Annual Report: 2011 (web version)

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Fellowship of Reconciliation annual report 2011

our vision


e envision a world of justice, peace, and freedom. It is a revolutionary vision of a beloved community where differences are respected, conflicts are addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures are dismantled, and where people live in harmony with the earth, nurtured by diverse spiritual traditions that foster com­passion, solidarity, and reconciliation.

national council Malik Nadeem Abid Will Bontrager Andrea Briggs Laurie Childers

FOR seeks to replace violence, war, racism, and economic injustice with nonviolence, peace, and justice. We are an interfaith organization committed to active nonviolence as a transforming way of life and as a means of radical change. We educate, train, build coalitions, and engage in nonviolent and compassionate actions locally, nationally, and globally. Since 1915, the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) has carried on programs and educational projects con­ cerned with domestic and international peace and justice, nonviolent alternatives to conflict, and the rights of conscience. An interfaith, tax-exempt organization, FOR promotes active nonviolence and has members from many religious, spiritual, and ethnic traditions. FOR-USA is a branch of the International Fellowship of Reconcili­ation (IFOR) with affiliates in over 50 countries. Cover photos are some of the images from FOR’s “I Will Not Kill” video broadcast in Times Square – NYC, spring 2011.

Management Team

Paul Dekar

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D., Executive Director Hillary Gaston, Sr., D.Min., Chief Operations Officer Shauen V.T. Pearce, Director of Programs, Social, Economic & Racial Justice

Daniel Delapava

Program Team

Shauen V.T. Pearce, Director of Programs, Social, Economic & Racial Justice John Lindsay-Poland, Director, Research & Advocacy Susana Pimiento-Chamorro, Director, Action & Advocacy Liza Smith, Director, Accompaniment in Colombia Leila Zand, Director, Civilian Diplomacy and the Middle East Organizational Advancement and Communications

Martha DiGiovanni Lucas Johnson Jeremy Lowe Greta Mickey James E. Murphy Jennifer Newell Peg Rivers Michael Rothbaum

Ethan Vesely-Flad, Communications Director Jonette O’Kelley Miller, MPA, Development Director Linda Kelly, Communications Associate Nicole Taylor, Data Entry Assistant

Bill Scheurer

Operations and Finance

Vishaka Smith

Hillary Gaston, Sr., D.Min., Chief Operations Officer Karen Heuer, Bookkeeper Mary Heckler, Events Coordinator & Peace House Host Tom Morrison, Receptionist & Contact Specialist Meredith Nicolich, Administrative Assistant

Sarah Schindler Sam Smith

Phil Stoltzfus Karen Sussan Rick Ufford-Chase 26 Park Street, Montclair, NJ 07042–3434 • Tel 973-744-8660 • Fax 973-744-3437 •

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Andrea Briggs and her granddaughter, Elizabeth.

message from the executive director and chair of the national council


he Arab Spring and Occupy movements were powerful sources of inspiration to the Fellowship of Reconciliation in 2011. Through our “Demilitarizing Life and Land” framework, FOR-USA resourced these and other courageous actions for participatory democracy and economic justice. We also independently launched several dynamic human rights campaigns and peace-centered projects. In 2008, Dalia Ziada, an Egyptian human rights activist, found online a 50-year-old FOR comic book, “Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story.” FOR had provided counsel and support to organizers of the 1955-56 Montgomery Bus Boycott, which ended racial segregation of public transportation in an infamously racist Southern city. More than 250,000 copies

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D.

of the comic book were distributed in the civil rights years. Rediscovering it a halfcentury later, Ziada saw the pamphlet as a popular education tool with modern-day application about the methodology and effectiveness of nonviolent social change. She translated it into Arabic and Farsi and in partnership with her organization, the American Islamic Congress, distributed thousands of copies throughout the Middle East. We are humbled to know of its use during the lead-up to the Arab Spring, and have now reissued it in English and Spanish. The Occupy movement that emerged in September 2011 demanded an end to the massive wealth gap, unemployment, and corporate influence over the U.S. government. In response, state security


forces sought to remove many grassroots physical occupations through force, and several confrontations between police and activists were violent. To encourage nonviolent discipline in the midst of these tense situations, FOR re-released our “Pact for Peaceful Witness” ( multimedia/pact-for-peaceful-witness). Some of FOR’s nationwide chapters were also directly engaged with local Occupy groups, particularly in conversation about the means and application of nonviolent action. Focusing on Latin America, FOR-USA continued our Colombia solidarity work by providing human rights accompaniment in conflict zones; hosting U.S. speaking tours of Colombian peace advocates; and helping organize the annual Days of

Prayer & Action advocacy campaign. Our Continental Campaign focused on preventing the expansion of U.S. military bases throughout the hemisphere, with particular attention to Honduras in the continuing wake of the 2009 military coup that overthrew President Zelaya. FOR’s Middle East efforts included four peace delegations to the region: two Iran civilian diplomacy delegations (May 2011); a Palestine arts & activism delegation (Balata Refugee Camp, September); and an Afghanistan peace & clean water delegation (September). We also cosponsored a controversial advertising campaign in several U.S. cities titled “Be On Our Side,” which called for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel (, providing campaign leadership to its outreach efforts in New York City.

While financial records included in this report will show that FY2011 was a difficult one for the Fellowship of Reconciliation, our staff remained stable, and, as mentioned above, our work continued internationally, nationally, and locally. The program record included in this report shows that FY2011 was one in which creative, responsive work was sustained and deepened across the FOR family.

Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D Executive Director


Andrea Briggs FOR USA National Council Chair

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2010 Fellowship of Reconciliation Peace Award recipients (from left to right): Dr. Tashi Rabten and wife, Dr. Tashi Dolma, Madea Benjamin, and Scott Kennedy.





hough a challenging year for FOR, fiscal year 2011 was teeming with strategical­ ly focused passions on setting the ground work for creating a world where all human­ kind is respected and honored.

a 15-second video with peace-centered images and the message “I Will Not Kill” every hour on a massive digital screen in New York City’s Times Square for six weeks during the spring season.

FOR-USA grew our national network of more than 100 local chapters, religious peace fellowships, and affiliated groups in 2011 through speaking tours and other face-to-face opportunities for engagement. Times of fellowship with supporters and individual members of our local chapters invigorated our work. Four new chapters and affiliates were formally welcomed in 2011: the Global Days of Listening project (globaldaysoflistening. org), the New England Peace Pagoda (; the Tarrant County (Texas) FOR; and Circles of Peace (tuscaloosacirclesofpeace.blogspot. com). Several other local communities expressed interest in creating new chapters in the coming year. We also broadcast

FOR continued combating systemic attacks on communities of color through anti-violence initiatives and economic empowerment campaigns. In collaboration with other grassroots organizations, including the community of FOR-affiliated religious peace fellowships, we targeted gun sellers for the distribution of weapons that feed violence in inner U.S. cities and in Mexico, and also developed campaigns against companies that permit the “open carry” of handguns and other weapons in their establishments. FOR also worked with other NGOs to interpret the Durban Declaration (from the 2001 World Conference Against Racism) to strengthen the U.S. human rights movement.

In FY11, our 2010 Peace Awards recognized the service and accomplishments of four individuals, and their organizations, The International Pfeffer Peace Award went to Scott Kennedy, cofounder of the Resource Center for Nonviolence in San Francisco, (Mr. Kennedy, unfortunately, passed in November of 2011). The National Martin Luther King, Jr. Peace Award was presented to Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CODEPINK; and, our Local Nyack Area Peace Award winners were Rockland County residents Drs. Tashi Dolma and Tashi Rabten, founders of the Home of Hope orphanage and school in Tibet. In keeping with our commitment to ‘speaking truth to power,’ FOR’s new Militarism Watch initiative helped academics and activists to strengthen their research capacity on the role and global reach of the U.S. military.

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Children in San José de Apartadó Peace Community.

program work Action & Advocacy: Susana Pimiento Chamorro Along with Peace Brigades International and Loyola University, we organized a four-week spring speaking tour in March and April 2011 that featured Peace Community founder Jesús Emilio Tuberquia. Traveling to 15 cities in states across the nation, including California, New Mexico, Colorado, New York, Illinois, and Washington, DC, the tour reached a large, diverse crowd of committed U.S.-based activists and students. There were several radio interviews and newspaper articles in connection with the speaking tour, all of which articulated the security concerns of the Peace Community.

We also prepared a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton requesting the State Department take action on measures to protect the Peace Community, which was signed by over 800 people.

the Southern Command in Florida with the Continental Campaign and inspire people to (a) organize their own local event in June, responding to the Continental Campaign Call for Solidarity with Honduras, and (b) join the mobilization planned for Indigenous Peoples’/ Columbus Day weekend in front of SouthCom in Miami.

We helped organize the Washington D.C. conference for Demilitarization/Latin America Solidarity Coalition. This national conference held April 8-10, included 48 workshops and four plenaries. John Lindsay-Poland spoke at a plenary, and both he and Susana Pimiento Chamorro led workshops. Susana coled a joint workshop with SouthCom Watch’s Ray del Papa. The conference was an effort to combine the work around nonviolent action at

From July 24th to August 2nd 2011, FOR and Witness for Peace led a delegation that focused on U.S. military bases in Colombia. A U.S.- Colombia Military Cooperation Agreement signed in October 2009 granted the U.S. military the use of at least seven Colombian military bases, sparking strong protest throughout Latin America. 6

The FOR-Witness for Peace Delegation was organized not only to inspire North Americans to work against U.S. militarization in the region, but also to support the Colombia No Bases Coalition. The delegation visited two emblematic military bases: the aerial base of Palanquero in Puerto Salgar from which the United States flies C-17s capable of reaching most of the Western Hemisphere and Africa without refueling, and also the Naval Military Base of Bahia Malaga in the Colombian Pacific Coast. Delegates were able to see the severe, negative impacts of militarization on local communities and fragile ecosystems. For instance, the naval base has displaced


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indigenous and AfroColombian communities and disrupted the mating and birthing cycles of the humpback whale. Delegates also organized a rally holding signs in front of the U.S. embassy in Bogotá, showing their opposition to U.S. military presence in the region.

We organized an event with Mexican movement organizer Pietro Ameglio (Serpaj-Mexico 2008 FOR Pfeffer Peace Award winner) in the Bay Area, and another event in San Francisco in solidarity with the mass peace demonstration in Mexico City on May 8th. John hosted Juárez organizer Perla de la Rosa in Washington in April.

Arno Kopecky, delegate and Canadian journalist, published an account of the delegation in The Tyee, a British Columbia daily paper.

Research & Advocacy: John Lindsay-Poland Our work with Witness for Peace continued with a strategic collaboration offering internet webinars on the current and future role of internationals in supporting Colombian nonviolent movements; the role that international human rights structures play in the Colombian conflict; Colombian history; the resistance of nonviolent youth to mandatory recruitment;

mining in Colombia and the U.S./Colombia Free Trade Agreement; the United States’ drug war in Colombia; the systematic persecution of journalists in Colombia; the plight of sugar cane cutters; and Colombia’s plan for land restitution.

FOR made two visits to Juarez this year, in January and June, to build relationships with Mexican groups. Ongoing work includes: • coordinating national calls of U.S. groups • supporting a petition campaign to President Obama on gun trafficking • developing plans for a Heeding God’s Call initiative that focuses on border-area gun stores • planning for a U.S. speaking tour by Mexican victims of violence

Research and writing on the U.S. military presence in Latin America has included articles for New America Media, NACLA Report on the Americas, Interconnect, and our own monthly e-newsletter and blog. 8

We have also participated in the San Francisco Bay Area’s New Priorities Campaign which seeks to shift federal spending priorities away from the military toward social programs. Metta Center for Nonviolence “mentee” Sam Pearse was assigned to work with TFLAC on this campaign over the summer of 2011. We also reprinted and continue to distribute postcards to Senators urging demilitarization of U.S. spending in Latin America to refocus funding toward domestic needs. John convened several conference calls to create a research collective of FOR members and allied groups

to research militarism in ways that serve activism for demilitarization. We agreed to call the project “Militarism Watch” and will seek involvement at various levels such as endorsement, skill contributions, workshop presentations or facilitation, resources, and webinars. A section of FOR’s web site will be established to support this project.

Accompaniment in Colombia: Liza Smith At the end of FY2011, Colombia Peace Presence team members, led by staff director Liza Smith, were Jon Patberg and Isaac Beachy on the Bogotá team; and Gina Spigarelli, Emily Schmitz, and Sean Cranley on the San José team. The sobering reality that working for peace can mean sacrificing one’s life was,

unfortunately, all too clear this year as the Peace Community suffered five murders: • March 22: Bernardo Rios, • April 5: Jose Lopez • April 15: Alcides Tuberquia • May 11: Kennedy • May 26: Ramon Franco Vaquero

objection. We had a meeting with the director of the United Nations in Colombia to talk about this issue and have been working on setting up a meeting with the Minister of Defense to talk about illegal street round ups.

There were regular reports of combat throughout March and April until mid-May. The military has had a semipermanent encampment within about 100 meters of the community where soldiers remain and helicopters land to deliver supplies. Just recently, the military left and seems to be in the process of changing their locations in the area.

Colombia Peace Presence (CPP) workers: (from left to right): Gina Spigarelli, Emily Schmitz, and Elisabeth Rohrmoser.

Publications We have received strong, positive feedback to our 34-page booklet, What’s Land Got to Do With It? Colombia: Answers to the Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask. Over 600 copies have been distributed as of the end of the fiscal year. A digital version is available online for a free download.

In March we released via the internet our second video interviewing a conscientious objector. We supported COs from Bogotá in their visit to IFOR Austria. We have been working with CIVIS (a Swedish agency) to support their virtual campaign on conscientious


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Photos, FOR’s May 2011 Iran Delegation. Courtesy of Judy Bello.


went back to the Community for my last visit for who knows how long; and with my new beard and much longer hair, people almost didn’t recognize me. They may have been referring to my outward changes, but as I sit here and think about it, I barely recognize myself these days–the past 19 months with the Community and FOR have changed me.

My time as a peace accompaniment worker has strengthened my faith in activism. No longer do I view people with radical alternatives as idealists who don’t get anything done. I’ve lived in a radically alternative community and worked with people who are activists and are actively involved in developing intricate strategies to get what they need. Activism will never again seem like just a passing hobby of the young and impassioned, but rather a completely necessary component to society without which we wouldn’t have any sort of checks and balances. Also, I have come into my own as a gay man. Being gay is no longer just my sexuality, it is part of what defines me and what moves me to act. I am part of community, and I understand that that is a luxury worth fighting to preserve. I am more secure and happier now, and the only way I can spread such security and happiness to others in the LGBT community is if I am active. I am no longer just out, I am open. I am no longer just proud, I am loud. It may be just that I have grown up a lot this year, but I doubt it. The Fellowship of Reconciliation has a culture of promoting openness, communication and growth, and the complexities found in a Peace Community are the best lessons on what is the grey between black and white. Without these past 19 months with these two communities of people, I would be fine, sure, but I wouldn’t be nearly as close to being whole as I am today. Jon Patberg


Civilian Diplomacy & the Middle East: Leila Zand At the end of summer 2010, FOR’s Middle East program director, Leila Zand, traveled to Iran for a conference organized by the Iranian government and Iranian Professionals Abroad to speak on Iran and U.S. relations and the work of peace activists in both countries. As a result, we have been able to maintain continuing communications with Iranian government officials regarding a proposed reconciliation conference in the future. Though challenged with delegates receiving visa denials and travel interruptions due to the political environment, our Civilian Diplomacy work continues. During fiscal year


2011, FOR sent four delegations to the Middle East: two focusing on civilian diplomacy, along with an arts activism delegation to the Palestinian Balata Refugee Camp, and a Peace & Clean water delegation to Afghanistan. Beginning in November 2010, our 11th Civilian Diplomacy delegation travelled to Iran visiting five cities during a two-week tour. Then in 2011, our 12th delegation journeyed to Iran during the first twoweeks of May. Following are excerpts from both delegations by David Hartsough, co-founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce, founding director of Peaceworker and leader of the November 2010 delegation; and, Judy Bello, a writer, activist, and co-leader of the delegation in May 2011.

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November 10, 2010

Unusual Conversations at Persepolis by David Hartsough At Persepolis we had several unusual and very significant conversations. We met the Ambassador from the Netherlands. He said he was very happy to see our American delegation here in Iran trying to help build some peace and understanding between our countries. He said … What the Iranian people and the Iranian government are asking for is respect and to be treated fairly and justly. They have an amazing history and culture and we need to treat them as we — any country — would want to be treated. Iranian children, May 2011 Iran Delegation. Courtesy of Judy Bello.


We encountered some Iranian soldiers in uniform. Accompanying them was an imam. We told him about our belief that all religions have as their basic beliefs and teachings to Love One Another and we are all children of one God. He agreed that love for one another is the essence of all religions, but that we cannot rely on God to bring about a just and peaceful society. He said, we must be God’s instruments to help bring about a more peaceful and just society.

A while later, we talked with a colonel in charge of a group of Revolutionary Guard soldiers. We were able to say to him and all the soldiers gathered around that our Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) delegation had come to Iran to express our deep desire for peace with the Iranian people. Even if our governments see each other as enemies, we the American and Iranian people could become friends and create peace from the bottom up. We stated that to kill the beautiful Iranian people would be a crime against God and a crime against humanity. We are dedicated to doing everything in our power to help transform the relationship between our countries from enmity and hostility to peace and mutual respect. The imam and many of the soldiers stood there silently giving their appreciation and respect for our sentiments. The colonel and the imam and many of the soldiers then gave me and others in our delegation very warm and heartfelt handshakes and expressed deep appreciation for our visit. We left hoping that with encounters like this and our work back in the U.S. for peace and diplomacy rather than confrontation

and war with Iran, we can avoid ever having to confront one another on the battlefield and the horrible consequences of war between our countries.

May 9, 2011

Iran delegation report 3: Peace and War by Judy Bello This delegation to Iran has a distinctly different flavor than my previous one (in 2007). Our actions are more seriously constrained. The group must stay together at all times, and we are held to a strict schedule. Even so, our Iranian guides are unfailingly pleasant and congenial, the hotels are comfortable, and we meet people along the way who are friendly and curious. And I am compelled to mention the pleasure of experiencing ancient structures and artistry, much older than anything found in the west. In Tehran, we had morning meetings with Habib Ahmad Alvaradez and Mohammed Rexa Sharafoddin of the Association of War Films, and then with Dr. Khateri and several members of the Society for Chemical


Weapons Victims Support at the Tehran Peace Museum. In both cases, our hosts were most generous in sharing their work and their ideas for creating a better, more humane, just and peaceful world….. Today, we visited several historic sites, the Citidal of Shiraz which dates to the 12th century, the tomb of the poet Sa’adi, and a historic mosque. At the Citidal, a young man on a bicycle stopped to talk. People here speak to me in a friendly and warm manner. We all share our hope for a better future where countries will find better ways to greet one another than with weapons in hand. We dream of a world where we can have the pleasure of learning one another’s languages and customs. I hope we can nurture our little domain of wellbeing and peace so it will grow and someday encompass all men and women in all nations and the earth itself.

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Social, Economic, and Racial Justice: Shauen V.T. Pearce FOR’s Task Force on Social, Economic, and Racial Justice continues to strengthen alliances with national interfaith and community organizations. Through the framework of FOR’s Demilitarizing Life and Land analysis, and building on the momentum of the June 2010 U.S. Social Forum (“Another World Is Possible: Another U.S. Is Necessary,” which drew 20,000 activists to Detroit, Michigan), in FY2011 TFSERJ helped deepen FOR’s response to the interconnections between racism, militarism, economic injustice, environmental racism, and imperialism. Recognizing the need for community-based solutions to these issues, the task force prioritized four urban regions in the country where it will concentrate its multifaceted efforts in the coming years: Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New Orleans, and New York City. In September 2010, FOR’s Executive Director Mark Johnson and TFSERJ Director Shauen Pearce were roundtable participants in the third biannual Facing Race conference, joining 800 other racial justice activists in Chicago, Illinois. Drawing on those provocative conversations, TFSERJ expanded its concentration on intergenerational methodologies for eradicating gang and gun

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violence in Chicago to include food justice, based on emergent recognition of its ties to issues of class and racism. A violence prevention campaign focused on Chicago’s inner-city communities is now being developed. TFSERJ also began exploring the following proposed projects and campaigns in conversation with ally organizations: creating intergenerational community circles to build both peer and elder accountability to counter gang membership; the development of a national campaign to establish an economic lever against firearm profiteers; FOR Peace Street Teams; and a national bus tour or traveling summit offering workshops on active nonviolence and community organizing. The Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE) invited Shauen to create the curriculum for a workshop entitled “Demilitarizing Life in the U.S. – Organizing Across Cultural Lines for Justice.” Presented by outgoing National Council member Rev. Sam Smith, the advanced-level workshop was a highlight at the March 2011 conference. As part of the “Transforming Systems and Culture” track, the workshop explored the relationships between class, race, and faith in organizing strategies; how to identify and address the roles of militarism in our lives; how we perpetuate


classicism and racism through our communities, even in the midst of organizing; and, how to decrease the unintended violence often done through peace and justice work.

The Center for Conscience & War (TCCW) Press Conference, November 2010. From left to right: Josh Stieber, an Iraq War veteran, Logan Mehl-Laituri, Evelyn Hanneman of the Baptist Peace Fellowship, veterans Camilo Mejia and Jake Diliberto, and Rita Nakashima Brock of Faith Voices for the Common Good. Courtesy of Rev. Rita Brock.

Shauen also developed the curriculum for “Faith, Race and Violence: Addressing History as We Work for Peace” for the 2011 annual Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America summer conference, and presented the workshop in Harrisonburg, Virginia. During spring 2011, Pearce participated in the production design of a short video centered on FOR’s “I Will Not Kill” message, which ran for six weeks on the largest LED digital screen billboard in New York City’s Times Square area. Originally a military counterrecruitment pledge program, “I Will Not Kill” is in the planning stages to be relaunched as a comprehensive youth-focused nonviolence campaign. Other future projects include creating a workbook to accompany the re-release of FOR’s historic comic book, Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story, to support its continuing use as a popular education tool on active nonviolence.


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Increased web site visits 2011 Legend:


to June, 2011 ••January January to June, 2011 to June, 2010 ••January January to June, 2010

Web site visits 2011 Legend:

• 2010 • 2009

Communications: Ethan Vesely-Flad Linda Kelly Communications is the mainstay of FOR’s work. Advocacy, education, networking, marketing, media outreach, and research represent only a few of FOR’s active strategies for disseminating information. Ethan Vesely-Flad, Communications Director and editor of Fellowship Magazine, Linda Kelly, Communications Assistant, with the help of part-time web consultant Ivan Boothe work with program staff and allies actively throughout the process of developing, launching, and publicizing FOR’s diverse campaigns and collaborative projects, both in print and online. During fiscal year 2011, three issues of Fellowship, FOR’s flagship magazine, were published. The thematic issues – titled “Renewing the Movement,” “Rethinking Money,” and “Transformation of/in Prisons,” respectively – generated substantive and positive responses from

members and subscribers. Plans were also laid for a renewed subscription renewal campaign. After its mailing at the beginning of the fiscal year, Witness, our membership newsletter, was re-purposed and re-formatted to profile and promote the work of our local chapters, religious peace fellowships, and affiliates. International media outlets reported that Egypt’s nonviolent-rooted revolution took inspiration from many sources, including a 50-year-old comic book originally published by FOR during the civil rights era. Bolstered by this news, by popular demand FOR re-published Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story in English and Spanish. (Arabic, Farsi, and Italian versions are in development for future print publication.) A new online store component to FOR’s web site was launched at the end of the fiscal year. Numerous other changes to the site in the coming 16

l also be seen to increase accessibility and ease of engagement for both visitors and members. We maximized our outreach via various social media outlets. Online communication efforts increased dramatically. FOR passed 1,000 Twitter followers and 2,000 Facebook supporters during the spring of 2011, and at year’s end averaged more than 1,000 monthly active users on Facebook. “Like” buttons were added to sections of our web site to help this interaction, and will soon proliferate site-wide.

In the graph on page 16, visits to the web site fell off at the beginning of the 2011 fiscal year. This represents a period that was offline in preparation for its re-launch. However, once the new site was launched, the number of visitors immediately surpassed the number of visitors during the same week in 2009 and remained consistently higher than 2009 for the rest of the year. Continuing to improve our SEO (search engine optimization), compared to activity during the second half of the fiscal year (January to June 2011), visitors to www. increased by 63.1% from the same period during 2010. Increased traffic

was most likely due to a combination of new content, more frequently updated content, a more engaging site, and a site that provides more ways to connect with social media. While the increased use of Twitter, Facebook, and the social bookmarking site StumbleUpon provided a large number of links, we find that search engines, including Google News, provided the majority of our traffic. With the ease of access provided by the internet, the number of online contributions to FOR also increased as compared to previous years. Donors and

supporters respond to FOR outreach, including email “blasts,” specific campaigns, and general appeals. However, we find that email blasts generate only a small portion of our online fundraising totals; the majority of our monthly donations come from donors who are actively choosing FOR’s “donate” feature on our website. Understanding web site design is a fluid process, and we are continuing to develop new and better ways for using www. in order to digitally reflect our work’s energy and purpose.

Breakdown of visitors to our Facebook page according to age and gender as of June 2011:

FOR’s web site was re-launched during the first half of the fiscal year (July to December 2010). In this initial phase, www. received approximately 78,000 visitors. This represented a modest increase of 4.80% from the same period in 2009.


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2011 RPF meeting representatives, March 2011.

List of participating organizations:

Adventist Peace Fellowship American Muslim Voice Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America

a convocation of religious peace fellowships, affiliates, and allies

Church of the Brethren Buddhist Peace Fellowship Center for Conflict Dialogue in New York Community of Living Traditions

Hosted by the Fellowship of Reconciliation at the Stony Point Center March 14-16, 2011 By Mark C. Johnson In mid-March 2011, FOR co-hosted a threeday convocation which brought together representatives of 26 organizations representing FOR’s religious peace fellowships (RPFs) and other national, grassroots faith-based affiliates. I served as moderator of the gathering, working in partnership with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, and the Community of Living Traditions. As activists, we are so often involved in “doing the work” that we forget to reach out and connect with our sisters and brothers also on the frontlines. We came

together to both strengthen our bonds of fellowship and coordinate our plans for future projects. Our first day began with rich introductions focusing on our personal journeys to becoming peacemakers. The second day we asked: How are we called by our faith to political action, resistance, and engagement? And, as citizens of the United States, what role does faith have in effecting change? We narrowed our conversation to exploring the call to speak truth to power while finding ourselves often complicit with those powers; and seeking to balance the challenges of witness and solidarity with the call to be reconcilers in the world. We also discussed the difference in definitions of security or safety within faith communities and within civil society, and the tensions that may be present in those competing perspectives on security/safety.

Deeper discussions followed centering on how we can proactively and creatively respond to the culture of fear that sustains threats to and attacks on Muslims in the United States; and, as RPFs, what will be our 50-year strategy for shaping our religious bodies to become unflinching protagonists for peace.

Christian Peace Witness

Our third and final day culminated with updates on our various organizational projects and plans for moving forward. There was widespread interest in maintaining this rich conversation through regular gatherings of RPFs and affiliates, convened by FOR. We intend to hold a second event in 2012-13.

Muslim Peace Fellowship

Creating a Culture of Peace Episcopal Peace Fellowship Fellowship of Reconciliation Lutheran Peace Fellowship Mennonite Church USA

RPF working session, March 2011.

Mennonite Central Committee National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund New England Peace Pagoda Nonviolence International Orthodox Peace Fellowship of North America Pax Christi Baltimore Pax Christi USA Secular Franciscans Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence Stony Point Center



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To receive a full copy of FOR’s Fiscal Year 2011 Financial Report, contact, or, call FOR: 845.358.4601, x29.

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STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES for the year ended June 30, 2011 WITH SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL INFORMATION for the year ended June 30, 2010


Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Pledges receivable




$ 173,075











Investments held in charitable

remainder trusts

Investments held for gift annuities











Equipment - net of accumulated depreciation $287,889 - 2011; $285,724 - 2010 Dues from affiliated organizations Total assets

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Demand loans payable Gift annuities payable Liability under charitable remainder trusts Total liabilities













Net assets: Unrestricted: Undesignated Invested in equipment

Support and revenue: Contributions Bequests Local groups Program and special projects Fellowship magazine Bookstore sales Rental income Investment income Miscellaneous Actuarial gain on annuity obligations Change in value of charitable remainder trusts Total support and revenue before net assets released from restrictions Net assets released from restrictions Total support and revenue Expenses: Local/regional groups Creating a Culture of Peace Nonviolent Youth Collective Task Force Latin America & Caribbean General program Fellowship magazine Bookstore Projects and initiatives General and administrative Pension expense Depreciation expense Fundraising Total expenses



Invested for gift annuities







Change in net assets before transfer of investments to/from Friends of Fellowship of Reconciliation, Inc. Transfer of investments to/from Friends of Fellowship of Reconciliation, Inc. Change in Net Assets

Total unrestricted net assets

Temporarily restricted Pennanently restricted

Total net assets

Total liabilities and net assets 20







Net Assets at Beginning of Year Net Assets at End of Year


$ 673,898 154,810 36,443 80,931 32,652 12,523 60,046 13 12,961







139,884 10,361 1,074,638 212,015 $1,286,653

146,186 (212,015) (65,829)

125,985 127,414 99,822 174,281 28,289 179,569 8,689 175,875 297,575 39,590 2,164 345,582 1,604,835

TOTAL 2011


$ 680,200 154,810 36,443 80,931 32,652 12,523 60,046 13 12,961 139,884 10,361

$ 572,635 592,972 10,197 33,332 24,665 20,999 44,537 6 51 131,609 75,366

1,220,824 1,220,824

1,506,369 1,506,369

125,985 127,414 99,822 174,281 28,289 179,569 8,689 175,875 297,575 39,590 2,164 345,582 1,604,835

108,305 95,199 112,002 174,180 4,157 182,355 11,419 155,631 231,948 45,890 6,180 303,849 1,431,115





254,564 (63,618)

87,739 21,910


752,531 $ 688,913

453,441 $ 475,351

79,847 155,101 1,205,087


154,216 $ 154,216

(41,708) 1,360,188 $1,318,480


SCHEDULE OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES for the year ended June 30, 2011 WITH SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL INFORMATION for the year ended June 30, 2010

acturial gains on annuity obligations 11% Bookstore sales 1%

contributions 56%

Rental Income 5% Miscellaneous 1% Fellowship Magazine 3%


Salaries and payroll taxes



Total Support and Revenue: $1,220,824



$ 309,967

$ 256,740

$ 110,871

$ 677,578

$ 654,268

Pension expense






Other employee benefits











Professional fees Supplies






Telephone and internet






Mailing costs












Computers and equipment






















Travel Depreciation Bank and payroll charges



Dues and subscriptions






Books, videos for resale















Consultants General program expenses Insurance Local/regional groups Special events Staff development and training Miscellaneous Total expenses


17,122 100 13,731



125,985 550















$ 911,627

$ 412,737

$ 280,471




Program and special projects 7%

2010 Local groups 3%

bequests 13%

Fundraising 17% Program Services 57%

Total Functional Expenses: $1,604,835

General & Administrative 26%


f e l l ows h ip of re c on c il iat ion

j u ly 1 , 2 0 1 0 – j u n e 30, 2 0 1 1

donor acknowledgments

bequests and tributes were received during the 2011 fiscal year.

FOR would like to honor these individuals whose commitment to peace and nonviolent conflict resolution continues to uphold the work of FOR USA. We acknowledge the many gifts received during 2010-11 celebrating the lives and work of loved ones, members & supporters.

Bequests Louise Bennett

Anna Lamond

Willard Uphaus

Elise Boulding

Eleanor McMillan

Everard P. Webster

Muriel Clark

Malcolm Nicols

Julianne Scurry-West

Robert J. Fenneman, Sr.

Helen Nocke

Irene Wiemer

Marjorie Gage

Lucile Patrick

Margaret Kress

Dorothy Tredennick

Ann H. Cole Sue H. Fisher

Robert C. Delk Amy Carr

Isaac Beachy Daniel D. and Tina M. Beachy

Esther Grace Collins Walter E. and Gretchen L. Collins

Lauren Cannon and Mike Denton Jennifer Cannon

Mary Kirkpatrick Brown Paula Goldstein

Theodore Libby Conklin Charles and Mary Sue Willie

Duane Cady John and Joy Deharpporte Veena Deo Richard and Judith Fuller Kent Kreuter Barbara H. O’Connell

Sean Cranley Ruth Cranley

Wallace Cayard Leonora Cayard

Helen A. Danforth Patricia L. Ankrum Doris K. Gayzagian Cynthia Strong

Joseph S. (Joe) DeRaymond Brandy Bauer Anna Maria Caldara Mary S. DeRaymond Judith Keating Lehigh Valley War Tax Resistance Lepoco Robert and Carmen Riggs Ronald J. Sax Rodney R. Schall Gail P. Scudder Sarah and Max Snider

Maxwell Chaplin Eleanore Lee Lillian Clark Faye Caskey Kathleen L. Haining Betty J. Stebbins

Marion Crissey Olivia E. Jaramillo N. Alison Owens

Florence Date’ Smith and Barbara Date’ Smith Roger O. Smith Paul K. Deats, Jr. Julius S. Scott Carolyn Kay Wheeler 24

Mark Johnson Silver Bay Association

Lenae Nofziger David and Ruby Nofziger

Debra Schachter Burt and Emily Schachter

Peggy Tristram John F. Nagle

Leland and Ginger Keemer John F. Piper

Mary Faherty O’Connor Maureen O’Connor

Walter Shapero Rudy Simons

Jesus Emilio Turberiquia Mary G. Jenny

Robin Lahman David L. Lahman

Frank Ostrowski Richard M. Rustay Sarah Lopez

Rudy Simons Sara Gleicher

Sue and Bob VanDerzee Kate VanDerzee-Glidden

Lee Sneden Nancy and Robert Drennen

Matai Oscar Vesely-Flad Michael Brown

Dorothy Stafford Jane and Bill Baars Elizabeth Barton Elinor and Sam Benedict Barbara A. Drake Edward and Susan Einowski Julie E. Frantz Jerry and Martha Gatchell William J. Howe Kristin E. Loebbecke Megan L. McMorran James V. Parker Paulann Petersen Diane K. Ponti Shelley C. Reece Ingrid Wendt and Ralph J. Salisbury Dennis and Helen Schmidling Scot D. and Debra K. Siegel Joseph A. Soldati Leah and Bill Stenson Patrica A. Wixon

Richard Walter Matthew Charles

Barbara Nelson Merwyn and Barbara Nelson

Margaret Johnson Rosamond Hanlon

Marcie Ley Frederick Ley

Tributes Karim Alkadhi Sarah G. Dunkley

John Swombley Eloise M. Cranke

T. Noel Yolanda and Peter Broad

Linda Rousseau Cathleen Gallander Mark C. & Mary B. Johnson Nydia Leaf Brenda Shrobe

Zeena Jefferson Lucretia Way

George Edwards Kate and V. Edison Farmer Phyllis and Charlie Hanna Dorothy Lockhart Fred Fertig Asano Fertig Charlotte Freeman David and Margery Billings Elaine Friedrich Jim Friedrich William L. Hammaker Naomi Brill Max A. and Erika E. Lauffer Patti Robinson Julie A. Stoughton Robert and Barbara Vogel

George Lindsay Marjorie R. Bland Rubel Joseph Lucero William J. Lucero Velma and Cal McConnell Bart Duell and Kathy Ross Beuna McCutcheon Michael and Marie Bailey Peter McNeill Douglas A. McNeill Alan McRae Lee McRae

Michael Wilcox Palmer Sarah S. Palmer Jonathan Patberg William L. and Judythe Patberg Emiliano Perez Sandra Stark Joy Petrone Nancy E. Friedman Carol Pittard Anello Joyce K. Buni John Lindsay-Poland Jo Peabody

Charlotte Melly Paul Tavener

Joe and Lora Rabinowitz Carol David Mary Riehle John Riehle

Sam and Janet Moffet Raiford C. Scott

Margaret Robinson Susan Robinson Ted Rodd Terry and Carolyn Rosenberry

Warren and Winifred Doerfler Barbara and Jonathan Breen

Gordon Hirabayashi James Hirabayashi Rodney Hood Carolyn O. Hood

Robert Moon Robert J. Hawthorne Gayle Pickrell

Irving Douglas Edward and Susan Douglas

Don Irish Steven A. Budas

Mary Cochran Moulton Lawrence Moulton

Barbara Steinkraus Patricia and Michael Benjamin Nirmala D. Bidani Helen B. Luongo Frank Morrow SUNY-Oswego


John N. Thale Christina Simmons

Lucile Williams Marion G. and John M. Schultz Rose Wood Angel J. Levine Kathryn C. Woodward David D. Chaplin Chris Wright Larry Smith

the following contributions were received during the calendar year january 1 to december 31, 2011. Jesse T. Arnold

Jeanne Q. Benoliel

Betty Brown

Harold W. & Marilyn M. Lay

Advocates for Justice $100 to $499

Constance Arnosti

Rosalie J. Bentzinger

Dennis & Sally Brown

John W. Lemly

Rosalind S. & Robert S. Abernathy

Nancy A. Arthur

Lloyd A. & Patricia Berg

Donald G. & Carol Anne Brown

Helen P. Lindsay

Malik N. Abid

Bob Auerbach

Linda E. Bergh

Thomas & Kathy Brownfield

John Lindsay-Poland

Mary Aborn-Hyatt

Virginia Auster

Bruce Berman

Timothy Buell

Pursuers of Peace $500 to $999

Avery C. Manchester

Jill Acheson

Richard S. Austin

Gabrielle Bershen

Larry & Laura Buffam

John Matthews

Eugene & Dorothy Ackerman

James A. Babson

Kevin Besse

Robert D. Bulkley

Annanelle Hardt

Ann Thacher Anderson

Charles-Gene McDaniel

Patricia Ackerman

John F. Backe

Stephen & Joyce Best

Mary C. Bunting

Ernie Julius & Carolyn J. Davis

Home Rule Globally

James E. & Roxana M. Atwood

Marie Therese McDermit

Helen Ackerson

Bernie & Hennie Backer

Margaret Betz

Adolph & Rose Burckhardt

Raymond Doherty

David & Alice Hornbeck

Daniel D. & Tina M. Beachy

Phil McManus

Sharon Adamsky

Stanley Bagley

Ernest P. Bicknell

Martha Burgess

Fund for Nonviolence

James A. Joyce

Dennis Bolstad

James E. & Susan G. Murphy

Latif Ahmed

Martha Baldoni

Karen S. Billings

Lon Burnam

Carolyn G. Hartnett

Ann Marie & John P. Judson

James P. Brent

Don & Nancy Nagler

Charles Ainsworth

Amy Baldwin

Paul & Margaret Binder

Bruce Busching

Lynda L. Howland

Charles Keil

Allan & Peggy Brick

Samuel & Ruth Neff

Ata Akiner

Ferne Baldwin

Robert A. & Krista G. Binnie

John B. & Eleanor S. Butler

J & L Foundation

Larry & Barbara Kerschner

Andrea Briggs

Jennifer H. & Scott J. Newell

Albany Monthly Meeting

John & Sarah Ball

Eugene Birmingham

Wayne Butler


A. J. Kuntze II

June A. Butler

Conrad Nordquist

W. Watson & Marilyn Alberts

Conrad Balliet

Leonard & Judy Bjorkman

Andy & Betty Butterbaugh

Mark C. & Mary B. Johnson

Gina Leonetti-Boonshoft

Duane L. & Sandra L. Cady

William Northrup

Robert C. & Janet A. Aldridge

John & Elaine Bancroft

Janet Black-Yznaga

Nina Byers

Robin Lloyd

Janet Leslie

Laurie F. Childers

Clarkson & Andrea Palmer

Alan W. Alexander

Lorelle Banzett

Douglas & Maureen Blaine

Jonathan & Karis Cady

Loyola University Chicago

Ruth R. Maier

Stephen J. & Caroline Chinlund

William L. & Judythe Patberg

Valerie Alia

Richard H. Barber

Robert L. & Coke L. Blake

Robert & Margaret Cahalan

James R. Lynch

Louise & Michael Malakoff

Karen Chiu

Jimmy Peter

Karim & Ann L. Bragdon Alkadhi

Marc J. Baretz

Chris Blake

Tim Caldwell

Alan Pfeffer

Gary & Betty Massoni

Church Women United in Austin

Katharine C. Pierce

Alexander & Sonia Alland

Jean & Elliott Barker

Richard B. & D. Elizabeth Blakney

Ruth E. Callard

Roseben Fund

Kathryn Mott

Marsha & Frank Cookingham

Robert & Carmen Riggs

Lawrence & Rosemary Alland

Sibylle J. Barlow

Robert W. & Laurel Blaney

Chuck & Sally Campbell

Reijiro Shito

Albert P. Neilson

Allen & Joan Deeter

Carolyn Sener Rusk

Mary Jane & Guy Almes

Alexander E. Barnes

Thomas Blank & Ilene Staff

Wilma Campbell

Liesel Vidal

Joseph Podorsek

James & Elizabeth Deitz

Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting

Violet M. Ames

Anne L. Barstow

Martha Tomhave Blauvelt

Cynthia & Dave Capone

Theodore von der Ahe

Cheryl B. Porter

Martha W. & Peter C. DiGiovanni

Dennis F. Saver

Susan Amussen

Colette Bartholomew

Barrett H. & Mary L Bolton

Jennifer Carley

Louise Wicker & Dudley R. Hartel

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Mark & Diane Donovan

Delbert J. & Stella V. Schrag

Mika Anami

Ann S. & David G. Barton

Betty & Dacey Booker

James H. & Patricia S. Carmel

Angela & Charles Williams

Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley

Jean Edwards

Alan & Lisa Shusterman

Dorothy N. Andersen

Mariel Hess & Nash Basom

Dennis Boos

Larry Carney

Kathlyn Yarzagaray

Constance Elizabeth Putnam

Jane & James Frankenberger

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Frank H. Anderson

Kenneth Basom

Patrick Bosold

Lydia Beth Caros

Richard M. Rustay

Michael & Carol Gass

St. Piran’s Church

William H. Anderson

Henry & Suzanne Bass

Elizabeth Bottern

Alan E. & Ruth A. Carp

Witnesses for Freedom $1,000 to $2,499

Betty B. Sawyer

Norman B. Gesner

Renee Stringham

Anderson, Niebuhr &

Michael Batinski

Lura E. Bowin

William & Mary Carry

Jennifer Schaal & Fred Wilson

Greater St. Louis Community

Joseph & Audrey Taylor

Sonia Baxter

Lawrence Bragman

Clyde & Karen Carter

Adorers of the Blood of Christ

George E. Schindler

Wilmer Brandt

Judith & Ronald Carter

Arts Council of Rockland Inc.

Dale L. Ramsey & Sarah N.

Charles & Joan Brown


Beverly Busching

Betty Scholten

Lucy Lee Helm

Ken & Peg Champney

Jane Badger Simkin

Vernon L. Higginbotham

Joseph & Ruth Wimsatt

Harano E. & Margaret Childs

Nancy Somers

Marion & Steve Jacobsen

June K. Wink

Church of the Epiphany

Margaret K. Spallone

Gus B. Kaufman

Ralph S. & Gretka Y. Wolfe

Robert M. Cordova

Hans & Eleanor Spiegel

Paul L. Kingsley

James H. Wolgemuth

Scott E. Crom

Michael & Mary Swiontoniowski

Franklin & Martha Kuhlman

Leila Zand

Ambassadors of Reconciliation $2,500 and greater

Richard & Jan Deats

Laura Tiberti

Dwight L. Lawton

Paul R. & Nancy R. Dekar

Hazel Tulecke

B. Andrew Dutcher

Rick & Kitty Ufford-Chase

Appleton Foundation

Ellen Fisk

Carolyn Kay Wheeler

Frank & Blythe Baldwin

FOR - DC Chapter

Robert Barnett

FOR - Louisville Chapter

Walter E. & Gretchen L. Collins

Linda Gochfeld

Michael L. & Barbara J. Crosser

Associates, Inc.

Seth & Mary Tyler

Dave Andreotta

Elizabeth Drake Beck

Martin Rudolph & Florence Haase

Judith D. West

Bonnie Angel

Palmer & Ardys Becker

William H. Brault

Judy Casassa

Walter W. Haines

Emmet Finlay & Betty N.

Athena Angelus

Jerry L. & Anna H. Bedford

Richard C. & Gertrude C. Braun

Jean K. Cassill

John W. Annas

Jane A. Beebe

Ann Brennan

Barbara Castro

Sharon Lee Annis

Dean & Reba Beery

Kate Anne Brennan

Linda & David Caughey

Mary Appelman

William & Hannelore Beittel

Betty J. Brenneman

Lynn M. Cawthra

Arkansas Coalition for Peace

Daniel M. & Sara N. Bell

Dennis & Pat Bricking

Patricia T. Chamberlin

Llewellyn W. Bell

Keith D. & Carole A. Briggs

Chester V. Chambers

Annette L. Benert

R. Edwards Brown

Suzannah Chandler




and Justice James M. Armstrong


David D. Chaplin

Barbara & Charles Cross

Gary E. Doupe

Becky & Jonathan Felton

John Cheeseman

Areta & C. R. Crowell

Daniel & Lee Drake

Albert W. & Clark W. Fenske

Jean S. Christianson

Jan B. Crumb

David E. Drake

A. Ione Ferguson

Pax Christi-Rochester

Betsy Cunningham

Ruth M. Drake

Marjorie M. Ferrari

Joanne Church

Kenneth & Sylvia Curry

Leo & Kay Drey

Ted & Jeanne Finlayson-Schueler

Richard & Janice Church

Gislin Dagnelie

John R. Dryden

Theodore C. & Deborah R. First

Church of the Ascension

Dorothy & Alfred Dale

Neville & Doreen D’Souza

Kathleen D. Fisher

Alfred & Gladys Claassen

Julia E. Damkoehler

Ralph & Christine Dull

Sue H. Fisher

Arthur W. Clark

Harry W. Daniell

Dorothy Taylor Duncan

David & Ruth Fitz

Sue Ruth Clark

John Dauer

Michael F. & Linda L. Dunn

Frances Sue Fitzgerald

Barbara Clawson

Sue Davidson

Carol M. Dwyer

Mary M. & Harvey K. Flad

Elizabeth G. Clegg

Cheryl K. Davis

Mary A. Earley

T. Richard Flaharty

Lawrence M. & Patricia Clemens

John Francis Davis

Frank Eastburn

Robert G. Fleagle

Bruce & Hanna Clements

Linda W. Davis

Anna Eddy

Bernard D. Fletcher

John & Jean Cobb

Melissa & Gordon Davis

Norman C. Eddy

Robert M. Flora

Mary C. Coelho

Virginia L. Davis

Jean L. Eden

Jack Hugh & Wendy Florin

Elizabeth Coker

Davis Friends Meeting

Noel H. Egensperger

FOR - Cape Cod Chapter

Brenda M. Collier

Joseph De Rivera

Peter J. & Jane M.Eichten

FOR - Western Washington

Clint Collins

Lindsay Dearborn

Edward & Susan Einowski

The Colorado College

Eleanor Debacher

John E. Eldridge

Catherine Marie Ford

Charles & Patricia Colson

Robert M. Decker

Charles A. Ellwood

Kenneth & Barbara Ford

Ralph & Joanne Comer

Shulamit Decktor

Elizabeth Ellwood

William H. Forthman

Community Mennonite Church

James A. Degel

Dana & Annie Elwell

Ray V. & Karen Foss

Community of Christ

Aaron Del Tredici

Judith Emmett

Jean E. Fox

Community United Church of

Keith L. & Jean H. Delap

Bruce Engelbert

Claske Berndes Franck

Marty Deming

Priscilla Eppinger

Mary-Ellen Francoeur

John V. Compher

Susan Denis

Dorothea Erichsen

Katherine Franger

Molly Cone

Frank Denton

Alice W. Erickson

Alan Frank

Jim & Susan Conn

Don Paul Deprez

Karen & Daniel Erlander

Catherine Frastaci

Frances G. Connell

Raymond DeRaymond

Heike M. Eubanks

Elizabeth & Glenn D. Frederick

Denise & William Conway

Robert & Judy D’Errico

Anthony J. & Jacqueline

Sally & Richard Fredericks

Robert O. Cooper

Charles & Judy Dick

Frances L. Copeland

Barbara Dickinson

Christine A. Evans-Klock

Morris D. Fried

Christopher Courtheyn

Leada L. Dietz

Cathy Whitmire & Tom Ewell

Friends General Conference

Charles & Bonnie Courtney

Robert B. Dockhorn

Victor P. & Collene H. Eyth

Michael Frome

Ruth Cranley

Ruth Doehring

Charlotte Fardelmann

John M. Fugitt

Altha J. Cravey

Carroll A. & Nan M. Doggett

Martha S. & Donald Farley

Ellen Furnari

Elizabeth M. Crofts

Thomas J. Dolan

Wilma L. Farmer

Janet & Richard Futrell

Jim & Tara Crosby

Thomas J. Dolan

Claire B. Feder

Emily & Janice K. Gallagher





Miles C. Freeman

Larry & Lenna Gara

Barbara & Harold Greenhut

Marguerite Hasbrouck

William & Alice Howenstine

Frances J. Garci-Aguirre

Thomas Greening

Rayko Hashimoto

Nancy A. Hubbe

Harold & Janet Garman

Frances Greenspan

Richard D. & Viola Hathaway

Elizabeth L. Huberman

Jerry & Martha Gatchell

David Grodsky

K. William Hauer

Barbara P. Hudgins

Frank M. Gatti

Linda Grove

Bruce & Ruth Hawkins

Sigmund N. Hudson

Frances & Vernon Gearhard

Mary & Dana Grubb

Robert J. Hayes

Sally & Karl Hufbauer

Kathleen Geissler

Aloys Conrad Gruber

Rosemary H. Hayes

Owen & Elaine Hughes

Fred W. Geldon

Frederic C. Guile

Douglas & Glenda Hayward

George Hunker

Dorothy Gerner

John Gunlogson

Jennifer Heckart

Constance J. & Thomas Hunter

James C. Gibbel

Jana D. Gunnell

Joseph E. & Joan G. Heckel

Dorothea R. Hunter

Mary C. Gibson

Joan Gussow

Mary Heckler

William P. & Margaret L. Huppuch

Gordon & Judith Gibson

Jean L. Guttman

Margareta & Charles Hedberg

Amir Hussain

David A. Gibson

Ray M. Gwinn

Jonathan M. Heller

Ervin L. & Joan B. Huston

Martha Gies

Douglas Haag

Judith Scherer Herz

Richard G. & Mary J. Hutchins

Jean C. Gillespie

Bertha Haas

Donna J. Hicks

Kyoko Iitaka

Cynthia Gillette-Wenner

Dennis Haas

Helene Ruth Hill

Steve Iliff

Roger Gilmore

Brian & Barbara Haggerty

Mary Lois & David L. Hilton

Donald & Grace Inglis

Ray C. Gingerich

Susan E. Haig

Barbara Hingston

Inland Valley Friends Meeting

Barbara Gingrich

Ronald & Jane Haldeman

Clinton & Nancy Hinman

Donald P. Irish

Jack & Rosemary Gleason

Brent Stuart Hall

Robert A. & Miriam E. Hively

Sandy & Deane Irving

William D. Glenn

Judy M. & Frederick Halley

Rowen M. Hochstedler

Janet E. Irwin

Frank & Kay Goetz

Martha T. Halsey

Len & Phyllis Hockley

Ithaca College

Owen Goldfarb

Dorcas M. Halverson

Lotte Hoffman

Ithaca Friends Meeting

Tom Goldpaugh

Joseph & Yvonne Hammerquist

Alice M. Hoffman

Susan Jacobs

Howard B. Goldstein

Harold & Mary Hanes

Carol Hoffman

Walt & Joan Jacoby

Daniel S. Goodman

Thomas & Margaret Hanks

Neva J. Hoffmeier

Paul G. Jantzen

John M Goodman

Michael & Susan Hanley

John F. Hoffmeyer

Patricia & Alain Jehlen

Maribeth Goodman

Robert F. Hanson

Kathleen Holcombe

Mary E. Jellema

Hazel & Hae Ahn Goodwin Kim

Helen S. Hardin

Sidney Hollander

Mary G. Jenny

Craig W. Gordon

Arlene & Ellis Harms

Z. N. & Charlene Holler

Celeste N. & Darwin D. Jirles

Charles & Charlotte Gosselink

Barbara G. Harris

Allen Holt

Robert & Ruthann Johansen

Arthur J. & Marlene Gotjen

Elizabeth D. Harris

Carolyn O. Hood

Anne H. & Arthur W. Johnson

Richard N. & Lucy G. Gould

Howard L. Harris

Jane H. Hope

Curtis A. Johnson

William & Charity Gourley

Jonathan F. Harris

Harold Horan

Donald Johnson

William Graf

Connie Hart

David Hostetter

Dora E. Johnson

James R. Graham

David A. Hart

Mary & Manford Hotchkiss

Gay Gilpin Johnson

Robert D. Grant

Scottie & Bruce Hart

Sarah Houck

Hollis M. Johnson

Johnnie A. Grebler

Sylvia L. Hart

George & Jean Houser

Justin M. & Florence L. Johnson

Naomi Paz Greenberg

David & Jan Hartsough

William J. Howe

Monica Johnson


Lucas L. Johnson

Peter & Sonali Knotek

Eugene & Eloise Lichty

Donald B. Marti

John J. Meyer

New England Peace Pagoda

Gerry & Drusilla Pedersen

Rebecca L. Rawls

Shirley R. Johnson

Elizabeth J. Koopman

Catherine Liddell

Joann Martin

Bunny Meyer

Lita Newdick

Joel M. Pelcyger

Helen W. Read

Alan & Barbara Jones

Rowena P. Kratzer

E. James Lieberman

Martha E. Martin

Greta Mickey

Carl A. Newton

J. Britt & Nan S. Pendergrast

Janet & Stanley Reedy

Andrew M. Jones

Lawrence N. Kremer

Lois K. Lighthart

Paul A. Martin

Anne & Jack Middleton

Jean B. & Paul H. Nilson

Michael L. Perna

Paul & Katja Rehm

Tedd Judd

Kent Kreuter

Walter & Conny Lindley

Linden P. Martineau

Arthur Milholland

Robert Nixon

Elizabeth Pernotto

Joyce Reilly

Mary Lou Jury

Amy Kuhn

Ann C. Lindsley

Mary Baton Marx

Jonette O. Miller

Jean Noffke

Lewis Perry

John F. Reuwer

Lincoln B. Justice

Walter William Kuhre

Judith Liro

Jean Maryborn

Kent & Betty Miller

Stanley Noffsinger

Winston & Betty Perry

Doris C. Rhoades

Aryay Kalaki

Ken E. & Ruth A. Kulp

Frances M. Loberg

Agnes Maserjian

Mary & Richard Miller

John R. Norris

Lorin & Lacksana Peters

John Stanley Rich

Kalamazoo Friends Meeting

John Eaton Kyle

Shirley Lock

William & Judith Matchett

Terry W. Miller

Philip E. & Joan F. Norris

Carolyn & Rolf Peterson

John Riehle

Helen L. Karr

Jane H. Lago

Yvonne M. & Joseph P. Logan

Gene E. Matthews

Robert A. & Eleanor Milliken

Frances C. Nyce

Edgar & Pauline Petry

Ilona R. Ries

Kevin A. Kartzman

John A. Laker

Sarah Lopez

Jeanne Mattole

David P. Mills

Donna O’Brien

Sherry L. Petry

Daisy Rippy

Francis A. Kasper

George R. Lakey

Mary Anne & John Lorden

Joan M. May

Dennis W. & Anne M. Mills

Tom O’Brien

Pettygrove Family

Risen Christ Catholic Church

Margaret Katranides

Donna E. & Emma G. LaLonde

Nancy Lukens

Raymond A. Mayer

Sarah Mills

Jonathan K. Ogle

Charles Phillips

Riverside Salem Church of Christ

Mark Kaufman

David & Martha Lambert

Frank E. Lundin

Margery L. Mayer

W. Joseph & Linda R. Mills

Thomas J. O’Hagan

Robert J. Piersma

Marilyn Robertson

Dorothy H. & R. David Kaylor

John W. Lamperti

Robert D. Mabbs

Alvin C. & Anna L. McCall

Gwen & Harold Minkler

Donna K. O’Keefe

Coby Pieterman

Ruth H. Robinson

Robert F. Keeler

Kathy & Lewis Lancaster

Carleton Mabee

Doris G. & Kenneth H. McClain

Mary J. Mongan

Patricia S. Orlinski

Susana Pimiento Chamorro

Andrew Robinson

James Douglas Keighton

Carolyn Landrud

Helen M. Mac Lam

James & Mary McCue

Mary M. Morgan

Jean W. Orton

Lawrence G. & Hazel Piper

Rochester Friends Meeting

Dennis & Joanne Keith

Lynn D. Lane

Robert J. & Maria K. MacFarlane

Brendan & Rosemary McDermott-

Janet Morgan & Gregory Frux

Gale Ossenbeck

William & Rosemary Pletcher

Rockland Friends Meeting

Virginia C. & William Kelly

John W. Laney

Jody Tiller & Douglas W. Mackey

Clare Morris

Edward F. Otto

David & Marian Poindexter

Felix John Rogers

Lesley S. & Jim Kempsell

Ruth Carolyn Lange

Richard K. & Eve B. MacMaster

William K. McElvaney

Dave & Joy Morris

Our Lady of Victory Missionary

Ann & David Pollitt

Suzanne Roman

John I. & Barbara Kennedy

Lauren Langman

David MacMurdo

Margaret McFadden

Frank Morrow

Chomingwen D. Pond

Joann Roomes

Mary Day Kent

Mildred B. Langston

Laurence S. Magder

Dan & Tammy McKanan

Lawrence Moulton

John P. Owen

Diane K. Ponti

Bruce & Mary Sue Rosenberger

Bernard & Carol Kern

Richard & Joyce Lashof

John Joseph Magruder

John L. McKenney

Jacqueline & Martin Mounts

Edith Oxfeld

Susanna Porte

Terry & Carolyn Rosenberry

Stephen T. Kerr

James M. & Dorothy D. Lawson

Gabriel Makhlouf

Andy & Corie McKibben

Edward Mucha

Gordon & Elizabeth Packard

Robert G. & Pamela Porter

Joseph L. & Merry A. Roy

Charles L. Kerstein

Jane W. Lawther

Eda M. Malenky

Victor W. McLane

Berneil R. Mueller

Lorraine Padden

June Potochnik

Nancy Rudolph

A. Donn & Chelsea R. Kesselheim

Hannah H. Leckman

Julie Mall

Brendan McMahon

Thomas J. Muench

Ruth Hyde Paine

Edwin A. & Louise E. Potter

Margaret & Walter Ruehle

Frank C. Kiehne

Eleanore Lee

Katherine & Christo Mallalieu

Martha & John McManamy

Beverly & Bob Murdock

Harry Palmer

Marcia Pottle

Bonnie J. Ruggiero

Sigrid Kilcullen

Harry G. Lefever

Anne-Marie Mallon

Susan McRae

Richard J. Murphy

Dorothy J. Parker

Judi Poulson

Phillip M. Runkel

Cyrus B. & Carolyn S. King

Eileen & Paul Lefort

D. Sue & J. J. Malone

Donald & Carol Mead

Victoria T. Murphy

Nancy C. Parlin

Lewis Powell

Louis A. Ruprecht

Edwin King

Gita M. & Martin S. Lefstein

Albon P. Man

Mark Meade

John F. Nagle

Norman Pasche

Roger S. Powers

Russell’s Garden Center Charitable

Judith Kingsley

Sam Legg

John Manahan S. M.

Medford Monthly Meeting of the

Robert & Elly Nagler

Bill & Jenny Patberg

Ann Freeman Price

Douglas & Marjorie Kinsey

Milton Lehman

Adah Manby

Paul Nagy

John Patberg

Helen E. Priest

Donald & Diana Ryan

Michael Kinsman

Adelle Lemon

Duane R. Manning

Gregory P. Meier

Timothy M. Nakayama

Judythe Patberg

Joan Quick

Saint Williams Church

Therese Kirchner

Carol G. & Peter Letson

Charles R. Marble

Nick & Mary Mele

National Financial Services LLC

Ruth Patterson

O. Quoohs

Russell Salisbury

Theodore & Violet Klaseen

Lucy Leu

Frederick Marchant

Patricia Melgard

Nancy K. Neale

Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois

Rudolph & Lavern Raber

San Jose Friends Meeting

Marion Kline

Krista & Christopher Lewis

Frances & Peter Marcuse

Sylvia E. & John G. Melrose

Milton L. & Shirley Nelson

Peace Fellowship of the Church

Barbara M. Rahn

Jan Sanders

Jeffrey & Katherine Klinger

Richard T. & Rose M. Lewis

Hubert Marshall

Saul H. Mendlovitz

Julia Nelson

Bob Ransom

Dawn Sangrey

Leo R. Klohr

Frederick Ley

Robert E. Marshall

Sam & Susan Merrill

Robert Neuhauser

Rich & Jan Peacock

Albert H. Ratcliffe

William Sasso & Kathleen

Lisa Klopfer

Marcie Ley

Danile Martens

Susan A. Metzmaker

Adair New

Timothy Pearce

R. Rawding



Religious Society of Friends


of God




Bob & Judith Sauerbrey

Linda Shelly

Louise & Walter Spencer

Mardel & Roger Tanquist

Denise Venturi

T. Franklin & Catharine Williams

Judy Sausen

Mary E. Shields

Anthony Spigarelli

David P. Tapscott

John D. Vogelsang

Marcia Savory

Tai Shigaki

Vergie G. Spiker

Bonnie Tarwater

Richard W. Von Korff

Ronald J. Sax

Rudy Simons

Toba Spitzer

Mark Tauber

Hamdy & Judith Sayed

Clara Sinclair

Lois Price & Thaddeus Spratlen

Arch B. Taylor

Carl E. Schachter

Sisters of Mercy West Midwest

Barbara Spring Donna M. Spring

Ted & Lorraine Schapp


Ernest G. Barr

Charles & Mary Sue Willie

Agents of Goodwill $50 to $99

James B. & Sandra H. Wilmot

Elizabeth N. Aaronsohn

Jean K. Bartlett

Edith E. Wagner

Leonard & Ella Wilmot

Eleanor Abarno

Mark M. Bashor

Judith & Tom Wagner

John Roy Wilson

Acadia Friends Meeting

Brendon M. Bass

Elinore & Nancy Taylor

Marjorie Waite

William & Alice Wimer

David E. Acker

Marjorie Bayes

Doris Tennant

Robert & Ruth Walden

Christy Wise

Kathryn M. Adorney

Glen Bays

Anna M. Barrigan

PB Schechter

Sisters of Saint Francis

Christine Sproul

Raymond Tetrault

Judith Waldman

Stanley Wine

Ray & Janette Akin

Philip & Kathleen Beal

Paul & Jessica Schendel

Sisters of Saint Francis of Sylvania

Patricia A. & Tim L. Stalder

Frank & Nancy Tetz

Theresa & Henry Walker

Bill Withers

Louise Aldrich

Mary M. Bean

Robert A. Schilling

Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace

Michael & Elinore Standard

The Episcopal Diocese of NC

Lawrence Wallin

Newell & Mary Witherspoon

Iris Alexander

Joe Beauchamp

Dan & Marjorie Schlitt

Sisters of St. Francis

Susan Stanton

The Province of Saint John

Solomon Wank

Alba Witkin

Susan Allalemdjian

Carol Beauregard

Paul G. Schmidt

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

Kenneth & Betty Stapp

Nelda Thelin

Horace Warner

Deborah Wong

Ruth E. Allard

Sean Beeny

Stuart M. Schmidt

Walter Sizer

Leonard Stark

Helen B. Thomas

Bradley K. Warren

Houston Wood

Susan A. Allein

George Behan

Cindy Schmitz

Jeffrey C. Slade

Jane B. Stavoe

Catherine M.Thompson

Elton Watlington

Charles B. Woodbury

Betty S. Allen

Leonard & Gaynal Behling

Jane Schmitz

Nancy B. Slavinsky

Burton Steck

Dennis R. Thompson

Sherry Watts

Steven R. Woodbury

Nola & Frank Allen

Julie Bell

Jacoba J. Schneider

Ralph L. Sloat

Gary M. Stelzner

Melinda Thompson

Bruce & Roberta Weber

Nancy S. Woods

Janis Alton

Marilynn Bell

School Sisters of Notre Dame

Jody Slocum

Martha Stevens

David J. & Cynthia J. Tidball

Patricia M. Weber

Naomi R. Wray

Alan Amos

Harvey Benson

John Schuchardt

Jeffrey Small

Gordon & Elizabeth Stevenson

Olive M. Tiller

Caroline Webster

Fred H. Wright

Gray Anderson

Philip J. & Phyllis Bentley

Wesley N. Schulze

Barbara S. Smith

John C. & Roberta M. Stewart

Judith A. Titzel

Daniel J. Webster

Craig R. Wulf

William W. Anderson

Julia Berger

Carolyn Schurr

Curtis W. Smith

Jerald M. Stinson

Allan J. Tobin

Sharon R. Weinblatt

Thomas E. Wulling

Eugene B. Antley

Stephen J. Bergman

Steven J. Schuster

Franklin P. Smith

Edward M. Stodola

Kathleen & George Todd

Linda & Steve Weintraub

Richard Duane Wunder

J. Douglas Archer

William B. Berneking

Marie Schutz

Harlan M. & Margaret Smith

Callie & Winthrop Stone

Robert & Barbara Tollefson

Laura B. Wells

Eleanor & John Yackel

Rita Archibald

Kenneth J. Bernstein

Sandra G. & Timothy R. Schwartz

Rosalind B. Smith

Kimberly A. Stoner

Eugene Trice

Richard & Sandra Westby

Ann Yasuhara

Erma & Robert Armstrong

Nirmala D. Bidani

Joanne H. & Charles R. Schwarz

Steven & Patricia Smith

Julie A. Stoughton

George L. Trigg

Loren D. Weybright

Diana Yates

Jorge Aros

Phyllis A. Bird

Bruce W. Scott

Stuart & Lynda Smith

Emily Stowell

Barbara B. Troxell

Mary E. Wheat

Charles Yeager

David J. Arseneault

Moira Birss

Julius S. Scott

Suzanne Smith

David J. & E. Lorraine Stuart

Len Y. & Nancy Tsou

Alan L. White

Judith P. Yeakel

Christopher Ashley

Emmert & Esther Bittinger

Richard & Elizabeth Scott

Vishaka Smith

Robert Lee Stuart

Ruth S. Turk

Bruce A. & Virginia S.

Darrell & Sue Yeaney

Louis M. Azzaria

Arthur & Mary Bjorngjeld

Lynne & Leonard Seastone

John R. Smucker

John W. Sturm

Russell & Carol Tuttle

Janet Yoder

Charles D. & Sandra

Rosalie A. Black

David O. Selzer & Ann E. Miller

R. Leland Sneden

K. Alan & Grace Styer

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

Haven Whiteside

Lowell S. Youman

Marilyn Smolik Sequoia

Stephen H. Snyder

Gerald & Georgianna Summers

Norman T. & Marguerite Uphoff

James O. Whitlock

William Young

Ivan A. Backer

Jude A. Blau

Servs. of the Immaculate Heart of

Jeanne K. Snyder

Karen O. Svien

David K. Urion

Charles & Elspeth Whitney

Elisabeth Youngerman

Esther Bahlmann

Gaston & Dorothy Blom

Ursuline Society & Academy of

James L. Whittier

Mathias & Ann Zahniser

Jane Baker

Joyce S. & William Blossom

C. Conrad & Catherine Wilcox-

Ruth Zalph

Dolores Baldasare

Margaret L. Blue




Blacksburg Friends Meeting

Ed Sober

David & Caroline Swain

Susan Severin

Marian & Ted Solomon

Kristin E. Swanson

Percy H. Severn

Dolores K. Somers Young

David Swartz

Arthur Vaeni

Caroline Zaworski

Dwight Baldwin

Walter & Jacqueline Blue

Edgar P. Shackelford

Sally Weaver Sommer

Lucy H. Swift

John Van De Paer

Beverly E. & Wallace Williams

Lee & Peggy Zeigler

Nancy C. Ball

John D. Blythe

Meribeth & Arden Shank

Dale A. Sorensen

Ann & Erich Sylvester

Rich & Marian Van Dellen

Don & Mimi Williams

Eleanor Zelliot

D. G. Bancroft-Gowin

Shelagh Bocoum

Katherine Shaw

James & Ruth Spaeth

William & Lynn Taber

Russell Vandenbroucke

Lila E. Williams

John A. & Dixie Zimmer

James & Jane Baraz

Donna & Roger Boe

William P. Shaw

Nyasha Spears & Brian Capps

Charles & Szilvia Szmuk-

Kate VanDerzee-Glidden

Paul Joyce Collins Williams

Donald & Natalie Zook

Jean E. Barker

Anna Boekstegen

Linda W. & Kevin Sheehan

John R. Spencer

James & Laura Veatch

Robert Williams

Timothy C. Barnes

John D. Boland

Tanenbaum 32




Patrick Bonner

Barbara B. Carl

Nikki Coyote

James L. Doane

Arnold M. Feingold

Margaret Gerring

Vincent J. Hardt

Charles H. Holzinger

Bruce & Marcia Bonta

Helen L. Carlock

Penny & Roger Cragun

Cathy Dolan

Gordon Fellman

Alessio Giacomucci

Joanne K. Hardy

Stephen C. & Mary H. Hood

Newell & Mary L. Booth Booth

Thomas H. Carlson

Abbie & Theodore Crane

Arthur A. Dole

Michael K. Ferber

Dwight Gibb

Pat Hardy

Rose-Ellen Hope

Beverly Bortin

Robert & Lucile Carman

Eloise M. Cranke

Michael J. Dollard

Doris B. Ferm

Hali & Dorothy Giessler

Hope D. Harle-Mould

Leon & Dorothy Hopper

Penny & David Bosch

Amy Carr

Glenn & Darien Cratty

Mary Ann Donaldson

Barbara Filner

Kenneth P. Giles

Richard Harper

Stephan H. Hornberger

Carol A. Bosserman

Julie Davis Carran

Collette Crawford-Matthews

John & Elizabeth Donnelly

Lyn Fine

James L. Gill

Otto Harrassowitz GMBH & CO. KG

Elizabeth Horsfield

Joan G. Botwinick

Lawrence D. Carter

Deanne Kenfield Crossley

Mark Drake

Eva M. Fleischner

Robert & Lynn Gill

Merida & Louis Harrington

William G. Horton

Ellen Bowen

Arthur Casey

Edward & Gail Crouch

Eileen Drath

Jan Flora

Jena F. Gilman

Dick & Anna Harrison

Nancy H. Horvath

Katharine L. Bradbury

Tina Castanares

Mary Rose Curtis

Diane Elizabeth Dreher

Virginia Floyd

Arnold J. Glasser

Nancy Harrison-Noonan

Robert A. Horwitz

Eregina Bradford

Robert & Lucy Caswell

Ginger Ann Curtis

Carol & Allan Drew

Linda Sandoval Foley

Walter Glickman

Peter C. Hart

Hugh & Harriet Hostetler

David L. Brandau

Catholic Charities of the Diocese

Alfred Dabrowski

Kim Driscoll

Dolores Fontana

Mary S. Gmeiner

Margaret Hartley

James & Rhoda Howard

Shirley Brandes

Barry F. & Peggy J. Cavaghan

Kristen Dahle

Martha DuBarry

Kathy Fonte

Jenifer P. Goetz

Ronald Harvey

Elaine Hruska

Robert M. & Lucinda H. Brashares

Leonora Cayard

Kathy & Bill Dahlk

Ellen Dugger

Louise M. Forscher

Bert & Joan Golding

Cornelius Dewitt Hastie

Erin Hughes

Bonnie Bray

Darlene Ceremello

Wallace & Barbara Dailey

Sarah G. Dunkley

Alan B. & Kathleen D. Fowler

Georgia T. Gomez-Ibanez

Robert A. Havlik

David M. Hulefeld

Marian D. Breckenridge

Anne Chartier

James & Barbara Dale

David E. & Kathy E. Durham

Charles E. Frankel

David Gordis

Gloria Hawkinson

Shirley Huneven

Joyce E. Breiman

June-Etta Chenard

Kenneth & Eloise Dale

Jacquelyn T. Dvorak

Elvin D. Frantz

Robert Goren

Bill Hayden

Katharine A. Hunter

Lucy Breslin

Lorraine & Laurence Claggett

Gerald Dalzell

Harold F. Eberhard

Julie E. Frantz

William & Gerry Gorman

Jean Haynes

Marcus Hutchins

Sue & Russel Breyfogle

Patricia A. Clark

Ingrid & Dario D’Angelo

Timothy Eckert

Paul & Ellenor Frelick

James Joseph Gray

Tom Head

Thomas & Virginia Hutsell

Dennis Bricker

Rita Clark

Thomas C. Danney

Ecovate, Inc.

Donald E. Frey

Nettie Green

Thomas F. Heck

Carl & Lorena Hyde

Yolanda & Peter Broad

Robert T. & Annabel Clark

William & Lorraine D’Antonio

Iris Edinger

Mark W. Frey

Dana Greene

Kathleen Heim

Karla & Jonathan Ice

Audrey Brodowicz

Jean R. & Robert A. Cleland

Carol David

Betty Edson

Diane Friedman

Susanna Griefen

Keith W. Heimforth

H. Larry & Clara R. Ingle

Helen H. Brouwer

Joetta Cline

Dwight Davidson

Charles & Lois Edwards

Burton R. Frost

Joann Griffin

Marie Hennedy

Joyce Irwin

Frances W. Brown

David D. Cockcroft

Bill “Davis, OMI”

Susan J. Elias

Robert Frueh

William J. Griswold

Herbert W. Hennings

Carole Isakson

Wayles Browne

Janet B. Coe

Jeannette Davis

Garnet & Duane Ellertson

Hidenori Henry Fukui

Thurman T. Grossnickle

Max Hess

Amanda Jack

Marilyn Brunger

Larry Coleman

Nancy L. Davis

Penelope C. Ellien

Richard & Judith Fuller

Laurie Gruenbeck

Richard & Lucille J. Hess

Charles Jackson

Michael J. Bucci

W. Larry Collins

Richard & Gloria Davis

Judy Eltringham

Vanessa T. & Michael M. Fuson

Wayne C. & Lynette E. Guyer

Rachel & John Heuman

Cathy & Jefferson Jacobs

Lena Bullamore

Columbia Friends Meeting

Lori Dawson

Joe F. & Mary Brassel Elwood

Lori J. Gale

Robert Harold Gwynne

Frederic Hicks

Margo R. Janke

Louise & Bill Bullock

Audrey M. Conant

Roberta A. Dayer

Walter F. Engel

Martha E. Gale

Sylvia Haase

Jane G. Hiers

Sydney W. Jarvis

Calvin Burge

Roger C. & Shirley Conant

Nina B. De Fels

James & Julie Enslow

Stephen I. Gallant

Abigail C. Hafner

Walter A. Hill

Helen F. Jasa

Samuel B. Burgess

Camy Condon

Niels De Terra

Johanna Epstein

Zona & Omer Galle

John R. Hall

Jane Hinds

J. Timothy Johnson

Barry Lee & Esther Burnside

Congregational Charity Committee

Mollie Decoster

Bruce & Jane Ergood

Margaret C. Gallinger

Marissa Hall

Lawrence & Doreen Hinshaw

Marjorie Johnson

Martha Bushnell

David G. Conlin

Thomas E. DeCoursey

Gwen Erickson

John B. & Nancy S. Gallini

Thomas C. & Lorina A. Hall

James Hirabayashi

Ellen Johnson-Fay

Hope Zanes Butterworth

Robert H. Cooke

Ralph & Olha Della Cava

Edward L. Ericson

Constance Moore Gardner

Nancy & Stanley Handmaker

John L. Hjelt

Carol J. Johnson-Miller

Gaston & Noreen Cadieux

Herbert Cooper

Steven & Laura Demuth

Jon M. Erikson

Wendy Clarissa Geiger

Joan M. Haner

Melissa Hochstetler

William D. & Ann L. Jones

Camaldolese Hermits of America

Edward H. Corker

Jane & William Derrick

Leonard Evelev

Virginia & John Geils

Suzy & Tim Hanigan

Virginia Hoffman

Rosa Julstrom

Jim Campanella

Melinda Correll

Detroit Friends Meeting

Suzanne B. Ewing

Frances Genung

Meredith Hanrahan-Boshes

Kyle Holberg

Jeffrey & Stacey Kach

J. Gary & Margaret C. Campbell

John P. & Betty J. Corry

Steven & Elizabeth Deutsch

Paul & Connie Farmer

Dawn George

Dean Hansell

Christine Holden

Mary Kambic

Kathryn S. Campbell

Margaret F. Coston

Darlene Dillon

Thomas Fee

Dorothy Gerken

Kenneth R. & Betty C. Hanson

Bill Holland

Suzy T. Kane

Stanley E. Campbell

Dot Courtis

Dorothy Dinneen

Theodore & Jane Feierabend

Elizabeth B. Gerlach

Nancy Hanson

Joseph W. & Melba T. Holt

Charles E. Karl



Teresa Karl

Benjamin Kuipers

Judy Llewellyn

Mary H. McLaughlin

Robert E. Morehouse

Rachel O’Meara

Alice B. Phalan

Elisabeth J. Rees

Martha J. Karnopp

Frances A. & Mitchell Kurker

Thomas B. Lloyd

Ed & Ellen McManus

Margaret E. Moriarty

Tom O’Neil

Rachel Astarte Piccione

John M. Reinke

Leah R. Karpen

Lois Kuster

Kristin E. Loebbecke

Colleen McNamara

Stephanie Morris

Allen J. O’Neill

Kay Pickering

Jose L. Reissig

Sherry Kasukonis

David L. Lahman

Lucy Mish Logan

Julie McNaughton

Jane Mills Morrison

Michael P. O’Reilly

Nathaniel W. Pierce

Religious Society of Friends

J. Edward Kautz

Joseph P. Lalka

Bernard E. Long

Stephen McNeil

Mary Lee Morrison

Nancy Osborn

Diane K. Pike

Jean Worth Reyes

Mearl Marie K. Keithahn

Suzanne Lamborn

Beverly & Don Long

Donald M. McPherson

Bob Morse

Rebecca Otter

John F. Piper

Stanley L. Reynolds

Frank R. Keller

George M. Landes

John R. Long

Mary Jo Meadow

Jo Ann Morton

Betty Pagett

Margaret Podlich

Louanne P. Rice

Brian S. Kelley

Dale E. & Barbara L. Landis

Marjorie Long

W. Thomas Mecouch

William R. Muenster

Amy W. Paige

Robert R. Podzikowski

Maxim Karl & Nancy Rice

Frances & Howard Kellogg

Caroline Lane

Julia Dorsey & David Loomis

Melaugh Family

Thomas Mulhern

Joseph & Mary Palen

Murray & Louise Polner

Judith E. Rich

Herbert C. Kelman

Ellen Langsather

Karen L. Loomis

Liberty Melly

James Munves

Jan Paley

Sharon Pontier

Robina Ingram Rich

Kristin Kennedy

Nancy L. Lapp

Kathleen Lorence-Flanagan

Ann Catherine Menninger

Michael J. Murphy

Meg K. Palley

Mart Gayland Pool

Jerald & Ann Richards

Carole J. & Clarence Kent

Joan B. Lare

Nancy S. Lovejoy

Stephen K. Mershon

Anne & Vincent Murray

Paul G. Palmer

Shirley & Keith Porter

Jayne E. Riggs & Stan Sivesind

Lois Kenyon

Las Cruces Friends Meeting

Betty L. Lovett

Ethel P. Metcalfe

Katharine D. Myers

Waldemar Palutke

Paul K. Praus

Suzanne Riverman

John B. Kerber

Robert Laubach

Judy Lowe

Bernard E. Meyer

Emery & Connie Nanasy

Barbara R. Pampalone

Judith Pressmar

Evelyn K. Robb

Virginia & Richard Kerner

Candace Lautt

Vincent & Lois Lunetta

Arlene Meyerhofer

Lucille Nassery

Charles Paolino & Pamela Yee

Emily B. Preston

Patience Leiden Robbins

Martha L. & Gerald W. Keucher

Lance E. Laver

Charles Lutz

Jeffrey Meyers

Nancy L. Neiman-Hoffman

Marjorie & George Parker

Alta L. Price

Jean Roberts

David Allen Killian

Patricia Lavery

David & Sandra Lyons

Gaia Mika

Linda J. Neitman

William & Larae Parry

Bruce & Virginia Pringle

Robert Robey

Ginger F. & Dick G. King

Patricia C. Layton

Christa Macbeth

Ward C. Miles

Jane V. Nelson

Albert W. & Dorothy F. Parsons

Carol Proietti

Susan Robinson

Hardin W. King

Katherine & Richard Lazarus

Vincent Maggio

Allen Miller

Ray A. Nelson

E. Spencer Parsons

Robert Provasoli

Roger & Olive Robison

Sue Ellen Kingsley

Emogene Leasure

Daniel J. Malakoff

David James Miller

Merwyn & Barbara Nelson

Connie M. Pascale

Lilith Quinlan

Joy & Gilbert Robledo

Jan & Ted Kinnaman

James Tilbert Ledbetter

Chris Manion

Franklin Miller

Allan & Aileen Nettleton

Zach Patberg

Tashi Rabten

Rockland Center for Spiritual

John & Phyllis Kirkwood

Karen Ledger

Louise Mann

Margery Jane Miller

Peter Neumann

Jean P. Patterson

John C. Raby

Hanno & Julie Klassen

Patricia A. Lefevere

Jane L. Manring

Mary H. Miller

Janet Gay Newman

Marcia I. Paullin

Bruce W. Radtke

Kathryn Rodriguez

Magrita Klassen

Margaret B. Lehrecke

Mariah Kathleen Marlin-Warfield

Wesley Miller

Sally Nichols

John M. & Christine Payden-Travers

Irene Radtke

Jane & Joseph Roehrig

J. Theodore & Mary K. Klein

David Leifer

Marydell Faith & Life Center

Janet Minella-Didier

Patrick Noda

Charles B. & Evelyn Payson

Elizabeth A. Raid

Mary Janette Rogers

Charles & Rita Knapp

Christy Lentz

Carol & Ken Masters

Ingeborg Martinez Minton

Dave & Ruby Nofziger

Rick & Kathleen Pearce

Doris Rainville

John K. & Nancy B. Rohde

Mirka Knaster

Edwin Deane Leonard

Stanley Maticka

Peter R. Mitchell

William & Patricia Nottingham

Steve Peck

Timothy Rand

Jennie Roitman

Ione Kemp Knight


Violet M. Mayfield

Sara Mitchell

Alfred P. & Betty L. Nyce

Ruth E. Peeples

Allan & Edwina Randall

Earl & Marilyn Rose

Eugene A. Koene

Robert A. & Kent A. Leslie

Allen McAfee

Valerie Mjolsness

Samuel P. Oast

John Pegg

Francis Ballard Randall

Wolfgang H. Rosenberg

James Kofron

Richard Leuba

Margaret F. McCann

Ruth Moerdyk

Molly Oberbillig

Betsy Peirce

Elizabeth J. Rankow

Stephen & Lynn Rossiter

Martha P. Kokes

Lorraine P. Levine

Gerald McCarthy

Daniel & Moira Moga

Frederick G. Oberg

Cynthia L. Pendergrast

Dana Raphael

Elisabeth Zinck Rothenberger

Patricia J. Koren

Edwin R. Lewinson

Jean N. McClelland

Nicholas & Nancy Mohr

Barbara H. O’Connell

Anjeanette L. Perkins

Emilie A. Rasmussen

Arnold & Betty Rots

Beth Kraig

Kent E. Lewis

Paul W. McCloskey

Peter & Sharon Moller

Fran O’Connor

Jerome B. Perkins

Thomas M. Rauch

Richard Rottkov

Lucretia G. Kramer

June E. Licence

Clarence M. & Marita McClymonds

Monastery of Saint Gertrude

Francis & Lenora O’Donnell

Gerri Perreault

The Rawson Family

Alicia Rowe

Eunice K. Kraybill

Paul M. H. Lienhardt

Jean M. McElhaney

Paul Monsky & Beverly Woodward

Robert William Ohlerking

Paulann Petersen

Martin & Kay Ray

Anna Rudin

Jacqueline Kremer

John L. Lightburn

Elizabeth McElhill

Mike Moore

Lucienne Okeefe

L. Dana Petersen

Don & Betty Rea

Judith Rudolph

Bertha Kriegler


Larry & Nancy McKaughan

Rickie Moore & Henry Marshall

Laird Okie

Dean A. & Elaine E. Peterson

Reading Monthly Meeting of

Robert & June Russell

Herbert & Amelia Kritzer

David Lindsay

Robert H. McKay

Chris Moore-Backman

George A. Oldham

Robert A. Peterson

Alan J. & Ruth Ann Kromholz

Kathryn Linhardt

Jean McLaughlin

Charles A. & Ruth J. Moorer

Claudene Oliva

Robert C. Peterson


Friends Shelley C. Reece 37


Lois Rutt Rosemary G. Ryan

Katharine W. Rylaarsdam

Alice Siegfried

Jacqueline Stover

Margery M. Tonks

Dale M. Weatherspoon

Linda & Delmar Yoder

Kathleen & David Bellefeuille-Rice

Cordelia Burpee

David Sabold

Joey Sinreich

Mariola Strahlberg Kind

Jack & Marian Totheroh

J. Richard & Margaret Weaver

Candace & Roy Young-Schult

Elinor & Sam Benedict

Phyllis C. Byerly

Nancy King Saenz

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Caroline & Roger Strauss

Elizabeth & John Towey

Mitchell W. & Maureen Webb

Joseph Yutsus

Valerie Bengal

Mary Foster Cadbury

Sami I. Said

Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace

Shirley & Harold Strom

Kenneth & Marilynn Trauger

Frank & Barbara Weber

Ellen & Leonard Zablow

Nathaniel & Mary Bercovitz

Joe Callizo

Anne Saint Germain

Sisters of St. Benedict

Loraine S. Stuart

John Traversa

Mary Tupper D. Webster

Charlotte Zerbe

Phyllis P. Berentsen

Joyce & Ernest Carlson

Katherine Salinaro

Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester Inc.

Richard & Ruth Stuart

Betsie & Robert Tremant

A. Dewayne Wee

Jervis Zimmerman

Juliet R. Bernstein

Carole Carlson

Sarah Saul

Stan Sivesind

Jennifer R. Stucker

Judith & Peter Trenholme

Rick B. Weinberg

James L. & Betty J. Zimmerman

Barry N. & Juanita L. Bishop

Jim Carlstedt

Elaine Saum

John Skelly

Al Stumph

Thelma Triplett

Sarah Weintraub

Otto Zingg

Mary Alice Bishop

Rachel E. Caton

James J. Saxon

Dolores Skerritt-Seskin

Edward C. Sullivan

Nelly Trocme-Hewett

Debra Weiss

Helen Black

Reuben Chapman

Anne Sayre

Janey Skinner

Alan Sussman

Warren & Martha Tropf

Ruth Weizenbaum

Estelle Charles

William H. Slavick

Sarah Swanby

Jane W. & Charles W. Tuck

Raymond E. Welch

Agents of Change $25 to $49

Beatrice & Judd Blain

Leon Scales

Judith Blanchard

Martha Churchyard

Prudence & James Scarritt

Samuel N. Slie

Pat Swanton

William F. & Patric Turner

Diana G. Westbrook

8th Day Center for Justice

Claire Bloom

Thomas H. Cleary

Marilyn & Thomas Schaub

William & Katherine Sloan

Miriam & David Swartz

Robert & Olive Turnipseed

Robert & Janet Whitaker

Angela L. & Matthew Adams

Richard Bloom

Carol Coakley

Robert S. Scherr

David A. & Dorothy R. Smith

Judy & Dennis Sweeney

Dorothy Van Dyck

Anne Julie White

Patch Adams

Sonia D.Blumenthal

Pamela Wynette Coburn

Jackie G. Schirn

Dorothy R. Smith

John G. Swomley

Ruth & Glenn Van Haitsma

Grace B. White

Cornelia & Willard Albertus

Eleanor & George Bollag

Ronald Cohen

Charles & Jean Schmidt

Gordon R. & Frances B. Smith

Susan Sylvan

Laurel B. Van Ham

Steven & Emilia White

John Alexandra

Deborah G. Bonell

Helen & James Coleman

Joel Schmiegel

Lois Smith

Compton & Ed Sylvest

David & Karin Van Strien

David White & Mary Gilbert

Elizabeth T. Alseth

William & Florence Boos

Walter & Patricia Colteryahn

Franz M. Schneider

Peter Somers

Ana C. Tafur-Shahin

Helen H. & Marvin L. Van Wyck

Jan Wilbur

Ellen F. Althouse

Boundary Peace Initiative

Marianne Comfort

Marion G. & John M. Schultz

Robert & Linda Spangler

Carolyn & John Tamblyn

Audrey Vanderhoof

Ian Wilder

Thomas S. Ambler

Ruth M. Brandon

Community of Saint Francis

John & Ann Schuster

David & Barbara Sparling

Bruce Tamlyn

Ruth H. Varney

Lyle Wilgenbusch

Joan W. Anderson

Erik Breilid

Joel Conn

Gary & Judith Schwab

Douglas D. & Alice C. Speers

Nancy Tate & Tom Stinnett

Donna & Demetri Vasiliades

Karen Wilkinson

Walter & Melinda Andrews

Diane B. Brelsford

Wayne M. Conner

Janet B. Schwarz

Peter H. Spendelow

A. Jeff & Kate Taylor

Melinda Veatch

Debra A. Will & David Thomas

Charles Appel

Chris & Patricia Briggs

Jean L. Connor

Patricia C. Schwarzlander

Gina Spigarelli

William R. & Barbara F. Taylor

Ariel M. Vegosen

Stephen & Elizabeth Willey

Peter Arnold

Mark Briggs

John William Conrad

Raiford C. Scott

James Spitzkeit

Steven Taylor-Roth

Marcia Vickery

John M. Williams

Katharine & Don Arsem

Paul & Helen Brink

Juanita C. Contreras

Laroy E. & Mary F. Seaver

Janice Jean Springer

Nick Teoh

Gilbert H. & Dorothy Vieira

Robert Williams

Carol Ascher

Shirley F. Brooks

Betty Cooper

Isadore Seeman

St. Scholastica Monastery

George W. Tessaro

Visitation Monastery of Minneapolis

Robert & Joanne Williams

Ardyce J. Asire

Robert M. Brown

David L. & Barbara L. Corcoran

Elizabeth Segal

Jane T. Stanton

Ann L. Thomas

Erika M. Voss

Robert C. Williamson

Jody A. Atkinson

Carl & Anita Bruch

Nancy P. & Frederick Costello

Maynard S. Seider

Evelyn Staus

Alice Thompson

Barbara Wade

Deborah S. Willis

Mary Margaret Bailey

Jean Bruner

Joanna Courteau

Burt & Emily Shachter

Lee Steelman

Edward J. & Jacquelyn Thompson

Paul J. Wagner

Richard B & Betty E Willson

John & Deborah Ball

Jim Brunke

Peter Cousins

Ellie Calvert Shacter

Charles Stefanek

Mary & Bob Thompson

Paul & Mary Wagoner

Janney & Jean Wilson

Louise Gomer Bangel

Russell Brutsche

James R. Crawford

Daniel W. Shay

Norma J. Stephens

Richard R. & Ellen H. Thompson

William & Eleanor Wainwright

Ronald Winslow Wilson

Elizabeth Barton

Mary G. Bryan

Richard R. Crocker

Linda L. Sheehy

Jean M. Stern

Sara Thomsen

David Walker

Frank H. & Raquel K. Wood

Michael Bass

Heather Anne Bryga

April Hall & Craig Hall Cutting

Jane & Vance Shepard

Ruth H. Stern

Constance C. Thurber

Mary Wessel Walker

Margaret Ellis Wood

Larry Bassett

Elizabeth E. Buchanan-Wollaston

Herbert Dalin

J. Barrie & Mhairi Shepherd

Barbara C. Sterrett

Nancy & John Thursby

William O. Walker

David C. Woolman

Barbara L. Battin

Steven A. Budas

Pam Daly

Carolyn W. Shilling

William A. Sterrett

Grace W. Tiessen

Frank & Joyce Warren

Liz & John Workman

Raymond H. & Grace L. Bazmore

Henry S. & Sara E. Burden

Jane J. & Robert T. Dann

Mary & Henry Shoiket

Charles C. Stewart

Robert Tiller

Larry J. Warshaw

Phillys Wright

Paul R. Beach

Janet Burdick

Neena Das

Richard E. Shore

Edwin & Jessica Stickney

Richard & Barbara Tittle

Thomas & Kathleen Washburn

Edward W. Wuest

Penelope & John Beasley

John R. Burke

Mary Davies

Dazzle Shrestha

Bruce R. Stock

James Allen Tober

Allyson Watts

Dolly & David Yates

Harvey W. Beier

Leonard B. & Mildred Burkhardt

Stanley Dawson

Brenda Shrobe

Robert & Sally Stoddard

Mary L. Toland

Marjorie P. Wazeka

Anne Marie Yoder

Jeffery L. & Sandra Belden

Bruce W. Burley

Ana K. De Give



Lorenz & Heather De Vries

Diana & Robert Forman

Bob Hanson

Margaret Hutchinson

Louis Kriesberg

Fred Madeo

Loren Metzger

Kesaya E. Noda

Ardeth M. Deay

FOR - Missouri Chapter

Kenneth Harper

Elizabeth Hykes

Madonna & Thomas Kuciejczyk-

Fred A. Magley

Paul Michabofsky

John O. H. Noer

John & Joy Deharpporte

Kenneth Frank

Robin F. Harper

Jane A. Ingerson

Frances F. Delahanty

Miriam Fredenthal

Richard & Alice Harrington

Intercommunity Justice & Peace

Judith Deutsch

Francis & Ann Frellick

Annabel S. Hartman

Kenneth Deveney

Robert & Rochelle Friedman

Georgeann Hartzog

Diane DeVries

Friends House Council

Joyce Dietrich


Peter Mahoney

John H. Michener

Betty Norbeck

Rebecca & Reno Kuehnel

Mary Makofske

Carl E. & Nancy O. Miller

Mary A. & Paul E. Nordeen

Janice Kurzweil

Anthony & Marilyn Malone

Carole & Sid Miller

James O’Callahan

Kenneth E. Irrgang

John LaHoud

Trudy Maloney

Larry & Dorothy Miller

Lynn F. Olson

Deborah & Peter Haviland

Philip Isely

Louis Landon

Elizabeth A. Mann

Martha S. Miller

Irfan Omar

Glenn & Kay Fuller

Ernest M. Hawk

Stanley S. Jacobs

Bruce E. Pacho Lane

Tosi Marceline

Norman Millett

Ann T. O’Neill

Herbert L. Doggett

Sandra L. Furumoto

Robert J. Hawthorne

Marion Janikowski

Katherine Cech & Robert Latonio

W. Eugene March

Robert P. Minichiello

Rosemarie Pace

Ethel D. & John T. Doherty

Marie R. Galda

Joel Hayden

Bill & Lois Johnson

William E. Lee

Louise H. Marker

Nancy J. Mitchell

Irene Palmer

Dominican Sisters of Peace, Inc.

Luanne Pasik & Kent Gale

Dale C. Hayes

Lorraine D. Johnson

Mary Jean Leeper

Morton J. Marshack

Carol Moeller Costa

T. Vail Palmer

Bertram & Marjory Donn

Cathleen Gallander

Edith M. Hebel

Louise E. Johnson

Grace T. Lefever

Jerry & Fran Marton

Cynthia & Ron Moe-Lobeda

Elizabeth Parillo

Rosemary Donnell

Lila M. Gardner

Porter M. Hedge

Ronald & Elaine Johnson

Janet & Joseph Leiper

Jim & Jenna Martin

Jean Mohr

James V. Parker

Elaine Douglass

Jo Anne Garrett

Suzanne F. Hedrick

Virginia & Ed Johnson

Fred C. Leone

John W. Martin

Alfred Molison

Marjorie Parris

Barbara A. Drake

Karen Garvin

Edward & Mary Heininger

Cynthia B. Jones

Nancy C. Lesher

Robert J. & Suzanne L. Martin

Jean M. Mont-Eton

Eric & Christina Parsons

Nancy & Robert Drennen

Carol A. Geckler

Patricia J. Hennessy

John & Margaret Jones

Gerson T. & Debbie Lesser

Chalmer S. & Alice Mastin

Curt Moody

Elmo & Ella M. Pascale

Elsie Manny Eads

Winifred Gegg

Joyce S. Herman

Karla Lee Jones

Lucinda Leugers

Mary Jo Matheny

Anne Moore

Albert & Marcia Paschkis

Dan & DeAnn S. Ebener

Everett & Rachel Gill

Naida Hernandez

Marilyn Jurich

Diana Leventer

Margaret Matlin

Barry L. Moore

Robert Paviour

Robert Eckersley

Mary A. Giordmaine

Arthur & Hildegard Herz

Francine C. Justa

David L. Levering

Barbara May

Sharon B. Moore

Edgar C. Peara

John Elfrank

Emmanuel Gitlin

Mary B. & Frank B. Herzel

Frank L. Kahl

Mary Liston Liepold

Ray L. Maynard

Michael J. Moran

Christopher Peditto

Sarah Emmel

Minerva Glidden

John & Dorothy Herzog

Marilyn & Bob Kaiser

Joyce & Ted Liljeholm

Tolbert McCarroll

Chula & Hubert Morel-Seytoux

Klaus Penzel

Hermann & Luise Engelhardt

Fern Goering

Kristin Herzog

Edward K. Kaplan

Robert H. Linsey

Patricia McCarty

Kayren B. Morrill

Madeline & Victor Perkins

Ann F. Eno

Robert H. Goetz

Richard Vanden Heuvel

May Miller Katz

Cecile B. Litherland

Velma M. Duell McConnell

William K. Morris

Verda Mae Peters

Amy G. Epstein

Terry H. Goodwin

Muriel S. Hiatt

Hannah Keevil

Dorothy Lockhart

David W. McFadden

Tom Morrison

Betty F. Peterson

Linda Ewald

Sallie E. & Alan S. Gratch

William M. Hodsdon

Brett M. Kelver

Kristin K. Loken

Megan McKenna

Daniel Moses

Mary Jo Pfander

Nancy Faunce

Ruth Graves

Jack & Lee Hoefer

Natalie K. Kempner

Rowena Long

Alan McKersie

John A. Moss

Linda M. Phillips-Ellsworth

Donald R. Fellers

Wallace Gray

Gary Holmes

Evelyn Kennenwood

Jenifer H. Louden

Megan L. McMorran

Margaret O. Moyer

Roy L. Piepenburg

Lawrence C. & Anna Ferguson

David M. Graybeal

Mary Lou Holt

Dan Kenney

Peter W. Lovejoy

Geraldine S. McNabb

R. Joris & Marylynne Mueller

Ruth & Mike Podolin

David Fersh

Charles H. Greene

Khristine Hopkins

Sharon L. Kermiet

Heather S. Lovett

Robert D. & Sara A. McNeil

Romayne Mueller

Raphael L. Podolsky

Lee N. Fich

Linda & William Greene

Abram M. Hostetter

Alexander Levering Kern

Mary Lou Lovette

Lee McRae

Tilly Muller

Robert Pollard

Marlin A. & Lois J. Field

Mary Jo Greil

Joan & Rodney Houck

Elaine Kihara & David Sweet

William J. Lucero

David R. Meade

Tim & Bev Musser

Joe T. & Claudia W. Porter

Maylin Harden Fisher

Kenneth K. Grenz

Robert W. & Beverly Houghton

James G. King

Bev Ludwig

Virginia Meagher

Michael N. Nagler

Walter & Mary Lynn Porter

Carol L. Fitch

Roberta R. Gribbon

Charles F. Howlett

Lowell V. Kingsley

B. Kurt Ludwig

Medical Mission Sisters

J. Philip Neal

Bill Potter

Leslie G. Fleet

Joe & Jean Gump

John G. Huddleston

Ross & Gloria Kinsler

Wilson B. & Mary A. Lutz

Barbara Medina

Kathryn Nehrbass

Nancy A. Potter

Robert S. Fleishman

Bert D. Gunn

John L. Hudson

Jane Klassen

Laura Lynch

Carolyn & Myron Meier

Mary Nelson

Jeanne A. Powers

James Flynn

David M. Hadley

Yolanda Huet-Vaughn

Roberta Knowlton

Patrick M. Lyons

Miguel Tad Melbin

Lewis R. & Nancy J. Nelson

Paul & Mary Margaret Pruitt

Michael Fogler

Joan Hagner

Mary Jane Humkey

Verleah Brown Kosloske

Louise Macchia

Virginia S. Meloney

Carol G. Newman

Phyllis Putnam

Genevieve Folkert

Flora B. Hall

Martha Hunkins

Janan G. Kramer

Joan & Wallace MacDonald

Mary Menges-Myers

Mildred S. Newman

David Pybus

Charles P. Forbes

Phyllis & Charlie Hanna

Pauline Hunt

Rachel W. Kreider

W. Bruce Mackenzie

Carol A. Meredith

Lafayette H. & Maym Noda

Alan B. Ranford




Pamela B. Ray

Ann Herbert Scott

Pablo Stone

Paul D. Werner

Daphne M. Raz

Barbara J. Scott

Roger L. & Carol H. Stoughton

M. Jenelyn Wessler

Judith Reed

Perry & Lisa Scott

Francyl E. Streano

Walter Carr West

Thomas Reed O’Beirne

Ronnie Scotkin

Charles R. & Mary L. Swift

Ruth E. Westmoreland

William Edwin Reish

Frances & Bradbury Seasholes

James E. Syphers

Lois D. & Robert H. Whealey

Harold & Doris Render

Vivian Sedney

Vicki Tamoush

Catherine Wheeler

Jes Richardson

Louis Seeger

Richard R. Taylor

John & Loretta White

Frederick L. Rickleff

Eric Seibert

Silvia Tennenbaum

Tom & Darlene White

Edith & Christopher Roberts

Roberta G. Selleck

Elisabeth H. Thayer

Frances Wilkin

Patricia M. Roberts

Julian P. & Barbara S. Sellers

Thoburn & Marjorie Thompson

Bruce & Phyllis Willett

Joan Robins

Janet & Martin Seltman

Jessica Tomb

Laura Cean Wilson

Terry Kay Rockefeller

Duane L. Shaneyfelt

John Towey

Douglas & Carol Wingeier

Suzanne M. Rogalin

William Howard Shannon

Nelda J. Trent

Patrica A. Wixon

Barbara & Thomas Rona

Carolyn D. Shellenberger

Bethene Trexel

Kenneth & Wicky Woerthwein

Vince J. Rosato

Kathleen K. Shepherd

Lisa Tsetse

Gabriele E. Wohlauer

Colleen Rose

Paul Sheridan

Bernard D. Tuchman

R.E. Wolf

Renate S. Rose

Rebecca & Paul Shoaf Kozak

Frederick & Kay Turk

Rick Wolfe & Janis Schmitz

Ray S. Roulette

Frank & Mary Siegle

Glennette & Albert Turner

Dale F. Wolfgram

Linda Rowold

Richard A. Signore

David Warren Tutein

Gwen Wolverton

William E. Rupel

Judith Simmons

Tracy F. Tyler

Susan Woodling

Hannah R. Russell

Sylvia L. Simms

Gloria H. Upper

Theodore Wright

Natalie A. Russell

Jo Sippie-Gora

Patricia & William Van Cleve

Ursula E. & Hans M. Wuerth

June A. Rusten

Michael Skweir

Donna Marie Van Grinsven

Prudence & Edward Yelinek

Carla Rutter

Twila Slind

Jan Van Schaik

Ruth W. Young

Juliana W. Sabini

Jenella M. Smith

Jill C. Vecoli

Bernard & Jeanne Yurke

Ingrid Wendt & Ralph J. Salisbury

Nathaniel B. Smith

Jane Volckhausen

D. Ann & Harold L. Zimmerman

Hugh & Barbara Sanborn

Robert W. Smith

Kathy Voss-Jensen

William C. Sanford

Rosemary H. Smith

Bobbie Vosters

Sally Saulvester

Samuel & Marion Snipes

Ken & Ruth Wait

Renatha Saunders

Edith S. Speert

Ingrid T. Waithe

Harold & Kathy Saunders

Sandra M. Spencer

Loretta Walker

Laura L. & James J. Savage

Alan Spivack

Thomas & Marilyn Wallner

Sally Savage

Susan C. Spivack

Brian J. J. Ward

Jonathan Savrin

Robert & Monine Stebbins

Virginia M. Warfield

Joan Schatz-Meagher

Brian J. Stefan-Szittai

Julie Waters-Barcomb

Peter Schenck

William A. Steinem

Lucretia Way

Dennis & Helen Schmidling

Peter Stettenheim

Joanne Goulart Weber

Andrew & Nancy T. Schoerke

Marjorie Stevens

Sue Wedel

Anthony J. Schumacher

Doddie L. Stone

Joel Weisberg 42




working for peace, justice and nonviolence since 1915

Celebrating 100 years in 2015

Fellowship of Reconciliation 521 N. Broadway P.O. Box 271 Nyack, NY 10960





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