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MyEurope – MyStory 25.08.2018, Alpbach

European Forum Alpbach | MyEurope – MyStory The scholarship holders of the European Forum Alpbach have a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and broaden their horizons. But do they also have the courage to leave their bubble and challenge others to a discuss about Europe outside of Alpbach? The European Forum Alpbach and the Forum Alpbach Network together with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Austria, hosted a storytelling workshop to help young Europeans sharpen their tools for discussing European issues they are passionate about – be it climate change, working abroad, or borderless travel. On the eve of the 2019 European Parliament elections, the goal for them was to return home full of ideas and enthuse others with the European idea.

Contributors Over 200 international scholarship holders of the European Forum Alpbach (EFA) engaged in discussions with renowned communication experts in small working groups. Alumni of an „Art of Hosting“ training facilitated the conversation between experts and participants. After the workshops, board members of the Forum Alpbach Network (the umbrella organisation of EFA alumni) encouraged scholarship holders to continue telling their stories in their home countries and to use the newly introduced platform <>.

“We need to reach those people who do not have the impression that they profit from the EU. A lot of people are sceptical, feel left out from the benefits which the EU offers. To remind them how the EU shapes their possibilities in everyday life, we must tell our very own stories in an authentic way.� Stefan Kranewitter Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Austrian Science Fund

“In order to make stories matter to the ones we tell them to, you need to show how people are affected. By using a human foundation to your story, you create an emotional attachment that carries the stories far longer than any logical argument.� Stephen Clark Director for Liaison Offices, Directorate-General for Communication, European Parliament

“Why does the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ attract the interest of more people than the financial crisis, which affects more? What people care about is influenced by the pictures created in their heads.” Cornelia Primosch London Correspondent, ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

Share your story about Europe! • Get involved and connect with others on: Let the world know where you have started a discourse about a topic you are passionate about and how it matters for Europe! Register to the website to see all events in the EU taking place concerning the European Parliamentary Elections in May 2019. Publish your own events & stories! Meet people who work on European projects and get regular updates on the newest developments in your area. • What does the EU do for you and what do you do for the EU? If you need some concrete examples for how your country benefits from the EU, check out this website:

“When telling a story, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of your audience. You need to adapt the story and the debate to the language and context of the audience to really get your message through.” Ryan Heath Political Editor, POLITICO

“A powerful story should include a problem and present solutions to over-come it. Problem and solution should be embedded in a dramatic structure using strong images.” Stefan Pollach Senior Consultant, mc media consult; Editor-in-Chief, Alpbach Media Academy

“Carefully choose the first words of your speech. One idea is to begin with a funny story to get your audience’s attention. Stay true to yourself and com-municate in a positive way to attract people to listen to you.” Angus Robertson Public Diplomacy Consultant

“Each and every one has the power to change something when following their passion and spreading a message for a better Europe.” Heather Wokusch Consultant & Cross-Cultural Communication Expert

“I realised that there is a huge job to be done to win the hearts and minds of many young people and see that ‘Europe’ is something worth struggling and working for.” Howard Williamson Professor of European Youth Policy, University of South Wales

Contributing experts

Project team

Stephen Clark Director for Liaison Offices, Directorate General for Communication, European Parliament, Brussels

Markus Fuchsberger Member, Club Alpbach Salzburg / Forum Alpbach Network, Vienna Agnes Hamberger Member, Club Alpbach Salzburg / Forum Alpbach Network, Brussels

Ryan Heath Political Editor, POLITICO, Brussels

Fruzsina Herbert Project Manager, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

Stefan Kranewitter Stakeholder Engagement & Communication, Austrian Science Fund, Vienna

Benjamin Monsorno Cornelia Primosch Correspondent, ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, London

Member of the Board, Forum Alpbach Network, Vienna

Stefan Pollach Senior Consultant, mc media consult GmbH; Editor-in-Chief, Alpbach Media Academy, Vienna Angus Robertson Fmr. Deputy Leader, Scottish National Party; Public diplomacy consultant, Aberlour

Philippe Narval Managing Director, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna Lisa Charlotte Sonnberger Chairwoman, Forum Alpbach Network, Vienna Annamária Tóth Project Manager, European Forum Alpbach, Vienna

Howard Williamson Professor of European Youth Policy, University of South Wales, Pontypridd Heather Wokusch Consultant and founder, learning-architecture design, intercultural communication, Vienna


Special thank you to our hosting team: Zhigger Abozaid, Andrea Bredl, Emma Engman, Katja Haslinger, Andreas Lackner, Sarah Siemers, Alexander Porsch, Anna Voggeneder

In cooperation with

Imprint/Publisher: European Forum Alpbach, Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, 1010 Vienna | Editing: Fruzsina Herbert (European Forum Alpbach) E: Photos: Luiza Puiu, Tobias Neugebauer This report provides some highlights from the MyEurope workshop with no claim to completeness.

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