1 2 :1 8 p. m . , J u n i 8 , 2 0 1 4 , H o t e l E u r o p e , Sa r a j e v o – EUROPE A N YOUT H SUMMIT „1 0 0 f o r t h e n e x t 1 0 0 “

An initiative takes flight Summer School on European Integration in Belgrade and the travelling exhibition “€uroXibition” in Brussels and Mitrovica. The picture above shows a participant at the youth summit in Sarajevo reading the final declaration “We shape our own future”.

“IG” stands for “Initiative Groups” in the world of the “Forum Alpbach Network”, and the members of the alumni associations have more than met the requirement of using their “initiative”, as is evident from the events they have organised themselves. Current examples include the European Youth Summit in Sarajevo, the Alpbach 30

– Initiative Group Alpbach Albania (AL) – Initiative Group Alpbach Armenia (ARM) – Club Alpbach Belgrade (SRB) – Club Alpbach Bulgaria (BG) – Club Alpbach Burgenland (A) – Club Alpbach Croatia (HR) – Club Alpbach Czech Republic (CZ)* – Initiative Group Alpbach France (F) – Club Alpbach Germany (D) – Club Alpbach Greece (GR) – Initiative Group Alpbach Kosovo (KS) – Kyiv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Liechtenstein (LI) – Initiative Group Alpbach London (GB) – Lviv Initiative Group Alpbach (UA) – Club Alpbach Macedonia (MK) – Club Alpbach Middle East (ET) – Club Alpbach Niederösterreich (A)

– Initiativgruppe Alpbach Niederösterreich (A) – Club Alpbach Oberösterreich (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Podgorica (MNE) – Initiative Group Alpbach Romania (R) – Club Alpbach Russia (RUS) – Club Alpbach Salzburg (A) – Initiative Group Alpbach Sarajevo (BIH) – Club Alpbach Senza Confini (A/SLO/I) – Initiative Group Alpbach Slovenia (SI) – Club Alpbach Steiermark (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Graz (A) – Club Alpbach Südtirol Alto Adige (I) – Initiative Group Alpbach Team Europe (B) – Club Alpbach Tirol (A) – Club Alpbach Trentino (I)* – Club Alpbach Vorarlberg (A) – Initiativgruppe Alpbach Wien (A) * in the course of formation 31

Alpbach, T yrol / 4,500 participants from 75 nations (a mong them 700 Schol arship holders & 700 Speakers) / t welve Symposia , five summer schools, seminar week , Media ac ademy, Alpbach in Motion SUMMIT, art progr amme, L ABS, SIDe EVENTS

A p r i l 3 t o 5 , 2 0 1 4 / F r a n k e n f e l s (Lo w e r A u s t r i a ) / 6 0 P e r s o n s f r o m t h e P o l i t i c a l S p h e r e / I n n o vat i o n l a b

Re:think Austria European Forum Alpbach “Alpbach in Motion” – The Alpbach Summit of Emerging Leaders Ensuring the participation of young people is one of the European Forum Alpbach’s main aims. As part of the “Alpbach Summit of Emerging Leaders”, 40 young European leaders met to discuss economic systems of the future in an interactive and dynamic environment.

Alpbach Symposia Over the course of the two- to three-day conferences, internationally renowned speakers discuss topics such as the built environment, education, the financial markets, health, politics, law, technology and the economy. A range of breakout sessions offer participants the opportunity to delve deeper into individual subject areas. The Forum also comprises shorter events such as the Tyrol Day and an interactive simulation game concerning the decision-making process in the EU.

Alpbach Media Academy For three weeks, young journalists from all over Europe wrote multi-media and critical reports about the conference under the direction of media experts.

Seminar Week and Summer Schools The seminar week is the academic heart of the Forum. In 2014, 16 seminars and four summerschool courses were held on a variety of scientific disciplines. The Alpbach summer school courses gave participants the chance to explore the topics of “European law and European integration” or “European health and social systems” in depth, under the guidance of distinguished experts.

Alpbach-Laxenburg Group Renowned experts from science, politics, economics, and civil society have joined forces to form the Alpbach-Laxenburg Group. The group is dedicated to developing concepts and formulas to address current challenges, including climate change and educational poverty. The experts’ first meeting took place in Alpbach in Summer 2014. The AlpbachLaxenburg Group is part of a partnership with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) located in Laxenburg.


Around 40 Austrian Parliamentarians from all political groups, as well as some 20 stakeholders from the scientific, economic and cultural sectors and civil society grappled with the parliamentary system of tomorrow over the course of two days. They developed objectives for the future of our parliamentary democracy which transcended professional and ideological boundaries.

Ma r c h 6 t o 7, 2 0 1 4 / S e e s ta d t A s p e r n / 6 0 P e r s o n s o f t h e h o u s i n g p o l i c y s e c t o r / I n n o vat i o n l a b

f e b r u a r y 7, 2 0 1 4 / H a n n s - S e i d e l S t i f t u n g , M u n i c h / 120 experts of the energy sector / Innovationlab, Fis h b ow lD is cuss i o n

Re:think | Housing.Policy.

Alpine Region Energy Forum

In the lakeside town of Aspern, more than 60 stakeholders from the housing sector developed new projects and initiatives in order to modernise the Austrian housing system. The results were included in the 2014 Alpbach Built Environment Symposium.

Over the course of one day, relevant decisionmakers from the Alpine region developed new ideas and strategies for a sustainable energy supply. The concluding discussions centred on the day’s outcomes and questions from the audience.

All over austria / 300 Persons / Plenary

Univer sit y Innsbruck / 200 Per sons from Politic s , Science , Economy, Art and Civil Socie t y / Conference with art Progr amme

Alpbach Talks

Culture & Economy

The European Forum Alpbach created the “Alpbach Talks” discussion series to pick up on topical themes of the summer and to continue the debate throughout the year. Experts and the general public discuss socially relevant problems and challenges in a wide range of locations. The Alpbach Talks are the result of a collaboration with the Wiener Zeitung newspaper.

The three-day “Culture and Economy” conference series was organised by the European Forum Alpbach and the Peter Kaiser (1793-1864) Memorial Foundation and deals with the productive area of tension between cultural and economic players. The aim is to show how the economy helps to shape our culture above and beyond the role of a financial sponsor.


S p e ak e r s o f a l l OUR Ev e n t s 2 0 1 3 / 2 0 1 4

Th e A s s o c i at i o n

Monika Abendstein | Sabine Abfalter | Montek Singh Ahluwalia | Peter C. Aichelburg | Karl Aiginger | Michael Alram | Omar Al-Rawi | Nina Altmann | Gabriele Ambros | Volker Amelung | Hannes Ametsreiter | Amal-Lee Amin | Karl Amon | Katrin Amunts | Bertil Andersson | László Andor | Hannes Androsch | Silvia Angerer | Simon Anholt | Wolfgang Anzengruber | Günther Apfalter | Stefan Apfl | Manimozhiyan Arumugam | Minoru Asada | Catherine Ashton | Elena Asklof | Aleida Assmann | Franz Auer | Anna Ayuso | Gerd Bacher | Franz Bachmaier | Martin A. Bader | Carla Amina Baghajati | Tarafa Baghajati | Sandra Baierl | Deepak Baindur | Peter Balas | Köksal Baltaci | Daniel Barben | David Barron | Bernd Bäuchler | Wilhelm Bauer | Kurt Bayer | Friedrich Bechina | Marek Belka | Thomas Bene | Karsten Benz | Christian Berger | Konrad Bergmeister | Jost Bernasch | Martin Bernhofer | Helmut Bernkopf | Almina Besic | Susanne Bethge | Luís M. A. Bettencourt | Markus Beyrer | Peter Biegelbauer | Andreas Bierwirth | Markus Bischofer | Joachim Bitterlich | Ljiljana Blagojevic | Karl Blecha | Philipp Blom | Günter Blöschl | Markus Blösl | Jürgen Bodenseer | Dietmar Bodingbauer | Hans Bodingbauer | Stefan Bofinger | Stephan Bohlen | Wolfgang Böhm | Petra Bohuslav | Ulrike Böker | Mark Boleat | Björn Böning | Peter Bosek | Caspar Bowden | Andrea Braidt | Helmut Brand | Karlheinz Brandenburg | Wolfgang Brandstetter | Günther Brauner | Ingrid Breckner | Rudolf Bretschneider | Nonno Breuss | Oscar Bronner | Marco Brunazzo | Han Brunner | Georg Buchtela | Michael Bünker | Doris Bures | Philipp Burkard | Eva Burtscher | Lucia Busatta | Erhard Busek | Peter Bussjäger | Jacek Bylica | Carolyn Campbell | David Campbell | Elias G. Carayannis | Willibald Cernko | Guan Zhe Chen | Jining Chen | Vasyl Cherepanyn | Robert Clark | Karen Cogan | Erika Conti | Marcus Cornaro | Cecily Corti | Roberto Cosolini | Denise Costa Coitinho | Laura Naomi Cranston | Hannah Crepaz | Maria Crepaz | Iva Cukic | Alexander Damianisch | John Daniel | Julia Danielczyk | Claudia Dannhauser | Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber | Ika Darnhofer | Johann Daxbeck | Antonio De Aguiar Patriota | Jahal De Meritens | Doris Dialer | Raimund Diederichs | Wolfgang Dietrich | Robbert Dijkgraaf | Dimitré Dinev | Michael Doczy | Emese Dörfler-Antal | Igor N. Dubina | Ken Ducatel | Gunter Dueck | Pal Dunay | Wolfgang Dür | Mallika Dutt | Mariana Dyakova | Vedran Dzihic | Dietmar Eberle | Michl Ebner | Bernhard Eccher | Georg Eckert | Vitus Eckert | Fabian Eder | Wolfgang Eder | Anitra Eggler | Alexander Egit | Hubert Christian Ehalt | Pascale Ehrenfreund | Ulli Ehrlich | Martin Eichtinger | Caspar Einem | Patrick Elmer | Gottfried Endel | Elisabeth Engelbrechtsmüller-Strauss | Alice Engl | Heinz W. Engl | Alexis Eremia | Peter Ertl | Helmut Ettl | Nick Fahy | Sebastian A. Fairhurst | Helmut Fallmann | Peter Faross | Benjamin Feilmair | Florian Feilmair | Adolf Feizlmayr | Eva Feldmann-Wojtachnia | Lisa Christiane Fellhofer | Wolfgang Fellin | Bronac Ferran | Armin Fidler | Kerstin Fink | Heinz Fischer | Franz Fischler | David Fisher | Geraldine Fitzpatrick | Mark Thomas Fitzpatrick | Stefan Fitz-Rankl | Jörg Flecker | Michael Fleischhacker | Hubert Flörl | Alexandra Föderl-Schmid | Christian Fölzer | Karl Forstner | Richard Frackowiak | Curtis Frank | Daphne Frankl-Templ | Julia Freidl | Eric Frey | Harald Frey | Elisabeth Freytag-Rigler | Andrea Fried | Alexis Fries | Esther Fritsch | Helga Fritsch | Anne Frolich | Erich Frommwald | Klaus Fronius | Heike Frühwirth | Bettina Fuhrmann | Gerald Füstös | Karl Gabl | Sabrina Gabl | Benjamin Gallezot | Anna Gamper | Maha Ganem | Verena Gangl | Thomas Gasser | Michael Gehbauer | Katja Gentinetta | Christof Germann | Roya Ghafele | Renato Finocchi Ghersi | Mario Giampietro | Enrico Giovannini | Susanne Glass | Martin J. Gössl | Reinhard Göweil | Franz Graf | Martin Graf | Richard Grasl | Herbert Greisberger | Thomas Greminger | Sabine Gretner | Andreas Grieb | Irmgard Griss | Petra Grosinic | Gerald Gross | Stefan Gross | Damian Groten | Kurt Gruber | Michaela Grubmüller | Heinz Grünwald | Marina Grzinic | Ulrike Guerot | Hans Gutbrod | Karin Gutierrez-Lobos | Johannes Gutmann | Raimund Gutmann | Barbara Guwak | Peter Habeler | Franz Hackl | Elvira Hadzibegovic-Bubanja | Gerald Häfner | Gerald Häfner | Harald Hagemann | Peter Hagen | Thomas Hahn | Marc H. Hall | Martin Halla | Tarja Halonen | Christopher Hamilton | Renate Hammer | Sonja Hammerschmid | Mo Hamza | Charles Handy | Johann Hansmann | Markus Hanzer | Esther Happacher | Karin Harrasser | Gudrun Harrer | Philip Harvard | Walter Haslinger | Raoul Haspel | Dietrich Haubenberger | Nadine Haufe | Hermann Hauser | Philipp Hauss | Lois Hechenblaikner | Markus Heingärtner | Oliver Heiss | Manfred Hellrigl | Uli Hellweg | Markus Hengstschläger | Anna M. Hennecke | Frank Hennessey | Frank Hensel | Sabine Herlitschka | Günter Herzig | Patricio Hetfleisch | Herbert Hetzel | Beatrice Heuser | Michael Hilberer | Dennis Hilgers | Christoph Hinterlechner | Barbara Hinterstoisser | Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer | Edith Hofer | Marcus Hofer | Jeff Hoffman | Claudia Hoffmann | Sabine Hoffmann | Werner Hoffmann | Markus F. Hofreither | Andrea Höglinger | Manuel Hörl | Paul Horn | Volker Hornsteiner | Alexander Hovorka | Jan Oliver Huber | Lukas Maximilian Hüller | Doris Hummer | Waldemar Hummer | Rudolf Hundstorfer | Mathias Huter | Mark Inman | Pinar Ipek | Hubert Isak | Andreas Ittner | Marcus Izmir | Clemens Jabloner | Siegfried Jachs | Till Jaeger | Atifete Jahjaga | Thomas Jakl | Brigitte Jank | Christian Jauk | Horst Jauschnegg | Christo Wladimirow Jawaschew | Caroline Jenner | Anke Joas | Markus Jochum | Garett Jones | Pavel Kabat | Volker Kaese | Arno Kahl | Claus-Peter Kahn | Hedwig-Josefine Kaiser | Peter Kampits | Jakob Kapeller | Othmar Karas | Artem Kardashevskiy | Klaus Karlbauer | Ferdinand Karlhofer | Rudi Kaske | Georg Kasperkovitz | Dietlinde Kastelliz | Johannes Kaup | Grainne Keenan | Albert Keiler | Werner Kerschbaum | Renate Kicker | Sean Kidney | Monika Kil | Gi-Eun Kim | Ferdinand Kirchhof | Simon Kirnberger | Irmgard Kischko | Kazuki Kitaoka | Marcus Klamert | Holger Klein | Mario Kleindienst | Friedrich Kleinhapl | Bernd Kleinheyer | Kilian Kleinschmidt | Alexander Klimburg | Peter Klimek | Hannes Klöpper | Joseph Kloska | Marion Knoche | Hermann Knoflacher | Christopher Knowles | Angelika Kofler | Konrad Kogler | Arno Kompatscher | Michael Kopp | Peter Koren | Walter Koren | Alev Korun | Wolfgang Kos | Brigitte Kössner-Skoff | Hrant Kostanyan | Thomas Kostera | Gabriele Kotsis | Melita Kovacevic | Günther Kradischnig | Kai Jan Krainer | Martin Krajcsir | Wolfgang Krajic | Sonja Kranz | Katerina Kratzmann | Werner Krawietz | Willy Kriz | Renate Kroismayr | Franz Kühmayer | Christian Kühn | Richard Kühnel | Christian Kurz | Sebastian Kurz | Franz Lackner | Thomas Lackner | Sylvie Lacroix | Hervé Ladsous | Sabine Ladstätter | Elsy Lahner | Miroslav Lajcak | Pascal Lamy | Daniel Landau | Michael Landau | Peter Laugesen | Michael Lederer | Peter Legat | Andrea Lehky | Frank Lehmann | Oliver Lehmann | Martin Lehner | Wolfgang Lehofer | Konstantin Leimig | Christoph Leitl | Martin Leitl | Günter Lepperdinger | Christopher Lettl | Michael W. Lewis | Rudolf Lichtmannegger | Robert Lichtner | Erkki Liikanen | Verena Lindacher | Michael Linhart | Hans Lintner | Thomas Lipschütz | Kathryn List | Sigrid Löffler | Marie Céline Loibl | Morten Lokkegaard | Michael Losch | Helmut Ludwar | Dario Luisi | Ulrike Lunacek | Wolfgang Lutz | Rosa Lyon | Bruno Macaes | Donald Macdonald | Christoph Mader | Philipp Maderthaner | Piotr Magnuszewski | Ali Mahlodji | Axel Maireder | Anna Maria Madeleine Majorenko | Rudolf Mallinger | Christian Mandl | Josef Mandl | Gottfried Marckhgott | Georg Margreiter | Dominik Markl | Anthony Marra | Boris Marte | Markus Marterbauer | Philipp Marxgut | Josef Mathis | Sabine Matzinger | Thomas Maurer | Heinz Mayer | Katja Mayer | Martin Mayer | Viktor Mayer-Schönberger | Thomas Mayr-Harting | Angus Mccrone | Peter Mcdonald | Sean A. Mckenna | Reinhard Mechler | Wolfgang Meixner | Arno Melitopulos | Isabella Meran-Waldstein | Mark Meredith | Reinhard Merkel | Wolfgang Merkens | Anke Merkl-Rachbauer | Dieter Messner | Arthur Mettinger | Michael Meyer | Silke Meyer | Niccolo Milanese | Branko Milanovic | Corinna Milborn | Reinhold Mitterlehner | Jürgen Mlynek | Enzo Moavero Milanesi | Berthold Molden | Wilhelm Molterer | Walter Mösenbacher | Andreas Moser | Michael Moser | Patrizia Moser | Jan Muehlfeit | Axel Mühlbacher | Marcus Müllner | Rainer Münz | Gerald Murauer | Michael Mürling | Birgit Murr | Nebojsa Nakicenovic | Patrizia Nanz | Philippe Narval | Frank M. H. Neffke | Heinrich Neisser | Hubert Neuwirth | Kalypso Nicolaidis | Julian Nida-Rümelin | Claudine Nierth | Bujar Nishani | Ellen Nolte | Katharina Norden | Elisabeth J. Nöstlinger-Jochum | Manfred Nowak | Martin Nowak | Rainer Nowak | Helga Nowotny | Christian Nünlist | Anika Nussgraber | Luigi Nuzzo | Paul Oberhammer | Walter Obwexer | Erinma Ochu | Günther Oettinger | Hannes Offenbacher | Maureen O‘malley | Mark Opanasiuk | Adele Orosz | Reinhard Ortner | Helmut Oszvald | Günther Paal | Beate Palfrader | Branka Panic | Maia Panjikidze | Ken Parulski | Michael Pech | Hans Pechar | Harald Pechlaner | Marta Pedrajas Herrero | Irmi Peer | Mark Pennington | Otto Penz | Marianne Peters | Georg Pfeifer | Andris Piebalgs | Thomas Rudolf Pieber | Sigrid Pilz | Anna Piperal | Markus Plasencia | Günther Platter | Anke Plättner | Reinhard Ploss | Thomas Plötzeneder | James D. Plummer | Klaus Poier | Lothar Pöll | Sabine Pollak | Rainer Polster | Nancy Polutan-Teulieres | Andjela Popovic | Lukas Praml | Wolfgang Preisinger | Friedrich B. Prinz | Josef Probst | Silvia Prock | Gerald Pruckner | Franz Karl Prüller | Roland Psenner | Peter Puchberger | Sibylle Puntscher | Sonja Puntscher Riekmann | Peter Purgathofer | Peter Püspök | John Quackenbush | Julya Rabinowich | Ljiljana Radonic | Filip Radunovic | Stefan Raffeiner | Claus J. Raidl | Christian Ramsauer | Buddy D. Ratner | Carlo Ratti | Günther Rautz | Michael E. Raynor | Norbert Regitnig-Tillian | Miriam Rehm | Rainer Reich | Daniel Reichert | Manfred Reichl | Michel Reimon | Markus Reinhard | Matthias Reisinger | Bettina Reiter | Michael Reiterer | David Rejeski | Pamela Rendi-Wagner | Georg Renner | Wolfgang Renner | Stephan Richter | Anita Rieder | Wolfgang Riedler | Klemens Riegler-Picker | Bernd Riessland | Verena Ringler | Thomas Ritt | Mary Robinson | Hubert Röder | Friedrich Rödler | H.-Holger Rogner | Herbert Rohrmair-Lewis | Gerhard Roiss | Gulnara Roll | Tiina Rosenberg | Christian Rösner-ElHeliebi | Ugo Rossi | Michael Rotert | Philipp Ruch | Franz Rudorfer | Melanie Ruff | Barbara Ruhsmann | Robin Rumler | Gerald Ruppert | Andrä Rupprechter | Jordan Ryan | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Gudrun Salmhofer | Werner Salzburger | Pia Sandner | Wilhelm Sandrisser | Saskia Sassen | Judith Sattlberger | Birgit Sauer | Piero Scaruffi | Roland Schaffler | Volker Schaffler | Heinrich Schaller | Rainer Schamberger | Alois Schedl | Francois Schellevis | Franz Schellhorn | Heimo Scheuch | Manfred Scheuer | Theda Schifferdecker | Cornelia Schindler | Niklas Schinerl | Ferdinand Schipfer | Christa Schlager | Arne Schlatmann | Stefan Schleicher | Josef Schmiderer | Gottfried Schmidt | Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth | Jürgen Schmude | Gunther Schnabl | Zoe Schneeweiss | Hedwig Schneid | Friedrich Schneider | Jürgen Schneider | Cornelia Schöberl-Floimayr | Michael Schöch | Christoph Schönborn | Michael Schreckenberg | Werner Schroeder | Leo Schrottenbach | Michael Schubert | Stephan Schulmeister | Martha Schultz | Ulrich Schurr | Martin Schürz | Martina Schuster | Alexander Schwab | Winfried Schwab | Petra Schwager | Franz Schwarenthorer | Daniel Schwartz | Richard Schwarzenauer | Karel Schwarzenberg | Michael Schweitzer | Magdalena Schwellensattl | Joachim Schwendenwein | Susanne Schwinghammer | Tomás Sedlacek | Hannes Seebacher | Bernadette Segol | Irmi Seidl | Sabine Seidler | Thomas Seifert | Rupert Sendlhofer | Richard Sennett | Karl Sevelda | Johannes Seybold | Michael Shamiyeh | Nona Shepphard | Richard Shirreff | Klaus Sickinger | Andrea Siebenhofer-Kroitzsch | Slawomir Sierakowski | Barbara Siller | Matthias Siller | Joshua Simon | Wolf Singer | Hal Sirkin | Marie-Louise Skolud | Peter Small | Vaclav Smil | Robert-Jan Smits | Monika SommerSieghart | Michael Span | Christiane Spiel | Viktoria Spielmann | Markus Spillmann | Thomas Sporer | Valentin Stalf | Sasho Stanojkovikj | Eva Stanzl | Martin H. Staudinger | Barbara Steenbergen | Ales Steger | Katharina Viktoria Stein | Barbara Steiner | Katharina Stemberger | Krassimir Sterev | Claudia Sternberg | Armin Steuernagel | Christina Steyskal | Friedrich Stickler | Edeltraud Stiftinger | Markus Stock | Alois Stöger | Johann Strahlhofer | Richard Straub | Rudolf Streinz | Agnes Streissler-Führer | Matthias Strolz | Michael Strugl | Thomas Stubbings | Margareta Stubenrauch | Vladimir Sucha | David Svarin | Stefan Szyszkowitz | Francois Taddei | Pirkka Tapiola | Andreas Teischl | Angela Tesar | Richard Theiner | Nicole Thurn | Stefan Thurner | Michael Thurow | Karlheinz Töchterle | Peter M. Todd | Nino Tomaschek | Yvonne Toncic-Sorinj | Mary Tripsas | Andreas Trisko | Verica Trstenjak | Eva Maria Tscherner | Bernhard Tschofen | Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell | Annemarie Türk | Thomas Uher | Heidemarie Uhl | Christoph Ulf | Hans Jörg Ulreich | Christian Ultsch | Mehmet Ünlü | Christina Unterberger | Peter Untersperger | Alois Vahrner | Artemis Vakianis | Joris Van Bladel | Willem Van Der Vlugt | Eddy Van Doorslaer | Philip Vanhoutte | Jan Wouter Vasbinder | Alipasha Vaziri | Helmi Vent | Reinhilde Veugelers | Michela Vignoli | Theresia Vogel | Raluca Voinea | Felicitas Von Peter | Andreas Vonkilch | Cornelia Vospernik | Rainer Voss | Bostjan Vuga | Nevena Vuksanovic | Gottfried Wagner | Lukas David Wagner | Michael Wagner-Pinter | Siegfried Walch | Maria Walcher | Najem Wali | Andreas Weber | Quirin Weber | Elisabeth Wehling | Peter Wehrheim | Peter Weiermair | Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik | Friedl Weiss | Eva Weissenberger | Klaus Weissmann | Barbara Weitgruber | Stefanie Werinos | Eva Werner | Alexa L. Wesner | Carl-Frank Westermann | Frank Westermann | Hugo Wetzel | Georg M. Wieselthaler | Olivia Wigzell | Howard Williamson | Stefan F. Windberger | Verena Winiwarter | Elizabeth Winkler | Petra Winter | Doerthe Winter-Berke | Hans Jörg Wippel | Maria Wirth | Anna Wohlesser | Michael Wolff | Arnulf Wolfram | Peter Woodward | Manfred Wörgetter | Holger Wormer | Andreas Woyke | Joanna Wozny | Doris Wydra | Selim Yenel | Kazim Yilmaz | Oksana Zabuzhko | Alois Zach | Johannes Zahrl | Lamberto Zannier | Yuliya Zaplotynska | Dragana Zarkovic-Obradovic | Eva Zeglovits | Anton Zeilinger | Gerhard Zeiner | Claus Zeppelzauer | Klaus Zeyringer | Pavel Zgaga | Jan Zielonka | Giuseppe Zorzi | Johannes Zschocke

European Forum Alpbach Association


with the exception of the organisation team, all give their time to the Forum Alpbach voluntarily. They have contributed to making the European Forum Alpbach one of the most important European interdisciplinary dialogue platforms for science, politics, economics and culture today.

The first European Forum Alpbach took place in 1945, initially called “International College Weeks”. Founded in 1948 as charitable association based in Vienna, it acts independently of any ideology, religion or political party. The association only functions thanks to the vast number of people who,

Franz Fischler president

Caspar Einem vice president

Claus J. Raidl vice president

Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth vice president

Honorary Presidents


Scientific Advisory Board

Erhard Busek, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein

Martin Bernhofer, Jürgen Busch, Verena Ehold, Friedrich Gleissner, Erich Gornik, Günther Graf, Ivo Greiter, Andreas Grünbichler, Hilke Habermann, Wolfgang Habermayer, Michael Haider, Günter Hillebrand, Herwig Hösele, Michael Ikrath, Franz Jenewein, Wolfgang Knoll, Friedrich Korkisch, Richard Kruspel, Franz Leitgeb, Kathryn List, Christian Macek, Bernhard Marckhgott, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Patricia Mussi, Dieter Natlacen, Michael Neider, Ewald Nowotny, Johannes Ortner, Alfred Payrleitner, Heinrich Pfusterschmid-Hardtenstein, Werner Plunger, Filip Radunovic , Reingard Rauch, Wolfgang Renner, Walter Rothensteiner, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Christoph Schneider, Rainer Schrems, Matthias Strolz, Alexandra Terzic-Auer

Peter C. Aichelburg (Vorsitzender), Gerald Bast, Petar Bojanic, Andrea Braidt, Rudolf Burger, Helmut Denk, Heinz W. Engl, Walter E. Feichtinger, Martin Gerzabek, Erich Gornik, Markus Hengstschläger, Waldemar Hummer, Pavel Kabat, Harald Katzmair, Martin Kocher, Reinhart Kögerler, Tilmann Märk, Peter Markl, Hanspeter Mössenböck, Gerd Müller, Jozef Niewiadomski, Eva Nowotny, Gordana Popovic, Wolf Rauch, Anita Rieder, Katharina Scherke, Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger, Renée Schröder, Wilfried Stadler, Hans Sünkel, Gottfried Wagner, Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Ruth Wodak, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz

Other members of the board Manfred Url (Finance) Günther Schrems, Max Kothbauer (Auditors) Arbitration Board Friedrich Gleissner, Waldemar Hummer, Michael Neider, Katharina Scherke Steering Committee Peter C. Aichelburg, Franz Mailer, Philippe Narval, Klaus Poier, Johannes Purtscher, Milana Sredojevic, Manfred Url und das Präsidium

Sonja Puntscher Riekmann vice president


Corresponding members of the Scientific Advisory Board Hans Albert, Emil Brix, Hubert Christian Ehalt, Hans Flohr, Franz Gruber, Ivo Hajnal, Friso D. Heyt, Klemens Hofmeister, Michael Holoubek, Ernest König, Ingrid Kurz, Jean-Marie Lehn, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Irmgard Marboe, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Berthold Molden, Helga Nowotny, Renate Rathmayr, Nikolaus Rottenberger, Gerhard Sabathil, Peter M. Schmidhuber, Heinrich Schmidinger, Christoph Schneider, Kurt Scholz, Christine Stix-Hackl, Werner Teufelsbauer, Hans Tuppy, Manfred Wagner, Georg Winckler

Organising Team

S p o n s o r S A n d Pa r t n e r S o f t h e E u r o p e a n F o r u m A l p b ac h 2 0 1 4

Philippe Narval (Managing Director), Martina Albrecht, Ruth Heinisch, Veronika Hopfgartner, Stefan Kranewitter, Franz Mailer, Katharina Okulski, Magdalena RostkowskaMüllner (on leave), Irene Schulmeister, Margarita Schuster, Christiane Schwaiger, Monika Sommer-Sieghart, Floria Springer, Annamária Tóth

Principal Partners BMW | IBM | Land Tirol | Österreichische Lotterien Co-Organisers AIT | AK | Europaregion Tirol - Südtirol - Trentino | ORF Radio Ö1 | Pharmig | WKÖ

Main Partners A1 | Stifung Mercator | T-Mobile | UniCredit Bank Austria AG | WVG Bauträger

Cooperation Partners BM für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie | BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft | FHK | UNIKO

Scientific Partners European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies | European Research Council | Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Advisory commit tees

Health Symposium

Tyrol Day

Political Symposium

Armin Fidler, Amin El-Heliebi, Jan Oliver Huber, Hedwig J. Kaiser, Werner Kerschbaum, Marcus Müllner, Sigrid Pilz, Josef Probst, Pamela Rendi-Wagner, Ursula SchmidtErfurth, Artur Wechselberger, Johannes Zschocke

Andreas Altmann, Konrad Bergmeister, Lara Bertolli, Andreas Eisendle, Matthias Fink, Franz Fischler, Helga Fritsch, Harald Gohm, Martin Kubat, Tilmann Märk, Luca Nogler, Birgit Oberkofler, Sabine Schindler, Werner Stuflesser

Wolfgang Böhm, Erhard Busek, Harald Dossi, Vedran Dzihic, Walter Feichtinger, Franz Fischler, Martin Frick, Jan Kickert, Thomas Mayr-Harting, Eva Nowotny, Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Verena Ringler

Legal Symposium

Economic Symposium

Financial Market Symposium

Walter Berka, Caspar Einem, Christoph Grabenwarter, Johannes Heinrich, Brigitta Lurger, Manfred Matzka, Roland Miklau, Walter Obwexer, Johannes Pichler, Klaus Poier, Thomas Schützenhöfer, Richard Soyer, Eva Maria Tscherner, Alma Zadic

Gottfried Haber, Martin Kocher, Markus Marterbauer, Peter Mooslechner, Philippe Narval, Claus J. Raidl, Anna Rauch-Kopetz, Christoph Schneider, Margit SchratzenstallerAltzinger, Agnes Streissler-Führer, Werner Wutscher

Kurt Bayer, Christian Keuschnigg, Rainer Münz, Claus J. Raidl, Franz Rudorfer, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, Florian Wandruszka

Event Partners APA | Austrian Airlines | Gemeinde Alpbach | Lenzing Papier | NEC | ÖBB-Postbus | ORF Ö1 Club | Xerox Austria Supporting Partners Atos IT Solutions and Services | AUSTROMED | Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol | Autonome Provinz Trentino | Billa | Bundeskanzleramt | BM für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz | BM für Europa, Integration und Äußeres | BM für Finanzen | BM für Gesundheit | BM für Inneres | BM für Justiz | BM für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft | BM für Landesverteidigung und Sport | Veronika und Chris Brenninkmeyer | Bundessparte Bank und Versicherung der WKÖ | CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte | designaustria | ERSTE Stiftung | Europäische Kommission | Europäische Kommission - Vertretung in Österreich | Europäisches Parlament - Informationsbüro in Österreich | Fabasoft | Familie & Beruf Management | Familienwohnbau gemeinnützige Bau- und Siedlungsgesellschaft | FHWien der WKW | Forschung Austria | Geschäftsstelle Bau der Bundesinnung Bau und des Fachverbandes der Bauindustrie | Handels-, Industrie-, Handwerks- und Landwirtschaftskammer Bozen| Handels-, Industrie-, Handwerks- und Landwirtschaftskammer Trient | Hernstein Institut für Management und Leadership | Ja! Natürlich | JOANNEUM RESEARCH | Land Niederösterreich | Microsoft Österreich | Oberösterreichische Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft | OeNB | Österreichische Ärztekammer | ÖBB | Österreichische Notariatskammer | Österreichische Staatsdruckerei | Österreichischer Integrationsfonds | Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag | Österreichisches Patentamt | Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz | Österreichisches Siedlungswerk | ÖSTU-STETTIN Hoch- und Tiefbau | PORR | Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich | Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ | REWE International | Santander Consumer Bank | SAP Österreich | SVA | STRABAG | Three Coins | TGKK | Trenkwalder | TU Austria | TU Wien | Ulreich Bauträger | Verbund | VFFI | VTB Bank (Austria) | Wien 3420 Aspern Development | Wiener Stadtwerke | Wirtschaftskammer Tirol | Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte As well as Alpbacher Bergbahnen | BM für Bildung und Frauen | European Investment Bank Institute | promitto | Senat der Wirtschaft | Siemens AG | Standortagentur Tirol | Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft | UNIDO Proper Sponsoring all i need beverage | Bäckerei Ruetz | BENE AG | Brau AG | Coca-Cola | Handl Tyrol Hermann Pfanner Getränke | Privatquelle Gruber | PwC Österreich | Samsung Electronics Austria | Sennerei Zillertal Media Partners Format | Die Presse | Der Standard | Wiener Zeitung S p o n s o r s a n d Pa r t n e r s o f t h e C o n f e r e n c e „ C u lt u r e a n d E c o n o m y “ Gedächtnisstiftung Peter Kaiser (1793-1864) | Universität Innsbruck | Stadt Innsbruck | Standortagentur Tirol | MCI

Built Environment Symposium

S p o n s o r s a n d Pa r t n e r s o f t h e A l p i n e R e g i o n E n e r g y f o r u m

Caspar Einem, Wolfgang Förster, Norbert Kettner, Hermann Knoflacher, Arnold Klotz, Sina Lipp, Sylke Nissen, Haris Piplas, Albert Wimmer, Hans Jörg Wippel

Scientific Partner Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

Main Partners ILF Consulting Engineers | PÖYRY | Tiroler Wasserkraft | Verbund

Supporting Partners Energie AG OÖ |Illwerke VKW | SEL AG

S p o n s o r s a n d Pa r t n e r s o f „ R e :t h i n k | H o u s i n g . P o l i c y.“ Co-Organiser Jörg Wippel | WVG-Bauträger GmbH Main Partner Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG

Supporting Partners Familienwohnbau | Österreichisches Siedlungswerk | ÖSTU STETTIN Hochund Tiefbau GmbH | STRABAG AG | Ulreich Bauträger | Wohnbauvereinigung für Privat­angestellte | PORR

S p o n s o r s a n d pa r t n e r s o f „ R e :t h i n k Au s t r i a 2 0 1 4“ Kovar & Partners | freims: contemporary consulting for transformation, innovation and impact | Gebrüder Weiss 36


Turnover and Cos ts

T u r n o v e r 2 0 1 3 : € 2 ,1 2 5 , 6 2 3

Public Funds € 214,928 (10%)

Our Work so Far Thanks to countless supporters and sponsors, as well as a stable source of income from participation fees, the European Forum Alpbach has initiated new charitable projects such as the Media Academy and the “Re:think Austria” innovation laboratory, and has also increased financial support for the network of scholarship holders. In 2013, the association generated a surplus of €4,324.

The European Forum Alpbach has operated as a charitable association since 1948. The association is headed by an honorary executive board. The organisation team in Vienna consists of twelve full-time employees and over 100 volunteers who support the Forum. In the past year, we have also broadened our field of activity to become a platform for socio-political discourse and innovation, as well as supporting the young people of Europe.

Other Income € 39,953 (2%)

Participation Fees € 936,696 (44%)

Sponsoring € 922,757 (43%)

Membership Fees € 11,289 (1%) V e r i f i e d a n d t r a n s pa r e n t

C o s t s 2 0 1 3 : € 2 ,1 2 1 , 2 9 9 Operating Expenses € 285,013 (13%)

Open & Reliable

Staff Expenses € 687,268 (32%)

The financial statements were submitted to the association committee for statutory use and were judged as orderly, and the allocation of funds was deemed to be in accordance with the statutes by honorary auditors Günter Schrems (Head of Organisation Sales Processes; Erste Bank) and Max Kothbauer (Vice President of the National Bank of Austria).

The European Forum Alpbach’s annual financial statements are audited each year by Sedelmayer & Klier Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer GmbH. The accounts constitute a record of use of the sponsorship money and donations entrusted to us. The audit for the 2013 financial year was completed on 10th March 2014 and was accepted unanimously by the General Assembly: “According to our assessment, the (...) present accounting system is a transparent and comprehensive reflection of the course of business. The association’s financial situation is in order”.

Savings € 20,000 (1%)

Organisation European Forum Alpbach (incl. Special Events & Summerschools) € 1,018,902 (49 %)

Anniversary Projects (Book, Documentary Film) € 110,116 (5%)

n o n - p r o f i t f o u n d at i o n o f t h e E u r o p e a n F o r u m A l p b a c h

Pa r t i c i pat i o n s at t h e E u r o p e a n F o r u m A l p b a c h 2 0 1 4

Scholarships & Foundation

Seminar Week 740 Persons Tyrol Day 300 Persons

Forum Alpbach private charitable foundation financed 274 scholarships using its own funds and support from sponsors, while the initiative groups and clubs provided funding for a further 359 people. The remaining scholarships were awarded through cooperative ventures. Recipients of the foundation’s scholarship and members of clubs and initiative groups receive free tickets or may have their participation fees reduced by 50-90% by the association. The association bears all the costs relating to the organisation of the scholarship programme.

The “European Forum Alpbach” association founded the private charitable foundation of the same name in 2005. The foundation is responsible for organising the entire scholarship programme as part of the European Forum Alpbach. The foundation’s governing board is made up of Franz Fischler (President of the EFA), Claus J. Raidl (Vice President of the EFA) and Philippe Narval (Managing Director of the EFA). A total of 771 scholarship holders took part in the European Forum Alpbach in 2014. The European


Health Symposium 619 Persons Higher Education Symposium 875 Persons Legal Symposium 424 Persons Technology Symposium 1,513 Persons Political Symposium 1,322 Persons Economic Symposium 1,633 Persons Financial Market Symposium 554 Persons Built Environment Symposium 566 Persons

Note: The chart indicates the number of persons who have attented different symposia (incl. multiple participations).


40 @forumalpbach /forumalpbach

Since 1945.

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