LS2 2013 Catalogue

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2013 RANGE

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Special thanks to: Harley-Davidson Spain - Phone +34 93 202 28 00 Polaris Sales Spain S.L.U - Phone +34 902 160 606 ext. 2 LML Italy S.p.A



Commitment & Objectives Meet the requirements of all relevant legislation, other requirements and pursue best practice. Dispose of waste in a responsible manner and introduce programs to minimize waste. Use energy responsibly and efficiently. Effectively manage and control processes to prevent pollution and help reduce the likelihood of environmental incidents. Continually improve environmental performances.

GREEN HELMET Fully consider the impact on the environment before committing capital expenditure. Engage employees, suppliers, brand partners and customers on environmental issues. Provide the necessary training and support in order to ensure that the brand can fulfill the requirements outlined in this policy. OUR FUTURE ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES: Power from environmentally-friendly sources. Specific CO2 reduction targets. Further reductions in materials to landfill. More sustainable travel initiatives.

MHR Jiangmen Pengcheng Helmets Ltd. China CHRONOLOGY

CRONO 1990: Mr. Arthur Liao invested about 350 Euros and started his fledgling helmet business in a tiny house of less than 600 square feet. At that time he could only afford to hire one employee, Mr. Peng Zheng. Twenty years later, Peng is still working for the company. Together they started to manufacture their first helmets from this small rural workshop. 1992: Demand for the helmets increased fast. To capitalize on this Arthur needed to expand the business. He leased a 4000 sq. ft factory, and recruited another 100 personnel to the team. Meanwhile, Mr. Stephan Liao (Arthur’s brother) joined the management and strived to develop and prepare for future business. 1994: Our trademark “FENGXING” had played a very important role in the domestic market and our helmets had been a huge success all over the country. That year, we finally moved into our own 18000 sq ft purpose built factory. 1997: As the first pioneer in helmet industry in China, Arthur had already turned his vision to the global market and changed his helmet trademark to “MHR”. To be taken seriously in the global market required serious and ambitious investment to modernize the factory, it’s machinery and technology. This investment paid off with international praise and recognition for MHR’s products. 1999: As the business continued to grow rapidly Arthur realized that he could not continue to expand the factory alone. He requested his other brother, Mr. Paul Liao, join to manage MHR’s further expansion, [04]

bringing with him a wealth of knowledge gained in his own successful business. Paul joined MHR on June 28, a very momentous occasion which meant MHR would truly become a family firm and also laid the foundation for today’s achievements at MHR. 2000: MHR was proud to gain ISO9000 accreditation. MHR now owned and controlled, in house, all new conceptions and technologies for helmet production. Including plastic injection, composite treatment, painting, testing and so on. The whole systematized management from raw material to a finished helmet under one roof. 2005: As the business continued to grow, Arthur and Paul made a multimillion dollar investment to establish JIANGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS, LTD. (JPH), (pictured on this page) JPH wholly owns a 330,000 sq. ft State of the art factory with over 1,000 employees, producing more than 2 million helmets a year. 2007: A landmark year. We realized that sooner or later our enterprise would inevitably perish if we continued to manufacture only OEM and ODM products in the future; therefore we decided to create and sell our own brand to the world. But, how and where to start? Using the abbreviation of LIAO’S SYSTEM as the brand, LS2 was conceived, born and registered worldwide. Meanwhile the head office of LS2 was established in Barcelona, Spain. LS2 helmets also exhibited for the first time at the EICMA show in Milan, Italy. From that day, LS2 helmets demonstrated its courage, passion and determination to step into the global market!

2009: Despite the deepening global financial crisis LS2 helmets enjoyed a phenomenal growth of 100% during 2009. With resolute determination Arthur and Paul made the decision to purchase a new purpose built 80,000 sq. ft. Warehouse and offices in Terrassa, Spain. Funds for this ambitious next step in LS2 helmets history were wired directly from China. The new facility handles all distribution logistics, design, marketing and communication for the LS2 brand. It’s international, multilingual staff communicate daily with factory personnel in China. 2010: Sees LS2 Helmets continued development and expansion with the acquisition of a 30,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Chicago, Illinois, USA. and set up of a new team to take LS2 helmets to the American and Canadian consumers. As a manufacturer, during the past three years we have not hesitated to pay any price for the research and development of LS2 Helmets. Our international team of designers, engineers and technicians have brought an unrivaled wealth of knowledge and passion to our motorcycle helmets. Innovation and quality have made every new helmet better than the old, this year better than last. LS2 Helmets will continue diligently and invest further to develop ever more perfect helmets for the global consumers! What we have achieved so far has already been accepted and approved by all our global agents. LS2 represents many things: passion, courage, spirit, determination, quality, success. And also the two people who are the driving force behind the name LS2, the two Liao brothers, Arthur and Paul.

MHR Jiangmen Pengcheng Helmets Ltd. China CRONOLOGÍA

1990: En ese año, Mr Arthur Liao invirtió 350 euros en constituir su primera empresa dedicada a la fabricación de cascos. La empresa se ubicó en un pequeño local de menos de 600 m2. Por aquel entonces sólo pudo contratar a un empleado cuyo nombre era Mr. Peng Zheng. Juntos iniciaron la fabricación de cascos en un entorno completamente agrícola. Actualmente el Sr. Peng sigue trabajando en nuestra compañía. 1992: El negocio creció tan rápidamente que Arthur tuvo que alquilar una nave industrial de 4000 m2 y contratar a más de 100 personas para dar salida a la demanda de sus productos. Por esas fechas Mr. Stephan Liao, hermano menor de Arthur, se incorporó a la empresa para añadir sus esfuerzos al crecimiento futuro del negocio. 1994: Nuestra marca registrada “FENGXING”alcanza una importante posición en el mercado doméstico y nuestros cascos se venden ya en todo el país. Ese año nos trasladamos a nuestra propia fábrica, cuyas instalaciones abarcan más de 18.000 m2. 1997: Como primer fabricante chino de cascos, Arthur fija ahora su mirada en el mercado global y cambia la marca antigua por la marca registrada “MHR”con objeto de encajar mejor en el mercado internacional. De hecho, la actividad exportadora de cascos supone una modernización de la fábrica y la puesta en marcha de ambiciosas inversiones encaminadas a la estandarización, pronto nuestros productos son certificados por las mejores organizaciones del mundo. Lamentablemente, ese año Mr. Stephan Liao, que había dedicado sus mejores esfuerzos en los

momentos iniciales, decide dejar su posición e iniciar su propio camino en solitario. 1999: Arthur se da cuenta de que el solo no puede expandir la fábrica por lo que pide a su hermano Mr. Paul Liao que se incorpore a la dirección de la empresa en el lugar de Stephan. Paul deja su propia empresa y se incorpora a MHR el 28 de junio de ese año. Se trata de una fecha importante pues MHR se convierte en una empresa familiar y se sientan las bases de los logros actuales. 2000: MHR consigue la total homologación por parte de la ISO9000. En esos momentos MHR ya ha incorporado a sus líneas de producción los conceptos más avanzados y tecnologías punteras como la inyección de plásticos, la fabricación de compuestos (composites), nuevas pinturas y los más exigentes sistemas de comprobación del producto; también informatiza completamente el ciclo productivo desde la compra de materias primas hasta la entrega del producto acabado. 2005: El negocio continúa creciendo por lo que Arthur y Paul deciden una inversión multimillonaria y crean JAINGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS, LTD (JPH), cuyo emblema se muestra en esta página. JPH es la propietaria de la nueva fábrica cuyas instalaciones ocupan 330.000 m2 y da empleo a más de 1000 trabajadores con una producción anual de más de 2.000.000 de cascos. 2007: Un año muy importante pues nos damos cuenta de que más pronto o más tarde la empresa no podrá seguir creciendo si sólo se centra en la fabri-

cación de cascos por encargo (OEM y ODM). Es por ello que decidimos crear nuestra propia marca y venderla en todo el mundo. Respecto al dilema de cómo y dónde empezar, el Sr. Miguel Casanovas nos sugirió utilizar la abreviatura de Liao’s System como marca, es decir: LS2. Ese mismo año la marca LS2 es registrada a nivel mundial y se establecen las oficinas centrales en Barcelona (España). La presentación oficial se hizo durante la Feria de Milán (EICMA) de ese año. De esa forma, LS2 demostró al mundo entero desde el primer día su coraje y determinación para hacerse un lugar en el mercado global. 2010: Para atender mejor el mercado norteamericano y canadiense compramos un almacén de 30.000 m2 en Chicago (IL). Como fabricantes no hemos dudado ni un instante, durante los tres últimos años, en hacer las inversiones necesarias en Investigación y Desarrollo, por costosas que fueran. Nuestros técnicos, ingenieros y diseñadores han puesto toda su pasión en nuestros cascos de motorista, han compartido sus deseos de innovación y han conseguido que cada nuevo casco sea mejor que el anterior. El secreto de nuestro éxito consiste en que todas nuestras innovaciones est consideradas desde el prisma del consumidor. De esta forma, LS2 desarrolla de forma diligente mejores cascos para consumidores de un mercado global, ¡Y sin detenerse!. LS2 significa muchas cosas: pasión, trabajo, calidad, éxito... Actualmente todo lo que hacemos ha sido aceptado y aprobado por nuestra red global de agentes, es por eso que todos pensamos que LS2 significa “los dos hermanos Liao”y todo su equipo directivo. [05]

MHR Jiangmen Pengcheng Helmets Ltd. China CHRONOLOGIE

1990: Arthur LIAO entreprend la fabrication de ses premiers casques. Avec un investissement initial de 350 euros il loue une petite maison de 600 sqft. et n’a qu’un seul employé M. Peng Zheng, à ce jour toujours présent dans la compagnie. Ensembles ils produisent les premiers casques au milieu d’un terrain agricole.

ses objectifs sans aide extérieure, Arthur LIAO demande à son second frère, Paul, de prendre la direction de la compagnie. Renonçant donc à ses propres ambitions, Paul rejoint la compagnie le 28 juin 1999, date hautement symbolique qui voit la fondation d’une entreprise familiale dont les succès se poursuivent aujourd’hui.

1992: L’entreprise prends rapidement de l’ampleur et Arthur loue 4000 sqft. Pour faire construire une usine qui occupe plus de 100 employés. Steven LIAO, le plus jeune des trois frères, rejoint l’entreprise à la direction administrative et prépare l’avenir.

2000: MHR obtient la certification ISO 9000 et poursuit ses investissements pour développer et maitriser tous les domaines d’activité dans la fabrication des casques. La compagnie acquiert un savoir faire de premier ordre dans les technologies de l’injection plastique et de la mise en œuvre des matériaux composites.

1994: La marque maison: FENGXING occupe une position de leader sur le marché national. La compagnie déménage dans de nouveaux batiments qui lui appartiennent, occupant une superficie de 18000 sqft. 1997: Fort de son statut de N°1 sur le marché national, Arthur LIAO affiche une ambition globale en créant la marque MHR, destinée à entreprendre la conquète des marchés internationaux. D’énormes investissements sont consentis pour moderniser la compagnie et standardiser la production. L’obtention des meilleures certifications mondiales, ECE, SNELL, DOT, BSI, symbolise cette progression vers la qualité. Steven LIAO quitte la compagnie pour entreprendre de nouvelles affaires. 1999: Comprenant qu’il ne pourrait atteindre [06]

2005: Arthur et Paul LIAO investissent plus d’un million USD pour édifier un nouveau site industriel, baptisé : JIANGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS, LTD. Cette usine ultramoderne de 330 000 sqft emploie 1000 personnes et produit plus de 2 millions de casques à l’année. 2007: Comprenant que la compagnie ne pourrait survivre avec la seule activité de production d’OEM et ODM, Arthur et Paul LIAO décident de créer leur propre marque : LS2, abréviation de LIAO SHI SYSTEM, nom suggéré par un collaborateur Miguel Casanovas, qui signifie : système de la famille LIAO. Cette nouvelle compagnie s’implante à Barcelone, en Europe, avec une ambition planétaire. La première collection est présentée à Milan

lors du show EICMA. Démontrant une volonté sans faille, la marque LS2 poursuit son expansion globale avec une présence dans plus de 45 pays. 2010: L’ouverture à Chicago aux USA d’un site de distribution de 30 000 sqft symbolise la vision globale de la marque et de son système de distribution proche des consommateurs. Le développement rapide de la marque LS2 repose sur une philosophie, une vision différente de notre métier. Nous n’hésitons jamais à investir dans les technologies les plus récentes, quel qu’en soit le prix, pour garantir le meilleur niveau de sécurité aux utilisateurs de nos casques. Nos designers, ingénieurs et techniciens explorent chaque jour toutes les voies pour faire qu’un nouveau casque LS2 soit toujours meilleur que le précédent. Nous imaginons ce que souhaite le consommateur et éprouvons avec lui les meilleures solutions, sans cesse. L’engagement total des distributeurs LS2, dans le monde entier, à nos cotés, traduit aussi parfaitement l’esprit de la marque et confirme le travail accomplit par Arthur et Paul Liao, ainsi que tout le team LS2.

MHR Jiangmen Pengcheng Helmets Ltd. China CRONOLOGIA

1990: Con un capitale iniziale di appena 350 euro, Arthur Liao inizia la sua attività di produzione di caschi, in una casa di 150 mq. A quel tempo poteva permettersi un solo dipendente, il sig. Peng Zheng, che ancora oggi lavora con il sig. Liao. Il primo casco quindi nasce in una vecchia casa di campagna. 1992: Dopo appena due anni l’attività incontra un notevole sviluppo, Arthur quindi si sposta in un immobile di 400 mq, il numero di dipendenti arriva fino a 100 unità. Stephen Liao, il fratello di Arthur, entra in Azienda. 1994: Nel frattempo il marchio FENGXING ha iniziato ad imporsi sul mercato interno ed i nostri caschi sono ormai diffusi su tutto il territorio cinese. Grazie a questi risultati, Arthur Liao acquista finalmente lo stabile che si sviluppa su 1800 mq. 1997: Dopo esser stato quasi un pioniere nell’ambito della produzione di caschi da motociclo, in Cina. Arthur Liao inizia a guardare con estremo interesse ai mercati internazionali. Nasce quindi il marchio MHR, e grazie all’export ed al confronto con mercati più maturi l’azienda cresce ed ottiene le più importanti certificazioni qualità. 1999: Artur Liao, coinvolge nell’Azienda il fratello Paul, é il 28 giugno. Da questo momento si pongono le basi dei per arrivare agli obiettivi sin qui raggiunti da MHR.

2000: MHR riceve la certificazione ISO9000. Tutte le fasi della materia prima al prodotto finito, dall’iniezione dei materiali plastici, i trattamenti dei vari compositi, la verniciatura, il montaggio e le prove di controllo qualità, vengono svolte con le più moderne tecnologie e nel rispetto di tutti i requisti di qualità imposti dal sistema ISO. 2005: La crescita continua e Arthur Liao decide quindi di creare la Jiangmen Pengcheng Helmets e costruisce un sito produttivo da 33.000 mq, dove lavorano oltre 1.000 dipendenti, per una produzione annua di oltre 2.000.000 di caschi all’anno.

energia nella ricerca e sviluppo per la gamma LS2. I nostri ingegneri e tecnici hanno impiegato la loro passione, confrontandosi con l’obiettivo di migliorare continuamente la nostra gamma di prodotti, di anno in anno. Il segreto del nostro successo sta nei continui passi avanti compiuti per rendere accessibili al maggior numero di appassionati, le innovazioni e le soluzioni tecniche. Il risultato del lavoro di squadra che coinvolge i nostri agenti in tutto il mondo affinchè ognuno si senta parte del team guidato dai 2 fratelli Liao, LS2.

2007: Questo anno é veramente molto importante. Si prende coscienza della pericolosità di basarsi esclusivamente sul lavoro come OEM e ODM. Nasce quindi l’idea di creare un marchio che appartenga alla famiglia Liao, usando proprio l’abbreviazione di Liao’s System, LS2 viene registrato e parallelamente viene creata la sede Europa in Spagna, a Barcellona. Durante l’EICMA di questo anno viene presentata la collezione LS2, una chiara dimostrazione di coraggio e determinazione oltreché un passo importante nel mercato globale. 2010: Prende avvio l’operazione USA e Canada, con l’acquisto di 3.000 mq a Chicago e la creazione di LS2 USA. Durante gli ultimi 3 anni abbiamo investito ogni [07]


Each LS2 helmet, in fiberglass, composite or polycarbonate is composed of three main elements, the external shell, shock absorbing EPS liner and the numerous accessories such as comfort linings, method of retention, visors and ventilation.

Cada casco LS2 de fibra de vidrio, compuesto o policarbonato, está compuesto por elementos parecidos: una calota externa, un amortiguador interno o EPS, un refuerzo de confort y varios accesorios, pantalla, correa de retención y ventilaciones.

Chaque casque LS2 en fibre de verre, composite ou polycarbonate est composé d’éléments semblables: une coque externe, un amortisseur interne ou EPS, une garniture de confort et plusieurs accessoires, écran, sangle de rétention et ventilations.

The three main methods of production are as follows:

El proceso de fabricación de la calota externa es de tres tipos:

Le procédé de fabrication de la calotte externe est de trois types:

Polycarbonate injected in a mix of ABS utilizing an exclusive process developed by our researchers named HPTT (High Pressure Thermoplastic Technology Resin). This high precision industrial process utilizes moulds sculpted from blocks of metal weighing several 100 kilos.

Policarbonato inyectado en mezcla de ABS según un proceso exclusivo desarrollado por nuestros investigadores denominado HPTT (High Pressure Thermoplastic Technology Resin). Este proceso industrial de gran precisión necesita la utilización de moldes de inyección esculpidos en bloques de aleaciones especiales de varias centenas de kilos.

Polycarbonate injecté en mix d’ABS selon un procédé exclusif développé par nos chercheurs dénommé HPTT (High Pressure Thermoplastic Technology Resin). Ce procédé industriel degrande précision nécessite l’utilisation de moules d’injection scultés dans des blocs d’alliages spéciaux de plusieurs centaines de kilos.

Compuesto de fibras de vidrio, combinado con resinas polímeras que proporcionan una excelente resistencia a la abrasión.

Composite de fibres de verre, combinées avec des résines polymères qui procurent une excellente résistance à l’abrasion et la perforation.

Fibras de carbono en múltiples capas que se mezclan con las resinas polímeras. Este proceso, en el cual se utiliza la fibra de vidrio, necesita la realización de moldes en aleaciones ligeras resistentes a temperaturas de 120°C aproximadamente.

Fibres de carbone en couches multiples auxquelles sont mixées des résines polymères. Ce procédé et celui utilisant les fibres de verre nécessitent la réalisation de moules en alliages légers résistants à des températures d’environ 120°C.

Composite fibers, combined with polymer resin which provide high abrasion resistance and are very difficult to penetrate. Carbon Fiber in multiple layers are also mixed with polymer resin. This procedure involves a process where the molds must be able to resist temperatures in excess of 120 C.


Tutti i caschi della gamma Ls2, siano essi in fibra composita o policarbonato, sono composti da elementi assemblabili: una calotta esterna, un interno o EPS, una guarnizione di conforto e diversi accessori, come visiera, cinturino e ventilazioni Il processo di produzione della calotta esterna può essere di tre tipi: Policarbonato da iniezione, un mix di Abs sulla base di un procedimento esclusivo sviluppato dai nostri ricercatori denominato HPTT (High Pressure Thermoplastic Technology Resin). Questo processo industriale di alta precisione necessita l’utilizzo di stampi per iniezione ricavati all’interno di blocchi in leghe speciali dal peso di centinaia di chili. Composito di fibre di vetro, combinate con resine polimeriche che garantiscono un’eccellente resistenza alle abrasioni e perforazioni. Fibre di carbonio a strati multipli combinati con resine polimeriche. Questo processo, così come quello di cui sopra relativo ai compositi di fibra di vetro, necessitano la realizzazione di stampi in lega leggera resistenti a temperature di circa 120°C.

CARBON FIBER VANGUARD TECHNOLOGY Carbon Fibre is a material used extensively in the aeronautical industry and of course in the highly competitive world of Formula 1 and Moto GP. It has incredible strength but extremely light. Four years of research and considerable investment has resulted in LS2 launching its first Carbon Fibre Helmet with a double visor system. FIBRA DE CARBONO TECNOLOGÍA DE VANGUARDIA La fibra de carbono es un material utilizado en aeronáutica, en competición automovilística. Su gran ligereza e increíble resistencia se la debemos a todos los ingenieros que conciben los vehículos con buenas prestaciones, barcos o satélites. 4 años de búsqueda y una nueva unidad de fabricación ultramoderna nos permiten lanzar al mercado el primer casco todo en carbono equipado con un sistema de doble pantalla. FIBRE DE CARBONE TECHNOLOGIE D’AVANT GARDE La fibre de carbone est un matériau utilisé en aéronautique, compétition automobile. Sa grande légereté et incroyable résistance est privilégiée par tous les ingénieurs qui conçoivent les véhicules performants, bateaux ou satelites. 4 ans de recherches et une nouvelle unité de fabrication ultra moderne nous permettent de lancer sur le marché le premier casque tout carbone équipé d’un système double écran optique et pare soleil intégré. FIBRA DI CARBONNIO TECNOLOGIA ALL’AVANGUARDIA La fibra di carbonio é un materiale normalmente impiegato in aeronautica e sulle auto da competizione. Grazie all’estrema resistenza unita ad un’impareggiabile leggerezza, viene priviligiata dagli ingegneri che realizzano veicoli ad alte prestazioni, dalle barche ai satelliti. Dopo 4 anni di ricerche ed una nuova unità di produzione ultra moderna siamo finalmente pronti a lanciare sul mercato il primo casco carbonio 100% munito di sistema di doppia visiera integrato con parasole.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Each new model is the fruit of many hours of study and we analyze every minute detail of the shell, the strength of the shell, the comfort , aerodynamics and ventilation. INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO Un nuevo modelo es el fruto de largas horas de estudio analizando hasta el más mínimo detalle de la forma de la calota, la resistencia de la estructura, el confort, la aerodinámica y las ventilaciones. RECHERCHE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT Un nouveau modèle est le fruit de longues heures d’études pour analyser dans les moindres détails la forme de la coque, la résistance de la structure le confort, l’aérodynamique et les ventilations. RICERCA E SVILUPPO Un nuovo modello é il risultato di studi approfonditi dedicati ad analizzare nei minimi dettagli la forma della calotta, la resistenza della struttura, il confort, l’aerodinamica ed i flussi di aria all’interno del casco stesso.


PRECISION ASSEMBLY The final assembly of a helmet is then undertaken by a technician who follows a strict process for fitting of the EPS liner, retention strap and visor mechanism. And finally the comfort liner and user instructions. Each helmet then has a final quality check before being boxed ready for dispatch.

IN HOUSE KNOWLEDGE Once a shell has been removed from its mold it is checked to make sure it meets our exacting standards by our technical experts. Several layers of paint later and the graphics are applied, once in place the helmet is lacquered with anti UV and the process gives a unique touch to each helmet. MARCA DE LA CASA Una vez las calotas son extraídas de su molde, son ajustadas una a una en manos de expertos que se encargan de darle el aspecto definitivo antes del montaje final. Varias capas de pintura, aplicación de la decoración y las pegatinas, la última capa de barnizado de protección anti UV son por tanto operaciones que darán un toque único a cada casco. [10]

SAVOIR FAIRE MAISON Une fois les calottes extraites de leurs moule et ajustées une à une des mains expertes vont se charger de leur donner l’aspect définitif avant le montage final. Plusieurs couches de peintures, l’application du décor et des stickers, l’ultime couche de verni de protection anti UV sont autant d’opérations qui donneront une touche unique à chaque casque. IL KNOW-HOW AZIENDALE Le calotte, una volta estratte dal loro stampo, vengono preparate una ad una per il montaggio finale. Diversi passaggi di verniciatura, l’applicazione dei loghi e delle grafiche, fino alla verniciatura anti UV caratterizzano il ciclo produttivo che darà ad ogni casco un tocco unico.

ENSAMBLAJE DE PRECISIÓN El montaje final del casco es llevado a cabo por un técnico que ha tenido una formación específica y conoce todas las particularidades del casco sobre el que trabaja. Montaje del amortizador interno, el refuerzo de la pantalla y su mecanismo, las ventilaciones y la correa de retención. ASSEMBLAGE DE PRÉCISION Le montage final du casque est effectué par un technicien qui a suiviune formation spécifique et connait toutes les particularités du casque sur lequel il intervient. Montage de l’amortisseur interne, la garniture l’écran et son mécanismes, les ventilations et la sangle de rétention. ASSEMBLAGGIO DI PRECISIONE Il montaggio finale del casco é effettuato da un tecnico che grazie ad una formazione specifica conosce tutte le particolarità del casco sul quale interviene. Il montaggio del polistirolo interno, la guarnizione, la visiera con i relativi meccanismi, le ventilazioni ed il cinturino.

PERMANENT QUALITY CONTROL A certain number of our helmets are never sold as we batch test every model in our test laboratory. Each helmet is looked at in minute detail to ensure that quality and safety are paramount. We also verify that each model meets or exceeds the test standard required by its country of destination. This may be ECE, DOT ,BSI or indeed Snell. Numerous tests are undertaken on the EPS and the external shell for shock absorbtion. We also test the fit as many testing houses now take this into account. For example SHARP TESTING in the UK. CONTROL PERMANENTE DE LA CALIDAD Sin embargo, decenas de cascos no se venderán por entrar directamente en el laboratorio de control, donde pasan una serie de duras pruebas y se examina hasta el más mínimo detalle. Verificamos que cada caso LS2 cumpla las principales normas de seguridad en el conjunto de países, ECE, DOT, BSI y SNELL pero también debe sobrepasar, en términos de absorción de los choques, los valores fijados por la reglamentación. La calota externa de nuestros cascos forma junto al amortiguador interno EPS un conjunto apto para afrontar cualquier situación que se pueda dar en la carretera.

CONTROLE PERMANENT DE LA QUALITÉ Des dizaines de casques ne seront cependant jamais vendus pour entrer directement dans le laboratoire de controle où ils passent une série de tests impitoyables et sont examinés dans les moindres détails. nous vérifions que chaque casque LS2 est conforme à toutes les principales normes de sécurité dans l’ensemble des pays, ECE, DOT, BSI et SNELL mais doit aussi par exemple dépasser en termes d’absorbtion des chocs les valeurs fixées par la réglementation. La coque externe de nos casques forme avec l’amortisseur interne EPS un ensemble apte à affronter toute situation rencontrée sur la route. CONTROLLO COSTANTE DELLA QUALITÁ Decine di caschi, selezionati dai vari lotti di produzione, saranno destinati direttamente al laboratorio di controllo interno, dove saranno sottoposti ad una serie di severissimi tests. Noi verifichiamo che ogni LS2 sia conforme a tutte le principali norme di sicurezza vigenti nei differenti paesi, come la Ece, Dot, BSI e Snell. La calotta esterna dei nostri caschi combinata con l’azione di assorbimento della calotta interna in EPS, é in grado di affrontare tutti i rischi che si possono incontrare in strada. [11]

RIDER TESTING In the end we test all our helmets out on the road in all conditions over thousands of kilometres. PRUEBAS EN CARRETERA Cuando un nuevo modelo alcanza la fase de preproducción es testado en condiciones reales por nuestros probadores sobre millones de kilómetros. [12]

AERODYNAMICS Here at LS2 the design of our external shells integrates several aerodynamic principals. Stability, ventilation and anti misting, all of which are important in creating a quality functional product with reduced noise levels.

L’AÉRODYNAMIQUE Le dessin de la coque externe de nos casques intégre plusieurs principes aérodynamiques essentiels qui utilisent cette énergie pour améliorer la stabilité du casque, améliorer le système interne de ventilation et diminuer le bruit.

LA AERODINÁMICA El diseño de la calota externa de nuestros cascos integra varios principios aerodinámicos esenciales que utilizan esta energía para mejorar la estabilidad del casco y su sistema interno de ventilación y disminuir el ruido.

L’AERODINAMICA Il disegno della calotta esterna dei nostri caschi integra diversi principi aerodinamici essenziali, che utilizzano questa energia per migliorare la stabilità del casco stesso, i flussi d’aria all’interno e ridurre al massimo il rumore.

TESTS ROUTIERS Et lorsqu’enfin un nouveau modèle atteint le stade de présérie il est testé en conditions réelles par les essayeurs maison sur des milliers de kilomètres. PROVE SU STRADA L’ultimo test, é la prova su strada con i nostri testers, per migliaia di chilometri, alle condizioni più estreme.

OPTIMAL VISION LS2 are aware of the need for optimal vision for all riding conditions. Therefore most of our helmets are available with an integral sun visor. This coupled with the optically correct external visor ensures 100% vision in all light conditions. VISIÓN ÓPTIMA La capacidad de anticipar los imprevistos de la carretera es un factor de seguridad para todos los motociclistas. De este modo, nuestros cascos están equipados con un sistema de doble visor en el que una pantalla solar está integrada en la calota para mejorar la visión del relieve en todas las condiciones de luminosidad. VISION OPTIMALE La capacité d’anticiper les imprévus de la route est un facteur de sécurité pour tous les motocyclistes. Ainsi nos casques sont équipés d’un système de double écran dont un écran solaire intégré dans la coque pour améliorer la vision et la perception des reliefs dans toutes les conditions de luminosité. VISIBILITA’ OTTIMALE La capacità di anticipare gli imprevisti che si possono incontrare in strada é un fattore di sicurezza riconosciuto da tutti i motociclisti. I nostri caschi sono dotati di una visiera scura supplementare ed integrata nella calotta per migliorare la percezione degli ostacoli in tutte le condizioni di luminosità.

DESIGN CENTER RESEARCH & CREATION DESIGN Here at LS2 we think of safety, design and functionality when designing our range. The creation of a new helmet is a very specialized affair taking in many different areas of technology. Our designers, engineers and technicians are all passionate about motorcycling and when designing and producing a new helmet they use this knowledge and passion to create a range of helmets which are better than the last. DISEÑO En LS2 pensamos que seguridad, estética y funcionalidad se deben combinar de forma armoniosa. La creación de un nuevo casco es una tarea de especialistas procedentes de diversos horizontes. Nuestros diseñadores, ingenieros y técnicos, son en primer lugar apasionados de la moto, que discuten y confrontan sus ideas sobre todo lo que puede hacer que un nuevo casco LS2 sea mejor que el de la generación precedente. CONCEPTION Chez LS2 nous pensons que sécurité, esthétique et fonctionnalité doivent se combiner de façon harmonieuse. La création d’un nouveau casque est une affaire de spécialistes issus de différents horizons. Nos designers, ingénieurs ou techniciens sont tout d’abord des passionnés de moto qui discutent, confrontent leurs idées sur tout ce qui peut faire qu’un nouveau casque LS2 sera meilleur que celui de la génération précédente. DESIGN Interno a Ls2. Noi pensiamo che la sicurezza, la funzionalità e l’estetica debbano combinarsi armoniosamente. La creazione di un nuovo casco é il risultato del lavoro di specialisti in ambiti distinti. I designers, così come i tecnici e gli ingegneri approcciano la creazione di un nuovo casco confrontandosi con il fine di migliorare continuamente la nostra gamma di prodotti.

LS2: TECHNOLOGY FOR ALL Here at LS2 we look at the needs of the market every day and we are always searching for new technology to incorporate into our products. We still however maintain our principal of making such technology affordable for the greatest number of riders. Therefore each helmet we produce benefits from this work ethic making each helmet functional for those who ride everyday. LS2: TECNOLOGÍA PARA TODOS En LS2 ingenieros e investigadores aceptan cada día un reto que consiste en reunir en cada modelo la quintaesencia de la tecnología para hacerla accesible al mayor número posible de consumidores. Así cada casco LS2 goza de una multitud de funcionalidades último grito, muy útiles para aquellos que conducen todos los días, para cualquier ocasión.

LS2: LA TECHNOLOGIE POUR TOUS Chez LS2 ingénieurs et chercheurs relèvent chaque jour un défi qui consiste à réunir dans chaque modèle la quintescence de la technologie pour la rendre abordable au plus grand nombre des utilisateurs. Ainsi chaque casque LS2 bénéficie d’une foule de fonctionnalités dernier cri, trés utiles à ceux qui roulent tous les jours, par tous les temps. LS2: LA TECNOLOGIA PER TUTTI Alla LS2, ingegneri e ricercatori lavorano allo scopo di rendere accessibile, al più ampio numero di consumatori, la quintessenza della ns tecnologia. Proprio per questo ogni casco Ls2 é dotato del più ampio livello di funzionalità utile appunto ad utilizzi in qualunque condizione.


AIR-GO SYSTEM Technology

«CUSTOMIZED HELMET» Every rider knows how comfort and safety depends on how well the helmet fits on his head. The perfect solution did not seem to exist until our engineers developed the AIR FLATE SYSTEM, a technology that makes your helmet unique and fits anatomically perfect. Consisting of a pump connected to two air bags, built in the side panels, AIR FLATE can adjust the comfort of the helmet according to needs, more or less «tight» depending on whether you cross the city or ride on highway with a simple thumb pressure on the pump. This technology can also adjust the tightness of the helmet and check the level of wind noise inside the helmet, which is important for comfort especially for touring use. UN CASCO «A MEDIDA» Cada motociclista sabe cómo el confort y la seguridad dependen de un buen ajuste del casco sobre la cabeza. La solución perfecta parecía no existir hasta que nuestros ingenieros desarrollaron el AIR FLATE SYSTEM, una tecnología que hace que vuestro casco sea único y se adapte perfectamente a vuestra anatomía o a vuestras necesidades. Compuesto de una bomba ligada a dos almohadillas de aire, integrada en las mejillas laterales, el AIR FLATE permite ajustar el confort interno del casco en función de las necesidades, más o menos «apretado» según si circulamos en ciudad o autopista con una sencilla presión del pulgar sobre la bomba. Esta tecnología permite también ajustar la impermeabilidad del casco y controlar el nivel de ruido en el interior del casco, factor importante de confort en especial para uso gran turismo.


UN CASQUE «SUR MESURE» Chaque motocycliste sait combien le confort et la sécurité dépend du bon ajustage du casque sur la tête. La solution parfaite ne semblait pas exister jusqu’à ce que nos ingénieurs développent l’AIR FLATE SYSTEM, une technologie qui fait que votre casque est unique et s’adapte parfaitement à votre anatomie ou à vos besoins. Composé d’une pompe reliée à deux coussins d’air, intégré dans les joues latérales, l’AIR FLATE permet d’ajuster le confort interne du casque en fonction des nécessités, plus ou moins »serré» selon que l’on roule en ville ou sur autoroute d’une simple pression du pouce sur la pompe. Cette technologie permet aussi d’ajuster l’étanchéité du casque et de contrôler le niveau des bruits à l’intérieur du casque, facteur important de confort en particulier pour un usage grand tourisme. Le poids minimum de cet équipement a été étudié pour n’avoir aucun impact sur le confort dynamique du casque. UN CASCO «SU MISURA» Ogni motociclista sa bene come il confort e la sicurezza dipendano dalla vestibilità del casco. La vestibilità perfetta sembrava non esistere finché i nostri ingegneri hanno creato il AIR GO SYSTEM, una tecnologia che rende il tuo casco unico, su misura. Il sistema consiste in una pompa collegata a due airbag, posti all’interno dei rivestimenti laterali del casco, AIR GO può regolare il fitting del casco secondo la morfologia del tuo viso, o magari se devi passare da un percorso urbano ad un extraurbano, per una vestibilità più serrata all’aumentare della velocità, semplicemente premendo sulla pompetta posta all’interno del casco, sulla mentoniera.

BLUETOOTH SYSTEM Technology Teléfono móvil: conexión automática desde un aparato entrante. Comando de voz - memoria automática del último número y reenvío. Mobile telephone:automatic connected to an incoming call by voice command - automatic recall the last number or reference. Téléphone mobile: connexion automatique lors d’un appel entrant, commande vocale - rappel automatique du dernier numéro et renvoi. Telefono cellulare: connessione in automatico per chiamate in entrata, comando vocale per chiamata automatica ad ultimo numero. Radio FM (opcional) - conexión bluetooth de lector tipo MP3. Radio FM (Option) - connected to devices such as MP3 with bluetooth. Radio FM (option) - connexion bluetooth de lecteur type MP3. Radio FM (opzionale) - collegamento bluetooth a lettore di tipo MP3. Intercomunicador de conductor a pasajero o de moto a moto hasta una distancia de 500 metros. Rider-to-Passenger or Bike-to-Bike intercom communications within a range of 500 m. Intercom de motard à passager ou de moto à moto jusqu’à 500m. Funzione Intercom da pilota a passeggero o da moto a moto fino ad una distanza di 500 metri. Conexión vocal a sistema de asistencia a la navegación del tipo GPS. Connection to voice assistant system for navigation device such as GPS Connexion de système d’assistance vocale à la navigation de type GPS. Collegamento al sistema di assistenza vocale di navigatori di tipo GPS.

Tecnología MDC (Multiple device communication) de conexión simultánea a varios aparatos (móvil + GPS, por ejemplo). MDC(multiple device communication) technology can connect more devices altogether simultaneously (for example mobile + GPS ) Technologie MDC (Multiple device communication) de connexion de plusieurs appareils en simultané (mobile + GPS par exemple). Tecnologia MDC (comunicazione con più sistemi) di connessione a più apparecchi in simultanea (es. telefono cellulare e navigatore GPS).

BE CONNECTED WITH THE WORLD! ¡CONÉCTATE CON EL MUNDO! ¡SOYEZ CONNECTÉ AVEC LE MONDE! ¡CONNESSI AL MONDO! Tecnología DSP que suprime los ruidos aerodinámicos y los ecos para asegurar una audición perfecta incluso a alta velocidad (+150 km/h). DSP technology eliminates the wind noises and echos in order to ensure a perfect hearing in high speed (+ 150km/h) Technologie DSP supprimant les bruits aérodynamiques et échos pour assurer une audition parfaite à haute vitesse (+150 Km/h). Tecnologia DSP eliminazione dei rumori tipo turbolenze ed eco per assicurare un audio perfetto fino a velocità di 150 kmh. Muchos modelos de cascos LS2 ya vienen pre-equipados para instalar un kit COMT@CT de conexión tipo Bluetooth. Esta opción es muy útil tanto en carretera como en ciudad ya que permite utilizar todos los aparatos electrónicos modernos. A lot of LS2 helmets have been prepared the room for COMT@CT kit with Bluetooth connection. This very useful option for riding on the road or in the city allows to use all kinds of morden electronic devices. De nombreux modèles de casques LS2 sont pré-équipés pour recevoir un kit COMT@CT de connexion type Bluetooth. Cette option trés utile pour la route ou la ville permets d’utiliser tous les appareils électroniques modernes. La maggior parte dei caschi LS2 sono predisposti per il kit COMT@CT per connessione di tipo Bluetooth. Il Kit COMT@CT vi permette di usufruire delle più moderne strumentazioni elettroniche su percorsi urbani ed extraurbani


FF396.1 CR1


COLORS 10396 10 99 Carbon

[18] FF396.1 CR1 SINGLE MONO

FF396.13 CR1


NEW SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition Carbon Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, quick dry, soft fabric

COLORS 10396 13 32 Red-Carbon VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Double D Ring

FF396.13 CR1 TRIX [19]

FF396.2 CT2


COLORS 10396 20 99 Carbon

[22] FF396.2 CT2 SINGLE MONO

FF396.21 CT2


NEW SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition Carbon Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10396 21 99 White-Carbon VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Double D Ring

FF396.21 CT2 CARBON TT [23]

FF396.3 FT2


COLORS 10396 30 02 White 10396 30 07 Matt Titanium 10396 30 11 Matt Black 10396 30 12 Black

[24] FF396.6 FT2 SINGLE MONO

FF396.33 FT2


SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10396 33 12 Black-White VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF396.33 FT2 LYON [25]

FF396.4 FT2


NEW COLORS 10396 40 26 White-Blue 10396 40 32 White-Red 10396 40 60 White-Green

[28] FF396.4 FT2 PROVA

SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle


FF396.92 FT2


COLORS 10396 92 11 Matt Black

[32] FF396.92 FT2 BURN

FF396.39 FT2


NEW SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10396 39 12 Black-White VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF396.39 FT2 JACK [33]



COLORS 10384 11 02 White 10384 11 07 Matt Titanium 10384 11 11 Matt Black 10384 11 12 Black

[34] FF384.11 BLADE II



SHELL Weight 1550gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Pinlock Available and ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle COLORS 10384 70 02 White-Black

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors


COLORS 10384 71 02 White-Black 10384 71 54 Hi-Vis YellowBlack

[36] FF384.7 ARMORY



NEW SHELL Weight 1550gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Pinlock Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




COLORS 10384 72 12 Black-Red

[38] FF384.72 ASPHALT



NEW SHELL Weight 1550gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Pinlock Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10384 79 12 Black-White VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF384.79 TUNER [39]



NEW COLORS 10384 75 26 White-Blue 10384 75 32 White-Red 10384 75 52 White-Orange

[40] FF384.75 SAGA

SHELL Weight 1550gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sunvisor Twin shield internal Pinlock Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




COLORS 10358 10 02 White 10358 10 07 Matt Titanium 10358 10 11 Matt Black 10358 10 12 Black

[42] FF358.1 CONCEPT



NEW SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors

COLORS 10358 35 02 White

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF358.35 COOL [43]



NEW COLORS 10358 22 04 White-Silver 10358 22 26 White-Blue 10358 22 32 White-Red 10358 22 60 White-Green

[44] FF358.22 CORSA

SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 10358 15 04 Black-Silver 10358 15 46 Black-Pink 10358 15 60 Black-Green

[46] FF358.15 CHIC

SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




COLORS 10358 50 02 White-Black 10358 50 06 Black-Violet 10358 50 26 Black-Blue 10358 50 32 Black-Red

[48] FF358.5 STERLING



NEW SHELL Weight 1450gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Advanced Air-go System Perfect fitting Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10358 51 06 Grey VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF358.51 CYBER [49]



COLORS 10351 10 02 White 10351 10 07 Matt Titanium 10351 10 11 Matt Black 10351 10 12 Black

[50] FF351.11 SINGLE MONO



NEW SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors

COLORS 10351 15 02 White

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF351.15 CHANCE [51]



COLORS 10351 20 02 White-Black

[52] FF351.2 MISFITS



SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10351 40 12 Black-Red VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF351.4 WOLF [53]



COLORS 10351 50 02 White-Black 10351 50 12 Black-White

[54] FF351.5 DIAMOND



SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors

COLORS 10351 65 02 White-Black 10351 65 14 White-Pink

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF351.65 STARDUST [55]



NEW COLORS 10351 93 12 Black

[56] FF351.93 POKER

SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 10351 90 04 White-Silver 10351 90 26 White-Blue 10351 90 32 White-Red

[58] FF351.9 ACTION



NEW SHELL Weight 1350gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors

COLORS 10351 38 02 White-Purple 10351 38 12 Black-Purple

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF351.38 FLUTTER [59]



COLORS 50370 10 02 White 50370 10 07 Matt Titanium 50370 10 11 Matt Black 50370 10 12 Black

[62] FF370.1 EASY

SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal Pinlock Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF370.1 EASY [63]



BLUETOOTH HEADSET Very useful option for riding on the road or in the city allows to use of all kinds of modern electronic devices.

[64] FF386.1 RIDE

COLORS 50386 10 02 White 50386 10 07 Matt Titanium 50386 10 11 Matt Black 50386 10 12 Black 50386 10 54 Hi-Vis Yellow



High visibility yellow ERGONOMY




SHELL Weight 1500gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > M (1500gr) Sizes L > XXL (1600gr) Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal Pinlock Visor eady for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




COLORS 50393 10 02 White 50393 10 07 Matt Titanium 50393 10 11 Matt Black 50393 10 12 Black

[66] FF393.1 CONVERT

NEW SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti-fog, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal Optional Visor ready for Pinlock

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

FF393.1 CONVERT [67]



COLORS 30518 21 02 White 30518 21 03 Matt Silver 30518 21 11 Matt Black 30518 21 12 Black

[72] OF518.21 MIDWAY



NEW SHELL Weight 1200gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XXS > XL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, soft fabric

COLORS 30518 41 02 White-Pink 30518 41 12 White-Black

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF518.41 GARDEN [73]



NEW COLORS 30518 31 02 White-Black 30518 31 12 Black-White

[74] OF518.31 COPTER

SHELL Weight 1200gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XXS > XL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, soft fabric SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




SHELL Weight 1300gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

[76] OF552.1 FREEWAY

COLORS 30552 10 02 White 30552 10 04 Silver 30552 10 11 Matt Black 30552 10 12 Black



SHELL Weight 1300gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 30547 11 02 White 30547 11 11 Matt Black 30547 11 12 Black

OF547.11 STROKE [77]



COLORS 30559 10 02 White 30559 10 11 Matt Black 30559 10 12 Black

[78] OF559.1 ROCKET



COLORS 30559 50 12 Black 30559 50 22 Acqua Blue 30559 50 24 Navy Blue 30559 50 32 Red 30559 50 54 Hi-Vis Yellow 30559 50 48 Green 30559 50 62 Kakhi 30559 50 66 Dark Pink 30559 50 68 Violet

NEW SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle Visibility Reflective strap

OF559.5 BLINK [79]



COLORS 30560 10 02 White 30560 10 04 Silver 30560 10 11 Matt Black 30560 10 12 Black

[80] OF560.1 ROCKET II



NEW SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

COLORS 30560 22 02 White

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF560.22 TRIP [81]



COLORS 30560 20 11 Matt Black

[84] OF560.2 BEETLE

SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30560 21 02 White-Black 30560 21 41 White-Sand

[86] OF560.21 TRAVIS

SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30560 23 12 Black

[88] OF560.23 BAT



NEW SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 30560 24 02 White-Black 30560 24 14 White-Pink

OF560.24 ELITE [89]



NEW COLORS 30561 10 02 White 30561 10 07 Matt Titanium 30561 10 11 Matt Black 30561 10 12 Black

[90] OF561.1 WAVE

SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

SUN VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30561 20 12 Black-Violet 30561 20 14 White-Pink 30561 20 64 Brown-Sand

[92] OF561.2 RESPECT

SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

SUN VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30561 40 02 White 30561 40 12 Black

[94] OF561.4 DINOCO



NEW SHELL Weight 1000gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

SUN VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 30561 30 02 White




COLORS 30569 10 02 White 30569 10 11 Matt Black 30569 10 12 Black Chin Bar included

[96] OF569.1 SCAPE



SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 30569 20 02 White 30569 20 11 Matt Black 30569 20 12 Black

OF561.2 TRACK [97]



COLORS 30569 50 08 Titanium

[98] OF569.5 PARTY

SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle


[100] OF577.1 TWIN



SHELL Weight 1200gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV Sun Visor Twin shield internal

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

COLORS 30577 10 02 White 30577 10 04 Silver 30577 10 11 Matt Black 30577 10 12 Black

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric




NEW COLORS 30583 10 02 White 30583 10 07 Matt Titanium 30583 10 11 Matt Black 30583 10 12 Black

[102] OF583.1 BOBBER

NEW SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XXS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric. SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30583 20 02 White

[104] OF583.2 LOVE



NEW SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XXS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric.

COLORS 30583 21 12 Black-White 30583 21 14 White-Pink

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF559.21 GLOW [105]



NEW COLORS 30583 22 12 Black 30583 22 14 White-Pink

[106] OF583.22 PSICODELIC



NEW SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric.

COLORS 30583 23 02 White 30583 23 12 Black

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF583.23 ENJOY [107]



NEW COLORS 30583 25 12 Black-White

[108] OF583.25 FLAGMAN

SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XXS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric. SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




NEW COLORS 30583 24 26 Blue-Red-White

[110] OF583.24 EASY RIDER



NEW SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XXS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric.

COLORS 30583 28 12 Blue-Red

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF583.28 UNION JACK [111]



NEW COLORS 30583 26 26 Blue-Red-White

[112] OF583.26 FROGGY



NEW SHELL Weight 900gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 3 Sizes XXS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, anti-bacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric.

COLORS 30583 27 48 Green-Red-White

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

OF583.27 ITALIA [113]



COLORS 40433 70 02 White

[116] MX433.7 DESPERADO



SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric,

COLORS 40433 80 02 White

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

MX433.8 QUAKE [117]



SHELL Weight 1400gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 40433 92 02 White-Black 40433 92 26 White-Blue 40433 92 32 White-Red 40433 92 54 Black-Yellow

MX433.92 STRIPE [119]



COLORS 40456 21 26 White-Blue 40456 21 36 Red-Yellow 40456 21 48 Red-Green

[120] MX456.21 TUAREG

SHELL Weight 1100gr Composition Fiberglass Number of shells 2 Sizes XS > XXL Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Double D Ring




COLORS 10392J 10 02 White-Red




SHELL Weight 1250gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes S-M-L Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Padding Laser cut foam for a superior fit Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric, Nose guard, Chinstrap

COLORS 10392J 20 14 White-Pink VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle




SHELL Weight 900gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes S-M-L Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

[126] OF575.1 JUNIOR WUBY

VISOR Composition 3d Optically correct Lexan Release System Quick and easy mounting Visor Lock Smooth opening and closing Treatment Anti-scratch, Anti UV

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 30575J 10 02 White 30575J 10 12 Black 30575J 10 32 Red 30575J 10 46 Pink LS2 Stickers included



SHELL Weight 1300gr Composition HPTT composite Number of shells 1 Sizes S-M-L Certified ECE 22.05/DOT

INTERIOR Liner Moisture wicking, anti-oder, antibacterial, removable, washable, qucik dry, soft fabric

SECURITY Retention System Micrometric quick release buckle

COLORS 40426J 30 02 White-Red

VENTILATION In&Out Front air intakes & Rear extractors







LS2 HELMETS COLLECTION URBAN ROAD LEISURE HELMETS Helmets are designed in Europe by TECH DESIGN TEAM S.L. Assembled in China Distributed in Europe by: TECH DESIGN TEAM S.L. Pol. Ind. Plà de la Bruguera C/ Solsonés nº 81 - 08211 - Castellar del Vallés - Barcelona - Spain Tel.: +34 937 310 060 - Fax +34 937 318 393 TECH DESIGN TEAM S.L. (France) 145 Avenue du mistral - Zac Athelia IV - 13 600 La Ciotat Tel: 04 42 72 00 35 - Fax: 04 42 72 00 36 Distributed in U.S.A. and Canada by: Allwin Powersports Corporation 2255 white oak circle, Aurora, IL 60502 U.S.A. Tel.: +1630 236 2366 - Fax: +1630 236 2367

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