Foster Families Magazine Autumn 2011 Sample

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foster families Autumn 2011 Issue 10


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Finally ADHD free Why they act up, and how to combat it

Win a fab car seat This Maxi-Cosi Opal is up for grabs

Your role in school Find out for sure what’s expected of you

Caring for kids in jail Read how Rita supported a young person in prison

“I love your magazine - a brilliant, relevant and informative read,” Natasha Hutchings, Independent Form F assessor

Contents Autumn 2011 foster families 2

Contents Autumn 2011

Edition 10


All this inside our full version:

Photos, clockwise from top left: Aurimas Mikalauskas, Adam Baker, Dacia Mitchell, J D Mack, Yuvi Panda, Lance Shields


advice . . .

become a foster carer series: induction what to do when waiting for a placement filling out cwdc standards can be simple!

personal . . .

find out Julie-Anne found her induction ... 5 attachment disorder affects the whole family... 23 supporting a young person in prison ... 30 when alcohol gets involved ... 32

communication . . .

reviews ...

manduca carrier ... 8 zomm wireless leash... 14 alcohol nation, book ... 32

our top tips ...

providing the best conditions ... 18 what you need to know about uni ... 16 success with adhd ... 21 attachment disorder, what to look for ... 22 dance of attunement... 27 dry nights ... 33 your letters ... 38

are they speaking to you through colour?

education . . .

find out what your role is from special school to mainstream success in higher education higher education - what you need to know

seeking asylum . . .

how foster carers can help

behavioural support . . . ask our psychologist: ‘bad’ behaviour tips on dealing with ADHD

... 7

... 9 ... 10 ... 15 ... 16

... 13



... 18 ... 21

support . . . competitions ...

back to school set ... 8 ecoforce, year supply...12 quack quack moo ... 12 bubblebum car seat ... 19 little charley bear ... 37 maxi-cosi opal seat ... 39

the wrong diagnosis - living with attachment... 22 living attachment and its importance ... 24 changing attachment styles in children ... 26 allegations: when there’s no one to turn to ... 29

discussion point . . .

cathy glass: holiday vs annnual leave

food and health . . .

33 Cover photo: Dainis Matisons

... 5 ... 6 ... 20

dreaming of dry nights coriander fish curry recipe card breads from around the world chris’s cookery cards

fun stuff . . .

kids’ corner crossword

... 25

... 33 ... 34 ... 35 ... 36

22 ... 37 ... 39 Find us on Facebook and

Welcome Autumn 2011 foster families 3

Welcome from the editor... Foster Families Online

Dear Reader, This is the online sample - please download the full magazine for £1 or subcribe to the full printed copy for £2 delivered direct to your door. We have a back to school pack to be won in our education section. And there’s lots more inside... find out Cathy Glass’s view on Holiday vs Annual leave, and discover the emotional impact moving placements can have on a child. You’ll find lots to learn about attachment with tips and hints to help you best care for those with attachment issues. So put your feet up and enjoy! Ceressa Bateman, Editor

What can you find?

Visit for the latest news and updates from Foster Families Magazine. The website has a cookery corner with video tips, a shop, a swap shop and a competitions page, plus lots more.You can order the magazine in different currencies depending on where you live, or you can download the magazine to your computer for £1. For more updates you can follow us on Twitter: or become a fan on our Facebook page:

What happens after panel? Thinking of fostering? Mary Griffiths-Jones shares the next step in our How to Become Fostering & Adoption a Foster Carer series ow that you are you. This will include expectations You will be given as much approved as a regarding training attendance, information as possible but may have 3 t r foster carer, your supervision and support offered by to make a decision very quickly about a P supervising social worker will the fostering service. whether you feel a particular child is Photo: Quinn Dombrowski


arrange to come and see you as part of the induction process. This may be the same person who undertook the assessment, but it may be a different person who works for your fostering service. On their first visit, they are likely to bring with them the fostering service’s policies and procedures, and other practical information which is pertinent to your role. You will be asked to sign a Foster Care Agreement which lays out what you can expect from your fostering service and what they expect from

You may be invited to the office, sometimes with other newly approved foster carers, for an induction morning or day, which will allow you to ask questions, and see how the office works, particularly how the duty system works. If you have been approved as a short term foster carer, you may well be approached by the duty worker to take children at short notice. Children are referred to duty by a range of local authorities, often for same day placements.

“Short term carers may have to decide fast!”

by Mary Griffiths-Jones, TACT Director of Children’s Services - England For more info about TACT visit:

a good match for your family. You do not have to say yes! If you have been approved for a long term or permanent placement, the process is generally planned and you will have the chance to meet the child through a series of introductory visits before they move in. Good luck with your first placement!

Download the full version here to read Julie-Anne Jay’s experiences of induction.

Top Tips Autumn 2011 foster families 4

The dance of attunement Judith A James shares how to change attachment styles in young children


hildren’s early attachment to make her feel at experiences are now known to home Natalie seemed influence the development of not to care. the brain. This leads on to influence Caring for Natalie was emotional regulation, the ability to taking an emotional, engage in reciprocal and satisfying as well as a physical, relationships and the ability to reason toll on Vivienne. and put oneself in the shoes of After a short visit to others. her respite carers Securely attached children form Natalie was like a basic trust in their parent’s ability a mini whirlwind, to manage their vulnerability early not responding to in childhood and progressively Vivienne’s attempts enable them to take responsibility to entertain her for themselves as they meet the with games and challenges of growing up. toys, preferring to Children who are insecurely take control of the attached to their parents do not situation by asking trust the parent to meet their needs. me my name, what I They struggle to regulate feelings was doing there and of being overwhelmed by life’s trying to sit on my challenges and are likely to become knee. Almost before hyper-aroused as the stress impacts I had answered on the brain’s development. Children her questions she’d who develop insecure attachment moved on, asking coping strategies regularly present Vivienne what she’d their foster carers with challenging done while Natalie behaviour that can leave those foster had been away, carers frustrated and emotionally before running off drained. to her rabbit and... Using play therapy When organising the therapy plan a key part of my task is to consider the foster child’s problematic attachment style and how to help the foster parent therapeutically re-parent. Natalie’s whirlwind behaviour Seven year old Natalie* had been fostered for six months by Vivienne* and placement disruption was a strong possibility. Vivienne was struggling to manage Natalie’s loud and destructive temper tantrums, and Natalie would take enormous risks with her own safety Find out more: without thinking of the Terri Sandison T: 01962 827225 potential consequences E: of her actions. No matter how much Vivienne tried


Brighter Futures for Children

we adopt the CHILDTM intervention model Our aim is to create a therapeutic team around the child and by so doing empower and enable those people to understand and continue to meet the needs of the child long after our work has ceased

Our intervention model is based on working in partnership with those who have significant roles to play in the child’s life

We have a track record of improving the stability of placements and enabling children to grow and achieve

Can we help your child? Tel: 01630 639617

Support for care leavers at Winchester Leanne Hart “The University of Winchester has been very supportive. If it wasn’t for the staff at the University – I would never have had the confidence to apply. The level of support received is fantastic and it’s given me confidence to know that I have such an excellent support network behind me.�

Benefits include: Ě? Ž“Œ ‘‹—Š‰ ˆÂ?”‘†—˜Â?Ž•˨ œ”—™Â? ͈̈́˨͇͇͇ •Š— žŠ†— Ě? •ŠˆŽ†‘ Â?Š‘• †“‰ ˜š••”—™ œŽ™Â? Â?”š˜Ž“Œ †——†“ŒŠ’Š“™˜ Ě? Š˜ŽŒ“†™Š‰ Š‘‹†—Š ‰›Ž˜Š— Ě? ™—”“Œ •†—™“Š—˜Â?Ž•˜ œŽ™Â? ‘”ˆ†‘ †š™Â?”—Ž™ŽŠ˜

*Names changed to protect identity

To read the rest of this article please download from

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Er mwyn cael cymorth a chyngor cyn i chi gyrraedd (mewn Dyddiau Agored, dyddiau ymweld, etc.), drwy’r broses ymgeisio, ac wrth i chi gyrraedd, astudio, ac ymlaen i’ch graddio, cysylltwch â DEBRA CROFT yn y Ganolfan Ehangu Cyfranogiad E-bost: Ffôn: 01970 622681, neu Tecst: 07968 77 55 23

For help and advice before arrival (at Open Days, visiting days, etc.), through the application process, arrival, progression, and on to graduation, contact DEBRA CROFT in the Centre for Widening Participation E-mail: Tel: 01970 622681, or Txt: 07968 77 55 23



t Cymorth ariannol penodol drwy’r Bwrsariaeth Gadawyr Gofal (£1800, amodau cymhwyso) t Sicrwydd o lety i’r holl israddedigion yn y flwyddyn gyntaf a help i gael llety addas i’r gwyliau t ‘Pecyn Croeso’ o bethau hanfodol, os bydd angen

t Targeted financial support through the Care-leaver Bursary (£1800, conditions apply) t Guaranteed accommodation for all first year undergraduates and help to secure suitable vacation accommodation on an ongoing basis t Provision of a ‘Welcome Pack’ of essentials if needed

What you need to know

Debra Croft answers your questions on higher education


y name is Dr Debra Croft and I am the ‘named person’ at Aberystwyth University for young people from care who are entering higher education. I work with young people, their carers and other professionals before application, during the application process, pre-entry, on entry and right through to graduation. Many universities will have a named person, particularly if they have the Buttle UK Quality Mark, which shows a real commitment to working with care leavers. With the many changes in university education and funding, it can be a confusing time for young people and their carers. But don’t worry – there’s lots of help out there. Here are seven questions I routinely get asked by carers, parents and professionals: What should I be doing to prepare young people for higher education?


The web is a great place to start – the individual university websites and (see Q2) can help you narrow down choices. Schools and colleges should also be helping with advice and guidance. What is UCAS? Universities & Colleges Admissions Service is a charitable organisation responsible for managing applications to almost all full-time undergraduate degree programmes at UK universities and colleges. Most young people will work on their UCAS Application form at school or college towards the end of Year 12 and the start of Year 13. The process is all managed online and one form covers applications to several universities, for up to five course choices. One of the key parts of this is the Personal Statement, where young people can ‘sell themselves’ and demonstrate their abilities. UCAS distribute the...


Support for

care leavers To enable you as foster carers to assist your looked after children to achieve their potential, the university can provide: advice about gaining a place at s General university and the benefi ts of higher education on the fi nancial and practical support s Advice available, such as our care leaver’s bursary of £1,000 per year (subject to conditions).

A great place for inspiring minds Quality mark awarded for our commitment to working with care leavers


To read the rest of this article please download from

Behavioural Support

Autumn 2011

foster families 6

Jacci Jones from Nurtured Hearts shares how to handle ADHD and get positive results



Success with ADHD

s a foster carer of always work and he was still having at all! over eight years, I ‘outbursts’ at school, and at home. Around this time a good friend who have come across Somehow we were allowing him is also a foster carer gave me a book many children who display to be in total control of the whole ‘Transforming the Difficult Child’ by some very challenging family. His behaviour dictated what Howard Glasser. This is where the behaviour. It’s hard we did and when we did it! Looking magic began. sometimes back this must have Pay attention... at the best times “Children see it as a been a very scary to know Some children with challenging reward rather than time for him, as what to do when all behaviour can feel virtually ... the ‘normal parenting’ adults and a consequence” Sometimes children get the best reactions from the worst situations techniques we have carers are at our disposal just seem to make supposed to be the ones in matters worse. control. Who is really in control? Do I have what it takes to One of our earliest placements was help? a nine year old with ADHD, ODD, After lots of meetings where attachment problems, a bit of OCD we felt like we were ‘patted and pretty much any other label you on the head’ and told what a could throw at him. Hassan* was wonderful job we were doing, on Ritalin when he came to us and we reluctantly began to look under the supervision of Child and at whether we could actually Adolescent Mental Health Services help him... and indeed if we (CAMHS). The medication didn’t were any good at fostering

To read the rest of this article please download from

Waiting for a placement?

Annette Webb tells Ceressa Bateman why some foster carers have a long wait in between placements


ven though there is a national long without placements are the shortage of foster carers, many ones who are open and confident to of you have to wait a long time work with most types of challenges between placements. This can be presented by children. Obviously a very frustrating time - especially the carer’s family dynamics have when you see an advert saying there an impact on this, especially if they is a desperate have their own younger “Training and need for foster children in the home.” carers, while experience can go a What can you do you have an while you’re waiting? long way” empty room or Annette continues: two waiting for a child to be placed. “Training and experience can go a Sometimes it can be months, and long way, so I would advise foster you end up feeling demotivated and carers to work on their personal devalued. That and the worry of how development when not fostering, you will carry on financially without be it E-learning courses, NVQ’s or the fostering income. I asked Simply attending courses off their own Fostering’s Annette Webb why so backs! This professionalization of many foster carers have to wait fostering over the past few years between placements, and whether has seen an expectation that foster there is anything they can do to help carers are ‘professionals’. With the situation. Here’s what she said: that, carers with the training and “Fostering is a competitive business experience will be in a better position and the foster carers who don’t go to securing a placement to the ones

with just the training or just the experience. Foster carers need to use their free time wisely, possibly working sessions in residential units, volunteering with mental health patients, or befriending recovering addicts - again an opportunity to gain experience which will be useful in a fostering career. Foster carers need to understand that there may be 10 - 20 families being put forward for a placement by the fostering agencies, as if applying for a job and the local authority (LA) want the people who are best placed, experienced and qualified to do that piece of work. Some carers use their fostering experience to work as support workers on a sessional basis for LAs, social care agencies and private companies. Others may work as bank staff at residential units for children and adults. See what is available in your area.”


Don’t attend lots of training courses Instead find out what you know and what you need to learn www.cis-­‐

Our online (and paper) assessments quickly and easily evidence knowledge against CWDC Standards enabling Carers to concentrate only on learning to meet the gaps in their knowledge.

We help Carers to fast track through the CWDC Training, Support and Development Standards Foster Care, Short Break and Friends and Family

Check if your Local Authority funds this resource for Carers

Benefits of using Online Assessments:

• • • • • • • •

Quickly and easily assess and evidence knowledge Enable Carers to demonstrate they don’t need training Identify learning needs and focus budgets to meet these Support SSW’s and Carers in supervision discussions Add observations and testimonies to assessment results Create robust evidence for inspections and qualifications Establish learning and development targets Evaluate your investment in training activities


Customer Testimony This programme for Carers is excellent. The simplicity of the assessments and the way it has been designed really does make it incredibly user friendly.

0845 873 0373

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines...

Sarah Knapp, CIS Assessment, shares how to save time and value carers’ knowledge


ou may have already completed yet been acquired. The assessments the CWDC Training, Support ask questions linked to the standards and Development Standards to and the results evidence where meet the April 2011 deadline. Or if knowledge exists and show a list of you’re a Short Break or Family and learning needs. The results provide Friends carer, you may be frantically discussion and debate during working towards the April 2012 supervision and objectives can be set deadline. Workbooks, e-learning and on how the learning will be achieved training courses are great methods to best suit the resources available, for learning but preferred learning “It may not be as the carers don’t always style of the carer and much work as you their available time. need to start at the beginning and Once learnt, the carer first thought” work through to or Supervising Social the end - think about how much Worker (SSW) can add evidence you already know and how you can to the assessment results to show evidence this. Even new carers are the knowledge has been acquired. likely to have some of the required Evidence of testimonies and knowledge, so it’s important to value observations can also be recorded to and evidence this. show the knowledge is being put into Initial assessment practice and all of the evidence is By making an initial assessment, recorded electronically in one place. time and effort can be saved by only Once carers have completed all of undertaking learning activities for the standards, the SSW will sign the outcomes where knowledge hasn’t Certificate of Successful Completion.

Computers - don’t be put off Using a computer can be daunting but we’ve had significant success some carers have told us how the assessments first introduced them to using computers and they now use them more widely. Randomized paper assessments are also available for people who cannot use computers. Less work for you Carers are able to fit assessments around their busy schedules and have a clear understanding about what they need to learn. You may find it’s not as much work as you first thought. If there are things you don’t know, you’ll want to make sure you have the knowledge to provide the best possible care and support to your children and young people. What can I do now? Find out if your Local Authority has funded access to the assessments. Visit for more information.

Photo: Bryan Gosline


Autumn 2011

foster families 8

No one to turn to

What happens when your social worker makes an allegation against you? Read Sue’s story to find out*


’d moved from an independent fostering agency (IFA) with good references to foster for a local authority (LA). When the lovely teenager, Ria*, I was fostering had good reason to make a complaint against her social worker (SW), I supported her and reported the SW. Big mistake The SW’s manager didn’t accurately

Record everything!

record the events of the complaint made separately by Sue’s advice: “Don’t let this happen to you. Ria and myself. She instead Record all incidents and conversations with informed me that due to the social workers and take a third party with you seriousness of the information I when attending meetings where your views may had given to her, it would have differ from the agency for which you foster.” to be a ‘formal complaint’. were raised. Rather, the placement My support worker relocated on a temporary basis to a different team. manager had informed me, ‘We are My manager and new support worker very satisfied with your fostering achievements’. didn’t ensure the complaint was Pushing Ria out on her own responded to within the time frame The next thing to happen was or even inform me that there was a that despite not being agreed in time frame. Ria’s review with her Independent Untrue comments on my review Reviewing Officer (IRO), the SW The SW we had complained about wrote untrue comments on my annual sent Ria an application for supported lodgings and then asked her sister to review, stating she had problems encourage her to complete the form. with me from the beginning of the When I raised my concerns to the placement - even though in my sixSW’s manager in the September ... month review no issues or problems *Names changed to protect identity

To read the rest of this article please download from

Independent Support for Foster Carers subject to Allegations or Complaints for just £52 annually. Prottect You urselves s, Your Family y and your Fo ostering g Registrration. For more e details s and to o apply y online e visitt or call 01730 231603


We’ve an awesome Quack Quack Moo Gift Protection Set (worth £44.99) up for grabs NB By entering this competition you agree to your details being passed on to Quack Quack Moo. To enter, answer this simple question: Quack Quack Moo products are what? a) Waterproof b) Disposable Send your answer, along with your name and address to before October 31st 2011 with the subject line ‘QuackQuackMoo’. The first correct answer drawn on that day will win.

Autumn 2011

foster families 9

Win a quacktastic Quack WI Quack Moo gift set N! worth £44.99!


in a fantastic gift set from Quack Quack Moo, a new range of practical baby accessories designed to make parenting that little bit easier. Quack Quack Moo products are unique because they have a triple layered waterproof protection guard that absorbs more efficiently, dries more quickly and offers a better level of waterproof protection than

Win a year’s supply of ! WIN EcoForce worth £50 G

o green when you clean and win a year’s supply of EcoForce, practical and effective household products made from recycled materials that are greener, more ecofriendly and more sustainable than alternatives made from virgin materials. More here:

anything currently available on the market. Made from organic Bamboo towelling, the products are naturally soft, anti-bacterial and super absorbent. Check out more at

We’ve a year’s supply of cleaning goodies WORTH £50 on offer to a lucky winner. To enter, answer this simple question: EcoForce products are made from what? a) Non-recycled materials b) At least 90% recycled waste Send your answer, along with your name and address to with the subject line ‘EcoForce’ before October 31st 2011. The first correct answer drawn on that day will win.

Two BubbleBum car seats to win!



The car seat that fits in your bag


hat’s your current car seat like? Or, like many other families do you find yourself without a booster seat when travelling by bus, taxi or on holiday, simply because they are too bulky to carry? By law, all kids under 12 who are under 135cm must use a car seat, yet what’s a practical solution? The BubbleBum, is a

lightweight, brightly coloured, inflatable booster seat for kids aged 3-11. It easily deflates and folds away flat so that kids or parents can carry it in rucksacks or handbags. Perfect! Priced at just £29.99, BubbleBum To win one of two BubbleBums, send is held securely in place with the your name, address and telephone number to with seatbelt restraints ensuring that the subject line ‘BubbleBum’. the belt is in position across the child’s lap and shoulders meeting Competition closes October 31st 2011 and the first two entries drawn at random will win. current safety regulations.

Download the full version here to read the full competition details. Find us on Facebook and


outhampton legendary manager, Lawrie Mcmenemy MBE, won the FA cup in 1976 with the Saints, and is also ex

England assistant manager and Northern Ireland manager. Lawrie supports Simply Fostering in their quest to provide support to fostering agencies and

Local Authorities,

through providing information and foster carer applicants.

advice to potential

Please contact Annette Webb at or visit for more info.

I’m a foster carer. Do I need to think about tax? Yes. As a foster carer, you are treated as self-employed and should be registered as such with H M Revenue & Customs. You may also need to file an annual tax return and pay income tax and National Insurance contributions.

All of this for just ÂŁ150. Please call for more information.

We will: Register your self-employment Provide a financial review to identify potential tax savings Prepare your income statement and self assessment tax return Advise on any correspondence received from the tax authorities

Tel: 0121 445 0459

Unlimited email and telephone support


Allowing you to get on with the amazing job that you do!

Specialist Tax Advice for Foster Carers Registered with the Association of Taxation Technicians as a practising member




Autumn 2011

foster families 11

Teens and Alcohol

Find out what foster carer, Jordan Schroeder, thought of the book Alcohol Nation: How to protect our children from today’s drinking culture, by Dr Aric Sigman (Piatkus) £13.99 ISBN: 9780749954284


absolutely loved reading this book. I think like many others my perception of alcohol and its effects had been mainly based on my own social interaction with drinking and from what I had seen as a child growing up. This was a rosy undistorted view of the dreaded drug as my

parents very rarely drank and I don’t think I ever saw them intoxicated. Dr. Sigman challenges all perceptions of why we drink and why so many of our young people are ‘driven’ or even ‘pre-disposed’ to alcohol. Dr Sigman looks at the divides within society and social status and the

truly horrifying statistics in regard to crime involving young people too drunk to be aware of themselves and their own safety let alone anyone else’s. I think regardless of whether you’re a foster carer, parent or someone who works with children, this book is a must!

For more information about the book visit



Skip-Hop Zoo Lunchies


Win one of three back to school lunch packs

ids will be delighted to head back to school with one of these gorgeous animal themed SkipHop Zoo Lunchies... and we have three to give away! Available from Bibs and Stuff in six cute animal designs, the Zoo Lunchies have a spacious, wipe-clean

interior with a handy inside mesh pocket for holding an ice pack, utensils, or smaller snacks. The Lunchies also work well as insulated bottle bags, keeping drinks cool on trips out with friends or family. Ensuring years of use, the material is hard-wearing with an easy to clean lining. To protect little ones the Lunchies are free from BPA, Phthalate and PVC. The handle is comfortable for little ones to carry or can be clipped onto a

matching Skip Hop Zoo Pack or grown up’s bag. The Lunchies even have write-on name tags, so kids To enter, answer this needn’t worry if there simple question: is a row of cute animal How many Zoo Lunchies faces on the shelf animal designs are there? at school… they can a) One b) Six c) Ten easily check which one Send your answer, along with belongs to them! your name and address to For stockist details and competitions@fosterfamilies. to see the complete before October 31st 2011 with the subject line ‘Skip-Hop’. Skip-Hop Zoo range, The first three correct answers visit us at

drawn on that day will win.

Close enough to kiss...


he Manduca® front, hip and back carrier grows with your child from birth to pre-school. Soft-structured and made from natural, organic fabrics, its ingenious design means the baby in your care is perfectly supported and held very close to you. From birth, the Manduca is a baby front carrier, with your newborn held safely in the correct position. From approximately three months old, the Manduca becomes a hip carrier, then

finally, from six months, an infant back carrier designed to carry a child of up to around four years. To help the baby in your care sit comfortably in the correct position, the Manduca has deep, hidden tucks in the seat of the carrier and an extra wide seat base to support the thighs. Other features include an integrated head support/sunshade which tucks away when it’s not needed and a fold out back extension which provides

greater support for bigger children or additional head support for newborns. Visit for more information. Standard range £99 or Limited Edition prints at £110.


Jonathan Davidson says: “It took some time to work out how to use it, and an extra pair of hands was needed to help with the buckles. Once the baby was in, the carrier was comfortable and sturdy.”

Health Autumn 2011 foster families 12

Dreaming of dry nights Lorna Miles takes a closer look at why wetting the bed may seem the safer choice for some children in care


neglectful or where there has been domestic violence, there can be all kinds of fears associated with the bedroom and/or bedtime. They may have been sent to and even locked in their room for long periods of time with no option other than wetting the bed when they needed to go to the toilet. Wetting the bed may be far more preferable than risking leaving the safety of their room and walking into a domestic violence situation or being punished for disturbing ...

“The smell of urine on sheets may have become reassuring”

Photo: Ben Francis

aving put into action some of the excellent suggestions to help children overcome bedwetting which featured in the Winter 2010 edition of Foster Families Magazine, many of you may be enjoying a much reduced laundry pile. However, some of you may be wondering if your foster child will ever become dry at night, as despite your best efforts the problem still persists. The problem may be fear For children who have been living in an environment which is chaotic, abusive and

To read the rest of this article please download from

When they need you the most... Rita Mistry tells how she supported a young lad through prison

said yes and wondered what we had let ourselves in for. Asim* arrived later that day with just a few bags, and he seemed to settle down very quickly and was very polite. He continued travelling to his school quite a distance away as he was doing so well there. Unusual behaviour After three days in the placement Asim came home very late in the early hours of the morning. He was

very agitated and when I asked him what was the matter he said he had been mugged. I was surprised at this as he had nothing of any value on him - no money, no mobile, only a travel card. Anyway, he went to bed and I recorded this. The arrest Some months later I had a phone call from the police saying they ...

“I’ve never felt so emotional, seeing him handcuffed”

To read the rest of this article please download from

*Name changed to protect identity Find us on Facebook and

Photo: J D Mack


y husband, Dinesh, and I were waiting to go to panel at a Local Authority (LA) when we had a phone call from placements asking if we could consider looking after a 15 year old boy whose placement had broken down. They said they were desperate for a placement for him as there was nowhere for him to go. We

Food and Health Autumn 2011 foster families 13

Sumadhab Das shares authentic Indian recipes in our new ‘Something Spicy’ page Meet the chef: Tips from Sum: You can alter the quantities to suit your taste, so there is lots of scope for adding more of the flavours you like and less of the flavours you don’t!

Sumadhab Das, originally from Calcutta, India, moved to the UK six years ago, bringing with him tasty dishes from home. A professional engineer, Sumadhab’s passion is cooking. These authentic Indian recipes from Bengal will get your taste buds going. Best served with rice, these make wonderful meals that can

be enjoyed when entertaining with friends or relaxed evenings together at family meal times. Look out for more recipes from Sumadhab (better known as Sum) in future issues. In the meantime, find out more in our cookery page online: Email to let him know what you thought!

Picture 1: Ingredients; Picture 2: The coriander paste; Picture 3: Ready to eat

Something Spicy

Tips from Sum: Find a local Indian spice shop where you can buy all the spices for your curries for much less than supermarket prices!

Find the Coriander Fish Curry recipe in our full version. Download it from

Fast breads from around the world Chris Graham shares some tasty bread recipes from Italy, Middle East and India that are easy to bake

Chris’s Top Tip: I use half wholemeal flour and half white flour because this combination is the best of both! The wholemeal makes it good for your digestive tract, whereas the white keeps the texture light and fluffy.

Naan bread

All these delicious recipes can be found in our full version.

Meet the Chef

Chris Graham is a qualified nurse and teacher of cookery, nutrition, life skills and parenting. She now lectures in food safety and gives time to counselling and mentoring.

Download it from: Challah

Cinnamon Swirl with pear and cloves

Loaves, pizza and tear ‘n’ share

Kids Corner Autumn 2011 foster families 14

Little Charley Bear Now’s your chance to win four Little Charley Bear books

Kids Corner





Letter Corner The letters below spell out the name of a CBeebies character. Can you work out who it is? Send the answer, along with your name and address, to competitions@ with the subject line ‘Little Charley Bear’ for your chance to win our prize!

EITTLL ______ CYHAREL _______ RABE ____

Enter here to win! ou may have seen Little Charley Bear on CBeebies - For your chance to win all now you can check out his these books, answer the brand new range of books! Full Letter Corner competition of very cute characters based below. The closing date is on the new hit TV October 31st 2011 and the show, you’ll want first correct entry drawn on to read them again What carers that date will win. might want to and again. Little What you will win: know Charley Bear Up In The Air Charley Imagination is the key! is a fun and Little Charley Bear and his Bear, worth £4.99; playful teddy friends will be sure Sheriff Charley Bear bear who uses to keep children Board Story Books creativity to go entertained for featuring Little Charley Bear hours. on adventures and and all his friends in four new discover new things books, worth £4.99; Little about himself and Library - including 6 mini the world around him. books presented in a sweet slipcase, worth £4.99; and Who are you today, Charley Bear? Sound Book, where you can use the sound button to find where Little Charley Bear is hiding, with the voice of James Corden, worth £6.99. For more information about Little Charley Bear, visit

6 24 48 12 36 18 60 54 30 66

Number Corner The numbers here (left) go up in 6’s from 6 to 66. There is one number missing, can you work out which one it is?

Competition Winners! Congratulations to:

Robin Rowles and Lewis Duffin for winning the Waybuloo DVDs; Viktoria Flagg and Lauren Craig for winning the Horrible Histories 2 DVDs; Joy Bardell and Wendy Whitbourn for winning the Ingenious board games; Claire Beech for winning the Animal Fayre day out and MumsDateDads membership; and to Samantha Restan for winning the Maxi Cosi Noa all in our Summer 2011 issue. Look out for this issue’s competitions on pages 8, 12, 19, 37 and 39. Find us on Facebook and





Autumn 2011

foster families 15

Win a

Maxi-Cosi Opal

A group 0+/1 car seat that can be used from birth until your child is three and a half years

The Maxi-Cosi Opal is a unique car seat providing a high level of comfort and safety from birth to three and a half years, while still being straightforward to install and use. The unique two-position base allows the seat belt routing to be the same whether the seat is in its rearward-facing position or forward-facing position - making it much easier to strap in than many other car seats! Don’t feel forced into a forward-facing car seat too early - the Opal is a great transitional seat for longer, larger and faster growing children. The base is designed with a tilt at the optimal angle - giving your baby maximum leg room in its rearward facing position to enjoy maximum

safety for longer. When forward facing, the MaxiCosi Opal offers even greater flexibility with five reclining positions from sitting to sleeping while still maintaining optimum protection. The large padded support pillow included will keep your newborn as comfortable For your chance to win, use the questions, and snug as below, to fill out the crossword. The coloured possible, and squares are an anagram of a word linked to Maxi-Cosi. as they grow the Once you’ve worked that out, email your answer to height and width with the subject can be adjusted. line ‘Maxi-Cosi’, or post it to: Competitions, Flat 2, 2a Brook Once the baby in your care is truly Street, Worcester, WR1 1JB. ready for the forward facing position the car seat can Don’t forget to include your name and address. The turn on its base to be used as a forward facing car competition closes on October 31st 2011 and the first correct seat, until your child is approximately 18kg. entry drawn on this date will win the prize. RRP: £220



1. Corrie character, Steve _________ (8) 5. Steve _________ aka Eastenders’ Phil Mitchell (8) 10. Social network site (8) 11. Popular Carribbean holiday destination (8)


1. A short reminder (4) 2. Skillful (4) 3. Skin colour (4) 4. Winter vegetable (4) 6. Born this way, hit by Lady ____ (4) 7. Basil or parsley, for example (4) 8. Daniel Craig, aka James ____ (4) 9. Winter holiday - don’t forget your ____ (4)

How many words can you make using the letters in the box below? You can only use each letter once, but they can be used in any order. There is at least one nine-letter word to be found!





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inspiring and practical training designed for foster carers by foster carers

open events include‌ Relationships Build Brains (the impact of early childhood experience) Bristol, September 2011

London , February 2012

New Patterns (parent and child placements) Bristol, October 2011 London, October 2011 Stirling , October 2011

Beyond Reason (trauma and antisocial behaviour) London, December 2011

‌ and many more to come

Kate Cairns is internationally recognised as a lively and inspiring speaker and trainer. Her books, such as Attachment, Trauma and Resilience, have become widely known and highly regarded. Together with her associates (including Liza Lomax , Jo McAndrews and Fiona Cadwaladr) Kate delivers the best-evaluated foster care training in the UK.

must for all foster “Acarers‌ a total privilege to attendâ€? Judith Oliver, Foster Carer, Barnardo’s West Midlands


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