Our Catholic Journey January/February 2012

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Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic January/February 2012 Vol. 117 Issue 1

Invasion! Catholic Youth Take Indianapolis Catholic United attendees share their stories


Membership drive kicks off

grants + Schuler for Seminarians


Keys to Your Kingdom with John Tetzloff

From the President

“...the dreams of the future are built on the accomplishments of the past.” To our friends from American Fraternal Union, Welcome to our Family! This edition of Our Catholic Journey magazine is dedicated to the joining together of our two storied societies under one name, Catholic United Financial. The fact that we have been concurrently in existence for well over 100 years, is a testament to the core values we were founded upon. A strong Catholic Faith, benevolence toward our members and a supporting commitment to helping our fellow man has given us the strength and guidance to survive the turmoil, conflict, financial crises and arrows of the 20th century. We have a saying, “the dreams of the future are built on the accomplishment of the past. Between us there are many and these dreams should be celebrated and built upon.” These dreams of the future are what make us unique and what will help us prosper. A fraternal operates by different principles than the “for profit” world of most insurance companies. People can purchase financial and insurance products anywhere and from any licensed representative. But what makes fraternals unique (and “fraternal”) is the added value we bring to the table. The support of our Faith, the scholarship programs, the support of Catholic education, our commitment to religious vocations as well as our charity to all; the fundamental value added is our willingness to give back. It is a concept not often found in this modern day of the “what’s in it for me” attitude we often come across. The American Fraternal Union had these fraternal values, Catholic United


January/February 2012

Financial carried these values and now we, as a united membership, have an opportunity to bring our core strengths to even greater heights as we strive for the betterment of our members and society as a whole. Now that you are all members of Catholic United Financial, you are eligible for our vast array of fraternal programs and benefits. We also support the Catholic United Financial Foundation, which is built on the same concept of giving back. They provide chastity and abstinence education grants as well as technology grants for Catholic Schools and parishes. Catholic United Response, the disaster response division of the Foundation, is the envy of our industry. You will hear a lot about our disaster response trailer as members travel all over to support people in crisis from tornados, floods and fires. If we come to your area in time of crisis, we may even call on you to volunteer your time and energy to help the less fortunate who have suffered losses do these natural disasters. It is a significant opportunity to give back as we strive to fulfill the mission of the “Beatitudes” and humbly help others of all faiths and creeds. Don’t forget our Credit Union. Every member of Catholic United as well as their family, grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren, is eligible to join. We have members all over the world and even at sea. Check it out on our website or just call 1-800568-6670 and ask for the Credit Union. The rates on car and truck loans are fantastic as is their full range of investment and banking products. You’ll get a real person on the line and the customer service will be tops. We are excited to have you on board and are looking forward to the opportunity to fulfill our commitment: Welcome you into our family and help you feel valued every step of the way May the Lord bless you all in every way,


AFU Member Disclaimer

Catholic United Financial is not licensed in all states. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a solicitation for insurance, financial products or annuity products in any state in which Catholic United Financial is not licensed. Catholic United Financial is licensed to sell insurance in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Contents Features

Seminarian Grants

The Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian 8 Somebody at Charitable Trust awarded 129 grants this year. See the

Catholic United Called to Glory 11Financial loves your Catholic school... priests-in-training who benefitted in your diocese.

Catholic United youth earned scholarships to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis this year. They share their experiences with Journey.




Member Drive 2012 R.E.NEW FUND Catholic United’s 2012 Membership Drive has kicked for Catholic Religious Education off: now it’s up to you! See how you can participate and what prizes you can win!




6 16

Credit Union Merger

The Credit Union has completed a merger and opened a new branch to serve you in St. Cloud.

Keys to Your Kingdom

Estate planning advice from our estate planning guru, John Tetzloff.


4 11 On the Cover Photo courtesy National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.

What a scene! The opening ceremonies of the 2011 National Catholic Youth Conference held in Indianapolis, Ind. Read letters from our young members about their experiences there beginning on page 11.

Official Publication of Catholic United Financial

Our Journey Catholic


Read news tidbits and see member photos.

Memorials/Anniversaries In memory and in celebration...


The R.E.New Program for Catholic Religious Education is pouring money into school coffers.

January/February 2012 Vol. 117 Issue 1

Invasion! Catholic Youth take Indianapolis Catholic United attendees share their stories....


Membership drive kicks off

grants + Schuler for Seminarians


Keys to Your Kingdom with John Tetzloff





Catholic United Financial President/Chairman Michael F. McGovern, Northfield Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann, St. Paul Board of Directors Lead Director Frances M. Barten, Union Hill; George Gmach, Rogers; Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Deborah M. Pauly, Jordan; Robert Krattenmaker, New London; Michael Schmitz, Mankato Magazine Staff: Publisher Michael F. McGovern Editor Jared Roddy Staff Susan Detlefsen , Michelle Clark Director of Marketing Steve Wendorf Office of Publication: Catholic United Financial, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 551268098; 651-490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN and other locations. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Official Publication of Catholic United Financial. Published bimonthly. Publication No. 093500

January/February 2012



N. Dakota Reps Making the Rounds

It isn’t just the buffalo that roam in North Dakota, Catholic United Sales Reps also have a lot of land to cover! But that doesn’t keep them from getting on the road for their councils and parishes. John Klocke (at right, left photo) delivered $1,000 to the Holy Cross Council of West Fargo, N.D. — its first-ever Matching Grant award as a council. About 230 miles west, Vic Friesz (at right, right photo) delivered $500 in matching funds for religious education materials to St. Cecilia Parish Group of Velva, N.D.

The ABCs of JHD

JOIN HANDS DAY is all about service to the community, with your community. And that’s just what St. Michael’s Council in Morgan, Minn., did. Seniors, adults and youth teamed up to clean up St. Michael’s parish, rectory, school and grounds. Fraternal Secretary Denise Kalkhoff reports that “Many hands made light work.”

Huminahuminahumina! Members stay busy in Manannah Members in Manannah, Minn., are bananas for brouhahas! The local Council, Our Lady of Grace of Our Lady of Grace Church is a Platinum Star council for a reason. They drove tractor and displayed their Catholic United pride at the Manannah summer parade, seen at right in the upper two photos. At right, second from the bottom are the youth of the School of St. Philip, in Manannah, who served ice cream to youngsters who took part in their May Crowning ceremony. To top it all, members risked all and tamed the Grillzilla (bottom right) to serve a monstrous pork chop dinner Matching Grant event.

Scholarship Applications are due February 15, 2012! Don’t miss out on up to $500 toward tuition! 4

January/February 2012


How to Contact your Sales Representative: Look on the back cover of this magazine. Your Sales Representative’s name and contact information should be listed with yours. Or, visit www.catholicunitedfinancial.org, or call 1-800-568-6670.

Pope visits retired priest

Theology of the Body grant for Our Lady of the Prairie Belle Plaine, Minn.

The Catholic United Financial Foundation came through in a big way for Our Lady of the Prairie’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP), with $1,000 for a 12-week chastity series for 7-9th graders called Theology of the Body. Above: PREP coordinator Pat Schroers and Father Michael Kaluza accept the grant check from Sales Rep Rick Mathiowetz and council President Mary Fischer.

Hitting all the right notes Hot times in Cold Spring, Minn. The St. Boniface Council of Cold Spring, Minn., have been making every milestone on the trip to multiplerepeat Platinum Star Council status. JOIN HANDS DAY, youth events, matching grants and community service awards; check, check, check and check! Pictured here: cemetery cleanup for JOIN HANDS DAY; youth making “Cookies in a Jar” mixes for the local food shelf; and Matching Grant Breakfast with St. Nicholas. Below, Sales Rep Dean Demarais (left) presents Brian Eisenschenk with the St. Boniface Council Community Service Award.

App up! CatholicVote.org Mobile How do you get a hold of your legislators or interact with like-minded Catholics about topics that are important to you? Well, if you own an iPhone or Android smartphone, CatholicVote Mobile could be just the app for you! The free downloadable program puts the CatholicVote.org at your fingertips. You’ll get the latest articles and videos from CatholicVote.org and American Papist. You can read, connect with others and share your thoughts on discussions of the day.



The November/ December issue of Our Catholic Journey misidentified the pastor and principal of St. Wendelin School in Luxemburg, Minn. They are, respectively, Father Ralph Zimmerman and Lynn Rasmussen.

January/February 2012


Merger announced with St. Cloud Credit Union If you’ve been paying attention to the financial section of your newspaper, you may have noticed increased interest in the strength and viability of credit unions. Recently, two Minnesota credit unions have taken steps to increase their strength and viability, to the benefit of Catholic United members everywhere in the Upper Midwest. Catholic United Financial Credit Union and Catholic Credit Union of St. Cloud, Minn., have announced that the two credit unions merged into one, effective Jan. 1, 2012. “Catholic United Financial Credit Union is committed to providing great service to our members and forming strong relationships within our Catho-


January/February 2012

lic communities,” says Terri Maloney, president of Catholic United CU. “This merger is a great opportunity that will benefit both credit unions. We are excited for the opportunities ahead and we look forward to serving all of our new and existing members.” At a meeting on Oct. 17, members of Catholic Credit Union voted in favor of a merger with Catholic United Financial Credit Union. In addition, the Boards of Directors of both credit unions have voted in approval of the action. The final procedural hoop of the merger of the two credit unions occurred on Nov. 4, when it was approved by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

“Now, the credit unions will begin to work together to join the two institutions as seamlessly as possible,” Maloney says. Post-merger, the credit union will operate under the banner of Catholic United Financial Credit Union after Jan. 1, 2012, and will have a combined membership of 3,600 members and $19 million in asssets. Credit union members will continue to be served at Minnesota office locations in St. Cloud and St. Paul. Catholic United Financial Credit Union (formerly Catholic Aid Association Credit Union) was established in 2001 in an effort to provide quality savings, checking and loan services to members of Catholic United as an


added benefit of membership. Its stated mission is, “Build high-quality, lifetime relationships through providing exceptional products and services that enhance the financial lives of our Catholic communities.” Catholic Credit Union has been serving its members in St. Cloud for 60 years. The institution was formed in 1951 as St. Peter’s Credit Union and opened an office on 31st Avenue that same year. Catholic United CU reported having more than $9 millionin assets and a membership totaling 1,833 individuals on its 2010 annual report.

After another merger and a name change in the 1960s, the members approved the name Catholic Credit Union in 1979. As of 2011, it served the parishioners of 16 Catholic churches in the greater St. Cloud area – 1,800 members total – and claimed more than $10 million in assets. So, can Catholic United Financial Credit Union members expect any changes because of this merger? Products and services will remain unchanged, and the benefits of a strengthened institution will extend to all members.

“We welcome these new members and will encourage them to take full advantage of our online banking, our products and services, and the highly trained staff that will be available to them,” Maloney says. Benefits of the merger include a stronger assets-to-liabilities ratio, larger membership base and increased potential for membership growth. Questions about the merger and services offered by the Credit Union can be directed to the St. Paul office by calling 877-871-8313 or 651-7654132.

Add the ease and security of online banking to your life Simplify with the convenience of a Catholic United Financial Credit Union checking account: • 24-hour, online access to account information • Earn 25¢ per month when you sign up for clutter-free, paperless e-statements • FREE online bill-pay • FREE VISA debit card Contact us today • Direct deposit available to sign up www.catholicunitedcu.org news@catholicunited.org



info@catholicunitedcu.org January/February 2012



Grant Recipients of the Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust

Every year since 1998, the Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust has awarded grants to young men studying for the priesthood. Seminarians rarely have the ability to earn income while they are in school, making everyday expenses difficult to cover. These awards help to cover incidental expenses such as food, car repairs, even medical co-pays. In its 14 years, the trust has given 886 grants totaling more than $341,000. Pictured in these pages are 116 of 129 seminarians who are receiving a share of the $43,450 awarded in grants this year. The trust relies on its endowment and donations Jake Anderson Neil Bakker John Drees David Gockowski Byron Hagan Paul Haverstock

from members, parishes and councils like you and yours to make these gifts. To give to the trust and encourage young men in their vocations, contact the Foundation today at 1-877-275-7145. Or, use the enclosed reply card to express your interest. Italics denote Major Seminarian. Thomas Grafsgaard - Bismarck Matthew Schmitz - Crookston Adam James - La Crosse Mark Rydell - La Crosse Tyler Hiles - La Crosse Aaron Johanneck - New Ulm Jacob Niemand - New Ulm

Darin Schmidt - Sioux Falls Robert Wullweber - Sioux Falls Thomas Howes - St. Cloud Joseph Koczur - St. Cloud Patrick McConnell - Superior David Neuschwander - Superior

Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis

Peter Hughes Andrew Jaspers Patrick Ly Luke Marquard Daniel McClure TJ McKenzie Christopher Miller Marcus Milless Bruno Nwachukwu Marc Paveglio John Powers Aaron Schroers Paul Shovelain D. Nathaniel Tucker John Wehrly Benjamin Wittnebel Benjamin Butler Louis Floeder


January/February 2012


Colin Jones Brian Kloempken Michael McClellan Nathan Schuster Nicholas Welter Andrew Zipp Diocese of Crookston

Adam Hamness Bryan Kujawa George Noel Jordan Ranstrom Matthew Regan

Diocese of Duluth

Drew Braun Michael Garry Elias Gieske Seth Gogolin Ben Hadrich Timothy Lange Brandon Moravitz Nicholas Nelson Blake Rosier Daniel Weiske Beau Braun Charles Friebohle Diocese of Fargo

Trevor Peterson Paul Strommer Robert Keller Sean Mulligan John Norberg Eric Seitz Reese Weber Gregory Haman John Klocke Paul Kuhn Kyle Metzger Daniel Musgrave

Diocese of La Crosse

Patrick Parks Joseph Block David Bruener Billy Dodge Clayton Elmhorse Jonathan Freidhof Alan Guanella Dan Oudenhoven Daniel Thelen Aaron Becker Blaine Chaulkin Taylor Flock


January/February 2012


Brandon Guenther Peter Keiffer Levi Schmitt Daniel Schwarz Daniel Sedlacek Daniel Williams Jonathan Wogerman Samuel Wagner Garret Ahlers Andrew Dieter Andrew Illikman Alexander Rabaey Steven Bierschbach Brian Eckrich Grant Lacey Barry Reuwsaat John Rutten Stephen DeBoer

Diocese of New Ulm

Diocese of Sioux Falls

Tyler Mattson Joseph Scholten Timothy Smith Andrew Thuringer Alex Turgeon Joseph Backowski Mitchell Bechtold Matthew Langager Gabriel Walz Mark Botzet Seth Lardy

Diocese of Saint Cloud

Diocese of Superior

Joshua Korver Joseph Miner Derek Wiechmann Theodore Heino Adam Laski Samuel Schneider Jonathan Fasnacht Joachimi Ferk Jason Kern Jesus Benavides The Hoang Steven Lehn

Brian Mulligan Jedidiah Taubel Daniel Ward Marcus Wobschall

12 10

January/February 2012

Diocese of Winona

The Schuler Trust is a certified 501(c)3 charity. If you’d like to make a donation, use the enclosed reply card on page 12. www.catholicunitedfinancial.org

From the roar of 23,000 voices raised up in unison to the stunning silence









National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, Ind., provided its youthful revelers with memories that will last a lifetime. Catholic United Financial awarded scholarships to 22 young members to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), November 1719, in Indianapolis, Ind. What they experienced, in their words, changed their lives forever. The three-day event is a biennial experience overseen by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. According to which, it is the largest single gathering of Catholic youth in the United States and is an “...experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers and their adult chaperones.” Participants attended five general sessions en masse and four mega-workshops of 5,000+ people. There were daily liturgies, 132 breakout sessions, and Victory news@catholicunited.org

Park — a 225,000-square-foot exhibit hall filled with interactive activities and educational opportunities. Throughout the weekend, attendees were challenged to search, connect and share the glory of Christ. Guided by Matthew 25:31: “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit upon His glorious throne.” The teens who attended NCYC were asked to write about their experiences after they returned. To a person, the conference was hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here, you can read what a few of them said. Keep in mind, a “thank you” to Catholic United is really gratitude to you. Fraternal programs like these scholarships are only possible with your membership. January/February 2012


Top: Handpainted portraits of Mother Teresa and Jesus. Center: Attendees autographed and left messages on the graffiti wall. Left: a sea of people wait to enter the stadium for a general session.

Riley Nordgaard: Gary, South Dakota

My experience at the 2011 National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, is one that I will never forget. After shaking out the sore muscles of a 19-hour bus trip, I was ready for a Jesus jolt and that’s just what I received. The first morning we were blessed with the opportunity of touring the Indianapolis Speedway. After a tour of the course, facilities, and museum, we headed to the Lucas Oil Stadium for the opening ceremony. Walking into the place I was blown away by the blaring music, dancing and crazy lights! How could this possibly be a part of the boring Catholic faith, right? Getting back to the hotel that night, I knew that I was in store for an


January/February 2012

awesome weekend worshiping God and loving every minute of it! From then on, waking up early, the days started off gathered with 23,000 others praising God through music, listening to speakers and praying. After lunch, the afternoon was spent strolling through the Thematic Park, which featured thousands of Christian booths varying from Christian colleges to pro-life campaigns to even massive blow-up obstacle courses. When Mass was complete and we were all gathered in the stadium once again, the evening speakers were often kicked-off with massive concerts and dancing. At this time I walked around meeting people from all over the country, trading various trinkets and talking about God. The very last session of NCYC was Mass with all 23,000 of us there to receive the bread and body of Jesus Christ. Ask anyone in that stadium and they would all tell you the same thing: it is something to never be forgotten. Singing and praying to worship and praise God with so many people, made me realize the effect Jesus has on me and this entire world. Without Him our lives are so very pointless, desolate and empty. One of the speakers said it best, “The leader of the universe doesn’t need a relationship with you, He WANTS one.” That realization makes me feel so loved, so important, and so full of purpose I could cry out!

To know that no matter how many times I disobey or fail or sin against him, he still wants and loves me to the end of time. During the three days spent in Indianapolis, I was able to visit the Indy 500 speedway, listen to the world’s best speakers, make memories with friends and truly deepen my faith with Jesus Christ, my savior.

Monica Ahlert: St. Augusta, Minn.

I cannot even begin to thank you for the scholarship that helped me get to NCYC this year! Even though NCYC only lasted a few short days, the experience has helped me grow in my faith so much more. The emcee this year for NCYC was ValLimar Jansen. She was the person who kept the show running by introducing the keynote speakers, leading prayer and leading songs. Our keynote speakers were Mark Hart and Mike Patin, they both spoke at the opening/closing processions, which were in the Lucas Oil Stadium. I sort of had an idea of what Mark was going to be like because we did one of his bible studies in my Faith Formation class. Mark compared scary movies to our relationship with God, how we can run from God but he will always run faster and catch us. Mike talked about how we are all like iPods. We can be still sitting in our package, used as a paperweight, used as a doorstop, or be used the correct way. God wants us to be used the correct way because when you are that doorstop, paperweight or in the package He cannot use you to do His will. You


are just a little black box. They were fun speakers/ teachers who put a fun twist on explaining our relationship with God, and it really made me think about where I am at with my relationship with God. When we were not at our morning/night processions, we spent most of our time in the Convention Center. In the Convention Center, we could go to the Theme Park and browse around at the booths set up there, and exchange our trade items with youth from around the United States. We were also able to participate in workshops being hosted by various Christian comedians, additional speakers or our fellow youth, which were also a great addition to the weekend. Going to NCYC has enriched my Catholic faith so much. I have discovered God in so many unique ways that I had not discovered before. I am very grateful that I got this scholarship that made my NCYC trip possible! The thematic park (below, far left) held thousands of exuberant celebrants (below center left and right). Below right: 6,000 teens also took part in reconciliation during the weekend. Above left: Kite fliers and Hula-Hoopers crowd the stage during one of the main sessions. Above center: the arena in full swing. Above right: Most Rev. Christopher Coyne, the Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Troy Timmerman Marshall, Minn.

The National Catholic Youth Conference was an awesome experience. Not only was it a ton of fun but I also learned quite a bit about being Catholic. I listened to a great talk on chastity by Jason and Crystalina Evert. I also really enjoyed the speakers who spoke to the entire 23,000 people at the Conference. We got to hear a great talk from a bishop from Venezuela who told us how he was called to the priesthood. I also learned about how necessary it is to help those in need. I feel as though that was something NCYC really helped me to grasp. One of my favorite parts was being able to ask questions to a panel of bishops in a breakout session. In another session, I was able to ask questions to another bishop with a group of my peers. Not only did I learn a lot, I was able to meet many other Catholic youth from nearby parishes in the New Ulm diocese. I think it is a great program and I would love to encourage others to go.

Joey Hager Detroit Lakes, Minn.

I had a great experience at NCYC. It was fun being with 23,000 other young adults and we were all there for the same reason — to praise and worship God. We came together because of our faith in God and our news@catholicunited.org

Catholic Faith. I never thought I would say this, but I have been in a room with 23,000 other young adults — it was dead quiet. NCYC enriched me by helping me see God in others and being able to pray more freely in public, like in a restaurant or at school. One of the talks that really helped me was “Be the Man.” It was simply just how to be the man, while still acting in a Catholic way and there is nothing wrong with it! NCYC will probably leave an impact on me for the rest of my life. It will affect me more now then later, mostly by how I look at people now by not judging them on the spot, or by what type of music I listen to and who I choose to hang out with. It really opened my eyes to many things. This scholarship was a blessing because I don’t know if I could have afforded the entire trip without it, and I am very grateful for it. Thank you for helping make it possible for me to go and experience this awesome event. I really do appreciate it. We were truly “Called to Glory!” Thank You!

January/February 2012


“I just love that company.” Have you heard someone express that sentiment lately? They’ve experienced something different from a product or service, or they’ve latched onto a cause, and they can’t wait to talk about it. We’re hoping that you feel that kind of enthusiasm for Catholic United Financial, a company that offers you financial safety and security while honoring and supporting your Catholic faith. If you do feel it, have you shared it with anyone lately? If not, then now is a perfect opportunity! The 2012 Membership Drive is your chance to share your enthusiasm about Catholic United’s products and mission, and to get rewarded for your efforts. Throughout the year, you have chances to win prizes just for sharing the appreciation you have for our products and service with others.

« The Goal « We’re challenging members and councils to achieve the “12 by 2012” goal. Refer as many non-members to us as you can before Dec. 31, 2012. We keep track of those referrals and if 12 or more of them become mem-


January/February 2012

bers, determined after year’s end, will win cold, hard cash to spend however they choose. The first-place bers during 2012, both you and your individual will win $1,500 cash, local council will be rewarded. while second- through fourth-place recruiters will win $500. The top local council who recruits the most « The Prizes « members will win $3,000 paid out as Helping your Association attract a donation to a Catholic school, relinew members and stay healthy and gious education program or charity vital is certainly a reward in itself. But of their choice. Second- through we know you’d like a little something fourth-place councils will receive more for your efforts. That’s why ev$1,000 for the same purpose. That’s eryone who participates in the Drive a big benefit to local parishes! gets the chance to win some great We’re not done yet with giving prizes. In fact, we’re holding prize away prizes. Every individual and drawings every month for everyone – members and non-members – who council that meets the “12 by 2012” new member goal wins a gift card to help us out in this way. Starting in www.catholicunitedstore.com. More February, we’re holding monthy drawings for new Apple iPads. These details about these gift cards and Wi-Fi-enabled gadgets are all the rage, and we’re giving away 11 of them in 2012. Everyone who participates has a chance to win. Each time you submit a referral during a particular month, you get another chance to win that month. Submit four referrals in March, and you have four chances to win in March. Of course, the top achievers in the Drive will receive something special. The top four people and councils who recruit the most mem-

Monthly d Apple iPa Drawings


prizes are on our Web site: www.catholicunitedfinancial.org.

« The Process « Submitting a referral is accomplished in two ways. The first is to submit a referral card through the mail. There’s a card attached to the cover of this magazine that you can fill out and drop in the mail to the Catholic United Home Office. More cards will be included in upcoming issues of Our Catholic Journey magazine, and cards will be distributed to local council officers. Card packets can also be requested from the Home Office by calling 651-765-6555. (Explanation of what counts as a referral can be found in the official rules.) The second way to submit a referral is through the online form on the Catholic United website. There are links to Membership Drive information on the home page and the online form. There’s a year of possibilities ahead for the Membership Drive, and we’re excited to have you participate and have a chance to win!

Membership Drive Official Rules 1) Councils and individuals 18 years of age or older can participate. Members, non-members and Home Office employees are eligible as participants in the Membership Drive. Catholic United Financial Sales Representatives, Independent Agents and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate. 2) iPad drawings will be held on the last Friday of each month starting in February. The more referrals you submit each month, the more chances to win each month. (For example, if a participant submits 2 referrals in February, the participant has 2 chances to win in the February drawing. If a participant submits 5 referrals in March, the participant has 5 chances to win in the March drawing, etc.) 3) Referred people must be Catholic, be non-members and must reside in the five-state area where Catholic United Financial is licensed to do business (MN, ND, SD, IA, WI).

counted ONE time during the year. (For example, a family of five residing in a single household is considered one referral, not five.) Participants cannot submit additional referrals within the same household for the iPad drawing. 6) Multiple wins are allowed, meaning iPad drawing winners from previous months are eligible to win again in future months. 7) A referral can be made only once during the Membership Drive. Duplicate referrals will NOT be counted toward a participant’s entry in monthly iPad drawings or the final new-member tally. 8) Referrals who become new members will be counted separately for a participant’s total new-member tally. For example, if a single household referral produces five new members from the same family/household, the official tally toward the 12-member goal (and the cash prize) is five.

4) Final standings will be announced by the end of January, 2013.

9) Catholic United Financial reserves the right to change the rules at any time with little or no prior notice.

5) For monthly iPad drawing purposes,

10) The official contest dates are Jan. 1,

a qualified referral is defined by the Cash Pri 2012, through Dec. 31, 2012. household address and will be zes for top recruite rs www.catholicunitedfinancial.org/links/drive2012

January/February 2012


Keys to your


Estate Planning with John Tetzloff The past articles of “Keys to Your Kingdom” have dealt with Estate planning and the various components of a good plan. Tax issues, probate and simple discussions of the various assets that make up a person’s estate are part of the “big picture” involved in planning. This month, I’d like to write about the importance of life insurance for the younger family. Of all the age groups that are defined demographically, this group probably has the biggest need for immediate planning both for protection and for the “what ifs” that are a large part of a young family’s life. The definition of a young family is that group of people between the ages of 20 to 40, with children between the ages of newborn to postcollege age. When we meet with this group, we typically hear comments like, “Why do I need to plan? We’re so young,” “I’ve got plenty of time to take care of that” or “My spouse is young enough, he/she can just work.” All valid comments on the surface, but as we talk with this age group we find that it is never too young to start. That is why our Sales Representatives usually lead with a quick education regarding the importance of developing a good, sound estate and insurance plan. When we talk about protection using life insurance, we first help determine the actual needs of life insurance for this group. Rather than “guessing”

about the appropriate amounts needed, we use a formula that helps show the young families exactly why and how much life insurance they might require to take care of their spouse and children. That formula is based on various immediate cash needs that would be present upon a spouse’s untimely death. Some of those immediate needs for cash when a spouse dies are: 1. Funeral and last expense costs such as medical bills, taxes due and attorney fees. 2. Mortgage or rent payment fund to continue to paying outstanding mortgage or pay rent for a period of time. 3. Outstanding debts (other than mortgage) such as credit cards, student loans and car loans. 4. Child Care fund to help pay for daycare and/or after-school care. 5. Education fund to have a “pot of money” available to help with post high-school education. 6. Income Replacement to help supplement or replace the deceased partner’s income. Once the Sales Representatives help a family identify and discuss these various needs, they come up with a total amount of life insurance needed. They then subtract off any existing insurance and immediate cash to come up with a total life insurance need for both husband and wife. This number represents the amount needed to

take care of the above items for a surviving spouse. Probably the biggest question for a young family at this point is “How can we come up with this large number if one of us dies?” The answer is life insurance! Through the use of life insurance, we can create a large amount of money when it’s needed the most for a fraction of that actual amount needed. Our Sales Representatives discuss the various types of insurance used and which will best fit the budget, needs and goals of the young families they are helping. If you are young or old, have children or grandchildren, or have a young family, please consider the importance of making sure that if a young parent would die prematurely, there are sufficient monies available to allow the surviving spouse and family to continue to live the lifestyle they are accustomed to living. Remember, when a young parent dies, the survivors suffer a huge emotional hardship. Let’s make sure, with the help of a Catholic United Sales Representative, that the survivors don’t have to also take on the additional financial burden of worrying where the money is going to come from. As always, if you would like more information on this topic or others, please contact your local Catholic United Sales Representative for assistance. May God Bless you and John Tetzloff, CLU, FICF, LUTCF, is the Catholic your families. United Financial Advanced Case Specialist and Trainer. He leads estate planning seminars throughout the year and is the host of the “Creating Wealth Beyond Money” radio show, which can be heard Saturday mornings on the Relevant


Radio network. He has more than 20 years’ experience in estate planning and financial preparedness. January/February 2012


Announcement Submit Constitutional Amendments by April 1. All proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Association must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors by no later than April 1, 2012, to be considered at the 2012 Annual Convention.

November, 2011

In loving memory of our deceased members

Bernice Baumann, 79 St. Paul, MN St. Bernard’s

Florian Hauer, 87 Union Hill, MN St. John

Edmund Richter, 84 Wadena, MN St. Joseph

Vernon Westlund, 80 Anoka, MN St. Stephen

Helen Hamer, 92 Jordan, MN St. John the Baptist

Patricia Schmitz, 80 Hastings, MN St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lorraine Beck, 86 St. Leo, MN St. Leo

William Hill, 78 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Edith Ritter, 88 Melrose, MN Ss. Bernard/Elizabeth

Lucille Zollner, 99 Fairfax, MN Ss. Mary & Joseph

Stephen Healy, 57 Minneapolis, MN St. Boniface

Benjamin Schuster, 27 St Paul, MN St. Bernard’s

Jane Braun, 84 Bloomington, MN Ss. Ann & Wendelinus

Albert Hoffman, 83 Rosen, MN Ss. Anthony/Monica

Donna Rowles, 82 Minneapolis, MN St Ann’s


Valarie Hertzog, 82 Winsted, MN Holy Family

Nicholas Schutz, 88 Eden Valley, MN Ss. Joseph & Mary

Ronald Brinker, 76 Jacobs Prairie, MN St. Jacob

Duane Jacobson, 91 New Ulm, MN St. Mary

Sylvester Sanow, 86 St. Leo, MN St. Leo

Louis Baggenstoss, 89 Albany, MN St. Joseph

Sylvester Hoffman, 89 Lucan, MN Our Lady of Victory

Michael Silbernagel, 54 Dent, MN Sacred Heart

Margaret Brockhaus, 80 Lakeville, MN All Saints

Florence Johanneck, 92 Redwood Falls, MN Holy Rosary

Elmer Schleper, 87 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Dean Bastin, 54 St. Augusta, MN St. Mary

Elizabeth Jackson, 91 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Ervin Silvers, 88 Albany, MN St. Joseph

Cyril Caspers, 85 Bloomington, MN Ss. Ann & Wendelinus

Mary Johanning, 100 Wilmont, MN St. Kilian

David Schmitt, 82 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Loretta Berning, 98 St. Michael, MN St. Michael

Vernon Keller, 88 Bloomington, MN Ss. Ann & Wendelinus

Dorothy Solheim, 84 Jordan, MN St. John the Baptist

Marian Rose Scott, 87 Aberdeen, SD Ss. Joseph & Ann

Rose Bixenman, 60 Zimmerman, MN Christ of Our Light

Grace Kellner, 97 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

Irene Stariha, 87 Millerville, MN St. Catherine

Sharon Klein, 57 Cologne, MN St. Bernard

Verna Ann Sturm, 85 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Janice Hericks Clement, 74 Nicholas Kellen, Jr., 85 Worthington, MN Hoven, SD St. Mary’s St. Anthony of Padua Andrea Cleveland, 16 Parkston, SD Holy Cross/St. Mary

Barbara Korman, 87 Rogers, MN Mary Queen of Peace

Marie Seitz, 92 Holdingford, MN St. Joseph

Olivia Blenker, 87 Albany, MN St. Anna

Felicia Dierkhising, 88 Waite Park, MN St. Joseph

David Krebs, 59 Sauk Centre, MN St. Paul

Rita Seitz, 83 Albany, MN St. Anna

Julia Diffily, 90 Victoria, MN St. Victoria

Linus Krzmarzick, 92 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Allison Smith, 17 Stacyville, IA Visitation

Joseph Dingmann, 81 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Fidelia Lahr, 83 Eden Valley, MN Ss. Joseph & Mary

Benno Stadick, 99 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Patricia Eikmeier, 86 Rockville, MN Mary Imm. Conception

Mark Lodermeier, 58 St. Joseph, MN St. Joseph

Nathaniel Stenger, 24 Watkins, MN Holy Family

Ann Fasching, 86 Winsted, MN Holy Family

Hildegard Molitor, 87 Richmond, MN Ss. Catherine/Joseph

Donald Storms, 67 Waconia, MN St. Joseph

Irene Fischer, 87 Sleepy Eye, MN St. Mary

Ambrose Nosbush, 85 Fairfax, MN Ss. Mary & Joseph

Alvera Strate, 96 New Ulm, MN St. Mary

Loretta Flesher, 81 New Brighton, MN St. John the Baptist

Janet Odenbreit, 70 Fairfax, MN Ss. Mary & Joseph

Eugene Straus, 72 Willmar, MN St. Mary

Anthony Boeckermann, 85 William Lintgen, 52 St. Rosa, MN St. Cloud, MN St. Rose St. Anthony Alan Brandel, 58 Therese Lodge, 82 New Ulm, MN St. Paul, MN St. Joseph St. Anthony-Maria Hilf Clotilda Burmeister, 96 Katherine Marschall, 84 Jordan, MN Chaska, MN St. John the Baptist Guardian Angels Jerome Cichon, 80 Marie Morgan, 81 Little Falls, MN Mankato, MN Tri Parish Holy Family Eleanor Doering, 92 Mildred Palmer, 98 Minneapolis, MN Fairfax, MN St. Ann’s Ss. Mary & Joseph Ina Dowd, 71 Margaret Pexa, 87 Parkston, SD Shakopee, MN Holy Cross/St. Mary St. John the Baptist Lyle Eissinger, 93 Irene Prowse, 94 Sykeston, ND Watkins, MN Ss. Joseph/Elizabeth Holy Family Apolonia Friske, 84 Marie Reuter, 90 Aberdeen, SD Rochester, MN Ss. Joseph & Ann Holy Family Willard Gregory, 95 Verene Rieffenberger, 80 Kimball, MN Rosen, MN Holy Cross Ss. Anthony/Monica Joseph Griebel, 92 Henry Schadeg, 86 Searles, MN Albany, MN St. John the Baptist St. Joseph Steven Guggisberg, 67 August Schmidt, 97 Fairfax, MN Freeport, MN Ss. Mary & Joseph Sacred Heart

Annette Frandrup-Frie, 53 Leo Otto, 81 New Trier, MN Faribault, MN Ss. Nicholas/Theresa Ss. Lawrence & Anna Loretta Gohman, 92 Luxemburg, MN Ss. Theresa/Wendelin

Ramona Oxborough, 81 Bloomington, MN Ss. Ann & Wendelinus

George Guggenberger, 79 Wilfred Rathman, 82 Comfrey, MN Richmond, MN Ss. Paul & Mary Ss. Catherine/Joseph Coletta Hartung, 93 Hutchinson, MN St. Anastasia/Boniface

Alonza Raway, 76 Hampton, MN St. Mathias

news@catholicunited.org news@catholicunited.org news@catholicunited.org

Rosalia Vanheel, 88 Melrose, MN Ss. Bernard/Elizabeth Herman Warrings, 80 Murdock, MN Sacred Heart Gary Weber, 75 Leavenworth, MN Holy Family Richard Wech, 70 New Ulm, MN St. Joseph

Frances Theisen, 90 St. Francis, MN St. Francis Annela Marie Thull, 82 Greenwald, MN St. Andrew Gerald Vorderbruggen, 59 Bluffton, MN St. John/Holy Family Mildred Wartman, 99 Victoria, MN St. Victoria Arlene Werner, 80 Perham, MN Holy Family Alfred Wolkerstorfer, 85 St. Paul, MN St. Anthony-Maria Hilf Nancy Zmudka, 77 Cold Spring, MN St. Boniface

19 1717

March/April May/June 20112011 January/February 2012

Minutes of the

Board of Directors Front row from left: Deborah Pauly, President & Chairman Michael McGovern, Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer Harald Borrmann and Lead Director Fran Barten. Back row from left: George Gmach, Robert Krattenmaker, Michael Schmitz, Joseph Kueppers and John Maile.

October 13, 2011 The meeting was held at the Home Office and started at 9:35 am with Director Fran Barten leading the Directors in the Opening Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. All members were present. Chairman McGovern made two additions to the prepared Agenda. Director Joe Kueppers moved, Director Bob Krattenmaker seconded and the Board approved the September minutes. The Investment Report was discussed by Mr. McGovern and Secretary Harald Borrmann. The Association’s investments are performing well, given market conditions. Mr. Kueppers moved, Ms. Barten seconded and the Board approved the Investment Report. Mr. Borrmann presented updated Council By-laws for 33 councils; for the sake of brevity, the enumeration of the councils will be omitted from these minutes (the listing of these councils is available from Mr. Borrmann). Mr. Borrmann suggested that the Board approve all By-laws as presented. Mr. Kueppers moved, Ms. Barten seconded and the Board approved these By-laws. Policy Governance: Mr. McGovern presented the following items for review: Board Committee Structure Board Committee Principles Board Members’ Code of Conduct Board Budget 2012; this was

briefly discussed but will be more fully reviewed and approved at the December Board meeting. Mr. McGovern and Mr. Borrmann reviewed the status of the merger with American Fraternal Union. Plans are moving forward with integration details. Mr. Kueppers presented the Audit Committee report. It is a positive report and the transition to Heather Hafeman as the Strohm Ballweg partner is moving smoothly. The report was moved for approval by Mr. Kueppers, seconded by Director Deb Pauly and approved. Mr. Borrmann reviewed management’s ongoing efforts in Risk Management. The Association has upgraded its offsite Disaster Recovery site for network resources. Upgraded Internet security has been established. Physical plant improvements are upgrading both safety and security at the Home Office. Mr. McGovern reviewed the Student Life Benefit program, now re-branded as the R.E.new program. It was a successful joint effort by the Fraternal, Sales and Marketing Departments. Mr. McGovern updated the Board on Succession Planning activities. Work will continue by the Nominating Committee during the winter and spring. Mr. McGovern led a discussion of the Board Retreat, scheduled for the January meeting.

The President’s remarks are as follows: Mr. Borrmann and Mr. McGovern met with Department of Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman to establish a sound working relationship. Foundation Executive Director Paul Naumann is retiring October 1 and candidates for his replacement are being interviewed. The credit union merger project continues on a positive trend. The credit union continues to see growth in loans and new members; it will be a record year. Life premium is up 25%; annuity premium is down 15%, both on target and according to plan. New members are now even with last year; we still expect modest growth for the year. The Association continues to strongly emphasize new Sales Rep recruits. The Sales managers are meeting to review the Association’s efforts to recruit, train and compensate its Sales Reps. Ms. Pauly led the closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Harald Borrmann Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer

Board Minutes are abridged. Complete minutes are available at no charge by contacting the Home Office at 1-800-568-6670 or by visiting our website.


January/February 2012


Association Business

New Foundation Director appointed The Catholic United Financial Foundation is proud to announce the appointment of a new executive director, Robert Heuermann. Heuermann Robert Heuermann will join the Catholic United Financial Foundation with qualifications to spare. Since 2007, he has led Metropolitan State University on a fundraising and rebranding initiative as Vice President of University Advancement. His work there included improving the perception of the institutional quality, creating a fully integrated marketing plan, and repurposing investment to new media leading to an increase of alumni giving of more than 30 percent in one year. Heuermann says he pursued the opportunity because of the goals of the Foundation, and the leg-up Catholic education gave him in his youth. Growing up in central Illinois, Heuermann was educated in parochial school through 12th grade. “I think I found significantly greater opportunities in my future because of the foundation of education I received from the sisters in grade school and the brothers in high school,” Heuermann says. After high school, Heuermann received a bachelor’s degree from Bradley University, and completed master’s coursework at Illinois State University. Since receiving his degree, Heuermann has held a number of positions focusing on fundraising and courting donors. He says he believes that experience will be a boon at the Foundation. “Everything I’ve done in the past news@catholicunited.org

in terms of skills or technical abilities is easily transferable,” he says. “Including encouraging and facilitating estate and planned gifts from people, and helping to extend our reach and grow our donor base.” Pursuing the Foundation’s mission is what drew Heuermann to Catholic United in the first place. What has him most excited about his new job is the Catholic United Response disaster relief program. “That is an opportunity to directly influence the lives of people who have been touched by traumatic and devastating events,” he says. “This help comes at a time when people need the help of their community more than any other time in their lives. You can really see how the gifts of others make a huge impact with a program like this. I can’t wait to show people what we do and what we’re capable of.”

Report of the Compensation Committee Following is the report of the work of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors for Catholic United Financial for year 2011. The Compensation Committee is responsible for coordinating the annual performance review of the two elected officers by the Board of Directors, and is responsible for proposing salary and fringe benefit recommendations for the elected officers. They also propose Board and committee compensation for full Board approval. Benchmarking data from Trusight Inc. was used to compare compensation with comparable companies. Data was derived from the National Executive Compensation Survey and various published salary trend surveys. The most relevant data included a broad spectrum of service industries that includes financial and non-profit organizations. The Committee considered the revenue class that most closely compared to Catholic United’s revenue from operations and investments. In general Catholic United is a bit lower than the survey data. This data was used to update officer salary ranges to a middle of the market position. Officers are expected to be paid within their respective salary ranges based on qualifications, performance and years of service. The Compensation Committee prepared recommendations and reviewed them in closed session with the other non-officer members of the Board. The resulting recommendations were later approved by the full Board during the December meeting. Taking into consideration the performance of the officers and guidelines previously established for executive pay increases, the following compensation was approved. For 2012 the total cash package for the President and Chairman of the Board, Mr. McGovern, is $356,195. Cash compensation for Mr. Borrmann, the Senior VicePresident/Secretary-Treasurer is set at $205,104 for 2012. There was no change in Board of Directors compensation, including all standing and ad-hoc committees. The committee also reviewed the Executive Retirement policy document and made updates to reflect the new name. Respectfully submitted, The Compensation Committee of the Board January/February 2012




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Catholic United Financial loves your Catholic school... R.E.NEW FUND for Catholic Religious Education

The R.E.New Fund for Catholic Religious Education is a pilot program designed to generate new members by supporting the Catholic School or Catholic religious education program of the new member’s choice.


ay “Hello!” to Catholic United’s latest improved and enlarged Fraternal Benefit: R.E.new Fund for Catholic Religious Education. R.E.new Fund takes the place of the former Student Life Benefit Program (SLBP) in Catholic United’s array of fraternal tools. The updated benefit program rewards Catholic schools and religious education (R.E.) programs with cash donations every time a new member purchases a qualifying life insurance product with Catholic United. The new member can select their child’s school, their own alma mater, or even a program at random to receive a $25 donation from Catholic United. “The difference-maker in this pilot program is new accessibility,” Fraternal Youth Liaison Nate Lamusga says. “Now, schools don’t need to sign up ahead of time and new members don’t need a student in the school to make a donation.” Prior to the change, the SLBP required schools to opt-in to the program before they were eligible to receive any donations. New members were also only able to qualify for the donation if they had children or grandchildren attending the school. Religious education programs were not eligible at all. “What we’ve done is opened this program up to all Catholic education — not just schools — and we’ve invited everyone to be a part of it, instead of parents and grandparents exclusively,” Fraternal Director Kathleen Moriarty says. With the new program, anyone who becomes a new member by purchasing life insurance is given the option to have a donation of $25 made in their name to any Catholic school or R.E. program. Every quarter,


January/February 2012

the donations are totaled and a check is cut for every school and R.E. program that received a donation. The first quarter of its five-quarter pilot program is now in the books and has already resulted in some excellent benefits for local schools and parishes. Director of Religious Education at St. Benedict Catholic Church in Yankton, S.D., Sister Louise Marie Goetterta is the beneficiary of Sales Rep Butch Byers unrivaled new-member zeal. Her religious education program received $150 in this first quarter. We asked Sr. Louise Marie if small donations like the ones Catholic United is now offering make a difference. “You better believe it!” she says. “Every one of those grants helps. If there’s a DVD that we could use, that’s $25, or if there’s a book that would help the teachers, now we can buy it. Twenty-five dollars is nothing to sneeze at in my world.” And there should be plenty more where that came from. Since October, Byers’s new members have made $875 in donations to various schools and R.E. programs possible. On the whole, R.E.new Fund has already provided $3,900 in small grants to schools and R.E. programs all across our territory. And it’s paid for by doing something that needs to be done anyway — purchasing life insurance to protect our loved ones. It might be called a perfect coincidence, too, that this pilot program will run through 2012, alongside the 2012 New Member Drive. Not only can you win cash and prizes with referrals, your schools and R.E. programs can benefit from the new members. Fill out the referral card on the false cover of this magazine, and get the ball rolling right now!


Catholic United Kids Cool Kid

Name: Crystal Olmscheid Age: 7 Hometown: Albany, Minn. School: Albany Elementary Crystal’s Credentials: Happy New Year and congratulations, to Albany, Minnesota’s Crystal Olmscheid! Crystal is the numberone helper at her house. Whenever her parents need a hand or her little sister, Chloe, needs looking after, Crystal is on the spot! She also likes to read and is a great speller. Her favorite thing to do on the weekend is go camping with her family. Way to go, Crystal! Be the March/April Cool Kid! Fill out the puzzles on this page as best you can and submit them to Our Catholic Journey. One winner will get a Catholic United prize pack! Include your information, as seen above, a photo (can be returned) and a phone number. Send to: Catholic United Kids, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126.

Catholic United Kids


Amazing Saints artwork and games ©2012 Mario D. Macari. All rights reserved. mario@incrediblesaints.com

January/February 2012


ye on the Industry Your sneak peek into current trends of the fraternal life insurance industry

Canadian and American fraternals unite under one umbrella The American Fraternal Alliance announced on Jan. 16, 2012, that a new era of partnership between Canadian and American fraternals has begun. The announcement explains that the Canadian Fraternal Association (CFA) has agreed to unite with American fraternals under the umbrella of the American Fraternal Alliance. Karen Bjerland, president of the CFA, was quoted on the Alliance’s

website, “We have so much in common with you, our American cousin – our roots, our values, our problems, and our passion to increase the relevance and outreach of fraternalism... And by coming together, and increasing our strength in numbers, our fraternal goals in Canada are to create and sustain the social impact value of our organizations, to be mission-driven, yet profitable, accountable to our members and society.”

Alliance President Joseph Annotti said the consolidation of organizations has been in progress for more than a year, and that the day-to-day operations of the Canadian members will function similarly as one of the Alliance’s interest groups. The consolidation will “give Alliance members a fantastic new pool of colleagues to network and share ideas with,” said Annotti. (Source: www.fraternalalliance.org)

Jan/Feb Catholic Crossword

Across 1 Argentinian heroine (2 words) 5 Anything owned that has cash value 11 Zenith 12 Birthplace of Columbus 13 Catholic Supreme Court Justice, Clarence ____

14 French for gold 15 Late Latin, for short 18 Baseball score 19 Catholic writer who created “The Lord of the Rings” 23 Mother Teresa, for example 24 Parts of Thomas Aquinas’s thinking process

25 Rapture 26 Opus ___ 27 Senior members of the clergy 32 Antelope 33 Precept 34 Lord of ____ 37 Chapel in Vatican City 38 State where Cardinal George operates as a Cardinal 40 Holy ____ 41 Church seat 42 Aid 44 Catholic film director who won Best Director for “The Departed” 47 Music from a choir 50 Website address 52 According to 53 Pope’s residence 54 Investment alternative

Down 1 First name of a famous French painter 2 Income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments 3 Praised and glorified 4 Prefer 6 Over 90% in this country are Catholics 7 Friendly alien in film 8 As well 9 Catholic rock superstar who sang “Born in the USA” 10 Superstar comedian and


January/February 2012

actor who was a Catholic, Bob ____ 16 Leave behind 17 Catholic Supreme Court Justice, _____ Scalia 20 Catholic actress who won an Oscar for her role in “Gone With the Wind” 21 Topeka state 22 Pope Julius ___ 25 New Testament figure 27 Catholic governor last name 28 Martyr who was stoned to death for preaching that Jesus was the Messiah (2 words) 29 Worked (up) 30 It is mightier than the sword 31 Saint, for short 35 Defend 36 Mr. politely 39 “I am the way, and the truth and the ____” 41 Brit. company abbreviation 42 One of L.B.J.’s beagles 43 Historical chapters 44 Truck, in a way 45 Race measurement 46 Poet’s orb 48 Catholic actor, Pacino 49 Non-clerical 51 Weight measurement Solution posted at www.catholicunitedfinancial.org/ links/games www.catholicunitedfinancial.org



Sales Representatives in Your Area Roger Bauer, FIC

Rick Mathiowetz, FIC

651-437-6026 rbauer@catholicunited.org Hastings, Cannon Falls


Jeff Passe, LUTCF 651-955-2453 jpasse@catholicunited.org Red Wing and surrounding area

651-295-2040 mharens@catholicunited.org St. Paul area

Mary Holm, FICF 715-218-7522 mholm@catholicunited.org Wausau & surrounding area

ChFC, LUTCF, FIC 507-282-1793 sstenzel@catholicunited.org Rochester, Adams

Scott County

Michael Gross, FIC 651-641-1740 mgross@catholicunited.org Mahtomedi, St. Paul, Roseville

Mary Harens, FIC

Susan Stenzel


Dawn Walker, FIC 651-238-0303 dwalker@catholicunited.org Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Stillwater

Jeff Plank, FIC 507-457-0413 jplank@catholicunited.org Wabasha, Rollingstone

Bob Watters

715-690-4523 bwatters@catholicunited.org Hudson & surrounding area

Roger Reitmaier, FIC 507-454-4979 rreitmaier@catholicunited.org Winona, St. Charles

Robb Smith, FIC

952-938-5859 rsmith@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, East

Support your local Catholic school through this Catholic United sponsored fundraiser

Jan. 13 – Feb. 24

100% of every $5 ticket you purchase goes straight to your Catholic school Participating schools in this area: • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings, Minn. • St. John the Baptist, Vermillion, Minn. • Saint Croix, Stillwater, Minn. • St. Felix, Wabasha, Minn. • Sacred Heart, Adams, Minn. • Holy Cross, Webster, Minn.

Patrick Brown, FIC, CLF 888-412-9766 pbrown@catholicunited.org Regional Manager, Metro Paul Culbertson 920-983-1989


Green Bay, Wis., and surrounding area

Dick Berg, FICF Linda Berg 920-494-7972


Green Bay, Wis., and surrounding area

Gregg Tallier, FIC 715-473-3844

Visit www.facebook.com/catholicunited for a list of participating schools and prizes



Wabeno, Wis., Crivitz and surrounding area January/February 2012


3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098

Help us reach our goal of $500,000 For Catholic Education! Annual Catholic Schools Raffle is back! Ticket sales are already underway at almost 70 Catholic schools across Minnesota and the Dakotas. If you or your child is participating, or if you just want to see if we hit that half-million dollar mark, you can keep up with all the news and updates at www.catholicunited.org/links/raffle. The Annual Catholic Schools Raffle is Catholic United’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Raising $129,000 in its first year, and $345,000 in its second, hopes are high for a new record mark. Each school has different needs they hope to apply their funds toward, from field trips and course materials, to building upkeep and more. Some schools hope to raise as much as $50,000 this year. Tickets are sold for $5 a piece by the schools, which keep every dollar they raise. All the prizes, tickets and promotional material are paid for by Catholic United. The raffle offers a turnkey way for schools to raise money, and fabulous prizes for the winners! Consider this year’s lot: a 2012 Ford Escape or $25,000 cash, two Caribbean cruise vacation packages, three St. Paul Hotel family getaways, iPads, Playstation3 Moves; Kindle Fires and more. The regional directory (page 23) of this issue lists schools in your area that are participating in the raffle. If you want your shot at one of these spectacular prizes, or if you just want to chip in a few bucks to help out the kids, contact them and purchase a ticket.

Catholic United Financial Fraternal Results through December, 2011


$ 9 9 8 ,7 0 6.0 1

$ 8 2 2 ,1 5 4.5 3 Matched: $ 1 7 6 ,5 5 1.4 8

Raised By Councils:

Hours Volunteered: 5 1 ,9 0 6

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