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THE PROJECT Co-financed by the European Union via Interreg Alpine Space SMART-SPACE is addressed to clusters, SMEs from traditional sectors (mechanical, textile and chemical) and all innovation actors to strengthen the application of digital technologies and ecoinnovation procedures to processes and products, increasing the competitiveness and the potential for business innovation.

Background The EU manufacturing sector is the second largest sector in terms of employees and turnover and the first contributor to non-financial business economy. Exports consist mainly of manufactured products. This sector plays an essential role in the innovation chain because of RD&I-intensive activity. Lack of automation, synergies and obsolete management systems cause loss of competitiveness with respect to emerging markets. In order to meet the challenge of producing future products and meeting emerging social needs and megatrends also in the alpine space, the contribution of digital technologies is crucial. Smart manufacturing technologies can help industries to be more connected and able to connect their own assets (physical, human resources, information and internal and external data) gaining in competitiveness, productivity and safety.

Smart Space is strengthening cooperation within the system of innovation to promote smart digital solutions to traditional industrial sectors. Identifying an Alpine Smart Manufacturing strategy, able to combine Alpine challenges. Setting up an Alpine Strategic partnership to implement a common action plan to be supported by a Digital Innovation Hub.

Project objectives • Increase cooperation and participation of Alpine innovation stakeholders on smart manufacturing processes • Develop Intermediates’ competence to assist SME’s for digital technologies and smart solutions • Promote smart manufacturing innovation processes in Alpine Space SMEs

Project goals The shared model of sustainable growth where policy makers and innovation stakeholders integrate smart manufacturing innovation processes within the Alpine Space industrial system. Foster smart innovation processes. Public and private intermediaries increase their competences to assist SMEs in traditional industrial sectors. Improved products and business model. SMEs from traditional industrial sectors are assisted in adopting digital technologies and service innovation. Contribution to the maturity level of innovation framework conditions for generating innovation processes among business, academia and administration. SMART-SPACE Smart manufacturing for Alpine Space SMEs.




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SMART SPACE PROJECT FRAME SMEs need assessment and definition of their maturity level towards digitalization processes Intermediaries competence and learning needs investigation - CV profile elaboration

Policies and networking: needs, potentialities and expectations

ALPINE DIGITAL INNOVATION HUB implementation: - Services addressed to SMEs - Training for Intermediaries (BlOs ' operators and Clusters) - Model of cooperation and financial tools to support digital transformation

Territorial challenges and assets tackled by the project • The geographical position and related barriers that impact costs. • Growing competition from brand new markets. • Size of companies and their business models are obstructing the access to marketplaces of innovation and transition to industry of the future. • Intermediary organization and actors of innovation, particularly those dealing with digital technologies are geographically far from these areas. • Lack of knowledge on digital technologies.

Training actions addressed to operators and cluster managers

Pilot action addressed to SMEs: relationships with COMPETENCE CENTRE and new project/ services and cooperation with SMEs National and Alpine pilot addressed to regional authorities to strengthen the cooperation on digitalization topics

Macro-regional strategy contribution

•F air access to job opportunities, building on the high competitiveness of the Region. •D eveloping effective research and innovation ecosystem. •D eveloping durable Alpine cooperation structures and competence centers for Policy Makers, Intermediaries, SMEs to overcome Alpine disparities and barriers, increase SMEs’ competitiveness, attract investments and improve quality of life.






• Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Venezia Rovigo Delta-Lagunare (Lead partner organization)

•G rand E-nov

• bwcon GmbH

• risingSUD

• Technische Hochschule Rosenheim

• Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH

• Technology park Ljubljana d.o.o.

• Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises

• AFIL – Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia • CSP innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a.r.l. • Regione Veneto


• Veneto Innovazione S.p.A.

• Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft



WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED ... Our main results Smart space has helped • P olicymakers and Innovation stakeholders integrate smart manufacturing innovation processes within the Alpine Space industrial system with a shared model of sustainable growth. • Public and private intermediaries increase their competences to assist SMEs in traditional industrial sectors to foster smart innovation processes. • Assist SMEs from traditional industrial sectors in adopting digital technology and added value services to improve their products and business models.

Study phase The study phase included the analysis and research of the Alpine area and identified main elements to strengthen the Industry 4.0 processes by SMEs and how the digital revolution can support Alpine Space innovation and growth. The focus lies on the 6 Main Challenges faced by the EU. The economic globalization, the demographic trends, the climate change, the Energy Challenge, Mobility, and Transport as well as the Digital Divide Challenge.

Results achieved: 1 Report to analyze the contribution of Digital

Technologies to meet AS societal challenges


egional events addressed to SMEs to promote the R opportunities from digital technologies

1 Survey that collected inputs from 300 SMEs 11 Thematic workshops addressed to intermediary organization

55 Analysis of the competence and the services provided to SMEs with Interviews

1 consultation with regional roundtables to identify

Policy makers and Innovation stakeholders’ needs, expectations, opportunities for cooperation in the field of the Single Digital Market and the Digital Innovation addressed to AS SMEs.

Digital Innovation Hub Platform development The platform was implemented in order to boost smart innovation in the Alpine Space. The Platform represents the entry point to a powerful interregional network of innovation stakeholders, that benefits from a set of tools and services conceived to support Policy Makers, Intermediaries and SMEs in undertaking the digitization path and increase the competitiveness of the Alpine Space area, building up the so-called “Alpine Space Digital Hub”.

The platform is a collaborative environment where SMEs, Intermediaries and Policy Makers can cooperate and leverage on services specifically developed by the SMART-SPACE project. It gives access to: • C OMMUNITIES, where stakeholders can interact and have access to events, training courses, tools and other interesting material. • P ROPOSAL OF COLLABORATION shared among innovation stakeholders according to the common topic of interests. • E VENTS to increase awareness, skills and competencies, targeted according to the type of stakeholders and field of interest. • D ISCUSSIONS where users share ideas, provide feedback and opinions. • S pecific SERVICES addressed to SMEs willing to successfully achieve digital transformation of their business, INTERMEDIARIES and POLICY MAKERS willing to support this digitalization journey.

Smart Space Hub helps SMEs be a key actor in innovation and succeed in digital transformation. The platform set up was accompanied by a training process addressed to Intermediary Organizations and a list of existing learning and promotional observatories/ networks have been disseminated among the Intermediaries. Training modules and coaching methodologies were developed in order to assist SMEs on their digital innovation processes.

Implementing actions to strengthen innovation eco-system and promote the digital innovation of SMEs 2 STUDY VISITS ORGANIZED: Milano (AFIL’s initiatives addressed to clusters under Industry 4.0; Vanguard Initiatives) Stuttgart (Industry 4.0 Allianz for Baden-Wuerttemberg) with Strasbourg (KIC added value manufacturing project at EIT).

First SMART-SPACE Study Visit Milan, 10-11 April 2018

Second SMART-SPACE Study Visit, Stuttgart 19-21 June

Introducing activities and initiatives taken by the key innovation actors in Lombardy within the digital innovation framework. The focus was on local Intermediaries Best Practices to support companies in undertaking the digitalization journeys.

Plenary session and dedicated workshops 4 site visits have been organized to let the stakeholders understanding better the situation in Baden-WĂźrttemberg. The proposed site visits were: the Stock Exchange from Stuttgart, a Co-working space active in social innovation, a construction site (of the main station of Stuttgart were concrete digitalization pilot projects are implemented) and one company visit (Nokia).

11 Training and cross-fertilization actions performed to address to intermediaries in Italy Veneto, Lombardia, Piemonte Germany Bayern, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Austria-Salzburg, Wien, Slovenia, France-Alsace, PACA, Auvergne Rhone Alpes.

29 June 2018 The Lombardy Digitalizing Round Table has been organized on the 29th of June in Palazzo Pirelli (Milan) by AFIL and STIIMA-CNR, in the framework of the Interreg Alpine Space Projects SMART-SPACE and BifocAlps.

2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)

Conference Proceedings ICE/IEEE ITMC 2018 Stuttgart 17.06. - 20.06.18

International ICE/IEEE Conference 19 June 2018 The Smart Space participants could get in touch with representatives from all over the world and got trends and state of the art in innovation, digitalization and industry 4.0.​

PILOT ACTION 11 Actions addressed to SMEs to strengthen their innovation processes with industry 4.0 and smart technologies

Italy - Veneto Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Venezia Rovigo Delta-Lagunare & Regione Veneto organized 2 workshops on IoT&Robotics, Big Data for SMEs. 1 matching event with Digital SMEs generates new opportunities that will be assisted to promote digital solutions, cooperation and apply for funding.

Italy - Lombardia AFIL organized 2 workshops for SMEs on digital technologies; 2 thematic events focused on IoT, Robotics and Big Data, opportunities for interregional collaboration presented to SMEs. 30 SMEs assisted to develop new products/service/business models.

Italy - Piemonte CSP INNOVAZIONE NELLE ICT organized 2 workshops on IoT & service robotics for SMEs and digital cooperation in SMEs 1 matching event for partnership & to develop new collaborative projects 25 SMEs assisted for new projects and access to EU funds investments.

Austria - Salzburg 2 workshops organised where minimum 25 SME´s from traditional sectors develop joint ideas/projects with enterprises from the ICT sector, assisting the transfer to digital business models. Support for financial support and Investments.

Austria - Wien 1 Matching Event with trad.and dig.SMEs followed by a competition: SMEs can apply with their idea for cooperation, the best ideas will get a provision of digital services.

Germany - Bayern

France - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

UASRo organized 2 workshops with SMEs from the woodworking industry together with automation technology, robotics and IT Solutions in order to exchange ideas and to define the needs of 25 traditional SMEs for automation and digitalization, DIH Platform.

Organisation of workshops to raise awareness about digitalisation opportunities for SMEs and foster cooperation, including technologies pitching and matchmaking with solution providers and support to identify and access financial tools. 25 SMEs

Germany - Baden-Württemberg

France - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Bwcon organizes 2 workshops on Industry 4.0 smart data for SMEs; 1 matching event with Digital SMEs generates new opportunities that will be assisted (1to1;DIH platform) to promote digital solutions, joint cooperation and apply for funding.

Auvergne Rhone-Alpes organize 3 thematic workshops to raise awareness and potentials of DT (i.e. big data, IoT…) for SMEs including technologies pitching and matchmaking with solution providers, financial and investment aids, EU, national and regional instruments. 25 SMEs assisted


France - Grand Est

2 workshops on Smart manufacturing processes and fast prototyping in SMEs; 1 B2B event of small, micro-companies with medium and large companies on ICT solutions; 1 pitching event; 25 SMEs receiving 1to1 assistance.

Auvergne Rhone-Alpes organize 3 thematic workshops to raise awareness and potentials of DT (i.e. big data, IoT…) for SMEs including technologies pitching and matchmaking with solution providers, financial and investment aids, EU, national and regional instruments. 25 SMEs assisted


innovation stakeholders to set-up the Strategic Partnership. Pilot action in Italy addressed to policymakers and Innovation stakeholders

Italian actors involved: 3 regional and 1 national workshop to exchange knowledge (Call on Industy4.0; Plans), strengthen the cooperation, discuss Topics (3D printing; Big-Data); 2 on-line forum on the topics; 3 working group to link policies/plans and Alpine needs.

Pilot action in France addressed to policymakers and innovation stakeholders

French actors involved: 3 regional and 1 national workshop to exchange knowledge, select AS and regional best practices/ instruments, identify 3 topics for synergies; 3 working group to link regional policies/S3/national plans and the Alpine needs cooperation.

Pilot action in Austria addressed to policymakers and innovation stakeholders

2 regional and 1 national workshop to exchange knowledge, strengthen cooperation, identify selected topics. The analysis composed with ITG Salzburg, Aws and the Observers shall encompass solutions for connecting traditional and digital Alpine SMEs, S3 and coop plans.

Pilot action in Germany addressed to policymakers and innovation stakeholders

German actors will organize: 2 regional and 1 national workshop to strengthen the cooperation and to match policy makers and stakeholders needs and proposals; 2 online-forums on selected topics and 2 working groups to match plans and policies in local and AS areas.

Pilot action in Slovenia addressed to policymakers and innovation stakeholders

Actors involved: reg. and sec. agencies, chambers, ministries at 1 nat. workshop and 1 nat. forum and 1 on-line enlarged to innovation actors to discuss DT topics, S3 harmonization, Alpine needs and expectations from smart solution. S3 offices invited.

1 Transnational pilot action: monitoring and coordination with the Partners and experts

The transnational cooperation required to identify emerging topics of cooperation, to prepare common proposals and define new paths for common topics. Workshop organized by Regione Veneto and Veneto Innovazione S.p.A. , individual consultation and meeting under Veneto Innovazione S.p.A. coordination.

2 Transnational pilot action: co-creation labs to strengthen cooperation at Alpine level

2 on-line working lab with PPs, Observers and others invited experts presented the proposal elaborated, the on-going pilot action and collect contributes. The inputs will be elaborated in form of suggestion for the follow-up of the Alpine DIH.

CONCLUSION SMART-SPACE triggers the Alpine Space manufacturing innovation system through integration of Smart Technologies (internet of things, big data, clouding) within SMEs innovation plans, improving intermediates’ necessary common skills to assist entrepreneurs and strengthening the cooperation of the policy makers for a common Alpine Industry 4.0 vision. According to the Digital Single Market Strategy and the roadmap to digitize EU industry, SMARTSPACE supports Alpine Strategic Partnership and Digital Innovation HUB. It helps optimize local and EU initiatives on the topics and increase their impact, the latter to share instruments & solutions not available at local level and build transnational networks for AS growth and eco-innovation.

A Virtual and Augmented reality Hub for creating breakthrough ideas In March 2019 Technology park Ljubljana organized the first Slovenian conference Look Around 360, dedicated to the technologies of virtual and augmented reality and have opened a laboratory for all enthusiasts of future technologies. The conference was visited by pioneers, visionaries, enthusiasts, innovators who represented their solutions for the future of technology. They presented their solutions, findings, forecasts in which direction VR / AR / XR technology will develop. There are a lot of potential and possibilities and Technology Park Ljubljana is decided to play an important role in the expansion of these technologies. VR / AR trends and challenges These technologies are increasingly being used for educational, demonstration and experiential purposes, in the fields of medicine, design, tourism, entertainment. Trends are going towards smart, powerful, wireless devices and translucent bumpy screens. It is

difficult to say in which direction it will develop, but it is sure it will be present in our lives more then we can imagine. Matej Cerar, from Technology Park Ljubljana, Željko Gudžulić, smart city manager from Municipality of Ljubljana, Janez Bešter from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Marko Hren, from the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, opened the Conference. The importance of the conference The conference was important for the exchange of information, the opportunities for networking and the exchange of good practices. We have found that the Slovenian VR community is diversified. Such events are inspiring to many companies who see a business opportunity and individuals who are looking for opportunities. It is a great introduction to the ecosystem of virtual reality, which will be strengthened and upgraded.

We invite all enthusiasts to join "The Laboratory will represent a meeting point for all those interested in VR / AR / MR technology and want to create it with. Our goal is to offer start-ups, students and individuals all they need to create, « said Mr. Cerar at the conference. We invite all enthusiasts to our training, lectures and various meetings with VR experts. For more information, please contact Aleš Pevc:

Digital Innovation (Hub) and Support of Digital Transformation for SMEs TPLJ combined its Smart-Space event entitled “Digital Innovation (Hub) and Support of Digital Transformation for SMEs” with ZRS Bistra’s event “The 21st Century Demand for Creative Entrepreneurship and How to Take Advantage”, organised in the framework of Interreg Mediterranean project CreaInnovation. The event was organised on 8 October 2019 at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union in Brussels, Rue du Commerce 44, with the support from Slovenian Business and Research Association. Jean-Jacques Bernardini of Grand-E Nov presented the aims and objectives of Smart-Space project and its current results. In his presentation, he focused on the role of digital innovation hubs in the digital transformation of European economy, with attention to the Alpine Space. He presented the opportunities

of digital technologies to improve the competitiveness, especially in SMEs. In order to boost smart innovation in the Alpine Space, the partners of SmartSpace project developed an IT platform as a centre of competence aimed to SMEs in order to support their digital innovation processes. Aleš Pevc of Technology Park Ljubljana was one of the panelist at the roundtable on good examples, challenges and opportunities in the field of creativity, digital transformation, innovation and sustainability. He particularly focused on the opportunities of digital technologies aimed to SMEs and entrepreneurs, support that can be offered by digital innovation hubs and the need to be creative also in the process of digital transformation.

SmartSpace and the creation of a Grand Est 4AI Institute

As part of the SmartSpace project, in 2019 Grand E-nov carried out a consultation on the territory’s needs in terms of digital transformation. Grand E-nov was then commissioned by the policymakers of the Grand Est region to develop a digital plan. A first component focused on the key technologies related to AI. In a spirit of codesign with the territory’s stakeholders, a plan has been drawn up with the aim of supporting companies through territorial restructuring and direct innovation aid. The plan includes transregional cooperation aspects with partners from the alpine space as BadenWurttemberg. At the December standing committee meeting, the region validated this detailed AI action plan below. It should be noted that this effort has made Grand E-nov legitimate to become the operator of the AI Institute of the “Grand Est region”, whose mission will be to lead this plan.

Digital Europe and Future Role of DIHs/S3

On 8 November 2019 the Smart-Space project organised in Brussels the conference Digital Europe and Future Role of DIHs/S3. The event was addressed to stakeholders and policymakers and aimed to highlight some relevant future issues and challenges of digital transformation in Europe, to present the state of the art and stakeholders of Alpine Space DIHs, to present best practises of DIHs and their future role in the digital transformation of entrepreneurship and industry, to show possibilities of interaction between SMEs and policy instruments, to strengthen the exchange of innovative practises and successful policies of digital transformation between Alpine Space regions and countries.

Digitization industry 4.0 success stories

There are a lot of successful companies which implemented and were supported in their Digitization/ Industry 4.0 projects in the Alpine Space territory. We present you two of them

Web portals in transportation industry GoOpti is a successful company from Slovenia which is online organizing and offering transport for passengers going to and from airports and between cities. Now, they are running their business in seven most perspective countries of European Union. Industry 4.0/Digitization problematic cost-benefit structure of business was under pressure. The number of passengers and locations is constantly growing and was getting harder and harder to manage all data with an old software system. Additionally, support software company was in India which brought challenges in time difference and response time on the everyday challenges. Altogether, this brought loss of income, control over data, optimization of transports and managing cancelations of passenger’s etc. Serious need for optimization and upgrade was obvious. How did they manage their Industry 4.0/ Digitization project? They choose to work with only one company (Abelium) able to develop all the aspects crucial for them as the back office, the front office and smart algorithm for optimization of transport. Final solution was cloud data-based with AI-supported system for responding to passengers’ requests.

Equipment for all industry (Automotive, electrotechnical, nuclear, transport‌) French company. Technax is an SME founded in 1989. With more than 30 employees, Technax provides customised machines. It is specialized in welding (resistance, ultrasonic and laser), brazing (resistance and induction) and compacting assembling processes. It can integrate these technologies in manual station, half-automatic and automatic machines or assembling lines according to the requirements. All of the products and machines are entirely designed and manufactured internally. Industry 4.0/Digitization problematic Technax had already engaged in Industry 4.0 actions. Their problematics were: How to go further in Industry 4.0 actions? What are the priority actions to implement? How did they manage their Industry 4.0/ Digitization project? They had already invested in new equipment and they are working on their digital strategy to become more mature digital company, in advance on their competitors.



Alpine space public actors involved in strategy development


Transnational pilot action: monitoring and coordination with the Partners and experts


Alpine Digital Innovation Hub sustainability plan


Innovation intermediaries trained (train the trainers and local training)


Transnational pilot action: co-creation labs to strengthen cooperation at Alpine level


Regional workshops for innovation stakeholders

300 SMEs involved and assisted


Meetings with the Observers


Promotional activities at local level


Pilot actions addressed to SMEs


national Actions to Strengthening the cooperation among Alpine policy makers and innovation stakeholders to setup the Strategic Partnership.


Digital Innovation HUB platform


Press Releases and press conference



PARTNERS FOCUS Partner Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Venezia Rovigo Delta-Lagunare

Country Italy

CCIAADL promotes growth and innovation processes for cluster and companies. In collaboration with VEGA, the Scientific and Technological Park of Venice, supports startups in the sectors of ICT, environmental technology and bio & nanomaterials applied to manufacturing, contributing at the implementation of the regional S3. CCIAADL has extensive experience in managing international projects which involve innovation stakeholders, policymakers, BIOs etc. As part of an integrated system composed by trade associations, loan guarantees consortiums and other regional organizations, CCIAADL can ensure a great impact and the transferability of the project results. Web site:

Grand E-nov


Alsace Innovation supports companies’ innovative projects from ideas to the market. It was founded by the regional council of Alsace-Lorraine-Champagne-Ardennes and the chamber of commerce of Alsace. Active on the thematic factory of the future, both in supporting projects from companies and in the implementation of public policies (S3, SRDEII). They work with startups (e.g. additive manufacturing machine producer) and large groups (e.g. innovation center in the automotive industry). Member of several working groups (e.g. national WG for the European Institute of Technology / Knowledge and innovation Community/ Added value manufacturing). Web site:



risingSUD is the economic development agency for the Sud region in the South of France. It was founded in 2014 by the regional government, the French national government, the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Banque des Territoires public investment bank, and the Bpifrance public investment bank. The agency's ambition is to accelerate growth and enrich communities by pursuing four main objectives: accelerating company growth, developing international markets for companies, implementing structural projects, and attracting investors and talent. Web site:

Tehnološki park Ljubljana


TPLJ is a leading national stakeholder for forming innovation ecosystem by connecting key national players upon quadruple helix philosophy. TPLJ is co-initiator and leading implementing partner of Start-up Slovenia Initiative, Slovenian Association of tech parks and incubators and initiator of sectorial networks as and ICT Network bringing innovation methodologies to the practice. As a creator of dialogue with policy levels and a vital node providing proactive support to the entrepreneurial community TPLJ is considered best practice example by IASP, OECD and European Commission as well as significantly contributes to S4 implementation in Digital Health and Smart Cities representing horizontal priorities of S4 for Slovenia. Web site:

bwcon GmbH


Bwcon promotes technology and innovation in Baden-Württemberg, being the link in the region for the academic and business world coordinating technology transfer from research to the industry. Bwcon Gmbh is also managing the leading technology network with more than 600 members (amongst universities, research centers, SMEs, bigger companies and local publicprivate institutions) active in the sectors of Mobility, Energy, Creative Industries, Internet of Things and Health. In the frame of Additive Manufacturing, bwcon has been involved in the FIWARE FABulous Accelerator on 3D in the digital fabrication. Web site:

Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH


As Salzburg’s regional development agency ITG coordinates and implements the technology-, innovation-related policies of the regional government especially through SME support, SME Cluster Networks (RIS3-based) and knowledge/ technology transfer into SMEs. It provides know-how in the realization of innovative projects and business creation fosters collaboration, activates regional hubs and provides consulting services. Businesses are accompanied throughout their entire innovation processes, new methods are introduced via workshops or one-to-one meetings. ITG is a non-profit organization and no economic activities are performed on the market. Web site:

AFIL – Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia


AFIL is the Cluster, recognized by the Lombardy Regional Government, grouping the stakeholders of the advanced manufacturing (AM) research and innovation supply chain. AFIL is representing Lombardy in the Vanguard Initiative – New Growth Through Smart Specialization in which has the European lead, together with Catalunia, of the Vanguard pilot action “ESMEfficiency and Sustainable Manufacturing”. This initiative will leverage on existing demonstrators and research results to diffuse AM technologies and to enable transfer activities. Finally, among others, AFIL is a partner of “BEinCPPS – Business Experiements in Cyber Physical Systems” project (H2020 FoF9-2015) which is centered on AM innovation. Web site:

Technische Hochschule Rosenheim


The faculty “wood technology” is well-known in the furniture and wood industry and has a great network through R&D projects and 80 years of teaching wood technology. This will be a great benefit when analyzing the status quo of digitalization in SME in this sector. Regarding the application of the latest technology (RFID, Tracking, assistance systems) the Faculty of engineering has developed a “model industry 4.0 factory”. Within this model factory business and logistic processes can be simulated. There are R&D projects with the scope of digitization of SMEs. A training course for SMEs is developed to train methods and opportunities of digitization. Both, (model factory and training course) are supporting the “SPACE” project. Web site:

CSP innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a.r.l.


CSP is a non-profit research center working on ICT applied research & technology transfer of R&D outputs to local communities, enterprises, SMEs, PAs. C SP works with academia & SME’s in research projects and with users in Living Labs. Main research areas are Big Data, IOT, Digital & Wireless Networks, Social Innovation. Application domains are smart cities, user inclusion, security & energy, service robotics, cloud. The Piemonte Regional Government, the ICT company AIZOON (CSP’s shareholders) & some local SME clusters (Poli Innovazione) consider CSP outputs & prototypes for policy advice, local transfer & to convert into products/service & endorse CSP in the project. CSP has recently joined the Cluster nazionale Fabbrica intelligente. Web site:

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises


Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Enterprises mission is to implement the Regional Economic Development Scheme on the topics of innovation, economic development, internationalization, investments and training/employment. It supports companies, networking of the stakeholders, transfer of technologies, access to EU funding and the Regional Plan for the development of the SMEs. The agency is involved in the implementation of the RIS3 including 2 out of 8 domains of excellence relevant for Smart Space: industry of future and digital technologies. The agency is working, with the Regional council on the deployment of the Regional plan for the Industry of the Future. Web site:

Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft


Aws is Austria’s national state-owned promotional bank. As a one-stop-shop for business it is set to realize the key objectives of the Austrian government’s economic policies. With about 230 people Aws is the largest Austrian service provider for evaluating and financing technological inventions. It offers subsidies and financing for Austrian enterprises, advice in all phase of company growth, and support to innovation and technologies. It represents a highly professional intermediary which offers a broad range of company-related investment assistance programs and services, from the pre-seed up to the expansion and internationalization stages. Aws is well established internationally and supports projects in more than 50 countries. Web site:

Regione Veneto


Veneto Region is the regional authority in charge for the coordination of research, economic development and innovation policies and practices in the Veneto Region. It is responsible for the development and implementation of RIS3 and it encourages innovation and knowledge transfer, supporting and coordinating scientific research and technologic development (Regional Operative Program 2014-2020). As regards the energy sector, VR is responsible for the programming of the regional energy system manages the Community and state resources allocated to the energy sector, coordinates the rationalization and the development of infrastructures and energy networks in the territory, promoting the reduction of light pollution and energy consumption. Web site:

Veneto Innovazione S.p.A.


Veneto Innovazione is the in-house Regional Agency for research and innovation with the aim of promoting applied research and innovation in the Region. It provides support to the Regional Authority in the policymaking process and it is responsible for implementing and monitoring regional policies concerning Research, Development and Innovation. It also develops and manages regional, national and European, projects on research, innovation and local development related topics, aimed at improving the policy development process at a local level and to promote the Veneto Region abroad. Moreover, as a member of EEN, it offers support to academia, companies and cluster for internationalization and technology transfer. Web site:


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