oto g n ia is on a a e wa o its ongoing ga ivant in t e rea o otogra w ic is going to be a ong wa ort n ring t e wi ar o otogra ro t e event a an or i ab e otogra ers w ic , oto g n ia as iv ge in its oregoing iss es e creative acsi i e an otogra s as accent ate t e stat s o oto g n ia an bo g t it to a s ccee ing eve as an e itor o t is aga ine be ieve t at, ow s b i e is being a otogra er, ca t ring t ose a a ing so s wa king aro n t e crann o t is bea ti wor it ever iss e o oto g n ia, it is antici ate t at t e creativit o t e otogra er a ong wit t e bea t o t e otogra wo be t e ain ig te age e ost an crest r ose o t is aga ine is to bring o t t e s re e ro t e otogra ers an s owcase t eir nto stories is iss e ig ig ts t e assion be in o e ing an eagerness o ca t ring t e on streets an in st io e stor be in ra ing t e c ar an bea t in ra es co be seen ra e in ever age o t is aga ine t e co ors o i e in as ion are co ecte an are aste in ever age o t is sing e aga ine Ga rav a itor n ie e itor oto g in ia org www oto g in ia co
over eat re Maanvi Gagroo ctress g
Maanvi Gagroo is an actress, best known or t e work in bo woo ovies ike , o one i e essica an vario s n ian web series otogra b a vin er ing
www.fotomgzindia. om
Mast ea MG
Ga rav a
Managing Editor
rati a Ma
Feature’ Editor
o itdutt u ari G
otogra er oto itor
Ga rav a ri abrata a
oto g in ia co oto g in g ai co G M oto g in
b oto g n ia, nc ig ts eserve ction in o e or in art it o t er ission is ro ibite isc ai er e otogra s b is e in oto g n ia aga ine are a t orise b t e res ective otogra ers an o be rotecte n er co rig t a s e co an b is ing o t e otogra s an content on an ot er igita at or , i not b oto g n ia, is strict orbi en e bran na es, ogos, tra e ar are t e ro ert o t e res ective o ner ver content ro t e a vertise ent an stories are t e or s o res ective o ner, or ic e itor o t e aga ine is not res onsib e or ore etai s, rite s at oto g in g ai co or visit oto g in ia co e ro
ontents e ai e Mossina ste ar an ravis ing otogra er ro ta
i a a atta as ion otogra er, ro ort enga , n ia
a s ra bi
otogra er ro i a a i rabia
tag a i
otogra er ro ai a, ing o o a rain
avin er aini e ta g t an acc ai e otogra er, ro an igar , n ia
a vin er ing as ion an ortrait otogra er ro e i, n ia
www.fotomgzindia. om
ontents Ma
e ge
n st en o s otogra an irector, n ia
a ak o o r Mosaic n acio s o age o ive ar ing o s
ovana ika o ne art an ortrait otogra er
ebas is an a as ion otogra is a, n ia
er ro
Girbban a as ion otogra M bai, n ia
er ro
as ion an ortrait otogra er ro Ger an
www.fotomgzindia. om
a s ra bi er ro i a
, a
i rabia
n am
a wo d wit man a tif mod and a a t d ot of wond f o t m d am o a ation wo d wo ing wit a ina a wi
www.fotomgzindia. om
b a s ra bi, a ear o otogra er ro a i rabia oves to ca t re i est e ortraits an an sca es e o erate i on to bring o t t e best t ro g is otogra it is o rne o otogra ro i a to anco ver, e as trave e t ro g bea ti so s an aces ic are no a art o is e ories b a is in ence b t e
mg 22
otogra o re c er an ara a e ic are t e e no n na es in t e or o otogra b a be ieves t at ring a otos oot, t e o e an t e otogra er st ave a bon to co e o t best in a otogra ea t co nication it t e o e ic a es t e s oot ore co ortab e inter s o ocations an oses
i i on of m t ot f aming mod an a in a ma o o in a town an o .
od an
an a .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
o ation fo t oot and a n omm ni ation matt a ot in otog a . a wa a m t o ation fo t a t oto oot .
n am
g an i ton
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
f to oot wit i on 1 ing 3 mm 1. igma t i on 2 mm and i on mm 1. n . d
n am ina .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
t t ing a o t ing a otog a i d nit t n imit d o i i iti t at o an do.
n am i a 1
otog a i a ig wo d and t i a wa a a fo on a otog a ont i t wit i own ti of t wo d t o g i n .
n am Charlotte Ahern .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
onra Go ovac nite tates o
onra ro is o ng age, o o e is obb o otogra an sooner it converte to is assion s t e ear as asse , otogra an cine atogra as bo g t
on ad o o a inn of oot t and
a reason to trave t e or an s oot onra i e to ca t re t e e tiness o nat res, an t ing ro ig t o se to oot at s, t e bea t o
w ic are iso ate so e w ere in t e corner o t e wor wit s a its o an interaction onra trie an ca t re a s ot w ic was ca t re i ion ti es over b t to o
so et ing i erent wit it e wante to ig ig t in is s ot, was t e sk an ow it interacts wit t e o ntain, w ere t e ig t is co es an ow it e ects t e o ntain an t e water, w at arts o t e ra e it s i s onto onra rt er e resses t at, irk e is s ot co nt ess ti es an is a co on seen i age b t n ing t e i erences is i ortant oo o ten, t e ig t an ow it interacts wit t e s b ects even i t e are an sca e e e ents can be over ooke or t ose ver s b ects, es ecia w en t e ig t is s bt e
o t t otog a f om i i i f andi o ntain i a 3 m. ig mo ntain on t no t oa t of and n f n nin a n a t town of nda f . i f wa on of t ming o ation fo am of on a on and f at ing a t a ow ad mo ntain t at t o nd and t om an no t of t a w n a t ing a wig t.
e er ro
tag a i
ai a, ing o o a rain
n am ad m tag awi a m tag awi ti o itd tt a i ac in t e s, t e i e as so si e, an a e starte oc enting t e tra itions an c t res ic are isa eare t ese a s e as a ainter be ore an t en e ove to otogra it so e i ite tec no og avai ab e, n i e no it ca eras co e it e or car s an an one can s oot as c as re ire igita e s ere e ensive or i as e as a o ng an an savings ring sc oo as ite a big tas ring t e s, t e in or ation an t toria s ere not rea i avai ab e on ine e ain re erences e se bac t en ere on ro boo s an so e aga ines t at e s a borro ro rien s ic ge en ance is s i s an no e ge it t e a vance tec no og e as to a , ost in or ation e nee is st a c ic a a t e a a s be ieve in o sc oo sa ing, ar or is t e e to ccess Man otogra ers in ence i s c as teve Mc rr an i e son n one can earn a ro t e , t e are t e co ete artists it eca es o e erience e ove t eir s oots, t e are nat ra an s o rea i e it o t arte acts a e is c rrent or ing on is rst boo ca e G i ses o n ia ro g is agni ciant otogra , t is boo o e ne n ia, ic e as ca t re t ro g o t is so o o rne
www.fotomgzindia. om
am a ig fan of o t ait otog a mono om in a ti a . fo nd to i t o g o o t ait and t m ag f om t i mad m a t t o oto . o t d fo a it oto a t adiat t a 6 t a m ag of t t. ad .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ad a g fo t n to m t wond f o wit w om am good f i nd . it om of t m w oft n and it i a a o . i wo gi o a an to a tif a and m t man n w o . .................................................................................................................................................................................................... ad 2
6 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
a wa if in tdoo t t otog a and o ia do m nta . n i in t t dio dont a i t in m mind. dont o t in a o t ow t i t i going to oo i . t t at ta a of it f. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
ad 22
t not a o t ma ing a ni i t t it mo on t mom nt t at o going to a t . t no it and t at f ing f t ati f ing t. ad .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
an a to of a man in o n of t t t and t at w at a ti at m t mo t. o m ing oto m ta ing i a wo of a t. ad .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
o ing a otog a a otog a ang t wa o t ing it a t a it an in di t an fo mation to i n . t ing a o nd o oo diff nt w n o ta t to t wo d a a otog a and it t o t a to t a t at o n d am d of. ad .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
avin er aini e ta g t an acc ai e
er, ro
an igar , n ia
n am a ind aini a
avin er is a co ter engineer b ro ession an co ete is tec bac in ost e o e it M or ears, avin er eci e to er et ate is asti e otogra into t e or o acco is e otogra ers e starte it a re e ing otos oot o is co sin ic t rne o t a ge a a is ase o is i e as a transition ro t e cor orate or to t e otogra , ic a e i a se ta g t otogra er e st ies t e or o an i erent otogra ers an trie to re icate t e attern an ang es it ot i rove ents an ac ieve ents, e is er sing is assion o otogra
www.fotomgzindia. om
int ntion a to at om t ing n w d ing oot. a n on f om a ti t fo ow and a wa t to at mo a tif i t . a ind .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
o matt if t mod i f o a of iona it i nd im o tant to on d ing t oot. d i a ing t int ntion and id a of t oot n fo da o t at w a a on t am t a . a ind
t dio oot a t i own a t on a a f ont o of t ig t d ing t oot t w n w ta a o t oot o tdoo o at om o ation t a t a o nd a it own im a t. a ind .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
otog ao m f a i . wo d i o tt a o nd wit an amazing and ta nt d a ti t . otog a gi m a a on to int a t wit t m and i t i ia iff . a ind .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
iti d a inn of oot t
n ia
itis was born an raise in t e so t ern art o n ia, in t e it eraba t at resonates c t re in ever sense o t e wor s a c i , e was ort nate to be s rro n e b breat taking arc itect re, intricate sc t res, bea ti iterat re an ric ne arts, t anks to t e benevo ent atronage w ic eo e ave receive ro t e or er r ers t was ike t e egen ar artists took t rns to ins ire i is n er gra ation ears as a st ent a e a a or ro e in s a ing is interests is assion or earning an c icking ict res starte ring is n er gra ation an e contin e rs ing is assion as it gave i i ense a iness an se satis action ter is gra ation e eci e to ive is rea o earning t e art o otogra an ove to e nite tates erica to rs e Masters o ine rts otogra Growing istening to an t o ogica stories, itis was a wa s ent ra e b istor e ain ascinate b t e t eater art an tra itiona ance or s is ain ro ects are re ate to stage er or ers an ot er works oc s on istorica rocesses ike G ic ro ate, en rints an tra itiona ark roo rocess etai ing abo t t e is winning otogra itin e ains t at, e ortrait is art o a oc entar ro ect ca e a it w ic s owcases t e con ition o being a a it is t e co e istence o contrasting wor s at once e i ages s owcase t e transition o t e artist eaving i se be in an trans or ing into so eone e se o s ow a con ition o a it , ca t re inti ate o ents o t e artists an o r be ore t e er or ance ring t e ake it ever stroke o t e br s , t e artist oves awa gra a ro is origina it to an a new wor rtic e b ratika Masse
e ai e Mossina ste ar an ravis ing
er ro ta
n am d aid o
ina ad aid mo
otog a
or e ai e, otogra as no ere t e art o er i e t sti s e reco ects t at at t e age o , s e starte sing a ca era t at s e o n at er o e an s en a er esire as to a re en t e ost recio s o ents o er i e Moving in t e i e o otogra , e ai e as or e it an o t e no n otogra ers an as ra e an artists Getting in ce b e o t e otogra ers i e iviero oscani, orot ea ange, avi a a e e, teve Mcc rr an ic ar ve on, s e contin es er e istence in t e or o otogra or ost o er s ootings e ai e ses er anon Mar an an re er anon an anon or ortraits otos oots
www.fotomgzindia. om
ing a woman t in m otog a wom n. n to ma m mod t ong good and i mod f da .
fo a oot t f a tif o d
d aid .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
ing a no ma woman a t i to at t a t of a on wo wit o t it ation to ow om t ing t in a wo d t at i f of id o n . d aid .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
otog a gi a ot of int a tion wit n w fa da t i to i w i a n o ing. da i om t ing n w fo a otog a n w mod n w id a n w a ng w at o d mo tt . d aid .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
am fond of nat a ig t and i to oot on t it t at a fo t ooting. d aid
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
n ta oto a wa fa in o wit m n w wo fo a o of da t t an a wa f an do om t ing tt o da ta a a ng fo m to t to do om t ing tt t an t da fo . d aid .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
o m omm ni ation in t ing a wa t to at a omfo ta it ation fo m mod and nd a t tim w n d at t ginning t ing to now t mod and i to . a at t nd of t ooting w f i w n f i nd fo a ong tim . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
d aid
i a a atta as ion
er, ro ort enga , n ia
n am i a a atta
i a a datta
i a a atta, a as ion otogra er ro ort enga a a great interest in art an cra t science since c i oo ring er ig sc oo , e as e eri ente it a ost ever genre o otogra e en o e s ooting can i s, ortrait re, streets an nat re t a ter so e ti e, s e iscovere erse ost in as ion otogra ince t en s e aven t sto e s ooting e ove to o ata or er st ies an starte as a ree ancer otogra as given er a ot ins iration ic is o n b an o t e a e otogra ers i e ar n i a , ag ai, rab a asg ta
www.fotomgzindia. om
anon ma and i on 1 fo t oto oot and t a i t of n d nding on t t m . ia a
a i a digita t no og t o omog a . o to a on o t od tion wit ado oto o and ado ig t oom. ia a
omm ni ation i t of g at oto oot. t m ow mod to o tt d ing oto oot. a aining t mood want to a in m i t . i.................................................................................................................................................................................................... a a
t a d to m m t at w i of m a t d otog a am o d of t w at i ta in o wit t at. ia a ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
o to oot on o tdoo t t o an d nami a a w an ow a t int a tw n a g o nd and t n . f n in o fa and o to a wit ig t and adow. i a a ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
ing a otog a a o t a ti ti a tonom . otog a i not on w at o it a o a g nt and omanti id of m . t a f tion of m d motion a ion fo n nown and a ing fo a t . ia a
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
int ntion t o g t otog a i t at want o to it at to m wo o to f t am motion t at am t ing to o t a t o g t at i imag . ia a .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
n m otog a and if a w t a mo ing on a nging om t ing n w and a fo m . t to a oid g ing w at if a in to fo m . t ti want to wo on f minin o d o t ait ig fa ion wo and o on. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
ia a
i ree ort anterb r , e ea an
e er otogra o rne b ca t ring t e nat ra bea t an an sca es t er assion as instea t e to be a i i e otogra er e starte
im inn of
oot t
wi d
active getting invo ve it t e i i e c arities to so e o sta in to c it er rea it er rea s e be ieves, t at t e otogra s o i ani a s
a c anges t e in s o eo e an a start sing an rs it o t e er ect s ot a ong wit contrib ting to an wi i e tting care abo t t e conversations w ic s e be ieves is er so r ose e oves to etai t e otogra in ter s o co o r, e ressions an te t re as c as ossib e an t at is w at w ic akes er eart etai ing t e otogra , i trie to e ain t e intention be in c icking t e otogra eing a wi i e over, s e cares t e e istence o so e o t ose wi an cra ani a s ike ino, w o are known or t eir anger an ost o t e ti es, t e ocation o s c ani a s are not even isc ose b t e a t orities in or er to rotect t eir ives ro anit onc ing, en e conve ing er e es ot, t at ankin is so rerogative to s are t is bea ti anet wit s c cr e an wi ani a s w ic are so ni e, t at even o woo wit t eir arti cia ani a creation wo str gg e ani est t e bea t o s c ani a s ti
ati a a
a vin er ing as ion an ortrait
er ro e i, n ia
n am a ind ing
a ind
otog a
a vin er ing is a ro cient otogra er an ro ast ears, e is ro e oring t e or o otogra b earning t e a e a aro n t e g obe otogra as not is oint o interest b t ater on e ina g rate a act a creation in it e is ore ascinate to as ion an ortrait otogra an t e s i s are c ear irrore ro is ca t re otogra s a ing abo t t e ins iration, ir ag ai an rab a asg ta are t e na es ose g orio s an incre ib e otogra are not on t e e a es or t e rest o t e otogra ers b t or a vin er too
www.fotomgzindia. om
om w in i of ion i a a t omm ni ation wit t mod i im o tant o t oto oot ma go a t. a ind ing ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
oto oot a om t a d on t t m to fo ow d and a t d. tdoo a n and om t gi an aw om i n t t dio a it own ff t . a ind ing ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
t t ing of ing otog a i t at da i n w and otog a a n w fa . a ind ing ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
a don n m o oto oot and wit a m oto oot want d fo to o m z a and a t w i t to a t o im o t ait . a ind ing
t of t o o oto oot f w of f om t o a and w it oto oot a a d m w i did in m ai. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
a ind ing
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Ma n st
en o s
r otogra
e ge
er an irector, n ia
n am a
rs e ge
Ma r e ge, assionate otogra er as s ent is ears in ca t ring bea ti so s an aces eing a art o an a vertising in str , Ma r as earne a ot abo t t e cine atic e e ents o ca t ring e e ents an as a e i se in t e a eso e or o otogra tantr is not eno g to be tri n t e cr ise o is otogra , Ma r is in an nis ings are o tstan ing
www.fotomgzindia. om
ence b arro
ot ia an rri os n reo s
ose ra ings
fa o ooting o tdoo in o n ig t ing o t t t o o . a ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
am a i not t a on of a good otog a . a a i mod of am a gift d f om m wif w i d m i a a otog a a tim ai and a a . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
ot omm ni ation and a a t mo t a amo nt at a oto oot . m t a n g tw n t mod and otog a to fa i at a good otog a . a ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
t t ing a o t ing a otog a i a t ing a t in a it fo m and ma it a tim i of a t t at wi a t fo . a
ta t d wit and a nint ntiona t g ad a mo d to fa ion otog a . o to a t t o in a mono om otog a . a
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
o t 1 i a t wo t. t t i ing. oo ing at o i again n again. af aid to im nt om tim it won t wo t o oo a and a n f om it. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
a a
oo r
acio s o age o ive
n am
ar ing o s
tana at i oo a a a
a a da id i add a
ti a wa
e in a o s a a , t e an vibrant c t re an a bo ance, it t e an sca es stretc ing ro t e green erti e an s o argi in t e est to t e ig est esert in t e or in t e east, a a is a an o sti e an agic atere b river n s, ans ar an r an in abite b t e ang as, rog as an ar s, a a contin es to ascinate visitors ro across t e or
www.fotomgzindia. om
The traditional thu o the o al n ield e hoe a ro the land t the drea o e er er on in their id to lan a road tri to the a ti atin land o ada h
tana at i
mi ona t ad m t m d g m
www.fotomgzindia. om
d n gd t o md f d
e is Monaster isiting t e est ibetian ist onaster intro ce s ro o n to t e a ra o ist t re e ge centra co rt e wit t e trainee onks gave s t e g i se o t e ort co ing e is estiva w ic is ce ebrate ann a G
www.fotomgzindia. om
i s Monaster i s Monaster i bing i it a bea ti vie as at e o ere b t e i s Monaster e s i t rotating ra er ee s it t e c anting visitors create an air o serenit an e t s it ever asting e ories G
www.fotomgzindia. om
g nm
n o n g d f n o d g gd d t f d n ad m t g n d nm no n g m g d f d oo nw d n d d d n dg m g m
www.fotomgzindia. om
t i a m d a
o at d to t
no t a t of ada
d d d d dn od m m t m m gd m d at g nmd d nt n mf g nt f g t a d t o mf w n mn n d d nt m m g d a mf t og m m mf m gd m d d n gd g gd ad t n g mf mf d m mnt d d md d mn g t mf gd g f gd n n a d o m gd n m gd d no a d g mf t a d gn n gd t m t d nt a d gt od a d d m gd d d nt d g nt f g gd m t md
dm a ot gn nf og a
www.fotomgzindia. om
m dwo m d n t t n d m na a t d d d nt m mt a m od d t gd o mf nmf d d d dm g d nt dd gd dwt ad m d n g nt f g nt an gnt f g nm 1 n ad nmf n m o d n 3 m ad t m ad o t d m gd d nmd gt
2 www.fotomgzindia. om
G ig g a
and a it at d at at a
ig t of a o t 3
d d mf d d d nt d t m f mf gd ad o nt m gd gn d f d gd d o n d t mf m m d nmf gd ad t mdm d mf g gd a m d d m d n d don nt n m n m gd d od t d n df dd m gd nmg n t md at gd d d mf d d a d nt g g gd n md n m nmmd n gd n n md md n f n dm dm a g t
www.fotomgzindia. om
ovana i a o ne art an ortrait
n am ovana i a o
ovanari a o
ovana as a a s ove otogra en s e as st ing a , on t e secon ear s e bo g t a ne ca era, an starte e oring otogra a itt e bit ore ring t at s an, s e s e et an a a ing ta ent i a er an s e got ins ire b is otogra e ante to o so et ing an to give erse a c ance st or n, s e starte ta ing ran o ict res o erse , nat re an er rien s to a e e ories ater , s e bo g t better ca era an rea ise o assionate s e as abo t otogra an s bse ent starte eve o ing er otogra s i s a ing otos ever a rea s e e to earn t e tric s be in t e e iting rocess
www.fotomgzindia. om
o d igning om t ing n a i ti in a i ti wo d. o t ing to i wit m imag . want fo o to om in onf ion fo a o fa w n t g an m otog a . o ma ing a i ti mani ation wit m imag . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
o ana
o ooting in nat a ig t t at t mo t a min t of ooting am oo ing fo t t o t wint a t a no adow and a a t ig t i oft. o in mm go d n
o ana
nging t ing . ing t 1 of ig t. t ig t i d ing ig t. o d w at i m t o i on of m fa o it .
omm ni ation wit t mod m an a ot. at t main t ing. i t to ain t mod w at do o t f om t m w at motion and ond t mod m t now ow to t i f ing. at t a d t a t t in . o on ot t id ffo t a i d to at a t nning imag . o ana
ebas is an a as ion
er ro
is a, n ia
n am
i anda
ebas is is a tec nica gra ate ro is co ege a s, e evo ve a assion or otogra an too it to t e ne t eve b inte ecting otogra s i s ro vario s socia e ia at or ater it ot a reciation ro is rien s an co eag es, ebas is gra a beca e a as ion or o e ing otogra er ebas is as gone t ro g an otos oots an eac o is s oot irror is sta nc artistr in otogra
www.fotomgzindia. om
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ona f t at t t t ing a o t ing a otog a i t at o n i ig a d in an nt o f n tion. 2
a i
o ma f two wa omm ni ation. nd tand t at a otog a a t t ing in ommon ati om n ion of t i i m nt i it to omm ni at ot to t i t a w a int nd d a di n . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
a i
i on 33 wit mm and 3 mm n a m fa o it .
a i
Girbban a as ion
er ro M
bai, n ia
anon as is rst ca era, Gribban starte getting ore invo ve into otogra e starte c ic ing ever t ing inc ing nat re, streets, ortraits, o ce events, ever t ing a era beca e an inse arab e art o i e a a s carrie it it i an e t i roving e got o ort nities to c ic e e ings ere e s ot rien s an re atives an ort nate t e res t as better t an t e ro essiona s nstagra a ene at t e sa e ti e ere anon sia eat re is or an a so b is e b anet Goa an e i es o n ia Gro ter ears o ro ession in cor orate i e it stab e earnings an ann a bon ses, e a e a ecision o oving o t an a e a iving ro is assion
n am i
an a
otoa ti t
n it t is ste , is i e as t e biggest s ort t ro g o t is ecision ver t e erio o ti e, e as a escent
ort o io an is con ence i c eris is s i s ore ic ing eo e an aces otivates i to s oot on streets or in arties, events an ortraits Girbban is a big an o arren since is sc oo a s e sa s, t ose ere t e a s en Ma i ca e o t in n ia an ost o t e covers an centre s rea s ere s ot b arren ove to see t e an on er t at o e so e a , i s oot i e i
www.fotomgzindia. om
t a wa t at omm ni ating in a ing t i and t mod a o omm ni at wit o wit ti and in t n om t ing additiona g t at d. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
w oto oot an don in t dio and t n t a ind of oot w i a m ant to ta n o tdoo and at t o ation . i
otog a id at an and oot . ont o t i ion and ad it to t na o t t. at t t t ing a o t ing a otog a . i
an 1 1
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i in ing m own t a of otog a . wi ingn to a n i t mo t im o tant a t and ontin ing to i a a ow d m going. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
1 3
ebastian as ion an ortrait
n am
er ro Ger an
a tian
a tian t
ebastian starte is otogra ast ears ago, ic as a beginning o is assion ring t is o rne , e as s ent an ears in an sca es an ortrait otogra ecia , ortrait otogra as bo g t i a satis action , ere in ever oto s oot, e otogra ni e an i erent aces, bea ti e ories an bring s i e in is otogra o rne
www.fotomgzindia. om
ic so e o creates
o m t omm ni ation i im o tant i a ing om o w i o d fo t ig t motion and wit o t t at t ot wo d o ing and not ing.
a tian
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t dio i t it o t a f nat a ig t otog a and oft n t f a o d ig ting. t in t it in i m fo n w id a d ing t oto oot.
a tian
t t ing a o t ing a otog a w i f i t wo wit a io o and tim n w fa .
a tian 1
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