Under the auspices of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, and with the aim of uniform representation in exports, the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives proceeded to set up the company Cooperative Hellenic Exports SA. COGREXPO sa.
From now on, a series of emblematic Greek products, fresh and processed, from 33 agricultural cooperatives from all over Greece, will be placed in a single commercial “basket” with the aim of “unlocking” demanding markets with a high standard of living, in which Greek products today have an anemic presence, or none at all.
Thanassis Panagoulias CFO
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COGREXPOSA will have greater bargaining power to access markets achieving better prices and a considerable reduction in transit cost
Through this basket, 53 products with great international career prospects are expected to be utilized. During the first phase, as revealed by the president of the company, Christos Giannakakis, “a grouping was made, prioritizing 13 categories and products, including kiwis, dairy products, citrus fruits, apples, pears, olives and olive oil. Accordingly, the target markets were identified, including Central and Western Europe, the USA and Southeast Asia, markets looking for quality products, able to pay more to obtain them.”
The 33 cooperatives that participate as founding members and the executives with whom they participate in the scheme, are all highly experienced in international markets, have passed exams and guarantee the success of the venture. People with knowledge of the international market are coming forward and know how to deal with it.
Looking back at the reasons that led to the creation of COGREXPO sa, Mr. Giannakakis pointed out that have mostly to do with the necessity to address a series of weaknesses that we had as a country, such as the absence of a critical mass that would allow the products to enter large retail foreign chains stores, the lack of organized commercial departments, the incomplete packaging, the opportunistic presence in the markets and the low added value of our products.
T. Belekoukias
A. Kaliantzi
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Thanassis Gialouris
Published by FORUM SA Member of NürnbergMesse Group
ISSN 2623-4661
The Greek Food and Drink Industry is acknowledged as a fundamental pillar of the local economy and the leading manufacturing sector in the country, in terms of turnover, added value, employment and extroversion. It Is a key job provider, with more than 360.000 direct and indirect employees, a competitive global player and a major exporter all over the world.
Despite its strong and resilient profile, the Greek Food and Drink Industry faces several challenges. Continuous economic instability due to unprecedented crises (health, energy and geopolitical), climate change impacts, multiple sustainability requirements, inflationary pressures, are some of our significant concerns. Additionally, our Industry needs to navigate the complexities of global trade & competition (sufficiency/cost of raw materials, energy, transportation) and the differentiated consumer preferences, which are continually evolving.
The response of our Industry to the successive adversities comes through the focus on securing food sufficiency, safety and quality, the responsible and sustainable operation, the investments in new technologies, digitalization and mainly in people – our employees and consumers! In addition, the local food industry has the privilege to be a dynamic blend of tradition and innovation. With an emphasis put on quality, sustainability, and healthy nutrition, it can leverage its rich culinary heritage and adapt to modern trends, and consumer demands. The food products produced by our companies are distinguished for their special characteristics and their added value. In that respect, extroversion is obviously a key priority, and an opportunity for our sector to further grow abroad. As a matter of fact, for many years now, food and drink companies keep investing in extroversion successfully, and that is depicted in the continuous increasing trend of the food sector exports, that have reached more than € 6.8 billion in 2023.
To thrive in this dynamic landscape, we need to stay adaptable, collaborative and committed towards a more resilient food system, where responsible consumption and production meet. Moreover, at the Greek Food and Drink Industry we put consumers in the heart of our business. They are our most valuable asset and driver for our business continuity & growth, and we value their trust and loyalty. This is why we guarantee to continue providing products of quality, safe, innovative and affordable, that respect the entire ecosystem.
IOannis Yiotis President of the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries
Located in the southernmost part of the Peloponnese Region, Molόn Lavé is a company that practices agricultural entrepreneurship in every dimension.
Starting from the supervision of the very soil that produces the fruit, the company, besides its own olive groves, has under contract more than 700 Laconian olive oil producers who provide their product exclusively to Molόn Lavé.
Ten years ago, the company strategically decided not to trade bulk product and focus exclusively on branded extra virgin olive oil. This strategic decision was made to serve a specific purpose: to make Molόn Lavé a Greek national brand name, among
the leading group of the country's top food brands. Mission accomplished, since it soon became the best-selling branded olive oil in Greece in its category. From that point on, the company headed off to claim serious export placements.
For the last three years, the focus is on the exports. The company produces within its facilities more than 2,500 tons of extra virgin olive oil, standardizes them, the export percentage of this volume being around 30%. In other words, the exports are about 700 tons. The goal is to reverse this fraction within the next five years, while increasing the scale of production, exporting around
70% and keeping 30% available for national consumption. The increase in production is key, as the brand does not wish to affect negatively the demand and the product’s top positioning within Greece.
Currently, the exports go to several countries of Central and Western Europe, Canada and America. Especially in Canada, great things are happening for the company: within the percentage that Greek olive oil holds in this particular market, Molόn Lavé is the first brand in sales. For the upcoming period, the company’s goals are twofold: deepen their presence in America and open up to the Australian market.
Lav é in numbers
• Of the olive groves that give their olive oil to Molόn Lav é , 12% are privately owned
• The company oversees the cultivation of 2.471 acres of land.
• This land produces 3,500 tons of olive oil, of which Molόn Lav é has the capacity to process 2,500 productive-wise in its facilities, in a single shift.
• Since 2021, the investment approaches 3.5 million euros.
• The company is housed in building facilities of 3,000 m2 which include the olive mill, tanking and the bottling facilities.
The first olive oil with AFQ Certification
Molόn Lavé olive oil is the first worldwide with AFQ Certification. This specific European Certification Mark measures the bioactivity of a product's composition and the resulting benefit to human health. According to these measurements, Molόn
Lavé olive oil reaches the bioactivity of foods globally recognized for their highest antioxidant activity, such as pomegranate and aronia. The initial study was done with the Toxicology Laboratory of the University of Thessaly and is certified every year by the Swiss Certification Body Swiss Approval.
Address: Ag. Nikolaos, Potamia, Lakonia, P.C. 23054
SoMe: fb.com/molonlaveproducts
Tel: +302731089510, +302731101397
Email: info@molonlave.com www.molonlave.com
Giannis Manikis, CEO & Owner of Mol talks to Ambrosia Magazine about the challenges of running a vertically integrated company, the added value of producing purely Laconian extra virgin olive oil and the importance of keeping everything clear and transparent.
Interview: Charitomeni Vonta
Photos: Dimitris Kolios
Please, share with us a few words about the com pany.
Molόn Lavé has every potential to be characterized a success story. With a scale of sales, from 2022 onwards, never achieved in the past by a vertically integrated company, Greek or other. By vertically integrated I mean the entire value chain, starting from the land, being controlled, owned and super vised by the same scheme. Additionally, our olive oil is currently the best-selling extra virgin olive oil in Greece, with a 27% market share among branded olive oils, with just one product label, “Molόn Lavé Extra Virgin Olive Oil”.
What would you say is Molόn Lavé's biggest com parative advantage over the competition?
Before I answer, I would like to ask you to look around, outside the windows. What do you see? Olives, only. Olive groves as far as the eye can see. Precisely this is our comparative advantage.
Around our premises, on a 12 km rural and coun try roads net, there are olive groves that produce over 15,000 tons of premium quality extra virgin Laconian olive oil, one of the best in the world. Even from a sociological point of view, we couldn’t be closer to the producers’ mentality. We are located where the oil is produced. We don’t use intermediaries. Nothing comes between us and the oil. This creates advantages in terms of costs, but, above all, it gives a great incentive to work. At this point, it makes sense to mention that our partners who provide approximately 88% of our olive oil, are not under individual contracts. They are all under the umbrella of the same integrated management system. All interested parties, producers, commercial partners etc, can enter ELGO Dimitra (www.elgo.gr) and see names, olive groves locations, contracts. Everything is clear and transparent.
and organic, with various subcategories. Staying strictly within the limits of Greek and international law and always talking about extra virgin olive oil, our differentiation will be all about cultivation practices based on two pillars: environment and health.
Sustainability started as a trend, but is now a reality, as well as a necessity. What are the company’s moves in this direction?
Olive oil is a gift of nature, and Molόn Lavé considers the protection of the environment an integral part of the very DNA of the product. That said, the company makes sure to comply with all international practices and requirements. By the end of 2024 it will have the relevant certification that covers the international ESG criteria (ISO 14021 for CO2 emissions). °
2. The entire Mοlόn
In recent years, the picks and downfalls in food trends mostly follow the social media wave, but not in this case. Bars begun as a trend but are rapidly establishing their position as a top food choice for all, healthy eating afficionados and eat-all alike. In other words, bars are here to stay.
According to Hippocrates’ famous aphorism, the secret to health is to “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. And he should know, being the Greek “father of medicine”, the first to use prognosis and clinical observation in people, and the first to attempt a systematic categorization of diseases. But over the years the notion of what constitutes a healthy diet has been generating strong controversy. Products such as bread and cow’s milk have gone from riches to rags (some of these products, albeit few, back to riches), still sparking debate. For other products, though, there seems to be convergence of opinions.
Bars begun as a more sophisticated way to enjoy dried nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews etc), usually combined with some oat and honey, three types of food that do good, hands down.
To date, nobody challenges the fact that dried nuts, oat and honey, when consumed moderately, are excellent sources of natural fibers, vitamins, mineral and trace elements super important for our body’s proper function and overall wellbeing. This was probably the best steppingstone for the new trend: a product that is easy to carry, it is tasty, healthy, and relatively
According to last April’s report by Innova Market Insights, milk chocolate is the most popular flavor for cereal and energy bars (18.2% of all launches), except for North America, where it is slightly less popular than peanut butter. Peanut is the second most popular flavor, at 8% of all launches. The next most popular flavors are almond, peanut butter, and dark chocolate, while other flavors growing in popularity since 2023 are berry, pistachio, blueberry, apple cinnamon, and banana. As for the claims, gluten-free is the most popular, seen on 35% of cereal and energy bars, followed by high source of fiber, high source of protein, vegan etc.
Talking a closer look at the bars world today, we see trends emerging within the trend, but before any of that, we see definite category growth: According to the latest report by Mordor Intelligence, the cereal bar market size is estimated at USD 8.92 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 11.57 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 5.32% during the forecast period (2024-2029). And this makes total sense, taking into account the hectic rhythm of everyday life and the busy schedules that try to
and ready-to-eat nutritious food. Convenient and healthier snacking options, combined with modern consumers’ growing health consciousness, encourage manufacturers to launch new products. It would be safe to say that the following aspects help drive and further enrich the category.
Innovation: Thanks to food technology that has been making leaps, all kinds of new ingredients are being transformed in such a way as to be able to fit both the form and the fact that bars are shelf products. In addition to ingredients, other elements are also added, protein and vitamins being the top choice for many brands.
Low Sugar/No Added Sugar: Comprising mostly of naturally sweet dried fruit and dried nuts that need no added sugars, the bars were the closest thing to a desert for people who got the chills at the sound of the word “sugar”. Different formats: when the bars trend first begun, one could usually find one or two sizes, and a limited range of f lavors. During the last two years, brands have been introducing sizes to fit all, from 20g. mini bites to full 100-150g sizes.
On the go: This is the category of consumers who buy impulsively, at kiosks and smaller shops, usually between erands, jobs and places to be, people who need to eat something “here & now”, and pick a bar as a more healthy alternative, compared to sweets or puff pastry products that usually contain butter, therefore saturated fat. According to market experts, these are the consumers who drive trial into the category as they are most likely to try a new flavor. Greek brands on the rise: Given the excellent reputation of Greek products that serve as raw material for bars, such as dried nuts, fruit, honey etc, Greek companies enjoy a special momentum, which can potentially become an international exports success.
Healthier Choice is a new, dynamic food company creating products that fully comply with consumer needs and the new reality of “snackification”
As societies move forward, everyday needs change. The young, passionate and enthusiastic people behind the Greek food company Healthier Choice can totally follow the trends in a fast pace, while remaining optimistic and full of ambition. Since 2016, the company has been responding to the needs of modern consumers, providing innovative products that meet all kinds of nutritional requirements, the comparative advantage being their direct perception of consumer needs and trends, one of which is "snackification". If we should define the word snackification, we would probably say that it’s the trend to replace many of one’s daily meals with snacks, mainly because most people follow a modern lifestyle which keeps them long hours away from home.
Under the brand MOOVEAT, the company develops and produces more than 40 different SKUs based in protein and no added sugar, within a certified production line. The company’s products are available in many Balkan countries and countries of the Middle East.
The company is constantly developing their product portfolio with healthy nutritional options and "smart", practical packaging that everyone can carry at all times, replacing a meal. Their commitment is to operate responsibly and offer innovative, high quality consumer products with no compromises on taste.
Healthier Choice
single member P.C.
Leoforos Markopoulou, (Industrial Area)
19003, Markopoulo
Mesogaias, Greece
Tel: +30 2130243036
e: info@healthierchoice.gr
At Healthier Choice, there is one moto: Taking good care of customers is the key to success and growth. Accordingly, from a simple breakfast snack bar or a snack-style, to an energy sports snack bar or a meal replacement snack bar, the company has the expertise to develop unique recipes and produce a private label end product, specially designed to meet the needs of any perspective customer.
Staying true to their modus operandi, the company works side by side with their customers, as a designer and producer, understanding their goals and needs, in order to create bespoke recipes, offering solutions from start to finish (A-Z).
Healthier Choice’s R&D department creates all snack bars, from the concept to the end, ready-forsale product, including advice on packaging and legislation. The quality and safety of the products is the company’s top priority, paying attention to every single ingredient, following strict supplier selection processes, thus making Healthier Choice is a trusted partner one can always count on. °
If your food mantra is trust & high quality, then opt for “Naturals”, a company that specializes in food products madeto-measure a healthy, energetic lifestyle with zero compromises on taste.
Healthy eating has never been more of a challenge than today. Traditional food products lose ground, while new (or renewed) product ideas become hits, making their way into our everyday table. Protein enhanced spreads, juices, shakes, and most of all, bars, are the next/now big thing in healthy living. Greek food company “Naturals” specializes in the production and distribution of nutritious, top-quality FMCG f&b products, with Oat and Protein bars being the company’s specialty. “Naturals” was the first company to introduce this type of food in Greece, also taking up the task to inform and train consumers into these nutritional choices and the potential positive impact in health, hence the leading role in the Greek market. We can safely say that the company’s commitment to innovation has significantly influenced the dietary habits of a considerable percentage of Greek consumers, introducing healthy food products and help establish them as an essential addition to our everyday diet.
The company’s philosophy is based on a healthy, energy-filled lifestyle, with no compromises on taste. Throught their very succesful products, the company is committed to pioneering and providing highquality, innovative food, in the form of two house brands, “Naturals Vibe’’ and “Fit Zen’’, but also in the context of private-label services.
Ioustinou 2, Ilioupoli, 16345 Athens
Tel: +30 2114056266
Email: info@naturals.gr www.naturals.gr/en
Within the product range, one can find Aloe Juices (gluten free, 30% Aloe) in 5 flavors, Fit•Zen Protein Bars 50g & 80g (35% protein, no added sugar, gluten free) in 4 flavors, Flapjack Vita-C (coated & uncoated oat bars with vitamin C) in 5 and 4 flavors respectively, Flapjack Vegan & Vegeterian Oar Bars in 4 flavors, Coconut Bars (40% real coconut), in 7 flavors, Protein Chocolates Crunchy with 30% protein
& stevia in 2 flavors (milk, dark), Bio Bars (100% organic oat bars with honey, vegetarian) in 4 flavors, and Oat Bars with Hemp Seeds with honey (no added sugar, vegeterian), in 2 flavors. Numerous taste and quality awards affirm that the products’ success is not accidental. The Protein Chocolate Crunchy won Gold and Silver in the MTA London (2022), for the milk and dark flavor respectively, the Pomegranate & Acai bar from the Naturals Bio Bar oat bars line has received the bronze in the Taste Olymp Awards, while 3 fla vors from the Flapjack Vita-C range have brought home silver and one, bronze. °
Cooperatives in different forms, depending on the era, the product, the social and cultural background, have been for millennia a favorite way to trade for societies across the world. Modern cooperatives in Greece today, jointly owned and democratically controlled, perform wonders in safekeeping and further advancing common economic, social, and cultural goals of their members, while promoting and helping the world taste delicious Greek products from all around the country.
Greek Cooperatives have been exhibiting an outstanding performance in terms of exports in recent years. Part of their success in building a strong brand name, both in Greece and abroad, is Hello Greece, an initiative that has been promoting established and businesses as well as tourist destinations for 35 years, through DK Advertising company.
Hello Greece’s portfolio highlights in the best way possible the expertise on Cooperatives, given that some of the best PDO and PGI products in Greece have been promoted by DK Advertising through this initiative: the famous and award-winning Naxos graviera PDO, product the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Naxos, the ZAGORIN apples PDO, product of the Agricultural Cooperative of Zagora of Pelion, the black Corinthian currant Vostitsa PDO and the extra virgin olive oil Eliki PDO from the Panaegialios Union of Cooperatives, the Krokos Kozanis PDO, a saffron also known as the red gold of the Greek land for its beneficial properties, produced by the Compulsory Cooperative of Saffron Producers of Kozani, the famous peaches of Naoussa PDO, product of the Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa, the exceptional PDO & PGI wines of AAOS. Vaeni Naousa and the exceptional wines of "Dimitra" Cooperative of Nea Anchialos.
DK Advertising: info@dkadv.gr / tel: 210-8847190
Advertising through Hello Greece is a good idea
Highlighting the initiative’s focus, all the above mentioned Cooperatives exhibit intense export activity in many countries around the world, as for Hello Greece itself, it participates as a sponsor in the largest exhibitions in Greece and abroad, successfully advertising businesses, destinations and Greek products through brochures, banners and journalistic content. The added value in advertising through Hello Greece is that all prospective clients enjoy publicity privileges such as advertisements and articles in widely distributed media publications in Greece and abroad, radio, TV and Internet contests, TV and radio spots. Among DK Advertising clients, one can find some of the most popular tourist destinations in Greece, such as Skyros, Rhodes, Kos, Lesbos, Katerini, Kythira, Serifos, Sparta, Symi, Syros, Chios, Alexandroupolis, Kavala, Messinia, Olympus, Naxos, Nisyros and Evia.
the oldest and most active Greek cooperatives, represents, among other products, one of Greece’s most delicious cheeses, Graviera Naxou
Naxos is the largest island of the Cyclades, the one with the largest agricultural production. Founded by a small number of primary agricultural cooperatives to serve their members and to process into cheese making small quantities of milk, the history of the Union begins in 1926. Over the years, EAS saw an impressive increase in both the number of its agricultural cooperatives-members and its activities. In 1955, some island farmers wanted to make their own cheese. Therefore, they collected their milk, EAS provided them with the know-how, and Naxos Graviera was born. This delicious cheese won over consumers and production was growing, therefore, in 1996, EAS Naxos proceeded to certify it as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.
In the meantime, in lowland Naxos, EAS had built a modern Milk Processing Unit, which has been renovated and expanded, and has become a state-of-the-art, Swiss-style cheese factory, using a subsidy from the Rural Development Program, under the supervision of the Agricultural University of Athens. As for its future plans, EAS
is currently building a second cheese factory, in mountainous Naxos, to produce another delicious PDO Cheese, Arseniko Naxou.
EAS Naxos has also invested in another great product of Naxos, the Naxos Potato. To be noted that the Cooperative has built, with their own funds, a certified packaging plant and registered the Naxos Potato as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) product.
In the words of EAS Naxos’ president, Dimitris Kapounis, the Cooperative has become a driving force of development for the agricultural world and the economy of Naxos in general, committed to quality and traditional values. It also actively stands by the side of its producers, who find themselves under the weight of increased production costs and whom the State must support.
EAS Naxos distributes its products all over Greece, while winning several distinctions and awards, the top ones being the Golden Taste Award in Greece and the 2 Stars in the Superior Taste Competition at the iTQi Institute in Brussels. °
Peloponnese Region is famous for its many delicious agricultural products in general, but Corinthian raisins are one of the gemstones on its crown, famous since the ancient years. Alongside, many premium quality products are being produced and exported today by one of the oldest cooperatives in Greece. The Agricultural Cooperatives Union-Aeghion SA was founded in 1935 in Aeghion, Achaia, and consists of 26 primary agricultural cooperatives, with a total of approximately 6,000 active members. Around 200 people are employed daily in the company's modern facilities, which include raisin processing, olive oil standardization and citrus fruit packaging factories.
A.C.U. Aeghion SA exports approximately 98% of the products it markets to more than 40 countries in the world. The Union’s products include Corinthian Currants Vostizza PDO, Corinthian Currants, Sultanas, Extra Virgin Olive Oil PDO, Citrus fruits, Organic products. The main exporting markets are the member states of the European Union (Holland, France, Germany), UK, but also countries outside the European continent such as Australia, the USA, Russia, India, Canada, Japan and others. Currently, A.C.U. is the main exporter of currants as it packs and exports approximately 60% of the total annual production. A.C.U. Aeghion SA is involved in almost 90% of the production of Vostizza PDO, a unique product of the highest quality.
A.C.U. is the exclusive or main supplier of Corinthian currant to the largest bakery and confectionery companies. Besides this key activity, the Union also collects and standardizes exclu-
sively the Extra Virgin Olive Oil of its member producers, ensuring a final product of excellent quality.
The modern production facilities (with laser sorting machines, x-rays, metal detectors, etc.) meet the strictest specifications of food factories, all modern safety and hygiene standards and the most demanding standards of the largest industries abroad. Last, but not least, production processes are ISO 9001, ISO 22000, BRC, Kosher and Halal accredited.
A.C.U. Aeghion SA has been a pioneer in the production of organic products in Greece since the early 1980s, being one of the few food production and processing units in Greece equipped with modern accredited Quality Control Laboratories with ISO 17025 where complex chemical and other analyzes are carried out, such as analyzes of Ochratoxin A etc.
The Research and Development Department aims to ensure the quality of the products produced, research new methods for the production of new products and conducts important research in collaboration with Greek and foreign Universities and other Organizations. °
Agricultural Cooperatives
Union-Aeghion SA
201 Corinthou Street
• 25100 • Aeghion
T: +30 26910 22409 F: +30 26910 22384
Zagora is the largest village of Pelion (Central Greece), the place where the Agricultural Cooperative of Zagora Pelion was founded in 1916, by 199 local residents, representing all social classes.
Seventy years after the founding of the Cooperative, the creation of the "ZAGORIN" trademark rose the Organization to fame, giving identity to the products. After 80 years of continuous operation, in 1996, the Cooperative's apples were the first in the European Union to be granted a Protected Designation of Origin accreditation, while during the same year, it was also the first Greek fruit to be marketed with an authenticity sticker on each apple. Today, the Cooperative trades all products produced by 99% of the growers of the Municipal Unity of Zagora, serving more than 800 members. The PDO apples of Zagora Pelion under the brand ZAGORIN are a trademark for the region throughout the country and abroad. The main product traded by the Cooperative is apples, the main variety of which is Starking Delicious. Alongside, apples of the Golden Deli cious varieties, PDO Firikia of Pelion, Gala, Fuji and other products from tree crops of the area are being produced and traded.
All products are mandatorily grown using the method of integrated management or, alter natively, organic production management. The Cooperative follows all currently valid certification standards such as AGRO 2, GLOBALGAP/ G.R.A.S.P. and ISO 22000 but also private standards that have been created by chains of the agri-food sector. All apples and products carry an authenticity sticker with the trademark. A similar sticker that indicates organic farming, with the same brand, is affixed to the organic products traded by the Cooperative.
the social level as well as its results, came the entry in the national list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece.
About 100 years after its establishment and as a result of the Cooperation’s broad activity at
The central triptych of the Cooperative's operation during the last two decades is Consumer Protection - Producer Protection and Preservation of the Natural Environment. Based on the above, the Cooperative combines various practices taken from the traditional folk wisdom of sustainable management of the agricultural area with innovative applications offered by today’s scientific research. °
“Krocus Kozanis Products” has created a new product with great taste and unique characteristics. Excellent Macedonian flower honey with precious Krokos Kozanis Greek Saffron, an authentic and unique combination full of the rich aromas of the Greek land.
Krokos Kozanis Red Saffron is produced by 40 small hamlets and villages surrounding the farming town of Krokos, central Greece, and make up the Cooperative of Kozani which has the exclusive right to cultivate, harvest and process the spice. Saffron from the Kozani Cooperative in Greece is rightfully one the finest saffrons in the world.
Only once a year
Krokos blossoms only once a year, every October, for just under two weeks, creating a purple magic carpet as far as the eye can see. The flowers are harvested daily, right after the morning dew has evaporated, and saffron antioxidants are at their peak. After all the flowers have been collected, the fields look empty, but by dawn, the Krokos blooms again, blanketing the fields in beautiful purple flowers. Petals are separated by hand from the saffron stigmas and immediately after being picked, followed by the stigmas' drying process, ensuring that the saffron is at its highest potency. For just 1kg of Krokos stigmas, villagers hand-pick 150,000 blooms, a painstaking pro-
cess, making saffron more valuable than gold. Krokos Kozanis has been awarded PDO status and Kozani is the only region in Greece that can produce Greek Red Saffron. Today, the top quality Greek saffron is blended with a top tier local flower honey to offer a delicious honey with the hints of the complex flavor and benefits of the saffron.
Honey with Krokos Kozanis is not just another honey. It is a unique product, second to none on the market, of high nutritional value and countless beneficial properties, a Greek superfood that goes hand in hand with modern eating habits and trends. Free from chemicals, additives, sugars or preservative processes, the top quality Greek Krokos is infused in this superior raw honey, full of nutritional and medicinal benefits such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Enjoy it in hot drinks for extra fragrance, and in baking/cooking, especially as a marinade for meat and poultry. Also, it is a great gift for friends, especially cooks and foodies.
Peach as a fruit came from the Far East, but the systematic cultivation, the great weather and the soil conditions combined helped it adapt quickly to the Mediterranean. In Greece, Naoussa region specifically, one can find probably the most delicious peaches worldwide.
In 1927, fifty producers from the Naoussa region joined forces and founded one of the first Cooperatives in Greece. Their purpose was to find joint marketing opportunities for their products. Today, the Agricultural Cooperative of Naoussa has 850 members-producers, an impressive number that make it probably the most dynamic cooperative in Greece, channeling over 50,000 tons of fresh fruit towards domestic and international markets each year. Destinations stretch across the EU, Middle East, USA, Canada, Brazil and Egypt servicing large supermarket chains both within Greece and overseas. Naoussa Cooperative is among the country’s top producers in peaches, cherries, apples, plums, kiwis, persimmons. In order to ensure the highest quality for the consumer, the Cooperative has developed a dynamic system of integrated production management certified by Global Gap, Grasp, ISO 22.000 and AGROCERT for the major part of its fruits.
Peach: Synonymous to Rodakino Naoussas
Within the wider region of Naoussa, the main product is peach, the world renowned «Naoussa Peaches – Naougusta» (Rodakina Naoussas is a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) fruit, according to EU regulations). Naoussa Peaches (the Greek word for peach is rodakino), became a PDO product in 1998 and are obtained from the cultivation of the varieties May Crest, Spring Crest, June Gold, Dixired, Red Haven, Maria Bianca, Sun Cloud, Flavor Crest, Sun Crest, J.H. Hale, Honey Dew Hale, Tardiva di Naoussa and Loring. Their great advantage is their rich aroma, their very distinctive taste, and their freshness. Last but certainly not least, Rodakina Naoussas were recently ranked first at the top-10 of the most tasty peaches in the world (www.tasteatlas.com/best-rated-peaches-in-the-world). °
No product goes far without packaging. Packaging is the universal need for all products in all commercial categories, and that is partly why the sector is thriving: talking about the corrugated board packaging in particular, it is valued at a whooping USD 298.52 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach over USD 459.18 billion by 2033, poised to grow at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2024 to 2033.*
Recently, the FEFCO Summit, the biannual conference of the sector, open exclusively to members and selected industry professionals, was held in Athens for the first time, with the support of HPPA (the Hellenic Paper Packaging Association), Greece. Ambrosia Magazine had the pleasure and privilege to attend, and the opportunity to talk to Ms. Eleni Despotou, FEFCO’s Director General, about the Summit, the Federation, the sector in general and the sustainability challenge, triggered by the climate crisis for almost all commercial sectors.
Interview: Charitomeni Vonta
Please tell us a few words about FEFCO, and its role in the packaging industry.
FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) represents the voice of the European Corrugated Board Manufacturers. Headquartered in Brussels, FEFCO has 17 Association members including Greece, all European national corrugated packaging organisations comprising 373 companies, 646 plants and accounting for around 100,000 jobs. Corrugated cardboard packaging is circular by nature: it is based on a renewable resource; it is recyclable and recycled in reality. The role of the Federation is to investigate economic, financial, technical and policy issues relevant to the corrugated packaging Industry. Furthermore, FEFCO promotes corrugated cardboard as a sustainable packaging solution.
Where do Greek packaging companies stand in terms of volumes and business growth within the industry?
Greece is represented at FEFCO by HPPA the Hellenic Paper packaging Association. In a total yearly production of 55 billion m² of corrugated packaging in Europe, Greece has a capacity of 1.7 billion m² with 24 corrugators, employing 3.000 employees and generate 1 bn € of turnover.
What is the part of the packaging business that refers to f&b companies, and what are the particularities of this sector, concerning packaging?
FEFCO members companies are manly active in sales, grouped and transport packaging including e-commerce. The recent Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) recognizes the sustainable and renewable nature of corrugated cardboard packing and dispenses from mandatory reuse targets. Furthermore, the corrugated cardboard industry has made a lot of advancement on environmental areas as reduction of paper weight, enhancing recycling rates etc. The recycling rates achieved are higher than 90% making it the pioneer amongst all materials. Also, used corrugated cardboard is not a waste but a valuable secondary raw material.
The latest FEFCO Summit 2024 was held in Athens for the first time last May, and was generally considered a big success. In your opinion, what were the basic conclusions drawn from the Summit?
We could sum up the Summit’s conclusions as follows:
- Corrugated cardboard packaging industry showed its resilience during the consecutive crisis.
- The industry stands ready to cooperate with all stakeholders and society to reduce packaging while enhancing sustainability.
- Despite the positive outcome of PPWR legislative process, there will be challenges that will impact the competitiveness of the industry. Ensuring a level playing field via harmonized legislation around Europe is important to ensure fairness in the markets.
- Companies are pursuing their journey towards decarbonization, energy efficiency enhancement, improving circularity via design and investments to improve manufacturing process.
ESG and Sustainability were an important point of discussion during the Summit. Could you please share some of the Federation’s future initiatives towards this path, concerning the sensitive f&b sector?
FEFCO elaborated together with its members a decarbonization Roadmap with potential scenarios to decarbonize production by 2050 for emissions scope 1,2 and 3, along with a Guide for companies to submit SBTis (Science Based Targets) of the United Nations. In addition, FEFCO provided its members with tools to implement the Roadmap notably a CO2 calculation tool allowing companies to assess the carbon intensity of their plants and products. Along with the above mentioned, the Technical and Innovation committee produced an energy efficiency handbook aiming to advice the companies on the steps to implement Energy efficiency measures in their factories. Also, a bi-annual Technical Seminar updates members on the latest developments and stimulate them to move further by adopting and investing on new technologies. Last, but not least, most of the FEFCO companies’ members are producing their Sustainability reports (HPPA presented its own at the summit). °
*Source: Precedence Research
After the resounding success of its first edition, Global Pack, the new international trade show for the packaging industry in Greece, is taking place for the second time from 7 to 10 November 2025
The global packaging industry is thriving, not only in Greece, but worldwide. The changes in both technology and people’s needs are continuous and rapid, and the need for transformation and evolution is non-negotiable. The new biannual premium packaging trade show, titled Global Pack brings together under one roof the entire packaging products chain, from materials and innovative technologies to innovative processing products, the latest design and printing trends and efficient equipment for the proper storage and transport of products, with a view to lead the packaging industry into a new era.
Open invitation to the entire sector
Global Pack’s exhibitors are companies from the packaging sector, presenting innovative products, technologies and services related to packaging machines and materials, printing and warehousing.
Packaging Machinery: designing, manufacturing and trading packaging machinery.
Packaging Materials: a wide range of innovative packaging materials with a focus on sustainability and
aiming to reduce their carbon footprint.
Printing – Labeling: a full range of machinery and applications for printing, as well as solutions for flexible packaging production.
Secondary Packaging: high-performance packaging, reliable, safe and customized solutions for the protection, storage and handling of bundled products in transit and storage environment.
Automations – Robotics: modern technologies and solutions for the automation and optimization of the production process – packaging, encapsulation, label printing and pasting, palletization, handling – including Information Technology (hardware, software, Internet services).
Services & Materials: a wide range of solutions and a range of innovative technologies for the storage of products, and solutions ensuring that those products will reach the point of sale safely, quickly and cost-effectively, while maintaining high quality.
As last time, Global Pack will take place simultaneously with FoodTech, the leading trade show for Food & Beverage production, processing, storage and transport technologies, creating significant commercial benefits and synergies for both exhibitors and visitors. °
As the frozen vegetable market continues to grow, Greek companies are attracting considerable buzz, mostly thanks to their focus in innovation and the unique local produce.
751 mil.
5,34% tons of frozen fruit and vegetables marketsize by 2027 Cgar (compound annual growth rate) by 2027
It is no denying that consumption pat terns change according to lifestyle and people’s ever more busy schedules. Com bined with a growing demand for newer flavors and ingredients, this has lead to the recent rise of the frozen fruit and vegetable market, especially in the developed world. In the developing world, on the other hand, the expansion of the middle classes and rising in comes have also led to the increased demand for products within this segment.
According to estimates, the global frozen fruits and vegetable market is expected grow signifi cantly, at an annual rate of 5.34% and reach 751 million tons by 2027 with developing markets like India and China showing as much poten tial as the developed markets like Europe (the largest consumers of frozen fruit and vegeta bles are Italy, Germany and France, accounting together for more than half of total European consumption) and the United States. (source: Market Research Future).
The demand for frozen vegetables, such as spinach and legumes will see substantial growth due to the rise in demand for ready-to-eat foods. However, several reports point out that the growth percentage of frozen fruits and vegetables is still much lower than the overall market consumption of these product categories. While convenience is the keyword of the day, other important factors are also expected to affect the overall frozen vegetable market, such as rising awareness for healthy foods, clean eating, environmental sustainability of organic products, innovative packaging and storage methods.
Belgium is the largest producing, exporting and re-exporting country for frozen vegetables in Europe, accounting for 45% of total European exports in 2020. Nonetheless, Greek exports in the sector are continuously on the rise. For the time being, the structure of the production of the main frozen vegetables in Greece
is not changing much, and it is predicted that the situation will remain stable in the following years. This means that Greek exporting companies will remain strong competitors in the international markets. The development of new technologies related to freezing temperatures, and the preservation of natural ingredients have also helped create fresher and more nutritious products in the frozen food sector. Greek companies in the frozen vegetable sector have already started to step up their game to build customer trust and dispel the negative image consum-
ers may sometimes have towards frozen food –especially in a country such as Greece, where needs of the Greek market have pushed sales together with innovation.
Greek frozen vegetables have excellent export potential and are particularly popular in international markets. Undoubtedly, modern lifestyle with its intense, demanding rhythms, as well as improved consumers' preference towards convenience foods are critical factors in the further expansion of Greek frozen vegetable exports. However, it is the top-tier quality of Greek products (and especially the freshness and flavor of the land's vegetables) that will, in the end, define their longevity in international markets, and make them stand out among the competition.
Freezing can slightly alter the nutritional composition of fruits and vegetables, but the truth is some of the healthiest foods in the market are in our freezers.
Picked at their peak: The minute a vegetable is picked, it begins to lose nutrients, so its nutritional value largely depends on exactly when it is plucked and how long after harvesting it is consumed. Most frozen vegetables are frozen shortly after they're harvested, allowing them to fully ripen, which means they're full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Freezing actually “locks in” many of their nutrients.
As nutritious as fresh: Though vitamins can degrade in fresh vegetables over time, many nutrients in foods are much hardier. In general, the differences in nutrient levels between fresh and frozen are so minor that they would be unlikely to have an impact on overall health. That's why dietitians generally encourage people to eat as many fruits and vegetables as they can, in whatever form they enjoy.
Exceptional Flavor: Due to the country's unique climate and rich soil conditions, Greek vegetables show remarkable quality standards that affect their flavor and aroma. Vegetables produced in the fertile Greek land are of top-tier quality, while their nutritional value is well-known. And Greek frozen vegetables retain all their best characteristics intact.
Additive and GMO Free: Freezing preserves food, so no unwanted additives are needed in frozen produce. In addition, “naked” produce (e.g. with no added salt or sugar) is the norm, so it is easy to find vegetables with single word ingredient lists. Greece is also a GMO-free zone in the EU, meaning that its local produce is not genetically modified. Always in season: Some people opt to stock up on seasonal produce, when they are fresh and in season, to freeze for later use. The grocer’s freezer serves the same purpose. Fruits such as strawberries are at their very peak in the summertime, but one can find them year-round in the freezer aisle. Spinach and peas are also highly seasonal vegetables that are easily freezable. °
The resounding success of FOODEXPO 2024, the premier Food & Drink trade show in S.E. Europe, sets the countdown for the next, from 8 to 10 March 2025.
The exhibition the entire f&b sector is waiting for every year FOODEXPO, the largest food & beverage trade show in Southeast Europe and one of the most significant of its kind internationally welcomed 34,931 professionals from organized retail, wholesale, hotel & catering industries from all around the world. Noting that 2,500 of the visitors were International Buyers and 1,000 Hosted Buyers, the trade show hosted an impressive 1,300 exhibitors, among them 200 companies form 30 countries while showcasing 50,000 food specialties and beverages. A gateway to the growing Balkan marketplace, Greece is a major trade center in S.E. Europe and the Middle East. In this context, FOODEXPO 2024, as expected, offered once again its exhibitors the opportunity to meet key players and decision makers from the Greek market, while major buyers from the organized retail and wholesale from countries all across the globe also attended and participated in B2B meetings with exhibitors of their choice. With the best conditions possible, FOODEXPO 2025 will take place March 8-10 at the Metropolitan Expo exhibition center in Athens, Greece, and it is expected to be the central platform for the international food industry interested in Mediterranean products. More than 3.500 international visitors are expected to visit the exhibition, in addition to the forecast of 35.000 visitors, in an exhibition space spanning 50,000 m2, for buyers from the entire F&B sector.
A well-organised online platform is an additional service to the fair. That's a conclusion based on the experience of previous fairs, proved true by the extended use of FOODEXPO Digital 2022, and its consolidation during the 2023 and 2024 trade shows. Buyers and hosted buyers who planned to meet in person during the show had the opportunity to pre-arrange meetings with exhibitors of their choice, thus better organizing their time, and making the most out of their presence at the trade show, all by simply visiting our Digital platform. Also, in case potential buyers were not able to attend the fair, they could still participate, making a contact online and attending meetings through video.
With an impressive 89% of the professionals that visited FOOD EXPO 2024 being owners or general managers or purchasing managers of the businesses in which they operate, there is no doubt that the trade show’s audience was the food industry’s créme de la créme, both Greek and international. As for the scope of the visit, 80.3% of the international traders and hosted buyers visited FOODEXPO 2024 to find new suppliers. An impressive 61.7% of them closed deals with the exhibitors, while a whooping 95.6% declared their intention to close deals the months after the trade show. In this context, the statistics on Greek F&B market are no surprise: The value of the Greek food retail market by 2025 is estimated around € 35 billion, the increase in F&B imports during the period 2016 – 2023 was 58%, and the Greek food services revenue by 2026 is estimated around € 9 billion.
98% of int’l visitors were satisfied from their visit to the FOODEXPO 2024
50.000 products, including olives and olive oil, delicatessen and organic
In a fully digitalized era, one of the major trade shows in Europe could not stand aside. FOODEXPO provided direct online communication with thousands of visitors through its app. In 2024, more than 55,000 food and beverage professionals from all over the world were informed via email marketing campaigns to download the FOODEXPO 2024 web app. Through this app, they had the opportunity to search for specific exhibitors, access comprehensive information about them, with the scope to visit their booth during the
100% of exhibitors expressed intention to participate at OENOTELIA 2025
Oenotelia 2024 was the ultimate meeting point for the people of the wine & spirits business in Greece, alongside FOODEXPO trade show.
The ideal commercial platform for wine & spirits producers and importers from all over the world, Oenotelia 2024 fair was huge success, with more than 2,000 wines and spirits as well as the presence of famous brands, manufacturers, wine traders and importers from all over the world. According to all, Oenotelia 2024 was the most relevant meeting point for professionals from the wine and spirits sector worldwide. Thousands of wine, catering, tourism and retail professionals from Greece and abroad once again met at OENOTELIA looking for personal connection, new contacts and collaboration within the industry. For attendees involved in production, the exhibition hosted companies of wine equipment and packaging solutions. Well-known wineries and distilleries, as well as newer ones, from Greece and abroad, took part to present their fine wines and spirits – as well as hold targeted meetings and conclude business meetings.
In parallel with FOODEXPO
Wine companies participating at Oenotelia could promote and showcase their products and came into contact with thousands of significant Greek and international traders from retail, wholesale and foodservice and conclude significant commercial deals, taking the most out of the fact that the fair runs in parallel with FOOD EXPO.
400 labels & a meeting hot spot
Visitors got to know in depth the Greek vineyard, the native varieties and the modern identity of the branded wines during the tasting at the Wine Tasting Area. Over 400 labels created a hot spot of inspiration and information. Exhibitors came mainly from 3 categories: producers of wines & spirits, distilleries, as well as representatives, distribution companies, but also companies that sell wine accessories, and equipment worldwide.
The concept of international fairs in any field is commercial, as well as practical: an entire industry getting together to celebrate and exchange ideas and know-how, while showcasing new products. The food sector is no exception to this rule. All international food fairs held annually or biannually are of great importance within the industry as they bring together food professionals from many countries. And while the actual meetings and personal encounters do count for large part of the tradeshows’ scope, the food is always in the spotlight of every food fair. New products are introduced, innovative ideas are being put to the test in front of a savvy audience, and many brands and companies measure up their products directly, before introducing them to their respective markets. At FOOD EXPO 2024 we saw many delicacies worth mentioning, and selected an indicative few of brand new, delicious food products.
Although the company’s story began in February 2009, when they started operating their production facilities at Aspropyrgos, the co-owner’s family has been offering innovative services in food processing and standardisation, specialising in the meat market products for four generations already. Today, all the while constantly equipping their state-of-the-art 7.500 square feet production facilities with innovative systems for standardising and packaging, the reputation and the quality of Belle Meat transcend national borders, exporting to 14 countries, producing 22 tons of gyro and souvlaki daily, and supplying top-quality products to professionals in the restaurant and catering sectors. The company’s brand new product line is called Bellicious, featuring 7 products. Delicious and juicy, these meat delights are ready-to-serve in minutes, providing a solution at any time of the day. www.bellemeat.gr/en/
Sustainability is not only about recycling, or energy. Zero Food Waste, a philosophy in which many brands are engaging the last few years, is also an important aspect. Helios, the major Greek pa-sta company, presented two new products within this aspect during the last FOODEXPO 2024. Fine Semolina 340g and Coarse Semolina 340g are the company’s introduction to the Zero Food Waste philosophy. The new packaging contains exactly the amount needed by the average consumer to prepare a recipe, so there is no unused amount of product as a leftover. Consumers can prepare milkpies, cakes, creams, but also a wide range of Greek traditional recipes such as galaktompoureko, seker pare, isli, melomacarona or create your own fresh pasta. Fine Semolina can also be used to bread fried foods, as semolina gives a golden color, light and crispy crust and withstands high temperatures. www.heliospasta.gr
Farm Frites stands in a leading position in Greece in terms of premium & coated products. According to the brand’s executives, the dominant trend today in potato products is rich taste, so products such as sweet potatoes and seasoned potatoes tend to be the best selling. Professionals, of course, have different needs that must be met, so the brand proposes 2 series, the Crispy Coated and the Premium, an ideal solution, as they remain extremely crispy for longer than any other conventional fried potato. To accomplish that, the product must go in the fryer frozen, the fryer must be at the correct temperature of 175°-180°C and the quantity of the product is proportional to the capacity of the fryer. The preparation time must also be respected so that the product does not burn. The brand’s long, skin-on sweet potato sticks have a gluten-free breading that keeps them warm and crunchy, and they are super easy to prepare, in just 1.5 to 2 minutes. www.farmfrites.com.
The company’s history goes back in the 1920’s when the Vogiannou family started trading selected cooking ingredients from the wider area of Serres (Central Macedonia), and 25 years ago they created PROVIL S.A. specializing in the selection and processing of ingredients for the foodservice sector. Cook at Home brand creates unique products to spread the flavor & nutritional value of Greek cuisine. The end result is a unique line of cooking sauces & mixes for patties in combinations to cook great dishes without the stress of planning and the hassle of preparation. The line includes Casserole or Oven Baked Cooking Sauces (i.e. beef casserole with tomato sauce), 10΄sauces (ready-to-serve in a few minutes), tomato sauces, mixes for patties and two pesto sauces. All products are made entirely with natural ingredients, free from any artificial additives and preservatives, so the brands fans can cook authentic and delicious Greek food every day. www.cookathome.com.gr
Hellenic Cuisine Brakopoulos has been active in Greece and abroad for the past 25 years. Recently awarded by the InternationalTaste Institute, it has a variety of products consisting of favorite Greek traditional dishes. All company products are cooked with extra virgin olive oil, pure fresh ingredients and are preservatives-free. Besides the main line, they also have vegan meals and plant-based recipes. Especially during the fasting period, vegan and plant-based codes provide a solution for many businesses that want to differentiate themselves. Among the company's bestselling products are the vegan moussaka and the vegan pasticcio, as well as the Plant-Based preparations, under the name PLANTeatgr. Keeping in touch with the growing demand for plantbased cheeses, the company has launched Plant-Based cheeses with feta and gouda flavor within the PLANTeatgr line, that have already gained the market’s attention. www. helliniki-kouzina.gr
As every year, FOODEXPO has designed a detailed Hosted Buyer Program, aiming to attract high profile food buyers from across the globe, looking to do business in Southeast Europe. During their visit at the trade show, they will be able to meet in person more than 1,300 Greek and international exhibitors in a single event – along with many international exhibitors from 30 countries- and find the most promising new F&B products from top producers and suppliers with the scope to accelerate their business growth.
As for the requirements, qualified hosted buyers simply have to attend a minimum number of B2B meetings (in 2024 fair, collectively, hosted buyers held around 20.000 b2b meetings with FOODEXPO exhibitors). These meetings are pre-scheduled through an online matchmaking platform. Last, but not least, hosted buyers have all or part of the travel and accommodation expenses paid for.
Visit FOODEXPO, visit Greece
True to our motto “Life is more than business alone”, we make sure that, by joining FOODEXPO Hosted Buyer Program, our guests get the chance to explore the beauty, historic sights and culinary treasures of Greece, all the while they profit from the professional side of the show. Hosted buyers get to enjoy organised treats, such as a day tour to the center of Athens, including Acropolis and the Acropolis Museum, or the Temple of Poseidon at Sounio, three of the most picturesque destinations, making the most out of their business trip in Greece. °
For further information, please contact our team
By joining the Hosted Buyer Program of the trade show, one enjoyes the following benefits:
• Round trip economy air ticket
• Up to three nights’ accommodation (room only) at a 4 or 5-star hotel
• Free transportation with the trade show's shuttle bus from the hotel to the exhibition center and vice versa
• Free detailed, custom-made directory on your B2B prescheduled meetings
• Free Hosted Buyer badge, giving you access to the trade show with fast lane priority
• Privileged access to Hosted Buyer lounge
Filippos Papanastasiou: fp@forumsa.gr | Ioanna Lalia: il@forumsa.gr | Christine Mponoti: chm@forumsa.gr
Despina Irida Tsirikou: dt@forumsa.gr
For the past 60 years, SIAL Paris has been uniting professionals from around the globe to discuss matters related to food.
True to its DNA, SIAL has always been a place for meetings and exchanges, a fair where sharing, enjoyment, and energy serve the business world. This is even truer in 2024 with a program that makes SIAL Paris a truly vibrant event.
For the first time, SIAL Paris is organizing Summits. This novel format goes beyond inspiration and offers forward-looking content delivered by internationally renowned speakers. Africa, deeptech, AI, supply chain, and CSR will be explored during these summits to understand their immediate impact and to contemplate concrete solutions they can provide for tomorrow’s challenges.
exhibitors, who will need to demonstrate their commitment through a dedicated application file (available on the SIAL Paris website). The best business initiatives will be rewarded at the exhibition during a ceremony and featured in a dedicated tour.
To bring out the leading strategies on topics related to CSR, to initiate a collective movement, and to promote a positive vision of change: this is the spirit of the SIAL for Change competition, unveiled on the occasion of SIAL Paris's 60th anniversary. Beyond products and innovations, this award explores the overall approaches of
SIAL Innovation is a global observatory of food innovation which analyzes several thousand applications submitted by the exhibitors of the show every two years. SIAL rewards the best innovations through around 20 thematic trophies, awarded by sector (dairy products, seafood, frozen foods, food service, etc.), as well as special prizes.
Greek companies will be present in the following halls:
• Frozen products / HALL 5A
• Savory Food / HALLS 1-4
• Bakery & Sweet Products HALLS 5B & 6B
• Dairy products / HALL 7
• Meat and Poultry / HALL 6
For Greek companies, SIAL Paris is a great opportunity to showcase the quality and the variety of their products and to promote their comparative advantages to wholesalers, importers, and food traders from all across the globe: to be noted that this year Greece is one of the top ten leading countries in participating companies seeking to boost their businesses, promote their latest products and increase their visibility. Greek participation will be held mostly under the auspices of Enterprise Greece, the official agency of the Greek State to promote investment in Greece.
More than 230 Greek companies from every part of Greece will exhibit their products in the national pavilion and other halls around the fair, including the regions of Attica, Central Macedonia, Epirus, North Aegean, and Western Greece, the chambers of Magnesia and Halkidiki, as well as many Cooperatives from all over Greece, who will also take part.
It is worth mentioning that in this year's fairs 7,100 exhibitors will participate in 250,000 sq.m. exhibition spaces, while more than 300,000 professionals are expected to visit. °
*Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte, 82 Avenue des Nations, 93420, Villepinte, France
*Saturday 19/10 to Tuesday 23/10: 10.00–18.30 | Wednesday 19/10: 10.00–17.00.
Last admission at 14:00
Hellenic Bakery - Brakopoulos is a leading food company, specializing in frozen dough. With a love for tradition and an obsession with quality, the company creates products that truly stand out for their taste. One category that is particularly popular with consumers is the delicious pies: rich filling of fresh ingredients, vegetables and herbs, made traditionally with extra virgin olive oil, top quality raw materials and tasty, crispy “fyllo” (type of dough). www.brakopoulos.gr
Laconian Brewery, located in Laconia (Peloponese Region, Southern Greece), began its ventures in 2016 and Dark Lager (released in June 2024) is the latest addition. It is a dark coloured beer with roasted malts, with a 5.5% alcohol content. Its taste is mildly bitter, with chocolate notes and a great coffee aftertaste. All raw materials used are Greek, and the crystal clear water -the key ingredient for an excellent beer- springs directly from Taygetos Mountain. www.facebook.com/LakonikiBrewery
Greek cheeses continue to thrive: Kaskaval from Pindos region, aka “Kaskaval Pindou”, was recently approved in principle as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) product. Karalis company, one of the biggest dairy companies in Greece, was ready production wise, and Kaskaval Pindou Karalis is already on the market. Kaskaval is a semi-hard cheese, whitish to pale yellow in color, cylindrical or parallelepiped in shape and has a buttery, slightly acidic, slightly salty taste, which differentiates it from similar cheeses. www.karalis.com