

WelcometothesecondissueofTheForwardianGazette.Whatawonderfullybusytimewe’ve had since we’vepublishedourfirstissue.We’vebeentoafew artrelatedevents,butnotalot becauseofthewintryweatherwe’vebeenhavingoflate.Wehopetogotomorebutyouknow howitisinNortheastPA.Inanycase,you’llbeabletoreadaboutwherewewentlateroninthis issue.
We’vealsobeenbusywithouronlinepresenceonFacebookandourwebsiteandweinviteyouto checkthemout.We’veaddedtwonewgroupsonfacebook.OneisTheForwardianAdvocatesfor theArtswhichwascreatedtohelpartistsofallgenrestobetreatedfairlyinthevenueswherethey share their talents while the other group is for The Forwardian Publications which shares informationonhowthey’reprogressingandhowpeoplecanbecomeinvolved.We’vealsoadded somenew pagesonourwebsiteaswellasmakingafewrevisionsinthosewe’vecreatedinthe past.
Inthenearfuture,wewillbeinvitingmembersofourfacebookgroupstoattendgatheringssothey couldhaveanopportunitytoparticipateinthemmorefully.Thisisdesignedtogiveautonomyto eachgroupastheyexplorethewaystheycanexpresstheirloveforthearts.We’llalsobeseeking individuals to help manage our upcoming publication titled “The Forwardian Arts Magazine” which we hope to present to the public in April 2025. We hope to send out invitations and announcementssometimewithinthefirstweekofFebruary.So,staytuned.
Well, that’s enough for this issueofTheForwardianGazette.Wethankyouforyourdesireto receive our newsletter. If you haven’t done so already, please check out our website at forwardianarts.orgtolearnmoreaboutTheForwardianArtsSociety.Welookforwardtosending youourMarch2025issueandwe’llkeepagoodthoughtforyouuntilthen.
The musical interply ofjazz flowed throughoutmy car as I traveled to the Delaware Water Gap on January 17th, 2025 to partake of the Artists’ Reception at Orange’s Hands Up: The Faculty and JazzExhibition.TheauralpermeationofthemusicI experiencedduringmyjourneyprovedtohavebeen a wonderful prerequisite to what Iwouldencounter asIentered the venue The enchantingblendingof music performed by the Joe MichaelsTrio greeted those who crossed the coffee house’sthresholdsas didtheinvitingdecoroftheestablishment.
Dozensofworkscreatedbyindie,elementary,middle school,high school,college,and universityfaculty added to the enchantmentoftheeveningasdidthe conversationstheexhibitinspiredamongthosewho attended.The artistsincluded Jean Benfante,Lydia Chiappini,IndiaFaeJones,SandraL.Garland,Tricia Lowrey Lippert, Donna McCartney, Samuel T Pickens, Diane Rostock, and Suzanne Werfelman ThewarmthoftheeveningandconversationIshared was personally enhanced by the taste ofthe warm chocolate brownie and the Hot Dark Chocolate beverageIconsumed.Theyweredelicious.
The eveningprovedtobeaveryenjoyableoneand the quiet little venue in the quiet little town the coffeehouseissituatediniswellworthvisiting The HandsUp: The Faculty andJazzExhibitionwillbe on display at the Orange CoffeeHouseinDelaware WaterGap,PAuntilFebruary4thandcanbevisited every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10am to 3pm Please explore their website at wwworangecoffeeartmusiccomformoreinformation abouttheirvenueandtheirupcomingevents
Text and photographsforthisarticlewereprovided by Paul Adam Smeltz (aka Paparazzi Paul)ofThe ForwardianArtsSociety wwwforwardianartsorg
Ack cu as Re bel
Reversed” within the Castle Inn in Delaware Water Gap,PAonFridayJanuary24th,2025.Theevening provided an opportunity forthose whoenjoyedthe productionsthey rendered duringtheir2024season to revisit them while eagerly awaiting the productionsthat would beavailabletothemduring their2025 season.The event washosted byNaomi Naughton.
The Rebel family (as the troupe refers to its membership) were invited to sing some of their favorite songsfromthe2024season However,each performer was asked to sing a song from a show he/shewascastinbutwassungbyanothercharacter orhe/she would performa piece sunginadifferent showtheyweren’tcastedin.Thosewhoparticipated in the cabaret included casts, crews, and creative teams who shared their musical talentsthroughout theevening
Theeveningbeganwithawelcomingintroductionto theCabaretthatwasofferedtoanaudiencethatfilled the theaterto itscapacity by NaomiNaughton Her wordsweremetwithanexcitedanticipationofwhat wastocomeduringthecourseoftheeveningaswell asthecomingyearAgroupofyoungactorsgathered uponthestageassheconcludedherremarksinorder toformachoirtosingthefirstsongoftheshow.
Theeveningcontinuedwithawidearrayofmusical compositions from the 2024 season whose interpretiveperformancesrangedfromdeliveringthe lyricsofa pieceasgentleasawhisperthattouched the human heart to renditions that enlivened the audiencethroughtheirbeltedoutpresentations.The evening approacheditsconclusionastheExecutive DirectoroftheSchoolofVisualandPerformingArts
and the Producing Artistic Director of Rebel Stages/The Rebel Initiative,Brandon Hanks,shared his words of appreciation with those who participated in the cabaret along with those who attendedtheshow.Healsosharedinformationabout the upcomingseasonandhowtheRebelStageswas formed to “create, produce, and provide accessible educational and performance opportunities in the visual and performing artsthat educate,illuminate, andcelebratediversityinourlocalcommunity.”This was followed by a very touching rendition of the song, “Over the Rainbow” from their 2024 production of “The Wizard of Oz” whose performance proved to be an exquisite finale to a trulyenjoyableevening
The Rebel Stages/SVPA(School forthe Visual and Performing Arts) is located with the Castle Inn in Delaware Water Gap, PA. In conjunction with one another,they produce theatricalproductionsaswell as offer classes in dance and voice Their next production will be titled, “[title of show]” You’ll findperformanceinformationinthe“PlacesYouCan GoforTheArts”areaofthisissueofTheForwardian Gazette.” You can learnmoreinformationaboutthe production, The Rebel Stages/SVPA, and how to participate in their endeavors by visiting their Websiteatwwwrebelstagescom
Text and photographsforthisarticlewereprovided by Paul Adam Smeltz (aka Paparazzi Paul)ofThe ForwardianArtsSociety.
Saturday February 1st - The Sherman Theater in Stroudsburg, PA will present Water Street in their ShermanShowcasebeginningat8pm(doorsopenat 7pm). Admission: $15.00. Please contact The Sherman Theater at for moreinformation
Saturday February 1st - Orange in Delaware Water Gap, PA will present the Band Wood Flower performing Bluegrass beginning at 7pm (Doors Open at 6pm). Admission: $18.50. Please contact Orange at for more information
Saturday February 1st - The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum in Stroudsburg, PA will present Andrei’s Heart Collection along with his
CitiesofRomanceandTangoCollectionbeginning at 6pm The evening willalsoshowcasenewpieces createdbyEvgeniGordiets,MihailAleksandrov,and DennisAndreevich.Admissionisfree.Pleasecontact The Andrei Art Gallery/Studio-Museum at www.AndreiArt.comformoreinformation.
Sunday February 2nd -The Eastern Monroe Public Library in Stroudsburg, PA will present the film titled, “Apollo” beginning at 2pm as part of their Wordsand FilmSundayMatineeSeries.Admission: Free. Please contact The Eastern Monroe Public Libraryatwwwmonroeplorgformoreinformation
FridayFebruary7th-OrangeinDelawareWaterGap, PA will hold an Artists’Reception fortheirSeeing Red: AJazz and Art Showfeaturing FiftyWorksof ArtThatProminentlyFeaturetheSensualColorRed and music by the Joe Michaels Trio beginning at 5pm Admission: Free (Suggested donation: $10) Please contact Orange at wwworangecoffeeartmusiccom for more information.
Friday February 7th - The Eastern Monroe Public LibraryinStroudsburg,PAwillpresentVanceGilbert performing R&B,Folk,and Jazz beginning at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm)aspart oftheirBookhouse Series Admission: Free Please contact The Eastern Monroe Public Library at for moreinformation.
Wednesday February 12th - The Madelon Powers Gallery located within the East Stroudsburg University of PA’s Fine and Performing Arts Building will hold an Artists’ReceptionfortheirA DeeperRiverExhibitionfeaturingthephotographic work of Susie Forrester beginning at 4pm. In addition to Ms. Forrester’s work, the gallery’s mezzanine will feature a special exhibition of student photography Both exhibitions will be on display until March 6th Admission: Free Please contact the Fine and Performing Arts Building at (570)422-3694oremailkdevine5@esu.eduformore information.
Saturday February 15th -OrangeinDelawareWater Gap,PAwillpresentParisDeNuitfeaturingParisian Vocalist Francine Roussel and Pianist Patrick Poladian beginning at 6pm. Admission: $22.50.Please contact Orange at for more information
Saturday February 15th -TheCreateandBeStudio in Stroudsburg, PA will hold a Poetry Social featuring an unforgettable live poetry,an erotic art showcase,andLiveDJSetbyDJGoldFMbeginning at 7pm. Admission: $25.00 (21+ only). Please contact The Create and Be Studio at wwwcreateandbestudiocomformoreinformation
SaturdayFebruary15th-RebelStages/SVPA(School fortheVisualandPerformingArts)locatedwithinthe Castle Inn in Delaware WaterGap,PAwill present their production of [title of show] with music and lyricsby JeffBowen and bookbyHunterBell The production will continue until February 23rd Admissionis$22 PleasecontactRebelStages/SVPA atwwwRebelStagescomformoreinformation
Saturday February 15th - The Upfront Exhibition Space in Port Jervis,NYwill present The SavageSmit Quintet beginning at 7pm as part of their Groove Port Series Admission: $20 Please contact The Upfront Exhibition Space at for moreinformation.
Friday February 21st -The Nazareth Centerforthe Artsin Nazareth,PAwill present thePoconoString Ensemble beginning at 7pm Admission: $1000 (BYOB) Please contactTheNazarethCenterforthe Artsatwww.nazaretharts.orgformoreinformation.
Saturday February 22nd - The GALLERY at 530 MAIN in Stroudsburg, PA will hold an Artists’ Reception for their All About Music exhibition beginningat5pm.Theexhibitionwillcontinuetobe on display until April 12th. Please contact The Gallery at 530 Main at 1formoreinformation
Until February 2nd - In2YouArts will present their production of “The Wedding Singer: The Musical Comedy”attheShermanTheaterinStroudsburg,PA. Admissionis$28inadvance,$30atthedoor,$25for seniors and veterans, and $15 for students Please contact In2YouArtsatwwwin2youartscomformore information
Until February 4th-OrangeinDelawareWaterGap, PAwillpresenttheirHandsUp:TheFacultyandJazz Exhibition. Please contact Orange at for more information.
Until February 8th-ThePoconoCenterfortheArts will present their exhibition titled, “In Joy” at the Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort in Shawnee on the Delaware,PA.PleasecontactThePoconoCenterfor the Artsatwww.poconocenterforthearts.orgformore information.
Until February 15th - The Gallery at 530 Main in Stroudsburg,PAwill present theirexhibition titled, “ArtistsofthePoconos”PleasecontactTheGallery at 530 Main at 1formoreinformation.
Until March 27th - The Chant Real Estate Inc in LordsValley,PAwill present theirexhibitiontitled “The Language of Flowers” featuring the work of Lisa Hannick.Please contactthemat570-775-7337 formoreinformation.
TheGALLERYat530MAINinStroudsburg,PAwill be accepting submissions for their upcoming exhibition titled, “All About Music” on Sunday February 16th (12 to 4pm) and Tuesday February 18th (10amto2pm) Allmediumsareaccepted The exhibition isopentoallPoconoartistsand/orthose who were membersofthe Pocono ArtsCouncil An artists’ReceptionwillbeheldonSaturdayFebruary 22nd beginning at 5pm and the exhibition will continue to be on display until April 12th. The pickup dates are Sunday April 13th (12-4pm) and TuesdayApril15th(10am–2pm) Thedrop-OffFee is$15forOnePieceandthecommissiononSalesis 20% Please contact The Gallery at 530 Main at 1formoreinformation.
The Rebel Stages/SVPA(School forthe Visual and Performing Arts) located within the Castle Inn in DelawareWaterGap,PAwillholdauditionsfortheir upcomingproductionof“OnceonThisIsland”with book and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens and music by Stephen Flaherty on Thursday February 25th beginning at 6:30pm.The production willbeginin
May 2025 Please contact Rebel Stages/SVPA at wwwRebelStagescomformoreinformation
The Pocono Center for the Arts will be accepting submissions for their upcoming exhibition titled, “Fairies,Nature,and Magic” with the drop offdate scheduledtobeonThursdayFebruary27thfrom2to 5pm and the pick up date scheduled for Saturday March 29th from 1 to 4pm at the Shawnee Inn in ShawneeonDelaware,PA.Anartists’Receptionwill be held on Saturday March15thbeginningat2pm. No intake fee. The commission on Sales is 30%. Please contact The Pocono Center for the Arts at wwwpoconocenterfortheartsorg for more information
We invite you to share information about your upcoming Art Related events, educational opportunities,opportunitiestoparticipate,etcinour upcoming newsletter for free. The submission deadline for the March 2025 issue of “The Forwardian Gazette” is Saturday February 15th, 2025 PleasecontactTheForwardianArtsSocietyat eventlistings@forwardianartsorg for more information
The Forwardian Arts Society is a fellowship for people who love the arts sharing a desire to encourage,support,andloveindividualsandgroups as they go forward toward their art related experiences.
Becoming a Forwardian Art LoverisFreeandopen toanyindividualwholovestheartsandwishestobe apartofTheForwardianArtsSociety’sFellowship
Forwardian Art Loverswill receive (ifdesired)The Forwardian Gazette which isthe newsletterforThe Forwardian ArtsSociety available only to members of our Fellowship) and The Forwardian Arts Magazine (a literary and arts publication that will include art related newsand a listing ofart related opportunities and events available to the general public)intheiremails.
ForwardianArtLoverswillreceivefreeadmissionto or participation in any event or program The Forwardian Arts Society presents singularly or in collaboration with members of The Forwardian Consortiumwheneverafeeischarged.
Forwardian Art Loverswill receive a 50%discount offsponsorshipratesforourpublications,events,and programs
Forwardian Art Lovers will receive a link on The Forwardian Connections Page to provide online informationregardingyourartrelatedendeavorsyou wouldliketosharewiththepublic
The Forwardian ArtsSociety hasseveral groupson FacebookYoucanjoin Someprovideopportunities to explore one’s love for an Artform they’re interested in while others provide opportunitiesto become amoreintegralpartofourfellowship.They are:
WewelcomeArtRelatedOrganizations,Groups,and Venueswhowishtopartakeofopportunitiestoshare insights, experience, resources, and to collaborate with othermembersofThe Forwardian Consortium sotheplanning,promotion,andpresentationofeach member’s art related endeavor will lead to an enjoyable and meaningful experience
Wewelcomeindividualsandgroupswhowouldlike to lend their expertise, insights, and intuitions to help The Forwardian Dreamers and Doers in the planning, promotion, and presentation of events, opportunities, projects of The Forwardian Arts Societyinimaginativeandresourcefulways
Wewelcomeindividualsandgroupswhowouldlike to lend their expertise, insights, and intuitions to helpTheForwardianFinanciersexplorewaystofund
the wonderful and meaningful endeavors The Forwardian Arts Society hopes to offer the artistic communityandthegeneralpublic.
Wewelcomeallwholovetheartofphotographyand wouldliketoencouragephotographerstosharetheir original works with The Forwardian Hocus Focus Photo Club. We also welcome those who enjoy viewingtheimagesofthosewhosharethemwithour Club.
Wewelcomeallwholovetheliteraryartsandwould like to encourage authors and poets to share their originalworkswithTheForwardianLitLoversClub. We also welcome those who enjoy reading and/or listening to those who share their words with our Club
We welcome all who love the reflective and entertainingaspectsoftheperformingartsandwould like to encourage those involved in theater,music, and/ordance tosharetheirexperiencesandprojects with The Forwardian LoversofthePerformingArts We also welcome those who enjoy partakingofthe talents they encounter in the venues they visit.
Wewelcomeindividualsandgroupswhowouldlike tosupportandcontributetoshowcasethebestinthe literaryandvisualartsaswellasinformingartlovers ofupcomingeventsandopportunitiesrelatingtothe arts through The Forwardian Arts Society’s publications
Wewelcomeindividualsandgroupswhowouldlike to assist The Forwardian Arts Society to act as advocatesforartistsofalldisciplinestohelpassure
their experiences in the venues they present their endeavorswillbeequitableandvaluable
You’ll find more information about our groups through the links on our website at:
The first place winner ofThe February Forwardian Photography Competition titled "Early DaysCalifornia"byDavidTeranOtey.
ThesecondplacewinnerofTheFebruaryForwardian Photography Competition titled "Sunset Mountain" byKristinChandler.
To Nancy Freeman who served as a judge for the competition Ms Freeman was the winner of the Photography competition for the first issue ofThe ForwardianGazette.
TheForwardianArtsSocietywillholdaphotography competitiontodeterminewhatimagewillappearon thefrontandbackcoversoftheMarch2025issueof The Forwardian Gazette The first placewinnerwill bepresentedonthenewsletter'sfrontpagewhilethe second place winnerwill be presented on the back page. There is a three photo limit.The submission deadlineforthiseventisFebruary15th.
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